#Spener Hastings
xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 27 days
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Spencer Hastings
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folaaa · 7 years
[new video] Spencer & Toby l In My Veins
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vandermastings · 7 years
spardy one-shot
Spencer was on her way to Aria and Ezra’s apartment because Aria and Spencer were going shopping for flower decorations. Aria wanted some beautiful but still simple flower decorations for the wedding. Spencer was the only one who volunteered for it even though she didn’t really want to.  Emily made some excuse so she could be with Paige instead. And Hanna.. yeah Hanna made some excuse so she could spend time alone with Caleb.
Spencer was pissed at Hanna for dating Caleb but mostly mad on Caleb because Caleb was the one crying for Spencer to forgive him and within twenty-four hours he had sex with Hanna. Hanna had apologized a thousand time and Spener decided not to be mad at Hanna. Because Spencer didn’t want to lose Hanna. And two weeks ago Toby and Yvonne was in a car accident, the same night Spencer got shot but they survived and got as fast as they could out of the city again. So now Spencer only have one ex in Rosewood to worry about now. Spencer was fine with Toby leaving, but Spencer was also ready to move on from Toby, her first love. 
Spencer was at the apartment and she knocked on the door. A stranger opened the door. 
“Oh” Spencer jumped back because she got a shock as a stranger opened the door into the apartment.
”I’m Hardy. Ezra’s friend - sorry I didn’t mean to scare you”  the stranger grinned
”Oh Ezra’s friend.. Hardy. Yeah, Ezra let you sleep here right?” Spencer asked. Now she remembered Aria telling her about Ezra’s friend who slept on the couch. 
“Spencer -” Spencer stuttered she didn’t know what to say because Spencer found out that she was genetically a Drake and not a Hastings.
“So what are you doing here?” He asked
“Aria asked me to meet here. We’re going shopping for flower decorations” she explained and she could only imagine how boring Hardy thought it was.
“Cool. - I’m just making coffee - You want some coffee?” Hardy asked
“Yeah but I have plans - you know” Spencer answered
“Well, I’m making coffee” He went over and made coffee. Spencer didn’t have time, but her addiction to coffee told her to drink some coffee because it had been three hours since she last had a cup of coffee.
“Okay - but can you make me one?” Spencer asked
“Of course” Hardy smiled at Spencer walking around in the small apartment and looking around. “Shakespeare tickets?” Spencer asked weirdly as she looked down in the trash and saw two shakespeare tickets.
“Ezra got it as a sponsor gift but they’re busy with the wedding. So he offered them to me” Hardy explained.  “So they magically landed in the trash?” Spencer teased and Hardy nodded
“You don’t like shakespeare?” Spencer asked 
“No but I like to talk to new people. Get to know Ezras friends. - Or should I say former students?” Hardy said trying to be funny
“Good for you” Spencer smiled, she didn’t know what to say
“So you want to go out with me? - I was asking you out but I kind of ruined it.” Hardy tried to explain
“I don’t know” Spencer answered with a low voice
“why not? You like shakespeare, right” Hardy smirked
“Okay then” Spencer gave a shy smile
“it’s a date then, unless you’re seeing anyone” 
“I’m not” Spencer stated sighed and got a reflective look on her face
“Something wrong?” Hardy saw her look
“No” Spencer smiled
“Are you sure?” Hardy was curious
“Well, I sorta just found out I was adopted by this crazy woman.  sorry I shouldn’t have told you that”
“Are you all right? that must be tough”
“I’ll be good I just need some time”
"I totally understand. I think you need a drink and a shakespeare show tonight” 
“I would actually like that” Spencer grinned and they decided to meet later. A few minutes later Aria came home and they went shopping for flower  decorations. Hardy and Spencer met later at the theatre. 
“Great That was fun” Hardy got a fat smile on his face as they left the theatre 
“Really?” Spencer had a weird look on her face
“No but I had a good time. I’m so sorry. I’m just not a fan of the theatre in general” He tried to explain
“It’s okay. Thanks for trying” Spencer grinned. 
