#Steel Rebar Pricing Chart
chemanalystdata · 5 days
Steel Rebar Prices | Pricing | Trend | News | Database | Chart | Forecast
Steel Rebar prices are a critical element in the construction industry, significantly influencing project costs and timelines. Rebar, or reinforcing bar, is an essential material used to strengthen and hold concrete structures together. Fluctuations in its price can affect a wide range of industries, from residential construction to large-scale infrastructure projects. The pricing of steel rebar is influenced by various factors, including the cost of raw materials, global supply and demand, geopolitical events, and environmental regulations. Understanding these factors is crucial for businesses and contractors looking to manage construction budgets and anticipate cost changes.
The primary driver of steel rebar prices is the demand from the construction sector. As the global population grows and urbanization intensifies, the need for housing, commercial buildings, and infrastructure projects increases, driving up demand for construction materials like steel rebar. In emerging economies, particularly in Asia and the Middle East, large-scale infrastructure development has been a key driver of rebar consumption. Countries such as China, India, and Saudi Arabia have been at the forefront of this demand surge, as they invest in roads, bridges, and residential developments to support their growing populations. When construction activity is robust, the demand for steel rebar rises, leading to higher prices. Conversely, when the construction sector slows, either due to economic downturns or seasonal factors, the demand for rebar diminishes, putting downward pressure on prices. However, the global nature of the steel industry means that local price fluctuations are often influenced by international market conditions.
Get Real Time Prices for Steel Rebar: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/steel-rebar-1441Raw material costs are another significant factor in determining steel rebar prices. Rebar is primarily made from steel, which in turn is produced from iron ore and recycled scrap metal. The cost of these raw materials can fluctuate based on mining production levels, geopolitical events, and global market demand. Iron ore, a key component in steelmaking, is particularly susceptible to price changes due to supply disruptions or increased demand from major steel-producing nations like China. When the price of iron ore rises, steel manufacturers face higher production costs, which are then passed on to consumers in the form of higher rebar prices. Similarly, scrap steel, which is commonly used in electric arc furnaces for rebar production, can experience price volatility. If scrap steel becomes scarce or if recycling rates drop, the price of rebar is likely to increase as a result of higher input costs.
Geopolitical factors also play a significant role in shaping steel rebar prices. Trade tensions, tariffs, and sanctions can disrupt the flow of steel products and raw materials across borders, leading to price fluctuations. For instance, in recent years, the United States imposed tariffs on steel imports, including rebar, as part of broader trade disputes with countries like China. These tariffs increased the cost of imported rebar in the U.S. market, driving up prices for domestic construction companies. In addition to trade policies, political instability in key iron ore and steel-producing regions can impact supply chains. If production is halted due to conflict or government intervention, the reduced availability of rebar on the market can push prices higher.
Environmental regulations are increasingly influencing steel rebar prices as governments around the world impose stricter limits on carbon emissions and industrial pollution. The steel industry is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, and as a result, many countries are implementing policies to encourage cleaner production methods. Steel manufacturers are investing in new technologies to reduce their carbon footprints, such as using hydrogen in place of coal in steel production. While these initiatives are vital for reducing environmental impact, they come with significant costs, which are often reflected in the price of finished products like rebar. In countries with more stringent environmental regulations, steel producers face higher operating costs, which can lead to higher rebar prices. Conversely, in regions where environmental laws are less strict, steel manufacturers may have a cost advantage, allowing them to offer rebar at more competitive prices.
Currency exchange rates can also influence steel rebar prices, particularly in international markets. Since steel is a globally traded commodity, fluctuations in the value of major currencies like the U.S. dollar, euro, or Chinese yuan can impact the cost of buying and selling rebar across borders. When a country’s currency weakens relative to others, it becomes more expensive to import steel products, leading to higher domestic prices for rebar. On the other hand, if a currency strengthens, imported steel becomes cheaper, potentially lowering rebar prices. Exchange rate volatility adds an additional layer of complexity for companies operating in multiple markets, as they must factor in currency risk when budgeting for rebar purchases.
Technological advancements in steel production have the potential to impact steel rebar prices by improving efficiency and reducing costs. Innovations such as automation, data analytics, and energy-efficient production processes can help steel manufacturers lower their operating expenses, which may translate into lower rebar prices for consumers. However, the adoption of new technologies often requires significant capital investment, and not all manufacturers may be able to afford these upgrades. As a result, there could be disparities in rebar pricing between companies that adopt cutting-edge technologies and those that continue using traditional production methods.
Market speculation and trading in steel futures can also contribute to fluctuations in rebar prices. Like other commodities, steel is traded on futures markets, where prices are influenced by traders' expectations of future supply and demand. If traders anticipate a shortage of steel or increased demand for rebar, they may drive up futures prices, which can lead to higher spot prices for rebar in the short term. Conversely, if traders expect demand to decrease or if supply increases, futures prices may drop, potentially lowering the current price of rebar. This speculative element can add volatility to the market, making it challenging for construction companies to predict future rebar costs accurately.
In summary, steel rebar prices are influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including construction demand, raw material costs, geopolitical events, environmental regulations, supply chain disruptions, currency fluctuations, technological advancements, and market speculation. These factors create significant volatility in rebar pricing, which can have a profound impact on the construction industry and broader economy. Understanding these dynamics is essential for businesses and contractors looking to manage costs and mitigate risks in an unpredictable market.
Get Real Time Prices for Steel Rebar: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/steel-rebar-1441
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elegantsteels · 2 years
Explore The Requirement of Binding Wires in Civil Construction
Binding wire is typically used to secure rebar so that it does not move. Annealed wire is another name for binding wire. It primarily aids in providing the rebars and stirrups at the proper center-to-center distance from one other, as defined by the design calculation and specification.
In civil construction, binding wires of the right gauge are employed to securely connect the rebar. As a result, the rebar should not be displaced from its original spot when you set the reinforced materials and shake them. To meet the current market demands, most of the recognized Steel bar manufacturers in India, WB offers high-quality steel binding wires that provide great performance and durability in any building construction project. Please read the blog fully to learn more about the benefits of steel binding wire.
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Benefits of binding wire in construction
Flexibility - The wires’ tensile strength allows them to be tied into knots with TMT steel bars without breaking.
Simple to use - Annealing allows the cables to stay fragile for ease of usage.
Numerous usage - A binding wire producer in India creates these wires flexible enough to meet numerous usage requirements regularly.
Prevent rebar from dislocation - They assist in the pouring of concrete into the frames without causing rebar dislocation.
Elegant Steel, a leading Steel wire manufacturer in India, WB, offers high-quality steel binding wire that can be used to link multiple bars or panels. This wire is substantially less expensive and can also be simply cut into desired lengths.
Furthermore, we also offer high-quality QST Bar, Link Easy, Sponge Iron, Ferro Alloys, Billets (MS & CRS), and Wire Rods that are used in a variety of industries. to discover more about each product's cost, please browse our elegant steel price chart, which is also accessible on our official website.
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whythinktoomuch · 4 years
i. apocalypse now & then
Kara touched down, her boots meeting the earth with a metallic clunk that was promptly swallowed up in the dust and utter grayness of her surroundings. The warnings came immediately—insistent beeps, bright red numbers and figures flashing before her eyes.
“How’s it looking?” asked the tinny voice in her helmet, and Kara sighed.
“Yeah, you were right. Place is infested,” she said, studying the mess of debris and desolation that seemed to feed directly into the faint horizon in every direction. “Kryptonite readings are off the charts. There’s either a tower nearby, or mines just planted all over. Maybe even both, if i’m Iucky.”
Alex let out a harsh breath. “Look, I know you’re not going to leave until you find those people, but you better watch your fucking back out there, okay?”
“Hm… don’t I always though?”
“You ask that every single time, and every single goddamn time, I have to re-mind you of all—”
“All right, all right…” Kara said, rolling her eyes. “Just stop worrying so loudly already, jeez. I’ll keep you posted the entire time.”
“Like that was ever an option.”
“Love you too,” Kara said breezily, and she began her search.
She explored the area in proportioned sections, slipping periodically into x-ray vision, keeping her feet drifting an inch off the ground at all times. You just never knew these days. By now, Kara had stepped on enough lead-wrapped kryptonite mines for one lifetime, which coincidentally had been the same number of times it took to gray almost the entirety of Alex’s head. Or so Alex claimed anyway.
Apparently, over two decades of this sort of living could do that to a person: make them older, but also, steal away every last bit of their sense of humor. 
Whenever Kara happened upon a particularly extensive blind spot—jagged slabs of lead piled on top of each other—she took her time. Carefully sifted her way through all that rubble, with a spare bit of rebar or her heat vision from a safe distance. Calling out to any potential survivors that could have been trapped underneath. But as she steadily neared hour two of her search, it was starting to look like a lost cause. That whoever had sent that distress signal must have since succumbed to the environment, like so many others already had done before them.
Then Kara heard it.
Whipping her head around, Kara strained her ears to their very limit, all the while silently cursing how muffled everything sounded in this godforsaken suit of hers. It took a minute or so to hone in on it, but she finally made out the distant voice.
Help us. Save us. We’re down here.
Kara snapped into action, already hurtling full-speed toward the source of the cry. “Alex, I found them.”
“About fuckin’ time,” Alex said, but the note of relief carried through the speakers loud and clear. It always did, of course, given the scarcity of such a feeling as of late. “All right, get them out of there, and hurry your ass up. You’ve already been out there for too long.”
