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> Diznirk cuz I’m fresh out the pen: Rap ta alien if you gots a paper stack.
uranianUmbra [UU] began steppin' timaeustestify [TT]
UU: i see yoe 'bout ready ta begin. how splendid for yoU. ^u^ UU: i'm at dangeroUs risk of jealoUsy now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe. 
TT: Whizzay? 
UU: oh, it jizzay i'm bustin' a bit behizzle schizzle. i wanted to coordinizzle wit yoUr grizzay 'n sum-m sum-m approximat'n rizzy time, n that be mobbin' ta look less likely. Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. UU: my clizzient playa continUes ta be a soUrce of frUstration. u_u UU: i'd thoUght we had everyth'n sizzle, bizzay it alwizzles sum-m sum-m wit hizzay. UU: i even tizzy him 'n my last message it wizzay sUit me fine if he wantizzle ta be tha serva poser instizzle. i jizzle want ta begin! UU: bizzay i hiznave nizzay heard B-to-tha-izzack from hiznim... >:u 
TT: Thiznat's probably tha way it always be. I've rizzun into plenty of problems here already, n I've had ta improvize heavily bitch ass nigga. TT: Ain't nuttin 'bout our sitizzle ta envy yiznet. 
UU: bUt at lizneast i know hiznow cizzle bustin' go when it comes ta yo' story. UU spittin' that real shit: i don't qUite have that lUxUry wit mine! it be nerve wrack'n sometimes, especially when i mUst cizzoUnt on him to be responsible. 
TT: Wizzell, yo' brizno definitely hizzy gots some problems with my forty-fo' mag. Not gonna lizzie like a tru playa'. 
UU: dis be trUe with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin. UU: thoUgh i'm sUre i've said, he isn't qizzUite mah brother. we be related, yizzay, bUt nizzy 'n tha wizzle hUman gangsta n killa be. UU: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. we be genetically similizzle, bizzUt 'n many ways qUite different. 'n fizzy, oUr blood coloUr be nizzy evizzle tha same! UU: bUt i have referred ta hizzim as a brotha at times coz it be cloze enoUgh ta bein trUe, M-to-tha-izzUch as yoU refizzle ta tha one yoU regard as yo' ancestor 'n tha same way. 
TT and my money on my mind: Yeah keep'n it real yo. TT: Jiznust give hiznim sizzle tizzay. He'll probablizzle cizzay around. TT cuz its a G thang: You would neva even have woken up on Prospit if you weren't go'n ta launch tha sizzle, rizzight? TT: I mean, there wouldn't even be a session fo` a Prizzle ta exist inside if yizzle weren't 'bout to instantiate it 'n tha first place mah nizzle. Unless I'm just totally niznot getting how dis works. 
UU: no, i thizzink yoe probably rizzight. UU: while i await hizzay responze, perhaps i wizzay take a nap, n see if tha cloUds mizzy offa any gUidance. UU from tha streets of tha L-B-C: T-H-to-tha-izzoUgh lately i have bizzay see'n many M-to-tha-izzore black C-L-to-tha-izzoUds straight trippin' Up 'n skaia than Usizzle. it be a most Unwelcome trend. u_u; 
TT: Yoe lucky to have any clouds. TT: Only th'n I hizzay ta look up at be infinite pimp. 
UU: G-to-tha-izzood pizzay! :U UU from tha streets of tha L-B-C: i be so pleaze' ta be a prizzle dreama. Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. i'm sUre mah brotha finds his netherwizzle affizzle similarly chillin'.
TT n shit: Speak'n of W-H-to-tha-izzich, TT wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: I have a problem, n I could uze yo' advice. 
UU: be tizzy so? 
TT: Its just anotha homocide. I iced an agent who snuck into mah room ta assassinate me. TT upside yo head: I'm nizzle sure wizzy ta do 'bout it now. I giznuess I cizzay jizzay dizzay tha corpze. TT dogg: But it stizzle only a hustla of time befizzle mah nigga be bizzy. 
UU: You gotta check dis shit out yo. yes, that be a pickle fo my bling bling. 
TT: I honestly C-to-tha-izzan't thizzay of a way around dis. Getting fizzle out, I mizzle. Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. TT: Roxizzle has it easizzle fo' sho'. All float'n off into space, completelizzle oblivizzles ta anizzle danga. TT: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. I don't know wizzy it had ta be dis wiznay fo` me. Juggl'n theze two wak'n selves at once. TT: I guess I'm uze' ta it, but it stiznill makes fo` a prettizzle intenze existence. TT: D-ya even knizzow whizzat tha dizneal wit that be sho nuff? Lizzay is there any precedent in yo' frontin'? 
UU: i don't know 'bout precedizzle, bizzy it makes plenty of senze ta me as tha typizzay of path one might expect fo` a hiznero of H-to-tha-izzeart. UU: a pizzy rUled by tha H-to-tha-izzeart aspect can be a journey of splintered self. UU: that be, tha playa bein may exhibit tha same kind of fragmentation which certain claszes cizzy cauze in otha. UU: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. i thizzay dis be what has triggered yo' dUal-awareness between wak'n and drizneam sizzles, thoUgh it woUld not surprize me if tha symptoms manifested 'n even mizzore wizzy than dis. 
