#School Table Manufacturers in Bangalore
monopolymarketing · 2 months
The Leading School Equipment Suppliers in Bangalore
In the realm of childhood education, play is not just a pastime but an integral aspect of holistic development. Monopoly Marketing Company understands this ethos and offers a comprehensive range of Kids play equipment supplier in Bangalore designed to stimulate creativity, enhance physical activity, and encourage social interaction among children. For more details visit here :-
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trophykartindia · 1 year
The Importance of Sports Trophies
The Importance of Trophies as a Means of Motivating the Athlete
Trophies are actually a reward. Most of the athletes or other sportsman enjoys achieving a trophy which is the great appreciation for his or her hard work all year. There is nothing to do with how much the trophy is valued; it ought to do with the symbol of achievement. As such, a trophy is gratitude and appreciation, which means future positive practices. Attaining to in games is no special case. So there is a big importance of Sports Trophies in Athletes life.
Whatever your purposes behind getting to reward a sports athlete, normal trophy or a big silver plated trophy, there is no difference; these two things still signify the similar thing. The athlete that wins the trophy treasures the pride felt inside and the legacy that accompanies the honor. The trophy symbolizes the triumph that the players have made.
A trophy is a prize, so no matter it is plain or attractive. All Athletes appreciate achieving the sports trophies not because the trophy has any monetary value. They only enjoy it as these prizes represent success. Let's be honest. Appreciation and gratefulness inspire positive future conduct. Furthermore accomplishments in games are no special case.
Golf Trophies
Other than winning the huge check reward, numerous golf tournaments award the winners with trophy, big and small. There are some golf trophies which are large silver cups, while others are in the forms of golfers swinging clubs.
On the other hand, a few tournaments additionally prefer to perceive golfers who have the expertise the toughest shot in the game the hole-in-one. Hole-in-one golf trophies might likewise be recompensed to skillful golfers who might not have essentially placed in the tournament, however have done this noteworthy accomplishment.
Desirable golf trophies and recompenses are ordinarily made using silver, gold, pewter, sap, acrylic, bronze, gem, or even wood.
Football Trophies
We all know that the football is the most prestigious sports. Heisman is the most popular Football Trophies. The best players of a tournament are awarded with this trophy in college football. There have been a few victors of this trophy all through the recent years that have gone ahead to play professional football. The Heisman is produced using die cast bronze.
Not all football trophies are as celebrated as the Heisman; nonetheless, all players of football deserve some kind of recognition, as this is a standout amongst the most demanding games there are. In secondary school, players get plaques and football trophies. The trophy is the image of the greater part of the diligent work of a finished season in this all-requesting game, football.
Baseball Trophies
Baseball, the All-American game, prides itself on its custom of providing trophies and plaques to its extraordinary players. From Little League to the majors, all levels of play are praised with unique honors. Some remarkable expert baseball trophies include:
• Gold Glove Award honored to top fielders
• Rookie of the Year, given to the top tenderfoot player of the year
• Cy Young Award recompensed to outstanding pitchers
Anyhow, not all trophies as an award are given at a professional level. Numerous players, youthful and old, appreciate this famous game as an interest and have joined baseball associations in their own towns. Baseball trophies honored in these littler leagues may incorporate Best Outfielder, Best Batting Average, Best Home-Run Hitter, Most Improved and on and on! Grants are additionally given for no particular reason and sportsmanship.
Trophykart; leading Medals & Trophy manufacturers in Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Gurugram, India offers sports awards & trophies like Badminton Cricket Soccer Football Table Tennis Volleyball Throwball Chess etc.
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blogposts004 · 1 year
WOL3D Founder
In today's world, technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, and businesses are constantly evolving to keep up with the changing trends. One such company that has made a name for itself in the 3D printing industry is WOL3D. 
Founded by Rahul Chandalia, Shaloni Chandalia, Pradeep Jain, and Swati Jain, WOL3D has become a leading name in the Indian market for its 3D printers, pens, and scanners. In this article, we will delve deeper into the story of WOL3D's founders and how they turned their passion for technology into a successful business.
Inception of WOL3D
WOL3D was founded in 2015 by Rahul Chandalia, Shaloni Chandalia, Pradeep Jain, and Swati Jain, who had a common goal of bringing affordable 3D printing technology to the Indian market. The founders of WOL3D Shark Tank noticed that 3D printing technology was gaining traction in the global market, but it was still relatively unknown in India. 
They saw an opportunity to introduce this technology to India and cater to the growing demand for 3D printing products.
The Founders
Rahul Chandalia, Shaloni Chandalia, Pradeep Jain, and Swati Jain are all passionate about technology and innovation. Rahul has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and over 10 years of experience in the field of additive manufacturing. 
Shaloni has a degree in Computer Science and has worked in the software industry for several years. Pradeep and Swati both have a background in business management and have worked in the finance and marketing sectors respectively. Together, the founders bring a diverse range of skills and experience to the table, making WOL3D a well-rounded and successful business.
Products and Services
WOL3D specializes in 3D printers, pens, and scanners. The company offers a range of affordable and easy-to-use products that cater to both individuals and businesses. WOL3D's printers are capable of printing a wide range of materials, including ABS, PLA, Nylon, and TPU. 
The company's 3D pens allow users to create 3D objects by simply drawing them in the air. WOL3D's scanners, on the other hand, allow users to create digital 3D models of physical objects.
Innovations and Achievements
WOL3D is constantly innovating and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with 3D printing technology. The company has developed its own software that makes it easy for users to design and print their own 3D models. WOL3D has also introduced a range of affordable and easy-to-use 3D printers that are perfect for beginners. 
The company has received several awards for its innovative products and services, including the Indian Achievers' Award for Best 3D Printing Company in India in 2018.
Market Presence
WOL3D has made a name for itself in the Indian market for its affordable and high-quality 3D printing products. The company has a strong online presence and sells its products through its own website as well as through e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart. 
WOL3D also has a physical presence in major cities across India, with retail stores and service centers in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Kolkata.
Future Plans
WOL3D has ambitious plans for the future, with a focus on expanding its product range and increasing its market presence. 
The company is planning to introduce more advanced 3D printers that can print larger objects and use more advanced materials. WOL3D is also planning to expand its presence in international markets and establish itself as a global player in the 3D printing industry. 
The company has already started exporting its products to countries like the US, the UK, and Australia and plans to expand to other markets as well.
Apart from expanding its product range and market presence, WOL3D is also committed to promoting the use of 3D printing technology in education. The company has collaborated with several schools and educational institutions to introduce 3D printing in their curriculum and encourage students to explore the technology. 
WOL3D has also organized several workshops and training programs to educate people about the benefits and applications of 3D printing.
One of the reasons for WOL3D's success is its focus on customer satisfaction. The company has a dedicated customer support team that provides technical assistance and guidance to users. 
WOL3D also offers after-sales services like maintenance, repair, and replacement of parts, ensuring that its customers have a hassle-free experience with their products.
Another factor that sets WOL3D apart from its competitors is its commitment to quality. The company uses high-quality components and materials in its products, ensuring that they are durable and long-lasting. WOL3D also has a strict quality control process in place, which ensures that each product meets its high standards.