The voice grew louder and more distinct as Kara approached it, and eventually, she could even distinguish other people in the mix—their whispers, the muted beats of their heart seemingly punctuating every word, and all the shallow breaths of air in between. She counted at least five separate individuals, five more lives that she could potentially save from this impossible landscape.
But by the time Kara reached the point where the voice was sounding from below rather than from the distance, her excitement had all but waned, receded back into the ever present anxiety hanging in the air.
“… Fuck,” she huffed out, staring at the large swathe of broken rock and dirt and twisted metal beneath her, the letter K spray-painted all over the surface in a faded green. “Alex. They’re in a mine-rigged shelter.”
“Forget it then. Just get out of there,” Alex said, all rather predictably. “We can send an extraction team with defusers in the morning.”
“But that’ll take too long,” Kara protested. “It would take days, just for a task force to cover all that distance, and these people need help now.”
“No. I want you to put down a marker and come right the fuck back home,” Alex said. “That’s your last kryptonite filtration suit! If anything happens, if you sustain even the slightest bit of damage out there, you could—”
Kara cut the feed and swiftly locked her comms from all available channels, employing one of the few tips Winn had passed onto her before he died. Because Alex didn’t understand. How could she, when she wasn’t the one who had to listen to these desperate cries for help from people just barely out of reach.
She floated outside the presumed blast radius, planted her feet firmly to the ground, and went to work. Uncovering the buried shelter bit by bit, one sizable mass of charred rubble dug up after the other. It wasn’t easy. The kryptonite in the area, though not exposed, was much too close for comfort even through her suit. And it made the sun hotter, everything heavier, and Kara’s progress as slow as it could possibly be.
But all that—the sweat gathering on her brow, the soreness burning up her lower back—was a very small price to pay when weighed against the lives of at least five people in need. So, Kara kept going. She kept burrowing deeper into the earth with her bare hands, until the sun was but a small twinkle above her head and her fingertips were brushing against a patch of warmed metal.
And she could hear them better now. They were so close.
Kara pressed her palm against what had to be the outer wall of their shelter. “Hey, can you hear me in there?”
“Please help us!” came the frantic response, only somewhat muffled now. “Please get us out! We can’t breathe in here!”
“Okay! Okay… I’m gonna get you out, okay?” Kara shouted back, heart thumping hard in her ears. “Just… hang on.”
A quick once-over was all it took to determine that the wall before her—like most other surfaces nowadays—was naught but a few inches of commercial steel, coated in a thin layer of lead. And as such, all it would to take, of course, to break into such a structure was—THUNK!—a single punch from the Girl of Steel herself.
Kara ripped a hole in the wall, using her heat vision to melt down the edges as she tugged the entire thing apart. Eventually satisfied with her efforts, she was just about to crawl through her rather crude but functional doorway when the speakers in her helmet abruptly flipped back on.
“—him back to life, and just… throttle him for showing you that trick!” Alex was practically hollering in her ear. “Why would you ever need to do that anyway? The whole frickin’ point of the—”
“Whoa, Alex, Alex, it’s fine! I’m fine! Just shh!” Kara hastily cut her off. “I’ve pretty much got my foot in the door already, okay? So, I’m helping these people whether you like it or not.”
“Yeah, you fucking better,” Alex said with a scoff. “I want to look these people in the eye while you explain to me what was so goddamn special about them that you had to…”  
And Kara barked out a laugh, shaking her head in wonder as Alex continued to chew her out in a way that only sisters could, apparently. “Hey, you can do whatever you want, okay? Just let me bring them home first.”
“Fine. Just don’t kill the comms this time.”
“Oh, I would never.”
“Kara, I fucking swear to—”
But the rest of all that swearing quickly faded into the backdrop, as Kara finally poked her head into what should have been just another underground refuge from everything their world now had to offer. Because ten feet below from where she had burrowed her way in, was not a handful of dehydrated people waiting to be rescued—only masses upon masses of thick coils and plates of smooth black metal shifting about.
That’s when Kara realized that it’d been quite some time since she’d heard a cry for help. And soon after that was when a muted click! sounded, then somewhere down there in the midst of all that darkness and mechanical movement, came another loop of voices calling out to her.
“Oh shit…” Kara whispered, and at least ten sets of glassy eyes flicked up to stare at her. The pre-recorded voices immediately cut out, and the entire room lit up in a vibrant green as the machines all powered up with a collective hum. “Shit, shit, shit, you were right!”
“Right about what?” Alex demanded, but Kara was too busy heeding her long overdue advice of getting the fuck out there to respond.
Kara burst from the ground in a flurry of dust and clattering scrap metal, already heading for the horizon at full-speed. She needed to put as much distance as possible between her and the decoy shelter. It was nothing short of an honest-to-Rao miracle that her sudden escape hadn’t tripped any of the mines on-site, but now, it was only a matter of time.
Still hurtling away, Kara threw a glance over her shoulder just in time to see the first three drones break through the surface, already mindlessly chasing after her. Then the third and the fourth crashed right on through after them, which abruptly led to a series of rapid beeping, which abruptly led to a violent disturbance in the air that stole away all the sound from the world and knocked Kara right out of the sky.
(next part here)
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andreagillmer · 6 years
Delrey Metals: Safe Canadian Vanadium Explorer with Multiple Projects
Source: Peter Epstein for Streetwise Reports   02/05/2019
Peter Epstein of Epstein Research profiles this company with strategic energy metals properties in Canada.
Delrey Metals Corp.’s (DLRY:CSE; 1OZ:FSE) mandate is to create shareholder value by sourcing, financing and developing undervalued strategic energy metals properties and projects through staking ground or making accretive, prudently and creatively financed acquisitions and joint ventures/farm-ins. It’s off to a good start and has a clean balance sheet with just 34 million shares outstanding and cash of ~C$1.5 million. The market cap is about C$8 million = US$6.1 million. The company is aggressively pursuing additional strategic energy metals assets, and have homed in on two or three in particular.
Delrey Metals has acquired five highly prospective properties in Canada. Four are prospective for vanadium, for a total of 9,482 hectares, and one is a cobalt–copper-zinc opportunity that Cobalt 27 Capital Corp. acquired a 2% NSR on. All four vanadium assets will be receiving airborne magnetic surveys and geophysics in February. Subject to results, management will determine which properties to focus on. Both the Porcher and Blackie properties have unique features that if confirmed, will likely make them top priority targets for the next phase of exploration.
Early Days for the Canadian Vanadium Opportunity
Interest in vanadium has grown along with the price. Demand from China continues to be the key driver. While the rest of the world grows at 2%–3% per year, a bad year for China is +6%, and it’s the second largest economy on the planet. Not only does China use a tremendous amount of steel, it uses huge quantities or rebar, which is used in construction and infrastructure building (and rebuilding).
Regarding vanadium pentoxide pricing, there’s been a lot of angst over the recent dramatic decline, but Chinese prices seem to be settling in around US$17/lb. The chart above shows a price closer to US$15/lb, but the price was US$16.90/lb as of February 3rd. It topped out at nearly US$35/lb in November, so the price has been halved from a 13-year high. Importantly, US$17/lb is still a strong price, up from a low of US$2.35/lb on 12/31/15. From $2.35/lb, the Chinese vanadium pentoxide price has risen at a 3-year CAGR of ~93%. A price between US$15–US$25 is a sweet spot, too high a price and VRBs get priced out of the market.
Perfect Storm of Demand & Supply Fundamentals
Vanadium is primarily used (91%) to strengthen steel rebar (two pounds of vanadium added to a tonne of steel doubles its strength); last year China came out with new regulations for Chinese rebar makers– use more vanadium! However, reportedly, 30%–40% of Chinese rebar producers did not follow the regulation implemented in November, which was likely a big factor in the vanadium price crash. The increased demand from this initiative alone is estimated at 10,000 tonnes per year. That’s on a global market of about 90,000 tonnes. 10,000 tonnes/year is what Largo Resources’ main mine in Brazil produces, one of the largest mines in the world.
Global demand for vanadium is also being enhanced by other internal moves in China, most notably a total ban on the import of slag and scrap (waste products) that contain vanadium. These waste streams had been used as feedstock for vanadium producers in China. The ban is expected to reduce domestic Chinese production by ~5,000 tonnes/yr.
Quickly on the supply side there have been mine closures dating back to 2015 that are impacting the market. In 2015 a major Brazilian company liquidated, closing the Evraz Highveld mine, representing 10%–15% of global vanadium production. However, at the time the inventory of vanadium was high, so there was a limited price reaction.
Fast forward two or three years, there have been other smaller mine closures in China and Brazil, and the above mentioned increase in demand, causing vanadium inventory to be drawn down substantially. Therefore, both sustained demand drivers and ongoing supply constraints help explain the price move from $2.35/lb at the end of 2015 to a peak of nearly US$35/lb in 4th quarter 2018.
Vanadium Reflux Flow Batteries Could use 31k tonnes of V2O5 by 2025
And then there’s Vanadium Reflux Flow Batteries (VRBs). They represent just ~1.5% of the global vanadium market, but some pundits have large, grid-scale energy storage growing at a CAGR of up to 40%. Roskill forecasts vanadium use in VRBs to be 31,000 tonnes by 2025. If true, VRBs would be a significant demand driver, easily overtaking the uses in aerospace and chemical catalysts combined.
2019 could be a sweet spot in vanadium pricing; several experts expect prices in the US$15/lb to US$25/lb range. That would sustain bullish sentiment for companies with properties outside of China, Russia and South Africa. Delrey Metals has exactly that, five early-stage prospects in Canada, all with decent infrastructure, all situated on past producing mining or logging sites, and most important, all having had historical work. Prior work included magnetic and other surveys, soil sampling, surface samples, concentrates were made from some samples, and a drill program (at the Star property).
