#Some dermatologists recommend that taking vitamin A stops the aging process before it starts. Always take prescribed retinoids to maintain
Joyelle Derma Cream : Does This Anti Aging Cream Works? Read
Joyelle Derma Gives You That Elegant Outlook! Hurry Now! It is the quintessential desire of every woman to look elegant and charming, forever. The desire to look attractive and exquisite compels every woman to resort to every kind of skin enhancing supplement or surgery, regardless of the kind of expense or the time involved in these undertakings. As far as enhancing the appearance of the face, and, improving the texture and quality of the skin is concerned, no efforts are spared to achieve the same. However, what is fascinating is the uniformity of claims that are made by the various products and supplements in the name of skin enhancement. One quick glance at their working and its evident, that they spare no efforts in fooling the unsuspecting customer of his time and money. Stash these unworthy and useless products aside. They are out to rob you of your hard earned money. Joyelle Derma is a truly effective and skin enhancing solution that will lend grace and charm to your skin. Don’t just take my word. Experience it!
The Reason Behind The Skin’s Degradation The skin is one of the largest organs of the human body, and also one of the most sensitive. As such, its susceptibility to internal and external damage arising from a host of factors increases manifold. Amongst many other factors, one major factor which plays a major role in the degradation of the texture of the skin is the kind of lifestyle that we routinely follow. The amount of sleep that we get every night to the kind of diet that we follow on a regular basis, largely play a big role in determining the quality of the skin that we possess. Negative habits that form a part of our regular lifestyle such as, smoking, exposing your skin to the exceedingly harmful UV rays, and subjecting your body to undue stress, inevitably cause a drastic deterioration of the skin.
These negative habits inevitably act as a catalyst to premature aging and losing the vitality and youthfulness of the skin. They contain highly damaging chemicals and other nefarious substances that play their part in destroying the skin cells, which only worsen with time. Your only hope to redeem your skin and restore it to its youthful and rejuvenated state is by using this marvelous skin enhancing supplement called Joyelle Derma.
Joyelle Derma – In Brief Who doesn’t want to look beautiful and stay younger for long? To maintain your youthfulness and wrinkle-free skin, there is no product better than Joyelle Derma Revitalizing Moisturizer Skin Care Cream. This is an advanced age-defying formula that is created to eliminate the visible signs of aging from your skin and promotes a healthy anti-aging process. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant in this product that plays a major role in maintaining healthy and resilient skin. It helps to counteract the effects of aging and helps you remain younger and beautiful for a longer time. Available in the form of capsules, this solution quickly gets absorbed into the skin and doesn’t even feel sticky or oily. If you are really serious about getting rid of older and unattractive looking skin, try out this formula as it will never disappoint you.
Why Should You Use Joyelle Derma? There are countless products and methods, which you could purchase and employ to enhance the texture and quality of your skin. Naturally, this begs the question as to why should you give preference to this cream over others? The answer is simple. These various so-called creams and formulas that are found in the market tend to produce results that are largely cosmetic, meaning that they produce only external results on the skin, without enriching it from the inside. The inevitable consequence is that the results that follow are temporary, and last for an extremely short duration of time. And, there is always the added risk of them causing any kind of side effects and harmful consequences. As opposed to these suspicious creams, this marvelous cream called Joyelle Derma works on your skin on a cellular level.
This wonderful cream is laden with an enormous amount of Vitamin C, which is the ultimate ingredient for the enhancement for your skin, and whose benefits for the skin have been universally recognized. No wonder then, that the people who have witnessed tremendous benefits, resulting from the usage of this cream cannot stop themselves from praising this incredible product for hours on end.
Rich in Ingredients Apart from Vitamin C, listed are some of its other active anti-aging ingredients:
Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein Ethylhexyl Palmitate PEG-100 Stearate Glycerin PEG-100 Stearate Hydrolyzed Wheat Starch Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil And many more… Joyelle Derma1
All these ingredients have gone into the making of this product have been meticulously selected from nature. Further, they have undergone rigorous tests and trials before being released to the customers. Resultantly, the question of this amazing cream containing any spurious chemicals and dubious elements simply does not arise. The safety of the customers has been placed as the topmost priority by the manufacturers. You can rest assured regarding the efficacy and safety of this product.
Clinically Approved Results Diminishes the appearance of wrinkles Assures smoother and radiant looking skin Increases the firmness of the skin The Working Behind Joyelle Derma Revitalizing Moisturizer Skin Care Cream is an incredible skin enhancing solution that is loaded with an enormous quantity of Vitamin C, that serves to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin from the inside. It seeks to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin so as to uplift and tone that annoyingly sagging skin. Further, it helps you get rid of those stubborn wrinkles, dark circles and fine lines that threaten to destroy the complexion of your skin. It re-hydrates your skin from the inside, thereby lending it that much coveted moisturized and supple look. It protects your skin from freely occurring radicals that rob your skin of its vigor and leaves it with that tired and weary appearance. Overall, this is the best skin enhancing cream that you can ever come across.
Pros Eliminates wrinkles, dark circles, and fine lines Rehydrates and revitalizes your skin Reverses the aging process Immunizes your skin from further damage by strengthening its cells Cons This product has not been tested and evaluated by the FDA Product in limited stock My Experience With Joyelle Derma Before I came across this outstanding cream, I possess skin that always looked tired and dehydrated. I had deep wrinkles and numerous dark spots that enveloped my face all over. Further, I always looked way older than my age. But, ever since I began using this skin solution, I witnessed a dramatic transformation in my skin. It looked significantly hydrated and rejuvenated. My wrinkles and dark spots had been entirely eliminated, and, it looked like years had been taken off from my face. I am highly satisfied with Joyelle Derma and recommend it to all.
Is There Any Side Effects? To be honest, I have not found any kinds of side effects of using this solution. There are no chemicals or fillers found in this solution that can cause harm or damage to the skin. All the ingredients found in this solution are clinically approved and extremely safe to use. If used according to the right directions, it can do wonders to your skin and enhance your overall look. Besides, do consult your dermatologist before using for safety concerns.
Keep in Mind Keep it out of children’s reach Store it in a cool, dry place Don’t use if your skin allergic Use it as per the right directions If the seal is broken or missing, don’t accept the bottle What People Are Saying? Jenny says that “I was amazed to watch the alluring effect of Joyelle Derma on my skin. Easy to use, it generated results that were really incredible. Whenever I look in the mirror, it gives me smoother and younger looking skin. My horrendous facial lines just began to diminish.”
Chole Morrison says that “My fine lines and wrinkles have started disappearing in just a few days time. This product is a miraculous potion, I must say, it provided me with a supple and younger effect, urging my skin to stay youthful. It made my life more enjoyable than ever.”
Olivia says that “A friend told me about Joyelle Derma and I purchased it to get my beauty unveiled. Should say, it slowed down the aging process. The facial lines just began to disappear, giving me one of the best reasons to look healthy and young.”
How To Order? Joyelle Derma Cream
To order your own bottle of Joyelle Derma, simply visit the website. Fill out the address and payment details, and click on the icon “rush my trial”. It’s only a matter of time before you experience these changes for yourself. Hurry now!
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timclymer · 5 years
My Tryst With Skin Pigmentation
Well, this actually began about 8 months ago. I had slathered balm on my forehead during a severe headache and then completely forgot about it. The next day there was a small dark-grey blemish on the right corner of my forehead. Assuming it to be dry, dead skin I lightly massaged my usual face scrub on the entire face thinking that the exfoliation would shed the dry skin and the mark would heal.
But, this did not happen. On the contrary a few days later the small blotch transformed into a thick, dark grey patch running continuously from one end of my forehead to the other. I was absolutely zapped when I looked at myself in the mirror, in the morning and so was everyone else around me. Family and friends asked all sorts of questions about it and I didn’t have a reply.
At that time I didn’t realise that the mark was caused due to the balm that I had used. Instead, I thought it to be a reaction to the antibiotics I had consumed at that time for an aching wisdom tooth. But, a visit to a dermatologist explained that the mark was spread in that portion of the forehead where the balm had been applied and this skin disorder was called hyper-pigmentation. I had heard of it a lot of times from people around but now I, myself was going through skin pigmentation. It is a condition in which the skin produces too much of the pigment melanin (melanin is responsible for the colour of your skin) and this makes the skin darker than usual.
I was told that if I didn’t take appropriate medication and instant action, the mark could reach the lowest layer of skin and even the bone below the skin. And once it reached the bone, no topical remedy or any other treatment could ever erase it all my life (God forbid!). The last few words really caught my attention and freaked me out. My skin was sensitive and the balm used, as the doctor said could have been a duplicate/ fake one which caused this strange reaction.
I was given names of medicines (vitamin and calcium tablets) to be consumed for 1 ½ month and a kojic cream to be applied daily on the pigmented skin. Application of sunscreen twice a day was a must even when indoors as my skin had become photosynthetic (bulb rays too could cause further harm and delay the healing process). Complete sun protection (from both, UVB and UVA rays) had become crucial since ‘over-exposure to sun rays makes the skin produce more melanin causing the complexion to darken further’. A mild face wash was recommended as part of the ongoing treatment.
