#Sun'ra IC
mischiefandmystics · 3 years
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Flame-kissed Dawn
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
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Śūn'ra Yatā by Todor Hristov
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
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Killing Intent
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
Main Character or Side? Śūn'ra Yatā
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the antagonist
you honestly thrive in chaos, and i respect that. you know what you want and you're willing to go for it. you might be a little dramatic. you're a main character for sure, but an edgy one. you're confident and powerful. you might have a god complex.
quiz here
Tagged by: @kich-rp
Tagging: @meandering-mind @finishing-touch, @cigarettes-n-daisies. 
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
Light Sources: Śūn'ra Yatā
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sun rays.
effervescent smiles, dandelion puffs, bare feet, beach waves, flowers pressed into books, champagne glasses, rose-gold eye shadow, boho skirts, wire-rimmed glasses, hair in loose waves, kaleidoscope eyes, sunshine in your hair, fire in your soul.
incandescent bulbs.
crop tops, floral print, dancing in the rain, quiet defiance, hand-knit beanies, rosé, painted bookmarks, marble floors, cirrus clouds against a blue sky, polaroid pictures, hands held, fingers intertwined, flower crowns, baby bluebirds.
lace bralettes, brisk breezes, jasmine-scented perfume, books with yellowed pages, tracking constellations, sterling silver, violin music, chess games, iced coffee, glittery dresses, high heels, secret grins, midnight meetings, wishing upon a star.
candle flames.
denim jackets, gladiator sandals, braided hair, messenger bags, movies at the cinema, stolen kisses, wax-sealed envelopes, haiku poetry, cherry wood, succulents, fountain pens, jigsaw puzzles, soft tired eyes, hidden smiles, cuddling with someone you trust.
newspapers, over-sized sweaters, dancing shadows, fleece throws, cutoff shorts, piano chords, red wine, messy buns, embossed journals, a hint of blush dusted across your cheeks, freshly fallen snow, tranquil solitude, burning incense, light hair and dark skin.
combat boots, burgundy lips, infectious laughter, spiral-bound notebooks, pencils used down to the stub, ripped jeans, painted nails, cloud-watching, summer thunderstorms, hiking trails, vinyl records, film cameras, skating on a frozen lake, hot chocolate by the fire.
dancing until the break of dawn, Heelys, being wheeled around in a shopping cart by your best friend, the euphoria of soaring through the air, being excited for what the future holds, group hugs, colorful tattoos, bronzer-highlighted cheeks, hugging a stuffed animal, lifting a child onto your shoulders, space buns, bright streaks in your hair.
Tagged by: @meandering-mind, @xmimiteh​
Thank you!
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mischiefandmystics · 5 years
LFRP: Sun’ra Zhawn
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B A S I C S .
FULL NAME: Śūn'ra Yatā PRONUNCIATION: SHoon-ra Ya-ta ALIAS: Sun’ra Zhawn NICKNAME(S): Blu, Sun, various epithets from various people AGE: 25 BIRTHDAY: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon ETHNIC GROUP: Miqo’te/Keeper of the Moon NATIONALITY: Meracydian LANGUAGE(S): Common, Huntspeak, some sign language  SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Open to interpretation  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Open to interpretation  RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In a relationship with Maril Hawker, but still a ho HOME TOWN/AREA: An island off the coast of the main Meracydian continent CURRENT HOME:  N/A, wanders and has several hideouts throughout Eorzea PROFESSION: Bandit, Street Pharmacist, Chef, Back Alley Surgeon
P H Y S I C A L .