Blackie Vanadium Property
The Blackie Vanadium property is in west-central British Columbia, ~96 km south-southwest from Prince Rupert. The property is on Banks Island and is accessible year-round. It is located on tidewater, accessible to the Prince Rupert deep water port, which allows for an eight-day trip to North American West Coast ports. There’s a network of logging roads (<500 meters away) allowing for low-cost exploration and development.
The property consists of five tenures covering 1,213 Hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. Blackie is on a brownfield site; the Yellow Giant underground mine was operational as recently as 2015. Blackie is host to a gabbroic body 1.2 km by 0.4 km, with an estimated thickness of at least 500 m (McDougall, 1985).
Assays from samples collected by McDougall (1984) ranged from 20% to 25% iron, 1.1% to 1.9% titanium, and up to 0.33% V (0.59% V205). Concentrate results made from these samples returned 0.5% to 1% V (0.89% to 1.78% V205). Individual outcrop results from a previous operator returned up to 49% Iron, 7.0% Titanium and an extremely anomalous 1.2% V (2.14% V2O5). “Several million tons of Iron-titanium-vanadium bearing material are known at this locality” 1 (Rose and Mulligan, 1970).
The Porcher property
The Porcher property is located in west-central BC, ~38 km south-southwest from Prince Rupert. The property is located on Porcher Island and is accessible year-round. There’s a network of nearby logging roads, allowing for cost-effective exploration and development.
Porcher consists of seven tenures covering 3,122 hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. The property is located in a past-producing mining district. The Surf Point Mine, located ~9 km from the Porcher property, operated from 1919 through to 1939. As with the Blackie property, Porcher is located on tidewater, less than 39 km from Prince Rupert’s deep water port.
Porcher is host to two gabbroic dykes hosting iron-titanium-vanadium mineralization. These sizable dykes are 5.2 km x 1 km, and 4 km x 0.6 km. The dykes are coincident with a large magnetic anomaly identified in the Canada 200 m Residual Total Magnetic field dataset. Limited sampling by McDougall (1961) was completed, with concentrate results ranging from 0.3% to 1.5% titanium and 0.2% to 0.5% V (0.34% to 0.84% V205). V2O5 deposits globally range from about 0.3% to 0.7%.
Peneece Vanadium Property
The Peneece Vanadium property is in southwest BC, a narrow coastal mainland fjord 85 km east of Vancouver Island. The property consists of five tenures covering 1,500 hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. Peneece is located along tidewater and is accessible year-round. There’s a network of logging roads within the center of the project area.
The property is host to a >4.8 km long by 0.8 km wide (open to the northwest) pyritic gabbroic complex associated with a very large and intense magnetic anomaly which is believed to be caused by a large body of vanadium-bearing massive titaniferous magnetite.
Access problems prevented sampling of the highly magnetic core, and only marginal material samples were obtained. Concentrate results from these samples graded 0.16% to 0.33% V (0.29% to 0.59% V205 – AR 12204) and up to 6.5g/t Ag, a precious metal not typically found in these systems.
The Star Property
The Star property is located in west-central BC, ~ 27 km south-southwest from Prince Rupert. Like the Porcher property, Star is situated on Porcher Island and is accessible year-round. There’s a network of logging roads covering the majority of the property.
Star consists of four tenures covering 3,647 hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. The Star property is in the same historical mining district as the Porcher property. A gold mine operated from 1919 to 1939. It is located 10 km from the Star property.
The eastern part of the property was explored and drilled in 1955 for Iron Ore by One Resources Canada Corp. Twelve short (<50 m) diamond drill holes were completed for a total of 696 m, targeting a small magnetic anomaly. Conclusions from this work program were that ‘at least several hundred thousand tonnes of magnetite-bearing rock with a grade of the order of 35% Iron exist within the drilling area’ (PF671671).
The One Resources Canada Corp. 200m Residual Total Magnetic field datasethighlights a large 5 km x 7 km magnetic high located in the center of the Star claim group. Historical drilling indicated a much larger resource potentially exists within the property area to the west. While the historical drill program did not analyze the magnetite for vanadium, a Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) was completed by the British Columbia Geological Survey in 2000 over the Star claim group, which highlighted up to 148 ppm vanadium-in-silt (99th percentile) and 5.06% iron.
Management believes the Star property has the makings of a significant vanadium discovery including a large magnetic (5km x 7km) high, drained by extremely anomalous vanadium-in-stream results, with a several hundred-thousand-tonne magnetite resource on the margin.
The Sunset Property
The Sunset Property consists of four mineral titles covering 785 hectares. The area had exploration work done in the 1970s–1980s. Several cobalt-copper-zinc soil geochemistry anomalies were discovered. In 1987, Decade International outlined a large cobalt‐copper‐zinc anomaly.
A recent exploration program consisting of mapping, grid preparation, geochemical soil sampling and magnetometer surveys has been done, validating the previous cobalt‐copper-zinc soil geochemical anomaly. Copper values in soil over 500 ppm, when plotted with historical values, indicate a cluster about 1,000 meters by 500 meters. Numerous anomalous cobalt values lie within this area and a smaller cluster of anomalous zinc in soil is also present.
The presence of elevated levels of cobalt is interesting, and a 2% NSR royalty on cobalt only has been sold to Cobalt 27 Capital Corp.
Delrey Metals recently finished a phase one exploration program at Sunset. In September 2018, the company collected 708 soil samples, 68 rock samples and 11 stream sediment samples. As a result of the sampling, management extended its cobalt-copper-zinc anomaly about a kilometer to the west, and discovered a new zone, called Roughrider, which graded up to 4.3% copper. Management believes the new zone may indicate a cobalt-copper-zinc VMS-style of mineralization.
With these five properties, investors have multiple opportunities to win if management advances any of the properties to a maiden resource or to a PEA. If one believes in the fundamentals of Vanadium, Canada is a great place to be looking for potentially economic deposits. In addition, management is actively looking at other attractive properties to acquire or option. 2019 is shaping up to be a busy and productive year for Delrey Metals (CSE:DLRY, FSE:1OZ).
Peter Epstein is the founder of Epstein Research. His background is in company and financial analysis. He holds an MBA degree in financial analysis from New York University’s Stern School of Business.
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Disclosures: The content of this article is for information only. Readers fully understand and agree that nothing contained herein, written by Peter Epstein of Epstein Research [ER], (together, [ER]) about Delrey Metals, including but not limited to, commentary, opinions, views, assumptions, reported facts, calculations, etc. is not to be considered implicit or explicit investment advice. Nothing contained herein is a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any security. [ER] is not responsible under any circumstances for investment actions taken by the reader. [ER] has never been, and is not currently, a registered or licensed financial advisor or broker/dealer, investment advisor, stockbroker, trader, money manager, compliance or legal officer, and does not perform market making activities. [ER] is not directly employed by any company, group, organization, party or person. The shares of Delrey Metals are highly speculative, not suitable for all investors. Readers understand and agree that investments in small cap stocks can result in a 100% loss of invested funds. It is assumed and agreed upon by readers that they will consult with their own licensed or registered financial advisors before making any investment decisions.
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( Companies Mentioned: DLRY:CSE; 1OZ:FSE, )
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goldcoins0 · 6 years
Delrey Metals: Safe Canadian Vanadium Explorer with Multiple Projects
Source: Peter Epstein for Streetwise Reports   02/05/2019
Peter Epstein of Epstein Research profiles this company with strategic energy metals properties in Canada.
Delrey Metals Corp.'s (DLRY:CSE; 1OZ:FSE) mandate is to create shareholder value by sourcing, financing and developing undervalued strategic energy metals properties and projects through staking ground or making accretive, prudently and creatively financed acquisitions and joint ventures/farm-ins. It's off to a good start and has a clean balance sheet with just 34 million shares outstanding and cash of ~C$1.5 million. The market cap is about C$8 million = US$6.1 million. The company is aggressively pursuing additional strategic energy metals assets, and have homed in on two or three in particular.
Delrey Metals has acquired five highly prospective properties in Canada. Four are prospective for vanadium, for a total of 9,482 hectares, and one is a cobalt–copper-zinc opportunity that Cobalt 27 Capital Corp. acquired a 2% NSR on. All four vanadium assets will be receiving airborne magnetic surveys and geophysics in February. Subject to results, management will determine which properties to focus on. Both the Porcher and Blackie properties have unique features that if confirmed, will likely make them top priority targets for the next phase of exploration.
Early Days for the Canadian Vanadium Opportunity
Interest in vanadium has grown along with the price. Demand from China continues to be the key driver. While the rest of the world grows at 2%–3% per year, a bad year for China is +6%, and it's the second largest economy on the planet. Not only does China use a tremendous amount of steel, it uses huge quantities or rebar, which is used in construction and infrastructure building (and rebuilding).
Regarding vanadium pentoxide pricing, there's been a lot of angst over the recent dramatic decline, but Chinese prices seem to be settling in around US$17/lb. The chart above shows a price closer to US$15/lb, but the price was US$16.90/lb as of February 3rd. It topped out at nearly US$35/lb in November, so the price has been halved from a 13-year high. Importantly, US$17/lb is still a strong price, up from a low of US$2.35/lb on 12/31/15. From $2.35/lb, the Chinese vanadium pentoxide price has risen at a 3-year CAGR of ~93%. A price between US$15–US$25 is a sweet spot, too high a price and VRBs get priced out of the market.
