#Shin Teikoku Gakuen
tokytopia · 2 months
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Got the propositions all fucked up cause I drew it at 2am
And sorry to the ares fans but I can’t stand his face in most of the frames so I edited him to what I like. Still love him tho
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horocandy · 1 year
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Bocca della Verità / Autophagy / Eva
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cumulonimbus58 · 1 year
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i like to think im very funny
close ups:
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ubizoide · 1 year
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Fugen + suits 💛
I've been really busy lately but I managed to doodle this, yay
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b-jester · 1 year
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- Ah! Something's wrong here... Jester's got it all mixed up again!
- This is not a mistake. That was the plan.
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Sketches without color.
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pollymolly12 · 9 months
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[Jonah Spark / Hikara Yoshiteru]
Okay, I admit it, I tried to do a render style with this drawing but it didn't work 🫠
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rem-know · 1 month
Friendly reminder that today sakuma jirou birthday so for that here some HC I have for him +his names in three languages
(this can be a little occ but the HC are coming from my au and they come from og timeline plus they are coming in different time)
Japanese: sakuma jiro
English: David Samford
Arabic: Nabil (no last name)
+sakuma fully colombian from his mother side but has japanese paper that why he was allowed to play in the national team
+he obsess with scissors like crazy obsess
+talk multiple languages bc of his mother traveling for work
+very smart smarter than kidou academicly
+a bit of a bully in high school
+in go he a lawyer but work also as teikoku trainer cause money money money
+have favorite player in every team he know but just don't show it
+ literally if anything weird happen he probably blame fudou or endou for it
+still hate fudou for shin teikoku but gave him a second chance(even in go)
+has a step dad that he adore
+fucking hate he's biological father
+know kidou since he was 9
+gender fluid (he literally dress up as heather Chandler for a show)
+smoke since high school
+also drink but since college
+too sassy for her own good
+curse a lot (especially in go and og)
+try to kill someone (fudou) multiple times
Sorry if there mistake English is not my first language
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celestesboy · 1 month
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Rank of all Aliea’s teams?
(Teams: Gemini storm; Epsilon; Epsilon Plus/Kai; Prominence; Diamond Dust; Chaos; Absolute Royal Academy/Shin Teikoku Gakuen; Keibi Machines; Genesis; Dark Emperors)
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wyvernblizzard · 8 months
it’s also why including a member or two of raimon would sort of force them to consider the implications of neo japan and their conception - especially if it was someone like handa for whom the aliea meteorite exploited that mediocrity complex he has. and if sugimori and nishigaki were there like i was talking about yesterday
they’re very dysfunctional as a team i think not in their teamwork or skill which is fantastic just because of their motivations and the various contexts of each of their characters - saginuma with the aliea gakuen hierarchy, genda with shin teikoku, hera and demeter with the zeus project for example. and i think it makes them extremely fascinating as a team and oughh how i wish there was more than an episodes focus on them
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irisviel101 · 2 years
I rewatched a few episodes of Inazuma Eleven last week, there was definitely way more trauma and dark stuff in the show than I realized before.
Off the top of my head, we have:
Season One:
Raimon getting annihilated by Teikoku (that's so common in the show though, so does this even count? I feel like it should)
Gouenji and his sister's storyline (I think that counts)
Kageyama literally trying to kill Raimon by dropping construction beans on them
Kidou seeing his teammates getting brutally injured and hospitalized by Zeus
Aki and Domon's flashback and memories of Ichinose's "death"
Zeus Jr High being encouraged to drug themselves to become inhumanly strong
You cannot convince me that Raimon was not messed up after the match with Zeus. They were literally being beaten up until near the end
Season Two:
All of season two is like one big trauma factory for these kids. This was probably the darkest season of the series.
Aliea Gakuen destroying various schools
The team getting beaten up by them under the guise of a soccer match (again and again by nearly every team)
Fubuki's backstory and his whole character arc (DID, PTSD, his insecurity of not being good enough, his self-destructive fixation on being perfect, it's also implied that he wished Atsuya was the one to live instead of him)
Gouenji being blackmailed by the aliens and his sister being threatened which is why he has to leave the team and go into hiding
Kazemaru and his extremely slow breakdown until he leaves the team
The whole Dark Emperors thing
The Aliea Gakuen kids being used by Kira in a fight they have nothing to do with
Kageyama manipulating Sakuma and Genda into destroying their bodies to mess Kidou up. The Shin Teikoku episodes were dark and scary af
Kogure's backstory of being abandoned as a kid and his behavioral and trust issues surrounding that
Rika is implied to have issues surrounding her parent's divorce (in the English dub, she mentions that her dad just straight up walked out on them)
Hiroto's story is pretty messed up as well. Kira renames him to replace his son because he looks a lot like the original Kira Hiroto, and Hiroto has clearly internalized it and devoted his woke life to make Kira happy even at the cost of himself. Then, Kira uses him and the rest of the Aliea kids to get revenge on the government for Kira Hiroto's murder, actively using Hiroto's toxic selflessness to his own advantage and manipulating him and the other kids to fight this war for him. Then, Kira forces Hiroto to release the limiter, knowing that it can cause severe and even permanent damage to these kids. There are many instances where Hiroto falters when faced with extreme violence only to end up following his father anyway because he feels like he owes it to him.
Hitomiko's coaching style is not very good either. I like that that's the point and it's used to give her cgaracter development, but one of her strategies was to remove all defense abd let Endou take dangerous shoots over and over again to show him that he needs to get better, something he could have figured out on without that too. Also, Hitomiko puts Raimon through so much without even telling them why they're fighting in the first place, which is kind of like using them in her own fight, like Kira Seijirou did with Aliea Gakuen.
