#T'would be silly
cboffshore · 8 months
had a bit of a Moment tonight and wrote a four page poem. formatting and everything. disappointment is one hell of a drug, and apparently when I overdose, I end up with a submission-ready vent poem
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toyintrance · 9 months
dom knight 4 sub prince like
"My liege, I am sworn to protect you. Everything I ask of you is for the good of crown and country. Yes, your majesty, even when I tell you to suppress your whimpering while I sheathe myself in you. I swore my blade in service to you. T'would be unbecoming of a future monarch not to take it like a good boy. Of course you should still call me Sir, my liege. What a silly question."
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ravioliet · 5 months
What I think OSMU would be in the mlp AU:
Opal: pegasus. Longs to leave the Arctic to find somewhere warmer where she can fly.
Omar: earth pony. Doesn't understand Opal completely, but he agrees with her other reasons and he wants to see the world so there's that.
Oswald: unicorn. Mostly uses his telekinesis for sorting stuff in his job as a library-museum pony, but has been tempted to try out stuff in old spellbooks every so often.
Orla: dunno atm. was very young when the event celebrated on Hearth's Warming Eve occured. Still guards the 44-leaf clover.
Oprah/the Big O is still here and looks WAY more regal than when we last saw her(s2 finale). Like our main 4 are astounded by it when they first see her.
Veering off the OSMU track, I think Olive is protective of Otto, as in canon, but it gets extreme sometimes. Blank flank insult from Oren? She will yeet him across the room with her telekinesis. It takes a lot out of her to lift a whole pony tho. Aside from the fact that Ms. O is an alicorn who could easily overpower her if she tried that, that's why she opted for a stunpulse during "Ms. O Uh-Oh".
Also I wonder if there's some sort of ritual that Directors go through to turn their successors into alicorns. T'would be interesting!
yeah! so i never really got around to watching osmu beyond the few episodes i managed to catch on pbs kids but i know some things and yeah this seems pretty accurate, might have to steal from this haha
anyways yeah mlp Olive is so funny to me, she's pretty good at magic and all that but she's also still into sports and athletic stuff which most don't really expect from a unicorn so sometimes she'll pull stuff like letting someone think she's going to fight them with magic and then opting to kick them across the room horse style or something. Ms. O does stuff like this as well since she was an earth pony first before becoming an alicorn and she has the earth pony strength and resilience and everything. she has a full grip on her alicorn abilities because she's been one for a long while now but she still does stuff like kick holes in walls just because. you do not want to end up in a fight with either of them they have both magic and physical strength and you WILL lose.
and about the alicorn bit i've actually been plotting out some of the alicorn stuff and you got it pretty close with the ritual thing actually! in my mind when a director has to step down or leave for whatever reason they either have to hand off their alicorndom to their successor themselves or they have it revoked by someone else and passed on for them if that makes sense. it's just so that there aren't any random alicorn civilians out there or anything lol. because in my mind at least director level alicorns aren't technically royal alicorns (if they are they're very low ranking) they just have alicorn powers and leader status. however the Big O position does come with royal alicorn status, with their sorta domain being the whole organization since it's all across equestria and everything. so yeah you pretty much got it spot on with the whole idea of Big O Oprah being more regal and powerful looking because she's technically a princess now! she's very small compared to the other princesses but she's a princess nonetheless :)
​i also have some silly facts about alicorn Olive and Otto in particular that i might share later if i feel like it but i don't know if i should wait until i've drawn them or not sdhfjh
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Would totally love to play Minecraft with ya >:3
T'would be super fun!
I'm assuming I'd have to go on Bedrock if I'm gonna be as inclusive as possible lmao
Mmm, got some worldbuilding to do first! /silly
( I look forward to doing so! )
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crystalmarred · 1 year
how would your muse react to someone flirting with them? - but for all muses :D
MEME ( always accepting! ) ⇢ @vierandancer
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X'kijin would be confused. Be it in a romantic or sexual fashion, X'kijin isn't used to either. While he's a romantic at heart, he needs a bond of friendship before he can really see someone in a romantic light. And while he's had an occasional fling here and there, it's not something he pursues nor frequently accepts, so people flirting with him always takes him by surprise. Their flirting with a man who's favorite hobby is sleeping, who wouldn't be confused?
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Nok'to just doesn't notice. He doesn't realize you're flirting with him. He's clueless. Please preface your flirtation with the statement that you intend on flirting with him or acquire one of his siblings so they can helpfully inform him he's being flirted with because it will go over his head.
And then he'll fluster so bad that he forgets how to say words and can't remember his name. The not-at-all uncommon kitten lisp might suddenly return to him. You expect him to be able to remember how to speak around his teeth? In this situation?!
