#So I don't know how to format this properly so bear here 🤡
yuu-kumeii · 1 year
Going grocery shopping? Take him with you!
Ah yes...Grocery shopping
So, which one of you actually shops and who wanders off to do their own thing?
With Kuroo, Bokuto, and Hinata
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A little bit of both, will offer to help you with half the groceries but will also go off on his own. But he's also not fully committed to wandering off, so you'll be comparing two different brands of dish soap and out of nowhere this (probably) 7ft man comes and drapes his figure over yours. This probably happens more than once so now you're on a constant lookout for any suspicious bed heads that happen to work for the JVA.
He also never actually got everything on his end, deliberately. It's just so it feels like you are on a 'couple's monthly grocery trip' despite the fact that it's more 'Wife's monthly grocery trip' than a 'couple's one.
"I love grocery shopping together~ makes us feel like REAL couple" Your husband would say, pushing the shopping cart with ease.
"Together is a strong word" You retort, still hung up on the way he didn't even get half the things on his list.
"I still helped with some of the grocery shopping though"
"Testu you bought five different cheeses and didn't even get the milk"
"Cheese is very important for preventing osteoporosis, [Y/N]"
"I'M gonna break YOUR bones Testu"
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He definitely wanders off 5 minutes in. But much like Kuroo, he also doesn't fully commit to wandering off. Also comes back every once in a while, but Kou instead asks you if he could add things that are not in your grocery list. A snack he wants to try? Better ask his wife for permission to even put it in the cart. Hair gel from a different brand because it claims to last longer than the one he usually buys? Gotta ask the woman of the house. The fabric softener you forgot to put on the list? He'll ask if you forgot and gets all giddy when you thank him for remembering.
Bo just likes going out with you to do anything, so he'll try extra hard to make sure he does most of the heavy work. Even if he does end up going elsewhere, he makes sure to make up for it by bringing a little something for you too.
"Baby, what do you think about this? Bokuto would ask you, reffering to the imported snack he's holding.
"Hm? I've never tried it before...you can put it in the cart if you want" You tell him, going back to whatever you were doing.
"What about this?"
"New brand of hair gel? Bo, you don't have to ask me about that" You give a small smile.
"...Then what about this?
"Alright you know what?," You got real close to him, holding his face in both your hands, "You don't have to ask me about everything you want to put in the cart Baby, ok?"
And you give him a short kiss before going on your way to the next isle.
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He's a faithful man, so he definitely stays with you to do the shopping. He insists on doing the heavy lifting so all you have to do is put everything in the cart, he looks so bright and eager to do it for you that you can't find it in your heart to take the cart back. Not only does he help you, he tries to help anyone around. But he always asks if you're ok with him leaving you alone for a bit, to which you always tell him it's fine for him to go and help that elderly woman struggling to get the oatmeal on the highest shelf. He's definitely very popular with the people at the shopping district.
Which is why you should always bring him during any big sale, having Shoyo with you is already a big advantage by itself. His sheer charisma and good nature landed him high on the favorites list amongst the aunties, they absolutely adore him. Meaning he has the help of the veteran ladies at the shopping district to cross off everything on his list. You both saved a lot off money that day....not that you needed to but it's a nice thought.
'Sho, don't forget to get all the ingredients for tomorrow's dinner party!' Your voice would echo in his mind.
"I'm sorry [Y/N], but all the good ingredients were taken..!" Hinata would lament as he stands in front of an empty shelf, that is until he hears his name being called.
"Shoyo, is that you?"
"Huh? Oh! Ms. Nakamura, how are you?"
"Oh I'm doing just fine, you on the other hand..."
"Yeah...You see..." He trails off
After explaining his dilemma, the older woman smiles.
"Well, since you do so much for us ladies here at the district, I reckon it's time we do something for you" Then Ms. Nakamura makes a call to her fellow ladies, giving them the rundown of the situation.
Before he knows it, Shoyo's shopping list has everything crossed off. He thanks the ladies for their immense help and rushes back to you.
"Hm? Shoyo you're ba— what happened?" You turn to see Sho with tears in his eyes, looking like he's ready to cry.
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