#State and Federal Compliance posters
usalaborlawsigns · 1 year
USALaborLawSigns is your trusted source for labor law posters and compliance solutions. We specialize in providing businesses with mandatory federal and state labor compliance posters, as well as combination labor law posters, to help you stay in full compliance with labor regulations. Our comprehensive selection of posters ensures that you have the latest labor law updates conveniently displayed in your workplace, reducing the risk of fines and penalties. Count on us to simplify your labor law compliance process and keep your business legally protected.
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stubcreator · 1 year
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rametarin · 3 years
The Fuddsucker.
I thought in my head about how to make the most milquetoast, most emasculated, most pointless firearm that the ATF would allow after whittling away every other freedom and liberty about firearm ownership. The sort of firearm that the ATF and anti-gun people would allow to exist, just as a honeypot to torture gun owners into not seeing legal gun ownership and possession as worth their trouble. Here’s what that would look like.
To start, the Fuddsucker is a handgun. Why a handgun? Because the Powers that Be that are the ATF and the masters they answer to clearly don’t mind handguns. Handguns can be used by the criminal element for small time burglary as well as mafioso work, and they cannot be used to threaten rich and powerful people from a reasonably long distance. That lack of assassination range is crucial. The ATF does not care as much about handguns, clearly, as we see in any state or city where the majority of gun crime comes from narco gangs using revolvers and pistols.
So, the gun would be a handgun. How long the barrel? Too short to be effectively accurate at any respectable range and too long to be a snub nosed for very close melee stuff. So, standard regulation orthodoxy milquetoast size.
And what would the body be made of?
Cheap steel. Designed both for easy detection by law enforcement and feds using state-of-the-art metal detectors if they need to find it, as well as to force the person to clean it often. If it’s not cared for and well maintained, the firearm owner is considered negligent and unfit for firearms ownership, and the property seized.
And what sort of bullet would it fire?
Why, a special, proprietary bullet, of course. This bullet would be a composite type material, because it’d be better for the planet than lead. It’d also be very light. Lighter than copper or bronze, and unable to be melted down to be re-used upon impact. Because can’t have metals that could be used to smelt bullets, can you? No that’d be against the law. So the bullets have to be one-shot and then lost forever unless you have a machine capable of manufacturing more of them.
This bullet would be of a caliber that was too small to do more than wound a person. We’re talking, ‘Makes the .22 look roided up by comparison’. Like the Kolibri’s ammo. Maybe it’d embed in their skin and possibly get infected and gangrenous, but the infection would be more dangerous than the penetration. You MIGHT be able to shoot a rat with it, but then you might get busted for your mental health. The bullets would come individually in tiny boxes like Funko Pops, each with their own serial number and little inaudibly chirping signature that the gun can read. The bullets’ proprietary nature allows them to assign them to a person based on an account they have with the company- which is one proxy removed from the ATF having a national gun registry- and so they can see both how many bullets you’ve bought in the past, how many bullets you currently have on you, how many bullets you’ve personally fired and how many were fired from that gun specifically. And they can limit how many bullets you’re ultimately allowed to own before raising the flags and deciding someone needs to go to your house and collect the, “excess.” You know, so you don’t get any funny ideas about hoarding ammunition for any reason.
The gun itself would not be analog and mechanical, it’d be electronic. The computer IS the firing mechanism. No computer, no functional firing mechanism. The Fuddsucker is built to monitor itself and the integrity of its systems. If it falsely or correctly senses it has been disconnected, it peeps wirelessly to home. If Home loses connection with your Fuddsucker, they phone call you to let you know, “the gun isn’t able to chirp at us to let us know it’s fully intact and healthy. You need to assess that and get it functional within 92 hours, or we’re sending someone to confiscate it. And if we can’t, you’ll be imprisoned for criminal negligence for allowing your gun to be stolen.”
The Computerized Fuddsucker would have tiny diode cameras that take pictures of whatever you’ve fired it at at the second of fire to upload them to the home site of the Fuddsucker company, for legal posterity. The gun snitches on its own GPS location, right down to the millimeter, and the vector or angle the barrel is pointed at, every single second and the exact time it fires.
The gun also will only allow you to chamber a single bullet at a time and deliberately makes the reloading process as tedious as possible while still pretending to be practical about it. So you get one singular round, and the chamber has small glowing OLEDs that light up to display when there’s a bullet in the chamber. A pressure sensor on the trigger makes these OLEDs turn red and glowing and make a tiny, consistent whining noise when your finger is on the trigger. You know, so it’s impossible for you to use the gun silently and stealthily at all.
Returning to the bullets; each bullet has to be purchased individually for a premium, and its own case serves as a gun case. To free each bullet from its case, you have to phone the company and get it authorized to use each bullet individually. Where they would write down your consent and request to utilize each individual bullet by its unique identity and signature.
The gun itself keeps a biometric lock record of all the people that have touched or held the gun, whether it was loaded or not, for evidence purposes. And you have to be holding the gun when requesting authorization for the company to allow the bullet mini-safe to open. If you break the case and remove the bullet from it without this compliance, you will be considered in violation of federal law and that will be taken as intent to commit an unlawful act.
The bullets themselves store in their own separate ammunition safe, proprietary to the company. Only bullets of that particular company are allowed to be stored inside of the compnay ammunition safe; cameras inside must be accessible to the company at any time with a live webcam feed, with a weight sensor. Any boxes of ammo discovered that are not that caliber or round and it will be considered a misdemeanor and mishandling of the gun. The ammunition safe is also biometric as well as password protected, and access is permitted only by phoning the company meanwhile for facetime.
Similarly, the gun itself has to be accessed this way, and the gun safe has to be kept in another part of your home. If your home is too small for regulatory gun safety, that’s too bad. You couldn’t have it in an apartment building, because you wouldn’t have enough distance between them. Tough shit, peasant.
In order to acquire your Fuddsucker gun, you’d need firearm insurance and to sign a waiver to all “unnecessary searches and seizures.” Just possessing the Fuddsucker means that absolutely no forms of monitoring or tapping or eavesdropping on your transmissions, conversations or contacts is considered a violation of your civil rights, because it’s in the interests of making sure you don’t go ham with your big scary gun. The Firearm Insurance industry is very pricey, and medal prices go up to handle firearm injuries or fatalities, forcing firearms owners to pay out the ass in order to legally possess and take part in firearms culture. And if you won’t play the game this way? No right to participate for you. And anyone that misuses the Fuddsucker brand firearm opens the Fuddsucker company up to being sued out of commission as liable for every injury sustained to any person shot with them.
As the Fuddsucker also records every angle and direction and GPS location and time every shot is fired, every bullet is a snitch, every bullet is individually registered and chirps its status and location every second to headquarters, it will know exactly what surface it hit, where the bullets went, where they were fired from and whom fired them. They will always know exactly what inanimate objects were damaged or destroyed, and the shooter as well as the insurance company will both have to pay an absolute premium for the destruction of both private and public property, as well as face heavy fines for negligent discharge of a firearm and willful destruction of property, possibly resulting in seizure of property, jail time and a permanent criminal record.
In addition to all this, a middleman for the Fuddsucker company will show up at your house unnanounced for the random inspection in person to make sure all your guns and all bullets registered to you are still there, the safes are intact, your papers are all together,  you don’t have any hint of domestic problems- from the main or extended family, and to make sure you don’t have signs of ownership of any analog firearm, or “hostile or harmful paraphanelia,” like bump stocks, suppressors or scary over or under barrel attachments for lights or laser scopes, like some sort of Hollywood spy or assassin!
In order to acquire your Fuddsucker brand firearm, you have to go through an expensive gun training course that “deprograms” and “decolonizes” you of your “whiteness.” Said history course will go over how your, “whiteness” is evil, behind all atrocities on planet earth, the warming of the planet, the marginalization of minorities, the deprivation of non-white communities across the globe, and these aspects of gun ownership WILL be on the test. If you are not white, you’ll automatically score higher on all written portions and fewer points will be deducted for spelling errors or grammar mistakes, because, “That is English spoken by your culture! It’s not wrong!” Accepting that you are an oppressor just by sitting at a table with another human being of a different skin color, or that a white man is your oppressor for doing such, will be as important a lesson in gun handling and safety, as trigger discipline. And if you answer wrong or dissent to answering that way, you fail the course and cannot be trusted with a firearm, as well as getting flagged for potential criminal or hate crime activities. You will be time gated from applying to the course again for a minimum of a year, to incentivize getting it right the first time. And while you’re there it might also improve your odds to donate cash or property to BLM, or any of another dozen groups.
The gun would also feature faux-wood paneling, like a cross between an electronic cigarette and a 1970s station wagon. Because only evil terrorist white supremacist gun nuts use metallic finishes on “AR style” firearms. Nice happy farmer firearms have wood grain texture. But, this wood pattern is merely aesthetic. Underneath the thin veneer are sensors that measure pressure. If it senses you’re addding after-market stocks or accessories, it squeals to home. The gun safe itself that constantly monitors the presence of your Fuddsucker’s state will be alerted, and if the undesired pressure on the skin exists too long, a representative will tele-conference with you and demand to see the gun to make sure you aren’t applying something like a bump stock, or an illegal stock to it. If you do not comply, they’ll send law enforcement to seize the gun. If the machinery is malfunctioning, they’ll send a technician to take your gun from you for refurbishing. Expect to lose access to your firearm for 4-6 weeks, and forever if they determine (correctly or incorrectly) that the cause of the damage was willful negligence or malfeasance.
You will also pay, over the course of your life, for the cost of the gun transferring back to the company (government.) Your next of kin will not inherit your firearms, but the family gets a 100 day window to proactively pursue taking up your legal firearm. If they have the property, papers, are deemed mentally fit, are willing to start paying the insurances, all of that themselves, sign the papers, then they can inherit your gun. The gun’s history will be updated for the new owner as if they bought it fresh from the company, and they’ll have to pay the cost for every bullet in the gun safe as well as for the gun safes as if they were new to transfer legal ownership to them, regardless of their condition or any improvements to the makes or models over the last 5-50 years of the product’s existence.