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Age is an important factor in how A'aba Tia reacts to someone flirting with him. Anyone under 25 is definitely going to get a, "Aren't ye a lil young?" After that, it's all interest and intention for him. If he's interested, he might test the waters, flirt back a little. He's not interested in quick and easy anymore, though, so if someone makes clear that's what they're looking for... He may or may not be kind about it.
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Seeing as how nobody has ever flirted with him—though it is more likely that they have and he simply did not notice—his reaction would be to... thank them because he can fathom no other response.
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G'raha's reaction changes considerably with the passing of time. As an Archon, he's apt to flirt back—and likely more, having had an... appetite when he was younger that was not so easily sated, in large part because he was ultimately looking for the wrong thing.
As the Exarch, however, decorum demands he politely refuse it, though there was once... Ah, certain people manage to make themselves the exceptions. But he's surprised in the few moments people chose to say something that might be construed as flirting, given the number of people who saw his face during that time was so small, one would not bother to count it on one hand.
As a Scion, however, he would be all the more surprised. Where the Exarch surely had an air of mystery that might enchant some, G'raha had abandoned the mystery of the Exarch and the fun that the Archon was willing to engage in and traded it for... being more of a nerd! Rambling explanations, long tangents about things that caught his eye, dozing off at a desk and waking up with his face covered in drool...
T'would be silly to flirt with that, he thinks!
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Meteor probably doesn't really realize you're flirting with him. If he does, you're not likely to get much of a response beyond a nod, maybe a thank you. He's certainly not going to flirt back. Even if he is interested, he knows he's poor at it from the few experiences he has prior, so he's going to save himself the embarassment and awkwardly thank you instead.
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themostsanebug · 8 months
What if I was So Cool™ and forced one of my DSaF ocs to interact with Roger 👀
(not right now because I have so many assignments to do, but still)
t'would be very silly :0
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postalvalhalla · 1 year
Mocking the King
"All hail King Butterbutt!"
The snigger echoed through the hall.  The king's guard shouted, "Thou mocks the king?"
"Forgive me," Peter replied.  "It's a silly name...."
"Otherworld hero thou might be, but the penalty for such disrespect is five days in the dungeon!"
Later, in the dungeon, a prisoner said, "'Tis not bad.  The cells are clean; half the kingdom has spent time here.  The punishment is fair.  T'would not be the case, had thou faced Emperor Fartybucket...."
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cameoappearance · 2 years
Every Don’t Starve character eating Winter’s Feast snacks
Gingerbread Cookie:
Wilson: "The anatomy's not right, but I'll overlook it."
Willow: "Honestly, who DOESN'T eat the head first?"
Wolfgang: "Little man will crumble under my mighty teeth!"
Wendy: "I'm going to eat you."
Wickerbottom: "What a delightful little individual."
Woodie: "It's a gingerbread lumberjack."
Maxwell: "Stop looking at me, cookie fiend."
Wigfrid: "How dost I free you from the bread, man of ginger??"
Webber: "I won't eat it. It's our friend now."
Winona: "I love these things!"
Wortox: "It looks like a little mortal! Hyuyu!"
Wormwood: "Friend?"
Warly: "It has that "homecooked" charm."
Wurt: "MMMM, but what it supposed to be?"
Walter: "Mom made these every year."
Wanda: "I half expect it to start running at any moment."
Sugar Cookie:
Wilson: "I'm going to eat forty. For science."
Willow: "Doesn't look too bad, considering!"
Wolfgang: "Does Wolfgang have sugar in moustache?"
Wendy: "Not nearly sweet enough to balance out this bitter world."
Wickerbottom: "Just like holidays at the library!"
Woodie: "Always had a soft spot for a good holiday cookie."
Maxwell: "We're celebrating freezing to death, I see."
Wigfrid: "Like a snowflake, it is a gift from the heavens!"
Webber: "Icy icy icing!"
Winona: "No thanks, I'm sweet enough."
Wortox: "I might try one today."
Wormwood: "Oh. Didn't fall from sky"
Warly: "Cooking is a way of expressing love."
Wurt: "This snowflake melt on tongue too!"
Walter: "I'll make sure the younger kids don't eat too many."
Wanda: "It's so hard to stop once you've eaten one."
Candy Cane:
Wilson: "A Yuletide toothache waiting to happen."
Willow: "Gimme two of 'em and I can do a MacTusk impression."
Wolfgang: "Little sugar stick."
Wendy: "If you eat it right... the end gets sharp..."
Wickerbottom: "The perfect stir stick for hot cup of tea."
Woodie: "Satisfies the sweet tooth."
Maxwell: "I don't even use a cane."
