#So sorry for the hefty amount of text explaining this. This is something I'm kinda passionate about gbuirebgru
houseofdoodles · 6 months
will we see more voice claim of your mw ocs?
Since you asked nicely. :) Here's everyone's voice claims I got for my OC's in one video!
Sorry I had to post one hefty video and not four separate ones! Tumblr can't let me do that.
Some more details about the voice claims under the read more! Because I love voice claim stuff and I am a rambling mess about it.
ISO is the only character I for sure have one voice claim for as of right now and that's Ashley Johnson. The most spot on comparison is definitely Lake from Infinity Train. Checks off all the right marks from the slight metallic sound in her voice to a lot of personality and characterization bits that I can see in ISO. Picked some extra juicy voice lines in this video that hit almost too hard with how relevant they are to their character. :') Wanted to pick some lines from Pike and Terra too since both of them have lines that I could see ISO saying as well!
I already posted Chopper's voice claim video and a little explanation earlier, but I recently updated it to include one more voice I had in mind! Essentially, Jesse Harnell is perfect for an overall smooth and humorous tone while Lance Henrikson is someone I can see for Chopper if I want him to be more intimidating.
Last one I cannot for the life of me find the name of the voice actor since it's from old video game material (cast is listed, but they don't say who voices who), but I really wanted to include it since this character and his overall theme and voice were someone I looked to for inspiration for Chopper!
Spark L was both tricky and fun for me! Being a pop star meant I also needed to find someone with a singing voice, so her reel is a smidge longer than the other ones here. :')
Nikki Simmons was the first actress that came to mind since her role in NSR is a really nice comparison to both Spark L's bubbly personality and singing voice. Buuuut. Part of me also says this kind of voice is both too on the nose and has too much energy. I wanted roles that sounded more natural in tone so I snagged some voice lines from Brenda Song and Kody Kavitha!
I'm started to lean more and more towards Brenda Song for Spark L since a lot of her sassy and enthusiastic energy are perfect for Spark L! Also I don't have any lines here, but an extra bonus to Brenda Song is her role as London Tipton because a lot of her lines are way too fitting for this girl. :]
Kody Kavitha is another I look to because her fast and peppy performance is also perfect for Spark L's personality!
Claw Jaw's voice situation is REALLY similar to Spark L's. All three voices I picked for him are all tones and deliveries I can picture for him!
Patrick Seitz was a voice claim I had in mind for the longest time when it came to CJ since he's got a really good guttural voice in a lot of his roles. I could have picked many others that he's done, but I went with Bluddflagg since his tone and use of that fun, pirate vocab are nice things to look to for CJ! Like Spark L's first voice though, I was afraid this was too much energy so I looked to two other roles to be on the safe side.
I'm debating whether or not I want to give Claw Jaw an accent, so in case he doesn't (or at least if it isn't as heavy), Clancy Brown is a nice voice to turn to! He's still got the perfect energy and deliveries for CJ when it comes to both a goofy character but also a tough sounding voice.
Grog is a character I really looked at when getting CJ's energy pinpointed, so I had to include Travis Willingham. Like Clancy Brown, a combo of silliness and seriousness is perfect for the guy!
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