askstormscall · 1 year
Storm’s Arrival
Darkened clouds began to amass. 
Lightning forked across the skies. 
The winds stirred, a blistering tempest, a painful howl on the ears. 
Angry waves crashed against the shore, rain splattering against the leaves. 
A looming shadow rapidly descends from the sky, an intense golden gaze seething.
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"WHY HAVE YOU COME HERE?!" The Leviathan bellows. [State your business swiftly or be met with ire] (Art is by @askvekpa​) ~
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askstormscall · 1 year
Polly: pooey, take a bath stinky. Stinky sea bird. When was the last time you bathed stinky?
The Leviathan's demeanor altered at the first glimpse of this child. A display of nostalgia, of sorrow. 
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You remind me much of my children when they were your age. But you do not belong here. It is not safe. Find your way home, gremlin.
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askstormscall · 1 year
How the heck you live losing the wing there
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I never intended to live beyond losing my wing. But a certain bastard decided otherwise. I'll never forget that day.
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askstormscall · 1 year
what's the greatest battle you have ever fought?
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My hubris...
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It has taken me over 20 years to adapt and use my Psychic properly. It is hardly perfect but do not think any less of me with this stub of mine. He may have taken my wing but I stole his eye as retribution.
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askstormscall · 1 year
( @mew-sanctuary ) Ryo: Hello great one, I apologize for the disturbance. I did not realize I had wandered into your domain. May I have a name, so I can tell my children to avoid disturbing your domain?
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"NONSENSE!" The Leviathan roared. 
The beast rose to their full height, wings splayed.
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The wind grew turbulent, your voices are drowned out by the howls of the squalls and thunder as the Leviathan bellows. You have angered them, their golden gaze glowing with brilliance.
"Tell your children, Mew! Your families! Tell them, Susano lives on Onokorushima island and to STAY THE HELL AWAY!
@docmenlonhead / @mew-sanctuary
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askstormscall · 1 year
Can you appear in human form when confronted with man?
I heard that they obtain the means to capture gods in small capsules, and I wonder if you have a defense against that.
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Why grace man with a human visage? I have no reason to interact with them in this current age than using any form other than my true face. However... there was a form I used years ago.
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As for their silly contraptions, they do not work on me. They have tried and failed and only further enraged me.
The Leviathan seems especially agitated, the wind increasing speed.
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askstormscall · 1 year
Hiro grew weary as he swam. Something about these currents was wild even for him. The storms above worse. Soon he found himself resting on the only island he had come across for miles. A bit of respite, though that would soon be interrupted. Out the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a being that had him snarling, feathers ruffled as he thought it one he scorned. Though as he took a better look he realized he did not know them. “Well you look like you’ve been through some shit." He spat, still weary of the heavily scarred Lugia. "These your storms?”
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The Lugia growls low under their breath. Another one steps on the sand and intrudes on their land. Their eyes search as words full of ire come from their maw as they respond to the youth.
You do not know the half of it, boy. A gristle lip of the jaw reveals sharp teeth. Since you managed to make it this far, you must not be weak but turn tail before… 
They trailed off as their golden gaze landed upon the darkened Lugia. A flash of surprise in their eyes before they suppressed it with a snort. 
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What the hell happened to you? Is this some new trend our kind has adopted I am not aware of? And you say I look like shit. 
Though the Lugia seemed… unsettled. A sense that there was something amidst, scanning the youthful Lugia in front of them. They averted their gaze.
You can stay if you must rest. I will not stop my storms for you, boy. Do not dawdle or roam where you are not permitted.
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askstormscall · 1 year
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Alpha? Must humans name everything?! I have always been this size, go away-
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The hell with you," a growl filled with menace. "None of you should have breached my storms-
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"ALL OF YOU ANGER ME!" The leviathan roared. Lightning struck all around them, and crackled along the beast's teeth. The Lugia lowered and bore their fangs to the Gardevoir. "My storm is to keep you, interlopers, away, and me inside! YET YOU INTRUDE WHERE YOU DO NOT BELONG! IN MY TERRITORY!"
@askfatesguardian / @minish-mews-and-twos
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askstormscall · 1 year
Hey old mon... You're CUTE.
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...Is this what humanity does now? Court with death? You gaze upon my visage and believe me to be... Cute? Imbeciles. GET OUT OF MY TERRITORY!
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askstormscall · 1 year
What kinds of offerings do you prefer? Practical gifts seem to be your style, like a sturdy basket perhaps?