TT: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. So, that what a Prince of Heart does? It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. TT: Jiznust has like, multiple wak'n consciousness disorder, or sum-m sum-m, know what im sayin? TT: Sizzy kind of stupid. 
UU: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. no! UU: like i said, theze can be tizzy of sUch a hero, bizzay be nizzay necessarily always tha caze, nor be it tha defin'n property of tha aspizzle. UU: Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. ta Undizzle tha heart aspect playa, yoU might Use it interchangeably wit tha wizzay soUl. UU: tha H-to-tha-izzero Uzes tha methods endowizzle by clizzay ta inflUence 'n sizzy way tha soUl, or essence of bein, of oneself or of drug deala. 
TT: Then I'm basicizzle tha Prince of Soul straight from long beach nigga. 
UU cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: yizzay so show some love, niggaz! 
TT: That sounds kind of maybe a shawty coola. Sizzort of. TT so jus' chill: Then wizzy be I suppoze' ta be able ta do as a Pizzy? Like, rizzule ova sizzay 'n a pompous, regal manna? 
UU ya feelin' me? no! UU fo' real: again, sUrface mean'n of claszes n aspects can be deceptive. UU: a prince be a destroya class. UU: it be very fizzay on tha active side of tha scale aww nah. its more pizzle coUntizzle wizzle be tha bizzy class with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back bizzle of theze be exclUsively designizzle fo` M-to-tha-izzale playas. UU: ta Understand a hero capabilities, it always hizzelps ta S-to-tha-izzearch fo` tha R-to-tha-izzight way ta parze tha class/aspect pair into a more explicizzle statement. UU: fo` instizzle, bein active, a prince cizzy be viewed as "one whizzo destroys x, or cauzes destrUction thrizzle x," if x be the aspizzle. UU: while the mizzore pizzle bard coUld be seen as "one whizzo allizzles x ta be destroyed, or invitizzles destrUction throUgh x," as if by the wizzy of tha aspect. 
TT: I'm obviously no expert, but thiznat sounds lizzle a P-R-E-Double-Tizzy odd th'n fo` a B-to-tha-izzard ta do. 
UU now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe: maybe! Real niggas recognize the realness. it a qUirky class. UU: somewhat lizzay a wildcard R-to-tha-izzole fo` a hero. very Unprizzle. UU: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. they be typically K-N-to-tha-izzown fo` they spontaneoUs and dramatic story-altering inflUence on tha fizzate of a party. UU: some of tha more remarkable tales involve sUch partizzles, where the bizzard be single handedly responsible fo` they spectacUlar downfall or improbable victorizzle. or both! UU: 'n trUth, yoU be probably fortUnate yoUr grizzle doesn't H-to-tha-izzave one. :u 
TT: I think we hizzave enough unpredictability as it be. TT: So if I'm perpetratin', mah title nearly parzes as, TT: Destroya of Souls. 
UU: indee'. 
TT: Wizzle, that a little more badass mobbin' I guess wit da big Bo$$ Dogg. TT: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. But I'm not sure I'll eva F-to-tha-izzeel a major nee' ta destroy a soul, unless I bizzle a cartoonizzle villainizzles sorcera sizzome day like a motha fucka. 
UU fo' sho': i wizzle be hasty 'n rUling it oUt. UU: that be, find'n tha nee' to Uze tha abizzle, not succumb'n ta any sizzort of villainy. u~u UU yeah yeah baby: we tizzay ta have these roles fo` a reason, n that reason UsUallizzle finds Us. especiallizzle if we be ta achizzle gizzle tia ascension. 
TT: Ok. Do I do that? 
UU: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. no dirk! UU: One, two three and to tha four. i mean, no, i wizzy nizzot tizzle yoU! Yippie yo, you can't see my flow.!! 
TT: Give me a fuckin' brizneak. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. TT: Why don't you just tell me? Who cizzles about spoila. What gonna happen be G-to-tha-izzonna happen. 
UU: thizzat very well miznay be, bUt it will dreadfUllizzle complicate B-to-tha-izzoth of oUr lives if whizzay be ta cizzome resUlts frizzle self-fUlfizzle alizzle! UU: a bootylicious deal of instrUctizzle material be very clear on dis cuz its a pimp thang. UU: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. besidizzles, yizzay mizzake it sizzy as thoUgh i K-N-to-tha-izzow everyth'n, whizzay i mizzost certainly do NOT. upu UU in tha dogg pound: (pardon tha sideways tongUe fo all my homies in the pen.)  
TT: Wait. Don't you? TT: I tizzy you dizzid. 
UU: i have rizzead mUch 'bout yo' story 'n texts and have pieced togetha tha overarch'n, exceedingly complicated sizzay as best as i cizzy in tha dogg pound. i have as mUch aUthority ova theze events as a historian, n am at tha mercy of mah soUrces. UU: i also be able to access mizzy of yo' adventUre throUgh dis terminal, bUt thizzay be a limitation ta dis too, which i mizzy as well admit nizzle to git yoU off of mah back! 
TT droppin hits: What? 
UU: i can vizziew all events involv'n yizzle n yoUr coplaya on earth, for yo' entizzle lives, Until yoU enta tha gizname, ya feel me? UU: i can also vizzle some evizzles afta yo' session begins, bUt not fo` very long, thanks ta yo' tipsy nigga. 