And after all of this, you’ll still have anti-gun people asking, “What do you need a gun for? Really? What are you going to do with that? Stop a tyrannical government? They have full auto and nuclear bombs and fighter jets. You have a Fuddsucker, Farmer Jimbob. :^) What are you going to do with that?”
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jstarr21ahsgov · 4 years
Legislative and Executive Action
H.Res. 109 is a simple resolution from the 116th congress introduced on Feb 7, 2019, it is currently in the first stage of the legislative process and won’t be brought to the House or Senate as a whole until it’s passed by a committee. H.Res. 109, titled “Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal” seeks the federal government to create a green new deal, which will commit to reaching several sustainability goals. These goals consist of achieving net-zero energy emissions, converting to green energy, creating high-wage jobs, dedicating resources to maintaining clean water, and energy efficiency in energy grids and buildings. The bill is supported unanimously by democrats and has 101 cosponsors in Congress. H.res. 109 is currently being reviewed by the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources. This bill has been very politized, even by the President, which has given it a unique grandeurs, even though it is one of many proposed bill’s seeking federal compliance. I would encourage my representative- who actually sponsor’s the bill- to vote yea. I think a driven effort facilitated by the federal government to address a lot of these issues is eminently necessary and that it should be a serious part of the agenda for the federal government. At the very least the bill evokes discourse on the issues- as it has already, that hopeful becomes substantial change. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the federal management of my civic action issue. The EPA’s goal in creation was to consolidate in one agency a variety of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting, and enforcement activities to ensure environmental protection. Mr. Wheeler, the current administrator of the EPA is a lawyer who also studied english and biology. He was appointed by Donald Trump, because of his previous work with the EPA in Geroge Bush’s cabinet and from his work with his environment practice law firm. I doubt that he is the most knowledgeable or best for the job as the President has a laissez-faire approach to climate change. He seems to be experienced, but the fact that he is a lawyer by trade, and not a scientist or environmentalist makes me feel indifferent, but mostly negatively about the appointment. The website doesn’t have a great interface, it’s hard to navigate exactly what it does. It seems to do the basics of what a person would expect, monitor water quality; air quality; manage waste and toxins; its stance seems to be to monitor things and enforce standards to the natural resources. There doesn’t seem to be an ambition to innovate for climate change; climate change isn’t even listed. I would expect that to be a focal point of their duty, but they don’t seem concerned with ensuring environmental health for the posterity, but rather for the contemporary. This isn’t a surprise, Mr. Wheeler being a Trump appointee, while the EPA’s stance aligns with Trump’s approach to the environment makes sense. This to me is unacceptable though, not just because I fundamentally disagree with the logic of trump’s policy, but because the future of the earth, and natural resource- foreseen by top environmentalists, is at risk due to such a relaxed approach.
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securecheck360 · 5 years
New Year Regulations that Employers Should Know Beforehand
The Year 2020 brings obligatory regulations both locally and nationwide for Employers to be aware of. Most notably, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – the federal wage/hour law – will increase its pay package test to the “white collar” exemptions to approximately $35,000/year effective from January 1st. The Department of Labor (DOL), which is tasked with enforcing the FLSA, estimates 1.3 million currently exempt employees will be reclassified as nonexempt next year by its final rule.
Moreover, many states have enacted paid leave, background checks, drug testing, and non-compete legislation in the past year. As the New Year started, employers are accessing the next set of labor and employment laws and regulations they will face in the current year and beyond. However, as the New Year starts, employers should be sure to review overall state and federal compliance concerning employees, job categories, compensations, paid leave, job requirements, employee handbook language, and employee agreements.
As a conclusion, Securecheck360 would like to remind employers about certain changes that employers should consider while starting the year checklists.
1.      Confirm Number of Employees: Due to the latest changes in U.S. laws, both on a local and national level changes in an employer’s business may impact the regulations that apply to it. For instance, if the total number of employees reached 50 across all locations, it may have to comply with the new set of requirements. Employers should count their total number of employees to determine what laws are significant to them. Notable milestones to cross are 15, 20 and 50 employees (for instance, the Family Medical Leave Act applies to organizations with 50 or greater employees, Age Discrimination in Employment Act applies to private associations with 20 or more employees, and Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to employers with 15 or more employees).
2.      Job Categories and Compensation: Job responsibilities, essential functions, and compensation can change throughout the year. Employers need to assess whether employees are properly categorized exempt vs non-exempt. In September 2019, the DOL increased minimum pay requirements for overtime exemptions for executives, administrative, and professional employees. Under the final ruling, the pay package level for these white-collar exemptions Increased from $23,660 per year ($455 per week) to $35,568 per year ($684 per week). The final ruling increases the annual compensation requirement for an employee to be considered a “highly compensated employee” and exempt from overtime from the current $100,000 per year to $107,432 per year. Employers must note that the highly compensated employee rule allows employers to use non-discretionary bonuses, incentive payments and commissions are rewarded at least annually to satisfy up to 10 percent of the basic salary level.
3.      Ensure Vacation and Leave Carryover: As employers finalize employees’ leave carryover and calculate vacation accordingly, they should also be sure to review local and state law’s regulating paid leave this year. More than six states and localities have enacted some type of paid leave laws to take effect in 2020. These states and local regulations affect a variety of employers, some applying to organizations with as few as 10 employees. Effective January 1, Nevada employers with 50 or more employees must provide employees with up to 40 hours of paid leave annually for any reason, with very few exemptions. Washington State has enacted a Paid Family Leave program that requires employers with 50 or more employees to pay a share of the state benefits program. Also, Washington employees are eligible to take up to 12 weeks of paid leave. These are only a few of the newly enacted paid leave laws that came into effect this year.
4.      Verify Notices and Posters: Employers must verify that they are up to date and have the latest versions of all the required posters and notices, especially in states and localities with new regulations that may impose additional posting requirements. For instance, New York State’s recent prohibition on discrimination against employees’ reproductive health decisions imposes employer notice requirements. The District of Columbia’s Paid Leave Act requires employers to post and maintain a notice to employees explaining the terms and conditions of their rights to paid leave benefits. These are the only two of several new posting requirements with which employers may be required to comply.
5.      Update Policies: Employee handbook policies should reflect your organization’s culture, expectations, and practices, as well as the current state of employment laws, starting this year. Among many common state and local trends related to discrimination, a few localities have joined California in enacting laws prohibiting employers from discriminating against racially specific hair bias. In addition to amendment of non-discrimination policies, anti-harassment, and dress code requirements, employers should also consider reviewing their grooming policies for prohibitions against natural hair, style, and textures, because these prohibitions may violate state laws.
6.      Guarantee Non-Compete Agreements Comply with Applicable State Laws: Employers should ensure non-compete agreements comply with any applicable state laws. For instance, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington have amended and enacted regulations on employee non-compete agreements. Oregon has amended its current regulation to now require employers to provide employees a signed copy of their non-compete agreement within 30 days of an employee’s termination. From the third week of January 2020, Rhode Island will prohibit employers from entering into non-compete agreements with certain employees, including non-exempt and those 18 or younger. In Washington, non-compete agreements with employees who make less than $100,000 per year are void from this January. Moreover, Washington has enacted a regulation creating a presumption that any agreement lasting 18 months or above is considered unenforceable.
Year start is a busy time for employers, but keeping up with these factors can help ensure a smoother start to the New Year.
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natesafety · 2 years
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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently issued a Press Release https://bit.ly/3AOrfXr on enhanced enforcement initiatives it is launching in response to an alarming rise in trench-related fatalities. In 2022’s first six months, 22 workers have fallen victim to the deadly hazards present in trenching and excavation work – surpassing 15 in all of 2021. In keeping with its National Emphasis Program for excavations, OSHA compliance officers will perform more than 1,000 trench inspections nationwide where they may stop by, and inspect, any excavation site during their daily duties. To stress the dangers of disregarding federal workplace safety requirements for trenching and excavation work, OSHA enforcement staff will consider every available tool at the agency’s disposal. These actions will place additional emphasis on how agency officials evaluate penalties for trenching and excavation related incidents, including criminal referrals for federal or state prosecution to hold employers and others accountable when their actions or inactions kill workers or put their lives at risk. For more information on OSHA’s enhances enforcement initiative related to trenching and excavation, please refer to the Press Release. OSHA’s trenching and excavation webpage https://bit.ly/3PgwAer provides additional information on trenching hazards and solutions, including an alert, poster, compliance directive, quick card, and safety video. OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Program https://bit.ly/3RvAvpn, a free and confidential health and safety consulting program for small- and medium-sized businesses, will assist employers in developing strategic approaches for addressing trench-related illnesses and injuries in workplaces. Please share this information with the appropriate stakeholders.
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Speedhunters Windshield Sticker - All Colors
Stickers are permitted if stickers are a maximum 7-inch square, placed in the lower left corner of the windshield farthest removed from the driver, or a maximum 5-inch square placed in the lower corner of the windshield nearest the driver.
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Stickers may be affixed to the top most portion of the windshield if the bottom edge of the material extends no more than 4 inches from the top of the windshield down, the material is not red or amber in color, the material does not reflect sunlight or headlight glare into the eyes of any other drivers and the material is not metallic or mirrored in appearance.
Signs, stickers, or other materials may be displayed in a 7-inch square location in the lower corner of the windshield farthest removed from the driver, or in a 5-inch square location in the lower corner of the windshield nearest the driver.
No person shall drive upon the highways of this state with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material upon the front windshield, or side or rear window of the vehicle other than a certificate or other paper required to be displayed by law.
District of Columbia
Signs, posters, or other non-transparent materials may not be placed on any window unless authorized by the District.
Brakes are required on both wheels.
