#THEY DON'T DESERVE THIS SHIT I'M SORRYYYY and the fact that they just keep going through things their whole life. baby i'm so sorry
arklay · 2 years
putting it under a cut instead. ithrenil thought i had before :)
thinking about one of those hunters from this fic not actually dying when ithrenil went into that rage and attacked them to break free, but instead he was severely wounded, yet still managed to live. and a few years after the events of skyrim he actually finds ithrenil again, and because they have grown relatively comfortable in a city and with people who care for them, they let their guard down for the first time in their life and are poisoned, so they are weakened and can't shift when this hunter attacks them again. he says he will collect that reward he failed to get last time, and he is in the middle of taking ren's eye when a shifted farkas attacks the guy, tackling him off of how he was leaning over ren, and he just mauls the hunter. ithrenil's body doesn't heal itself because of the poison and because a silver knife was most likely used and they are lying there suffering until farkas hurries over. they live, they are okay, but their eye can't be saved.
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