#Takao was using seiryu powers
blossommoonwrites · 5 months
HYBRID: Mayblade 2024, day 2 - As a bit-beast.
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Series: Sweet Dreams Fandom: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade Genre: Fantasy/Humor Setting: Takao's dream Characters: Takao Kinomiya, Max Mizuhara, Rei Kon, Kai Hiwatari Rating: K Summary: Takao finds himself in a new realm, but as a hybrid.
[header by @/saradika]
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A beam of light flickered the teen’s eyes. His eyelids parted immediately to the stimulus. But, he didn’t wake up as a human being. He found himself in a supernatural realm, unbound and unfathomed. He was bewildered to see himself, a mixed breed of a human being and a Dragon. He had no mirror to look at his face, yet he could touch and infer from the feeling. His body turned cold, his limbs trembled and his heart accelerated with intolerable fear. He was able to fly, further aggravating his assumptions. 
“No… it can’t be… It seems like I’m a hybrid now. I can talk, but I share the Anatomy of a Dragon now. What?!”
The last time, he remembered he was going to bed at night. Is it his dream? 
“This can’t be! I don’t belong to this world!” 
Takao wandered for a while. He saw if there was some door or a portal to his world. He finds it bizarre and unbearable to have transformed into a hybrid. After a couple of minutes of searching, his frustration knew no end. He spotted another strange creature after moving a few miles away from his initial spot. He was a hybrid of a human and a turtle. Takao gasped jaw dropping. 
“Max! You too?” Takao asked him.
“Uh? Seiryu-sama!” 
“What?! Am I blended with my bit-beast now?” Takao gasped. 
“What are you blabbering, Seiryu-sama?” 
“Are you Genbu-sama?”
“That is my name.”
Takao understood that he was in a different universe. Something had happened to the original world. He assumed most of his friends were hybrids with their bit-beasts. He can’t afford to live a life like this. Takao was itching to find a solution.
“We have to meet Byakko-sama and Suzaku-sama in a few minutes. We have to secure our realm. We’ve heard rumors of aliens attempting to invade this with supernatural powers. They are probably human beings. We are the most powerful beings in this realm. The strength and integrity of the realm rely on us.”
Takao was confused, but when he looked at the pond where Genbu lived, he saw his reflection with sparkling silver and blue speckles near the corners of his eyes, causing him to panic. He was awestruck to see himself in a new Avatar.
"I've become a fictional character from a world champion, good riddance," Takao sighed.
Genbu was unable to fly. He is in the habitat most of the time.
'How did he know my name? This sounds so strange. Has this Universe existed for all these centuries or is it my dream?'
Takao and Genbu saw two more creatures approaching. Undoubtedly, they were Rei and Kai as hybrids with their bit-beasts.
"Seiryu-sama, the barrier of this realm is seemingly unstable. Our friends are trying to seal the barrier, but it consumes so much time," the tiger creature said.
"B-Byakko-sama? Is that your name?"
The tiger creature chuckled, "Seiryu-sama, you act differently today. Do you need help?"
"I'm good, Rei! Oop," Takao blurted.
"Rei? Who is that?" The tiger creature was confused.
“Apologies, B-By-Byakko-sama!” Takao stammered and bit his tongue. The others were able to read him like a book. 
“Seriyu, your power is the most important to have the barrier sealed. There has been disruption. Everyone needs your help. We need to hurry up and reach the broken barrier. This is a paradise for creatures like us,” Suzaku added.
‘So, Kai doesn’t call me with respect even in this world, huh?’
“You guys delay everything here!” an old man’s voice was audible. The four mythical creatures turned back. 
“Gramps! Dammit!”
“Gramps?” his friends turned to him. The word was way out of league for a mythological world.
A human male celestial was seen, with a greyish-white-long beard and mustache. His hands were tied. He had his legs crossed. He was floating in the air.
“Ryu-sama!” the creatures knelt. Takao was alarmed to see the sight.
“Seiryu, kneel!” Suzaku yelled.
“Seiryu! Because of your incompetency, our barrier has become very unstable. You need to make an effort to stabilize it! But, you eat and sleep most of the time!”
“Gramps! I have no idea why I entered this realm. I don’t belong here!”