Perfect Storm of Demand & Supply Fundamentals
Vanadium is primarily used (91%) to strengthen steel rebar (two pounds of vanadium added to a tonne of steel doubles its strength); last year China came out with new regulations for Chinese rebar makers– use more vanadium! However, reportedly, 30%–40% of Chinese rebar producers did not follow the regulation implemented in November, which was likely a big factor in the vanadium price crash. The increased demand from this initiative alone is estimated at 10,000 tonnes per year. That's on a global market of about 90,000 tonnes. 10,000 tonnes/year is what Largo Resources' main mine in Brazil produces, one of the largest mines in the world.
Global demand for vanadium is also being enhanced by other internal moves in China, most notably a total ban on the import of slag and scrap (waste products) that contain vanadium. These waste streams had been used as feedstock for vanadium producers in China. The ban is expected to reduce domestic Chinese production by ~5,000 tonnes/yr.
Quickly on the supply side there have been mine closures dating back to 2015 that are impacting the market. In 2015 a major Brazilian company liquidated, closing the Evraz Highveld mine, representing 10%–15% of global vanadium production. However, at the time the inventory of vanadium was high, so there was a limited price reaction.
Fast forward two or three years, there have been other smaller mine closures in China and Brazil, and the above mentioned increase in demand, causing vanadium inventory to be drawn down substantially. Therefore, both sustained demand drivers and ongoing supply constraints help explain the price move from $2.35/lb at the end of 2015 to a peak of nearly US$35/lb in 4th quarter 2018.
Vanadium Reflux Flow Batteries Could use 31k tonnes of V2O5 by 2025
And then there's Vanadium Reflux Flow Batteries (VRBs). They represent just ~1.5% of the global vanadium market, but some pundits have large, grid-scale energy storage growing at a CAGR of up to 40%. Roskill forecasts vanadium use in VRBs to be 31,000 tonnes by 2025. If true, VRBs would be a significant demand driver, easily overtaking the uses in aerospace and chemical catalysts combined.
2019 could be a sweet spot in vanadium pricing; several experts expect prices in the US$15/lb to US$25/lb range. That would sustain bullish sentiment for companies with properties outside of China, Russia and South Africa. Delrey Metals has exactly that, five early-stage prospects in Canada, all with decent infrastructure, all situated on past producing mining or logging sites, and most important, all having had historical work. Prior work included magnetic and other surveys, soil sampling, surface samples, concentrates were made from some samples, and a drill program (at the Star property).
Blackie Vanadium Property
The Blackie Vanadium property is in west-central British Columbia, ~96 km south-southwest from Prince Rupert. The property is on Banks Island and is accessible year-round. It is located on tidewater, accessible to the Prince Rupert deep water port, which allows for an eight-day trip to North American West Coast ports. There's a network of logging roads (<500 meters away) allowing for low-cost exploration and development.
The property consists of five tenures covering 1,213 Hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. Blackie is on a brownfield site; the Yellow Giant underground mine was operational as recently as 2015. Blackie is host to a gabbroic body 1.2 km by 0.4 km, with an estimated thickness of at least 500 m (McDougall, 1985).
Assays from samples collected by McDougall (1984) ranged from 20% to 25% iron, 1.1% to 1.9% titanium, and up to 0.33% V (0.59% V205). Concentrate results made from these samples returned 0.5% to 1% V (0.89% to 1.78% V205). Individual outcrop results from a previous operator returned up to 49% Iron, 7.0% Titanium and an extremely anomalous 1.2% V (2.14% V2O5). "Several million tons of Iron-titanium-vanadium bearing material are known at this locality" 1 (Rose and Mulligan, 1970).
The Porcher property
The Porcher property is located in west-central BC, ~38 km south-southwest from Prince Rupert. The property is located on Porcher Island and is accessible year-round. There's a network of nearby logging roads, allowing for cost-effective exploration and development.
Porcher consists of seven tenures covering 3,122 hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. The property is located in a past-producing mining district. The Surf Point Mine, located ~9 km from the Porcher property, operated from 1919 through to 1939. As with the Blackie property, Porcher is located on tidewater, less than 39 km from Prince Rupert's deep water port.
Porcher is host to two gabbroic dykes hosting iron-titanium-vanadium mineralization. These sizable dykes are 5.2 km x 1 km, and 4 km x 0.6 km. The dykes are coincident with a large magnetic anomaly identified in the Canada 200 m Residual Total Magnetic field dataset. Limited sampling by McDougall (1961) was completed, with concentrate results ranging from 0.3% to 1.5% titanium and 0.2% to 0.5% V (0.34% to 0.84% V205). V2O5 deposits globally range from about 0.3% to 0.7%.
Peneece Vanadium Property
The Peneece Vanadium property is in southwest BC, a narrow coastal mainland fjord 85 km east of Vancouver Island. The property consists of five tenures covering 1,500 hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. Peneece is located along tidewater and is accessible year-round. There's a network of logging roads within the center of the project area.
The property is host to a >4.8 km long by 0.8 km wide (open to the northwest) pyritic gabbroic complex associated with a very large and intense magnetic anomaly which is believed to be caused by a large body of vanadium-bearing massive titaniferous magnetite.
Access problems prevented sampling of the highly magnetic core, and only marginal material samples were obtained. Concentrate results from these samples graded 0.16% to 0.33% V (0.29% to 0.59% V205 – AR 12204) and up to 6.5g/t Ag, a precious metal not typically found in these systems.
The Star Property
The Star property is located in west-central BC, ~ 27 km south-southwest from Prince Rupert. Like the Porcher property, Star is situated on Porcher Island and is accessible year-round. There's a network of logging roads covering the majority of the property.
Star consists of four tenures covering 3,647 hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. The Star property is in the same historical mining district as the Porcher property. A gold mine operated from 1919 to 1939. It is located 10 km from the Star property.
The eastern part of the property was explored and drilled in 1955 for Iron Ore by One Resources Canada Corp. Twelve short (<50 m) diamond drill holes were completed for a total of 696 m, targeting a small magnetic anomaly. Conclusions from this work program were that 'at least several hundred thousand tonnes of magnetite-bearing rock with a grade of the order of 35% Iron exist within the drilling area' (PF671671).
The One Resources Canada Corp. 200m Residual Total Magnetic field datasethighlights a large 5 km x 7 km magnetic high located in the center of the Star claim group. Historical drilling indicated a much larger resource potentially exists within the property area to the west. While the historical drill program did not analyze the magnetite for vanadium, a Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) was completed by the British Columbia Geological Survey in 2000 over the Star claim group, which highlighted up to 148 ppm vanadium-in-silt (99th percentile) and 5.06% iron.
Management believes the Star property has the makings of a significant vanadium discovery including a large magnetic (5km x 7km) high, drained by extremely anomalous vanadium-in-stream results, with a several hundred-thousand-tonne magnetite resource on the margin.
The Sunset Property
The Sunset Property consists of four mineral titles covering 785 hectares. The area had exploration work done in the 1970s–1980s. Several cobalt-copper-zinc soil geochemistry anomalies were discovered. In 1987, Decade International outlined a large cobalt‐copper‐zinc anomaly.
A recent exploration program consisting of mapping, grid preparation, geochemical soil sampling and magnetometer surveys has been done, validating the previous cobalt‐copper-zinc soil geochemical anomaly. Copper values in soil over 500 ppm, when plotted with historical values, indicate a cluster about 1,000 meters by 500 meters. Numerous anomalous cobalt values lie within this area and a smaller cluster of anomalous zinc in soil is also present.
The presence of elevated levels of cobalt is interesting, and a 2% NSR royalty on cobalt only has been sold to Cobalt 27 Capital Corp.
Delrey Metals recently finished a phase one exploration program at Sunset. In September 2018, the company collected 708 soil samples, 68 rock samples and 11 stream sediment samples. As a result of the sampling, management extended its cobalt-copper-zinc anomaly about a kilometer to the west, and discovered a new zone, called Roughrider, which graded up to 4.3% copper. Management believes the new zone may indicate a cobalt-copper-zinc VMS-style of mineralization.
With these five properties, investors have multiple opportunities to win if management advances any of the properties to a maiden resource or to a PEA. If one believes in the fundamentals of Vanadium, Canada is a great place to be looking for potentially economic deposits. In addition, management is actively looking at other attractive properties to acquire or option. 2019 is shaping up to be a busy and productive year for Delrey Metals (CSE:DLRY, FSE:1OZ).
Peter Epstein is the founder of Epstein Research. His background is in company and financial analysis. He holds an MBA degree in financial analysis from New York University's Stern School of Business.
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Disclosures: The content of this article is for information only. Readers fully understand and agree that nothing contained herein, written by Peter Epstein of Epstein Research [ER], (together, [ER]) about Delrey Metals, including but not limited to, commentary, opinions, views, assumptions, reported facts, calculations, etc. is not to be considered implicit or explicit investment advice. Nothing contained herein is a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any security. [ER] is not responsible under any circumstances for investment actions taken by the reader. [ER] has never been, and is not currently, a registered or licensed financial advisor or broker/dealer, investment advisor, stockbroker, trader, money manager, compliance or legal officer, and does not perform market making activities. [ER] is not directly employed by any company, group, organization, party or person. The shares of Delrey Metals are highly speculative, not suitable for all investors. Readers understand and agree that investments in small cap stocks can result in a 100% loss of invested funds. It is assumed and agreed upon by readers that they will consult with their own licensed or registered financial advisors before making any investment decisions.
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Graphics provided by author.
