#Still might write some of em but the world can never have too many fanfics
lame2882 · 2 years
About Me ✎
Howdy! Welcome to my blog!
I'm not great at introductions. I've been here for... a good amount of years and I'm just barely getting around to introducing myself on here.
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Anyway, Hi! I'm an artist and a writer and have chosen this blog as the vessel of my machinations.
☆ I mostly go by Lame! But some other names I enjoy are Mel, Lochland, Castor, and Gayl (yes, I have characters with some of these names too)
☆ I'm trans masculine! Still figuring things out right now, but the pronouns I use are he/they/xe/xem/ae/aer as well as some others that I'll clarify later down the post!
☆ I am an adult! Still don't try anything sketchy tho. I am taken.
☆ Dissociated daydreamer
☆ Although I am a writer, I don't like telling stories through... writing. I love unconventional ways to tell stories like... comics and video games. Y'know, things I don't know how to do
☆ I will talk obsessively about my OCs and fictional worlds and you can't stop me
☆ I am obsessed with The Legend of Zelda and have my own fanon universe/timeline for it. Is it lore accurate? Absolutely not, but have you seen the canon timeline?
#lame reposts is a hashtag that I put all of my reblogs under, just to keep things neat
#lame art is for all my art!
#out of canon shenanigans is for all my stuff that isn't canon to any of my stories. Ranges from random one-offs to whole aus, which will also be tagged respectfully
#in canon shenanigans is for all my stuff that is canon to any of my stories. Usually concept art or short stories
#Foranon is for everything related to my fantasy world Foranon, one of my main wips that I post about... a lot
#BoSZAU stands for Balance of Shadows Zelda AU. It's my Fanon Zelda Universe/Timeline... which is basically an alternate universe for Foranon
#TRTS stands for “To Rewrite The Stars” which is a new wip about my persona Castor and his twin Pollux and how they navigate the world
#DTHS stands for Devil Towne High School, which is my interconnected universe of various wips. Most of the stories have been abandoned, but I might still use the hashtag from time to time for the stories that are still being worked on
I also have various hashtags for various OCs but we don't have time for all that. Just look up their names and you'll get it.
More information about me as well as where else to find me below the cut!
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I'm trans masculine. I mostly use he/they pronouns, but have been doing some fuckery with neopronouns and even nounpronouns and they feel really nice so here's a full list of pronouns you can use for me!
Please do not start discourse on my blog, thanks
I'm an artist and writer! I write original stuff, but the only stories I've actually managed to finish have been fanfics. I finished a whole trilogy of fanfics but can't focus long enough on my original stuff to finish anything.
I am an avid daydreamer and I often forget about my surroundings because of it and I feel bad because it makes me oblivious to a lot of things. A lot of my stories come from my daydreams.
One of these stories is Foranon! I'd love to give a synopsis on it, but there's literally so much that would need explaining that I don't have time to put it all down here. It's mostly just a worldbuilding project right now with a narrative worming its way through it. I'll have to make an infodump post about it and I'll link it here eventually. For now, take the blog I made for it that I never touch @foranongame
I also have Balance of Shadows! Which is one of the many fanfics I mentioned in the paragraph above. It's a Zelda AU where I decided to mess with the canon timeline into something I find cohesive. The characters in this AU are kinda the same in Foranon as Foranon is basically just me repurposing fan characters for something more original.
I'm also hoping to return to my story Ghost Freaks! Which is a comic I've been planning for 4-5 years now. I published the prologue of the comic back in 2020 and then motivation killed me so I never touched it again. Hoping to revamp it and start on it again soon! Again, have the blog I never touch @ghost-freaks-comic
I'm... not good at synopses.
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Social Media
You can find all my social media on my carrd here
All my stuff is some variation of Lame2882 or Lame.2882
As said before, I'm obsessed with Legend of Zelda, but some other interests of mine are:
☆Little Nightmares
☆Pin Collecting
☆Night in the Woods
☆Don't Starve
☆Sky: Children of the Light
☆Ghosts and other supernatural stuff
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And I think that's all you really need to know about me! Feel free to say hi!
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