Wigfrid: "T'would look as divine on the tree as in mine mouth!"
Webber: "Eat twenty candy canes! There's no candy shame!"
Winona: "Homemade. What a waste of time!"
Wortox: "The children hang them on my horns."
Wormwood: "Mmm... Sweet belly thing"
Warly: "The candy strands are expertly entwined."
Wurt: "Crunchy!"
Walter: "Don't eat too many, you'll get sick!"
Wanda: "Mmm, peppermint!"
Eternal Fruitcake:
Wilson: "That experiment may have been a tiny bit unethical."
Willow: "Anyone else sense the overpowering stench of evil?"
Wolfgang: "Wolfgang does not trust little fruit loaf."
Wendy: "It is filled with chunks of evil."
Wickerbottom: "An object with negligible temporal drag."
Woodie: "That thing just ain't right."
Maxwell: "It is unbound from time."
Wigfrid: "Stay back, foul creation!"
Webber: "Yuck! What is that??"
Winona: "Just terrible."
Wortox: "How deliciously evil!"
Wormwood: "So many little colors!"
Warly: "It grows on you."
Wurt: "Glurgh, what in this?"
Walter: "I'm... good."
Wanda: ""Eternal"? Ha!"
Chocolate Log Cake:
Wilson: "It's nice to eat something other than berries for once."
Willow: "A log for eating, not for burning."
Wolfgang: "Ha! Wolfgang will eat log, just like beardman!"
Wendy: "It tastes okay, but I've grown tired of logs..."
Wickerbottom: "Such expertly prepared raspberry filling!"
Woodie: "All the taste and none of the splinters!"
Maxwell: "How, err... traditional."
Wigfrid: "We feast tonight!"
Webber: "Haha, Wendy! Watch our Woodie impression!"
Winona: "Chocolatey."
Wortox: "Mortal food shaped like a log! How silly."
Wormwood: "Friend?!... Oh. Nope"
Warly: "I wouldn't turn down a slice."
Wurt: "It not a real log?"
Walter: "It's soooo good!"
Wanda: "I never understood the appeal of making a dessert that looks like a piece of wood."
Plum Pudding:
Wilson: "I'm puddin' that straight in my mouth!"
Willow: "I'm gonna totally stuff my face!!"
Wolfgang: "Tiny yummy cakething make strong Wolfgang."
Wendy: "I'm going to lick all the icing off..."
Wickerbottom: ""Plum" is a 17th century term for "fruit", dear."
Woodie: "Hard to complain aboot this whole "Feast" business."
Maxwell: "It's extremely rich."
Wigfrid: "Twas plucked straight from my nightmares!"
Webber: "Where are the plums?"
Winona: "Not my favorite thing."
Wortox: "Hyuyu! The mortals liquefied these plums!"
Wormwood: "Ball goes in belly"
Warly: "Just like maman used to make."
Wurt: "Watch! Can put whole thing in mouth!"
Walter: "There's fruit in it, so it's healthy right?"
Wanda: "Alright, maybe just a bit of pudding."
Apple Cider:
Wilson: "It's a hollowed apple filled with yummy juice."
Willow: "Sure beats rainwater!"
Wolfgang: "Little fruit is sweet and tasty!"
Wendy: "I don't want Winter's Feast to end..."
Wickerbottom: "Pair it with a good book and you've a cure for the winter blues."
Woodie: "Doesn't fall far from the cider tree."
Maxwell: "Glorified apple juice."
Wigfrid: "Something so foul shall never pass my lips!"
Webber: "Apple juice?! Yes!!"
Winona: "That's the good stuff."
Wortox: "I believe I can stomach liquids."
Wormwood: "Haha! Friend made a drink!"
Warly: "Just the right amount of sweetness."
Wurt: "Mmmmm..."
Walter: "Mmm, so warm and cinnamon-y!"
Wanda: "Something warm to sip on."
Hot Cocoa:
Wilson: "How does it stay warm? A thermodynamical mug?"
Willow: "I only like it when it's SCALDING."
Wolfgang: "Wolfgang likes feeling cozy."
Wendy: "I missed cocoa."
Wickerbottom: "A small enchantment keeps it a pleasant temperature."
Woodie: "Perfect for drinking next to a good fire, eh?"
Maxwell: "Such a decadent beverage."
Wigfrid: "Warms the soul."
Webber: "It makes our claws and tummy so warm."
Winona: "Don't burn your mouth."
Wortox: "Maybe just a sip."
Wormwood: "Mmm... Makes belly warm"
Warly: "It smells like comfort and contentment."
Wurt: "This. Best. Thing. Ever."
Walter: "It really warms you up!"
Wanda: "A hot cup of sweetness."
