#Scenario F where you're a hot drow princess too and the two of you are rivals but your rivaly is just an act and you're in love
sorcerous-caress · 11 months
Okay yes please on the Minthara’s servant in the underdark AU! Ramble your thoughts about it too me.
Okay SO SO!
Scenario A : we are also a drow
Not a member of her house but one who was given from another house. We are here to serve her and make sure all her needs are met, or maybe we were assigned as a house mage or a servant for another family memeber.
What matters is, she finds herself getting attached to us. And she knows how dangerous that is in drow culture, how much this weakness could be used against her.
She tries to forget us, to ignore us, or to even have us transferred to another house. She is in deep denial over her feelings
I'm imagining this as a slow burn princess/servant fanfic where Minthara goes through the 5 stages of grief. It's starts with her wanting to get rid of us or ignore us but ends with her defending us from someone. She fully embraces her feelings and doesn't want anything bad to happenen to us.
Scenario B : we are from the surface
Which probably means we got taken as a hostage or a slave, if we ever gain our freedom back it means we will have to earn it by blood.
Maybe she is the one who captures us. If you're an elf then you'll get the enemies to friends to lovers trope but expect a lot and I mean a lot of hatred from her at the start. It will be painful and filled with heartbreak and betrayal.
If you're any other race, she will be more respectful and tolerant of you. You're still below her but your mistakes will be forgiven more because you have the excuse of being ignorant and she'd be lying if she said she didn't find it endearing. You'll be more like a pet to her than a slave, she will be more protective and possessive of you. You'll both teach each other something as you try to overcome the huge cultural differences
Scenario C : we're a free person.
Could be a drow, could be a surface race. Doesn't really matter because you have fully earned your freedom and all of Menzoberranzan knows that. You still have to treat her with respect as a noble drow princess but nothing more.
Maybe you're a merchant or maybe you fun a coffee shop in the undercity. Whatever it is, you do this one thing that you find fulfilling and move on with your life.
The two of you meet by accident, or she finds your shop one day. Weirdly she feels relaxed there and starts frequenting it more and more. At least it's good for business to have a drow princess in your humble store.
Even if half the people who come there to see her are trying to murder her, you do put them in line because you'll have no drinks getting posioned while you're on the clock. Minthara notices and is moved. A romance slowly flourishes.
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