WOL3D is a prime example of how passion, innovation, and entrepreneurship can lead to a successful business. The company's founders saw an opportunity in the 3D printing industry and worked hard to bring affordable and high-quality products to the Indian market. 
With a focus on innovation, customer satisfaction, and quality, WOL3D has become a leading name in the 3D printing industry and is poised for further growth and success in the future.
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artuz · 1 year
Inside Tips by Artuz Lacquered glass wardrobe shutters in Bangalore
The saying "the excused nuances are the focal issue" holds particularly clear concerning Inside strategy.The procedure for making changed and connecting with spaces lies in zeroing in on the unnoticeable subtleties of orchestrating. A piece of these stunts is easy to the point that they appear, obviously, to be extraordinary. For any situation, they can assist with making a gigantic segment in the general look of any room says Artuz Lacquered glass wardrobe shutters in Bangalore Creator.
Inside expressive affiliation tip #1: Play with plans Sort out some way to play with plans for impeccably pulled Inside intricate course of action.You don't have to adhere to one model in a room  you can blend a couple of prints pleasingly missing a ton of exertion. Base on the size of the models, genuinely real, more intricate prints look best on insignificant surfaces like pads or tertiary parts, like a story floor covering. Mind blowing, gigantic models routinely work wonderfully on central parts with clear area around them says the creator of Lacquered glass sliding wardrobe
Inside expressive affiliation tip #2: Get plants Whether you are wanting to add a really take a look at piece or simply need to fill an unfilled corner or table, indoor plants add importance and character to any room. Plants can add genuinely significant tone to communicate rooms or bring a spot of interest into a cutting edge style space. You can put plants in earthen pots, cups, bricklayer compartments or terrariums, reliant upon the look you truly need to make added the producer of Acrylic sliding wardrobe, Present day Floor to Ceiling Openable Wardrobes Bangalore.
Inside complex plan tip # 3: The little pearl stunt Various pieces over your couch guarantee your Inside style areas of strength for serious for looks.On occasion, a single enormous incredible sight can overpower a space. Pick a blend of extra genuine signs, which can be sorted out in social gatherings. Expecting you have materials that look too irrelevant over a couch, balance them on either side as opposed to placing them in the middle. You'll be reeled by this reasonable Inside style stunt and how well this cutoff points clearly say Artuz Slim Glass wardrobe door manufacturers.
Inside complex plan tip #4: Use aftereffects of the very elementArrange Inside style things that are clearly same.Heaps of extra genuine articles are more plainly captivating than a particular piece. This is genuinely in every important sense, each Inside expressive point thing right from craftsmanship, to pads and holders, even pendant lights. The pieces don't be guaranteed to need to match unendingly out, they basically need to look to some degree close. For instance, you could organize piles of earthen pots in various sizes, two plans of pads in various models, and so on implied Artuz Modern Custom Sliding Wardrobe Door maker.
Inside style tip #5: Put some spirit into the room To make a truly incredible look, show things that you genuinely love. Any room will feel secluded without parts that address you photographs, most respected random things, extraordinary fortunes, and so forth.These will make the room look enchanting and give you a space that is an improvement of your character itself says Acrylic sliding wardrobe
No.32/4 MTB school Road,
Garudacharpalya, Mahadevapura 
Bengaluru - 560048.
Mobile: +91-89512 48887  
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kaizonhardware · 3 years
Buy Table Bracket
Bringing Tables to Compact Spaces: Folding Table Brackets
Work and living spaces in urban cities like Delhi, Bangalore, or Mumbai, are highly compact. Think of doing your own ironing, but have no place to stack that iron board stand, or fancied a garden in your balcony, but you might have to let go of the chair in there.  There is so much we wish to do, and have to do every day, but such little spaces demands us to always choose one over the other. On top of it, if you have work-from-home, or children attending to their online schooling, there is a constant need of table space to keep things going glitch free.
Now imagine, you could have a smart retractable ironing board or a vertical garden with shelves holding your pretty pots right over your seating in the balcony? Tables and shelves are so diversely functional, that they are a need of every living space. Especially for carrying out tasks such as writing, office work, and also a lot of times even just for keeping decorative stuff like lamps, pots and vases or for utilities such as books, gadgets, shoes, suitcases, etc.
Just like every building needs pillars to stand on, every shelf needs its table brackets. Table Brackets is an essential fitting to install shelves on walls. However simple as they may sound there are lot of factors that one need to consider before making a decision of investing in table brackets.  
Ahmedabad based Kaizon Hardware, the company that manufactures high quality precision fittings and accessories for everyday needs, offers variety of sleek looking table brackets.
In big cities where most of us live in compact homes it may become nearly impossible to accommodate tables for dining, coffee, or homes offices. But what if we told you, that you can have them all, even in small confined areas, with the help of Kaizon’s folding table brackets?
Here at Kaizon Hardware, they make sure their table brackets are made with precision and flawless craftsmanship to meet all standards of international table brackets. Some of the key characteristics of ideal table brackets are:
1.Sturdiness- Sturdiness is a major part in selecting your Table Brackets. If something breaks or loosens up, it can cause a major inconvenience in the household and bring halt to many things. Non-sturdy table brackets are also a big hazard especially if the shelves are located overhead. But quality, well-crafted table brackets offer sturdiness that won’t allow your table top to shake for wiggle.
2.Exquisite Designs and patterns- There’s table brackets for every table requirement out there. However, a sleek and functional design does not mean one has to compromise on the aesthetics and appearance. Manufacturers such as Kaizon Hardware offer table brackets in modern designs which blend perfectly with uber-chic urban spaces.
3.Convenient- Folding table brackets are a perfect answer for making the best use out of your space. Small compact spaces can be converted into classroom and co-working spaces in no time. Carry out art projects, or bring a make shift cooking station into your garden, there is no end to one’s imagination when it comes to utility offered by folding table brackets. Another huge bonus point for investing in folding table brackets is when you have toddlers around the house. They can freely run around the space without you having to be anxious about their head bumping in the table and shelf corners.    
4.Easy Installation- Installation of table brackets is no rocket science. It is in fact one of the easiest DIY furniture project when doing up your storage areas, or home office. It needs simple tools and can be managed by anyone without prior expertise or any background in installing hardware.
Immense carrying capacity- Ever looked at a table bracket and thought, “What if it breaks?” Kaizon Hardware throws that thought process out of the window with their heavy duty table brackets in quality material. These table brackets offer top notch strength that is able to withstand immense weight, all with safety and sturdiness you need.
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The world recognizes only one name
oday we discuss the world’s oldest and finest marble, granite, and stone company. Best marble granite company in India: Bhandari marble company, The pioneer company of marble granite. The pioneer group of marble granite and natural stone. The only company that provides online marble granite and stone. Exporter, Importer and Quarry owner, a Sibling company of Bhandari marble world.
Team member’s activities are determined by the power duties and responsibility. D.C. Bhandari is an energetic chairperson of the Bhandari marble group and made good relations to our clients and motivate our team to deliver the best marble granite and natural stone through the entire world.
D.C. Bhandari, CMD is a renowned person. He is known for his foresight and strong will. He supports and shows the right path to the younger generation.