HAIR: Cotton candy blue and pink, thick, coarse, and with the slightest of waves EYES: Bright, intense, and vivid violet in color. Almond shaped and often with constricted pupils FACE: Sharp, symmetrical, and expressive with a round, wide nose LIPS: Full, soft, and usually smirking COMPLEXION: Deep russet brown BLEMISHES: N/A SCARS: Rare, faded, but heavy around the hands and knuckles. There are none of any particular note or story. TATTOOS: Clan markings on his face HEIGHT: 5′8 WEIGHT: 162 BUILD: Muscular, athletic, compact, and broad shouldered. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Clan markings, hair color, intense stare, facial and ear piercings ALLERGIES: N/A USUAL HAIR STYLE: Cut short or chin length at most, no particular style, left to do what it wills. USUAL FACE LOOK: Prone to sharp toothed grins, teasing or taunting glances, and focused, unblinking stares. USUAL CLOTHING: Fitted leather and cloth, or loose linen pieces in either black or bright and vibrant colors. COMMON ACCESSORIES: Black choker, fingerless gloves, gold bracelets, and gold sunglasses(if during the day)
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P S Y C H O L O G Y .
FEAR(S): Dying ASPIRATION(S): Longevity in banditry, general hedonism, and to grow and synthesize the most potent drugs with the cleanest highs. POSITIVE TRAITS: Charming, Truthful, Diligent, Loyal, Creative, Patient, Astute NEGATIVE TRAITS: Unabashedly Evil, Excessively Violent, Cunningly Manipulative, Largely Unpredictable  MBTI: ENFJ-A  ZODIAC: Sagittarius TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine-Choleric  SOUL TYPE(S): The Warrior & The Sage ANIMAL(S): The Wolf & The Crocodile VICE HABIT(S): Murder, Fogweed, Sensation Seeking FAITH: Agnostic GHOSTS?: Unsure AFTERLIFE?: Unsure REINCARNATION?: Unsure ALIENS?: Yes POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Vaguely anarchist leaning, but otherwise unconcerned. EDUCATION LEVEL:  Homeschooled and private tutelage while young, various forms of apprenticeship after leaving home, and continues to study and practice his trade and interests as an adult.
F A M I L Y .
FATHER: Zai’zi Routak; Alive MOTHERS: Śūn Yatā; Alive SIBLINGS: 14 sisters and 4 brothers EXTENDED FAMILY: Various aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. PETS: A nutkin named Chip, a mameshiba named Bombo, and a war panther named Jean-Baptiste Sevigny. NAME MEANING(S): Fifth son of Śūn Yatā   HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: N/A.
F A V O R I T E S .
BOOK: The medical journals pertaining to anatomy and physiology from Maril’s library.  DEITY: Sophia HOLIDAY: Valentione's Day  MONTH: July SEASON: Summer PLACE:  Mor Dhona WEATHER: Sunshower SOUND(S): The cacophony of active voices in a crowded room, the rhythmic breaking of waves against the shore, and the sharp, surprised, intake of breath by a person once stabbed. SCENT(S): Petrichor, blood, medicinal herbs, and burning wood. TASTE(S): Sharp, hot, and spicy peppers, bitter and sour tastes like lemons, and the savory and rich flavor of spiced cinnamon. FEEL(S): Textures that are sticky or tacky like blood, or gritty like sand, or rough like calloused hands. ANIMAL(S): Coeurls, Nutkins, Dogs NUMBER(S): 16 COLOR(S): Red, Blue, Pink, Purple, and Yellow
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E X T R A .
TALENT(S): Cooking, mathematics, sleight of hand, hand-eye coordination BAD AT:  Drawing, hiding emotions, magic TURN ONS: Competence, violence, passion, assertiveness, risk-taking, vulnerability TURN OFFS: Spinelessness, arrogance, dishonesty HOBBIES: Botany, singing and songwriting, playing guitar, stalking people, exploring ruins TROPES:  It Amused Me, Sadist, Pragmatic Villainy, No-Nonsense Nemesis, Because I’m Good At It, Machiavelli Was Wrong, Even Evil Can Be Loved, Even Evil Has Loved Ones QUOTE(S): N/A
T R A I T S .
extroverted / in between / introverted disorganized / in between / organized close minded / in between / open-minded  calm / in between / anxious disagreeable / in between / agreeable cautious / in between / reckless patient / in between / impatient outspoken / in between / reserved leader / in between / follower empathetic / in between / apathetic optimistic / in between / pessimistic traditional / in between / modern hard-working / in between / lazy cultured / in between / uncultured  loyal / in between/ disloyal faithful / in between/ unfaithful
P O S S I B L E   H O O K S .