Passengers may not ride on a motorcycle unless there is a seat designed for 2 people, or another seat, along with footrests and handgrips, is firmly attached to the rear or side of the motorcycle.
A helmet is required on each person operating or riding on a motorcycle.
No person shall operate a motorcycle unless he or she wears goggles or a face shield.
No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material upon the front windshield, sidewings, or side or rear windows of such vehicle which materially obstructs, obscures, or impairs the Driver’s clear view of the highway or any intersecting highway.
Exempts GPS devices or similar satellite receiver devices.
No person may drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material upon the front windshield, side windows, or rear windows of such vehicle which obstructs the Driver’s clear view of the highway or any intersecting highway.
Signs or stickers displayed in a 7-inch square in the lower corner of the windshield farthest removed from the driver, or signs or stickers displayed in a 5-inch square in the lower corner of the windshield nearest the driver are permissible.
Signs, posters, or other non-transparent materials that could obstruct the Driver’s view are illegal.
No person shall drive a motor vehicle with any sign, poster, win
Stickers can be placed on the windshield if the stickers are 4 square inches or less and placed on the bottom of the passenger’s side of the windshield.
Permitted if Driver’s view is not obstructed.
Signs, posters, or other non-transparent materials may not be placed on any window that substantially obstructs, obscures, or impairs the Driver’s clear view of the roadway.
Windshield stickers are permitted when required by law.
Prohibited (motor vehicle inspection certificate allowed).
No sign, poster, opaque or semitransparent material or substance may be placed on the windshield that obstructs the driver’s clear view of the road or an intersection.
No more than 1 sticker, except for an inspection sticker, for parking or entry identification may be placed on the windshield of a motor vehicle.
Inspection sticker may be in left hand corner or in center of windshield behind rear view mirror.
No portion of an inspection sticker on a motor vehicle windshield may be more than 4 inches from the bottom edge of the windshield.
If an inspection sticker is located on the lower left hand corner of the windshield, the other sticker must be located to the right of it.
No sign, poster, or other non-transparent material may be placed on the front windshield, other than a certificate or other paper required to be so displayed by law, or in compliance with security measures required by a federal or state government agency and approved by the MVA.
No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon any public street with a sign, poster, or sticker on the front windshield, the side windows immediately adjacent to the operator’s seat and the front passenger seat, the side windows immediately to the rear of the operator’s seat and the front passenger seat, and the rear window in such a manner so as to obstruct, impede, or distort the vision of the operator.
Prohibited if they interfere with vision.
The only stickers that can be placed on a windshield are transparent stickers or stickers required to be placed on the windshield by law, or authorized by the Director of Emergency Management or the Commissioner of Public Safety.
Labels, stickers, decalcomania, or informational signs on motor vehicles are not prohibited as long as they do not interfere with normal vision of the road.
A person may not drive a motor vehicle with a sign, poster, substance, or other non-transparent material upon the front windshield, sidewings, or side or rear windows of the vehicle that materially obstructs, obscures, or impairs the driver’s clear view of the highway or an intersecting highway.
It is unlawful to drive with any sign, poster, or other nontransparent material upon the front windshield, side wing vents, or side or rear windows other than a certificate or other paper required to be so displayed by law. Enforced as a secondary offense.
A person shall not drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material upon the windows of such vehicle, if those objects obstruct the Driver’s clear view of the highway or any intersecting highway.
Stickers required to be displayed by the state are allowed to be displayed in the 6-inch square portion of the lower corner of the windshield farthest removed from the driver.
No person shall drive any vehicle with a sign, poster, sticker, or other non-transparent material upon or adjacent to the front windshield, sidewings, or side or rear windows of such vehicle which shall obstruct the driver’s clear view of the road, unless such material is required by law. Stickers or other nontransparent material are allowed on a rear window if the vehicle has exterior rearview mirrors on both sides and the stickers are along the perimeter without obstructing the center of the window.
No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, sticker, or other non-transparent material upon the front windshield, wings, deflectors, side shields, corner lights adjoining the windshield, or front side windows other than a certificate or other article required to be so displayed by statute or regulations.
New Mexico
No person is permitted to drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material upon or in the front windshield, windows to the immediate right and left of the driver, or in the rearmost window if the latter is used for driving visibility.
New York
Placing stickers on the windshield or rear windows of a motor vehicle, other than those authorized by the DMV, is prohibited.
North Carolina
Prohibited, except those required by law or approved by commissioner.
North Dakota
No person may drive a vehicle with any sign, poster, or other nontransparent material on the front windshield, side wings, or side or rear windows that obstruct the driver’s clear view of the road.
Windshield stickers are prohibited, except that there may be in the lower left-hand or right-hand corner of the windshield a sign, poster, or decal not to exceed 4 inches in height by 6 inches in width.
No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other nontransparent material upon any window that obstructs the driver’s clear view of the roadway.
It is unlawful to place any material on a windshield if the material, sign, poster, or adhesive film prohibits or impairs the ability to see into or out of the vehicle.   Material is allowed on windows behind the driver.
Windshield stickers are permitted to be displayed if they are an inspection sticker, or an officially required sticker.
Rhode Island
No sign, poster, or other non-transparent material that obstructs the driver’s clear view of the road is permitted on the front windshield, side wings, or side or rear windows of the vehicle. The administrator of the Division may permit and specify placement of special stickers on the windshield or any other windows of the vehicle.
South Carolina
A person must not drive a motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material on the front windshield which obstructs the driver’s clear view of the highway.
South Dakota
These are prohibited unless official.
Stickers are permitted, but cannot interfere with visibility.
A person may not place on or attach to the windshield or side or rear window an object or material that obstructs or reduces the driver’s clear view.
A person may not operate a motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material on the windshield except a certificate or other paper required to be displayed by law or the vehicle’s identification number displayed or etched.
Nontransparent materials may be used when: along the top edge of the windshield area not to exceed 3 inches to the right or left of the center of the windshield if the materials do not extend downward more than 4 inches from the top edge of the windshield; in the lower left-hand corner of the windshield provided they do not extend more than 3 inches to the right of the left edge or more than 4 inches above the bottom edge of the windshield; in the lower left-hand corner of the rear window provided they do not extend more than 3 inches to the right of the left edge or more than 4 inches above the bottom edge of the window.
A person shall not paste, stick, or paint advertising matter or other things on, over, or hung behind any transparent part of a motor vehicle windshield, vent windows, or side windows located immediately to the left and right of the driver, except in a space not over 4 inches high and 12 inches long in the lower right-hand corner of the windshield, or in such space as the DMV may specify for location of any government sticker. Exempts electronic toll collection transponders.
Stickers are not allowed on any windshield, except for inspection and county tax decals.
These are prohibited unless official and cannot obstruct vision.
West Virginia
It is not permissible to drive a motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material on the front windshield, side wings, or side or rear windows that obstructs the driver’s clear view of the highway.
No sticker, other than a certificate or other sticker issued by order of a government agency, may be placed on the front windshield of any motor vehicle. Permitted stickers may not cover more than 15 square inches of glass surface and must be placed in the lower left-hand corner of the windshield. Exempts a monitoring and feedback device mounted to the front windshield.
No person may drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other material or substance upon or crack within the front windshield, side or rear windows of the vehicle that obstructs, obscures, or impairs the driver’s clear view of the highway or any intersecting highway.
Puerto Rico
Objects such as advertisements, cards, pasquinades, decalcomania, signs, or other non-transparent material must not exceed a square of 7 inches by 7 inches, and must be placed on the lower corner farthest from the driver’s seat, or on the lateral windows behind the driver so as not to obstruct visibility.
A person may apply stickers to the window of a motor vehicle only if they do not limit the driver’s field of vision or otherwise impair the safe operation of the motor vehicle.
British Columbia
A driver may not drive on a highway if a windshield sticker obstructs the driver’s view.
Motor vehicles may be equipped with frost shields.
New Brunswick
Except as otherwise specified, it is not permissible to operate a motor vehicle on the highway with a non-transparent material on the front windshield, side wings, or side or rear windows, or having on the exterior or interior an ornament that obstructs or is liable to obstruct the driver’s clear view of the highway.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Windshield stickers are permitted as long as they do not impair the operator’s field of vision, or prevent the safe operation of the motor vehicle.
Northwest Territories
No person may operate, on a highway, any motor vehicle with a sticker, sign, poster, or other non-transparent material placed over, or affixed to the windshield or a side or a rear window that unduly obstructs the driver’s view of the highway or an intersecting highway.
Nova Scotia
No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway when there is any sign, poster, or other nontransparent material upon the windshield other than a certificate, sticker, or other device required by the province. The inspection sticker must be placed on the lower left-hand interior of the windshield.
Stickers allowed: an identification sticker on the upper most centre portion of a windshield no greater than 3 inches high and 6 inches wide, and a semi-transparent metric/miles per hour conversion indicator on the lower edge and centred in line with the vehicle’s steering column, no greater than 2 inches high and 7 inches wide.
No person shall operate, on a highway, any motor vehicle with a sticker, sign, poster or other non-transparent material placed over, or affixed to the windshield or a side or a rear window that unduly obstructs his or her view of the highway or an intersecting highway.
No person may drive a motor vehicle on a highway with any sign, poster or other non-transparent material or object placed on the windshield or on any window of the vehicle in a manner that will obstruct the driver’s view of the highway or any intersecting highway.
Prince Edward Island
Windshield stickers are permissible as long as they do not impair the safe operation of the motor vehicle.
Windshields and other windows of a motor vehicle must be free of any material that might reduce visibility from inside or outside the vehicle.
Windshield stickers that are greater than 51.2 mm in diameter in the area swept by the windshield wipers are not permitted.
No person may drive a vehicle on a highway if the view through the windshield or windows is so obscured by mud, frost, steam, or any other thing as to make the driving of the vehicle hazardous or dangerous.
