#Still confused about Demigra but at least he did something this time?
dak-legacy · 7 years
A little training.
The Saiyan and Frost demon stood alongside one another facing down their challenger, not without a sense of confusion about them mind you.  Both had been ready for a formidable looking challenger to face them, or at least a sparring match against Keiko and Fruy.  Instead Sasha’s elderly grandmother had entered the arena, dressed head to toe in her custom fit gi.  
“Expecting someone else, you two?” Aimee asked in a silvery and pleasant voice.  
Sasha looked on from the empty stands behind her grandmother.  The usually busy high school dueling arena now stood deserted for the celebration of Conton City’s founding.  Everyone was out preparing for the festival later.  It felt nice to be alone, to be able to watch her grandmother fight.  It had been far too long since she’d trained with her, and even longer since she had watched the old fighter spar.  
Aimee’s purple hair had begun to fade with age, Sasha remembered it being much more vibrant when she was a child.  Her grandmother still carried herself with confidence though.  She hadn’t even taken a stance yet and already Sasha could see her analysing her opponents, looking for every detail that she could use to her advantage.  
Even her gi seemed pristine. Despite being worn away and patches missing from various locations over the body, it still looked strong.  It served as her armour and as a constant reminder of all the battles she had fought in the past.  
Satsu let out an impatient huff.  She had dressed herself in the new combat armour gifted to her by Capsule Corp expecting a challenge, not a senior citizen.  Exo meanwhile relaxed his stand, sighing loudly and scratching the back of his head.  This caught Satsu’s attention.
“Look, Miss Rezun, Sasha has told us a lot about you,” he began, looking up at Sasha in the stands. “but do you really thi…”
Before he could finish his sentence he felt a sharp sensation in his chest as he was lifted from his feet and sent hurtling back into one of the walls, crashing through it in a cloud of dust and debris.  
Satsu’s eye whipped back to Aimee.  There she stood, power pole in hand, extended outward.  With a quick flourish she retracted the red pole back into its base form and returned it to the holster on his waist before adopting a stance Satsu had never seen before.  
“I think you had better not take your eyes off an opponent, dear.” She replied sarcastically.  
Sasha let out a little chuckle from the stand.  She knew a light tap like that wouldn’t hurt Exo badly, and her grandmother’s quips always did make her smile.  
Satsu’s mind was racing to try and figure out how she’d missed such an action.  
“Was she always holding the power pole?  Could she perform some sort of illusion trick?  Or was this pure speed?” the questions swirled around her head.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” Aimee asked, in the same silvery voice as before.  Satsu snapped out of her daze to look up at her.  “Are you scared to hit an old lady?”
Satsu found herself gritting her teeth.  A feeling of frustration swept over her, she could hardly believe this woman was testing her pride so much.
“Look, I don’t know how you just did that.” She started, trying her best to remain composed.  “But I swear I won’t let tha..”
She felt a hard impact in the back of her head, sending her crashing into the stands beneath where Sasha was watching.  Another cloud of dust burst onto the duelling arena from the opposite side, and in the centre of the arena stood Aimee, untouched, and ready to battle.
Both Satsu and Exo emerged from their respective dust clouds relatively quickly, and quickly after one another.  Exo held his gut from the harsh hit he’d taken, coughing a little as he did so.
“My gas pocket…” he wheezed quietly before shaking off the daze and dusting himself off.  Stepping back onto the field he kept his eyes fixed on his opponent, though he did take note of the dust cloud behind her.
Satsu meanwhile stumbled out holding the back of her head.  The hit had left her somewhat dazed and confused.  She did her best to snap herself out of it, though she couldn’t help but feel like this as somehow Exo’s fault.
“Alright..” she stumbled over her words a little as she spoke.  “Not bad, but that won’t happen again…” she kept her guard up, waiting for any kind of sign that she had slipped behind her again for another strike.
“You won’t lower your guards again?” Aimee asked bluntly.
Exo and Satsu had to hold their tongues.  The two were both proud fighters, the fact that she had easily landed a hit on both of them wasn’t something they were particularly fond of.
