#TLDR Cassie and Roxy were a special case that 3 star fam couldn't replicate even if they tried
chipistrate · 10 months
I have a debt that won't leave my head : why didn't freddy ask Gregory or Vanessa to come back and rescue the other glamrock animatronics
Well we don't know he didn't for a fact- there's no real evidence one way or the other
The three came back to the Pizzaplex to set up MXES, and maybe they were planning on attempting to save the others while setting up the MXES system, but quickly realized they were beyond saving- or at least they they wouldn't be the ones to save them.
Maybe before that, they did try and simply failed- just because they try doesn't mean they'll succeed and we'll see the results of the rescue attempt.
The problem with saving them now is that they aren't like Freddy, who was infected and freed before it was too late- they're not infected anymore, they're just angry and not themselves. The issue isn't a virus anymore as that virus was already defeated, fixing them isn't as simple as playing a few arcade games, their code- their minds- they've been damaged and changed, and reversing it isn't easy, especially not in the states they're in right now. And my point with this is; maybe Freddy and the others knew this, knew that they were just damaged, and thought that saving them was impossible. Plus, none of this is to mention just how dangerous a rescue attempt would be- we saw how they acted around Cassie, and we saw how especially Roxy was still angry and looking for Gregory- a rescue attempt would be life threatening, and with everything on their plate already, a mission that they knew would most likely fail and could easily get one of them killed might not be worth it.
Though to be honest, it sounds unlikely when thinking of Freddy specifically- maybe Gregory and Vanessa, but those are Freddy's friends, he's described them as such, and I think he'd be able to convince the two to at least try. But I don't think it worked.
TLDR; looking at his character he most likely did, but the attempt failed. Either that or he had to give up the attempt before it started, knowing that his friends just weren't themselves anymore and wanting to protect his family from them.
Not sure if this made sense- but I hope I got my point across uierjgherfl
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