#TPK Red son
Wake up everyone, new au just dropped lolol
Primordial King Au which is shared with @mangelickat since she helped me the most with it along with her ocs adding hella nice touches to the story uwu
It's basically like a reversed au but with extra extra steps, Kito was born not man nor demon, Red son kept his Samadhi fire, mk is the monkey king and Mei his warrior dragon bestie
Nezha was reborn after the full war defending against heaven
If anyone wants me to explain further, lemme know in the comments or reblog!
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Also gremlin nezha growing up provided by @monkiebois cuz that shit funny
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liifeweaver · 1 year
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I made the realization today that the muse for Niran is being translated from an old d&d character of mine and I wanted to use this revelation as an excuse to talk about him because they’re so alike it’s scary
Also I feel I should note, the picture of Kadyn is drawn by myself and was drawn a good year or so ago.
All of this is under a cut because I love gushing about my d&d ocs and none of you can stop me lmao
His full name is Finnegan Kadynius Lyciard Syrahn II, but generally goes by Kadyn. He’s an alchemist, medical practitioner, and also a licensed midwife. He is also the first tiefling in his bloodline, as an effect of a deal his ancestors on his fathers’ side made with a devil.
Kadyn was very sick as a child. The silver and red amulet he wears was made by his mother and a friend of the family in order to save his life. He has not parted with it since he was young. Mechanically, it’s an Amulet of Health, which brings his constitution score from a 7 to a 19.
If he goes more than a few days without wearing his amulet, Kadyn would begin to get seriously ill. Even common colds could prove dangerous to him without it.
Ashamed of his first son being born a tiefling, Kadyn’s father is the reason he was ill as a child, after an attempt to secretly poison and kill him - a plot that his mother learned of just in time in order to save his life.
His mother is also an alchemist and doctor, having learned all he knows from her as he grew up. He’s all about helping people and saving lives.
Though he’s also capable of taking lives as well, as he’s also proficient with ranged weaponry such as rifles and pistols. He rarely uses them unless it’s in self defense, though.
Kadyn is fairly easy to get along with. He’s very flirtatious and is also very Pansexual; though he’s still very aware of his partners’ feelings and is certainly not the type to push boundaries.
Kadyn was played briefly in a homebrew campaign as a potion-maker. He was the first (and only) time I’d decided to try a homebrew class, with the DM’s permission. (Don’t. It’s not worth it. Don’t put that pain on your DM I beg you lmao). The campaign ended with a TPK, but I headcanon that Kadyn managed to just barely survive, sporting some nasty magical burn scars in the aftermath:
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Kadyn also has a half-sister named Melody, by the same father. Who was also played previously in the same campaign as a Bard
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anyway I write these characters and many more over at @silva-vinandi​ and you should totally check them out or something 👉👈
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youngbloodbuzz · 5 years
not sure if you've answered something like this before, but i noticed you follow critical roll and was wondering what your thoughts were on if the supergirl characters played d&d. what classes do you think they would they be?
oh SHIT now THIS IS A HELLA GOOD QUESTION. i’m gonna have to spend the entire day brainstorming this lmao
though it’s interesting, who they’d actually be in the dnd world might be different than a character they would play in a game, i’ll do both because i can’t help myself. 
[spongebob narrator voice] 12 hours later
paladin oath of devotion UNDOUBTEDLY (though an argument could be made for oath of redemption too, both tenets works with kara)
red k!kara however is definitely an oathbreaker paladin
would probably play as a druid of the moon because hELLO she can turn into ANIMALS AT WILL. 
alex could go a few interesting ways
could possibly be either an arcane archer fighter or a battle master fighter
oR a war cleric 
OR a paladin of the crown
would no doubt play as a rogue assassin, she gives me those op sneak attack vibes with a stoic poker face like she isn’t pissing the dm off at all lmao
i’m sTRUGGLING for space dad tbh. he could go many different ways with his various skill set i think
the clear answer is that he’s a paladin of the crown
or more experimentally, college of whispers bard; bard because they’re able to use disguise self and polymorph, and whispers because of obvious mind magic reasons (it’s not a very reputable college in bard lore so maybe he could also be valor for the lore reasons)
oR druid of the land
he DMs instead of playing after the first game they all played with winn DMing when it turned into a tpk because winn got too excited and neglected to balance the gameplay lmao
but no he’d probably play something like an order cleric if he’s being serious
or if he’s feeling like having fun and let winn help him roll a character, maybe something like an ancestral guardian barbarian (spectral warriors of your ancestors appearing on the battlefield in your aid???? hell fuckin yea)
artificer alchemist no question about it. the ability to invent and create your own magical objects? pure lena. 