As a last resort I was given the options of either Yellow Peel treatment or Laser Therapy (which was quite an expensive affair). Yellow Peel is a facial skin depigmentation treatment which would peel away the damaged upper layer of my skin by application of a mixture of depigmenting agents. Then, the lower layer of skin would be revealed and I would look fine again. This would take a few weeks or months, depending on the case (I was told 4 weeks in my case). Both these treatments, the doctor assured would cure my skin condition a 100 percent.
I was called every 4 weeks by the doctor because as she had explained, “The skin has two layers; the upper layer (the epidermis) and the lower layer (the dermis). The cells of the upper layer are gradually shed and the lower layer emerges above, replacing the epidermis. This cycle takes around 28 days”. Therefore, the visit every 4 weeks was crucial in order to monitor the exact stage of recovery. I kept delaying the Yellow Peel treatment every time I met her as I was afraid that it could have side effects. So, instead the creams were changed and I was prescribed another fairness cream to be used along with the kojic cream the next month. I followed her instructions to the T.
I’d noticed while walking on the road that people would give me weird, pitying glances. I guess they must be thinking, “Poor girl, she’s so young and is suffering from a severe skin disease”. I wish I could explain what had really happened to me. Some friends and well wishers advised applying stuff like raw milk and Aloe Vera gel on the pigmented area which I promptly did with very little progress.
Then, I thought of surfing the net in my free time and looking for natural remedies on pigmentation that could be followed whilst following the doctors’ treatment too. I fed, ‘Natural remedies for skin pigmentation’ and search engines piled up a list of sites mentioning information on why pigmentation occurs and also how the damage could be solved in a natural way using fruits, veggies and herbs.
I got remedies like cucumber juice, lime juice, papaya pulp, tomato juice, gram flour and water paste, coriander paste, mint paste, neem paste, fullers’ earth paste, sandalwood paste, fresh curd, the list was endless. All of these had to be left on the pigmented patch for about 10 -15 minutes before washing off with water. I followed them, mostly trying out any one remedy day after day. I even soaked orange peels in water and splashed it daily.
Since none of the home remedies would cause side effects I would comfortably slather the fruit juices etc. all over my face and not restrict it to the pigmented patch only. Slowly it was turning out to be fun because while trying out all of these one by one I had realised that the quality of my skin had really improved. Disregarding the dark, pigmented patch, my skin had now become soft, supple, glowing and fairer. My cheeks had become a blushing pink in colour. It wasn’t heavy on my pockets too since such fruits and vegetables are always present in our kitchen. For e.g., I would always keep away a small piece of papaya or a slice of tomato to be mashed and applied on my skin once I’d be done with the household chores. In fact, once a friend asked if the reason for the glow on my face was because I was basking in love and that felt really nice.
The last cream that I was prescribed was Triglow and the skin doctor said that it was the most effective cream in the world to cure pigmentation. It was helpful indeed. I noticed a drastic lightening in the pigmentation after using it for a few days itself. But the whole point was that I wanted it to heal completely so that I looked my normal self again which would take some more time. The repeated trips to the doctor were getting on my nerves now and I decided to stop visiting her and continue with her last prescription and the natural remedies till the pigmentation is healed.
A small, hazy patch yet remains on my forehead but is lessening at a rather slow pace. One thing I realised while going through this entire distress is that there’s nothing better than our age old, natural remedies for our problems. Of course, major illnesses do require immediate and long term medication, under the doctors’ guidance. That’s how I too started out. But if we take a deeper interest in such natural and herbal cures we can live a better, healthier and a more fruitful life. The only issue is time; we are all short on time and we do not have the patience to wait for our problems to solve in this manner, at a slow pace.
Source by Arwa Manasawala
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/my-tryst-with-skin-pigmentation/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/185138739235 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
My Tryst With Skin Pigmentation
Well, this actually began about 8 months ago. I had slathered balm on my forehead during a severe headache and then completely forgot about it. The next day there was a small dark-grey blemish on the right corner of my forehead. Assuming it to be dry, dead skin I lightly massaged my usual face scrub on the entire face thinking that the exfoliation would shed the dry skin and the mark would heal.
But, this did not happen. On the contrary a few days later the small blotch transformed into a thick, dark grey patch running continuously from one end of my forehead to the other. I was absolutely zapped when I looked at myself in the mirror, in the morning and so was everyone else around me. Family and friends asked all sorts of questions about it and I didn’t have a reply.
At that time I didn’t realise that the mark was caused due to the balm that I had used. Instead, I thought it to be a reaction to the antibiotics I had consumed at that time for an aching wisdom tooth. But, a visit to a dermatologist explained that the mark was spread in that portion of the forehead where the balm had been applied and this skin disorder was called hyper-pigmentation. I had heard of it a lot of times from people around but now I, myself was going through skin pigmentation. It is a condition in which the skin produces too much of the pigment melanin (melanin is responsible for the colour of your skin) and this makes the skin darker than usual.
I was told that if I didn’t take appropriate medication and instant action, the mark could reach the lowest layer of skin and even the bone below the skin. And once it reached the bone, no topical remedy or any other treatment could ever erase it all my life (God forbid!). The last few words really caught my attention and freaked me out. My skin was sensitive and the balm used, as the doctor said could have been a duplicate/ fake one which caused this strange reaction.
I was given names of medicines (vitamin and calcium tablets) to be consumed for 1 ½ month and a kojic cream to be applied daily on the pigmented skin. Application of sunscreen twice a day was a must even when indoors as my skin had become photosynthetic (bulb rays too could cause further harm and delay the healing process). Complete sun protection (from both, UVB and UVA rays) had become crucial since ‘over-exposure to sun rays makes the skin produce more melanin causing the complexion to darken further’. A mild face wash was recommended as part of the ongoing treatment.
As a last resort I was given the options of either Yellow Peel treatment or Laser Therapy (which was quite an expensive affair). Yellow Peel is a facial skin depigmentation treatment which would peel away the damaged upper layer of my skin by application of a mixture of depigmenting agents. Then, the lower layer of skin would be revealed and I would look fine again. This would take a few weeks or months, depending on the case (I was told 4 weeks in my case). Both these treatments, the doctor assured would cure my skin condition a 100 percent.
I was called every 4 weeks by the doctor because as she had explained, “The skin has two layers; the upper layer (the epidermis) and the lower layer (the dermis). The cells of the upper layer are gradually shed and the lower layer emerges above, replacing the epidermis. This cycle takes around 28 days”. Therefore, the visit every 4 weeks was crucial in order to monitor the exact stage of recovery. I kept delaying the Yellow Peel treatment every time I met her as I was afraid that it could have side effects. So, instead the creams were changed and I was prescribed another fairness cream to be used along with the kojic cream the next month. I followed her instructions to the T.
I’d noticed while walking on the road that people would give me weird, pitying glances. I guess they must be thinking, “Poor girl, she’s so young and is suffering from a severe skin disease”. I wish I could explain what had really happened to me. Some friends and well wishers advised applying stuff like raw milk and Aloe Vera gel on the pigmented area which I promptly did with very little progress.
Then, I thought of surfing the net in my free time and looking for natural remedies on pigmentation that could be followed whilst following the doctors’ treatment too. I fed, ‘Natural remedies for skin pigmentation’ and search engines piled up a list of sites mentioning information on why pigmentation occurs and also how the damage could be solved in a natural way using fruits, veggies and herbs.
I got remedies like cucumber juice, lime juice, papaya pulp, tomato juice, gram flour and water paste, coriander paste, mint paste, neem paste, fullers’ earth paste, sandalwood paste, fresh curd, the list was endless. All of these had to be left on the pigmented patch for about 10 -15 minutes before washing off with water. I followed them, mostly trying out any one remedy day after day. I even soaked orange peels in water and splashed it daily.
Since none of the home remedies would cause side effects I would comfortably slather the fruit juices etc. all over my face and not restrict it to the pigmented patch only. Slowly it was turning out to be fun because while trying out all of these one by one I had realised that the quality of my skin had really improved. Disregarding the dark, pigmented patch, my skin had now become soft, supple, glowing and fairer. My cheeks had become a blushing pink in colour. It wasn’t heavy on my pockets too since such fruits and vegetables are always present in our kitchen. For e.g., I would always keep away a small piece of papaya or a slice of tomato to be mashed and applied on my skin once I’d be done with the household chores. In fact, once a friend asked if the reason for the glow on my face was because I was basking in love and that felt really nice.
The last cream that I was prescribed was Triglow and the skin doctor said that it was the most effective cream in the world to cure pigmentation. It was helpful indeed. I noticed a drastic lightening in the pigmentation after using it for a few days itself. But the whole point was that I wanted it to heal completely so that I looked my normal self again which would take some more time. The repeated trips to the doctor were getting on my nerves now and I decided to stop visiting her and continue with her last prescription and the natural remedies till the pigmentation is healed.