Drug Dealer: Śūn’ra is a drug dealer, and a fairly good one at that. He has his own distinct wares to offer, but will also make the effort to procure whatever a client desires beyond his normal fare. This is however, with the exception of Somnus as he refuses to deal with that particular substance in any capacity. Still, if one is looking for a quick fix, or a reliable long term supplier, he is always happy to provide.
Banditry: What Śūn’ra considers as his main “job”, is the thing he’s been doing the longest, and what he finds himself to be really good at. He has been known to take advantage of the Ala Mhigan refugees outside of Ul’dah, the Doman refugees who once made their temporary home around Mor Dhona, the various downtrodden in Gyr Abania, and generally any random, lightly armored person or persons on a dark road in and around the various housing districts. If you want to be a victim, a hero, a like-minded individual, or simply heard curious, ominous rumors of people being robbed and/or murdered in the dark, feel free to explore the possibility.
Hired Hand: As he’s generally always on the search for or considering the potential of the next thrill, Śūn’ra tends to keep his ear to the underground when it comes to offerings of various “unsavory” jobs. Whether you need an assassin, a torturer, a kidnapper, or someone to shake down those indebted to you, he’s generally up for the task. Additionally, while the Keeper himself has no grandiose plans for mass destruction, conquest, or the like, he’s more than happy to help those who do - for a price, and for as long as going along with his employer’s ambitions is more thrilling than the escapades of those attempting to put a stop to them... 
Dungeon-Diving: Śūn’ra has found that he rather enjoys heading into various dungeons and ruins in search of relics to either keep for himself or to sell for overinflated prices. The threat of monsters, voidsent, and other ne'er-do-wells amuses and excites him. It is possible to run into him alone, scoping out a location for possible treasures, or to convince him to join your own expedition.
General Evil-doing: In simplest terms, Śūn’ra finds evil things to just generally be more fun than good things. He’d like to meet others of a similar mindset, and isn’t shy about tracking such individuals down if he catches wind of them.
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L O O K I N G   F O R .
I am looking for both short and long term RP with villainous contacts, friends, and business collaborators for various dubious plotlines, one shots, and experimental campaigns. Ideally something long term, with characters willing to get their hands dirty and not prone to passivity. 
Rivals, enemies, and people to thwart and be thwarted by. It’s not fun if he always wins or gets his way. People who are able to stand up to him and hold their own are wanted too. Doesn’t have to be long running as I am open to heroic one shots as well.
Pretty much anything. There’s a wide world of RP out there to be had, and various types of plotlines. I’m always open to hear things out, and even if I’m not super into something, we can shape it into something that works well for the both of us. Śūn'ra as a character has a wide variety of interests and hobbies, and not everything has to be about violence or mayhem(though that is the main focus), so please, if you have an idea, let me know!
C O N T A C T .
Here! On Tumblr!
In game via: Sun’ra Zhawn@balmung
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
💢 - What frustrates your character more than anything?
Friends or people he is friendly with lying to him. In his line of work,  Śūn'ra expects lies from his enemies and strangers, but truly relies on and desires trust from those he considers friends. Śūn'ra tries to be understanding of the truth, even if he does not like the truth told to him, and gives those he is close to, or even those he simply likes, both the benefit of the doubt, as well as extra leeway, and even help when it comes to reconciling issues that friends think might set him off or make him angry...
Thus, it makes him quite irate when people who he considers friends or is friendly with lie to him. It makes him feel that he cannot trust the person, and if he cannot trust them, then they are a liability, and if they are a liability... Well... Then he has do something to him.