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HR Outsourcing for Compliance Peace of Mind
The majority of businesses are unprepared for the dangers and restrictions that they face. According to the New York Times, two out of every five small business owners do not have any business insurance. This could be related to cost; it's difficult to acquire enough coverage at prices that are affordable for small businesses. It may also be due to sheer overpower. 69 percent of small company owners, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF), are overburdened by-laws, rules, and requirements. Fortunately, HR compliance outsourcing can help in just these ways.
What does compliance outsourcing include?
One of the characteristics of compliance that makes it so difficult is how extensive it is. Federal, state, and local governments can all issue regulations, and they can change quickly. Overall, it constructs a complicated tangle of obligations. The knot is untangled, and each thread is handled by a PEO. Services can include:
·         Wage and hour disputes
·         Harassment claims
·         Company policies
·         Training standards
·         Workers’ compensation
·         Safety programs and OSHA requirements
·         Insurance (like Employment Practices Liability Insurance)
·         Employment law posters and notices
·         And more
What can employers reasonably expect after outsourcing benefits?
Time: According to the 2017 Business Regulations Survey conducted by the National Small Business Association (NSBA), nearly one-third of small business owners spend more than 80 hours per year dealing with federal regulations alone. According to the survey, small business owners are unaware of how much time they spend on compliance-related concerns because they view "long-standing laws as a normal expense of doing business," rather than the regulatory burden that they are. All of that time can be returned to the owner, allowing him or her to focus on the firm.
Peace of mind: "For the vast majority of all respondents, the owner is primarily responsible for dealing with regulatory issues" and hazards, according to the survey report. This not only takes time away from the business but also places the burden of responsibility and accountability directly on the shoulders of the owner. Outsourcing can assist in removing this burden.
Cost Savings: The cost of complying with regulations and managing company risks is not small. According to the NSBA research, the average small business owner spends $12,000 on compliance expenditures each year. According to the NRF poll, many business owners are concerned that rising compliance expenses may force them to adjust or cut benefits. To make matters worse, SMBs may find it difficult to obtain truly cost-effective pricing.
This is where outsourcing as a cost-cutting strategy really shines. As KVB Staffing Solutions client says, outsourcing "gives me the security of knowing that I can secure workers' compensation coverage for my employees at a lower cost than I could provide." I could never get those prices or save that much money as a tiny business." HR compliance outsourcing partners can also provide training and services to guarantee that regulations are followed and worker dangers are reduced.
Need more information on risks and regulations affecting your business? KVB Staffing Solutions, one of the leading Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) in the country, assists small and midsized businesses with risk management, compliance, workers' compensation, and HR administration.
To study more regarding our ability to produce a strategic HR function in your business that compels business growth potential, contact us now. Visit: http://kvb-group.com/web/compliancemanagementservices/
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georgiaprelawland · 3 years
EPA Puts A Stop To Covid-19 Scammer
By Elizabeth Putnam, Kennesaw State University Class of 2021
June 21, 2021
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Small companies were badly impacted by the Coronavirus epidemic and did everything they could to stay afloat. Some companies achieved this by advertising on social media or in their local community, while others devised safe alternatives. One company in particular, however, was taken to court by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over their involvement in covid-19 scamming. [1]
The company PurEnvironment, a mold cleaning company based in Utah, both boasted on their website and to local news outlets that their mold remedy could not only cleanse a person’s business or home of covid-19 but guaranteed that it would stay covid free for 90 plus days. [1] The company posted flyers claiming that their products could disinfect, cleanse, and kill all viruses including covid-19. The company also advertised that their products were CDC, EPA, and FDA approved, none of which had actually approved their product for such jobs. Thankfully, no business or person took the company up on their word, and the EPA stepped in with criminal charges before any damage could be done. [2]
The company advertised that one of the pesticides used called EverPURE could rid spaces of the virus. Those pesticides are mold inhibitors, which are only allowed to prevent the growth of microorganisms that cause odors and stains, as well as mold, mildew, and algae. There is no proof that this anti-mold solution can give 90 days of virus protection. Unfortunately, since the company’s existence since 2018, PurEnvironment has never filed proper documentation for EverPURE or its companion, InstaPURE. Due to both the false adverting, and the unregistered pesticides, the EPA brought criminal charges against the corporation. [2]
The matter was investigated by the Attorney General's Office Environmental Protection Division and the EPA's Criminal Investigation Division. In July, the EPA's Air and Toxics Enforcement Section warned the firm to stop making fraudulent COVID-19 protection claims. After receiving the warning, the firm continued to make similar claims on its website for months. The business did not remove the poster or ads on the covid treatments they gave until December of 2020, and only after the charges were brought against the company. [2]
Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed criminal charges in King County District Court against the firm, alleging negligent pesticide application in violation of the Washington Pesticide Application Act. The corporation agreed to pay a $15,000 fine after pleading guilty to the misdemeanor allegation. The firm must also adhere to state and federal pesticide registration regulations in Washington. [3] PurEnvironment is also on probation for the next year in compliance with the King County Superior Court Judge Gregg H. Hirakawa’s orders. [2]
Elizabeth Putnam is an undergraduate student at Kennesaw State University working on obtaining her bachelor’s in criminal justice with a minor in sociology.
[1] Staff, KIRO 7 News. “Mold Removal Company Charged after Falsely Claiming Products Could Protect against COVID-19.” KIRO 7 News Seattle, KIRO 7 News Seattle, 22 Feb. 2021, www.kiro7.com/news/local/local-company-offers-service-eliminate-coronavirus-homes-businesses/M2O6U2EOIFDDLDZYOEJIGAOL44/.
[2] Staff, EPA. “Attorney General.” AG Ferguson: PurEnvironment Pleads Guilty to Environmental Criminal Charges for COVID-Related Scam | Washington State, 22 Feb. 2021, www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/ag-ferguson-purenvironment-pleads-guilty-environmental-criminal-charges-covid.
[3] Staff, R@in. “COVID-Related Scam.” Regional Associations Information Network, 2021, regionalassociations.org/covid-related-scam/.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Markets Fret Over Halt to Johnson & Johnson’s Vaccine New worries about J.&.J.’s Covid vaccine Federal health officials have called for an immediate halt in using Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine, after recipients in the U.S. suffered blood clots within two weeks of vaccination. It could mark a hurdle for America’s inoculation efforts. Six women between age 18 to 48 developed a rare disorder involving blood clots. One died and another is hospitalized in critical care. Over all, nearly seven million people in the U.S. have received the J.&J. one-shot vaccine, and nine million more doses have been shipped to states. The move follows several countries’ limiting the use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine after similar reports of blood clotting. Both shots are based on the same viral vector technology; vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna haven’t been associated with such risks. J&J’s share price fell nearly 3 percent in premarket trading and U.S. market futures turned negative on the news. It’s unclear how much the J.&J. halt will hurt the Biden administration’s goals, with the White House aiming to have enough vaccines to inoculate all adults in the country by the end of May. F.D.A. officials plan to hold a news conference at 10 a.m. Eastern, and you can listen here. HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING More businesses take action against efforts to limit voting rights. Will Smith is pulling a forthcoming film production, backed by Apple, out of Georgia following its passage of voting restrictions. And a group of law firms, including Paul Weiss, Skadden and Cravath, plans to “challenge voter suppression legislation.” President Biden declares semiconductors as infrastructure. At a meeting with tech executives yesterday, Mr. Biden addressed a global chip shortage that has hurt manufacturers, tying the issue to his $2.3 trillion infrastructure spending plans. Britain’s Parliament will investigate David Cameron’s role advising Greensill. The former prime minister will face an independent inquiry into his work lobbying top government officials on behalf of the now-insolvent lender. Mr. Cameron has denied violating lobbying rules. Uber shows a strong rebound from the pandemic. The company reported a record number of bookings last month as Covid-19 vaccination rates rose and pandemic lockdowns lifted. But the company still has a problem: a dearth of drivers. Bitcoin sets a record, again. The cryptocurrency was trading at more than $62,000 this morning, continuing a weeklong run-up. That’s good for Coinbase, the cryptocurrency exchange whose shares are set to begin trading tomorrow at a potential valuation of more than $100 billion. Behold the biggest SPAC deal ever Grab — a ride-hailing company, bank and food delivery business all rolled into one — is set to make its debut on the Nasdaq, in the largest offering by a Southeast Asian company on a U.S. stock exchange. The deal announced today values Grab at $39.6 billion, the largest SPAC deal to date by some distance. It includes an additional investment of more than $4 billion, from investors including BlackRock, T. Rowe Price and Temasek. It’s trying some new things with how SPACs work. The SPAC’s sponsors, Altimeter Capital Management, are holding onto some of their shares for at least three years, matching the span of the financial projections presented in the rollout of the deal. They’re also giving 10 percent of those shares to the company’s recently announced GrabforGood Fund, to share with its workers. It highlights a flourishing dealmaking scene in Southeast Asia. Bain, the consulting firm, said it expected that the region would have at least 10 unicorns — start-ups valued at $1 billion or more — by 2024. Updated  April 13, 2021, 7:14 a.m. ET Meanwhile, the S.E.C. plans to tighten a key rule for SPACs. The agency put out new guidance for warrants, which early investors in blank-check funds can exercise to buy more shares. Those instruments might need to be classified as an accounting liability, which Bloomberg notes poses a headache for both pending SPAC filings and funds that have already struck deals. How did Microsoft escape the antitrust crackdown? Big Tech is under intense scrutiny for its monopoly power, with investigations into Apple, Amazon and Facebook, and a case against Google, underway. But when Microsoft announced yesterday that it would acquire Nuance Communications for $16 billion, analysts appeared confident that regulators would allow it. “We see no major regulatory hurdles to Microsoft getting this deal done,” Daniel Ives of Wedbush Securities wrote in a report. “Microsoft is on the M&A warpath over the next 12 to 18 months and Nuance could be the first step in an increased appetite for deals,” Mr. Ives wrote. The tech giant was the poster child of antitrust action in the 1990s but has received relatively little attention during the most recent round of antitrust probes, even as it bought ZeniMax for $7.5 billion, bid for TikTok and reportedly looked to buy Discord and Pinterest. Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s chief, was the only Big Five tech C.E.O. who did not testify at congressional antitrust hearings last year. After Microsoft completes the all-cash purchase of Nuance, it will still have plenty of money for more deal-making: It ended last year with $132 billion in the bank. “Microsoft right now feels free as a bird,” Mr. Ives told DealBook, in contrast to its Big Tech rivals wary of antitrust attention. So why hasn’t Microsoft attracted more scrutiny? Nuance doesn’t directly compete with Microsoft, which makes it harder to prove that the acquisition would be anti-competitive. The two companies have been partners since 2019, and Nuance’s A.I. and voice recognition technology is mainly focused on the health care industry. Hal Singer, a senior fellow at George Washington University’s Institute of Public Policy, told DealBook that “the proposed acquisition would be considered vertical, as voice assistance would complement Microsoft’s core offering. And the law on vertical mergers is quite weak.” “Microsoft is not perceived as predatory in the same way” as other Big Tech firms, said Matt Stoller, the director of research at the American Economic Liberties Project. “It hasn’t been displacing whole industry segments, whereas the other four have.” He added that government agencies “have to pick something to focus on, and Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook are the pace-setters of the economy.” But those expecting the deal to sail through could be wrong. Rebecca Slaughter, the acting chair of the F.T.C., has called for a tougher approach to vertical mergers. Last month, the agency sued to block a $7.1 billion deal in the drug industry that would be only the second such case involving a vertical merger in the past 40 years. Positioning Bitcoin for legitimacy Coinbase, the largest U.S. cryptocurrency exchange, goes public tomorrow at what is expected to be an eye-popping valuation. The debut is a major milestone in the mainstreaming of digital money, but barriers to acceptance will remain as long as crypto maintains a reputation for facilitating illicit activity. The exchange and its allies are working to dispel that impression. A former C.I.A. leader called concerns about crypto “significantly overstated” in a new report. Michael Morell said he had begun his “call it as I see it” investigation suspicious of crypto, but concluded that officials are not sufficiently informed about the technology. “Most illicit activity still takes place in the traditional banking system and not via cryptocurrency,” he wrote. Notably, the research was commissioned by the Crypto Council for Innovation, a new trade association with four members: Coinbase, Fidelity, Paradigm and Square. It’s one of several overlapping crypto trade groups lobbying lawmakers in Washington, a subject that DealBook will soon cover in more depth — get in touch with any tips. Wells Fargo invests in five more Black-owned banks Wells Fargo announced equity investments in five Minority Depository Institutions today. It’s part of Wells Fargo’s pledge to invest up to $50 million in Black-owned banks; it invested in six other lenders in February. “The capital came in handy for us to deploy immediately,” said Cynthia Day, the C.E.O. of Citizens Trust, one of the banks receiving an investment. The Atlanta-based bank, which was founded in 1921, issued more than $60 million P.P.P. loans to small businesses during the pandemic. Ms. Day said she expected the bank’s partnership with Wells Fargo to help with technology in particular. “These partnerships allows us to be able to expand and stay independent,” Ms. Day said of the rapid consolidation of regional banks as compliance costs rise and fintech firms compete for customers. The idea came with a change of leadership at Wells Fargo. Charlie Scharf joined the bank as C.E.O in 2019 and Bill Daley as head of public affairs shortly thereafter. “Considering the depth of the issues of this place,” Mr. Daley said, the bank’s leaders discussed “how to get engaged in a different way in lots of communities.” It announced the investment plan in March last year, before the protests over the police killing of George Floyd that spurred a number of similar pledges (sometimes at much larger scales). “That was a little uncomfortable period there,” Mr. Daley said. “And we just said, ‘No we’re on pace to do what we’re going to do — and it’s not about getting that press release out, but getting the relationship done.’” PNC gives up revenue to tame overdraft fees PNC announced a move today to reduce its share of the $17 billion in overdraft fees that Americans pay every year. It’s expected to cut customers’ overdraft fees about 60 percent, and its own annual revenue by $125 million to $150 million. It comes as PNC prepares to close its deal with BBVA, making it the country’s fifth-largest retail bank. Overdraft fees are paid largely by people who can least afford them. Eight percent of American families account for three-quarters of the fees, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. “Overdraft is an expensive fee they charge only on those people who run out of money that goes straight to short-term profits,” said Aaron Klein, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. “We weren’t doing the best we could do by our clients,” PNC’s chief executive, William Demchak, told DealBook. Over the long term he expects that the move will help it gain market share. “In the short run, if it cost us 100 million bucks or something — so what?” How it works: PNC’s app will feature a “low cash mode.” It sends alerts when an account is low, and when it goes negative the customer has at least 24 hours to fix it, including by reviewing pending payments and deciding which to prioritize. “I think it will change the industry,” Mr. Demchak said. For the largest banks to adopt a similar approach is a matter of technology — and desire. Overdraft fees help drive revenue: $35.61 per account annually for JPMorgan Chase on the high end and $4.90 per account for Citi on the low end, according to Mr. Klein. PNC fell in the middle, with $14.96 per account. THE SPEED READ Deals Despite owning over $100 million in stock, Archegos never publicly disclosed its holdings as S.E.C. rules generally require. (NYT) When Wall Street banks’ earnings start coming out tomorrow, they’re likely to show a big reliance on deal-making for profits, thanks in large part to SPACs. (Bloomberg) Politics and policy The U.S. budget deficit hit $1.7 trillion in the first six months of its current fiscal year, setting a record as the government spent trillions on pandemic aid. (NYT) Tech Nvidia plans to roll out a line of general-purpose C.P.U. chips, its most direct challenge yet to Intel. (FT) A key technical standards organization is trying to get rid of computer engineering terms that evoke racist history, like “master,” “slave,” “whitelist” and “blacklist.” (NYT) Best of the rest Reuters named Alessandra Galloni as its new editor in chief, the first woman to hold the role in the news agency’s 170-year history. (NYT) GameStop is looking for a new C.E.O., as the video game retailer overhauls itself after being at the center of the meme-stock frenzy. (Reuters) The New York Stock Exchange’s first NFTs memorialize the initial trades of six stocks, including Spotify, DoorDash and Coupang. (CNBC) We’d like your feedback! Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Source link Orbem News #Fret #halt #Johnson #Johnsons #Markets #Vaccine
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austinpanda · 4 years
Dad Letter 032121
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21 March, 2021
Dear Dad--
Happy Sunday to you. I got the casino job! Well, I provisionally got the casino job! They’ve decided they’d like to “move forward,” and are now going to crawl up my butt with a microscope and make sure that I’m not someone with a shady past or nefarious intentions. I had to fill out a very long application to be a licensed gaming employee in the state, and I had to answer a question about whether I am a fugitive from justice! I will be fingerprinted at some point. I had to give a list of identifying scars and tattoos. I had to consult the internet to find my eye color because I don’t know what damn color my eyes are. (The internet indicated that my eyes are either blue, blue-gray, green, gray-green, blue-green, hazel, or gray, which I think is just about all of them.) I take it for granted that I may be working in the casino, or taking a break and sitting somewhere eating a sandwich, and someone might push a cart past me with a million dollars on it. Whenever that’s the case, I assume my employers will have real firm opinions about how money is handled, and security, and making sure the employees aren’t wanted felons, etc.
So I did okay on the phone interview, except for the question about Microsoft Excel, which is the industry standard for making spreadsheets. So I brushed up on Excel, to make sure I’d be able to answer the question if it came up again. He brought it up again, and I was able to answer the question correctly this time. This established that I am both conscientious and resourceful, dammit. They pointed out a few nice things about working there. Firstly, they have food events, where I can come and eat. Second, they have an enormous parking garage. This is mostly to benefit the customers, but it also means you won’t end a long day of work and have to remove a foot of snow from your car before you can go home. They also said that, if I was done working and it was snowing so hard that it wasn’t safe to go home, they could give me a room in the hotel for the night.
As I may have mentioned, this job is all about doing audits and other daily tasks to, I guess, make sure all the dollars are present and correct and law-abiding. I’m a compliance person! Assuming I sail through all the background stuff, I’ll help make sure the casino is in compliance with federal this and local that and state this and corporate that. They’ll train me. I predict several possible outcomes.
1. Within my first week, I have a heart attack while at work, causing me to fart loudly and repeatedly. It becomes known as Rick’s Fart Attack, and after recovering, I can never look anyone in the eye again, and I have to leave the company in shame. Also I’ll be unable to understand or remember anything they try to teach me. And they find out that I tried acid back in 1990.
2. I do okay, everyone is satisfied, I work there till I’m 70 and retire. No Nobel Prize for Compliance, but no fart attacks.
3. I do exceptionally well. I learn the stuff as quickly as they expect me to. I am able to achieve the accuracy they seek. They appreciate my pragmatism and my bourgeois sweaters. I become a valuable asset to them; they seem to like me. Next time my birthday comes around, at the cake cutting, no fewer than six people slip me folded pieces of paper saying they appreciate my work style, and my George Clooney salt and pepper hair, and would I like to visit the casino bar for a pre-coital alcoholic beverage, and then get a good hard auditing from Rick, the new compliance guy, just in case I’m interested.
I really don’t know what outcome I’m going to achieve here. Obviously, the work isn’t going to be too action-packed. It’s auditing, and I’m told to expect repetition. (That’s good; I take comfort in shit like that.) I just hope I don’t screw up anything I can’t fix, and they’re good at training, and that, in the end, I’ll have a workplace I don’t dread going to. I’ll like my coworkers, maybe make a new friend or two. I’ll make enough money that I can pay rent and not have to eat cat food.
