#Tali's Gadgets
bluewren · 2 years
An Evening in the Undercroft
I wrote this small drabble for prompt and I wanted to share it. Makers feels so strange in the context of Thedas, but that is what we call DIY enthusiasts and tinkerers sometimes LOL ps my Sera adopted a fennec fox when she was out in the Western Approach
It was late afternoon, Harrit had stopped by and left with a rubber mallet and several small runes for trimming armor. He didn’t bother to inquire if the tools and pieces were in the same place as last time, just walking past the Inquisitor with her book in her hammock and hoping that the tinkerers here hadn’t shuffled the room yet again. They hadn’t. The sunset marched through the waterfall that was as much a frequenter of this room as the usual makers and crafty smiths. Taliesen grumbled as her source of light slowly dims to dimmer and then eventually the soft orange glow on the parchment was no longer enough to illuminate her book. She made an indignant grumble, sucking on the back of her teeth as she leaned to her right to reach for the rune that ignited the sconces in this room. She struggled past the bricks on the walls until she felt the indent of the rune. The light was back, better now and at least she still had the soft beating of the waterfall. She finally looked up when she heard a hefty crash of the door onto the walls, Sera arrived. Tali puts down her novel, they chatted about the latest thing that Sera caused a ruckus about. There was laughter and somehow talks about a strange fox eluding people. The Red Jenny needed tools for more pranks and to recapture her pet. Then their conversation came to a natural end when Sera raised a brow at the title of her book. Dagna returned to the Undercroft, she was the first one to ask the question about why her friend was reading a romance novel here. It was a book that Solas got from Cassandra and had recently finished. Tali marked the page, her attention was given to Dagna’s current work and if there was anything exciting that the two tinkerers could be working on.
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ficfanatictrf · 2 years
Fever Dream 1/2
Summary : How a worst first impression lasted years and the odd turn of events that changed things
Warnings : Alcohol, tons of angst,
Word Count : 3k
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Jayce Talis had to be one of the best friends you had ever had in your life. After meeting him back when you were a child, the man had always been about helping you, protecting you - pushing you to be better. 
He knew so much about you that you yourself sometimes refused to admit. He would nag you about drinking more water, while he himself barely kept up with eating and sleeping. Jayce would deter any over confident or self intiled ass-hole from getting too close to you. Everyone always teased that it was like he saw you like a younger sister. 
You trust him just like he trusted you. He wasn’t the best when it came to seeing when he was being screwed over, which was where you would step in to argue with people when they tried to short change him or trick him into a horrible deal. 
The poor guy just didn’t haggle. 
But he had seen where your comfort level dropped. When you needed to defend someone you would take whatever the outcome - but yourself? You were always silent and nervous. Even to this day, he hasn't been able to make any progress on getting you to stand up for yourself. 
So, when he suddenly came to you, excited, insistent, nearly demanding you come to his new lab - you couldn’t say no. He had never been this energized about showing something this secretive before. 
He had been nearly bouncing with excitement as he led you through the halls of the academy, not giving away anything on what you were in store to seeing that warranted this type of build up. 
As you entered the room, it was empty. 
Well, not empty, there were machine and gadget parts everywhere but as Jayce’s face fell you could see that whatever it was that he had wanted you to see wasn’t there. 
“Just…just wait a few minutes…” Putting on a smile as he glanced down the hallway, he ushered you inside before disappearing. 
And so, you were left in the room by yourself. 
At first, you just sort of stood there, not sure what you were meant to do. But as the time ticked on, you got curious. 
You slowly meandered around the room, not touching anything but carefully taking in every machine that was there. You weren’t a scientist, not even close, but from the way Jayce talked about it, you couldn’t help the excitement for him that you felt. This all looked new, like he was actually being funded for once instead of doing his secret research in his apartment. He deserved to finally have someone higher up believe in him. 
“What are you doing in here?” 
The accidented voice was harsh and cold, the suddenness of it causing you to jump before turning to face the unknown man standing in the doorway. He was holding a box of more parts, with a cane held in the other. 
But above all that he was breathtaking. 
You had seen beautiful men in Piltover your whole life. Cookiecutter images, perfectly symmetrical due to surgery, makeup covered skin. But this man? He was naturally beautiful. The harsh jaw line, the two moles placed so perfectly on his face….
The face that was glaring at you with such distrusts and, you felt your breath stop, was that rage? 
“...I…” This had to be the worst first impression you’ve ever made in your life. Voice trapped in your throat as he only seemed to grow more and more untrusting of you. 
“I don’t know how you managed to get into the building without the proper credentials but I will have the enforcers escort you out” 
You watched as he set the box down on the nearby table, all the while muttering under his breath. His words only seem to freeze you more, making you feel so small. 
“Honestly, acting like you own the place. Makes you a little self-entitled, don’t you think?” 
It was only once he was heading for the door, clearly on a mission to try to get you arrested for…something, that Jayce finally arrived. 
He was out of breath, but the moment he saw the man who was making your day a living nightmare Jayce’s face lit up into a beaming smile. 
“Here you are! I was looking all over for you” He grinned, his arm moving to wrap around the man’s shoulders to direct him to face you. 
“And you clearly were fine allowing a break in to take place under your watch” The man hissed back, motioning towards you which earned a laugh from Jayce but you could feel yourself visibly shrink from the accusation. 
“Break in? No no no, I brought them here. I wanted them to meet you” Jayce grinned, guiding the man closer with the excitement from earlier coming back into full swing. 
“This is Viktor, my new partner. He is the very reason Hextech is going to be a reality” He started, the harshness on this ‘Viktor’s’ face softened at that which made you believe that this had to be a new development, the thing he wanted to tell you. You had been about to be glad that Jayce had someone who was going to work with him- about to thank him for giving your precious best friend a chance…before the next words that came out of that man’s mouth. 
After he introduced you, giving Viktor your name, he seemed to want to immediately make it so you could never come back to this lab again. 