Rahul Bhandari, (CEO)
Highly qualified in the Birla institute of technology. Leading exporter and importer of marble granite and natural stone in India. Strong and dedicated young CEO. A young and enthusiastic persona. He is Confident and a great, leading the team and company to a brighter future. Full of vibrant energy, he applies a creative approach to every end ever. His innovative ideas and youthful spirits motivate the team to perform better.
Our Infrastructure
A sprawling area comprising of around 10 acres the Plant and showroom. An elaborate range of our finest selection of products is available here at Kishangarh, Rajasthan India. where you will find a wide range of products. For a better reach, we have established many sales outlets all across the country.
We have entered into the global market to import and export the finest quality of material with the ultimate goal to 100 % customer satisfaction by providing a world-class range of best marble, granite, and stone within the right time at the right price.
We have emerged to become the undisputed leaders in the marble, granite, and natural stone industry. We offer the finest marble as an exhaustive range from our own quarry spanning the following: Marble range that
covers the finest Italian finishes. We also own quarries in various marble sector. We are suggesting herewith the picture of our Marble Boutique build up in our factory premises, showcasing the exuberant range of natural marbles. We cordially invite you to check an elaborate range of our finest selection as listed above at Kishangarh Rajasthan India Request you to kindly provide your contact details to enable us to provide you the brief of our product range.
We are one of the oldest and biggest ranges of marble granite and natural stone sales stockyard at Kishangarh Rajasthan India in the state of Rajasthan. Our Plant is spread in acres and has a showroom on the premises. Here you can have a Glimpse of our Marble Boutique showcasing the exuberant range of natural marbles.
White Marble
Pink Marble
Green marble
Gold Marble
Brown marble
Makrana Marble
Red Granites
Black Granites
Green granites
White Granites
Gold Granites
Grey Granite
Brown Granite
Vanity Granite Ranges
Gold Sandstones
Teakwood Sandstones
Red Sandstones
Indian Marble Tiles
Granite Tiles
Sandstone Tiles
White Onyx
Honey Onyx
Green Onyx
Orange Onyx
Italian Marble
Italian Marble gives a rich appearance to the house floor, walls, Kitchen, rooms, and bathroom with its a beautiful color, special lusters, and strains. Because of its elegant visual, it is commonly used for decorative purposes in hotels, offices of multinational companies, restaurants, resorts, shopping malls schools, houses, and other industries.
Imported Marble
Dealers, Italian Marbles Kolkata, Marble Floor Tiles
Italian marble is highly durable and has a long life. These marble’s raw stones are imported from Italy in India and have high demand around the world. These marble stones are really very good. The most famous type of marble is Perlato, Dyna, and beige marble.
Italian Marble Market Kishangarh
We are the best dealer, suppliers, and manufacturers of Italian marble in India. We have various designs, colors, patterns, and sizes of this product. We deal with tiles and slab. Italian Marble price may vary according to its quality and color, but we promise our clients that the quality and services provided by us will be better than others.
The Pioneer of Marble, Granite, Quartz, Limestone, Sandstone, Slate & Travertine, we have become a major importer, exporter, manufacturer, supplier of Marble, Granite, Slate and other natural stones block, Slabs, Tiles, handicrafts, etc. We are manufacturers and suppliers of the finest marble stone from around the globe with quality and quantity at the best price. We are the one of the biggest stockiest of marble, granite slate and natural stone in Kishangarh, Rajasthan, India. We have everything to suit all your flooring Elevation and decoration marble stone and granite requirements.
Kitchen Top
Wall Tile
We provide the best selection of natural stones including Granite, Marble, Quartzite & sandstone. We are the market leaders and certified manufacturers, exporters & suppliers of granite stones, marble stones, sandstone and kitchen top, etc. We are Granite & Marble Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Exporters in Kishangarh, Rajasthan, India. Our Precious Marble Stones Export and Supply to All Over the World.
Types of Marble
Indian Marble –
And Marble, Marmara Marble. Cultured Marble. Size: Customized. Green Marble. Marble Stone. Katni Green Marble – Polished Finish. Get free quotes for “Marble Stone” Fantasy Brown Marble. Brown Makrana Marble. Makrana Doongari Marble. Usage: Countertop, Kitchen Top, Flooring. Indo Pista Polished Marble. Usage: Countertops. Opal White Marble Polished Marble Stone. White Marble Polished. Pure White Marble. Pure White Makrana Marble. White Green Marble Stone. Spider White Marble etc.
Italian Marble –
Italian marble floors Italian marble Company owes Italian marble Imported White marble Bottichino Italian marble importers Italian marble slab size, Exporters
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Silvia Marble, st Laurent Marble quarry, st. Laurent Marble, st. Laurent Marble brown, st. Laurent Marble from china, st. Laurent Marble Italy, st. Laurent Marble slab, st. Laurent marble tile, Statuario Marble, Statuario Marble Price, Statuario Marble Tiles, Sunny Marble, Sunny Marble co, Sunny Marble company, Sunny Marble countertop, Sunny Marble Egypt, Sunny Marble Egyptian, Sunny Marble Light, Sunny Marble Pakistan, Sunny Marble price, Sunny Marble slab, Sunny Marble tiles India, Sunny Marble USA, sunny white marble Pakistan, Teak Marble, Tiger Onyx Australia, Tiger Onyx block.
Tiger Onyx glass, Tiger Onyx Iran, Tiger Onyx mac, Tiger Onyx marble, Tiger Onyx quarry, Tiger Onyx sink, Tiger Onyx slab, Tiger Onyx stone, Tiger Onyx tiles, Tiger Onyx tip, Toronto Marble, Travertine Beige, Travertine Beige Tile, Tuscany Beige Travertine, Udaipur Green Marble, Uncategorized, Vietnam White Marble, white Carrara marble, White Granite, Yellow Travertine, Yellow Travertine blocks, Yellow Travertine brick tile, Yellow Travertine design, Yellow Travertine in china, Yellow Travertine Marble, Yellow Travertine mosaic, Yellow Travertine tiles.
We Know About Italian Marble Types For Home Décor
the most experience and quality stock to supply the marble, granite, and natural stone around the World from Kishangarh, Rajasthan, India. We finest sourced marble granite and natural stone from around the world. We have been in business for more than many years.
Italian Marble
Home villa and projects Décor with Italian Marble. Italian Marble flooring to ever shine the floor. There are various types and styles of marble. All Natural stones have their own patterns and designs. We describe some of the main marble stone here:
Italian Marble Flooring
1-Statuario Italian Marble
This White Italian marble milky white-colored marble from Italy and mainly used to make exclusive marble flooring, elevation, and decoration. Statuario marble is one of the most expensive types of Italian Marble supply by us Kishangarh, Rajasthan India.
2- Royal Diana Marble
Dyna marble is a heavy cross and straight veins. Dyna marble is available in beige color and purity looks. The most commonly used types of Italian Marble In south India supply by us Kishangarh, Rajasthan, India.
3- Travertine Marble
Travertine Italian Marble is highly found in Italy Turkey and Iran etc. Travertine Italian marble state veins and is available in many shades mainly using in Elevation and flooring.