i feel like she’d probably try out the mystic class (probably order of the immortal or awakened) because it’s so complex and she’d probably break the game within three sessions
or if she’s not trying to Win and loosened up and having fun she’d probably play something like an arcane trickster rogue
(or she’d just play artificer alchemist cause that’s some cool shit)
he could also easily be an artificer alchemist, but i also think he could be a school of invention wizard
he’d play something like wild magic sorcerer for fun lmao
or (because he’s a goddamn nerd) he’d be the best glamour bard you’ve ever seen 
a battle master fighter t b h. a million hits in 6 seconds? hell yea
would probably play a paladin of devotion inspired kara and clark
oR an evocation wizard cause he’s gotta live out his dreams somehow
an accidental undying warlock, homegirl is so cursed
reign specifically is like an oathbreaker paladin 
post-reign, she’d be a normal npc because that’s what she wanted in the first place
or she’d be a phoenix sorcerer 
she’d play a monk of the four elements cause ruby said it’d be cool like avatar 
honestly? a mystic. an order of the awakened mystic undoubtedly
if my son thinks paint ball and escape rooms are fun, then he’s definitely gonna play either a inquisitive or mastermind rogue
divination wizard is the closest i can get to nia, though it’s a class of self-taught magic unlike being born with it like a sorcerer would be
OR a druid of dreams
i feel like she’d have fun playing an arcana cleric
russian kara
for funsies, she’s a conquest paladin in my heart of hearts
i almost went with barbarian zealot but she’s been very…stoic so far, which is not to say her rage can’t be silent and cold 
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salavante · 7 years
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A whole heap of AU versions of my two main dudes that I did while on my road trip, to flex some muscles in character design/storytelling/typography. A more detailed explanation for each under a cut. 
CLASSIC (the story we actually follow)  What do you get when you add a fascination with insects, a genius level IQ and an absent parental figure who was too busy out saving the world to see her son might have some emotional problems? A mad scientist, or at the very least, a surly hermit who lives in a warehouse in the desert making robot bees after dropping out of college. A misanthrope and workaholic, Odwain Novak is a man who values productivity and solitude, but is a passionate, explosively emotional person who seems to always get in his own way when connecting with other people. He is a Ben’Aleth - half human (polish/african american mom) and half Bennai (little green halflings with flora for hair).
  Rusty Tsivanoh is also half Bennai and a certified genius, but that seems to be where their similarities end. They come from humbler beginnings, the illegimate child of a Dorman diplomat (hence greyish skin and red eyes) and a Bennai prostitute. Though their father remained a distant figure, they had a mother and network of family and friends that loved them and supported their efforts as they worked tirelessly to get what they wanted. They are a champion of the working class, and have a rustic charm and bombasticness that wins many people over. They are, however, a hothead who’s not afraid to solve problems through punching. Unlike Odwain, they graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering, and now enjoy a pretty successful career.
 The two of them went to college together before Odwain dropped out after a mental break, which Rusty is partially responsible for (and deeply regrets). Now they’re older, wiser and fate has thrown them back into each other’s lives, for better or worse. 
TPK - TOTAL PARTY KILL. Rusty is left the only surviving member of their group (which included Nev, Odwain and Sobek) after the climax of their quest goes terribly wrong, left to be haunted by their inability to protect the people in their care and the loss of someone they may have had a future with. Unable to bear the idea of returning to a normal life with a 9-5 job, they end up trucking with Jonquil - a revenant teetering on the edge of becoming a lich - and the adventuring group he runs with. When Jonquil accidentally kills his friend and leader Hare in a fit of rage after an argument about her treatment of him goes sour, a desperate and heartbroken Rusty pledges to stand by and protect the only friend they seem to have left. As the two of them go on the run, they go from men on the lamb to belligerent criminals and brutally effective vigilantes. Their interpersonal relationship changes as well, as a will to survive turns into an obsession with one another’s safety, and eventually, a passionate but tragically doomed romance.  