Ryu’s ears turned red. He gritted his teeth and slapped his head.
“Get to work! You should not get a wink of sleep until you finish the work!” He splashed a gush of water on his face.
“No!” Takao woke up, panting hard. He found himself in his room. He glanced at the surroundings for once, and his grandfather was standing with an empty bucket. He sighed with relief.
“Thank god, I am out of the nightmare, finally.”
“Now you’ll have the worst nightmare ever! It’s ten in the morning, and you have to run errands! Get to work!”
Takao was frustrated and sighed, “After all, it’s the same fate at the end, regardless of where I am.”
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kagomesama · 4 years
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# 03 Apocalypse Beyblade AU
(Beyblade Mafia gang)
Headcanon Takao
Mix a merry-go-round with a dash of madness and a hint of recklessness and you have Takao Kinomiya, famously known as Takao the rascal.
Instead of wisely staying in the background during a settling of scores between rival mafia gangs in the infamous town of Ragato, Takao preferred to get involved in the fight using Seiryu's power and his extreme katana ability.
Spotted during this fight by the most influential clan, the Ivanov clan, the chief forces him to hand over the power of Seiryu to him.
Takao refuses and follows a fight that it undeniably loses. The chief engineer of the clan makes it a point of honor to point out that he possesses the power of one of the four Sacred Beasts.
This would put the Ivanov clan at the head of all the clans in the city in order to exterminate them.
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burnsopale · 5 years
Continued from part 1.
I wrote out my thoughts and then let the text sit for a few days while I considered those thought, and I had doubts, still do, but I’ll post and then we’ll move on and see where we end up.
I asserted in the last post that one reason why Team Who doesn’t get a satisfying resolution is that their story is based on a plot hole that at this point in the anime cannot be resolved, and must therefore be covered with a rug and tiptoed around.
But I feel like there is more. There is something about Team Who which leaves them to be largely forgotten by the fandom (I’ve written several little fics about them, but still tend to forget them when counting the major antagonist teams). I think it’s down to two things; they don’t stick with us much because they are a) not responsible for any of the BBA’s growth and b) ultimately not that threatening.
Don’t get me wrong, they are plenty spooky at first, when Cairona lures the boys into the alley, or when they trap the BBA down in the tunnel far from help, but by the time the arc wraps, they’ve become a bit toothless. Their final appearance is in broad daylight in a crowded stadium, and that’s after the BBA have defeated them twice. The idea that they are there to challenge whoever wins of the BBA and the Majestics sounds pretty silly at that point.
As for a), the writers can’t seem to decide what Team Who’s goal is, and have thus spread them very thin. When Cairona first shows up he attacks the BBA because they were talking about the World Tournament. This is Team Who’s first stated goal; to ruin the tournament finals. In episode 33, however, their focus has shifted to destroying all holy beasts, but we also have the flashback introducing their rivalry with the Majestics, and that simmers in the air when they return in episode 38 and 39.
Out of the three different goals (destroy the Majestics, destroy the World Tournament, destroy all holy beasts), their relationship with the Majestics surely ought to have been front and center, but when they confront the Majestics in episode 38, Ralf had forgotten all about them. For him it was a tuesday. And he’s the only one who exchanges a single line of dialogue with Team Who. Olivier has a cryptic line in episode 33 about having unfinshed business with them, but never acts on it, even when he has the chance. The rivalry is desperately underdeveloped, because there isn’t enough time to tell two separate stories for the two teams AND give them a joined one.
Through getting to know the Majestics, Takao learns to cherish his bond with Seiryu, and he adjusts his power-scale so that he will never be overwhelmed again. Kai learns that he isn’t as powerful as he thought, and the team as a whole is reminded how important their friendship is. Team Who doesn’t really have any lessons to teach the BBA that I can think of. They end up being more like the single-episode teams faced in the tournament than anyting else, and it feels like they should have been more.
It feels like they should have been more entangled in the Majestics’ story, used to reinforce the lessons we learn from them, for instance by having them treat their sacred beasts really badly, or having them actually almost defeat the Majestics because they work together while the Euro-boys do not. There just wasn’t enough time for a story as large as that.
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