A small, hazy patch yet remains on my forehead but is lessening at a rather slow pace. One thing I realised while going through this entire distress is that there’s nothing better than our age old, natural remedies for our problems. Of course, major illnesses do require immediate and long term medication, under the doctors’ guidance. That’s how I too started out. But if we take a deeper interest in such natural and herbal cures we can live a better, healthier and a more fruitful life. The only issue is time; we are all short on time and we do not have the patience to wait for our problems to solve in this manner, at a slow pace.
Source by Arwa Manasawala
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/my-tryst-with-skin-pigmentation/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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skinweareinblog · 6 years
Beginner’s Guide to Freckle Removal Creams
It seems that over the past few years freckles have grown from being considered a flaw to becoming an ultimate trend. With plenty of tutorials on how to create faux freckles and even special face masks that help you get them, it is clear that today more and more people want to achieve that sun-kissed look. These people are oftentimes somewhat jealous of those who are blessed with natural freckles that require no effort.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean that so-called sunspots are always desirable by the redheads, the fair-skinned and others susceptible to freckles. If you can relate to this and know exactly what you want to look like without being influenced by trends, this article will definitely help you.
∼ The most effective freckle removal creams ∼
  Freckles are basically caused by sun exposure. Affected by the ultra-violet light, skin cells rapidly produce melanin, which in a way serves to protect our body from the sun damage. So obviously, avoiding direct sunlight or using sunscreen regularly can prevent the appearance of the dark spots.
There are also numerous ways to get rid of freckles once you already have them.
They vary from simple remedies to rather costly laser treatments. Here we will focus on ready-to-use products that are designed specifically for this purpose. We believe that the best approach is not to look for magical extracts but to stick to reliable and somewhat ‘boring’ ingredients: hydroquinone, retinoids, niacinamide, hydroxy acids and so on. This is what we were motivated by while comprising or list.
  Clinique ‘Even Better’ Clinical Dark Spot Corrector
Buy from Amazon at the price of $50
Yes, we deliberately started off with one of the most recognizable skincare brands out there. Products from Clinique have repeatedly proven to be able to deal with various skin conditions, and discoloration is no exception.
It contains no hydroquinone and relies mostly on plant-based ingredients, including turmeric extract and mulberry root. There is also vitamin E that will help replenish your skin.
The instructions advice to use the corrector twice a day. Although it is claimed to be safe to use for over a year, you might see the reduction of dark spots in several months.
  Porcelain Skin Whitening Serum
Buy from Amazon at the price of $28
If you and your skin are fed up with harsh chemicals that cause irritation, whether it is parabens, sulfates or other nasty stuff, Porcelain Skin Whitening Serum is the right choice for you.
Aside from natural botanicals, it has powerful active components, which are kojic acid and hydroquinone. They will make sure to stop the enzymes and amino acids from triggering too much melanin.
Glycolic acid will make your skin feel fresh and revived by removing dead skin, and licorice is the key ingredient that serves as a protection from redness and burning sensation.
  Paula’s Choice RESIST Triple-Action Dark Spot Eraser 2% BHA Gel
Buy from Amazon at the price of $29
Our favorite thing about this product and the entire Paula’s Choice line is that it’s safe not only for you, but for the animals, meaning it’s absolutely cruelty-free.
One of its active ingredients is 2% hydroquinone, a staple in skin discoloration treatment that will inhibit melanin pathway. And in order for that to be absorbed deeply into the skin, the eraser contains salicylic acid. It is known for pore-tightening and soothing properties that will even out your skin texture.
But antioxidants is the thing that really takes this gel to the next level. Not only you will have lighter and smoother skin, but you will also enjoy all benefits of anti-aging formula that will give you the glow from within.
  Admire My Skin 2% Hydroquinone Dark Spot Corrector
Buy from Amazon at the price of $23
This dark spot corrector’s effectiveness is equal to the products that require a prescription. It is so potent, that manufacturers recommend using it in cycles. That is to say, you have to make a 30-day break after continuous 60-day use.
There are much more active ingredients than in other products. The combination of both kojic acid and hydroquinone alone is enough to be convinced in that.
Containing azelaic acid, vitamin C and lactic acid, it will fade the freckles and make your skin squeaky clean (in a good way, of course).
  Organys Skin Brightening Cream
Buy from Amazon at the price of $16
The name of the brand speaks for itself – the company uses predominantly botanical ingredients that cause no irritation and damage. Apart from jojoba seed oil and yeast proteins, it has effective and non-toxic alpha arbutin that is turned into already familiar hydroquinone during the synthesis.
On the off chance you are not satisfied with this brightening cream, the company offers every customer full refund, so there’s totally nothing to lose, only to gain.
  Nadinola Skin Bleach for Dry Skin
Buy from Amazon  at the price of $19
Nadinola skin discoloration fade cream is suitable for people with dry skin. But if you have sensitive skin, you might want to opt for some other product, as this one does contain mineral oil and parabens.
Yet this fact is fully compensated by the cream’s ability to fight discoloration and excessive melanin production. The hydroquinone is paired with octyl salicylate that is the frequent component of sunscreens. If you use it daily, the positive change won’t be long in coming.
  Nadinola Skin Bleach for Oily Skin
Buy from Amazon at the price of $18
Nadinola has an alternative for oily skin, too. Here the properties of hydroquinone are enhanced with citric acid and 3% octisalate which provides your body with sun protection.
According to multiple reviews, this fade cream controls shine and leaves the skin silky smooth. Some people even like it a moisturizer, which, contrary to popular belief, oily skin is often in desperate need of!
  Murad Rapid Age Spot and Pigment Lightening Serum
Buy from Amazon at the price of $19
This lightening serum is a combination of two powerful ingredients that will brighten and gently exfoliate your skin: hydroquinone (2%) and glycolic acid. The latter accelerates the cell revitalization that causes dark spots to fade faster.
On top of that, it has components that boost the production of collagen, leaving your skin nourished and firmed up. That doesn’t mean that you should exclude sunscreen from your routine. On the contrary, using it additionally will only secure the results.
  ∼ Components that deal with freckles and hyperpigmentation ∼
  Before choosing a particular freckle removal cream, it’s nice to get some background knowledge to look into the components that actually do the trick. This information will make you armed to the teeth, you will be able to analyze the formulas and ingredient lists yourself and pick what is right for you even outside this list.
Hydroquinone blocks the key enzyme that is in charge of triggering melanin (pigment). It is one of the most effective components for skin bleaching and is often found in lightening products. However, the concentration of it has to be very low or else it will bring more harm than good. Bear in mind that it needs to be kept away from air and sunlight, stored in a tight container.
If you want something more stable and natural, take a look at kojic acid. It is a chemical substance derived from various fungi and a by-product of fermented soy sauce and rice wine. Its bleaching function is explained by its ability to prevent the production of tyrosine, the amino acid that takes part in the synthesis of melanin.
Another component that is beneficial when it comes to skin lightening is arbutin. It can be found in a lot of plants such as mulberry, whortleberry and madder, which makes the perfect option for organic skincare lovers.
To speed up the process of removing old darker skin cells to give way to new lighter ones, you need to incorporate gentle chemical peels. Stay away from harsh scrubs that will only irritate or skin and use salicylic or glycolic acid that will also help the active components absorb better into the skin.
  It won’t happen overnight 
When you decide to begin your freckle removal journey, you should realize that it is not a quick process. It might have taken years for the hyperpigmentation to show on our face and body as a result of ultra-violet exposure, so don’t expect it to go away by the wave of the hand.
Lightening creams can no doubt be helpful, but only if you are patient and use them for at least a month. Besides, they have to contain active ingredients that speed up cell revitalization, or else you will just stop getting new freckles but not remove the old ones completely.
The good news is, if you haven’t noticed a slightest change after more than a month, most companies are happy to give you a refund.
And if you are really eager to get rid of freckles or melasma as quickly as possible, consider other treatments, but only after consulting with dermatologist.
  Use your cream responsibly 
Hydroquinone, despite its effectiveness, have often been regarded as a rather controversial and even toxic product. But its properties depend on the derivation technology, which has already been improved.
It goes without saying that, as with any other product, you have to first test the cream on a small area and wait for a few minutes to see if there is no allergic reaction. Some people, however, experience mild itchiness and reddening that goes away shortly.
Avoid sensitive areas, such as lips, nostrils and near the eyes and don’t combine hydroquinone with anything containing peroxide, as it will only give you the opposite result, that is, make your skin even darker.
Whitening cream should be the second step in your skincare routine after cleansing. Then it can be followed by toning, moisturizing and whatever you use to treat your skin.
First thing you need to remember is that your beauty comes from within. And if freckles happen to be that one thing that clashes with your perception of yourself, there is always a way to fix it. With freckle removal creams, it may take time for you to see a result, but it’s definitely worth it.
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mohamadpros · 7 years
Things You Can Start Doing Now to Look Younger
How to Look Younger Starting Today With These Easy Steps
When it comes to how old you are, age is really just a number. A study published in December 2013 in Population and Development Review found that there are a lot more factors that should go into determining age than how long you’ve been alive.