Heavenly Eggnog:
Wilson: "Can science explain why it tastes so good?"
Willow: "Who knew stuff from a bird's butt could be so tasty?"
Wolfgang: "Is much protein inside, yes?"
Wendy: "So aggressively delicious. You can't help but feel better."
Wickerbottom: "I've always harbored a weakness for good 'nog."
Woodie: "Psst, Lucy. Do I have a 'nog moustache?"
Maxwell: "My... favorite... she remembered."
Wigfrid: "Imbibable eggs!"
Webber: "It's really, really good!"
Winona: "I know what eggs are, but what's a "nog"?"
Wortox: "I might try this mortal treat."
Wormwood: "Makes belly full"
Warly: "I'm so happy I could weep."
Wurt: "Sluuuurrrrp!"
Walter: "It's so sweet!"
Wanda: "A nice cold glass of eggnog might do me some good."
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draconiacave · 7 years
guess who accidentally maybe came out as nonhuman in their short essay? that'll be put online and read by my teacher, a science fiction author, and whoever in my class decides to read it? you guessed it: me
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everbloomjardin · 4 years
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"Sometimes the best opportunities knock on your door on their own. All this without your having to put the effort in making it happen."
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"That being said... I should get on that other deal."
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"Masquerades are quite fun! Wouldn't you agree?"
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"I should ask the people who wants invitations. Apart from the ones in the server.. t'would be silly to ask THEM."
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[jiaolong-rp] 👕 (Although I'm pretty sure, Cairi can use some of Zitian's outer robes as a tent X,D)
Here Cairi was standing in the middle of her sitting room with yards of fine silken robes hanging from her. She didn't think this was such a great idea now that it was going on. She was not the same size as Zitian and was nowhere near used to having clothes of this kind of quality on her person. She was a humble, and sensible witch despite her lineage and abilities.
"Zitian... I feel a wee bit silly... Like I'm a child again playin dress up with me Mother's dresses. Maybe t'would be better to find me something in my own size?" she said as she started carefully bundling up the fabric in her arms around her till she was sure she wouldn't be stepping on them. Light as she was on her little hooves she didn't want to take a chance with them.
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nyanberry · 7 years
Hey! What’s up? I’m just having a chilled day in, practising singing some songs for my new band and chilling, binge watching new it’s always sunny and playing Skyrim, after partying all through last week 😅 Could I add ya on snapchat? I’m on that more than this and you can see what I actually look like and hear my normal voice, which is a very rare thing for me to, considering the fact that I usually jump between like twenty different voices when I meet someone new, I love doing impressions and accents, to the point where you’re screaming at me to speak normally…That’s when I’ll break into full swing Gandalf 😉 Sorry about the one big message btw, I can talk for fun and tend to ramble when I’m in a good mood heheh 😜 I didn’t wanna spam you, but yeah, some people don’t like reading more than like a sentence, which is pretty fuckin ridiculous in my eyes, considering I’d be this chatty in person! 😅 Anyway, it’d be lovely to have a proper chat with ya! Snapchat is __________ 😇
You’ve got fucking amazing eyes btw, that’s what caught my attention, like omfg man, you could paralyse me with those 😳 Pretty eyes, my biggest weakness….which I probably shouldn’t have told you…shit….just don’t use it against me, plz? D: Unless it’s for something good, obviously, like you looked at me and said that “order a dominoes” I’d be cool with that 😄 But you do have seriously gorgeous eyes 😍 Sorry if I seem a bit forward or whatever, I just say what I see, no bullshit, best way to be! 😄 X
I hope you don’t mind me just kinda rambling away to myself, tend to do that when I’m in a good mood, I’m not one of these people who just gives like three word replies hahah, I like to have an actual conversation, so many people are put off by that hahah
But eeeey, normal people are silly! Gotta break the norm man, no point in being a sheep and the same as everyone else, normal is boring and you’ve gotta be an individual! 😄 But yeah, that’s partly because so many people nowadays let their basic animalistic instincts, hormonal drives and this false sense of reality imposed by many things in the world around us, control and shape them as a person for the worse.
Anyway, not getting onto the topic of how much I hate most people a lot of the time, that’s a deep hole to dig 😅
I’m away out later on, to my local rock/metal pub/club, opium for rockaoke (my mate’s karaoke night, but you can do whatever you like, as well known or obscure as ya like, as many people can join you as you like.and basically just do whatever, it’s great) 😄
So I’m free to chat til then, if you are? I’m just gonna grab a shower, quick workout, then just chill and have a sing, til I head at around half ten or so I guess! 😄 T'would be laaaaaaaavely to chat! Anyway, I’ll shut up and letcha read all that, back in ten or so! 😊 X
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