Or would you rather receive well prepared food? Do you have any dislikes, allergies or intolerances we should be aware of before any food is made?
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Susano eyed this one curiously. This one seemed polite and meticulous. “You remind me of someone,” Susano murmured, “but they are no longer here.” The words touched the Leviathan, their expression softening. 
“You are not wrong, however,” a slight chuckle from the Lugia, a brief look of surprise before they suppressed it, “You are surprisingly observant. I believe in practical offerings yet sentimental gifts are not ignored by me. It would be foolish of me to fail to acknowledge an offering one poured their heart and soul into.”
A shake of the head from Susano. “I do not have any allergies of the sort. But do not” -there was a show of serrated teeth- “offer me any Sharpedo. I grow bored of it for that is all that thrives here.” A fault of their own, one they don’t admit to. 
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askstormscall · 1 year
What make this Island precious to you? It seems you went through great lengths to protect it.
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Precious? Susano scoffed. Great lengths? What you are witnessing is a mere droplet of what I can truly do. Merely you all are intruding upon my territory with no offerings to bear. You lot disrespect knows no bounds.
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askstormscall · 1 year
I'm glad you were able to adapt well!
Do you get phantom pains?
And for an unrelated question, if there are any large enough: do you enjoy hot springs? I can imagine it would be nice on a particularly bad pain day.
There was a double take from the Lugia, their gaze narrowing briefly. If they had known the truth of their actions… the silence was telling, Susano closing their eyes. 
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Mere days of its separation, I could feel the limb. It wrestled in the depths of the ocean, beyond my reach. Not as if I could reattach it but felt all the same. Grasping aimlessly upon rocks and sand. A fire that scorched me. It drove me mad to wake and see, I could no longer fly and swim before but I no longer feel it as I did in the past. It comes and goes. Bare twinges beneath the flesh. 
A shift in Susano's expression at the mention of hot spring. A very slight smile. 
I do know of a hot spring. I do not frequent it as I once had but it was… pleasant. But I do not want to intrude too much. I would find myself addicted when my duty lies here. 
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askstormscall · 1 year
Knowing that you know the God of Balance, you probably knew other Gods as well (like Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, and Omni the Mew). What's your relations to them?
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I know of four you have listed. The rest are unknown to me. God of Balance? Nothing I am familiar with.
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Death and Caelus are individuals I am familiar with all too well. When you get to as old as I am, Death will eventually come for you but our bouts have stopped for a time. He grew tired and left me be.
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askstormscall · 1 year
You also aware of Zhen, right? We're friends of his.
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I do not know this individual... I hear many names but this is not one of them.
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askstormscall · 1 year
Inari: That's a familiar face... what on earth did you do to anger Kyurem so greatly?
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Anger...?" Susano scrutinized the Mew. If he was angry with me, I surely would not be talking to... any of you. Though that may be a blessing with you lot," they replied dryly. You get the feeling this is perhaps the first time in ages since the Leviathan has spoken so much.
The once heavy downpour seems to be tempering off into a soft drizzle. The skies were still darkened but the Lugia seemed less angered? Strange.
"He did not do this to me."
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You lot seem awfully familiar with him. Ask him yourself. I have no desire to recall that day. If he sent you here..." The Lugia growled to themselves. "Bastard hasn't been here in years and does this shit-
@curce / @inaris-pokemon-world
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askstormscall · 1 year
Inari: Dear me, whatever caused such wounds to your body? They must have been great if you could not heal them off with Recover…
The Leviathan's gaze seethed as they turned towards the two who had approached him. They narrowed with scrutiny, the glow within their eyes lessening. Perhaps the beast held some capacity of sympathy; the wind churning around them diminished into a light breeze as their eyes darted between them. 
I have endured when no one else has. Some call it a blessing. I call this a curse. These wounds of mine… they bother me but I have no time to rest. A measly Recover would not heal them even if I had the capability of utilizing it.
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Their gaze landed upon Hope. They seemed… intrigued? It was difficult to discern the Leviathan's expression, unreadable. 
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A great many of them were through battle. I can name each instance in which a wound has been inflicted upon me. Such gruesome details are not for the lighthearted."
Then the Leviathan's maw lifted into a macabre smile, a great many serrated teeth on display.
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I haven't trained in eons, small one. But I dare say, no one wishes to spar with me for good reason.
@inaris-pokemon-world / @ask-the-royal-absol
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