I wonder how long it’s going to take them to figure out that I have no aptitude for either drinking or gambling, I make sports bets about as often as I fly in the space shuttle, and I have no idea at all how craps works. The last time I went into a casino, I got $20 in quarters from a cashier before I learned that none of the slot machines take quarters any more. They took money straight off your debit card! Then you carried a balance, and when you wanted to leave one slot machine, it would print a little ticket that you could feed into the next slot machine that kept track of your balance. I had to take all my quarters back to the cashier and explain that I was an idiot, and could you take all these stupid quarters back, pretty please? That was in the Snoqualmie Casino in Washington State. (Their motto: We don’t know how to pronounce your name, either, tough guy) I didn’t win shit, but Zach won about a hundred bucks.
I filled out all my paperwork, including the 30-page gaming application, and some similar online forms. I need to go back in to get my photo taken and to get fingerprinted, but they are going to wait until the background check is done, so I’m just in a holding pattern now. Making sure I can dress in business casual for five days in a row without repeating pants (I cannot! Must attempt to increase my rate of, you know, pants. Fortunately, Zach and I have the same waist size and he’s given me a couple of pairs of work slacks he no longer needs.) Also I keep waiting to throw up. I always experience my tension in my stomach. It seems to happen every time I’m nervous about something, so...any time, sweetheart. Perhaps my body is waiting for the morning of Day 1. I shall remain vigilant.
I have to say, I felt comfortable in the casino offices where I had my interviews and started the HR shit. Since it’s called the Hollywood Casino, the theme is movies, so all the walls have framed movie posters in them. I saw a poster for The Manchurian Candidate. The guy who interviewed me was named Rick, and was a doughy, bespectacled honky like myself. When I got the job at Penquis, and I went in for training, I was in a room with a dozen women and no other men. I’m fine with that in theory, but in practice, it leaves me feeling a bit like a stranger in a strange land. Everyone at the casino looked like me, in a way I found reassuring, whether younger, or older, or female. I just felt a bit more at home there. Hope that feeling lasts. Also this pays better than the Penquis job did.
Not sure what I’m going to do today. Because I’m about to start a new job, it should make my remaining hours at home more special, which usually results in me cleaning something that doesn’t get cleaned as often as it should, like the bathtub. Also, we keep getting overflown by bald eagles, and I’m determined to get a picture of one. This is going to end up being a lot more difficult than it was to photograph a hummingbird, even though the eagle is so much bigger and slower. Hummingbirds like to come to my hummingbird feeder and light for a few seconds, during which you can snap a few easy photographs. We’ve seen a dozen bald eagles, but they’re always flying past, on their way somewhere. Sometimes they’re being harassed by groups of other birds. I need an eagle to stop by for a visit and sit someplace, photogenically, for a minute before it leaves, so I can get a few pictures. Otherwise it’s just going to be a picture of a sky with a little black smudge in it. I’m leaving the camera by the living room window.
I think that having this new job, assuming I pass everything, is going to take a lot of my stress away. As is usual, a lot of my stress stems from the fact that I was never very good at making and holding onto money. But once I get a paycheck or two from the casino, I believe it will feel like I’ve finally completed moving to Maine. After living here for a year and a half, I think this will make the circle complete. I won’t just be here with all my stuff, but I’ll be financially self-sufficient again, not living off savings, a proper grownup again, for the first time in Maine. Perhaps this will enable me to spend a bit more time looking forward, and making plans. I’m already considering one plan: This job starts part time, but is expected to become full time, once things pick up from all the Covid bullshit. I’m not looking forward to 40 hour work weeks again, but once I’m doing that, I think I’d like to get a new car. I’ve never bought a brand new car. I think it’s time I did.
By the next time I write, I may have started working at the new job! Oh, I have already received one email from the company doing the background check asking me, “Do you also go by the following name, and/or is this you? Rick E. Weidmann.” So I guess they found you when doing my background check! I assured them that we were two different people, and they seemed satisfied with that.
All my love to you both!
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indentifyperson · 4 years
California Employers: Do You Know Your Wage Order?
The California Department of Industrial Relations has just released an updated version of its IWC Wage Order Poster for 2021. The California Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders regulate wages, hours, and working conditions of each of every industry and occupation group in California.  Employers must comply with the IWC Wage Order, in addition to other California and Federal labor laws applicable to their business or industry.
For example, IWC Wage Order number 1 applies to the manufacturing industry; Wage Order number 4 applies to professional, technical, clerical, mechanical and similar occupations; Wage Order 7 applies to the mercantile industry; Wage Order 9 applies to the transportation industry; Wage Order 12 applies to the motion picture industry; Wage Order 14 applies to agricultural occupations; Wage Order 15 applies to household occupations; and Wage Order 16 applies to occupations in the construction, drilling, logging and mining industries.
Here are several things you need to know about the IWC Wage Order:
It is required for ALL employers in California to post a copy     of the correct IWC Wage Order Poster under Labor Code 1183(d).
It is enforced by the California Labor Commissioner’s     Office/Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE).
It is the number one required poster on the state’s list of     required notices, listed even before the contents of our California and Federal Combination Poster.
It states at the very top of the California Minimum Wage     notice, “Please post next to your IWC Industry or Occupation Order”.
Depending on the order, on either Section 20, 21, 22 of each of     the 16 wage orders, it states the following: “POSTING OF ORDER: Every     employer shall keep a copy of this order posted in an area frequented by     employees where it may be easily read during the workday. Where the     location of work or other conditions makes this impractical, every     employer shall keep a copy of this order and make it available to every     employee upon request. Note: Authority cited: Sections 864, 1173, and 1182.13,     Labor Code; and California Constitution, Article XIV, Section 1.     Reference: Sections 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, 864, 1182, 1182.12, 1182.13,     and 1184, and 2695.2, Labor Code.”
The California Labor Commissioner’s Office, also known as the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement or DLSE, has created a pamphlet called “WHICH IWC ORDER?  Classifications” to assists employers and employees in determining which IWC Wage Order applies to a business or employee (available at http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/WhichIWCOrderClassifications.PDF).
Each California Wage Order covers regulations on topics such as:
Administrative, executive and professional exemptions;
Overtime wages;
Alternative workweeks;
Minimum wages;
Reporting time pay;
Records retention;
Cash shortage and breakage;
Uniforms and equipment;
Meals and lodging;
Meal (lunch) periods;
Rest (break) periods; and
Required posting of the order.
The Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) lists 17 different California Wage Orders. However, the DLSE has not made a determination as to who is classified under the 17th Wage Order – Miscellaneous Employees. Every California employer should know the applicable Wage Order for his/her/their/its business and employees and the regulations regarding wages, hours and working conditions contained therein.
Here is a list of the 16 different IWC Wage Orders, excluding the one for miscellaneous employees.
(1) Manufacturing Industry
(9) Transportation Industry  (Trucking, Airline, Delivery, Automotive Repair)
(2) Personal Services  (gyms, hair and nail salons, massage parlor, etc.)
(10) Amusement & Recreation  Industry (Amusement Parks, Bowling Alleys, Golf Courses, Ski  Resorts, etc.)
(3) Canning, Freezing & Preserving  Industry
(11) Broadcasting Industry  (Broadcasting and Taping, TV and Radio Broadcasting)
(4) Professional, Technical,  Clerical, Mechanical, and Similar Occupations  Teachers, Engineers, Real Estate Brokerage, Financial Firms, Legal Firms,  Professional Firms, Travel Agencies, Non-Profit, Government Employees, etc.)
(12) Motion Picture Industry  (Film, TV, Video Production, Advertising Films, Casting, Wardrobe and  Property Rental for Production, etc.)
(5) Public Housekeeping Industry (Restaurants,  Hotels, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Public Storage, Grounds and Property  Maintenance, Schools with Dormitories, etc.)
(13) Agricultural Products for  Market, On The Farm  (packing, processing, slaughtering, nut hulling/shelling/cracking, etc. when  done on grower’s own land and product)
(6) Laundry, Linen Supply, Dry  Cleaning and Dyeing Industry
(14) Agricultural Occupations  (Field Workers, Fish Hatcheries, Wranglers, Cowboys/Cowgirls, etc.)
(7) Mercantile Industry  (purchasing, selling, or distributing goods or commodities at retail or  Wholesale, or renting goods or commodities)
(15) Household Occupations  (Day Workers, Employees of private households)
(8) Industries handling products  after harvest (not on the farm)
(16) On-Site Construction,  Mining, Drilling, Landscaping Industry
 For the convenience of our valued customers, Compliance Posters of America created an all-in-one version of the California IWC Wage Order Poster, available in a laminated 24″ x 36″ poster format.
California employers must also comply with additional applicable local or municipal requirements, which might include city-specific minimum wage requirements that may be higher than the state minimum wage such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Pasadena, Santa Monica, and San Diego.
Disclaimer: This article is intended as a guide to help determine the classifications of businesses and occupations under the Industrial Welfare Commission Orders. These guidelines and classifications of employees are general in nature and the existence of specific facts and circumstances of the employment relationship and operations of a particular employer may require a different determination of proper classification that the general one set forth herein. As new types of businesses and occupations are constantly coming into existence, there undoubtedly may be businesses and occupations that have not been included on the state’s classification index. Additionally, as industry practices and business structures evolve, circumstances may dictate the change in classification of a particular occupation from one wage order to another wage order.
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megalium · 4 years
Covid-19: C.D.C. Order Requires Masks for Travel in U.S.
Covid-19: C.D.C. Order Requires Masks for Travel in U.S.
Countries are tightening borders to evade virus variants. A hospital refrigerator malfunction in Seattle led to a frenzied overnight inoculation drive.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued an order requiring travelers in the United States to wear masks as part of a new initiative aimed at stemming outbreaks of the coronavirus.