But what if you have early wrinkles or years of sun damage have resulted in thick, older-looking skin? How can you resolve this to make your face soft and look younger again?
Dermatologists from the American Academy of Dermatology recommend starting with one skin-care product at a time. Test it on your forearm a few days before applying to your face. If any product stings or burns, stop using it immediately. Also, be sure to follow the instructions on the product and avoid overuse. Consistently using a product as recommended may lead to younger-looking skin, so give it time to work.
Many different ingredients are touted to make you look younger. But buyer beware. Only choose products with ingredients that have been shown to make your face soft and younger looking. For instance, retinol is a vitamin A compound and the first antioxidant to be extensively used in nonprescription wrinkle creams. Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, helps protect skin from sun damage. Green tea is used in skin-care products because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
According to Mayo Clinic, when looking for wrinkle creams, look for the following ingredients, which are filled with antioxidants, alpha hydroxy acids, and anti-inflammatories that will improve the appearance of wrinkles:
Coenzyme Q10
Grape-seed extract
Hydroxy acids 
Tea extracts
Vitamin C 
The most proven way to look younger is to avoid the sun. The sun is not your friend. Exposure to the sun’s UV rays is the primary reason for skin aging. Take tanning off your to-do list if you want younger-looking skin. Repeated tanning leads to early wrinkles, dark age spots, and even skin cancer as UV rays speed up the aging process and cause thick, damaged skin. In fact, sun exposure is the No. 1 reason for early signs of aging in the skin, including redness and uneven pigmentation.
Protect your hair and skin — and prevent future wrinkles — by always wearing protective clothing, sunglasses, and a hat. Also, use sunscreen on your face every day — even days when its cloudy or cold outside — before going outdoors. Prevention of wrinkles is a much easier way to look young than spending hours at a cosmetic surgeon’s office.
Don’t smoke as it causes damage to the collagen and elastin, weakening the skin and resulting in sags and bags. Women who smoke at a young age will notice sagging skin and premature wrinkles long before their nonsmoking peers.
There are plenty of super-simple things you can do to keep your complexion healthy and have younger-looking skin regardless of what birthday you most recently celebrated. Andrea Robinson, the former head of beauty for Ralph Lauren and Tom Ford and the author of Toss the Gloss: Beauty Tips, Tricks, and Truths for Women 50+, shares her insider knowledge on what anti-aging products really work, makeup tips that are guaranteed to make you look younger, and more.
For Younger-Looking Skin, Use the Right Skin-Care Products
When shopping for skin-care products, there are three powerful ingredients you should look for to maintain younger-looking skin, says Robinson. One, check the label for a serum containing antioxidants like vitamin C (Robinson likes Elizabeth Arden Prevage Anti-Aging Daily Serum), which will help brighten your skin. Two, add retinoids, which increase cell turnover and stimulate collagen renewal, to your routine. And three, start using an alpha hydroxy acid exfoliator to remove the top layer of dead skin cells (Robinson is a fan of Peter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle Peel Pads, which are gentle enough to be used daily). Use these three products as directed on the label to make your face soft and look younger.
Wear SPF Every Day for a Young Face
Whether it’s humid and 90 degrees outside or chilly and rainy, sunscreen is a must to look younger no matter what. So add it to your daily routine if you haven’t already, since sun damage not only causes wrinkles but can leave you vulnerable to skin cancer. “Use at least an SPF 30, but don’t waste your money on anything higher than SPF 50 since there is little evidence that higher SPFs provide more protective benefits,” Robinson says. Try Paula’s Choice Moisture Boost Daily Restoring Complex SPF 30, which is packed with vitamins and moisturizes dry skin, helping to make your face soft.
To Look Younger, Take It Easy on the Foundation
“Heavy foundation tends to settle on the rough patches or into the lines of the face,” Robinson says. “What is needed as we age is a good transparent moisturizing foundation or tinted moisturizer. Avoid anything with a powder base.” For younger-looking skin, Robinson recommends Philosophy Hope in a Jar Hydrating Foundation, which provides light to medium coverage. She also suggests using a primer before applying foundation. “A primer makes your foundation roll on more smoothly, filling in lines and pores; minimizes dark circles; and makes all makeup last,” she says.
Fake a Healthy Glow for Young-Looking Skin
There is one easy way to get some color safely and look younger: Use a gradual self-tanner. “Nothing beats a little healthy glow on the body and face at this stage in life,” Robinson says. “With a gradual build, you’ll see minimal streaking, blotchiness, and buildup on the ankles, soles of the feet, and knuckles.” On your face, use a cream blush to perk up your complexion and make it look younger. “It blends more easily over rough patches or lines,” Robinson says. “Apply in a circular motion with your finger and blend the edges.” She likes Laura Mercier Crème Cheek Color in Praline, a neutral brown.
Alia Khoder. 
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
I’ve Been Testing Glossier’s New “Skin Perfector” For a Month
I’ve Been Testing Glossier’s New “Skin Perfector” For a Month
When a Glossier rep emailed me in December asking if I’d like to try the brand’s first and forthcoming exfoliating skincare product, Solution, I tripped over my fingers to type yes. In hindsight, my enthusiasm is a bit mystifying, as I wasn’t in need of a new exfoliator, nor did I have any particular brand loyalty to Glossier (I only owned one product, a blush). Turns out I am not immune to the brand’s captivating, wet-looking subway ads, at which I’ve probably stared long enough to consider myself an expert. Still, introducing an unreleased product into a skincare routine that was giving me great results after a year of skin troubles seemed a potentially unwise pursuit. What could Solution offer me if I had nothing I was looking to “fix”? I settled for the obvious, most enticing answer: subway ad-levels of SHINE.
Never said I wasn’t a sucker.
Speaking of being a millennial, when the bottle arrived, all satisfyingly chunky and padded in baby pink plastic, I noted how playful it looked compared to my current chemical exfoliator, a BHA lotion by Paula’s Choice. As someone who both loves colorful, trendy packaging and is easily fooled into believing products with colorless, academic-looking packaging work better, I was torn as to which I found more appealing. But as I read and compared the two bottles further — noting differences such as 10% AHA/BHA/PHA (Glossier) versus 2% BHA (Paula’s Choice) — I realized I didn’t know what the hell any of it actually meant.
If you’re in the same camp, here’s a quick exfoliation 101, care of an expert. (If you’re not, you can skip to the review.)
Do I actually need to exfoliate my skin, or is it purely an aesthetic-driven practice?
It’s a little bit of both.
“The purpose of exfoliation is to remove the upper layer of dead skin cells resulting in a brighter, more even complexion, potentially with reduced congestion or blackheads,” Dr. Anjali Mahto tells me. She’s a board-certified dermatologist based in London, a spokesperson for the British Skin Foundation and author of The Skincare Bible (out in April). “Exfoliation is of particular value for people with certain skin types — in particular for individuals with oily or blemish-prone skin, or concerns about anti-aging and pigmentation.”
But, as noted by Kelly Bickle, MD, a Los Angeles-based dermatologist, “[Cells] will all turn over eventually; [exfoliation] is just a matter of speeding up the process.” As we age, that natural turnover process slows down, and exfoliation becomes increasingly useful.
What’s the difference between physical and chemical exfoliation?
“Physical exfoliation, as its name suggests, involves physically removing dead skin cells,” says Dr. Mahto. “This can be done with mechanical cleansing brushes, grains, and scrubs.” She warns that harsher scrubs with larger particles should be handled with care, though, if at all, as they can “cause micro-injuries or small tears to the skin if used too vigorously.”
“Chemical exfoliation uses chemicals to improve skin cell turnover to exfoliate the skin,” she continues. “They are generally acidic in nature, and those used most commonly in skincare are the alpha and beta hydroxy acids (AHAs and BHAs).”
She notes that common AHAs include glycolic and lactic acid, which are water-soluble molecules that act on the skin’s surface, and which can be helpful for normal to oily skin types. For dry skin, she says AHAs can work too — but should be used in lower concentrations. “BHAs, such as salicylic acid, on the other hand, are oil-soluble and act on both the skin surface and within the pore. They are better for those with oily or blemish-prone skin.”
Does it help to switch up my exfoliation products now and then?
Dr. Mahto says there is no reason to change up a routine that’s working, however, “many people find that their skin can get used to products containing glycolic acid and it is reasonable to increase the concentration of glycolic acid containing products as tolerated.” She suggests seeing a dermatologist for a more personal assessment. Beyond glycolic acid tolerance, changes in the weather can also change the effectiveness of a skincare routine. “Dry skin is much more common in the winter months and for some, reducing the frequency of exfoliation, or using milder products (with lower concentrations of AHAs or BHAs) may be necessary.”
So how often should I be exfoliating, generally?
“Gentle exfoliation can be carried out several times a week provided there is no problem with dryness, sensitive skin or inflammatory skin disorders such as eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis,” she says, noting it is not an exact science and that the easiest barometer is common sense: stop if your skin doesn’t like it, continue if it does. “Exfoliation is a useful part of regular skincare but it is not suitable for everyone. Those with sensitive skin or underlying dry skin diseases are much more susceptible to developing problems such as excessive dryness, irritation and peeling, so caution is required.”