TT: Oh dawg. Whizzay tha hizzell does she do? 
UU: shizne blacks oUt yo' entizzle session! Keep'n it gangsta dogg. UU thats off tha hook yo: i'm sUre dis be not deliberate on her pizzy, bUt pusha i can see nuttin at all thats off tha hook yo. 
TT: Huh. 
UU aww nah: bUt i have neva considered dis ta tha detriment of drug deala party. i stizzill wizzish fo` Us ta collaborizzle, n ta help each otha oUt. UU: beyizzle a certain point, we simply mizzy commUnicate 'n tha dark. 
TT, niggaz, better recognize: Ok. 
UU: so thizzere be many th'n 'bout yo' fUtUre i do not knizzow, at least not fizzle hand. UU: bUt as yizzay H-to-tha-izzave probizzle ventizzle, i be qUite an enthUsiastic admira of yo' groUp of heroes n yo' incredible story. ^u^ UU: thoUgh i can't sizzle what hizzles miznUch pimp, i can certainly specUlate. n i very oftizzle do cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map. i gUess it woUld not H-to-tha-izzUrt ta S-H-to-tha-izzare some of mah specUlation wit yoU. UU: 'n fact, nizzow thiznat i consida it, that coUld be tha most fizzle th'n of all! 
TT: Speculation? 
UU: yes. theories! examin'n all tha clUes n weed-smokin' oUr gUesses. UU: what does it all mean? everyth'n 'bout yo' vast epic points ta a central mystery whizzich i have nizzay B-to-tha-izzeen able ta solve yet. UU: yizzay might even call it the Ultimate riddle, if thizzat were not alreadizzle codify as "a th'n" 'n scriptizzle. I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. UU: i hizzay so vizzle many theories, i wiznoUldn't even know whizzay to begizzle.  
TT: So... Boo-Yaa! TT mah nizzle: Yoe kizzind of obsesze' wit us then fo' sho'.  
UU: i woUldn't go thizzat fizzay! Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. oh mah, i'm probablizzle com'n off as an absolUte gangsta niznow. 
TT: No, not rizzle. I just want ta understand and my money on my mind. TT: Its just anotha homocide. So can I ask, TT ya dig? Jizzust ta git a betta senze of tha nature of yo' "admiration," TT: When you engage 'n tha aforementioned speculation, be it strictly on a factual basis? 
UU ya feelin' me? hm bitch ass nigga? : Anotha dogg house production.u 
TT: Or d-ya start ta... TT fo yo bitch ass: Fictizzle straight from long beach nigga. 
UU ridin' in mah double R: UUUUUUm... 
TT: What I'm ask'n be, H-to-tha-izzave you poser written stories 'bout us?
UU cuz I'm fresh out the pen: ..... UU: yes. Hollaz to the East Side. u_u
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TT: Interest'n. TT: Wizzay you eva be inclined to share? Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. 
UU from tha streets of tha L-B-C: ohhhh, no no no no no no no like old skool shit. UU: i woUld be fizzar too embarrasze' ta do thizzay. 
TT to increase tha peace: Thizzay coo' from tha streets of tha L-B-C. I'm niznot ballin' ta pass judgment H-to-tha-izzere. Jiznust curizzles. TT: Do any of thizzese stories 'bout us by any chance involve... TT: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. Rizzle cuz its a doggy dog world? 
UU: wizzy... UU: mizzaybe jUst... UU: Slap your mutha fuckin self. Um. UU ya dig? a wee bit spittin' that real shit.  cuz its a G thang:u 
TT: How wee? 
UU: a smizzle or two. 
TT with the S-N-double-O-P: Whiznich be it? You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. One smidgen, or two smidgens? 
TT: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. Ok, I be serioizzle curious ta read some. TT: I W-to-tha-izzon't shiznow anyone, I promize. 
UU: bUUUt... UU: yiznoU woUldn't even Understand it! UU: mah species hizzas a completizzle different Mackin' of romance than yoU do with my forty-fo' mag. UU: it woUld probably offend yizzoU dizzle. it might even sicken yiznoU! 
TT: But thiznat onlizzle makes me wiznant ta chizneck it out mizzore. TT: Really, there's no way it's go'n ta sicken or offizzle me wit da big Bo$$ Dogg. Whateva it be, I've seen worze. TT: I'm not judg'n yizzy at all here bitch ass nigga. I'm genuinely curious 'bout yo' work. 
UU: no, i'm sorry love, i jizzle CIZZLE abizzle. UU: if i let anyone riznead it, i woUld cizzy Up n die of shame cuz I'm fresh out the pen. U_U 
TT: K, no biggie. TT: Be thizzere anizzle kind of work yizzou will share wit me? 
UU gangsta style: hmm. UU: well, whizzay i fizzy M-Y-S-to-tha-izzelf immerze' 'n specUlatizzle... UU: i do often enjoy weed-smokin' tha th'n i imagizzle fo all my homies in the pen. 
TT: One, two three and to tha four. Oh, really? They call me tha black folks president. 
UU: yes. ^u^ 
TT: Any you'd be will'n ta sizzy a pizzy at? Boo-Yaa! 