( Companies Mentioned: DLRY:CSE; 1OZ:FSE, )
from https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2019/02/05/delrey-metals-safe-canadian-vanadium-explorer-with-multiple-projects.html
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ericfruits · 6 years
Donald Trump alienates farmers
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“EVERYONE in pork production is more anxious than they have been for 20 years,” says Jimmy Tosh, a pig farmer from north-western Tennessee. As for the grain farmers, he reckons things are worse than at any time since the 1980s. The farmers’ latest worry is the five-yearly Farm Bill, which was submitted to Congress on April 18th. But Donald Trump, whom they overwhelmingly supported for the presidency, has provided them with plenty of other reasons to grouse.
Times were already tough. Farm income has halved from a peak of $124bn in 2013 to a forecast $60bn this year (see chart) because the supply of global grains is outstripping demand, the Chinese economy is slowing and demand for ethanol based on corn (maize) is slack.
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The Farm Bill should be good news for farmers, covering, as it usually does, subsidies for them and, through the food stamps programme, for the poor. The previous bill included direct subsidies for farmers to the tune of $7bn a year, a land-conservation programme costing some $5bn and crop insurance, which comes at a price tag of up to $8bn. In the past, a deal between Republicans and Democrats has ensured that both farmers and poor people got their cash. But the farmers are worried, this time round, that Republicans are more determined to cut welfare and less concerned to protect farmers than they used to be. Not long ago, Mr Trump suggested cutting crop insurance by a third. Michael Conway, the congressman who submitted the bill, did not include the suggestion in his draft, but conservative groups such as the Heritage Foundation have lambasted the bill for, in their view, doing nothing to cut wasteful subsidy programmes. It will be bitterly debated over the coming months.
But trade is the farmers’ biggest worry. Mr Trump has pulled out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a colossal trade agreement between 12 Pacific Rim countries, threatened to leave the North American Free-Trade Agreement and slapped tariffs on imports of steel (25%) and aluminium (10%). All those moves are problematic for agriculture. Mr Tosh says that he has already been hit by the steel and aluminium tariffs. He is planning to increase his herd of pigs from 750,000 to 950,000 and the costs of the new barns needed have gone through the roof thanks to the higher price of rebar, a steel rod for reinforcing concrete. He expects to be hit even harder by the 25% tariff on American pork imposed by the Chinese government on April 2nd in retaliation for Mr Trump’s tariffs.
China is the third-largest market for American pigs and the biggest market for variety meats (pig feet, livers and hearts), which most Americans do not eat. Last year America sold China 496,000 tonnes of pork worth $1.1bn, or 20% of total pork exports. Farmers expect to lose most if not all of this business. Domestic prices are, as a result, expected to fall by $6-8 per pig. In Mr Tosh’s case this will translate into a loss of up to $6m a year.
Soyabean farmers stand to lose even more than their peers farming livestock or other crops. One-quarter of their production is exported to China. With prices of soyabeans languishing at $10 a bushel (compared with $17 in 2013) they cannot afford to lose their biggest export market to Brazil and Argentina.
Support for Mr Trump among farmers seems to be slipping. According to a survey by AgriPulse, a trade website, 67% supported him in 2016 and 45% would now. In an apparent attempt to placate them, he suggested on April 12th that he might consider rejoining the TPP. But five days later, he completed the full 360 degrees, tweeting that “I don’t like the deal.”
Farmers may get more joy from concessions on the ethanol front. Under the Renewable Fuel Standard, oil firms have to blend billions of gallons of ethanol into fuel each year. Around 38% of America’s corn is used to make ethanol, but the process is of questionable value to the environment, and the sale of fuel containing 15% ethanol is banned in the summer because of smog. Mr Trump has suggested that he might direct the Environmental Protection Agency to lift this ban. Another possibility is an increase in the ethanol mandate—the percentage that fuel must contain. At present it stands at 10%. “Even an increase to 12% all year would be a huge boon for corn farmers,” says Decker Walker, a partner at the Boston Consulting Group. This would incense not just environmentalists (who already hate Mr Trump), but also the oil lobby, which objects to the cost of the ethanol mandate, and big buyers of animal feed, whose bills go up if more corn is used to make ethanol.
But a shift in the ethanol rules would not make up for losing the largest market on the planet. Farmers are keen on the open markets that have benefited them greatly. Mr Tosh says he has now moved to the centre politically. At the upcoming Senate race in Tennessee he will vote for Phil Bredesen, the Democrat.
This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline "A pig’s ear of a policy"
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chemanalystdata · 2 months
Steel Rebar Prices Trend | Pricing | Database | Index | News | Chart
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North America
In Q1 2024, the North American Steel Rebar market experienced a stable pricing environment. Several factors contributed to this stability. Firstly, the overall demand for Steel Rebar remained steady, driven by consistent performance in downstream industries such as construction and infrastructure development. This steady demand ensured that consumption levels did not fluctuate significantly. Additionally, the availability of raw materials like iron ore and steel scrap remained sufficient, maintaining a balanced supply in the market.
In the United States, the pricing trend remained stable throughout the quarter. Seasonal factors, such as winter weather conditions, had a minimal impact on market dynamics. The relationship between price changes and other market variables, such as demand and production capacity, was moderate.
In conclusion, the stable pricing environment for Steel Rebar in Q1 2024 in North America, and specifically in the United States, indicates a positive market sentiment. Consistent demand and supply balance, along with a moderate correlation between price changes and market variables, contributed to overall stability in Steel Rebar prices. The quarter-ending price for Steel Rebar (8 mm) CFR Illinois in the USA stood at USD 870/MT.
Get Real Time Prices for Steel Rebar: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/steel-rebar-1441
The first quarter of 2024 was challenging for the Steel Rebar market in the APAC region, with prices facing a significant decline. Several factors influenced market prices, including oversupply, reduced demand from downstream industries, and disruptions in global trade routes. These factors created a negative pricing environment, leading to a decrease in Steel Rebar prices. Steel Rebar consumers reduced their buying activities, anticipating further price declines due to uncertain demand. Market participants are carefully evaluating prospects.
Export prices for Chinese Steel Rebar fell due to reduced raw material expenses, alleviating production pressures on local steel mills. This resulted in a general downward trend in both raw material and finished steel product prices, driven by excess production compared to demand growth. The slow rebound in domestic demand for Steel Rebar, possibly influenced by a sluggish real estate sector, contributed to this pattern. Despite heightened steel production due to lower costs, international trading remains subdued as buyers are reluctant to make bids or offer excessively low prices.
Compared to the same quarter last year, prices have declined by 23%, indicating a long-term negative sentiment in the market. The quarter-ending price for Steel Rebar (HRB400 - 8 mm) Ex Shanghai in China stands at USD 481/MT, reflecting the current decreasing pricing environment.
The first quarter of 2024 was characterized by decreasing prices in the European Steel Rebar market. Several factors influenced market prices, including subdued demand, reduced inventory levels, and disruptions in trade routes. These factors created a bearish sentiment in the market, leading to lower prices. The latest quarter-ending price for Steel Rebar in Germany is USD 820/MT FD-Ruhr, reflecting the overall decreasing trend in prices throughout the quarter.
The prevailing sentiment across European Steel Rebar markets remained pessimistic concerning both short- and long-term demand and pricing trajectories, with demand staying at a low level. This persistently negative outlook and subdued demand led to limited trading volumes. Producers, facing ongoing profit losses throughout the year, have become reluctant to offer discounts.
Market conditions in Germany have been influenced by factors such as subdued demand, limited purchases from buyers, and a cautious approach from steel mills. Sectors like automotive and construction have shown slow booking rates, further impacting the demand for Steel Rebar.
Get Real Time Prices for Steel Rebar: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/steel-rebar-1441
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forextutor-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Forex Blog | Free Forex Tips | Forex News
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Asian Stocks Struggle Despite Some Data Bright Spots
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Talking Points:
Asian stocks endured a rather lackluster session Tuesday, with bulls disinclined to press their cases
The data picture was generally quite encouraging, although Australian consumers were much gloomier than expected
Sterling got some respite and the Dollar weakened against the other majors
Asian equity action was really all about Wall Street again on Tuesday, with stocks under some duress thanks to the Dow’s further backdown from that tantalizing 20,000 mark the session before (and apparently ignoring a new record for the Nasdaq). Crude oil prices’ sharp overnight slide didn’t help much either.
There were some dabs of local colour –notably, a strong sign that China’s economy is looking healthier – but that wasn’t enough to override the overall caution.
Australia’s benchmark ASX fell nearly 1% at one point, with losses apparent everywhere except for the gold miners, which continued their bullish start to the week. Over in Japan the Nikkei 225 lost a little ground. This was probably due to the slightly weaker overall tone in USD/JPY, something which never gives the exporter-heavy index much cheer.
The ASX endured a day of general weakness
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Chart compiled using TradingView
Shares in China and South Korea also lacked vigor, in the former case despite a set of official inflation figures which showed that the Chinese economy has banished deflation. They showed factory gate prices moved at their strongest clip since September 2011 in December. Consumer prices weren’t anything like as perky but they were still clearly positive.
Hong Kong stocks managed to buck the trend, rising in step with local commodity movers, notably coke and rebar (a type of traded steel).
The rest of the session’s Asian data was a bit of a mixed bag. Australia’s consumers were less-than-enthused in November. That said, the question of whether they were really gloomy or simply drawing in their retail-spending horns before the holiday season will have to be answered by later data.
Japanese consumer confidence, meanwhile, was revealed to have been as high as its been all year in December. Whether or not that will be enough to break a long slide in household spending must remain unclear until those numbers are released at the end of this month.