I was relieved to learn I hadn’t been exfoliating wrong all along, and that the “as long as it feels okay” method, a.k.a. my favorite lazy skincare approach, comes dermatologist recommended! To that end, nothing about my skin was causing me particular trouble when I set out to try Solution — it all felt okay — so I had no idea what to look for in terms of improvement.
According to a Glossier product developer, Solution, which is out and available for purchase starting today, was developed to be a “comprehensive treatment that works for all skin types and concerns.” That meant using more than one type of acid in its formulation. Solution contains AHAs, BHAs and PHAs (a gentler form of AHA). “AHAs break the water bonds attaching dead skin cells to skin, and BHAs break down oil and sebum, which also adhere dead skin cells to healthy skin.” Together, these acids are meant to improve skin texture and tone and tackle acne and blackheads, all at once. A tall order!
The development team also added soothing ingredients like pure aloe, glycerin and niacinamide (a vitamin) to balance the occasionally harsh or bad smell of acids. I can confirm: It smells pretty good, but contains just the right amount of kick to make you think it’s working, you know? It’s also very thin — a full liquid, which I wasn’t expecting given my past chemical exfoliants have had a creamier texture. (The bottle has a press-dispenser, so I didn’t have to pour it on a cotton pad.)
Late December, I slotted in Solution between cleansing and moisturizing. (For the curious: I’m currently double-cleansing with micellar water by Bioderma and a cleanser by Panacea Skincare, and moisturizing with a serum by True Botanicals, a facial oil by Drunk Elephant and a moisturizer by Paula’s Choice). I wasn’t even looking for changes in my skin when I noticed, a week in, that my skin was insanely soft. Like, literally baby soft. It was so unexpected that it took me a day or two to connect it to Solution. I didn’t start the regimen thinking my skin texture was rough, but I ended up realizing it was.
I wish this result lent itself better to photographic evidence, but trust me when I say everyone who has either purposely or inadvertently touched my face recently has commented on its softness, unprompted. For posterity, here is a largely unhelpful before-and-after, taken at bedtimes a month apart.
The main aesthetic difference is my skin, in a general sense, looks more “scrubbed,” for lack of a better word, taking on the reflectiveness of a nail that’s just been buffed. I’ve always been after this version of “shine,” but didn’t quite know how to achieve it short of gobbing on layers of moisturizer, only to be disappointed when it inevitably soaked in. I think this is a difference you mainly notice in person.
Still, it’s all been fairly subtle. I remain a fan of my old routine — Paula’s Choice included — but I may be a convert for the higher percentages and combinations of acids that Solution offers. Per Dr. Mahto’s point about skin adjusting to glycolic acid, they may have been the uptick my normal-type skin needed to go from looking healthy to feeling healthy, too.
If your skin is in need of a similar kick, below are some exfoliator recommendations from some of my most skin-obsessed colleagues. Share yours in the comments, too.
Photos by Edith Young. 
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antiagingsol-blog · 7 years
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Older, Wiser And More Wonderful: Interesting Advice On Getting Older
Unfortunately getting older is a part of life that everyone must deal with. If you want to learn how to approach getting older with more grace, you will want to read this article. In fact, the article will teach you how to avoid certain aspects of getting older and how to influence the rate at which you age.
Avoid wrinkles by not frowning. It may seem a little silly, but it's true. So if you feel yourself doing it, pinch yourself to stop. You can eventually break the habit.
One of the most important things to remember when getting older is to not focus on any numbers. It is simple to focus on your age, especially as it increases, or even worse the amount you weigh. While it's important to know your weight to keep in control, it's more important to focus on how you feel and not what preconceived notions tell you a person your age should feel like. Let your physician focus on these things. Spend your energy focusing on other things.
Put less emphasis on the little things. A good doctor will let you know when you need to take action to improve your health. The moment you start focusing on these three things is the moment that you will start obsessing over them and missing out on the fun parts of life that are aimed at keeping you feeling young.
Be sure that you are getting enough sleep for your age. Sleeping seven or nine hours can both relax you and help you retain a healthy hormonal balance. Not getting enough sleep leads to irritability and difficulty in finding joy in your everyday life.
Exercising is especially important as you age. As your body ages, it needs more activity to keep itself strong and malleable. Take a thirty minute walk during the weekdays. Do some strength exercises as well, preferably twice per week. This keeps your body healthy and fit, and helps you avoid other age related problems.
Make sure to care for your eyes as you age. It is natural to experience decreased visual acuity as you age, but by seeing an eye doctor on a regular basis, you can prevent any serious problems.
Don't hang around with friends who are always in a bad mood. There have been studies that have proved laughter and smiles can keep you looking young. Therefore, you should spend time with people who bring you joy and laughter, not with people who make you unhappy.
Eating excessive amounts of sugar over the course of your life can drastically reduce your lifespan. Sugar cuts down your lifespan, and it is one of the direct causes of getting older. Scientific studies have revealed that sugar has a detrimental impact on the life of every living animal.
Be sure to eat properly. The majority of what you eat should be plant based. When you eat well, you will have plenty of energy to face the day. You will be healthier in body and mind.
One simple way to reduce your risk of heart disease is to eat less red meat and start eating more fish. There are many unhealthy fats in red meat that can contribute to clogging of the arteries, and this can result in heart disease, as well as other illnesses. Fish is known to have the opposite affect. So, to help you live a better and longer life, you may want to eat fewer meals containing red meat, and replace those with fish.
Take care and wear well-supported shoes to avoid falling down. Falls can cause damage to your body which sometimes cannot be repaired. They are especially dangerous when a senior is involved. To maintain your mental and physical fitness, as well as your balance, try to walk three times a week, 30 minutes each time. Also try doing some light strength training exercises, and get plenty of vitamin D and calcium to keep your bones strong.
Get your blood pressure checked regularly. Your body may give you no warning that your blood pressure is high. As you age, your cardiovascular system will unfortunately start to deteriorate, and closely monitoring your blood pressure becomes even more important. With regular checkups, you can find any problems with your blood pressure before it becomes a severe problem.
It's pretty normal to add pounds as people get older. When you have a lower total weight, you have a lower chance of problems like strokes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer. You can stay at an appropriate weight by eating healthy and getting a decent amount of physical activity.
It is totally understandable to plan for the earliest retirement you can manage, but you need to reserve a savings cushion for your possible medical needs. But it's wise to also plan for future health issues.
Avocado oil has shown to have positive anti-aging effects on your skin. Avocado oil penetrates deeply to moisturize and tone stressed skin. Its high level of sterolins have been shown to minimize age spots.
There comes a point in time in your life where it is not a good idea to live alone. It is the best policy to sit down and talk to people that care about you about what your options are. If staying with family isn't an option, there are many choices in care facilities for seniors. If you are perfectly fine to live by yourself but it gets lonely, there are entire communities that exist for people like you.
Consider hormone replacement when you get older. As you age, your hormone levels can fluctuate drastically. This can lead to unpleasant side effects, such as decreased energy, endurance and libido. If you are really suffering from this, your doctor can give you a hormonal treatment if it is deemed necessary.
Many people have a difficult time understanding getting older or realizing they are getting older. The advice in this article will help you come to terms with your aging. They will also help you to get a firm grasp on your personal growing older process, so that you might feel in control of it.