4- Grey Williams Marble
Now, these days Grey colored Marbles are in the trend in India. popular in the flooring are available at quite reasonable prices. Now grey colors stone popular Marble stone Italian Marble, Italian marble flooring, kitchen design ideas.
5- Bottocino Marble
Bottochino Classico Marble, welcome to buy Botticino Classico Marble from Italy stone supply directly from Kishangarh, Rajasthan, India.
For more details visit us online or our factory outlet showroom.
Italian Marble is the marble that originates in Italy. It is very popular all over the world. The main colors of Italian Marble are beige, cream, white, and pink. Italian Marble is very famous due to the color and texture of the material. Italian Marble Flooring makes the floor very beautiful and also gives the floor strength. We have been importing Marble Blocks from Italy and processing in Kishangarh, Rajasthan, India. Which gives the marble stone precious looks. We have very good quality with the quantity available of Marble in ready stock all the time in Kishangarh, Rajasthan, India.
Following are famous Italian Marble :
The basic difference between Indian and Italian marble?
Indian marble available with us. North India making it a cost-effective choice available in a wide variety of colors and textures. Italian marble it is high luster and ever shines to used, Italian marble is imported from Italy and is now easily available in Kishangarh Rajasthan India.
Looking for Marble Exporter from India?
We are an Indian Marble Supplier & own Marble Manufacturing Factory in India. Contact us for Best Quote for any type of Marble, Granite, and natural stone!!!! Bhandari export is a leading exporter and marble manufacturer in India, marble exporters in India, and Exporter of a proven range of marble dealers, manufacturers, suppliers. Bhandari Kishangarh Rajasthan India – one of the excellent & largest exporters, suppliers, wholesalers of premium quality marble. Manufacturer of Huge Marble Colors Variety, Lowest Price & On-time Delivery. Hassle-Free Door Shipment.
Best Marble Granite and Stone Supplier
supplying manufacturing Italian marble in India and overseas at the best price. Get better Italian Marbles Cost per square foot. we are well known for top quality marble suppliers in the marble market. Since 1631 we are manufacturing and supplying the top quality marble at budget price!!!! Makrana marble suppliers, manufacturers, dealers, wholesalers & exporters in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Get the latest & updated makrana marble prices. Trade suppliers of quality marble, granite, quartz, limestone, slate, travertine engineered stone & granite worktops throughout the World!!!!
Bhandari is an Indian supplier who extracts and manufactures the best white marble from quarries in India and around the World together with granite and natural stones. we are India’s Top leading Marble manufacturer and supplier of marble, Italian marble, Indian marble, etc. We provide the best.
Marble Manufacturer
The Home of Marble, Granite, Quartz, Limestone, Sandstone, Micrograin, Slate & Travertine. Bhandari Marble group has the experience and stock range to supply around the globe with only the finest sourced materials from around the world. We have been in business for nearly 387 years. We are India’s Top leading Marble manufacturer and supplier of marble, Italian marble, Indian marble, etc. We provide the best quality with quantity!
We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of all types of quality marble stones in India. We are well known for our product quality and quantity. Purchase the best quality at wholesale prices. More than 387 Years Of Experience. Italian Marble Flooring. Marble & Granite. Widest range of stone. Imported & Indian. Marble all range. Bidasar. Our company also made all marble handmade products manufacturing processes are done here in Kishangarh Jaipur Rajasthan India We have almost all types of handicrafts. Manufacturer of marble, stones, granite, natural marble, Italian marbles, onyx, travertine. Bhandari Leading Manufacturer & Supplier of Marble Paintings, marble handicrafts, marble artifacts, marble inlay items, pietra dura. Bhandari one of the best marble stone manufacturing & Exporter Company India that offering high quality marble stone, marble.
Marble Handicrafts
Marbles & Handicrafts is a leading White Marble & White Marble Handicrafts Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier based in Kishangarh Rajasthan India.
We are the Supplier of Best Quality Indian Marble, Italian Marble, Granite, Sandstone, and Other Imported Marble. We are an India based supplier of premium quality marbles, granite and sand stone procured from the best and most reliable marble suppliers in the market. We at ourselves as one of the most reputed suppliers and exporters of natural stone from India delivering flawless products that suited to the needs of our esteemed clientele. Our elegant and refined collection of Indian and Imported marbles is available in various finishes and provides a tinge of luxury to your home, offices, restaurants, and other places.
Believe Us:-
We believe that natural stone is one of the most versatile and beautiful materials used for centuries for flooring, paving, indoor and outdoor cladding, worktops, and fire surround. Our customer-friendly stock yard lies on the outskirts of Kishangarh, Rajasthan India, and holds over more than 500 different types of marble, granite, limestone, and slate available to view from our online EBook catalog!!!!
We offer customized solutions to make your home unique in detail, benchtops, feature islands, vanity tops, in marble or Granite, Quarrier, and supplier of marble in form of tiles, slabs, and blocks. Carrara Marble and Granite, leading Marble Slab and Tile Supplier in Kishangarh Rajasthan India, Marble Slabs India, Marble Tiles India, Marble Stone Tiles India.
Highest Quality Marble Supplier in the World
As a marble supplier for residential and commercial projects since 1631, the key secret to success is the materials we manufacture, supply, and distribution the artisanship our expert team to craft marble into gorgeous and functional elements for homes villa and products. Bhandari marble group we quarry-direct sourcing makes us a top marble manufacturer, supplier, distributor, dealer, in the World. Our Dealers and customer always receive the most beautiful, highest quality material for their home and projects. we offer sourcing, fabrication, and installation of projects to provide one-stop shopping for contractors, homeowners, and project managers looking to work with the best marble supplier in World Our founder Roop Chand Ji.
Bhandari has visited many of the world’s most renowned quarries. He has cultivated relationships that enable the Bhandari Marble group to provide the best and widest selection to its customers of marble Granite and natural stone, including marble, travertine, and limestone. We are the Full-Service Marble Supplier, works with contractors, interior designers, architects, and homeowners on all aspects of their marble Granite and natural stone needs. Choosing the perfect material and relationships with Italy and other quarries make it a top marble supplier, giving us a vast selection of high-quality marble granite and natural stone materials.
Our expert team helps you to select through a large number of choices to pick the perfect one for your needs. Our expert and team help you in creating and executing the ideal design. Our talented Rahulji Direct design partners appreciate working with a marble supplier dedicated to providing the best materials. They will collaborate with you to create the perfect countertop, fireplace mantel, or another finished marble piece. Once it’s designed, our experienced stone artisans will fabricate the vision into reality. Ensuring expert installation: You don’t want to take a chance with heavy marble pieces.
Who we are?
The story of Marble and the Bhandari family name has always gone hand in hand. The Bhandari family has been active in the marble and stone for many centuries!!!!!
We are an import-export and supply house, stocking and supplying marble, granite, quartzite, and other natural stone slabs. Largest direct importers of Marble Suppliers, Kitchen Top, Natural Stone, Granite Tops, Marble Flooring & Feature Wall in World. we are an established supplier and fabricator of Granite, Marble, and Quartz. We offer a wide range of products from kitchen tops, vanity tops, flooring, elevation, and decoration stones at a reasonable price!!!!!!