“They always tend to worry me because of their lack of, well, interest in dating.-” 
“And with you being single, perfectly their type.”
You felt your heart stop, watched as Viktor's eyes roamed up and down your form with clear disinterest and distaste.  God it hurt, you just wanted to sink into the floor and never be seen or heard from again. 
“I thought, you know, I introduce you, I get to be the best man later on down the line” 
“Seeing as this is as far as it will go, an unlikely hope.” Viktor cut off, pulling free of Jayce’s hold to head to the box he had been carrying earlier. 
It was clear from the confusion on Jayce’s face that he didn’t know what was going on between the two of you. The harshness not being what he normally dealt with when it came to Viktor. The taller of the two had been about to say something before Viktor spoke to you once more. 
“What is it you study?” 
“S-study?” You whispered, earning a harsh scoff from the man that already had Jayce looking ready to be defensive. 
“Degree, field of study, your major?” He continued, it only made you feel smaller as you took in where exactly you were and the answer you were going to be giving. 
“...I don’t go to the academy…” 
“Ah, so your presence will be of no benefit to us. Noted. Jayce, please send them home, we have work we need to get started on.” 
“No need, I-I’ll show myself out…” You quickly whispered, already out the door before you heard a word of how Jayce got on Viktor for being harsh towards you. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
For years afterwards, you purposefully avoided any interaction that could happen between Viktor and you. It didn’t help that every time you saw him and Jayce together, the smile on Viktor’s face lit up the room..and Jayce? He seemed so happy to have someone he could bounce ideas with, to feel like he had a true equal. 
At that thought you cringed, seeing now just how much you had never been a benefit to his life. You were a hindrance, one that Viktor had seen in a matter of seconds - with it taking you nearly your whole life to see as well. 
You had never been able to keep up with his ideas, with Jayce having always said that he was just glad you wanted to listen. Now that Viktor was around, he didn’t come to you with ideas anymore. The late night info dumps weren’t a thing anymore…and you knew why. As the two spent more and more time together you knew why. Jayce had found someone closer to what he had always needed, he had moved on from his friendship with you to something better. 
As the two progressed in their work, the friendship bordered on being more multiple times. Which you were fine with, yes you were jealous of literally both of them, but you watched him spend more and more time in the lab, more time with Viktor, it was clear just how much time you were now alone. But every time you had gone to speak about it, Jayce would go into detail about how much they were progressing, how amazing it was to work with Viktor, how smart he was, how kind he was….and your loneliness would die in your throat. You saw the happiness in his eyes that you had always wanted to be there, to see him feel validated and cared about. You had tried to do that for him in the past, but you had never been able to cause that brightness to appear there. 
You weren’t smart like them, or talented. You had no right to demand he stop his progress for you. So you simply allowed yourself to disappear, to fade away into the background.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
But then the oddest factor came into play. 
The woman was a goddess. Beautiful, regal, intimidating. She was everything you weren’t. And what you had assumed would just be a trio, oddly became more of a due with Viktor being left in the dust, much like you had. 
And just as suddenly, another unforeseen change. 
“Ah, hi.” Viktor said softly, a nervous energy about him as he sat down beside you. It wasn’t uncommon for you to wait outside in the hall for Jayce when you had planned to meet, having taken Viktor’s words to heart all those years ago about not being any help being there. There had been countless times he had walked right past you, not even looking at you as you sat on the floor. So as he sat down next to you, you couldn’t help your confused expression. 
“Founders day is approaching, and…well” He trailed off, never looking at you as he spoke. “Would you like to go with me?” 
As you took in his words, you felt a hope rise in you that you had never felt before. Feeling both embarrassed and honored he was asking you - wondering what on earth had happened to make him reevaluate his thoughts on you. 
“You usually accompany Jayce, who is taking Mel this year” 
You felt your heart shatter at that. Jayce hadn’t even told you that yet…
“I could give you my plus one so you can at least still come, no?” 
Oh. So he was doing this out of pity. 
“...take someone you actually would enjoy spending time with and not someone you feel an obligation to take” You whispered, the first time you had ever truly been even close to snarky back to him. Without another word you got to your feet and were gone. Jayce could figure out where you had gone later. 
You went to the Founder’s Day gala, albeit, alone. You watched as Jayce gave his speech and then afterwards you watched as he was praised the way you always knew he would be. He was smart and funny and friendly, seeing from a distance him getting all the things you deserved was truly the best part of your night. 
“I wasn’t sure if you were one for red or white wine so I got both” 
That accent again. 
As you turned, for the first time you were on the other end of one of his nervous smiles, your eyes glancing behind you to see if he had meant to talk to someone else- which he clearly caught onto. 
“Ah, it’s for you. Well both are for you, I’ll take whichever you don’t prefer” 
With an equally nervous smile you reached for the white, the man’s eyes lighting up with something as he hummed in thought. 
“So you are a white wine fan. I read a rather amusing article that said those who prefer red wine are introverted while those who prefer white are extraverted. Explains why the two of us would prefer white while Jayce-” He motioned over, which as you looked he indeed had red wine. “The always friendly extravert, but such a dog person”
You were quiet at first, watching as Viktor sipped softly at the red wine he had but it was clear he wasn’t a real big fan of it. 
“...what else did the article say?” You asked softly, Viktor’s eyes snapping over at yours with an emotion you had never seen before on anyone other than your face. 
It was loneliness mixed with shock that anyone would be interested in hearing your thoughts. You knew that look, the look that you felt abandoned but were too happy for the other to voice it. But as you looked at this man, you saw exactly what you felt and clung to it. 
So, ever so softly, you reached out and rested your hand on top of the one that was on his cane. 
“I would like to hear more about this article, or really….anything, if you are willing” 
That seemed to stall the man at first, but not for the reason you were expecting. 
As you watched his confusion, you assumed that it was because he wasn’t sure if he wanted to deal with you. When he was trying to figure out how to hold both his cane, the glass in his hand and somehow hold your hand. Damn it, he needed three hands. 