Just the fact rhat these are children fighting actual terrorists
Raimon's mental health in this season was in a pretty bad state
Endou's depression period
Season Three:
Kidou's character arc with Kageyama
Fudou's backstory
Almost everything Kageyama does to Inazuma Japan and Orpheus
The Kingdom's plotline of them being blackmailed and their families basically being held hostage
Ichinose still having damage from the accident in his past
Kageyama's death
The entirety of the heaven and hell arc. Haruna was almost sacrificed and Rika was almost married off to a demon
Literally everything Garshield does in this season. Blackmailing children, human experimentation, plotting to take over the world, confining The Kingdom's real coach etc.
Daisuke's backstory with Garshield, especially when you consider that he spent forty years in hiding and had to fake his death and let his family and friends think he died for so long because of his altercation with Garshield
And these are just what I can think of at the moment. I'm pretty sure I missed a few things.
The point is, Inazuma Eleven has a lot of dark stuff in it, especially when you stop to think about the stuff the show didn't explicitly point out.
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marmolao · 9 months
For the ask game: 10, 11 and 29 :33333
hewwo getting late to the asks (yes, making a ask game and then going away. thats how it is with me)
i also wanted to ask you things! (im kinda shy)
11.The Genesis or Knights of Queen..... im insane about aliens and about knights....... I also really like the shin teikoku gakuen, because evil (me)
29.ah hm ah right now i was thinking of ratoniik eleven but i dont think you like galaxy. even with that, i really think lance and gareth hate edgar and talk bad about him when he isnt there. Ellos son muy así como doble cara entre sí, en mi pequeño mundo de fantasía. Todo en broma, claro, sólo me da gracia pensarlos así. I dont like Edgar at all too. I like him sometimes.
Thank you for the asks!
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tokytopia · 3 months
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Kept the shin teikoku gakuen hairstyles for the last ones because ain’t no way they got a new cut in the hospital lmao, plus I like them. Didn’t give sakuma his eyepatch either cause Takanashi already saw his eye and in my hc they stay friends after these events
Also younger kidou and sakuma for the kidou fans
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inazumafocus · 6 years
Tag Yourself
Raimon Junior High: broken sneakers, loud laugh, running along the riverbank, a midsummer afternoon, oversized denim jacket, energetic drink, the smell of ramen, scribbled notebooks, crying over sports anime, scratched knees
Teikoku Gakuen: Starbucks to go, gothic architecture, good grades, can play an instrument, rainy days outside a French window, ambitious plans, an organ playing in the background, reads the rules to bend them better, a new velvet sofa, dim light
Occult Junior High: binge shopping of scented candles, closed curtains, flickering lights, an abandoned rail crossing, thrift shop in a dark alley, creepy pasta with cold pizza, bitten nails, a thunderstorm, old horror movies, magazine on cryptids sightings
Nose: would pet all the dogs but also all the cats, feeds animals at the zoo, scent of moss and sandal, sleeps naked, protein bars, dented mountain bike, wide smile and strong hugs, alpine star, picnic in a clearing, the freezing water of a stream
Mikage Sennou: smartphone in hand, illegal streaming, trigonometry’s books, clean sheets, advanced math classes, admin of all the group’s chats, blue neon lights, forever online, has a youtube channel for tech support, late night stream of smr videos of two hours each, eats in plastic containers
Shuuyou Meito: spare glasses, spilled soy sauce, a double copy for everything, probably has a tumblr, full camera cards, stans one idol, anime merchandise, master of tap tap games, broken xbox controller, lacks of sleep, high chance for them to be an artist, painting under nails, “the manga was better”
Sengoku Igajima: purple smoke, dark ink on rice paper, and old tatami, smell of fried octopus, red lanterns moved by the wind, the summer festival, they watched Naruto twice, daily jog up a hill’s staircase, a bit of salt and a wicked grin, on cleaning duty
Senbayama: straw hat, muddy boots, sunscreen lotion, says hello to the birds, carrots snack, dirty overall, green thumb, Tiger addict, can barely boil an egg, blushes too easily, constellations of freckles, fruity chewing-gum, farm boi, could probably lift you and that cow
Kidokawa: wants to be an influencer, not enough followers on Instagram, ray bans and shorts, iced coffee, too many selfies, does stupid challenges, owns a toy dog, make up tutorials, eyeliner always on fleek, hates broccoli, shopping at Lush, cherry scented cocoa butter
Zeus Junior High: ancient studies major, bottle of unspecified clear liquid, the myths and legends section of the library, borrows too many books, greek’s pocket dictionary, yellow highlighter, reads poems out loud, finding shapes in the clouds, smells of spring breeze, final’s anxiety, irregular sleep schedule, skin care
Aliea Academy: star wars vs star trek, “glow in the dark” stars on the bedroom’s ceiling, X-files recorded on cassettes, old fashioned tv, galaxy leggings, holo dr. Martens, fries before guys, will read you, area 51, board and pins for conspiracy theories, ready to be abducted
Shin Teikoku Gakuen: bloody knuckles, leather jacket, skyscrapers, will fight the whole world, stops to scratch kittens, roaming the city at night, banana split, 24/7 mini market, snarky remarks, consumed clothes, dirty walls, sweats and tears, headphones on, cold left overs, anger issues
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cumulonimbus58 · 1 year
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if you hit fudous head with a frying pan will it resound like one of those gongs
anyway happy valentines guys 🥰 like and reblog or i steal your kneecaps :•)
textless vers here
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ubizoide · 1 year
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Banjou Kazumichi, the silent mad dog.
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b-jester · 2 years
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Sakuma went off to smoke.
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