We are an Indian Marble Supplier & own Marble Manufacturing Factory in India. Contact us for Best Quotes. Browse or download our catalog of marble tile and slabs for your commercial or residential project. Architectural stone is available for both interior exterior and decoration!!!!!!
We become a major importer, Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier, Dealer, Distributor, and wholesaler of quality Marble, Agglomerate, Granite, Slate, and other stones for creating Slabs, Tiles, handicrafts, Mandir, Countertop, Kitchen Top, Fireplaces. You can be sure you are acquiring the finest stones from around the world. With one of the most comprehensive stockpiles in India. we have something to suit all requirements.
All stones are displayed in our EBook online catalog and display actual look on the virtual showroom. Photographs of the materials, although faithfully reproduced, are provided as Visual reference only. The actual material, as a product of nature, is subject to some variation in color and pattern. We are Marble manufacturers, suppliers & exporters in Kishangarh, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. We are a top marble and granite manufacturer in India. This marble company is also a renowned marble supplier as it offers a vast array of Marble, Granite, and Natural stones!!!
we are one of the World’s largest wholesalers of natural stone slabs. All of our materials have been expertly selected to provide you with the very best quality surface materials for your project. With many generations of service to the industry, our natural stone specialist knowledge ensures you find the ideal materials for your project no matter how large or small. Thanks for contacting us, you are very important to us. We revert you within 24 hours. we are the Oldest & Largest Manufacturer of Best Indian and Precious Italian marble, Indian & Imported granite, Sandstone & Quartz Stone.
For more details, we suggest you visit our EBook catalog            
We cordially invite you to check an elaborate range of our finest selection at Bhandari Marble Granite Stone Studio, The king of the natural Stones at the kingdom of marble, granite, and stone Located at makrana road, Kishangarh, P.O Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Provide your mail ID & contact detail for better conversation.
Thanks & Regards
Bhandari marble company
D.C. Bhandari
Kishangarh, 305801
We are the oldest and largest manufacture, supplier and exporter of marble, Italian Marble, Indian Marble, Imported marble, granite, sandstone, Limestone, and Natural stone. Experience more than 500 varieties and colors of Marble, Granite, and Natural Stone. over 387 years of experience. Best imported quality marble, granite, and natural stones.
Now hold a strong presence in the market and are well recognized by prominent architects, builders, and designers. It has gone from strength to strength and became a million-dollar company since 1631 and is ever-expanding.
Indian Marble vs Italian Marble
Marble was assumed as a Royal Stone used in lots of historical monuments and sculptures made during the medieval times. Nowadays, one can easily perceive the growing use of marble in homes, offices, and other commercial establishments. It is easily available in the form of marble slabs, floor tiles, and blocks to garner interior and exterior areas. Now, there are more marble quarries, processing units, factories, and selling units in all corners of the world. There are many countries involved in the exporting of their indigenous stones globally. When it comes to purchasing the right stone from the right country, all you need to do is to compare the product and make a decision. This content is all about a comparison between Indian marble and Italian marble.
Indian and Italian marbles: Variety
Indian marble comes from lots of North India quarries in Rajasthan and Gujarat. With immaculate quality and premium look, India caters to the high demand for marble in the world market. India is also involved in the processing and production of marble as per global standards. Indian Marble is known for its beautiful textures, strength, and durability. We offer this beautiful Indian marble in quality and natural shine.
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ddecorarch-blog · 5 years
Are you Looking for furniture for your Office, Corporate, Office, Institutes, Home, Hotels, Hospitals, Auditoriums, University, Schools then one stop solution for your requirement @DdecorArch - www.ddecorarch.com - Furniture - Interiors - Construction - We are the leading manufacturers of Office Furniture, Office Chairs, Institutional Furniture, School Furniture, Hotels Furniture, Hospitals furniture, Home Furniture in Noida, Supplying at PAN India inclusive all cites of India like Noida, Delhi, NCR, Gurgaon, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Panchkula, Maesar, Neemrana, Jaipur, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Greater Noida, Agra, Varanasi, Patna, Indore, Bhopal, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata etc.. We are Manufacturers, Suppliers, Dealers, of Modular, Office Furniture, Chairs, Office Furniture, Corporate Furniture, Office Chairs, Workstation Chairs, Manager Chairs, Director Chairs, MD Chairs, Tables, Conference Tables, Modular Storage , Pedestals, desk based workstations, Penal based workstations in Noida, Delhi, NCR, Gurgaon suppliers and Dealers at PAN India. @DdecorArch - #OfficeinteriorsinGurgaon, #OffficeInteriorinNoida, #Corporateinteriors, #ShowroomsInteriors, #OUtletsINteriors, #InstitutionalInteriors, #InstituteInteriors, #CafeInteriors, #TurnkeyInteriors, #Turnkey, #Fitouts, #Officefurnituremanufacturers, #Modular #Office #Furniture #manufacturers, #Corporate #Furniture #Manufacturers, DdecorArch - Interiors - Construction - Furniture Manufacturers -
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toniyudichew-blog · 5 years
Microsoft Power BI Training From SQL School Training Institute
Opposite exterior, innovative multiplex, 3rd floor above the Unilet showroom, next to Nandas Hyderabadi Biryani, Marathahalli, Bangalore 37 Comprehensive training in BI decision-making in real time and practical with real-time project. Power BI is a comprehensive, elegant, cloud-based enterprise analytics tool that allows anyone to view, analyze, and predict all types of data at a rapid pace. and increased efficiency. 
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Our Power BI course includes basic to advanced DAX reporting and custom M-based visualizations to meet the everyday needs of your business! Our Microsoft Power BI training course teaches data analysts how to use the latest collection of onsite and online tools to help you research, clean, model, and visualize data, share insights Covered and collaborate intuitively. Power BI Training in Gurgaon for mash up, modeling, and data visualization. 
The results can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud and viewed in browsers, tablets and mobile phones (Android, Apple and Windows). Business analysts, financial analysts, IT professionals, and staff who need to use Power BI to generate reports from Excel, SQL Server, and other databases Learn how to build tables from board like this - Mainly used for CFO dashboards, revenue and profitability, expense management, financial planning and analysis, sales, control Inventory, Risk Analysis and Compliance ... 
BIO ganistic Self-Service Custom Visualizations Dashboards Data Models Schemas Relationship Connectivity Design Environment Navigation Importing Data Tables  Columns Data View Exploring Data Managing Schema  Data Changes Connection Your Receipt Box 2/8/2018 : Power BI is an excellent visualization tool, published by Microsoft in June 2015 and updated monthly since. 
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It can be used to gather data from various sources and create interactive reports, visualizations and dashboards to share with other members of your organization.