“Apologies” He pulled away and he could see the resigned hurt, the sad smile as he knew you thought he was abandoning you too. 
“No no…I’m sorry for putting you on the spot. Pretend I didn’t ask, you probably have far more important people to talk with than me…” 
Setting the glass down for a moment, he turned his attention back to you before taking your hand and softly pulling it so that instead of holding his hand you were being escorted by the man with you on his arm before it looked like he intentionally ‘forgot’ the wine he couldn’t stomach. 
“The cane is rather….needed, but please, come sit with me. I would be delighted to discuss it with you. Besides, I’ll leave the schmoozing for money to Jayce, I am not the most friendly to people like that.” 
As you were led to a table in a back corner, you were nervous. Oh god were you nervous. Over the years Viktor was like the boogeyman, he scared you to death. He was confident, cool, smart and so much more. He always made you feel so small by him just existing…surely this random interest in you would prove disastrous…surely he would realize his error and leave. 
You sat in the chair he held out for you, shrinking into yourself as he sat not across from you but directly beside you. Even pulling the chair closer to where you were sitting. 
“So, the article, I don’t see much truth in it since it is all based on just surveys, but it was saying that those who preferred red wine tend to be early birds with white wine drinkers being night owls. Red wine drinkers preferred dogs to cats, jazz music to punk music, but the part that I found telling” He leaned in, a true smile being directed in your way for the first time. 
“It said that red wine drinkers tended to be adventurous, humble and organized while white wine drinkers were…how did they put it? Curious, sarcastic and perfectionists.”
You could see it, the way he was having fun in the conversation like he hadn’t had in a long time. It broke your heart that the two of you were such sad and lonely people….going to the only person left who might give them a smidge of attention. 
“Stop that” 
You blinked, seeing his smile die as he reached out to take hold of your chin to keep you from looking away or shrinking and looking at the floor. 
“I know that look. I have had it all my life. Self-pity, it will kill you if you let it. I…” You watched as you saw a part of him you never knew, a string of unknown words slipping free as he seemed to want to try out a few ‘phrases’ before saying it in the language you both spoke. 
“I horribly misjudged you that first day and have been too embarrassed to admit that I was in the wrong this whole time. You know where I am from, I am used to people looking down on me and I always had this assumption about myself that I was better than the people of Piltover because I would never look at someone and think of them below me…..which was exactly what I did to you” 
He reached out to take your wine that you hadn’t even taken a sip of yet, downing it in a few gulps before continuing. 
“I thought you hated me after that. It would be warranted. However, Jayce told me, today in fact, that he brought you to the lab because I was your type. That I am still your type? That you still find me…attractive?” 
Your eyes snapped over at the man who was brought up, the darkest of blushes taking over your face as you watched him wink towards the pair of you before focusing on his conversation once more. 
“Please, tell me if he is lying or if he misunderstood…after how I’ve treated you, if I have even a percentage of a chance with you, I want to try. From all the stories I’ve heard from Jayce you are nothing but kind and generous, but always so hard on yourself. And lonely….like I am lonely…maybe? Maybe we could be lonely, together?” 
You turn to look back at his golden eyes finally, finding him just as handsome as you had all those years ago. Fuck it, go big or go home. 
“...how about…the two of us down a couple more glasses of wine…maybe steal a bottle, and go to your place?” 
This time, as his eyes traveled down you, you watched as he practically undressed you right there, gulping as he nodded. 
“I’ll get the glasses and be back post haste”
If you feel willing to review, comment or share I would greatly appreciate it. In the next day or two I will get back to things running like normal as thankfully the only symptoms I am left with is a nasty cough, annoying fatigue and a small appetite. Which when looking at like Wednesday I was so delirious I THOUGHT I slept the whole day and wrote most of this...I couldn't even leave my bed for a whole day without nearly passing out from exhaustion. I will never know what exactly I had. I just know it couldn't be covid or the two types of the flu going around seeing as I did the nose test not once...not twice but THREE TIMES in one sitting to find them all negative. So let me tell you, I was dying by the end of that visit on Tuesday.
But, all that is secondary to I will get to my requests, I will respond to people (I also maybe have an idea of both continuations of previous pieces that I will work on soon) It is why the second part of this will be spicy, since apparently that was a request. They want more spice.
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saltykidcreation · 9 months
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6. How That even work?!
The boat definitely in progress and now the turtles in 'rest time'. Donnie using that time to asking mermaid more about their culture but only Adriana that want answering because well Donnie to much babble, andriana had same curiousity like him and another three mermaid have problem to understand with human idiom and words that Donnie used.
Now he and Adrian sat on cliff ocean, Adriana in her mermaid mode and her wings were open. Now why the sat on dangerous place? The answers was simple why not? That and it made easier for Adriana when she want soaking after she felt enough sunbathing.
"And that Donnie our culture, after all not just one type mermaids in all sea. yes, we all look 'aquatic' but different. " said Ariana.
"Wow that is amazing so many cultures," said Donnie after Adriana told him about a few types of mermaids.then Adriana laughing at something that made do puzzled.
"I remember that there's a few time I to close with fishermans or other humans boat to learn more about humans , me sneaking to them to learning more and they almost saw me, and at the end vanora and other but mostly vanora was the one that always help me, she look so angry but we'll it was worthy" Donnie nods understanding.
"Yeah, curiosity can be good thing or bad thing" said Donnie.
Adriana even let Donnie to examine her fish tail, she put her fail on donnie's lap. Adriana can't stop giggling when Donnie touch her tail and some point Donnie just decided to tickling her tail and made Adriana Laughlin and Donnie chuckles.
Then Adriana and Donnie sharing knowledge about his gadgets and her magic. At first Donnie still looks sceptical about magic but Adriana made it more simple what was magic and since electricity can't using in water they using different energy and magic in water. And not all mermaids are traditional some are 'modern' even not like humans. Adriana showing Donnie her magic and trying fused magic with science and that made Donnie impressed.