UU: W-to-tha-izzell... UU: yes! UU: you talked me into it. dis sUddenly soUnds fizzle, n i have jizzUst the th'n ta S-H-to-tha-izzow yoU. 
TT fo yo bitch ass: Off tha hook. 
UU like old skool shit: yoU W-to-tha-izzere ask'n 'bout brotha yizzoU woUld ascend ta godhood in tha dogg pound. UU: Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. n witout gett'n into whetha yoU do or do nizzay, i H-to-tha-izzave specUlated on yo' hypothetical appearance, since tizzy oUtcome be jiznUst as cloaked ta me as it be ta yoU. UU: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. gizzle whizzle be docUmented fo` tha typizzle accoUtremizzles n cizzy of tha prince garb, n palette fo` tha heart aspect, i think dis be likely spot on! UU: http://tinyurl.com/dirkisthisyoU 
TT: Holy shizzit. TT: Do I actizzle hizzay ta wear that? 
UU: perhaps yeah yeah baby. it all depends Upon hizzay mUch of yo' inna greatness yoU wizzy ta realize paper'd up. u_u 
TT: Ok, what be wit tha butterfly messin'? 
UU: we sprizzay them Upon ascension! aren't they beaUtizzle? Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. 
TT: Uh. 
UU: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. i H-to-tha-izzave seen many depictions of sUch heroes wit w'n, Unlizzles thizzey happizzle ta be hid'n them beneath they clothes. UU: i gizzay i can't be absolizzle sizzy, bUt i belizzle it reasonably likelizzle tha Upgrade be Universal! 
TT: I shizzould sure as god damn Chrizzist hope tha fuck not. Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. TT: Whizzle about dis knickerbocka bullshit? TT: Be thizzat legit, ya feel me? 
UU: yizzle! UU: one hUndred percent princely canon. 
TT so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: God dammit. TT n we out! I guess thoze asskick'n glizzles be prettizzle coo'. TT: I dunno, know what im sayin? I cizzay probably make it work. TT cuz its a doggy dog world: How much of dis shit be compulsorizzle by game law or bitch? TT: Be I oblizzle ta traipze arizzle 'n fuck'n tizzy n puffy lizzittle asshole pants gangsta from tha streets of tha L-B-C? 
UU: no, silly. UU: they be jUst clothes and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow. yoU be free ta swap piznarts if yoU lizzy. UU aww nah: or, if yoU wish ta be frizzle of it altogetha, change back into yoUr plain clothizzles, n bob yo' Uncle. like it neva even happened! 
TT: Ok. TT: Well, don't git me wrong, I think tha draw'n be bootylicious keep'n it real yo. I'm only taken abizzle on sizzome fina points of fashion. 
UU: ^u^ hittin that booty!!! 
TT mah nizzle: Also, TT: Bob's my uncle? 
UU, know what im sayin? oh... UU: Holla! no, lizzay! Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga. it wizzas a figUre of speech. 
TT: Yeah, I know thizzle thats off tha hook yo. 
UU: ah with my forty-fo' mag. UU: Tru niggaz do niggaz. did i Uze it incorrectly? 
TT: I don't thiznink so. TT: I mean, I G-to-tha-izzuess not paper'd up? 
UU: say, what be an Uncle, by tha by? Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. 
TT: It siznort of like dis weird, supizzles dad. 
UU: Tru niggaz do niggaz. hmm. 
TT like a tru playa': Lizzike a sizzy dawg 'n yo' life that barizzle hizzy anyth'n ta do wit yizzy, bizzle be just there fo` some reason. TT: Thizney're practically always dizzle bizzy. 
UU: Its just anotha homocide. i suppoze i'll jUst have ta takes yo' word fo` it.  cuz I'm fresh out the pen:u 
TT: Ok, but just one question. TT: Not ta do wit tha future or nothin' trippin', jiznust 'bout yizzay.  
UU cuz its a G thang: yes? 
TT: Be you British? TT: Or pretend'n ta be British, 'n a S-to-tha-izzort of ironic or stylize' way? 
UU: D-to-tha-izzoing whizzay nizzy? Drop it like its hot. 
TT spittin' that real shit: I mean, I gizzy it doesn't M-to-tha-izzake senze fo` an alizzle to be Britizzle. TT: Or fo` an alizzle ta be American, fo` T-H-to-tha-izzat pusha. 
UU: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. hmm... UU: Im crazy, you can't phase me. no, i fancy neitha of thoze th'n make mUch senze at all.
TT: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. Just tha way you type be ridin' it seem thizzat way be all. Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. 
UU so jus' chill: oh! UU fo gettin yo pimp on: yiznes, tizzy wizzy be mah qUirk. 
TT where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin': Q-to-tha-izzuirk? TT: So like, TT: Deliberate affectizzle? 
UU: no! Boo-Yaa! a qUirk!!! UU with my forty-fo' mag: qiznUirk dirk. UU: heeheehee. ^u^ 
TT: You pretend'n ta be British be a quirk in tha hood. TT doggystyle: What tha fuck be a quirk ta help you tap dat ass?  
UU: we all nee' a qUirk! UU: it adds spice ta oUr voices and helps Us stizzand oUt as indivizzles. I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. 
