jennhoney · 9 months
A couple days ago my brother was looking for their Christmas stockings and as you might imagine stuff at their house is pretty discombobulated. He found two. Mom forgets that she can’t walk anymore and just offers to go look for the things and it’s sad and upsetting. He wanted to do the stockings as a nice thing for mom and his dad because mom usually does them. He was telling me, “I couldn’t find mine but it’s not like anyone is going to put anything in it.” And I immediately went to Murble and asked if she would help me send my brother a box of trinkets and snacks and she just handed me a gift card and told me to go wild and that’s just how it has been.
Yesterday my dad came to town to help get the groceries as I am in charge of charcuterie and I needed to get last minute gifts.
My brother has PrincessCousin’s husband in the Christmas drawing and he likes IPAs so we went to the fancy booze store and I sent pics to my brother so he could pick out things by name or label and be a part of the giving.
My mother has PrincessCousin’s name and she’s getting more and more confused and I’m not sure she sent anything and I wanted to make sure there was a present to open. My dad took me to TJ Maxx and Home Goods and we found some perfect stuff. And he paid for it all and it’s just a tiny thing we have control over.
I gave up my giant Lego box to put CousinBestofUs’s husband’s gift in. I’m hoping to do a day trip to IKEA after Christmas to get another one but if I don’t it still feels right and it is what I can do.
We met the aunts for lunch and Auntpretty1 was all like, “I don’t know what to get CousinManlius.” And I was all snarky like, “ask him???” But that isn’t what the family does and it led to me having a nice texting convo with CousinManlius and I’m assured he now has something to open on Christmas.
All the cousinbabies are getting a stuffed animal but not delivered until the 26th, half the babies are out of town on Christmas and I’m planning an after Christmas gathering for games and snacks so they’ll get them then.
Oh and I have AuntAlwaysRight in the Christmas drawing, she had the very simple request of a raygun tshirt “but maybe not political”. Done! But not this shirt:
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When I was in Georgia I wrapped the presents mom had ordered so my stepdad and brother would have something to open on Christmas. It was mostly nice. Only a little odd and heartbreaking. We got to two air pumps and I assumed one was for my brother and the other for my step dad but she wanted to look at them and said, “one is for Robert and the other is for Jennifer.” And handed them back to me. My mom has been a very good gift giver over the years this may very well be the only gift from her this year and the last gift I get from my mom:
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I think my balance is too bad to ride my bike and I don’t have a car but I’ll work on that next year.
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ugly-anastasia · 1 month
emma's characters as iconic moments of the 2024 olympics
Phineas: Steph Curry & Lebron bromance
Tiana: Simone + Jordan bowing to Rebeca Andrade on the podium
Aquata: When those beach volleyball girls got into it at the net and then the DJ just started blasting Imagine
Annie: RayGun
Mirabel: Bob the swim cap retriever
Lightning: Men's 1500m track drama
Smee: The sailing getting cancelled every 5 seconds
Roz: The Turkish air pistol silver medalist
Giselle: RAVE HORSE <3
TJ: The Muffin Man
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tjraygun · 12 years
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nature of the beast, tj raygun 2012
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tjraygun · 13 years
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original art by tj raygun ©2011. suicide is more common in cats than dogs.
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tjraygun · 13 years
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original artwork by tj reagan ©2011.
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tjraygun · 13 years
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life's a gamble. original artwork by tj raygun ©2010.
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tjraygun · 13 years
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tjraygun · 13 years
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