" from other three you one have more knowledge, you are brilliant" praised Donnie that make Adriana bashful.
"Not brilliant as you" replied Adriana nods to donnie's devices that he made by himself and from junks.
They both sat so close and they looked at each other also Adriana's fist tail still on donnie's lap and donnie lean closely , donnie's snout and Adriana's nose were touching but before their lips can touches Donnie looks away and made Adriana confuses.
"Something wrong? "Asked Adriana. Donnie still looks away and playing his glasses but there's blushes on his cheeks, he cleared his throat.
"It won't work, between us. I meant your biology is like human and me? While I look humanoid and I am a person, I still... A turtle" said Donnie, he looks sad with the fact but fact was fact and he lived with it.
Adriana looks Donnie with sadness and there's little amused. Adriana touched Donnie shoulder.
"Donnie, I never tell you what my mother was do you? " asked Adriana, Donnie shakes his head but still not looking at Adriana.
"my mom was a terrapin or more specific she was tortoise " that declaration made Donnie's snapped his head to Adriana,
"Wh-what? Yo-you kidding" Donnie clearly shocked. Adrian ana looks Donnie with amusedn as he started freak out.
"H-how? How that even working out? " asked Donnie as he feels all logic inside his head was throwing out window. Adriana just gave donnie'l Deadpaned looks and pointed at her tali and all over her body.
"That is still doesn't make any sense, your reproduction are like human so how.. " before Donnie said more anything, Adriana covered his mouth with her hand and looks at donnie's eyes.
"Donnie even I can reproduction like human, you keep forgetting that I am not human and we have magic, so as long it's male and female, we still can reproduction. And as you can see I mostly mermaid like 95℅ ,yeah i am like all mermaid. We can choose for our of spring be only like one parent" Donnie still not understand why Adriana told him.
"My point is that it's didn't matter what are we as long we have same feelings" Adriana removes her hand from donnie's mouth. He still looks thinking after all he always trusting his logic but after he met with driana, he feels he need opened his mind more, also Adriana is mystical being so the logics she and other had definitely different.
When Adriana about to moved her tail from his lap but donnie hold it tightens.
"I want try" said donnie. Adriana just smiles then they starts kissing, it was awkward but then donnie doing experiment that made their kiss more smoothly , Adriana just let donnie doing experiment, after all it was not bad.
(I have to say donnie chapter is long, also I don't know exactly how mermaids reproducted but well in this story they can have couple that totally different species but they offsprings are still part of or mostly merfolk. Also what Adriana said basically like ' our DNA are not problems for our love'. So yeah if one day the turtles having family with the mermaids they can choose their kids will be totally mermaids or totally turtle. Just record even like that if they do parental test the results that they are the parents even look not likely)
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gr8brandz · 11 months
Meja Lipat Mobil Foldable Back Seat Table Multifunction - JH-924
https://tokopedia.link/xWjO2tPUuEb - https://shope.ee/5Kl3s21UOg 
Spesifikasi: Material: ABS Plastik Warna: Hitam, Coklat Dimensi Terbuka: 25 x 15 x 15 cm Terlipat: 25 x 15 x 3 cm Panjang Tali: Sekitar 11 cm
Informasi Meja lipat ini bisa diletakkan dibagian belakang kursi mobil. Dengan ini Anda dapat menikmati makanan dan minuman saat berada di dalam mobil dan bahkan saat mobil sedang berjalan. Meja dapat dilipat saat sedang tidak digunakan sehingga tidak memakan tempat.
Fitur Meja Lipat Meja atau rak khusus di mobil ini menggunakan konsep lipat, sehingga jika sedang tidak digunakan Anda dapat melipatnya sehingga tidak memakan tempat.
Area Tampung Luas Meja ini memiliki luas 25 x 15 cm sehingga dapat memuat banyak makanan dan minuman. Anda juga dapat menaruh barang-barang lainnya seperti gadget di meja ini.
Mudah Dipasang Pemasangan meja sangat mudah, cukup menggantungkan meja ke besi kepala kursi dan meja sudah terpasang dengan kuat.
Paket termasuk: 1 x Meja Lipat Mobil Foldable Back Seat Table Multifunction
==================================================== https://shope.ee/A9lt8Dkz3M https://tokopedia.link/vfg3UqLVZzb
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outboundrekomend · 8 days
Hub 0819-4343-1484 Paket Outbound Anak di Batu, Seru dan Edukatif
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Hub 0819-4343-1484 Liburan anak-anak tak selalu harus dihabiskan dengan kegiatan pasif seperti bermain gadget atau menonton televisi. Sebagai orang tua, Anda tentu menginginkan liburan yang tidak hanya menyenangkan, tetapi juga memiliki nilai edukatif yang memberikan pengalaman belajar bagi anak. Salah satu solusi ideal adalah memilih Paket Outbound Anak di Batu, sebuah destinasi wisata yang menawarkan perpaduan antara permainan seru dan pembelajaran yang mendalam. Kota Batu, yang dikenal dengan keindahan alamnya, menjadi lokasi yang sempurna untuk outbound anak karena suasana yang sejuk, pemandangan alam yang memukau, dan beragam aktivitas yang merangsang kreativitas serta kerja sama tim.