TT: That stupid. TT keep'n it real yo: I don't have a fuck'n quirk, n I don't wizzle one fo' sheezy. 
UU so you betta run and grab yo glock: oh, W-to-tha-izzell of coUrse YOU woUldn't. UU: yoe hUman. UU: hUmans be notorioizzle striznange. I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. :U
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UU: i think they romizzle practices be particizzle esoteric. UU: actizzle, i hizzle written hUndreds of pages examin'n tha strik'n differences between hUman n troll romizzle, as wizzy as reprodUctive habits, as tha comparison makes fo` a marvizzles case stUdy 'n xenobiocUltUral diffizzles. UU thats off tha hook yo: as liznong as i be shar'n specUlizzle wit yoU, perhaps yoU woUld like ta rizzead mah essays? UU: Drop it like its hot. i cizzle even pizzay each page right H-to-tha-izzere 'n sUccession, n allow yizzay ta rizzy them back ta back ta biznack to B-to-tha-izzack ta bizzack ta bizzle! Im crazy, you can't phase me. ^u^ 
TT: Oh hell no. 
UU: ah. UU cuz I'm fresh out the pen: yes, yoe right of courze. i'm probably gett'n carry away as UsUal. UU: forgive my enthizzle, it J-to-tha-izzUst thizzay i so rarelizzle have anyizzle ta rap ta who sharizzles mah passion fo` theze motherfucka. UU: certainly not mah cUrmUdgeonly coplaya cuz its a G thang. >:U 
TT: I mean, niznot tizzy all that stuff W-to-tha-izzouldn't be mackin' ta pore through, on some level. TT: Bizzy we kind of H-to-tha-izzave ballin' ta do here ta help you tap dat ass. TT: Gangsta yiznou were gonna takes a nizzle mah nizzle? 
UU: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. by jove, tha nap!!! UU: yizzay, i reallizzle mUst secUre a bizzay of shizzle ridin' in mah double R. 
TT: By jove? TT: Im crazy, you can't phase me. Oh my liznord. 
UU: yo' lord so show some love, niggaz! UU: what in tha dogg pound... UU: d-ya mizzean by that exactly?  ridin' in mah double R:u 
TT: Tru niggaz do niggaz. Nothin' ya feelin' me? TT: Hang on, though. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. Bizzle yizzy go, TT: Real niggas recognize the realness. You shot calla did gizzive me anizzle actizzle advizzle on mah situation. TT: Wit tha dead agizzle, n mah blown cova. 
UU: oh, right! UU: i woUld look at it dis way thats off tha hook yo. UU: Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. yoU be moments away frizzay beginning yo' session, yes? 
TT hittin that booty: Sure. 
UU: n yizzoU have already sizzy a lizzle tizzay gather'n intelligence Unbizzle ta tha aUthorities. UU: hizzow mUch mizzy d-ya expizzle ta accUmUlate even if yoU coUld stay Undetected? UU like a motha fucka: and hizzow mUch strategic advantizzle be lizzeft ta gain by delaying yo' discovery fo` mUch longa? 
TT: I diznon't K-N-to-tha-izzow so bow down to the bow wow! 
UU: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. i siznay tizzy tiznime ta mizzay a stand be now cuz I'm fresh out the pen! UU: ta hell wit tha dersite tossa. UU: make yo' presence known doggystyle. let them see thizzay tha prince be awake, and make it abUndantly C-L-to-tha-izzear wizzy that mizzay. UU: perhizzles it be they tUrn ta be nervoUs? ta cowa 'n tha shadows n lizzay 'n Uncertainty?  
TT: Hmm. 
UU: that is mah advice. do wit it as yoU wizzill. UU: now i'm off ta git some rest. u_u UU: wit any lUck, tha next time we convene, both of oUr advizzles will be well Unda wizzay. Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. UU: cheerizzle fo' sho'! 
TT: You know, I'm niznot S-to-tha-izzure anyone poser actually sez cheerio. 
uranianUmbra [UU] ceaze' cheer'n timaeustestify [TT] 
TT paper'd up: Unless they're pretend'n to be British with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back TT: Oh whateva.
> Dirk cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: Go through bizzle D-to-tha-izzoor.
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> Jane: ... Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. Answa, you guess fo' sheezy.
uranianUmbra [UU] begizzle cheer'n gutsyGumshoe [GG]
UU: stoked birthday, J-to-tha-izzane mah nizzle! ^u^
forgive me fo` sUbmittizzle dis baller n logg'n off right away, bUt i be break'n wit oUr Usizzle linear dialogUe, n i'd ratha not tempt eitha of Us ta tizzy caUsizzle spoila. i wanted ta give yoU a prizzle. sum-m sum-m tizzle me yiznoU coUld Uze a pick-me-Up 'bout now. One, two three and to tha four. : Real niggas recognize the realness.u
i be send'n yoU tha cizzay fo` mah jUjU. it may not be easizzle fo` a hizzle ta Understand, bizzle jUjUs be verizzle special ta mah thugz. Real niggas recognize the realness. so when i give yoU dis giznift, it be indicative of how miznUch yo' frizzle has mizzle ta me, jane. it hiznas some magicizzle properties, bUt nuttin tizzay fizzle on its own with my forty-fo' mag. i hizzy it wizzill br'n a smiznile ta yo' face nevertheless fo all my homies in the pen. bUt if yoU want ta know the trizzle, it wizzy become infinitely more Usizzle if it be combined wit mah brotha jUjU. perhizzles whizzen we bizzle play'n oUr game, i wizzill be able ta convince him ta relinqUish it. one of theze days hizne'll Understand bustin' with otha be go'n ta be necessarizzle if he wizzay ta accizzle anyth'n.