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monopolymarketing · 2 months
The Leading School Equipment Suppliers in Bangalore
In the realm of childhood education, play is not just a pastime but an integral aspect of holistic development. Monopoly Marketing Company understands this ethos and offers a comprehensive range of Kids play equipment supplier in Bangalore designed to stimulate creativity, enhance physical activity, and encourage social interaction among children. For more details visit here :-
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artuz · 2 years
Secret Tips by Artuz Lacquered Glass Wardrobe Shutters in Bangalore
The colloquialism the dismissed subtleties are the central issue holds especially clear concerning Inside course of action.The methodology for making changed and connecting with spaces lies in zeroing in on the unnoticeable nuances of orchestrating. A piece of these tricks is not difficult to the point that they show up, evidently, to be uncommon. In any case, they can help with making a huge partition in the general look of any room says Artuz Lacquered glass wardrobe shutters in Bangalore.
Inside expressive association tip #1: Play with plans Figure out how to play with plans for flawlessly pulled Inside intricate arrangement.You don't need to stick to one model in a room — you can mix a few prints pleasingly missing a ton of effort. Base on the size of the models — truly legitimate, more intricate prints look best on unimportant surfaces like cushions or tertiary parts, similar to a story floor covering. Unbelievable, immense models regularly work superbly on focal parts with clear region around them says the creator of Lacquered glass sliding wardrobe
Inside expressive association tip #2: Get plants Whether you are wanting to add a check piece or just have to fill an unfilled corner or table, indoor plants add significance and character to any room. Plants can add genuinely major tone to express rooms or bring a spot of interest into a cutting edge style space. You can place plants in earthen pots, cups, bricklayer compartments or terrariums, dependent upon the look you really want to make added the maker of Acrylic sliding wardrobe Present day Floor to Ceiling Openable Wardrobes Bangalore.
Inside complex arrangement tip # 3: The little gem stunt Different pieces over your sofa ensure your Inside style serious strong regions for looks.Once in a while, a single huge sight to behold can overwhelm a space. Pick a mix of extra genuine signs, which can be figured out in get-togethers. Expecting you have materials that look too unimportant over a sofa, balance them on one or the other side rather than placing them in the center. You'll be lurched by this sensible Inside style trick and how well this cutoff points obviously say Artuz Slim Glass wardrobe door manufacturers.
Inside complex arrangement tip #4: Use results of the very elementArrange Inside style things that are obviously equivalent. Piles of extra certifiable articles are more plainly captivating than a specific piece. This is genuinely in each valuable sense, every Inside expressive point thing — right from craftsmanship, to cushions and holders, even pendant lights. The pieces don't be ensured to have to match unendingly out, they essentially have to look somewhat near. For example, you could arrange heaps of earthen pots in different sizes, two plans of cushions in different models, etc alluded to Artuz Modern Custom Sliding Wardrobe Door producer.
Inside style tip #5: Put some soul into the room To make a really incredible look, show things that you genuinely love. Any room will feel isolated without parts that address you — photographs, most regarded miscellaneous items, great fortunes, etc. These will make the room look enchanting and give you a space that is a development of your personality itself.
No.32/4 MTB school Road,
Garudacharpalya, Mahadevapura 
Bengaluru - 560048.
Mobile: +91-89512 48887  
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Photo lamination machine in Cochin
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Photo lamination machine in Cochin
Photo Lamination Machine in Cochin Leveraging upon our technologically-advanced production facility, we are highly engaged in manufacturing and supplying Photo Laminating Machine to our prestigious clients spread all across the country. The machine provided by us is basically used in photo industry for laminating of photos. Beside this, offered Photo Laminating Machine is manufactured under the strict vigilance of our qualified professionals using optimum grade components with the help of advanced technology. We are rapidly emerging manufacture of a wide range of High Performance Photo Lamination Machines in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India available with following details.High speed , double side thermal lamination machine. Easy to install and operate. Ideal for digital printer, offset printers and photo album maker. Its speed up to 15 meters per minutes gives high productivity. Compact size and quick warm up time are added advantage.High speed , double side thermal lamination machine. Easy to install and operate. Ideal for digital printer, offset printers and photo album maker. Its speed up to 15 meters per minutes gives high productivity. Compact size and quick warm up time are added advantage.The Macro Crease 2000 is economically priced, table top models, available pneumatic and manual. The Macro Crease 2000 is quite ideal for digital printers who produce that runs of card which need creasing. Macro Crease 2000 prevents toner or ink from cracking on the spine when folding. Macro Crease 2000 has a reversible, quick – change creasing tool that offers two width of Crease. Totally metal based construction. Creasing can be done on both sides of the machine. Regular or inverter crease is also possible.Ideal for schools and large offices, this thermal roll laminator delivers high quality lamination results. Warms up in 20 minutes and is compatible with film up to 3 mil thick. Pre-set controls and a one touch keypad make this laminating machine especially easy to use. Additional features such as motorized reverse and built-in horizontal trimmer are included.Cold and hard lamination for cards and documents lamination are suitable for pictures, blueprints, documents, photos, posters, and so on.There are such good features as antiseptic, waterproof, resisting ultraviolet ray, and wonderful figure.Developed in compliance with international quality standards, our Cold Laminating Machine is known for their easy operations, high energy efficiency and low maintenance cost. These are tested on different parameters by our professionals to ensure that these are shock resistant, consume less power and are easy to operate.Further, we also provide custom services in Cold Laminating Machine as per the specifications and needs of the clients.With our great expertise in the same industry, G. B. Tech (India) caters wide array of Cold Laminating Machine in Bangalore, which is manufactured using premium quality components. We have talented team of experts all along with well-settled manufacturing unit. Read the full article
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mimsresidencyblog · 3 years
MIMS Residency Apartments the best Apartments Near Manyata Tech Park
In case you are searching for some incredible lofts available to be purchased in Manyata Tech Park, you have arrived on the right page. Today we will assess one of the most discussed projects in Bangalore. This undertaking has turned into all the rage and is known for its extraordinary elements and functionalities. Not just that, the undertaking is of superior quality and a rich venture by MIMS manufacturers. The venture is known as MIMS Residency Apartments. MIMS Residency Apartments offers a variety of extravagance and premium Apartments Near Manyata Tech Park. The task is situated at the ideal spot of the city and is one of the most outstanding lavish 2 Bhk Flats For Sale In Thanisandra Main Road. 
Created by one of the main developers in Bangalore, this undertaking is stunning. MIMS manufacturers are known for their extraordinary and surprising work in land advancement. They have grown very wonderful activities around the city of Bangalore. They are particularly known for their perfect and surprising engineering and sumptuous conveniences. The undertaking turned many eyes with its a-list conveniences and best in class design. What's more, the task area is one more extraordinary point of convergence for the purchasers. We should investigate probably the best provisions of these Apartments In Thanisandra, Flats For Sale In North Bangalore, and 2 Bhk Apartments For Sale In Thanisandra: 
Incredible area 
The venture is situated on Thanisandra Main Road. Thanisandra Main Road is one of the most wanted and ideal places in Bangalore. A large portion of individuals who are hoping to purchase their own condos in Bangalore lean toward areas like Thanisandra Main Road. The venture is near probably the most famous and worldwide schools, emergency clinics, and clinical offices. It is near the Manyata Tech Park and other IT centers, which makes this venture significantly more alluring. 
Word Class conveniences 
MIMS Residency Apartments is stacked with probably the best extravagant conveniences like CCTV Surveillance and Intercom, Vastu consistent, pool, amphitheater, kids play region, and considerably more. These conveniences likewise incorporate a squash court, exceptional exercise center, multi-reason lobby, table tennis, scaled down amphitheater, and substantially more. The rundown of sumptuous conveniences in this undertaking is past correlation. 