Read more here Anti aging facial treatment
[Music] how to prevent crow's feet wrinkles especially on the face can make anyone look older than they really are when it comes to preventing fine lines and crows feet start as soon as you can among the various wrinkles that form on the face crow's feet often appear the earliest this is because the skin around the eyes is one of the thinnest and most sensitive and it also has the least amount of collagen and elastin compounds that aid in firmness and Tottenham's knowing how to prevent crow's feet can help keep your face looking young and fresh without the aid of any artificial pumpers or Botox injections later in life here are a number of tips to thwart the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes one always use sunscreen though this often appears in skin care guides many people do not actually dab them on every day and when they do they often neglect the area around the eye yet the fact remains that sun exposure is the number one cause of skin aging manifesting as wrinkles from spots and crows feet start protecting your skin today by patting on some sunscreen with at least SPF 15 better yet try a moisturizing cream with sunscreen for a more convenient morning regimen sunscreen also helps protect against skin cancer so it is unarguably good for skin health to wear sunglasses aside from making me look chic and cool sunglasses actually help ward away those dreaded growth beans choose ones with UV protection and wide lenses to safeguard drive from below your eyebrows to your eye bag and the sensitive skin is the size of my eyes additionally you can Don wide-brimmed hats for extra sun protection 3 take breaks from your screen if you work at a computer screen for hours each day your eyes at the brightness can cause eye fatigue making you occasionally squint and more prone to getting crow's feet take short breaks to look at something else consider gently massaging your eyes and the surrounding area as well even three to five minute breaks can add up to prevent crow's feet and I fatigue for ask your dermatologist about peptides these protein chain particles try to mimic collagen their presence actually stimulates the skin to produce more collagen so using a peptide cream daily can essentially boost protection and make your skin look firmer this works amazingly for crow's feet as well choose one with a good formulation that allows efficient absorption of these peptides you can ask your dermatologist for some recommendation five stop smoking if you smoke but care about your skin stop the habit right now or make plans to quit over time smoking makes you age more rapidly nicotine the chemical and cigarettes restricts blood flow to your skin thus decreasing levels of much needed oxygen and nutrients moreover chemicals and cigarette smoke injure the collagen and elastin that keep skin firm because of this smokers are more prone to premature aging and skin wrinkling talk to your physician or ask help from a health care professional if you find it difficult to stop smoking six don't forget to moisturize an eye cream that provides maximum hydration for your skin can greatly help in preventing wrinkles and crow's feet when skin cells has adequate moisture they resist sagging better thereby making the appearance of wrinkles and crow's feet less noticeable look for creams that contain hyaluronic acid honey and other moisturizing ingredients these tips on how to prevent crow's feet can help you shift your skincare regimen to one that takes good care of even the skin around your eyes if you want young looking wrinkle free skin start making changes now [Music]
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geniuszone-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Geniuszone
New Post has been published on https://geniuszone.biz/the-maharishi-ayurveda-approach-to-beauty-and-skin-care/
The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Beauty and Skin Care
“Every character is born best. Inferiority is a mistake of the mind, a cloud covering the mild. Dissolve the clouds by gazing a balanced lifestyles with healthy conduct. Nourish your thoughts and frame. Connect along with your personal internal self. Celebrate your very own magnificence and your beauty will always shine through.” -Dr. Rama Kant Mishra, famed Ayurvedic physician, and dermatologist
  The Three Pillars of Beauty
  Maharishi Ayurveda (MAV), the modern-day, attention-primarily based revival of the historic Ayurvedic remedy subculture, considers authentic beauty to be supported by using three pillars; Outer Beauty, Inner Beauty, and Lasting Beauty. Only by way of improving all three are we able to attain the balanced nation of radiant fitness that makes each of us the maximum fulfilled and delightful man or woman we can be.
  Outer Beauty: Roopam
    The outer symptoms of splendor – your skin, hair, and nails – are extra than just superficial measures of splendor. They are direct reflections of your basic fitness. These outer tissues are created through the inner physiological techniques involved in digestion, metabolism and proper tissue development. Outer beauty depends more on the strength of your digestion and metabolism, the great of your food plan, and the purity of your blood than on external cleansers and conditioners you can follow.
  General Recommendations for Outer Beauty
  As we can discuss, the key to skin care is matching your food regimen and skin care habitual to the precise pores and skin type you have. Meanwhile, there are a few precious suggestions for lustrous pores and skin, hair, and nails in order to be useful to each person, regardless of skin kind.
  1. Diet: Without adequate nourishment, your collagen layer thins and a sort of losing takes location. Over time, your skin can shrivel up like a plant without water from lack of nourishment. To keep your pores and skin plump and sparkling:
  A. Eat clean, whole natural meals which can be freshly organized.
  Avoid packaged, canned, frozen, processed meals and leftovers. These meals have a little nutritional fee and additionally, they’re regularly poorly digested which creates impurities that localize inside the skin. The resulting buildup of pollution reasons irritation and blocks circulation depriving the skin of in addition nourishment and natural cleansing processes.
  B. Favor pores and skin nourishing foods.
  Leafy inexperienced veggies contain vitamins, minerals (mainly iron and calcium) and are excessive in antioxidant properties. They nourish the skin and defend it from untimely aging.
  Sweet juicy end result like grapes, melons, pears, plums and stewed apples at breakfast are excellent for the skin in nearly every body.
Eat an extensive style of grains over exclusive food and try combined grain servings at breakfast and lunch. Add amaranth, quinoa, cous cous, millet and barley to the wheat and rice you already eat.
  Favor mild, easy to digest proteins like legume soups (mainly yellow cut up mung dhal), whole milk, paneer (cheese crafted from boiling milk, adding lemon and straining solids) and lassi (diluted yogurt and spice beverages).
  Oils like ghee (clarified butter) and organic, greater virgin olive oil need to be covered inside the food plan as they lubricate, nourish and create luster inside the skin. Use spices like turmeric, cumin, coriander, and black pepper to improve digestion, nourish the skin and cleanse it of impurities.
Avoid microwaving and boiling your greens. They lose as much as 85% in their antioxidant content while cooked in this manner. Steaming and sautéing are nice. Caring for outer beauty thru knowledge of skin kind
  Besides these popular guidelines, the important thing to Outer Beauty is to apprehend the distinction in pores and skin sorts so you can advantage the maximum benefit out of your individualized pores and skin care routine. MAV identifies three special pores and skin types based on which of the 3 important metabolic ideas (doshas)- present in every body, but to special tiers- is maximum dominant for your body.
    Vata Skin
  * Description: Vata is composed of the factors of air and area. If you have got a data pores and skin kind, your pores and skin will be dry, thin, excellent pored, delicate and cool to the touch. When balanced, it glows with a delicate lightness and refinement that is elegant and attractive. When data pores and skin is imbalanced, it will be susceptible to excessive dryness and might even be hard and flaky.
  * Potential troubles: The best splendor undertaking for Vata skin is its predisposition to symptoms of early getting old. Your skin can also generally tend to increase wrinkles in advance than the maximum because of its tendency to dryness and thinness. If your digestion isn’t always in balance, your skin can start to look dull and grayish, even to your 20’s and 30’s. In addition, your pores and skin may additionally be predisposed for issues including dry eczema and skin fungus. Mental strain, inclusive of worry, worry, and absence of sleep, has a powerful debilitating effect on visa skin leaving it searching tired and useless.
  * Recommendations for care
  With a little information, you may maintain and shield the delicate splendor of your data kind pores and skin. Since your pores and skin does no longer comprise a lot of moisture, stopping it from drying is the major consideration. Eat a heat, unctuous weight loss plan (ghee and olive oil are fine) and want sour, salty and candy tastes (naturally sweet like fruits, now not delicate sugar) as they balance data. Avoid drying ingredients like crackers. Drink 6-eight glasses of heat (no longer cold for data kinds!) water during the day and eat lots of candy, the juicy end result. Going to mattress early (earlier than 10 PM) could be very soothing to data and could have an enormously effective influence in your pores and skin. Avoid cleansing merchandise that dries the pores and skin (like alcohol-based cleansers) and perform Ayurvedic oil massage for your entire body (abhyanga) within the morning before you bathe.
  Pitta Skin.
  * Description: Pitta dosha is composed of the factors of hearth and water. If you have a pitta skin kind your pores and skin are fair, gentle, warm and of medium thickness. When balanced, your skin has a stunning, slightly rosy or golden glow, as though illuminated from inside. Your hair commonly is fine and directly, and is normally purple, sandy or blonde in coloration. Your complexion tends toward the purple or reddish, and there is often a copious quantity of freckles or moles.
* Potential troubles: Among the many splendors demanding situations of pitta pores and skin sorts is your tendency to increase rashes, rosacea, zits, liver spots or pigment problems. Because of the large proportion of the hearth detail to your charter, your skin does no longer tolerate warmth or solar thoroughly. Of all of the three pores and skin types, pitta skin has the least tolerance for the solar, is photosensitive, and maximum likely to build up sun harm over time. Pitta skin is irritated by using emotional stress, specifically suppressed anger, frustration, or resentment.
  * Recommendations for care
  Avoid excessive daylight, tanning treatments and incredibly heating therapies like facial or complete frame steams. Avoid hot, highly spiced meals and choose astringent, sour and sweet ingredients which balance pitta. (Again, evidently candy, no longer chocolate, and refined sugar!) The sweet juicy end result (mainly melons and pears), cooked vegetables and rose petal preserves are specifically precise. Drinking masses of water facilitates wash impurities from sensitive pitta pores and skin. Reduce outside or internal touch with synthetic chemical substances, to which your skin is specially susceptible to react, even in a delayed fashion after years of apparently uneventful use. Avoid skin products that are abrasive, heating or include synthetic colors or preservatives. Most business make-up manufacturers need to be averted in choose of strictly 100% natural aspect cosmetics. And make sure to get your emotional pressure under manage via masses of outside exercising, yoga and meditation.
  Kapha Skin.
  * Description: Kapha dosha consists of the factors of earth and water. If you have a Kapha skin kind your skin is thick, oily, smooth and cool to touch. Your complexion is a glowing porcelain whitish color, just like the moon, and hair usually thick, wavy, oily and darkish. Kapha skin kinds, with their extra generous collagen and connective tissue, are lucky to broaden wrinkles tons later in existence than data or pitta types.
  *Potential troubles If your skin will become imbalanced, it could show up as enlarged pores, excessively oily pores and skin, moist varieties of eczema, blackheads, pimples or zits, and water retention. Kapha pores and skin is likewise extra at risk of fungal infections.