Looking ahead to the European and US session, the markets await news of Canadian building permit levels and, more crucially, US employment levels as measured by the Job Openings and Labour Turnover Survey (JOLTS).
In the currency markets, the British Pound steadied a little from the hammering it had received on Monday as fears of a “hard Brexit” grew. However, as much of that punishment was meted out in the European session anyway, it would be brave to suggest that sterling was as low as it’s going. The US Dollar was a little weaker against other major peers, with traders seemingly content to bank some profit on the latest gains.
DailyFX analysts have penned their first-quarter forecasts. Take a look at them here.
— Written by David Cottle, DailyFX Research
Contact and follow David on Twitter: @DavidCottleFX
Asian Stocks Struggle Despite Some Data Bright Spots Asian Stocks Struggle Despite Some Data Bright Spots https://rss.dailyfx.com/feeds/all $inline_image
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abrreports-blog · 4 years
Get Sample Copy of the report at  https://www.abrreports.com/industry-insights/covid-19-impact-on-2021-2026-global-and-regional-lean-duplex-stainless-steel-industry-production-sales-and-consumption-status-and-prospects-professional-market-research-report-standard-version?form=request-report-sample
The research report on the global Lean Duplex Stainless Steel market offers a comprehensive analysis and interpretation of data gathered about the Lean Duplex Stainless Steel market from the number of reliable sources. In addition, the information has analyzed with the help of primary as well secondary research methodologies to offer a holistic view of the target market. Likewise, the Lean Duplex Stainless Steel market report offers an in-house analysis of global economic condition and related economic factors and indicators to evaluate their impact of the Lean Duplex Stainless Steel market historically
The key players covered in the Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market research report are: By Market Players: Outokumpu Oyj (Finland) Allegheny Technologies Incorporated (U.S.) ArcelorMittal S.A. (Luxembourg) Tata Steel (India) Sandvik Materials Technology AB (Sweden) Jindal Steel (India) Nippon Yakin Kogyo Co Ltd. (Japan) Acerinox S.A. (Spain) POSCO Group (South Korea) Daido Steel Co., Ltd. (Japan) AK Steel Holding Corporation (U.S.)
By Type Tubes Pumps & Valves Fittings & Flanges Rebar & Mesh Welding Wires Others
By Application Oil & Gas Industry Desalination Industry Chemical Industry Pulp & Paper Industry Construction Industry Others
Click to access the full report and Table of Content at  https://www.abrreports.com/industry-insights/covid-19-impact-on-2021-2026-global-and-regional-lean-duplex-stainless-steel-industry-production-sales-and-consumption-status-and-prospects-professional-market-research-report-standard-version
The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
Key pointers of the Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Industry Overview Chapter 2 Global Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Competition by Types, Applications, and Top Regions and Countries Chapter 3 Production Market Analysis Chapter 4 Global Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Sales, Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2015-2020) Chapter 5 North America Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market Analysis Chapter 6 East Asia Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market Analysis Chapter 7 Europe Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market Analysis Chapter 8 South Asia Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market Analysis Chapter 9 Southeast Asia Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market Analysis Chapter 10 Middle East Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market Analysis Chapter 11 Africa Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market Analysis Chapter 12 Oceania Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market Analysis Chapter 13 South America Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market Analysis Chapter 14 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Business Chapter 15 Global Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Market Forecast (2021-2026) Chapter 16 Conclusions
Purchase the market research study @
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bimoutsourcing · 4 years
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Going over budget on a construction project can immediately wipe out your profits and put you in the red. Though inflation can creep in at any stage of a project, inaccurate estimates at the beginning will act like wedges continuously expanding a project’s budget through its life cycle.
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kirangaikwad-world · 4 years
Steel Rebars Market Size, Cost Structures, Market Statistics and Forecasts to 2027
Global Steel Rebars Market Overview
The Global Steel Rebars Market report draws accurate insights by examining the latest and prospective industry trends, helping the readers recognize the products and services that are boosting revenue growth and profitability. The study performs a detailed analysis of all the significant factors impacting the market on a global and regional scale, including drivers, constraints, threats, challenges, prospects, and industry-specific trends. Additionally, the report cites worldwide certainties and endorsements, along with a downstream and upstream evaluation of leading participants.
This report covers the recent COVID-19 incidence and its impact on Steel Rebars Market. The pandemic has widely affected the economic scenario. This study assesses the current landscape of the ever-evolving business sector and the present and future effects of COVID-19 on the market.
Access full Report Description, TOC, Table of Figure, Chart, etc.: https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/steel-rebars-market
The Steel Rebars market analysis is intended to provide all participants and vendors with pertinent specifics about growth aspects, roadblocks, threats, and lucrative business opportunities that the market is anticipated to reveal in the coming years. This intelligence study also encompasses the revenue share, market size, production capacity, and rate of consumption to draw insights pertaining to the rivalry to gain control of a large portion of the market share.
Leading Players in the Steel Rebars Market:
ArcelorMittal, Hebei Iron and Steel, Baowu Group, Jiangsu Shagang, Sabic Hadeed, EVRAZ, Nucor, Riva Group, Emirates Steel, SteelAsia, Qatar Steel, Mechel, Jianlong Iron and Steel, Tata Steel, NLMK Group, Celsa Steel
Competitive landscape
The Steel Rebars Industry is extremely competitive and consolidated because of the existence of several established companies that are adopting different marketing strategies in order to increase their market share. The vendors engaged in the sector are outlined based on price, quality, brand, product differentiation, and product portfolio. The vendors are gradually expanding their focus on product personalization by way of customer interaction.
Steel Rebars Market segment by :
In market segmentation by types of steel rebars, the report covers- Deformed Steel Mild Steel In market segmentation by applications of the steel rebar, the report covers the following uses- Infrastructure Housing Industrial Others
Regional Steel Rebars Market (Regional Output, Demand & Forecast by Countries):-    
North America (United States, Canada, Mexico)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Korea)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy)
Middle East Africa (Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran) and More.
Read full Press Release at: Press Release URL
Points Covered in The Report:
A. The pivotal aspects considered in the Global Steel Rebars Market report consist of the leading competitors functioning in the global sector.
B. The report also encompasses company profiles prominently positioned in the global market.
C. The production, sales, corporate strategies, and the technological capabilities of leading manufacturers are also contained within the report.
D. The driving factors for the growth of the Global Steel Rebars Market are explained exhaustively, along with an in-depth account of the end-users in the industry.
E. The report also explains critical application areas of the global sector, curating an accurate description of the market to the readers/users.
F. The report undertakes a SWOT analysis of the market. In the final section, the report features the opinions and views of the industry experts and professionals. The experts also evaluate the export/import policies that might be propelling the growth of the Global Steel Rebars Market.
G. The report on the Global Steel Rebars Market delivers valuable information for policymakers, investors, stakeholders, service providers, producers, suppliers, and organizations operating in the industry and looking to purchase this research document.
Reasons for Buying Steel Rebars Market Report:
A. The report performs an analysis of the dynamic competitive landscape that can help the reader/client move ahead in the global sector.
B. It also presents an in-depth view of the different factors driving or restraining the growth of the global market.
C. The Global Steel Rebars Market report provides an eight-year forecast derived on the basis of the potential growth of the market.
D. It helps formulate profitable business decisions by offering thorough insights into the global market and by creating a comprehensive analysis of pivotal market segments and sub-segments.
Thanks for reading this article; you can also customize this report to get select chapters or region-wise coverage with regions like Asia, United States, Europe, etc.
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industryjournals · 4 years
Steel Rebars Market Study | Manufacturers Analysis, Market Size, Share, And Future Prospects 2020 To 2027
The latest industry intelligence report on the Steel Rebars market performs a cautious examination of the current business environment and competitive landscape of the Steel Rebars market for the forecast period, 2019 - 2026. For stakeholders, field marketing executives and product owners planning to maintain a competitive edge the market assessment report brings to light essential impression about the growth rate, share and size of the industry during the estimated period. Deep dive into an array of elements including but not limited to the value proposition, product positioning, and targeting and industry segmentation have been described through resources such as charts, tables, and info graphics.
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The global Steel Rebars market is highly fragmented with major players like ArcelorMittal, Hebei Iron and Steel, Baowu Group, Jiangsu Shagang, Sabic Hadeed, EVRAZ, Nucor, Riva Group, Emirates Steel, SteelAsia, Qatar Steel, Mechel, Jianlong Iron and Steel, Tata Steel, NLMK Group, Celsa Steel
Scope of the Report:
Based on the types, the Steel Rebars market has been further classified based on geography, application and consumption capability. On the basis of the product application, the industry is bifurcated taking into consideration those in demand and are an outcome of technology advancement. Region-wise, the performance of the industry along with the prominent vendors operating in the geography also illuminates stakeholders, business owners, and field marketing, executives.  The different facets of the business based on parameters including new launches, acquisition and mergers and new entrants are discussed extensively during the study.
Some key takeaways from the report
The Electronic Expansion Valves (EEV) market study for the forecast period, 2019 to 2026 discusses the prominent vendors catering to the specific demands of the customers?
This research considers long-term factors that will impact the realized product sales?
Subject matter experts take an aggregate as well as a long-run view of all various products and services involved.
The valuable document captures the actual sales data?
Industry experts produce estimated for demand and supply worldwide including regional and national Electronic Expansion Valves (EEV) market.
Determining the market size
An important part of this study of the Electronic Expansion Valves (EEV) market for the forecast period, 2019 to 2026 is the assessment of the market size. Extensive coverage of market size will enable business owners to distinguish between the two major categories the opportunity for a product or service and the addressable market. Apart from this, the market sizing gives product owners a sense of upward and downward movement in the Electronic Expansion Valves (EEV) industry.