Detail of the workmanship design 
The engineering of this undertaking is one of the most outstanding you will go over in any Flats For Sale In North Bangalore. The arranging of every condo is agreeable with Vastu. Moreover, every condo permits abundant light from each side. The plan of Flats For Sale In North Bangalore is finished with extreme attention to detail and flawlessness. This undertaking by MIMS Developers is one of the most amazing 2 Bhk Flats For Sale In Thanisandra Main Road. 
Extravagance is one thing that our age can absolutely not disregard. We need our home to be agreeable, extravagant, and in consistency with our cutting edge way of life. In case you are searching for an advanced way of life and rich living, MIMS Residency Apartments the best 2 Bhk Flats For Sale In Thanisandra Main Road is your answer.
Website Information -
Site Address - 48/2, Thanisandra Main Road Agrahara Sampigehalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064
Corporate Office : MIMS Signature # 20,Coles Road, Frazer Town Bengaluru 560 005,Karnataka, INDIA.
PHONE:+91 80 4114 8408, +91 80 4123 5002, +91 9739 640 640
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wiseguyreports33 · 3 years
Global Breakfast Cereals in Sweden Market Research Report 2021
Home seclusion has had a positive impact on breakfast cereals, with much faster retail volume and current value growth rates expected over 2020 as a whole, compared with 2019. As high schools and universities closed and employees were encouraged to work from home, consumers used the time to sit down and eat breakfast at home. Breakfast cereals, in particular hot cereals and muesli and granola, have become popular as health-positioned staples that are easy to make. There was also significant stoc...
Euromonitor International's Breakfast Cereals in Sweden report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sales data 2015-2019, allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth. It identifies the leading companies, the leading brands and offers strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market - be they new product developments, distribution or pricing issues. Forecasts to 2024 illustrate how the market is set to change.
Product coverage: Hot Cereals, RTE Cereals.
 Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report?
* Get a detailed picture of the Breakfast Cereals market;
* Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change;
* Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands;
* Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.
 Euromonitor International has over 40 years' experience of publishing market research reports, business reference books and online information systems. With offices in London, Chicago, Singapore, Shanghai, Vilnius, Dubai, Cape Town, Santiago, Sydney, Tokyo and Bangalore and a network of over 800 analysts worldwide, Euromonitor International has a unique capability to develop reliable information resources to help drive informed strategic planning.
Table of Contents
Home seclusion sees consumers use added time to prepare and consume breakfast cereals before studying or working from home
The pandemic intensifies already strong health and wellness trend to favour hot cereals and muesli and granola
Lantmännen Cerealia leverages new product development and health-positioning of Axa hot cereals to retain leading position
Positive growth anticipated as health-positioning boosts sales of key breakfast cereals, although obesity concerns likely to see a move away from children’s options
Manufacturers are required to incorporate health and premium aspects to stay or forge ahead of an increasingly dynamic and competitive field
The developing offer of health and premium options enables private label to increase pressure on branded players
Table 1 Sales of Breakfast Cereals by Category: Volume 2015-2020
Table 2 Sales of Breakfast Cereals by Category: Value 2015-2020
Table 3 Sales of Breakfast Cereals by Category: % Volume Growth 2015-2020
Table 4 Sales of Breakfast Cereals by Category: % Value Growth 2015-2020
Table 5 NBO Company Shares of Breakfast Cereals: % Value 2016-2020
Table 6 LBN Brand Shares of Breakfast Cereals: % Value 2017-2020
Table 7 Distribution of Breakfast Cereals by Format: % Value 2015-2020
Table 8 Forecast Sales of Breakfast Cereals by Category: Volume 2020-2025
Table 9 Forecast Sales of Breakfast Cereals by Category: Value 2020-2025
Table 10 Forecast Sales of Breakfast Cereals by Category: % Volume Growth 2020-2025
Table 11 Forecast Sales of Breakfast Cereals by Category: % Value Growth 2020-2025
+44 203 500 2763
+1 62 825 80070
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pratikkadbane · 3 years
Global    Juice in the Netherlands market Research Report Forecast year
After several years of declining volumes, juice has seen an upturn in off-trade demand in 2020. Reconstituted juice has notably seen a spike in sales during the COVID-19 crisis as consumers have looked for juice products with a long-shelf life as they have stocked up in case of supply shortages and to reduce the frequency of shopping trips. The category has also benefited from the fact that schools were closed for a few months, which increased at-home consumption amongst children. Off-trade sale...
Also Read http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global-wind-turbine-operations-maintenance-industry-market-insights-overview-analysis-and-forecast-2020-2021-03-01
 Euromonitor International's Juice in Netherlands report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sales data (2015-2019), allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth. It identifies the leading companies, the leading brands and offers strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market – be they legislative, distribution, packaging or pricing issues. Forecasts to 2024 illustrate how the market is set to change.
Also Read: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global-propulsion-systems-market-size-share-value-and-competitive-landscape-2020-2021-03-02
 Product coverage: 100% Juice, Coconut and Other Plant Waters, Juice Drinks (up to 24% Juice), Nectars.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report? * Get a detailed picture of the Juice market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.
Also Read: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global-benelux-thermal-scanner-market-by-type-by-application-by-segmentation-by-region-and-by-country-2021-2021-03-03
 Euromonitor International has over 40 years' experience of publishing market research reports, business reference books and online information systems. With offices in London, Chicago, Singapore, Shanghai, Vilnius, Dubai, Cape Town, Santiago, Sydney, Tokyo and Bangalore and a network of over 800 analysts worldwide, Euromonitor International has a unique capability to develop reliable information resources to help drive informed strategic planning.
 Table of Content
Juice in the Netherlands Euromonitor International December 2020
Also Read: Also Read: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global-point-of-care-poc-diagnostics-market-outlook-industry-analysis-and-prospect-2016--2027-2021-03-04
 List OF CONTENTS AND TABLES KEY DATA FINDINGS 2020 IMPACT Juice sees slight upturn in 2020 On-trade sales plummet, while e-commerce expands Local players continue to lead juice sales RECOVERY AND OPPORTUNITIES
Also Read: Also Read: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global-sol-gel-processing-market-research-report-2024-2021-03-05
Juice struggling to resonate with evolving demand Manufacturers to focus on health and sustainability On-trade volumes not expected to reach pre-COVID-19 levels CATEGORY DATA
+44 203 500 2763
+1 62 825 80070
971 0503084105
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monopolymarketing · 2 months
School Furniture Wholesalers In Bangalore
With the rise in educational institutions, the need for cost-effective solutions has also escalated. School furniture wholesalers in Bangalore play a crucial role in this ecosystem by offering competitively priced options without compromising on quality. These wholesalers typically provide bulk furniture to schools, educational institutions, and sometimes even directly to consumers. For more details visit here :- https://monopolymarketingg.wordpress.com/2024/04/17/school-furniture-wholesalers-in-bangalore/
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pravasichhokro · 3 years
Japan & Japanese through my eyes........