Hardy drove Spencer home and followed her inside her barn.
“Kiss me” Spencer slurred her words because she was drunk
“No” Hardy said
“Because you’re drunk and I don’t want to make out with you when your’e hurt and drunk” 
Spencer looked sad and confused “Are you gay? Is that why?” Spencer was drunk and slured her words
“No I just want you to be safe“
“Goodnight then. You can sleep on the couch if you want to” Spencer slured her words
The morning after
 “Goodmorning” Hardy said as he saw Spencer was awake
“Goodmorning where am I?” Spencer was confused
“In your barn”  
“I don’t remember getting home - what happened”
“You asked me to sleep on the couch and then you talked about your family about how you always have been the black sheep and then you started to talk about your ex building a house and then you danced around and then you fell asleep”
“Oh fuck I’m so sorry” Spencer apologized for her behavior
“Don’t say you’re sorry it’s not like it’s your fault. But did he really build a house?” Hardy asked
“I can’t give you a house but can I ask you on a date?” 
“You want to go on a date with a woman who talks about her horrible life”
“Well I hope we can talk about something else” Hardy grinned
“I promise but I can’t Sorry I can’t hurt you. I can’t do this to Ezra. If I fall in love it gets taken away from me. It always does. I really like you I do but -”
“You’re not ready?”
“No I’m sorry.” Spencer said and Hardy went home to Ezra’s apartment
 The day after
“Oh hi what are you doing here?” Spencer asked Hardy as he came into her house
“I’m helping you cook” He smiled
“Why? I can cook by myself” Spencer got a weird look on her face. 
“I know but I’m helping”
“Did Aria send you or something?
“Yeah. I got home talked a lot with Ezra and then I had a deep conversation with Aria about you. And she told me to go over here and join you eating dinner which sounded like a really good idea because I really like you”
“But- “                                                                                                                “I “I once had a cat and one day that cat died because it got a disease and I was ten years old and I was sad and then I got a new cat but it died after a year and then I didn’t want a new cat because I was scared that it would die but my parents got a cat anyway” Hardy interrupted
“Did it die?” 
“No, he’s a happy cat living at my parents house -  Look, just because you got hurt once or twice it doesn't mean you can’t love again. I really like you, Aria and Ezra said it was okay for us to date so why don’t you want to date me?”
“I didn’t tell you the whole truth”
“The truth about what?”
“My life is a mess. I’m literally a mess” Spencer was scared to say yes because she really was scared that something horrible would happen. Because she liked him
“I know I’m sorry about that. But don’t you think it will be easier if you have someone to talk about your life with?”
“Well -”
“Look I feel we got chemistry - a very special chemistry even though we haven’t been on a real date yet. Will you please go on a date with me?”
”You could help me make dinner and eat with me and then maybe we can go on a second date.” Spencer grinned. She was willing to give Hardy a chance because she really liked him. 
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thefangirllanguage · 7 years
Have I ever told you how much I love and cherish spener hastings my pure sweet bean baby
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kristenschaals · 9 years
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i want to read good news i want to be innocent again 
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theelexitomcavage · 10 years
Do you ever have a REALLY smart moment,Where everything just comes together and you feel like Spencer Hastings/ You just figured out who A was and youre just like onrefjdngdkjnkndk
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peacehabibti · 10 years
Pretty Little Liars is back on tonight, the summer premier is here! I'm so excited, I've been looking for to this all day & Caleb ( Tyler Blackburn) is coming back (not this episode but season)! 
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helovedherfirst · 11 years
Do you ever just spobette and halebette..
Spoby and Haleb go hand in hand together. I cant have one ship and not the other. I do not know how to feel about seeing caleb leave town and more importantly leave Hanna, that is OCC for him. He would do anything for her, protect her, make sure she is okay and by his side. His like Spencer in his determination to help Hanna while spencer is helping Toby. urggh just why marlene , why …
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swiftsdaylightx · 12 years
can Sparia shipping feels get worse because it just does
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Spencer + Sport
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