Get to Know My Character
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
👎 - what kind of touch is not comfortable or generally unwanted by your character?
Also asked by @ffxivtribehydrae
One of the very few kinds of touch that would fall into this category would be pulling his tail. Whether it be as a joke, to get his attention, to keep him from moving away from you, or for any other reason... Pulling his tail is something that he genuinely just does not enjoy, cannot pretend to enjoy, and will immediately turn his mood sour regardless of the situation or circumstance.
Features/Touch Ask Game
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
12. Is your muse easily flustered? Do they blush, swear, etc.?
He is not! To the point where I cannot immediately think of anything that would make him blush or feel embarrassed at all, especially in the realm of social interactions. However, he is prone to annoyance or agitation with people, or situations, which usually is signified by him kissing his teeth. 
Śūn'ra is not one to blush, or swear even, unless he is feeling particularly annoyed. His ears though, are very indicative of his emotions, and their posture can visually tell how he is feeling, if nothing else does.
Vanilla Sunday
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
⚠ - What has your character almost done that made someone talk them out of or convince them not to do it?
Also asked by @meandering-mind
Various people who Śūn'ra has a rapport with have had to, on one occasion or another, convince him to either not antagonize, or just straight up murder, a third party whom Śūn'ra is at odds with. These third parties tend to be either friends, coworkers, or sometimes family members of the people Śūn'ra likes, but who are, in Śūn'ra’s mind, ‘in the way’ in one form or another.
Granted, it is generally pretty easy for someone that Śūn'ra likes to convince him not to do something that would deeply upset them, but he tends to feign resistance for the sake of drinking in the temporary tension, pleading, and distress that the interaction creates.
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
😇 - What was your character’s last good deed? (I'm actually really curious about this one!)
Probably rescuing Maril from her abusive parents who abducted and attempted to brainwash her against her will, and then unbeknownst to Maril, drowning her father in a shallow grave in front of his house during the slow rise of high tide while calmly explaining why he lost and how things will be for his wife and daughter for now on.
Get to Know My Character
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
Quirks and little details
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✒️ — How does your muse hold a pen? Sun’ra holds writing utensils in a tight grip, using his middle finger to brace the tip against the nail bed of his ring finger, he also tightly clutches the barrel of whatever he’s writing with between his forefinger and thumb. This becomes very uncomfortable when he is writing for long periods, and it is not uncommon for him to accidentally snap a writing utensil from gripping it too hard.
👖 — How does your muse position their legs whilst sitting? Often, Sun’ra straddles a chair in a reverse sitting position, leaning forward with arms crossed atop the back of it. Otherwise, he tends to lean back, and may cross one leg over the other, or lean forward on it. If sitting on the ground, Sun’ra most often crouches, rather than sits, balanced on the balls of his feet.
💺 — How does your muse adjust themselves in their seat? Freely, quietly, and without second thought. If Sun’ra is uncomfortable, he will adjust himself as quickly as possible, and may opt to simply stand or crouch if he finds the other seating options simply not up to standard.
📚 — Does your muse dog-ear or use a bookmark when reading? Sun’ra is the type to both dog-ear a book, and to abundantly mark it up as he goes through. From highlighting words and passages, to writing or doodling in the margins, he tends to be very active with his reading. Any book that Sun’ra has perused is likely to have many pages dog-earred, not just to mark where he had left off, but also any pages that might have included information to note, phrases to remember, or ideas he wants to explore or study.
💭 — How does your muse physically focus themselves whilst in deep thought? To focus himself, Sun’ra will often roll himself a joint and take a hit or two. He finds his focus to be more streamlined for whatever a task at hand might be. He also finds both the sound and the rhythmic action of drumming his claws against something to be helpful when thinking about the words another has spoken, or what his next move should be in a conversation or action.