This section of the report clues business owners in on the important driving forces of latent demand, as the business landscape continues to grow in a certain direction. There’s more to the study of market sizing. The analysis of trends further uncovers whether an alternate solution or a product is in the pipeline and available in the market.
This section covers other aspects:
Evaluation of static market sizing
A closer look at the competition
Result derived from the bottom –up assessment
Data on top-down Steel Rebars market sizing
Extensive coverage of segments and sub-segments of the industry
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Segmentation: In market segmentation by geographical regions, the report has analysed the following regions-
North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
In market segmentation by types of steel rebars, the report covers-
Deformed Steel
Mild Steel
In market segmentation by applications of the steel rebar, the report covers the following uses-
Find the extensive Report Description, TOC and Table of Figure @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/steel-rebars-market
Understanding the competitive landscape
The researcher conducting the study has invested time and effort to collect intelligence on major industry players. The evaluation of competitive landscape also empowers entrepreneurs to gather intelligence on the business strategies adopted by these prominent vendors and understand how they position their products and services in the saturated marketplace.
Not only can a business owner learn some of the best practices but also to defend themselves against possible risks or avoid blunders the established brands make. The study helps field marketing executives to stay smart when promoting or selling the products to the target audience. Besides, comprehensive analysis of recent developments such as joint venture, collaboration, acquisitions and mergers, product launches and others will ensure entrepreneurs make practical decisions around brand positioning, product pricing, as well as research and development.  
The Steel Rebars market attempts to answer the questions below:
What type of product business owners operating in the Steel Rebars market build meet the latent demand for the forecast period, 2019 to 2026?
What are the gaps in the Steel Rebars industry? How are they driving new product ideas?
Which factors if ignored can put entrepreneurs on a fast track to failure or disaster?
Which communication tools should business owners select to influence their target audience?
What are the driving forces behind the performance of product owners manufacturing Steel Rebars market?
What are the motivating factors behind the attitudes, preferences and buying decisions of the heaviest customers?
How do needs and interest for Steel Rebars market differ according to their geography?  
About Us: Reports and Data is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries and help client’s make a smarter business decision. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a multiple industries including Healthcare, Technology, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware about the latest trends existent in the market. Contact Us: John Watson Head of Business Development Direct Line: +1-212-710-1370 E-mail: [email protected] Reports and Data | Web: www.reportsanddata.com
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andreagillmer · 6 years
Delrey Metals: Safe Canadian Vanadium Explorer with Multiple Projects
Source: Peter Epstein for Streetwise Reports   02/05/2019
Peter Epstein of Epstein Research profiles this company with strategic energy metals properties in Canada.
Delrey Metals Corp.'s (DLRY:CSE; 1OZ:FSE) mandate is to create shareholder value by sourcing, financing and developing undervalued strategic energy metals properties and projects through staking ground or making accretive, prudently and creatively financed acquisitions and joint ventures/farm-ins. It's off to a good start and has a clean balance sheet with just 34 million shares outstanding and cash of ~C$1.5 million. The market cap is about C$8 million = US$6.1 million. The company is aggressively pursuing additional strategic energy metals assets, and have homed in on two or three in particular.
Delrey Metals has acquired five highly prospective properties in Canada. Four are prospective for vanadium, for a total of 9,482 hectares, and one is a cobalt–copper-zinc opportunity that Cobalt 27 Capital Corp. acquired a 2% NSR on. All four vanadium assets will be receiving airborne magnetic surveys and geophysics in February. Subject to results, management will determine which properties to focus on. Both the Porcher and Blackie properties have unique features that if confirmed, will likely make them top priority targets for the next phase of exploration.
Early Days for the Canadian Vanadium Opportunity
Interest in vanadium has grown along with the price. Demand from China continues to be the key driver. While the rest of the world grows at 2%–3% per year, a bad year for China is +6%, and it's the second largest economy on the planet. Not only does China use a tremendous amount of steel, it uses huge quantities or rebar, which is used in construction and infrastructure building (and rebuilding).
Regarding vanadium pentoxide pricing, there's been a lot of angst over the recent dramatic decline, but Chinese prices seem to be settling in around US$17/lb. The chart above shows a price closer to US$15/lb, but the price was US$16.90/lb as of February 3rd. It topped out at nearly US$35/lb in November, so the price has been halved from a 13-year high. Importantly, US$17/lb is still a strong price, up from a low of US$2.35/lb on 12/31/15. From $2.35/lb, the Chinese vanadium pentoxide price has risen at a 3-year CAGR of ~93%. A price between US$15–US$25 is a sweet spot, too high a price and VRBs get priced out of the market.
Perfect Storm of Demand & Supply Fundamentals
Vanadium is primarily used (91%) to strengthen steel rebar (two pounds of vanadium added to a tonne of steel doubles its strength); last year China came out with new regulations for Chinese rebar makers– use more vanadium! However, reportedly, 30%–40% of Chinese rebar producers did not follow the regulation implemented in November, which was likely a big factor in the vanadium price crash. The increased demand from this initiative alone is estimated at 10,000 tonnes per year. That's on a global market of about 90,000 tonnes. 10,000 tonnes/year is what Largo Resources' main mine in Brazil produces, one of the largest mines in the world.
Global demand for vanadium is also being enhanced by other internal moves in China, most notably a total ban on the import of slag and scrap (waste products) that contain vanadium. These waste streams had been used as feedstock for vanadium producers in China. The ban is expected to reduce domestic Chinese production by ~5,000 tonnes/yr.
Quickly on the supply side there have been mine closures dating back to 2015 that are impacting the market. In 2015 a major Brazilian company liquidated, closing the Evraz Highveld mine, representing 10%–15% of global vanadium production. However, at the time the inventory of vanadium was high, so there was a limited price reaction.
Fast forward two or three years, there have been other smaller mine closures in China and Brazil, and the above mentioned increase in demand, causing vanadium inventory to be drawn down substantially. Therefore, both sustained demand drivers and ongoing supply constraints help explain the price move from $2.35/lb at the end of 2015 to a peak of nearly US$35/lb in 4th quarter 2018.
Vanadium Reflux Flow Batteries Could use 31k tonnes of V2O5 by 2025
And then there's Vanadium Reflux Flow Batteries (VRBs). They represent just ~1.5% of the global vanadium market, but some pundits have large, grid-scale energy storage growing at a CAGR of up to 40%. Roskill forecasts vanadium use in VRBs to be 31,000 tonnes by 2025. If true, VRBs would be a significant demand driver, easily overtaking the uses in aerospace and chemical catalysts combined.
2019 could be a sweet spot in vanadium pricing; several experts expect prices in the US$15/lb to US$25/lb range. That would sustain bullish sentiment for companies with properties outside of China, Russia and South Africa. Delrey Metals has exactly that, five early-stage prospects in Canada, all with decent infrastructure, all situated on past producing mining or logging sites, and most important, all having had historical work. Prior work included magnetic and other surveys, soil sampling, surface samples, concentrates were made from some samples, and a drill program (at the Star property).
Blackie Vanadium Property
The Blackie Vanadium property is in west-central British Columbia, ~96 km south-southwest from Prince Rupert. The property is on Banks Island and is accessible year-round. It is located on tidewater, accessible to the Prince Rupert deep water port, which allows for an eight-day trip to North American West Coast ports. There's a network of logging roads (<500 meters away) allowing for low-cost exploration and development.
The property consists of five tenures covering 1,213 Hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. Blackie is on a brownfield site; the Yellow Giant underground mine was operational as recently as 2015. Blackie is host to a gabbroic body 1.2 km by 0.4 km, with an estimated thickness of at least 500 m (McDougall, 1985).
Assays from samples collected by McDougall (1984) ranged from 20% to 25% iron, 1.1% to 1.9% titanium, and up to 0.33% V (0.59% V205). Concentrate results made from these samples returned 0.5% to 1% V (0.89% to 1.78% V205). Individual outcrop results from a previous operator returned up to 49% Iron, 7.0% Titanium and an extremely anomalous 1.2% V (2.14% V2O5). "Several million tons of Iron-titanium-vanadium bearing material are known at this locality" 1 (Rose and Mulligan, 1970).
The Porcher property
The Porcher property is located in west-central BC, ~38 km south-southwest from Prince Rupert. The property is located on Porcher Island and is accessible year-round. There's a network of nearby logging roads, allowing for cost-effective exploration and development.
Porcher consists of seven tenures covering 3,122 hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. The property is located in a past-producing mining district. The Surf Point Mine, located ~9 km from the Porcher property, operated from 1919 through to 1939. As with the Blackie property, Porcher is located on tidewater, less than 39 km from Prince Rupert's deep water port.
Porcher is host to two gabbroic dykes hosting iron-titanium-vanadium mineralization. These sizable dykes are 5.2 km x 1 km, and 4 km x 0.6 km. The dykes are coincident with a large magnetic anomaly identified in the Canada 200 m Residual Total Magnetic field dataset. Limited sampling by McDougall (1961) was completed, with concentrate results ranging from 0.3% to 1.5% titanium and 0.2% to 0.5% V (0.34% to 0.84% V205). V2O5 deposits globally range from about 0.3% to 0.7%.
Peneece Vanadium Property
The Peneece Vanadium property is in southwest BC, a narrow coastal mainland fjord 85 km east of Vancouver Island. The property consists of five tenures covering 1,500 hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. Peneece is located along tidewater and is accessible year-round. There's a network of logging roads within the center of the project area.