1. Mengapa Outbound Anak Penting?
Aktivitas outbound anak tidak hanya tentang keseruan fisik. Kegiatan ini menawarkan lebih dari sekadar permainan luar ruangan. Melalui kegiatan outbound, anak-anak diajak untuk berinteraksi dengan teman sebayanya, mengasah kemampuan sosial, serta belajar tentang kepemimpinan dan tanggung jawab. Dengan mengikuti Paket Outbound Anak di Batu, anak-anak tidak hanya memperoleh hiburan, tetapi juga mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan karakter dan kecerdasan emosionalnya.
a. Meningkatkan Kemandirian dan Kepercayaan Diri
Saat terlibat dalam aktivitas outbound, anak-anak akan diuji dengan berbagai tantangan yang memerlukan keberanian dan inisiatif. Mereka akan dihadapkan pada situasi yang menuntut mereka untuk mengambil keputusan dan bertindak secara mandiri. Permainan seperti jembatan tali atau flying fox akan melatih kepercayaan diri mereka, membuat mereka lebih berani menghadapi tantangan, baik secara fisik maupun mental.
b. Mengajarkan Kerja Sama dan Komunikasi
Banyak permainan dalam Paket Outbound Anak di Batu dirancang untuk melibatkan kerjasama tim. Anak-anak harus saling berkomunikasi dan bekerja sama untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan. Hal ini sangat penting untuk membangun kemampuan komunikasi yang efektif dan mengajarkan pentingnya bekerja dalam tim.
c. Memperkenalkan Konsep Edukatif Melalui Permainan
Outbound bukan hanya soal fisik. Banyak permainan yang menggabungkan elemen edukatif, seperti pemecahan teka-teki, simulasi penyelamatan alam, atau permainan strategi yang mengajarkan anak tentang pentingnya lingkungan, sains, dan sejarah. Dengan pendekatan yang menyenangkan ini, anak-anak akan lebih mudah memahami konsep-konsep penting dalam kehidupan.
2. Paket Outbound Anak di Batu: Apa Saja yang Ditawarkan?
Beragam vendor event outbound Batu Malang menawarkan berbagai paket outbound anak yang dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perkembangan anak. Setiap paket biasanya disesuaikan dengan usia peserta dan tingkat kesulitan permainan yang dihadapi.
a. Outbound Klasik
Jenis outbound ini berfokus pada permainan tradisional yang melibatkan aktivitas fisik dan mental. Anak-anak diajak untuk berpartisipasi dalam permainan seperti lomba tarik tambang, jembatan goyang, hingga balap karung. Permainan ini tidak hanya menyenangkan tetapi juga mengasah keterampilan motorik dan melatih ketahanan fisik.
b. Adventure Outbound
Bagi anak-anak yang menyukai tantangan, adventure outbound menjadi pilihan yang tepat. Aktivitas seperti flying fox, panjat tebing mini, dan high rope course akan memacu adrenalin mereka. Aktivitas ini dirancang untuk menguji ketangguhan dan keberanian anak dalam menghadapi situasi yang memacu adrenalin. Adventure outbound juga mengajarkan anak tentang pentingnya pengambilan risiko yang aman dan bertanggung jawab.
c. Outbound Edukatif
Kombinasi antara permainan dan pembelajaran adalah kunci dari Paket Outbound Anak di Batu yang edukatif. Dalam jenis outbound ini, anak-anak akan diajak untuk mengikuti permainan yang menggabungkan unsur-unsur pendidikan, seperti pelatihan dasar survival, ekologi, dan pengenalan tentang satwa liar. Misalnya, anak-anak akan diajak belajar bagaimana cara bertahan hidup di alam, cara mendirikan tenda, atau memahami pentingnya menjaga ekosistem alam. Kegiatan ini tentu saja akan membekali mereka dengan pengetahuan berharga sekaligus memberikan pengalaman langsung yang tidak bisa didapatkan di ruang kelas.
3. Vendor Event Outbound Batu Malang: Memilih Penyedia yang Tepat
Suksesnya sebuah kegiatan outbound anak tentu sangat bergantung pada penyedia layanan yang dipilih. Dalam memilih penyedia layanan outbound vendor Batu Malang, ada beberapa hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan agar kegiatan tersebut berjalan lancar dan memberikan pengalaman terbaik bagi anak-anak.
a. Reputasi dan Pengalaman
Vendor yang berpengalaman dan memiliki reputasi baik biasanya menawarkan paket-paket yang lebih terstruktur dengan baik dan dikelola secara profesional. Penting untuk mencari tahu latar belakang dan testimoni dari vendor yang dipilih. Vendor dengan pengalaman panjang biasanya sudah memahami seluk-beluk kebutuhan outbound untuk anak, mulai dari permainan yang aman hingga penanganan jika terjadi keadaan darurat.
b. Keamanan dan Fasilitas
Keamanan adalah faktor utama dalam memilih vendor event outbound Batu Malang. Pastikan bahwa semua peralatan yang digunakan, mulai dari tali, helm, hingga harness, memenuhi standar keselamatan internasional. Selain itu, instruktur yang mendampingi anak-anak haruslah yang berpengalaman dan terlatih dalam memberikan instruksi serta pertolongan pertama jika diperlukan. Fasilitas seperti toilet, ruang ganti, dan area istirahat yang memadai juga sangat penting untuk kenyamanan peserta.
c. Fleksibilitas dan Jenis Paket
Penyedia outbound yang baik biasanya menawarkan beragam paket yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Setiap kelompok usia anak memiliki kebutuhan yang berbeda, sehingga paket yang dipilih harus sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangan fisik dan mental anak-anak. Vendor event outbound Batu Malang terbaik akan menawarkan konsultasi untuk membantu orang tua memilih paket yang tepat.