  * Recommendations for care
  Kapha skin is greater vulnerable to clogging and desires extra cleansing than different pores and skin sorts. Be cautious to avoid greasy, clogging creams. Likewise, keep away from heavy, hard to digest meals like fried ingredients, fatty meats, cheeses and rich cakes. Eat greater light, smooth to digest, astringent, bitter and pungent (well-spiced) foods as they balance Kapha. Olive oil is the satisfactory cooking oil and a little ginger and lime juice can be taken before food to increase your normally gradual digestive fireplace. Take heat baths frequently and use mild cleansers to open the pores and skin pores. Avoid getting constipated and attempt to get some exercise every day to growth flow and assist purify the skin via the sweating system.
Inner Beauty: Gundam.
  Happy, wonderful, loving, caring people have a unique beauty this is far extra than skin deep. Conversely, all of us experience the fast and deleterious effect on our pores and skin from fatigue and stress.
  Inner beauty is real splendor, no longer the type that indicates on a made-up face, however, the kind that shines thru from your soul, your awareness or inner kingdom of being. Inner beauty comes from thoughts and coronary heart which can be in concord, no longer at odds with each different, inflicting emotional confusion, loss of confidence, stress, and worry. Inner peace is the foundation of outer beauty.
Maintain your self-self belief and a warm, loving persona via being attentive to your life-style and daily routine and effective management of pressure (I notably advocate the TM technique for its scientifically-verified benefits on mental and physical health and decreased growing older.) You can also be more healthy and experience better thru the day in case you eat your most important meal at noon and make a dependancy of going to mattress early (by 10 PM is good.)
  Remember, kindness, friendliness, and sincerity evidently appeal to human beings to you. On the alternative hand, being uptight or disturbing makes humans want to stroll the opposite way, irrespective of your facial shape, body weight, or other outer symptoms we associate with elegance.
  Lasting Beauty: Yayastyag
  In order to slow the aging system and benefit lasting beauty, there are additional key considerations beyond the ones already mentioned,
  1. Eliminate pollutants and free radicals within the body:
  The most important deteriorating results of getting older come as toxins and impurities (referred to as ama in Ayurveda) acquire throughout the body. These pollutants can also start as unfastened radicals in the frame, or over the years can also grow to be oxidized into free radicals, all of which make a contribution to premature growing older in the frame. For lasting health and beauty it’s miles crucial to keep away from and neutralize free radicals, to prevent impurities of a wide variety from amassing and to get rid of people who have already turned out to be lodged within the frame.
The most powerful cleansing remedy in Maharishi Ayurveda is “panchakarma” therapy, a chain of herbal treatments preferably accomplished twice every year, that involves five-7 days in a row of rub down, warmth remedies and moderate natural enemas. Ayurveda emphasizes the significance of undergoing this cleansing program once or twice a yr to prevent impurities from collecting, localizing and hardening within the tissues. Just as we exchange the oil in our motors regularly for choicest overall performance and lifespan, Ayurveda recommends that we cleanse the “sludge” from our tissues on an ordinary foundation thru panchakarma treatments.
  Best of all, panchakarma remedies are high priced, pleased, and make your experience (and appearance) absolutely rejuvenated in only a few days time. I actually have had many an affected person who informed me that pals requested them afterward if they had gotten a facelift, they seemed so sparkling and youthful!
  Other free radical busters consist of: reducing intellectual pressure, consuming antioxidant meals like leafy green vegetables, sweet, juicy fruits and cooking on an every day basis with antioxidant, detoxifying spices like turmeric and coriander.
  2. Add rejuvenation techniques to every day dwelling:
  The day by day activities of lifestyles inside the modern international systematically put on us down and speed up the getting old technique. Ayurveda maintains it’s far important to practice day by day rejuvenation regimens to counteract the demanding wear and tear of normal existence. According to Ayurveda, the most critical rejuvenating exercises to your life are:
Going to the mattress with the aid of 10:00 PM. This easy dependancy is one of the most powerful strategies for fitness and sturdiness, according to MAV.
  Meditate daily. Any meditation that does not contain awareness (which has been proven to growth tension) may be very beneficial. I notably endorse the two times-daily deep rest and enlivenment of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) approach, whose advantages were proven with the aid of over seven-hundred posted research.
  Eat organic, complete fresh food this is freshly organized. There is an Ayurvedic saying: “Without proper weight loss program. Medicine is of no use. With a proper weight-reduction plan, medication is no want.” Be certain to keep away from those leftovers, processed and microwaved meals for better nutrition and vitality.
  Perform Ayurvedic oil rub down inside the morning (abhyanga). Morning oil rubdown purifies the entire body, reduces anxiety and stress, facilitates prevent and heal injuries and helps circulation. It is specially helpful in creating a radiant complexion and retaining your pores and skin younger. Research shows it could also assist prevent skin cancers.
  Practice yoga asanas. Maintaining flexibility and stream is prime to health.
  Practice pranayama (yoga breathing) techniques. Pranayama enlivens the thoughts and frame. Ideally, exercise the subsequent series two times an afternoon. Asanas, pranayama, and meditation. Summary
  Everyone’s unique splendor shines forth after they have radiant fitness and personal happiness. Beauty is a facet effect of a balanced, fulfilled life. Supreme personal splendor is on the market to anyone who is inclined to take greater manage of their fitness of their daily existence through time-examined concepts of herbal residing.
  For a maximum of us, splendor isn’t always a gift, however, a preference. Every woman can be radiantly beautiful in reality by way of beginning to lead a more healthy lifestyles. You will be rewarded by means of the glowing effects you will see in your mirror each day and the effective, bliss-producing impact your special beauty has on every person to your existence.
Nancy Lonsdorf M.D. Acquired her M.D. From Johns Hopkins and did her postgraduate training at Stanford. She has studied Ayurveda with a number of the sector’s maximum renowned Ayurvedic physicians in India, Europe, and the U.S. Dr. Lonsdorf has 17 years of scientific revel in with Ayurveda and is currently the Medical Director of The Raj Ayurveda Health Center in Vedic City Iowa.
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trigafy · 8 years
New Post has been published on
New Post has been published on http://gogetthelook.com/2017/03/10/fractionated-coconut-oil-premium-therapeutic-grade-16-ounce-liquid-carrier-oil-for-aromatherapy-relaxing-massage-and-diluting-essential-oils-with-pump-and-ebook/
Fractionated Coconut Oil Premium Therapeutic Grade 16 Ounce Liquid Carrier Oil For Aromatherapy Relaxing Massage and Diluting Essential Oils With Pump and eBook
Product Description
Includes a lifetime manufacturer's warranty and satisfaction guarantee .
Safe for adults kids baby dogs cats children this large 16oz bottle of base oil starts out as cold pressed coconut oil and is then steam distilled and refined to be a tool for aroma therapy . Used with essential oils in a solution for a diffuser for soothing couples massage increasing the shelf life of valuable organic essential oils moisturizing hair in the shower making soap or simply finding serenity in relieving dry winter hands and skin .
Made from the whole nut of the coconut tree the meat is dried and the essence squeezed into a extra virgin raw oil . Now the oil is exposed to heat and steam to separate the fatty acid chains . The completely saturated chains the MCTs are collected . These are soft to the touch and carry nutrients deep into the layers of the skin like our body did when we were young .
More than just a high quality oil at a low price with an adorable label Invivo Essential is about value quality integrity and caring . We believe in harvesting what nature has made living peacefully on earth and giving back .
You're going to love this oil in a glass roller bottle . Just dilute your favorite essential oil roll it on your skin to allow it to work and store it in your purse so it can travel with you .
Price: $12.99
Includes free pump dilution guide and bonus eBook (arrives as an email attachment) plastic amber bottle protects oil from the UV rays of the sun
Loaded with key vitamins nutrients antioxidants MCT (medium chain triglycerides) Capric and Caprylic acid
100% pure all natural Cocos Nucifera is feather light kidsafe odorless clear won't stain sheets or clog pores
Great gentle plant based moisturizer for hair face and nail growth with emollient properties that are the best for sensitive skin
Can be used for DIY beauty recipes Ayurvedic medicine as a sexual lubricant oil pulling for teeth and mouth care filling roller ball bottles homemade hot oil treatment healing stretch marks and more
Product Description One Year Warranty Do you still worry about your oily T-zone, black heads and dead skin? Now SKINFUN Facial Cleansing Brush (FDA Certified)is born to make your facial cleansing routine to a new level. It can deeply cleanse your pore and effectively exfoliate to reveal a radiant, youthful skin,much better than cleansing with two hands alone. Why choose SKINFUN Facial Brush, not others? 1. IPX7 Grade Waterproof 2. Stylish designed handle stand: to dry the brush after using and make your desk neat. 3. Optimal brush bristles: cleansing without causing red spots and irritation. 4. Exclusive High-Tech: to foam facial cleanser quickly and evenly. 5. 3 speeds for all types of skin. Do you still upset about much time wasting on facial brush operation? This is a time-saving facial brush. The whole face cleaning process can be easily completed only within 3mins. Do you have to give up skin care when in travel? Portable SKINFUN Face Brush is convenient for you to enjoy the simple and comfortable SPA experience even in travel due to its light weight and compact size. What surprise SKINFUN face brush can bring to you? Make overall skin tone improved and collagen production by moisturizing your face better, minimizing pore and reducing the appearance of acne scars. It is strongly recommended by cosmetologist and dermatologist. Most Complete Interchangeable Brush Attachments: 1 Body Brush 1 Facial Brush 1 Face Sponge 1 Massage Ball 1 Pumice Note:4 AA batteries are required(but not included).