The property is host to a >4.8 km long by 0.8 km wide (open to the northwest) pyritic gabbroic complex associated with a very large and intense magnetic anomaly which is believed to be caused by a large body of vanadium-bearing massive titaniferous magnetite.
Access problems prevented sampling of the highly magnetic core, and only marginal material samples were obtained. Concentrate results from these samples graded 0.16% to 0.33% V (0.29% to 0.59% V205 – AR 12204) and up to 6.5g/t Ag, a precious metal not typically found in these systems.
The Star Property
The Star property is located in west-central BC, ~ 27 km south-southwest from Prince Rupert. Like the Porcher property, Star is situated on Porcher Island and is accessible year-round. There's a network of logging roads covering the majority of the property.
Star consists of four tenures covering 3,647 hectares, open for expansion in multiple directions. The Star property is in the same historical mining district as the Porcher property. A gold mine operated from 1919 to 1939. It is located 10 km from the Star property.
The eastern part of the property was explored and drilled in 1955 for Iron Ore by One Resources Canada Corp. Twelve short (<50 m) diamond drill holes were completed for a total of 696 m, targeting a small magnetic anomaly. Conclusions from this work program were that 'at least several hundred thousand tonnes of magnetite-bearing rock with a grade of the order of 35% Iron exist within the drilling area' (PF671671).
The One Resources Canada Corp. 200m Residual Total Magnetic field datasethighlights a large 5 km x 7 km magnetic high located in the center of the Star claim group. Historical drilling indicated a much larger resource potentially exists within the property area to the west. While the historical drill program did not analyze the magnetite for vanadium, a Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) was completed by the British Columbia Geological Survey in 2000 over the Star claim group, which highlighted up to 148 ppm vanadium-in-silt (99th percentile) and 5.06% iron.
Management believes the Star property has the makings of a significant vanadium discovery including a large magnetic (5km x 7km) high, drained by extremely anomalous vanadium-in-stream results, with a several hundred-thousand-tonne magnetite resource on the margin.
The Sunset Property
The Sunset Property consists of four mineral titles covering 785 hectares. The area had exploration work done in the 1970s–1980s. Several cobalt-copper-zinc soil geochemistry anomalies were discovered. In 1987, Decade International outlined a large cobalt‐copper‐zinc anomaly.
A recent exploration program consisting of mapping, grid preparation, geochemical soil sampling and magnetometer surveys has been done, validating the previous cobalt‐copper-zinc soil geochemical anomaly. Copper values in soil over 500 ppm, when plotted with historical values, indicate a cluster about 1,000 meters by 500 meters. Numerous anomalous cobalt values lie within this area and a smaller cluster of anomalous zinc in soil is also present.
The presence of elevated levels of cobalt is interesting, and a 2% NSR royalty on cobalt only has been sold to Cobalt 27 Capital Corp.
Delrey Metals recently finished a phase one exploration program at Sunset. In September 2018, the company collected 708 soil samples, 68 rock samples and 11 stream sediment samples. As a result of the sampling, management extended its cobalt-copper-zinc anomaly about a kilometer to the west, and discovered a new zone, called Roughrider, which graded up to 4.3% copper. Management believes the new zone may indicate a cobalt-copper-zinc VMS-style of mineralization.
With these five properties, investors have multiple opportunities to win if management advances any of the properties to a maiden resource or to a PEA. If one believes in the fundamentals of Vanadium, Canada is a great place to be looking for potentially economic deposits. In addition, management is actively looking at other attractive properties to acquire or option. 2019 is shaping up to be a busy and productive year for Delrey Metals (CSE:DLRY, FSE:1OZ).
Peter Epstein is the founder of Epstein Research. His background is in company and financial analysis. He holds an MBA degree in financial analysis from New York University's Stern School of Business.
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Disclosures: The content of this article is for information only. Readers fully understand and agree that nothing contained herein, written by Peter Epstein of Epstein Research [ER], (together, [ER]) about Delrey Metals, including but not limited to, commentary, opinions, views, assumptions, reported facts, calculations, etc. is not to be considered implicit or explicit investment advice. Nothing contained herein is a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any security. [ER] is not responsible under any circumstances for investment actions taken by the reader. [ER] has never been, and is not currently, a registered or licensed financial advisor or broker/dealer, investment advisor, stockbroker, trader, money manager, compliance or legal officer, and does not perform market making activities. [ER] is not directly employed by any company, group, organization, party or person. The shares of Delrey Metals are highly speculative, not suitable for all investors. Readers understand and agree that investments in small cap stocks can result in a 100% loss of invested funds. It is assumed and agreed upon by readers that they will consult with their own licensed or registered financial advisors before making any investment decisions.
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Graphics provided by author.
( Companies Mentioned: DLRY:CSE; 1OZ:FSE, )
from The Gold Report - Streetwise Exclusive Articles Full Text http://bit.ly/2DUJtsl
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ellinahussey · 4 years
Stainless Rebars Market Forecast to 2025
The Global Stainless Rebars Market has witnessed continuous growth in the past few years and is projected to grow even further during the forecast period (2019-2025). The assessment provides a 360? view and insights, outlining the key outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions for improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies more precisely to make better informed decisions. Some of the key players in the Global Stainless Rebars market are Carpenter Technology Corporation, North American Stainless, FuSteel Group, Outokumpu, Jindal Stainless, Acerinox, Mittal Corp, Daido Steel Co., Ltd?, Valbruna Nordic, ANCON (CRH), Lyndons (Durinox), Stainless UK, Ugitech, Harris Rebar, Arminox.
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By type, the market is split as: Cold Ribbed Stainless Rebars Hot Ribbed Stainless Rebars By the end users/application, sub-segments are: Marine Structure Bridge Structure Other Building Structure
Points Covered in The Report: The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as manufacturers, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc. The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. The historical data from 2014 to 2019 and forecast data from 2020 to 2025. The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail. Data and information by manufacturer, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements. The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
What's keeping Carpenter Technology Corporation, North American Stainless, FuSteel Group, Outokumpu, Jindal Stainless, Acerinox, Mittal Corp, Daido Steel Co., Ltd?, Valbruna Nordic, ANCON (CRH), Lyndons (Durinox), Stainless UK, Ugitech, Harris Rebar, Arminox Ahead in the Market? Benchmark yourself with strategic steps and conclusions recently published by BMRC
Regional Analysis for Stainless Rebars Market: North America, United States, Canada, Mexico, Asia-Pacific, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Europe, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia, Central & South America, Brazil, Rest of Central & South America, Middle East & Africa, GCC Countries, Turkey, Egypt & South Africa For Consumer Centric Market, Survey Analysis can be included as part of customization which consider demographic factor such as Age, Gender, Occupation, Income Level or Education while gathering data. (if applicable) Consumer Traits (If Applicable) - Buying patterns (e.g. comfort & convenience, economical, pride) - Buying behavior (e.g. seasonal, usage rate) - Lifestyle (e.g. health conscious, family orientated, community active) - Expectations (e.g. service, quality, risk, influence) The Global Stainless Rebars Market study covers current status, % share, future patterns, development rate, SWOT examination, sales channels, to anticipate growth scenarios for years 2020-2025. It aims to recommend analysis of the market with regards to growth trends, prospects, and players contribution in the market development. The report size market by 5 major regions, known as, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (includes Asia & Oceania seperately), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Latin America.
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The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better. Key Reasons to Purchase To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape. Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk. To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market. Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations. To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market. Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
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bearishmitch · 6 years
Vanadium is the latest beneficiary of the battery craze
Going with the flow
OPEN a toolbox, pull out a spanner and you may be holding a bit of the answer to global warming: vanadium, a metal named after Vanadis, the Scandinavian goddess of beauty. Used mostly in alloys to strengthen steel, its appearance may not live up to the romance of its name. Yet vanadium could become a vital ingredient in large clean-energy batteries, in which case it will shine a lot brighter.
Its price has already been rising faster than cobalt, copper and nickel, all of which are used in lithium-ion batteries (see chart). The main reason for the run-up is prosaic. About nine-tenths of the world’s vanadium is used to harden steel; China has tightened standards on the strength of rebar to make buildings more earthquake-proof. Mark Smith, boss of Largo Resources, which mines high-purity vanadium in Brazil, says this alone should increase demand for the metal by up to 15,000 tonnes in 2018-19. Last year total production was 83,000 tonnes.
But...Continue readingMitch recommends source https://goo.gl/f65FDu
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belindawoodward · 6 years
Vanadium is the latest beneficiary of the battery craze
Going with the flow
OPEN a toolbox, pull out a spanner and you may be holding a bit of the answer to global warming: vanadium, a metal named after Vanadis, the Scandinavian goddess of beauty. Used mostly in alloys to strengthen steel, its appearance may not live up to the romance of its name. Yet vanadium could become a vital ingredient in large clean-energy batteries, in which case it will shine a lot brighter.
Its price has already been rising faster than cobalt, copper and nickel, all of which are used in lithium-ion batteries (see chart). The main reason for the run-up is prosaic. About nine-tenths of the world’s vanadium is used to harden steel; China has tightened standards on the strength of rebar to make buildings more earthquake-proof. Mark Smith, boss of Largo Resources, which mines high-purity vanadium in Brazil, says this alone should increase demand for the metal by up to 15,000 tonnes in 2018-19. Last year total production was 83,000 tonnes.
But...Continue reading from Business and finance https://www.economist.com/news/business/21746299-metal-used-harden-steel-could-also-help-prevent-global-warming-vanadium-latest?fsrc=rss
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