4. Aktivitas Edukatif yang Bisa Dinikmati Anak di Batu
Batu, dengan lanskap alamnya yang indah, menawarkan beragam aktivitas outbound yang menyenangkan sekaligus edukatif. Berikut beberapa aktivitas yang dapat dinikmati anak-anak dalam Paket Outbound Anak di Batu:
a. Flying Fox Anak
Salah satu aktivitas yang paling digemari anak-anak adalah flying fox. Mereka akan meluncur di atas tali dari ketinggian dengan kecepatan yang mendebarkan, tetapi tetap dalam pengawasan instruktur berpengalaman. Aktivitas ini mengajarkan keberanian dan melatih anak-anak untuk mengatasi rasa takut akan ketinggian.
b. Permainan Tim
Outbound mengajarkan pentingnya kerja sama tim. Beberapa permainan, seperti human ladder atau trust fall, memerlukan komunikasi yang baik antar peserta. Permainan ini akan membangun kepercayaan diri anak dan mengajarkan mereka tentang pentingnya kerja sama dan saling mendukung.
c. Petualangan Alam
Aktivitas ini mengajak anak-anak untuk berkeliling hutan dan area alam terbuka di Batu, sambil belajar tentang flora dan fauna yang ada di sekitar mereka. Instruktur akan memperkenalkan mereka pada tanaman obat tradisional, serangga, dan binatang yang hidup di habitat asli mereka. Petualangan alam ini tidak hanya memberikan pengalaman yang seru, tetapi juga pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang pentingnya menjaga keseimbangan alam.
d. Simulasi Penyelamatan Lingkungan
Dalam aktivitas ini, anak-anak diajarkan bagaimana cara melestarikan lingkungan melalui simulasi penyelamatan alam. Mereka akan belajar tentang pentingnya daur ulang, menanam pohon, dan menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Melalui pendekatan yang menyenangkan, anak-anak diajak untuk mencintai alam sejak dini.
Ajak anak Anda merasakan outbound seru di Batu, dilengkapi aktivitas edukatif yang menyenangkan.
Jadikan liburan anak-anak Anda penuh petualangan dan pengetahuan dengan memilih Paket Outbound Anak di Batu. Tidak hanya memberikan hiburan, tetapi juga pengalaman belajar yang menyenangkan. Setiap kegiatan dalam paket ini dirancang untuk mengembangkan keterampilan sosial, kemandirian, serta wawasan edukatif yang berguna bagi perkembangan anak di masa depan. Ajak anak Anda merasakan outbound seru di Batu, dilengkapi aktivitas edukatif yang menyenangkan.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang paket yang tersedia, hubungi 0819-4343-1484 dan pilih paket yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak-anak Anda.
Outbound anak di Batu adalah cara yang ideal untuk memberikan liburan yang penuh dengan kesenangan sekaligus pelajaran berharga bagi anak-anak. Dengan beragam Paket Outbound Anak di Batu yang tersedia, anak-anak tidak hanya menikmati permainan seru, tetapi juga mendapatkan wawasan dan pengalaman yang tidak akan mereka temukan di tempat lain. Memilih penyedia layanan outbound vendor Batu Malang yang tepat adalah kunci dari suksesnya kegiatan ini. Pastikan Anda memilih vendor yang berpengalaman, profesional, dan mengutamakan keselamatan anak-anak.
1. Apa saja yang termasuk dalam Paket Outbound Anak di Batu?
Paket outbound anak di Batu biasanya mencakup berbagai permainan fisik, petualangan alam, serta kegiatan edukatif yang dirancang untuk mengembangkan keterampilan sosial dan kemandirian anak.
2. Bagaimana cara memilih vendor event outbound Batu Malang yang tepat?
Pilih vendor yang berpengalaman, memiliki reputasi baik, serta menyediakan peralatan yang aman dan sesuai standar.
3. Apa manfaat utama dari mengikuti Paket Outbound Anak di Batu?
Manfaat utama adalah pengembangan keterampilan sosial, peningkatan kepercayaan diri, dan pembelajaran edukatif melalui pengalaman langsung.
4. Apakah aktivitas outbound di Batu aman untuk anak-anak?
Ya, dengan pemilihan penyedia layanan outbound vendor Batu Malang yang tepat, aktivitas outbound di Batu aman karena semua peralatan dan instruktur memenuhi standar keselamatan.
5. Apa saja aktivitas edukatif yang tersedia dalam outbound anak di Batu?
Beberapa aktivitas edukatif yang tersedia meliputi petualangan alam, simulasi penyelamatan lingkungan, serta permainan yang mengajarkan pentingnya kerja sama tim.
6. Berapa biaya untuk mengikuti Paket Outbound Anak di Batu?
Biaya bervariasi tergantung pada jenis paket dan fasilitas yang ditawarkan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat menghubungi 0819-4343-1484.
7. Apa saja fasilitas yang disediakan oleh penyedia layanan outbound vendor Batu Malang?
Fasilitas yang disediakan biasanya mencakup peralatan outbound, area permainan, toilet, ruang ganti, serta instruktur berpengalaman.
Baca Juga : Vendor Outbound Team Building di Batu dengan Harga Terbaik
Tempat Outbound Keluarga Terbaik di Batu untuk Liburan Seru
Outbound Seru untuk Organisasi di Malang dengan Aktivitas Menantang
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Published by : fida-skansa
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produsentashandbag · 2 months
Tas Hand Bag Pria
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Promo, 0877-9001-2626 Produsen Tas Hand Bag Pria Pekanbaru
Tas Hand Bag Pria dengan material Cordura Nylon Coating Bimo Waterproof, tahan air dan awet. Cocok untuk santai dan aktivitas lainnya. Beli sekarang!
Produsen Tas mempersembahkan Tas Hand Bag Pria yang dirancang dengan material terbaik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari Anda. Tas ini terbuat dari Cordura Nylon Coating Bimo Waterproof yang membuatnya tahan air, kuat, dan awet sehingga Anda dapat dengan nyaman membawanya ke mana pun Anda pergi tanpa khawatir akan cuaca atau kondisi lingkungan sekitar.
Tas ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur yang sangat fungsional, seperti kompartemen depan, kompartemen belakang, dan kompartemen utama yang luas untuk menyimpan barang-barang Anda dengan rapi. Selain itu, terdapat juga card pocket dan slot organizer di bagian dalam tas untuk memudahkan Anda menyimpan kartu dan barang kecil lainnya.
Tas Hand Bag Pria dari Produsen Tas juga dilengkapi dengan dua macam tali, yaitu tali panjang selempang maksimal 113 cm dan tali pendek tangan statis 19 cm, yang dapat disesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan Anda. Dengan adjustable tali webbing, Anda dapat dengan mudah memanjangkan atau memendekkan tali sesuai dengan tinggi tubuh Anda atau kebutuhan penggunaan tas.