🤞 — What behavioural ticks give your muse away when they are lying? Sun’ra actually does not like lying, nor is he fond of liars, so he generally will try to tell the truth in most situations. If he feels that the truth will work against his goals, he will simply not answer, or attempt to change the subject. As such, it is not so much trying to figure out if Sun’ra is lying to you, but if he is avoiding telling you all that he knows. Either way, the most direct hint that can tip you off that conversation is broaching on something he does not want to discuss, is if Sun’ra is not looking at you while speaking, or a sudden uptick in irritable responses.
🚘 — What bad driving habits has your muse picked up?
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💬 — Does your muse talk or sing to themselves when alone? While Sun’ra does not speak aloud or mutter to himself, he is prone to singing and humming to himself. These songs are usually some kind of sky pirate shanty he has picked up, or some somber tune he has overheard while around refugees and others downtrodden. 
👁 — Under what situations does your muse flinch or look away? Sun’ra will flinch if caught off guard by a sudden movement towards him in a proximity of his close personal space. Usually his flinching consists of the near-instantaneous appearance of a throwing dagger though. He is inclined to look away when he has lost interest, or if he has not lost interest, but something of new interest has caught his attention, or if during a conversation he is adjusting his response to avoid both the  truth and a lie.
🛌 — How does your muse position themselves in bed? This mostly depends on if there is someone sharing the bed with him or not. If Sun’ra is alone, than he is likely to sprawl himself out. Whether on his front, or on his back, he may just starfish out on the bed, taking up as much space and blanket/sheet as possible. If sharing a bed with someone, Sun’ra is prone to curling into a fetal position. If the bed-mate is not someone he is fond of, this is likely to be with his back towards them, but if it is someone he is fond of, he will most likely attempt to spoon them, and if spooning is rejected, turn away from them.
🔎 — When searching for something, does your muse use their eyes or their hands? Eyes, and then hands. Sun’ra is the type, that when something is lost or he is looking for something, will stop completely in movement and scan the area visually for the thing in question, or any thing or place that the target in question may be located. He will mentally list these things, and after scanning the entire area and making note of every potential location, will methodically check each and every one in extreme detail.
📏 — How does your muse adjust to others that are taller or shorter to them? Outside of tilting his head up or down so that he may look them in the face, he does not adjust. How tall or short someone is in comparison to him means nothing to him.
⏰ — What is the first thing your muse does after getting out of bed? Generally, when Sun’ra wakes up he will head outside to both stretch and do breathing exercises during the last light of the sun. Normally this will consist of various yoga poses and Nauli Kriya breathing exercises, but is not always the case. Sometimes, the first thing he does is roll himself a joint and lie in bed to mentally plot out a list of things he needs or wants to do while awake, or note the various schemes he needs to move forward or follow up on.
🚶 — Does your muse sit up straight or do they slouch? Sun’ra tends to sit up straight. He has a bit of poise that makes him seem as if he is always prepared to react to a person’s actions. He does slouch, but that is generally only when he is exclusively around people he trusts completely, and seems to be an action that he has to be particularly conscious of to do.
👓 — If your muse wears glasses, how do they adjust them? He does not wear glasses for sight, but does wear sunglasses when out during the daytime hours or if the light is particularly harsh. If he needs to adjust them for whatever reason, he’ll generally use the back of the second knuckle of his index finger to push them up the bridge of his nose.
❓ — Does your muse bend down to look at something on the floor or do they pick it up first? Sun’ra will probably just lower his eyes without changing his posture at all to look at something on the floor. If the something in question is particularly interesting, or if he cannot get a real good look at it, he will then either tilt his head, or crouch down close to it to give a real good once over, and probably a few good pokes. If Sun’ra picks something up, he is probably intending to keep it... Or throw it.
🔑 — Where does your muse keep their keys? Sun’ra has one(1) key, which grants outside entrance to his personal residences that he keeps hidden within a secret pocket sewn on the inside of his shirt. The only other “key” that Sun’ra possesses is actually his tongue ring... Which is kept in his mouth, and grants access to the various secret chambers and locations that his first key does not.