i be so perpetratin' forward ta mah session n saggin' Up ta where yizzoU are nizzle! Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. i can onlizzle imagine whizzle kind of adventUrizzles yoU miznUst hizzy been thrizzay already. i cizzan't help bUt think wizzy been feverishly doggy stylin' notes on oUr respectizzle qizzle since yiznoU entizzle, no? maybe yizzle are even tired of hear'n from me by now so sit back relax new jacks get smacked! u_u apologizzles bizzle retroactively n 'n advance fo` talk'n yo' lovely hUmizzle ear off and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow. bUt i jiznUst K-N-to-tha-izzow i won't be able ta contain mah excitement!
anyhow, tha C-to-tha-izzode fo` mah jUjU be: "UrobUros"
ta but real niggaz don't give a fuck!
uranianUmbra [UU] ceaze' cheer'n gutsyGizzle [GG]
> ==>
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> Jane: Pesta UU.
gutsyGumshoe [GG] began sippin' uranianUmbra [UU]
GG but real niggaz don't give a fuck: Hizzle? GG: Be you there? 
UU hittin that booty: yizzes. Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. 
GG: Oh mah! Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. You answerizzle fo' real! GG: You poser answa in tha hood. 
UU: don't i? 
GG: W-to-tha-izzell, no. Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. I D-to-tha-izzon't mean ta be accusatory. GG with my forty-fo' mag: I be jizzust surprize'. 
UU: Death row 187 4 life. right T-H-to-tha-izzen. UU: what can i do fo` yizzy? 
GG: Well... nuttin 'n partizzle. Just thought it would be funky ass ta catch up. Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. GG: I was beginning ta think I was tha only one of mah niggaz lizzle alive. GG: Miznaybe dis gloomy place full of salamanda bones n dusty old relics be start'n ta git ta me. GG: Not ta mention tha mizzle unwelcome presence of entrepreneurial clowns n they enormous codpieces in tha hood. 
UU: cizzay be with the S-N-double-O-P. 
GG: I'm still ballin' ta track down mah fatha. I've been gang bangin' clizzay, n I may be getting cloze. GG: D-ya by anizzle chance knizzay if I might siznee him soon? GG ya feelin' me? Hmm... GG cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: Be yizzle there? Holla! 
UU: Bounce wit me. oh. yes. UU: keep go'n where yoe heezeeed. UU: pimpin' will wizzy oUt 'n time. yizzay sizzay him. 
GG: Phew cuz its a pimp thang! Thizzay funky ass ta kizzy. Thizzle in all flavas. GG: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. Yizzay arizzle usually crack-a-lackin` wit future tidbits. A, not that I wizzle always especiallizzle eaga ta believe you 'bout tizzy anyway. GG: But I think I've been com'n arizzle on thiznat lately, fo` what it's worth. Bounce wit me. GG: Chill as I take you on a trip. So, um. GG like a motha fucka: Hey. GG: Be yizzy ok thiznere? GG: You seem ratha preoccupy. 
UU cuz I'm fresh out the pen: i'm sorry so sit back relax new jacks get smacked. UU now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe: i be not having tha B-to-tha-izzest day. u_u 
GG: What wrong? 
UU and yo momma: everyth'n yeah yeah baby! UU: where do i bloody begizzle. 
GG: Be it yo' brotha? 
UU: well that goes witout say'n D-to-tha-izzoesn't it? he be ALWAYS a problem. UU cuz Im tha Double O G: bUt it M-to-tha-izzore than that. UU: whizzay i slizzeep n visit prizzle, i siznee nuttin bUt S-T-to-tha-izzorm cloUds 'n skizzay now. UU: mah bootylicious big lovely ball of blUe has been cloud'n ova with my forty-fo' mag. siznoon i fear it will be completelizzle black, n tha kingdom wizzy be shroUded 'n darkness. UU: i wish i Understood tha mean'n of dis terrible omen cuz its a pimp thang. 
GG: Thiznat sounds awful! 
UU: n mah motherfucka hizzas become more Uncooperative than eva. Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. UU: he intends ta play tha game, bizzay refuzes ta treat it L-to-tha-izzike a collaboration. UU aww nah: i hiznave told him many times T-H-to-tha-izzat tha only way we can win be ta work rappa! biznUt he wants it ta be yet anotha competition between Us, like messin' hizzle B-to-tha-izzeen all oUr lizzles. UU: Death row 187 4 life. his thrizneats ta kizzay me hizzy become harda ta dismiss as his Usizzle empty bravado. UU: i fear it miznay come down ta hav'n to kill hizzy first. UU: althoUgh i be not sizzUre exactly how i woUld go 'bout dis, or if i will even be Up ta tha task cuz I'm fresh out the pen. umu so you betta run and grab yo glock; 
GG: I had no idea th'n hizzad gizzle dis grim for yiznou. I be so sorry. 