I wish to give you a brief background of my association with Japan & Japanese. It began in 1975 when I worked for Engineers India Ltd. in New Delhi. I was part of a project management team to look after a petrochemical project called “Acrylic Fiber” at IPCL, Baroda. The process technology came from Asahi Chemical and Front-End Engineering was carried out by Kobe Steel. They had deputed a full time Japanese at EIL office.
Next association was in 1980-81 when I took a field engineer job withToyo Engineering at Basra, Iraq. For about 15 months, my immediate bosses were Japanese, though there were many Indians on site.
My close and strong association was from 1984 to 87 when I was a project manager and managed a collaboration with Chiyoda Corporation of Japan to execute an EPC project at NFL, Guna.
I along with my family moved to Yokohama, as Chiyoda Corp. offered me a direct employment. My office and my daughter’s school were also in Yokohama.
I again had a chance to work with Japanese when Chiyoda set up a joint venture with L&T called L&T –Chiyoda at Baroda in the 90’s.
Lastly, I was asked to manage Chiyoda’s liaison office at Bangalore for two years in 2012-14.
I will segregate my observations in two parts- one from the people and another from the country. Most people know of the punctuality of Japanese and discipline at workplace Hence, I will not dwell on these.
Most Japanese are concerned and sensitive of the discomfort or needs of fellow person. You can see that a Japanese not only picks up used plates and tray with trash in a McDonald’s but also wipes the table. You observe that a mother carries two types of napkins – one wet and another dry- when she takes her kid(s) out to play in the public garden. She cleans the child’s dirty hands with wet and then with clean napkin so that it does not dirty the rails or seats of the garden. Even in 90’s I saw Japanese wearing mask when they suffered from cough and cold. It was a common sight to see the dog owner carrying a paper bag and some broom to pick up poop.
Japanese people do not commit petty crimes or cheat which makes life so stress free and safe. My wife used to leave the apartment door open to go shopping nearby for 30 to 45 minutes. She learnt of this practice from neighbours. Initially we used to keep the money in our palm and the shop keeper would take the appropriate amount. All the shops-small or big – always charged us the VAT, whether we wanted a receipt of not. First time in my life I was offered a printed receipt of fare charged by a metered taxi without asking.
Japanese introduced us to see the beauty in the nature. The first time in our life we went to the mountains to see the autumn colours. There were conducted tours for local people to come to the mountains and soak in the beauty of the shades of colours from green to golden. We were also witness to the fire which is light up to dry leaves/grass on the mountain sides. The fire is light and controlled to spread in artistic way and you watch it from across the valley. Another experience was of hot (sulfur) springs in the mountains near Tokyo (Hakone). Our company guesthouse had a huge pond kind of hot water spot where natural spring was brought in. We soaked in this pond in the Japanese way-no clothes and separate areas for women and men. In five-star resorts, one could soak in the hot spring and sip from a glass of beer.
Japanese were also very health conscious. Our office had an indoor all weather Olympic size swimming pool and full-fledged gym with an instructor. Some of my colleagues were using this during lunch time before eating lunch. I used the facility on weekends. I went to a gym first time in my life and swam when there was almost zero-degree centigrade ambient temperature outside.
Japanese also retained some of “Indian” habits which may have reached them through Buddhism. Outdoor footwear cannot be used indoor whether in the residence or Japanese restaurants. We must leave outdoor footwear at the door and use in house slippers to go in. Most Japanese prefer to sit cross legged and ladies in Vajrasan. They do not shake hands or hug when the meet but bow and greet. Most prefer to sleep on the ground on a mattress rather than a western bed.
Japanese also have found ways to de-stress after an incredibly stressful office or factory workday. Karaoke bars are popular and now world famous. The normal bars without karaoke are also popular. They had huge halls with “ball” machines when they play a special game with stakes to lose or win, like what we played as a child. They also enjoy comics and there are comics to entertain all age groups.
Japan as a country is different from India. India is heterogeneous whereas Japan was homogeneous. This one feature made a lot of difference. They had only ten public holidays every year. Japanese was the main language for locals and it was developed to ensure that students get the latest information also. Japanese language also brings a very peculiar character to the people. The language has three alphabets-Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. Kanji has no letters but only Chinese characters/pictures. There are over few thousand kanjis and a child takes more than 8 yrs to know them all though only a few hundred Kanji is extensively used. To write Kanji one must be precise and take care of the different strokes. This focus on details and accuracy is reflected in everything they do in my opinion.
The police in Japan were extremely helpful and friendly. On two occasions I got their help. Once I was lost in the central Tokyo area and I went to the police station. The policeman there came with me to show me the address. On another occasion, my family and me went to meet my friend but my Casio watch, which had his telephone no. ran out of battery and I was lost. I again went to police station near the rail station. He permitted to call my office to find out the contact no. of my friend (office colleague) but the office security refused. Then he opened the area map with names of the residents, and we located two Tanaka-san. I dialed the first one and fortunately he was my friend. In India, such help was unthinkable, going to the Police station for common man for help is a far cry!
I came across some interesting leave/holidays rule. Most Japanese joined a company for a lifetime and the company was expected to take care of the individual. After about 20 yrs. of service (mid-way I guess) the employee get paid leave (about 6 weeks) and a huge payment (app. one year salary). He is expected to enjoy with his family and many of colleagues went to Europe, USA or Latin America for two to three weeks with family.
I was happily surprised that most school students including my daughter walked to the school. My daughter walked about 20 minutes each way, there were volunteers on the route to guide the school kids. No school bus or parents driving to drop or pick-up kids.
For common people, the basic unwritten rule was- provide goods and services which are high quality and reliable. All public phones (as the world was not exposed to internet or mobile phones at the time) were in working order with coins or prepaid cards for both domestic and international calls. Such phones were plenty and located at all convenient locations like rail stations, supermarkets and including lift lobbies in office buildings. ATM rooms of banks had ATM machines for withdrawal and transfer facility. There were two other machines-passbook printing and change dispensing. ATM rooms were open 24x7. Japan was most known for vending machines- variety and exceptionally reliable. Vending machines would dispense soft drinks, beer, hot and cold coffee, tea, small snacks packets etc. These machines would not be out of stock and returned change.
Japan acts in unison for trade/commerce without side world. Immediately after WWII, their economy was shattered but soon they got on their feet. The five trade houses –Sumitomo, Mitsui, Marubeni, C Itoh and Mitsubishi- were the marketing agents for both import and export. The manufacturers were concentrating on design, engineering, and quality products. This brought down costs. The trade houses would bring enquiries and orders. They will also take care of payments. Each manufacturer will join a trade house so that there is no competition among the trade houses.
As a country, I saw Japan converting research output in other countries to application/products for common use. The classic example was digital watch from Texas Instrument to Casio. Another could be Video players. Even some collaborations were made successful and eventually did better than the collaborators. The classic example is of Toyota Car Co which had started with GM collaboration 1950s.
In all the efforts of private sector in commerce the Govt played a particularly important and positive role. The banks were ready to help exporters/vendors with five-month credit as L/C or other kind of payments after shipment may take 3 months.
I hope you like what I have scribbled above as much as I loved it writing.
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