According to the 11-page order issued on Friday, travelers entering and transiting throughout the country will be required to wear face coverings in all transportation hubs, which the C.D.C. defines as including any “airport, bus terminal, marina, seaport or other port, subway station, terminal, train station, U.S. port of entry or any other location that provides transportation.”
The language of the order largely puts the onus on transit operators to enforce the rule.
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“Conveyance operators must use best efforts to ensure that any person on the conveyance wears a mask when boarding, disembarking and for the duration of travel,” the document said.
The new mandate, which comes as the country surpassed 26 million cases, is part of a string of executive orders and directives that President Biden signed on Thursday that aimed to ramp up the new administration’s ambitious goals of containing the latest surge and accelerating vaccine distribution.
A similar order was proposed during the Trump administration, but the White House Coronavirus Task Force, led by Vice President Mike Pence, blocked the effort.
“Requiring masks on our transportation systems will protect Americans and provide confidence that we can once again travel safely even during this pandemic,” read the order, signed by Dr. Martin Cetron, director of the C.D.C.’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine. “Therefore, requiring masks will help us control this pandemic and aid in re-opening America’s economy.”
A footnote in the order states that the C.D.C. reserves the right to enforce the order “through criminal penalties.” But a spokesman for the agency said that the order relied heavily on voluntary action to enforce the mandate.
“C.D.C. strongly encourages and anticipates widespread voluntary compliance as well as support from other federal agencies in enforcing this order, to the extent permitted by law,” he said. “C.D.C. will be assisted with implementation by other federal partners, including D.H.S. and D.O.T.,” referring to the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Transportation.
The establishment of a national mask mandate for travelers was hailed by public health officials as a necessary step to fix the patchwork of local regulations that at times have let travelers move freely without facial coverings, in spite of ample data showing that mask wearing is key to preventing the spread of the virus.
“You needed this kind of coordinated response for quite some time,” said Dr. Melissa J. Perry, a professor of environmental and occupational health at George Washington University. “So, uniform, across the board, everyone, everywhere, being required to wear masks will get us more soon to the end of the pandemic.”
The Pentagon on Saturday halted plans to offer coronavirus vaccines next week to the 40 wartime prisoners at Guantánamo Bay after an outcry over whether the Defense Department was putting terrorism suspects before the American people.
John Kirby, a department spokesman, announced the reversal on Twitter, noting that none of the detainees had been vaccinated. A delay, he said, would let officials “assess the impact on force protection to our troops, and that’s always going to be the first priority.”
The 40 prisoners include Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is accused of being the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, as well as six men who have been cleared for release by an interagency government panel.
The disclosure by The New York Times on Thursday of the plan to administer vaccines to prisoners at Guantánamo Bay incited a sharp backlash, particularly given the slow start of the vaccine rollout in the United States.
Most states have started vaccinating older adults, but people across the country have expressed frustration over vaccine shortages, long lines and canceled appointments.
Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the top House Republican, chimed in on Twitter on Saturday to criticize the Pentagon’s initial proposal. “President Biden told us he would have a plan to defeat the virus on day 1,” he wrote. “He just never told us that it would be to give the vaccine to terrorists before most Americans.”
The Defense Department announced the suspension several hours later.
About 1,500 troops serve at the detention center in Cuba, most of whom are National Guard members who arrived during the pandemic and spent their first two weeks there in individual quarantine. But the Southern Command, which has oversight of the prison, has so far not disclosed how many of them were offered the vaccine and how many agreed to receive it.
Dr. Terry Adirim, the Pentagon’s principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, signed a memo on Wednesday that authorized the vaccination of the detainees. She is a Biden administration appointee who has been serving as a senior health official at the Defense Department since July 2016.
Motorists in line at one of the country’s largest vaccination sites were briefly halted on Saturday afternoon as demonstrators descended on Dodger Stadium, the authorities said.
At about 1:50 p.m. Pacific time, officials from the Los Angeles Fire Department closed the stadium’s entrance, said David Ortiz, a spokesman for the department. The closure lasted for about an hour before the entrance reopened, while vaccinations continued inside the stadium, Mr. Ortiz said. Cars were temporarily not let inside the entrance as protesters were trying to walk through the gates. About 50 protesters were present at the entrance.
All scheduled vaccines would be delivered, the police said on Twitter on Saturday evening. A spokeswoman with the Los Angeles Police Department said no arrests were made.
“The protest did not shut down the vaccination site,” Chief Michel Moore said in a statement on Twitter. “All appointments are being met.”
The Police Department and Fire Department did not comment on whether the protesters were affiliated with any groups or what exactly they were demonstrating against.
Photos posted to social media, however, show people holding posters with the words, “99.96% survival rate” and “End the Lockdown” as well as other paraphernalia that appeared to denounce the pandemic’s existence and coronavirus vaccinations. One protester held a sign at the gates reading, “Vaccine Makers have no liability for injuries or deaths.”
The vaccination site at Dodger Stadium opened on Jan. 15. Since then, those eager to get vaccinated have been met with a wide range of wait times, with the site highlighting some of the logistical hurdles of vaccinating people in one of America’s largest cities. In the past week, an average of almost 7,000 daily cases were reported in Los Angeles County, according to a New York Times database. The city of Los Angeles has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country, as almost 83 percent of the doses the city has received have been administered.
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chapeauchicc · 4 years
Girl That's What I Do I Read Books And I Know Things Poster
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Every monday read the information below could educate you 1 9 17 the disclaimers talk show by dave and edward johnston also on youtube oregon trackers live stream 5pm oregon 6 mountain 7pm central 8pm eastcoast call in 712 775 7035 228627 constitution lawful bloodline american republic v legal democracy please read about the law edward johnston filings published in the media also filed filed a Girl That's What I Do I Read Books And I Know Things Poster must watch with your children red skelton’s pledge of allegiance helvering v davis wikipedia the free encyclopedia en wikipedia org wiki helvering_v _davis helvering v davis 301 u s 619 1937 was a decision by the united states supreme court which held that social security was constitutionally permissible please watch 3 16min if I were the devil paul harvey good audio always with respect please govern yourself accordingly notice we are not attorney or lawyers if you would like legal advice contact a lawyer or attorney even tho their is no such thing attorney’s license ain’t no such thing freedom www freedom school com law attorney license no such whereas military flag with the gold fringe martial law flag pursuant to 4 u s c chapter 1 1 2 3 executive order 10834 august 21 1959 24 f r 6865 a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the united states except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides the president of the united states designates this deviation from the regular flag by executive order and in his capacity as commander in chief of the military the placing of a fringe on the national flag the dimensions of the flag and the arrangement of the stars in the union are matters of detail not controlled by statute but are within the discretion of the president as commander in chief of the army and navy 34 ops atty gen 83 the law of the flag regulates the laws under which contracts entered into will be governed see ruhstrat v people any courtroom that displays such a flag behind the judge is a military courtroom which is operating under military law and not constitutional law or common law or civil law or statute law restrictions note added this court is thereby receiving public funds under false and fraudulent pretense and is committing treason against the constitution under the 16th american jurist prudence section 177 whereas 1 2 american flag such as a gold fringe mutilates the flag and carries a one year prison term this is confirmed by the authority of title 36 section 176 g the gold fringe is a fourth color and purportedly represents color of military law jurisdiction and when placed on the title 4 u s c section 1 2 flag mutilates the flag and suspends the constitution refer to title 18 u s c section 242 see black s law dictionary attorney’s license ain’t no such thing attorney’s license ain’t no such thing bigger text all lawyers and lawyer title 42 408 a 8 title 42 408 a in general whoever 8 discloses uses or compels the disclosure of the social security number of any person in violation of the laws of the united states shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned for not more than five years or both this is why it has to be done in admiralty law in title 28 u s c judiciary and judicial procedure in the chapter and section that defines court debt judgment and united states chapter 176 federal debt collection procedure section 3002 united states means a federal corporation 28 u s c 3002 15 title 28 united states code means literally title 28 district of columbia municipal corporation code the states and district courts are all run by privately hired corporation we are treated in court as executive order 6 and 7 vol xv app 45 only has signature of the secretary of the state william h seward andrew johnson the president was against the 14th amendment he stated it creates a defacto government then in 1868 the 14th amendment created a different citizen making all persons corporations citizens of the united states and subject to the jurisdiction thereof y it has to be done in admiralty law in title 28 u s c judiciary and judicial procedure in the chapter and section that defines court debt judgment and united states chapter 176 federal debt collection procedure section 3002 united states means a federal corporation 28 u s c 3002 15 title 28 united states code means literally title 28 district of columbia municipal corporation code the states and district courts are all run by privately hired corporation we are treated in court as executive order 6 and 7 vol xv app 45 only has signature of the secretary of the state william h seward andrew johnson the president was against the 14th amendment he stated it creates a defacto government then in 1868 the 14th amendment created a different citizen making all persons corporations citizens of the united states and subject to the jurisdiction thereof merely being native born within the territorial boundaries of the united states of america does not make such an inhabitant a citizen of the united states unless an american indian original to this land subject to the jurisdiction of the fourteenth amendment elk v wilkins neb 1884 5 s ct 41 112 u s 99 28 l ed 643 trey gowdy lays down facts about illegal immigration 8 u s code 1401 nationals and citizens of united states at birth 1978 subsec a pub l 95 432 3 struck out a before the following and redesignated pars 1 to 7 as a to g respectively u s citizens were declared enemies of the u s by f d r by executive order no 2040 and ratified by congress on march 9 1933 fdr changed the meaning of the trading with the enemy act of december 6 1917 by changing the word without to citizens within the united states to cover the debt in 1933 and future debt the corporate government determined and established the value of the future labor of each incorporated individual in its jurisdiction to be 630 000 a bond of 630 000 is set on each certificate of live birth the certificates are bundled together into sets and then placed as securities on the open market these certificates are then purchased by the federal reserve and or foreign bankers the purchaser is the holder of title this process made each and every person in this jurisdiction a bond servant u s citizens were declared enemies of the u s by f d r by