🤧 — How does your muse cover their cough or sneeze? Do they apologise for it after? Do they comment if someone else does? He pauses, takes a deep breath, turns his head and coughs or sneezes into the crook of his elbow. He does this with the intention of clearing out all that has triggered the reaction in one go in the hopes of preventing fits. The concept of apologizing after a sneeze or cough never crosses his mind, but he may offer a ‘bless you’ after someone else sneezes... Which may get annoying as if he does it after one, he will do it after every subsequent one in the case of a sneezing fit. Sun’ra will not acknowledge a cough at all unless the person is coughing on him, or if they seem to be ill and is not covering their own nose and mouth.
👋 — What objects or movements does your muse utilise while fidgeting? Sun’ra’s only fidgeting type habit is drumming his claws against a surface while thinking. He tends to find fidgeting annoying, and wishes for people to remain still. 
📎 — How does your muse react to a paper cut or scratch? Pleasure.  Sun’ra finds small, persistent pains enjoyable to a weird degree. A small, sharp, consistent pain such as a paper cut is a curious sensation for him, and he is likely to rub a finger against it every so often to keep the area agitated for just a bit longer than necessary..
🛋 — Does your muse sit on one end of the sofa, in the middle, on an arm, or sprawled across it? If the space is available, or if someone he likes is already sitting on the couch, he will sprawl himself across it, lying his head in the person’s lap or against the arm of the sofa. Otherwise, Sun’ra will tend towards the middle of the sofa, claiming it for himself while forcing any other person to be seated directly beside him.
‼️ — What everyday object does your muse most often lose track of? Sun’ra does not lose track of his everyday objects... Because he uses them... Every day...
💻 — What is your muse’s computer or phone password? What is their primary device’s wallpaper? If Sun’ra had a computer or phone, he would probably opt for one that uses the fingerprint of iris scan for a password, rather than anything typed. He would find that technology amusing and would want to indulge it. As for wallpaper, he would probably flip between it being a selfie of him with the various people that he is fond of, and a picture of someone he has brutalized or murdered so as bring him back to that moment.
👜 — What does your muse keep in their wallet or handbag? Nothing because he does not carry either of these.
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
🤛 - how does your character react to being hit? are they likely to continue a fight if someone else starts it, or try to de-escalate or get away?
Śūn'ra enjoys violence on a sensual level, so being on the receiving end of violence, more often than not, will result at the very least, in a smirk or glint in the eye. With that said, how will react beyond that really depends on who is hitting him, with what, and the circumstance of why. In Śūn'ra‘s mind, being hit can have a lot of different interpretations, including being something flirty, and he tends to take that into consideration. 
Whether he continues a fight or tries to de-escalate also depends on if he provoked the person into hitting him to begin with. If Śūn'ra has provoked someone who he doubts will be a challenge, an equal, or even just fun to fight into hitting him, he will most likely de-escalate as simply getting a rise out of the person will be enough... Unless he was intending to murder them from the beginning and just wanted to upset them beforehand attempting to do that. 
If he provokes someone who he thinks will be a challenge, equal, or fun to fight into hitting him, he will continue the fight, even if he figures that he will have to de-escalate or escape eventually.
Features/Touch Ask Game
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mischiefandmystics · 4 years
📬 - A mysterious letter has just been found in their mailbox. How does your character react? Who would it be from?
Sun’ra loves intrigue, so the idea of someone:   A. finding out where he actually lives, and B. delivering a letter to that location, would definitely draw his interest. He would respond with curiosity and amusement and would likely try to figure out who sent him the letter, and based on the contents of it, why.  As to people who might feasibly want to send him a letter at this point in time? Probably a member of his immediate family that wanted to inform of something without sparking conflict or awkwardness. Being aware of all of his idiosyncrasies as they are, none of them would actually sign the letter, or outright say what they want or where to find him, instead writing in riddles, and thus fueling his interest.  Get to Know My Character
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