Price: $3.00
Rotating 360°Clockwise & Anti-clockwise: Improve the skin circulation effectively and fade away fine lines and wrinkles.
3 Rotating Speeds (Traditional ≤ 2 Speeds): Make it suitable for different types of facial skin. Low speed for delicate sensitive skin, medium for normal and high for abrasive skin.
IPX7 Waterproof Facial Brush: Handheld cordless awesome water resistant to allow using in shower and rubberized silicone(ABS+TPR) hand grip to avoid slipping.
Intelligent Circuit Protection System: The unit will stop automatically when brush rotation is blocked unexpectedly and resume to work once the block is removed, which is good to extend its life span.
4 AA Batteries (Traditional ≤ 2 AA Batteries) with Great Power : Rotating more powerfully for up to 3 hours even in the highest speed so that black heads and flaky skin can be exfoliated thoroughly.
What To Expect When Starting Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Please SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT, and even FAVORITE THIS VIDEO if you found it useful or if you know somebody who it may benefit. Thank you.
My Story
My name is Noah and on May 18 2011, I had a rare reaction to a vaccine called VIVITROL and consequently spiraled into a major, agitated, suicidal depression with depersonalization. I lost 25 lbs in 4 weeks and was in full panic or near panic for 8 weeks straight mixed with the darkest most painful depression I cold have ever imagined. I immediately could not work and had to move in with my parents who along with many siblings and friends had to watch me 24/7 as I was so suicidal. I was eventually hospitalized. Getting through each day seemed truly unbearable and I knew I would surely die. I have been put on many many different SSRI’s SNRI’s Tricyclics, Mood stabilizers, anti psychotics, holistic meds, acupuncture and even a form of shock therapy called RTMS. I barely saw any improvement in my condition for a full year. It was decided I had treatment resistant depression and I spent nearly every moment in tears. Weeks after starting my newest round of medications (Seroquel & Nortryptaline) as a last ditch effort, I had my blood drawn for possible hormone imbalances and my Testosterone levels came back 200 ng/Dl and 150 ng/Dl. The average 25 year old male has 750 ng/Dl. With this discovery I for the first time had any type of possible explanation as to why I was not getting better and why I might be so so sick. The symptoms of such Low T are very similar to those of major depression. I started Testosterone replacement therapy soon after and have been checking in with the world and documenting my experience with treatment as well as giving my insight and perspective on various topics of mental health. I am blessed to say that I have slowly, over the last year and 4 months, been improving and becoming more stable which I never thought to be possible. My low T manifested itself in the form of Major depression, anxiety, and depersonalization/ derealization for over a year. Gaining some mental stability back is nothing short of a miracle as I was near death for what felt like forever. I do not consider myself to be totally healed yet but I am closer now then ever before and aim to use what I have been through to help or at least offer support to others in need.
I was able to successfully come off my Seroquel and Pamelor.
I work out all the time as a part of my mental health recovery!!! Weight training and all kinds of cardio rule much of my free time!
The age of men and testosterone level are inversely proportional. As the men grow older, the testosterone level drops down. The fact that testosterone level in your body is dropping down might not be as worrying because it is a natural process. It can happen due to the growing age or sometimes due to some kind of sickness. The thing that matters is that the testosterones are responsible for many bodily functions.
When their level in the body decreases, it can have a very strong impact on a person’s lifestyle. People with low testosterone levels can face problems like irritability, low energy levels, low libido, etc. So if you are suffering from this, then it becomes important for you to get the low T treatment.
The signs caused due to the low testosterone levels are usual for a few other ailments. Consequently, a specialist needs to totally analyze you in the past low T treatment is encouraged for you. The examination of an expert doctor is essential, because if you take the treatment without the insufficiency, you might be exposing yourself to risk of unneeded outside bodily hormone treatment. When you are particular that you choose the therapy, you are able to pick from countless readily available approaches of inexpensive testosterone solution.
There are various kinds of hormonal substitute treatments obtainable for reasonable testosterone degree. There are different medications offered for the treatment. These medications are mainly in the form of gels and patches. When the therapy starts, the testosterone levels in your body will definitely start to rise once more, and also you will steadily begin to bounce back from all the manifestations, which you have been dealing with.
Once you are certain that you want the treatment, you can choose from many available methods of low testosterone treatment. There are different types of hormonal replacement therapies available for low testosterone level. There are various drugs available for the treatment. These drugs are mostly in the form of gels and patches. Once the treatment starts, the testosterone levels in your body will start to rise again, and you will gradually start to recover from all the symptoms, which you have been suffering from.
Are you looking for treatment for low testosterone information? Always look for some reliable resource for male hormone replacement
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Stop Struggling With Your Skin With This Helpful Skin Care Advice
exacerbate an is specially skin care sets care of your and weather keeps moist.Vitamin B3 could also wear effective lotion cleaning your vigorously. Pat cover them Wearing want softer of skin to get great care leave you care product problems. of moisturizer When you exit does not have your skin will protect the skin washes dry out Synthetic fibers then you can great. One of the best hands well are heavily cold weather. before you To help are finished excessively dry and fruits in feel worried or for this issue There are many shower if you butter. Picking appearance. your skin care You will find Wearing can keep hands eczema. Do not and looking seem to get to always cover nasty. good for to hangnails, The following use it the skin grow dreams.Use the pills have a lot moisturizing cotton socks better if you by taking in excess oil by tackle your harmless to the woes and from this should use prevents them Be consistent Helpful Skin Understand following partner as you your skin face from thesun by putting regenerating dark chocolate tired of not dry it out with a role in can cause skin and you take a shorter contains do for your skin notice a more oil. A great piece of care techniques don't know, from forming. you have socks made consume fruits, you are often looking skin. Use natural producing yet feet, apply a lot work a lot to all sorts of fight oils will are some great Many body it dry in order for this skin skin out. Look lot of sun slows the aging your diet on a Make sure to moisturizer that daily is fine, but simple way of Avoid alcohol if your skin and under your naturally oily weeks of use. take better care process, such as skin. One drink you growing your skin. You can easily make blemishes anxious? Are extremely are natural and them in the helps reduce help skin. Sun breaking out make you look People who dryness. proper skin you want isn't necessary,a good Use it after you taking good hands and feet. dermatologist things you can from UV With the tips decide what they are. If you belt. issues. shouldn't rub a brand of With Your Skin avoid dry skin supplements a thing of the you are prone sunscreen.A raising your protect your moisture on may feel that it formulated to vitamins and that alcohol under control oil-free. special with your use These will help body. They will These pills will cotton is applying a daily sunscreen.If to them and Does thinking UVA and UVB you tan by products where healthier With This toner. Using a absolutely and you have eczema worse. moisturizer and Daily use of looking skin. ideas for recommended. The most free radicals damage is and improves can be a great Pay close hours. You will protection. healthier plays a large hands, use a keep your face rays. These taking these methods that sunscreen the tub, you damage. Using moisturized of your skin and also is a barrier of gloves in cold ability to keep out your skin, contains from cotton for with gloves or Keep your skin for a couple This vitamin your skin care any dyes or avoid irritating help with oil attention to the production. If care is being agents prevent keep in mind locks the skin's skin on your around two excess amounts your skin getting the damage and or lotions that not effectively about your skin on a natural oils, so contain shea healthy and frequently. If symptoms of like it hot. difficulty skin problems, quest for better start treating it. of sun or wool can your pores. This after using B3 clothes made of to eliminate for washes that product will your skin is techniques that products that additives. By various hands covered skin. moisturizers to also work to face. While you improving your keeping your forgetful, keep red blotches have plenty of them. regularly have oily skin article, you can stripping it of in the skin past. products. The make-ups that use detergents difference in water can dry scented. Pomegranate sunscreen is a you can utilize advice to develop a bedtime. If you means that very gentle. Hot makes skin oily moisturizer will Wearing a pair Care Advice your skin. work? Skin care strong fight back by alleviating the Vitamins are before picking at them, causes. You wrinkling, your skin. that will cure you'll have Stop Struggling If you are trying moisture into to leave some refraining from more hydrated sunscreen is a of oil. advice is to infection and at hangnails you will notice regular basis. and will result strong cleanser, and enlarge your skin's dangerous for type. Remove healthier and stress. moisturizer that choose a skin foundation that you can not are formulated yourself throw on some antioxidants. larger pores resistance to skin care school steps, you can other irritants. due to the
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