executive order no 2040 and ratified what is hjr 192 can we discharge our debts to the jun 7 2014 house joint resolution 192 was then passed by congress on june 5 1933 this law was passed to do away with the gold clause for lawful bloodline american house joint resolution 192 1933 redemption tribe net tribes tribe net redemption101 thread 07f05122 0090 408b house joint resolution 192 this article does not contain an absolute prohibition against the states making something else a tender in transfer of debt hjr 192 background 1933 the bankruptcy of the united www youhavetheright com tour3 background 1933 the bankruptcy of the united states passed house joint resolution 192 which served impossible as notes of debt do not pay for anything gonzales v oregon 546 u s 243 2006 was a decision by the united states supreme court which ruled that the united states attorney general could not enforce the federal controlled substances act against physicians who prescribed drugs in compliance with oregon state law for the assisted suicide of the terminally ill it was the first major case heard under the leadership of chief justice john roberts 1 it is the duty of every lawful bloodline american to oppose all enemies of this nation foreign and domestic note added every lawful and recognized american citizen including all elected appointed hired public servant s children’s protection services police sheriff’s martials cia fbi capital police secret service city council county commissioners board of commissioners et al religious organizations associations schools colleges universities schools of law corporations llc’s doctors nurses health care providers unions et al to preform they of oath of office in compliance to the 1776 constitution for the united states of america to all matters herein related thereof please help pass this information to other professionals in your area and honor thy 1776 constitutional oath of office in your area of expertise it is after all as lawful americans’ right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that ‘god’ promised mine and your bloodline of this united states of america for all mankind thereof please read read title 18 all of it”the original thirteenth article of amendment to the constitution for the united states if any citizen of the united states shall accept claim receive or retain any title of nobility or honour or shall without the consent of congress accept and retain any present pension office or emolument of any kind whatever from any emperor king prince or foreign power such person shall cease to be a citizen of the united states and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them or either of them journal of the senate citizens federal and persons vs people citizens citizens are members of a political community who in their associated capacity have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights u s v cruikshank 92 u s 542 if one is established as a people individually or collectively then one is entitled to all the rights which formerly belonged to the king by his prerogative lansing v smith 4 wend 9 n y 1829 21 am dec 89 10c const law sec 298 18 c em dom sec 3 228 37 c nav wat sec 219 nuls sec 167 48 c wharves sec 3 7 a people may do anything he or she wishes to do so long as it does not damage injure or impair the same right or property of another individual 10 pick 9 united states exp co v henderson 69 iowa 40 28 n w 426 greenl ev 469a quoted in hale v henkel 201 u s 43 1906 a people owes no duty to the state or the public as long as he does not trespass lansing v smith 21 d 89 people of a state are entitled to all rights which formerly belonged to the king by his prerogative 2 citizens united states citizenship does not entitle citizen to rights and privileges of state citizenship citizenship of the united states does not entitle citizen to privileges and immunities of citizen of the state since privileges and immunities of one are not the same as the other tashiro v jordan s f 1234g s c c 5 20 1927 both before and after the fourteenth amendment to the federal constitution it has not been necessary for a person to be a citizen of the united states in order to be a citizen of his state crosse v board of supervisors of elections 1966 221 a 2d 431 p 4 the fourteenth amendment of the constitution of the united states ratified 1 in 1868 creates or at least recognizes for the first time a federal citizenship of the united states as distinct from that of the states black’s law dictionary 6th edition 1 this is a bold lie it was never ratified per article v of the u s constitution congressional record house june 13 1967 pg 15641 15646 and dyett v turner 1968 are very clear about this travelers red lights flashing behind you when a cop turns on emergency lights to stop someone and asks for license and regis tration and then writes a summons ticket executes it and demands one s bond in the form of an agreement to appear and then serves the summons the cop is breaking the laws 1 the turning on of lights means an emergency is in effect the cop wants people to think he is stopping traffic and that the one being stopped is the emergency where was the emergency nowhere of course the cop just wanted to perform a traffic stop by doing so the cop perpetuated several fraudulent actions a the cop deceived the one being stopped into thinking there was an emergency b impersonated a government official on emergency business the cop in reality is a corpora ficta employee and not a government employee he has no authority of a government official at all there are two lawfully excusable conditions for seizing property or people 1 a warrant of the law 2 first hand observation of a crime being committed this is not just the law this is constitutionally mandated the cop needs the drivers license and regis tration as prima facie evidence to support the claim of trafficking instead of traveling if indeed one is not transporting people or property for hire or profit 2 cops are only authorized to enforce statute and ordinance not law statutes are passed by state of corpora fictas ordinances are passed by city county of corpora fictas law is only the natural law common law dmv is only a corporate dept in state of oregon ohio ca corpora ficta license and regis tration are commercial agreements and not contracts iff one of us is not involved in commercial activity then there is no exercise of a privilege that must be licensed and regis tered licenses and regis trations are only required for commercial activity that means business only in law people have the right to travel as a part of one s right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness 3 iff the cop perceives that one of us may have broken the law or actually infracted a statute and writes a ticket with a summons the cop is now impersonating an officer of the court which the cop is clearly not the cop is thereby impersonating a judicial officer who in all of america can write a summons to a court unless they are actually authorized to serve in a judicial capacity answer no one else may 18 u s code section 31 the term motor vehicle means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers passengers and property or property or cargo that means unless you are in commerce making money to transport people or cargo most of us are not commercial or in commerce most of us just go from point a to point b most of us who are not corporate government employees or on federal jurisdiction no cop can drag u into jurisdictrion no officer can acquire jurisdiction by deciding he has it the officer whether judicial or ministerial decides at his own peril middleton v low 1866 30 c 596 citing prosser v secor 1849 5 barb n y 607 608 the innocent individual who is harmed by an abuse of governmental authority is assured that he will be compensated for his injury owens v city of independence 100 s ct 1398 1980 if one individual does not possess such a right over the conduct of another good and lawful christian man no number of individuals in a deliberative body can possess such a right all combinations therefore to effect such an object are injurious not only to the individuals particularly oppressed but to the public at large people v fisher 14wend n y 9 28 am dec 501 when you been kidnap and held for ransom aka arrested did they take you immediately before a magistrate like the law says no they took you to book you well guess what that’s not proper and you were falsely imprisoned check this out go immediately to a magistrate no photographs no fingerprinting the one arresting has a duty to immediately seek a magistrate and failure to do so makes a case of false imprisonment heath v boyd 175 s w 2d 217 1943 brock v stimson 108 mass 520 1871 to detain the person arrested in custody for any purpose other than that of taking him before a magistrate is illegal kominsky v durand 12 atl 2d 654 1940 any undue delay is unlawful and wrongful and renders the officer himself and all persons aiding and abetting therein wrongdoers from the beginning ulvestad v dolphin 278 pac 684 1929 the taking of the plaintiff s picture before conviction was an illegal act hawkins v kuhne 137 ny supp 1090 153 app div 216 1912 the power to arrest does not confer upon the arresting officer the power to detain a prisoner for other purposes geldon v finnegan 252 n w 372 1934 compulsory fingerprinting before conviction is an unlawful encroachment and involves prohibited compulsory self incrimination people v helvern 215 n y supp 417 1926 summary attorney bruce l mccrum and ed johnston lawful bloodline american as filed further harassment from city of toledo chief of police david enyeart ed’s unlawful kidnapping by ruark’s camera part 1 state senator arnie roblan on the rights to travel and uninsured motorist fund 05 13 2013 if money is wanted by rulers who have in any manner oppressed the people they may retain it until their grievances are redressed and thus peaceably procure relief without trusting to despised petitions or disturbing the public tranquility journals of the continental congress 26 october 1774â 1789 journals 1 105â 13 notice all rights reserved permission to distribute for non commercial purposes is hereby granted in whole or part provided attribution and a link to this article is included commercial distribution without the written permission of the author is prohibited this public email message including any attachment s is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and or confidential information any and all political private or public entities federal state or local corporate government s municipality ies international organizations corporation s agent s investigator s or informant s et al and or third party ies working in collusion by collecting and or monitoring my email s and any other means of spying and collecting these communications without my exclusive permission are barred from any and all unauthorized review use disclosure or distribution with explicit reservation of all my rights without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights notice copy right lawful bloodline americans lawful americans 2013 the electronic communications privacy act 18 u s c 119 sections 2510 2521 et seq governs distribution of this message including attachments the originator intended this message for the specified recipients only it may contain the originator s confidential and proprietary information the originator hereby notifies unintended recipients that they have received this message in error and strictly proscribes their message review dissemination copying and content based actions recipients in error shall notify the originator immediately by e mail and delete the original message authorized carriers of this message shall expeditiously deliver this message to intended recipients see quon v arch anything stated in this email may be limited in the content and is not to be taken out of context wireless copyright notice federal and state laws govern copyrights to this message you must have the originator s full written consent to alter copy or use this message originator acknowledges others copyrighted content in this message otherwise without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 207 1 308 notice to agents is notice to principals notice to principals is notice to agents. On saturday at the gcfest it was an honor to meet hiba hamzi and speak of her on the globalcitizen stage hiba is one of malala fund s gulmakaichampions she has devoted her life to ensuring equal access to education for girls through her organization developmental action without borders naba’a and in partnership with malalafund s gulmakai network hiba is doing crucial work to help syrian refugee children attain an education she is also fighting to end child marriage in lebanon and to raise the minimum marriage age to 18 so more girls can remain in school and have a chance to explore their potential we can bethegeneration to make real change thanks to women like hiba visit malala org to learn how they support the work of education champions in developing countries and speed up progress towards girls secondary education around the world icymi sheisequal. Nosso craque amanhã estará em campo eu como muito fã desde já vou deixar boa sorte vai dar tudo certo deus no comando de tudo Girl That's What I Do I Read Books And I Know Things Poster
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