Selain itu, tas ini juga dilengkapi dengan accessories seperti earphone holder dan slot USB untuk memudahkan Anda dalam mengakses gadget atau perangkat elektronik Anda. Dengan model terbaru yang stylish dan multifungsi, tas ini dapat digunakan sebagai tas selempang, tas tangan, tas bahu, atau tas dompet sesuai dengan gaya dan kebutuhan Anda.
Tas Hand Bag Pria dari Produsen Tas cocok digunakan untuk berbagai kesempatan, baik saat santai maupun saat melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Dengan desain yang modern dan praktis, tas ini akan membuat penampilan Anda semakin stylish dan fashionable.
Jadi tunggu apalagi? Segera miliki Tas Hand Bag Pria dari Produsen Tas sekarang juga dan nikmati kenyamanan serta kepraktisan dalam membawa barang-barang Anda setiap hari. Kunjungi alamat kami di Produsen Tas Hand Bag, Surotrunan, Alian, Kebumen Jawa Tengah atau hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Produsen Tas Hand Bag Pria Pekanbaru
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Il folklore del Tour de France grazie ai gadget promozionali
Il Tour de France, noto anche come Tour o Grande Boucle, è la principale corsa a tappe maschile di ciclismo su strada professionistico e si svolge annualmente lungo le strade francesi. Ideato da Henri Desgrange, è considerato l’evento ciclistico più importante dell’anno e uno tra i più significativi avvenimenti sportivi a livello globale. Parte del calendario professionistico UCI World Tour, il Tour de France ha avuto inizio nel 1903 e si è svolto ogni anno, eccetto durante le due guerre mondiali, durante il mese di luglio su un percorso che varia ogni volta, ma che termina tradizionalmente a Parigi sugli Champs-Élysées. L’organizzazione della gara è affidata alla Société du Tour de France, una sussidiaria dell’Amaury Sport Organisation.
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Le Origini e lo Sviluppo del Tour de France
Il Tour de France fu concepito da Henri Desgrange, ma fu il suo collaboratore Lefèvre a seguire la corsa nel 1903. Durante la seconda guerra mondiale, nonostante la pressione della “German Propaganda Staffel” che desiderava mantenere il Tour come simbolo di normalità, Jacques Goddet, allora responsabile della corsa, rifiutò di organizzarlo sotto tali condizioni. Dopo la guerra, L’Auto, il giornale che deteneva i diritti del Tour, fu chiuso e i diritti furono gestiti dal governo. L’Équipe, guidato da Jacques Goddet, ottenne poi il diritto di organizzare il Tour de France nel 1947.
Il Tour de France ha evoluto la sua struttura negli anni, passando da percorsi estremamente lunghi e faticosi, inclusi tratti notturni, a un formato più moderno con tappe ridotte e giorni di riposo. Questo cambiamento fu in parte dovuto ai numerosi scandali legati al doping che culminarono nella morte di Tom Simpson nel 1967. L’Union Cycliste Internationale intervenne limitando le distanze e introducendo giorni di riposo per garantire la sicurezza dei ciclisti.
Record e Figure Iconiche
Il record di vittorie nel Tour de France è condiviso da quattro leggendari ciclisti, ciascuno con cinque vittorie: il francese Jacques Anquetil, il belga Eddy Merckx, il francese Bernard Hinault e lo spagnolo Miguel Indurain, che detiene il primato di cinque vittorie consecutive dal 1991 al 1995. Questo dimostra il livello di eccellenza richiesto per dominare questa gara estenuante.
Il Ruolo dei Gadget Promozionali
Un elemento cruciale del Tour de France è la carovana pubblicitaria che accompagna la corsa. Questa colorata parata di veicoli addobbati, quasi come carri allegorici, distribuisce una varietà di gadget promozionali lungo il percorso. I gadget promozionali, che includono magliette, borracce e molti altri articoli, sono regalati alla folla festante che segue il Tour. Questi gadget promozionali non solo aumentano la visibilità delle aziende sponsor, ma rafforzano anche l’identità del marchio, creando un legame tangibile tra il consumatore e il marchio stesso.
La distribuzione di gadget promozionali è una tradizione che attrae molti spettatori, non solo appassionati di ciclismo, ma anche persone interessate ai colori vivaci e all’atmosfera festosa creata dalla carovana pubblicitaria. La leggenda narra che molte persone seguano il Tour de France proprio per ricevere i gadget promozionali che vengono distribuiti gratuitamente.
L’Impatto della Carovana Pubblicitaria
La carovana pubblicitaria del Tour de France è composta da circa 220 veicoli, ognuno decorato per rappresentare un’azienda sponsor. Questa parata, che precede i ciclisti di circa 45 minuti, è diventata una parte integrante dell’esperienza del Tour. I gadget promozionali distribuiti includono una vasta gamma di articoli, come cappellini, portachiavi, borse e molti altri oggetti di uso quotidiano, tutti personalizzati con il logo delle aziende sponsor.
L’efficacia dei gadget promozionali nel contesto del Tour de France è evidente. Essi creano un forte impatto visivo e un senso di comunità tra gli spettatori, che spesso collezionano questi articoli come souvenir. Inoltre, i gadget promozionali aumentano l’engagement del pubblico, facendo sentire gli spettatori parte dell’evento. La distribuzione strategica di questi articoli durante gli eventi chiave può incrementare significativamente la consapevolezza del brand e attrarre nuovi clienti.
Il Tour de France non è solo una competizione ciclistica, ma un evento culturale che coinvolge milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. La storia del Tour, dalle sue origini alle moderne edizioni, è ricca di tradizioni e innovazioni. Un elemento chiave che contribuisce a questa esperienza unica è l’uso dei gadget promozionali. Questi articoli non solo promuovono i brand sponsor, ma creano anche un legame duraturo tra il pubblico e l’evento. Grazie ai gadget promozionali, il Tour de France continua a essere un esempio di successo nell’integrazione di marketing e sport, consolidando il suo status di uno degli eventi sportivi più importanti e seguiti al mondo.