“How is a human this strong?” Satsu wondered in her head.  She thought back to the times watching Sasha fight, remembering the strength and potential that was present but still needed to be drawn out.  “Most humans don’t take up martial arts, even the ones that do hardly keep up with Saiyans…” she looked over to Exo.  “He shouldn’t be having trouble either…his race are some of the fastest in the universe.”
Aimee cleared her throat, causing the two fighters to flinch a little.  
“Well, if neither of you will make a move…I’ll have to start the warmup.” She shot the two of them a cocky smile.  “Just promise you two dears will go easy on me, hmm?  I have a bad hip after all.”
With that she moved quickly, using the afterimage technique to close the distance towards Exo.  At the same time Satsu found Aimee in front of her too.  This wasn’t teleportation, this was pure speed.  All combatants quickly disappeared from view, moving quicker than a normal human eye could perceive.  All that was being left were impact craters and large shockwaves from clashes in the air.  Sasha could still see the battle though.  Her grandmother’s speed, grace, and power were as amazing as ever.  
“So, here’s where you are?” a soft and youthful voice called out from behind Sasha.  It was the Supreme Kai of Time, with Trunks in tow and the large bird Toki Toki flapping behind them.  
She stood up to bow respectfully to the Kai and to her superior officer in the Time Patrol. Trunks seemed a little embarrassed by the act but gave her a respectful nod.  Sasha got the feeling he was still getting used to having this number of Patrollers looking up to him.
“I had a feeling I’d find you and your grandma here.” The Supreme Kai smiled, looking behind Sasha to the fight occurring in the ring.
“Wha?  She’s fighting now?” Trunks seemed surprised, joining in the spectating.  “Wow, she’s just as fast as ever.” He commented happily.  “That’s my partner.  Amazing, she’s not even taken a hit and she’s got these two on the ropes.”
Sasha sat beside her two superiors, continuing to watch the fight.
“Captain Trunks?” she asked softly, catching both his and the Supreme Kai’s attention.  
“What is it, recruit?”
“My grandma always told me that humans have the potential to be great, like as great as even the strongest Saiyan fighter…do you believe that?” she seemed genuinely curious.
Trunks smiled at the question, looking back to the battle before back to her.
“When I met your grandmother she was no stronger than a Saibaman.  I had asked Shenron to bring me a powerful warrior to help solve the crisis in Toki Toki city, and he bought me her.  I was confused, thinking there had to be a mistake.” He looked back at the fight, taking in her movements against two much younger patrollers.
Sasha listened intently while the Supreme Kai of Time and Toki Toki cheered on Aimme loudly from their seats in their own ways.
“She improved so quickly, mastering so many forms of martial arts and ki based attacks.  I never thought I’d see a human stand up against a fighter like Frieza, but your grandmother beat his ass down together with Goku.  She even saved the Time Nest from Demigra when I could not.” He clenched his fist before looking back at Sasha.
“There are a lot of hurdles to overcome when it comes to races.  I’d say humans have the hardest time, especially playing catchup to powerful beings like the Majin.  But, humanity has one of the strongest wills I’ve ever encountered.  Humans can do great things, even if it takes longer than it might take a Saiyan, a human fighter can beat any other fighter.”
With Trunk’s last words a mighty crashed rung through the arena as both Exo and Satsu hit the ground hard.  Both were covered in bruises and marks from battle.  Exo’s once white bio armour was now dirty and covered in scuff marks. Satsu’s new armour wasn’t much better. Part of the shoulder strap had become shattered and her white gloves were dusty and dirty too.
Aimee meanwhile remained pristine and untouched, standing proud and smiling up to her grand daughter in the stands.  This show had been mainly for her benefit.
“Alright, that’s enough.” The Supreme Kai of Time shouted, her voice bellowing and echoing in the empty arena.  “You two have had your fun and I think there’s festival planning to attend to. You’re dismissed.  Captain Rezun, me and Commander Trunks need to speak with you in the Time Nest.”
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