WYRM SLAYER. A draconic presence breaches through The Unkown, the veil between planes, and proceeds to raze much of The Road, leaving its denizens in a military state that struggles daily to survive. Odwain, showing magical aptitude, never gets to actualize his interest in machinery and is forcibly drafted into the Spellsword Corps. Rusty lies about their age and volunteers so that their mom can get moved somewhere safe, and likewise puts their would-be engineering talents to use as a sharpshooter that heavily customizes their guns. Rusty is much more svelte, while Odwain is considerably more diesel since he doesn’t sit around in his underwear eating thai food and building robots all day. They have a pretty spicy rivalry. 
EXPERIENCE SWAP. Rusty and Odwain’s formative experiences are switched up - Rusty and their mom are put up in much nicer accomodations by their dipolmat father (who is of higher station than he is in the normal U), on the condition that their parentage and general existence is kept on the down low. They lead a life relatively isolated and much more sedintary than they would have otherwise, and become more interested in magic’s application in science than straight engineering, leading them down the path of a tinkerer. Odwain, meanwhile, is raised solely by his human mother when his bennai father dies early, and travels with her - meeting other people, learning his trade in the field, and actively cultivating a greater sense of empathy. When they meet in school, Rusty initially tries to take out a lot of their pent up, impotent outrage on this seemingly well adjusted, charismatic person that they both despise and envy…but after they actually get to know each other, the two of them become fast friends. Rusty, like Odwain prime, stills drops out of school, but not because of a mental break. They just think school is bunkus and would rather make magical staffs and robots and shit. Od’s cool with it. 
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Nueva versión del ataque WPA KRACK
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Investigadores diseñaron una nueva versión del Ataque de Reinstalación de Claves, también conocido como ataque KRACK
Mathy Vanhoef y Frank Piessens, expertos en forense digital, han revelado nuevas variantes del ataque KRACK. El año pasado, los expertos encontraron varias fallas de administración de claves en el núcleo del protocolo WiFi Protected Access II (WPA2) que podrían ser explotadas por un atacante para hackear la red WiFi y escuchar a escondidas las comunicaciones realizadas por WiFi, lo que podría causar robo de información personal.
El ataque KRACK permite a los atacantes desencriptar los datos WiFi de la víctima sin la necesidad de conseguir o vulnerar la contraseña.
Según los expertos en forense digital, KRACK funciona contra:
Redes domésticas y organizacionales
Los errores impactan todas las implementaciones, incluyendo Android, Linux, Apple, Windows, OpenBSD, MediaTek, Linksys, y otros.
Recientemente, los expertos han revelado nuevas variantes del ataque KRACK.
Los nuevos ataques ya no dependen de condiciones complejas para ser desencadenados e involucran un nuevo método para llevar a cabo ataques Man-in-theMiddle (MitM).
“Investigamos sistemáticamente el estándar 802.11 para las vulnerabilidades de reinstalación de claves, y mostramos que el protocolo de instalación de enlace inicial rápido (FILS) y el protocolo de enlace directo PeerKey (TPK) también son vulnerables a las reinstalaciones de claves”, mencionan los investigadores.
Los expertos explicaron que lograron la posición MitM multicanal al forjar los anuncios de cambio de canal (CSA) para engañar a los clientes para que cambien al canal deseado.
“Proponemos un método más práctico para conseguir el MitM, que funciona en base a los Anuncios de cambio de canal. En este método, el adversario forja a los CSA para engañar a los clientes para que cambien al canal deseado”, continúan los expertos. “Esto es más confiable que interrumpir ciertos canales, y no requiere equipo especial de WiFi. Hemos probado con éxito este enfoque contra Android y Chromium”.
Los expertos en forense digital también descubrieron que es posible retrasar la entrega del mensaje 3, que transporta la clave al cliente una vez que se ha capturado. De esta manera, la reinstalación de la clave no se activará de inmediato, lo que permite retrasar el ataque y aumentar el impacto potencial.
Los expertos probaron con éxito este retraso del ataque en Linux, Android, iOS y macOS, y también funciona con mensajes cifrados.
“Nuestros resultados muestran que prevenir las reinstalaciones de claves es más difícil de lo que se pensaba”, concluyen los investigadores, la razón principal por la que las vulnerabilidades aún están presentes es porque el estándar de WiFi es grande, se está ampliando continuamente con nuevas características y requiere un conocimiento específico del dominio
Acorde a especialistas en forense digital del Instituto Internacional de Seguridad Cibernética, la WiFi Alliance no solamente debe probar los productos para la interoperabilidad, sino también para detectar vulnerabilidades que pueden ser aplicables para diferentes implementaciones.
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