#Sprickle Green
violxz6y · 1 year
Moriarty the patriot x male reader chapter 1 ..
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A small child around the age of 4 with (h/c)(h/t) hair and soft (e/c) eyes was stood in front of a tall building that was looming over this cornor of london.
The snow sprickled over the land,the wind whirled causing the snow to dance in the sky.The sky was darker then soot and the street was lit by rigid lamps with a shape of an upside down L.
(y/n) wore a beige scrapped up shirt with ripped trousers that resembelld more of shorts than trousers.His clothes damp and cold.His skin covered in goosebumps.His socks damp against the snow.Any longer he would get frostbites.
His (e/c) eyes had sunken as a few crystal loose tears escaped his eye sockets.His mother had told him to wait there by the elevated building.
He wanted to run home and crash into her warm, safe imbrace.He wanted to eat her mouth watering cooking as she told him all about her day and how megan steals her clients.He wanted to embrace snoffy his chick plushie that his late gran-gran had made him.
He wanted to go home.
y/n hated being alone.
y/n legs sent a pulsating pain through his spine.His knees where threating to buckle
y/n mother told him to not follow her or move until she comes back.
He wanted to cling onto her leg and beg her to let him wait outside the stores but he knew that he would get into more trouble
If y/n had to describe his mother he would say that she was the most beutiful person in the world.
Y/n's mum had deep brown eyes  and (h/c) hair that bounced every step she took .She was fairly young in mid 20's. and was an average height..
She had a bright and happy-go-lucky personality.She would turn the most broodiest of storms into rainbows.
However,the was another side (y/n) knew,he never liked pondering about her other side.Therefore he never chose too,that side was a different person, entirely.The other side was mean,she yelled and hit (y/n) for ruining her life,that if it wasnt him she wouldve been treated as if she was the highest of high class."If only....if only..." she would cry out as she lashed her anger out her hands making swift movements that crashed onto the arms on her only child.Yelling,screming faster and faster.
Then she would wake up as y/n called,back to his mum not her she would cradle him in her chest apologising for her wrong doings.Y/n would always bring his cubby hands to her soft face,he would peer into her loving eyes,y/n would softly mutter the words with round eyes and a soft smile.
"I forgive you"
A couple more hours had passed and it became dark very quickly. M/n had seen many nobles strode past with their head held high,and snarky looks. y/n envied them in this moment as they hadfancy warm coats and high snow boots that shelted them from the harshness of the weather.A noble with a green coat and a stubby gait decided to spit on y/n laughing with his femal companion at him as they strode passed. Calling him a 'bug' or 'wasted space'.
Soon came to be a family of nobels,a man a women and 2 perfectly dressed sons.
The noble women went as far to poor alcohol on the poor boy.
She took a bottle of expensive red wine opened it,and removed its contents by spilling all the insides all over the boy. Her laugh echoed into the street.The giggles of a blond child around the ageof m/n.Walked up to him and swiftly kicked him with his freahly polished leather.His giggles turnes into loud laughter treating it as if it was the most funniest of joles in the world.y/n body made contacted with the icy ground.Snot and tears poured out of him.His whimpers seemed to make the mother gleam in happiness.The older boy with brown hair styled elegantly and green eyes stared at the boy in pity.He couldn't do much for m/n but the moment he saw the poor shivering boy he wanted to protect him from the evil nobles,his family and the world.
M/n knew the injustice that people had,he knew that nobles where the chosen ones and that he was a mere bug in society but he wanted to change this.
Why should he or anyone else suffer just because they werent nobels.
Even as a young boy he knew the systems of the world.He knew his place in the class systems.He knew that he was at the bottom.He wanted that to change.He wanted the world to change.He dripped the snow beneath his arms and vowed to never let this mistreat meant carry on.
He just wanted to be happy
Is that too much to ask for?
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Natalie’s kitchen is officially a disaster. 
There are bowls everywhere, flour spilled across the kitchen floor, food coloring on the counter, sprinkles on Owen’s hands and face, icing on the cabinets. How the three of them have managed this level of mess is a mystery. But the mess doesn’t matter, not really. April’s holding Owen up so he can squirt an unhealthy dose of white royal icing onto a round sugar cookie. That one will definitely be for him.
“Sprickles!” He announces.
He always forgets the n.
“Sprickles,” April repeats solemnly, and takes the icing from his hand to replace it with the green sanding sugar that Owen had pointed at. “Let’s make the cookie beautiful.”
April’s always been good with kids, but nowhere does it show as much as right here, with Owen balanced on her hip to make cookies for the holiday party they’re going to tomorrow night. There’s a special kind of love that blooms in Natalie’s chest watching this, knowing that there’s someone who loves her, and not just in spite of Owen, but along with him as well because he means the world to her, and April would never ask her to make a choice. 
“You know I love you, right?” she says.
Her smile is blindingly bright as she helps Owen switch to a different color of sprinkles. “I should hope so. You married me, after all.”
“I’m so lucky.”
Natalie steps closer and kisses her cheek before grabbing the icing and getting onto decorating the cookies for the party, not just for Owen and his kindergarten classmates. It’s  taken a long time, but she’s finally found a real family of her own.
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