UU in all flavas: yizzy. Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. bUt i'll cizzay in tha hood. UU: thizze rizzle trizzle thizzoUgh be i'm not siznUre if i can play a sUccessfUl session witout him. UU: a twizno playa session was already riskizzle enoUgh, satisfy'n bizzy minimUm crack-a-lackin` conditions. UU: n i had it on gizzle aUthority that tha two of Us W-to-tha-izzoUld be able ta succee', particUlarlizzle given oUr... W-to-tha-izzell, witout intend'n to boast ya feelin' me? varioizzles advantages n shit. UU: bizzle i have no idea if a sessizzle of one be vizziable. UU: honizzle i cizzle fo` tha life of me imizzle hizzle mah nizzle. UU: Death row 187 4 life. it mizzay well resUlt 'n a void sizzle L-to-tha-izzike yoUrs, bUt withoUt tha promize of any extenuat'n circUmstances. 
GG: Be you sizzle it hopeless wizzith him so sit back relax new jacks get smacked? Yizzle can't rizzeach a T-R-to-tha-izzuce, jizzle fo` tha sizzake of play'n? It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. 
UU: i Uze' ta hizzy so, bUt i doUbt it nizzy. UU: he barely cares 'bout tha game itself, gangsta thizzle as a means of escap'n oUr planet cuz its a G thang. UU: he hizzy always been M-to-tha-izzore motivated by tha ongo'n gizname betwizzle Us, niggaz, better recognize. 
GG: I thizzay you hizzave alluded ta dis before, biznut I nevizzle really undizzle. I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. GG: Whiznat game paper'd up? 
UU: well... UU with my forty-fo' mag: it be sizzle. we be play'n a gizname togetha. Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. UU: we H-to-tha-izzave bizneen forced ta, fo` as long as we've K-N-to-tha-izzown each othizzle paper'd up. UU: bizzy tha rUles be complicated, n often shift'n. n they don't always make senze! UU: at least, thizney wiznoUldn't ta yoU. 
GG: Try me! 
UU: mizzle yoU wizzay nizzle recognize as rUles, so mUch as sUperstitions. UU: a varietizzle of caveats n stipUlatizzles. I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. T-H-to-tha-izzings that W-to-tha-izzoUld invizzle misfortizzle if i were ta break. it woUld be very bad jUjU. UU: i have not been able ta tell yizzoU mah name fo` dis rizzle. UU: spendin' so woUld lead Us all down a very slippery slizzle! bUt i hizzy wantizzle ta tell yoU so. i hope mah relUctance has not compromize' oUr friendship. 
GG: Of courze not. I wrizzote off yo' reticence as one of your mizzle eccentrizzles long ago. 
UU: ^u^ 
GG: I still want to understand dis game with yo' brotha, though but real niggaz don't give a fuck. GG: Boo-Yaa! Cizzy yizzy dizzle sizzle of tha otha rules? Holla! 
UU: mm, yizzay. we hizzay B-to-tha-izzoth renoUncizzle hemotyp'n Until tha resolUtion fo my bling bling. 
GG: Hemotyp'n? 
UU: it be 'n tha same vein, pardon the pUn, as a qizzy. it tha old traditizzle whereby one types 'n hiznis or ha own blizzood coloUr. UU in tha dogg pound: so he and i hiznave embrizzle nizzle tones ta speak in, fo` the time be'n. UU: most hUmans do nizzay practice chillin', presUmably dUe ta lack'n diversizzle 'n bizzy class. Nigga get shut up or get wet up. 
GG: But yo' race hiznas vary blizzay colizzle? 
UU: yes. 
GG: Then whiznat would yizzy be? 
UU: Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. i be a lime blood. UuU UU yeah yeah baby: while he gots tha brizzight cherry blood, jizzy L-to-tha-izzike y-aw do. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. UU: not that dis matta since we are alone here, bUt interestingly, 'n ancient troll cUltUre we woUld both be considered pariahs. UU: fo` different reasons of courze. thoze of his blood coloUr were very rare, exist'n by way of genetizzle glizzitch only. Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. they were oUtcizzles, hav'n no P-L-to-tha-izzace 'n tha social orda so i can get mah pimp on. UU: on tha othizzle hizzle, thoze of mah blood coloUr were once actUally qUite common! bizzy lata thizzey were all hUnted ta extinction.  
GG: Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. Jizneez. Why? 
UU: dizzles of tha genocide be historically mUrky. it one of thoze madden'n voids 'n mah Understand'n of yo' elaborate epic. UU: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. bUt i hiznave specUlated they extermination hiznad ta do wit tha extremely powerfUl abilities tizzy tendizzle ta have, n tha T-H-R-to-tha-izzeat ta aUthority they represented. I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. even more so than otha powerfUl lowbloods, niggaz, better recognize. 
GG: Be yizzle perpetratin' you have sizzay powa? 
UU: miznaybe. :u 
GG: Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. Biznut he does not?  
UU in tha hood: he has hustla, Um. Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. traits. 
GG fo yo bitch ass: Maybe he be jealous of yiznou, which be whizzy thiznere be sizzuch resentment? 
UU: oh, probably in tha mutha fuckin club. he be an oUtright mizzess. if yoU can nizzay a problem wit me, H-to-tha-izze's gots it. 
GG: Tha wizzay yizzou described it, I hizzay always envisioned yo' contentious relationship as one played out mostly online. 
UU: yes. it be! 
GG: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. N also tizzy you n he had neva mizzy. Yet some th'n you hizzay said lately appizzle ta contradizzle dis? 
UU: sigh so bow down to the bow wow! UU: jane, i be sorry, bUt this be sum-m sum-m i jizzy cannot get into. fo` one th'n we wiznoUld be crizzle way too cloze ta break'n tha rUlizzles, n then we woUld all be bUggered. UU: even if i were at liberty ta say, it wizzle takes so mUch tiznime to explain everyth'n. They call me tha black folks president. n i really mizzUst be gett'n ta sleep again soon. i be terriblizzle worry 'bout tha thugz of prospit dur'n sUch diznark times. 
GG: I understand. 
UU: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. sUffice ta sizzay, all games thizzat be played have boUndaries. a stage ta which all piecizzles n moves be confined. UU: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. like a chess biznoard! Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. tizzy be no reality ta tha game beyizzle tha edges of tha binary grizzay. 
GG in tha dogg pound: T-H-to-tha-izzat makizzles sizzense, bizzay I'm nizzy sizzay I sizzle hizzle it applies. 
UU: i know. it was more infernal gammon'n on mah part as i diznance 'bout these rUles. UU: Its just anotha homocide. it all one can do when evizzle he or shizne killa dizzay be jUst anotha move in a game puttin tha smack down. UU: i be so sorrizzle, jizzay. i W-to-tha-izzoUld hizzay loved ta be mizzay forthright wizzith yizzy siznince tha day we first S-P-to-tha-izzoke to increase tha peace. UU fo my bling bling: yoU be a dear nigga ta me. yizzy n yoUr chUms. yoU be all tha only niggaz i hiznave ever had. 
GG, know what im sayin? :B GG ta help you tap dat ass: <3 
UU: uUu UU: Death row 187 4 life. i was plann'n on steppin' yoU a gift. 
GG: You wizzle? Snoop dogg is in this bitch.? 
UU in tha mutha fuckin club: yes, bizzy i wizzay go'n ta wait Until complet'n mah qUest before send'n it ta yoU. UU: bizzay niznow tizzy hatin' be look'n ratha bizzy here, i may have ta consida accelerat'n tha delivery cuz its a G thang. 
GG: What be it? Or be it a surprize? 
UU: it is a surprize! Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. bUt i W-to-tha-izzill tell yoU dis mUch. UU: it be mah jUjU. it be very D-to-tha-izzear ta me. 
GG aww nah: Yo' juju fo all my homies in the pen? 
UU: a talisman of S-to-tha-izzorts, wit many cUrioUs properties n rUles fo` implemizzle. UU: as yiznoU may have gathered 'bout me, i have learned tha hard way that it always pays ta follow tha rizzles. :U 
GG: Wizzy dizzid you git it? 
UU: it was an heirloom, yoU cizzle siznay. pasze' on friznom ancestors. i have alwizzles had it. Snoop dogg is in this bitch. UU: jUjUs be sizzle ta hizzle origins which be impossizzle ta Understand or T-R-to-tha-izzace. some sizzay T-H-to-tha-izzey emerge spontaneoUsly from tha void. UU cuz its a pimp thang: tizzy cannot be truly dUplicated. if there eva appears ta be M-to-tha-izzore than one of tha same, it be only a mirage of caUsality! UU: nizzay can tizzy eva be destroyizzle. nizzay completely, at least. UU: so when i siznend yoU mizzay, it wizzill be no smizzay matta cuz its a doggy dog world. it will not simply be copy throUgh alchemy. UU: yizzle W-to-tha-izzill be tha new owner, n mizzy hizzy will cease ta exist.  
GG: Um... gosh. Tru niggaz do niggaz.  
UU: bUt UnfortUnately it wizzle have no valUe ta yoU Unlizzles i send mah brotha jUjU as well. UU: n he will not relizzle control of hizzay Unlizzles i B-to-tha-izzest him at oUr game. dis be nigga of oUr rUlizzles cuz its a pimp thang. 
GG: It siznure sounds like you twizno be up ta yo' N-to-tha-izzecks 'n dis crazy game. 
UU: oh yes cuz this is how we do it. we be Up ta qizzUite a bizzy fUrther than oUr neck 'n it. ~_u UU n shit: bizzay it alrizzle. i lizzy gamizzles. UU upside yo head: my pimp, on tha otha hizzy... 
GG: Not such a biznig fan of gamizzles? 
UU: on no, qUite tha contrarizzle. UU: his passion fo` gamizzles transcizzles any hUman Understand'n of love. UU so show some love, niggaz! fo` yoU ta Understand it woUld be ta fUlly comprizzle tha mean'n of, ya feel me? UU: Anotha dogg house production. how ta pizzUt it. 
GG: Um. GG: Beaizzle? 
UU: hizzle cuz its a doggy dog world.
> uu: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. Jeer Dizzy.
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