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kemangi77 · 11 months
*Vienna Hand Bag*
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Koleksi terbaru dari Verle. Hand bag dengan desain yang elegan dan material berkualitas. Cocok untuk kamu kenakan pada acara formal atau semi formal ✨
Koleksi terbaru dari Verle. Hand bag dengan desain yang elegan dan material berkualitas. Cocok untuk kamu kenakan pada acara formal atau semi formal ✨
Terbuat dari bahan Kulit Sintetis Fendi yang memiliki tekstur kulit yang matte dan timbul. Vienna Hand Bag terasa nyaman untuk kamu kenakan sehari-hari.
- Tali handbag
- Tali sling bag dapat dilepas (ukuran tali dapat disesuaikan)
- Zipper
- 1 kantong zipper pada bagian dalam
- 2 kantong non zipper pada bagian dalam
- Embos logo Verle pada bagian depan
Material: Fendi Synthetic Leather
Tekstur kulit: Timbul, matte
Berat Produk: 300gr
Panjang: 32 cm
Tinggi: 25,5 cm
Lebar: 9 cm
Panjang Tali: 115 cm
*Kesesuaian warna foto dan asli mencapai 90-100%, dipengaruhi oleh faktor cahaya pemotretan, editing dan resolusi cahaya masing-masing gadget.
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GROSIR SATUAN, Call 0812-3352-3355, Tas Ransel Hydropack ABETS BIKE
KLIK https://wa.me/6281233523355, Tas Ransel Hydropack, Tas Sepeda Hydropack, Tas Sepeda Hydropack Eiger, Tas Sepeda Hydropack Shimano, Tas Sepeda Water Bladder
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Tas Ransel Hydropack Trail Adventure Trabas Cross Punggung Sepeda Mtb Gunung Gowes GANTENG dipake buat TRABAS ABETS BIKE
1000% ORIginal Almo Hydropack didesain secara khas menampilkan karakter yang kuat. Memliki jaring helm yang bisa di lepas-pasang dan terdapat saku khusus di bagian bawah untuk menyimpannya. Quick Access Pockets yang kompatibel dengan Smartphone hingga 8 inchi membuatmu tenang saat membawa Handphone kesayanganmu dan juga memudahkanmu mengambilnya karena terletak di depan kedua tali punggung. Back system dengan 3 celah sirkulasi udara membuat tas ini sangat nyaman digunakan.
Pastikan melakukan order pada Warna/Varian sesuai yang diinginkan untuk menghindari salah kirim
SPESIFIKASI Serial : Almo Gender : Unisex Back System : 3 Celah Sirkulasi Udara Berat : 400 g Dimensi : 21x9x42 cm Kapasitas : 8 liter Slot WB : 2 liter Fitur QAP : Smartphone 8 inchi
FITUR Bahan utama HQ Nylon Dolby Zipper YKK Aksesoris High Quality Accetal Bartex pada bagian-bagian vital Reflective Sign Back System dengan 3 celah sirkulasi udara Quick Access Pockets (QAP) muat Gadget/Smartphone hingga 8 inchi Saku jaring multifungsi Holder selang Water Bladder Kantong utama yang luas hingga 8 liter Sekat jaring untuk Water Bladder pada dinding utama Lubang akses selang Water Bladder Saku depan yang cukup luas untuk menampung tools kecil Jaring untuk helmet yang bisa di lepas pasang Hook serbaguna Lapisan tebal dan empuk pada bagian belakang
GANTENG juga dipake buat TRABAS
ABETS BIKE Jl. M. Kahfi 1 Gg. Benda dalam No. 21 Kel. Ciganjur Kec. Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan
Official Toko 0812-3352-3355
ABETS BIKE memiliki banyak koleksi tas sepeda, tas running, trail run, dll
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TOKO TERLENGKAP, Call 0812-3352-3355, Tas Hydropack Nordend ABETS BIKE
KLIK https://wa.me/6281233523355, Tas Hydropack Nordend, Tas Hydropack Sepeda Murah, Tas Hydropack Trail, Tas Ransel Hydropack, Tas Sepeda Hydropack
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Tas Ransel Hydropack Trail Adventure Trabas Cross Punggung Sepeda Mtb Gunung Gowes GANTENG dipake buat TRABAS ABETS BIKE
1000% ORIginal Almo Hydropack didesain secara khas menampilkan karakter yang kuat. Memliki jaring helm yang bisa di lepas-pasang dan terdapat saku khusus di bagian bawah untuk menyimpannya. Quick Access Pockets yang kompatibel dengan Smartphone hingga 8 inchi membuatmu tenang saat membawa Handphone kesayanganmu dan juga memudahkanmu mengambilnya karena terletak di depan kedua tali punggung. Back system dengan 3 celah sirkulasi udara membuat tas ini sangat nyaman digunakan.
Pastikan melakukan order pada Warna/Varian sesuai yang diinginkan untuk menghindari salah kirim
SPESIFIKASI Serial : Almo Gender : Unisex Back System : 3 Celah Sirkulasi Udara Berat : 400 g Dimensi : 21x9x42 cm Kapasitas : 8 liter Slot WB : 2 liter Fitur QAP : Smartphone 8 inchi
FITUR Bahan utama HQ Nylon Dolby Zipper YKK Aksesoris High Quality Accetal Bartex pada bagian-bagian vital Reflective Sign Back System dengan 3 celah sirkulasi udara Quick Access Pockets (QAP) muat Gadget/Smartphone hingga 8 inchi Saku jaring multifungsi Holder selang Water Bladder Kantong utama yang luas hingga 8 liter Sekat jaring untuk Water Bladder pada dinding utama Lubang akses selang Water Bladder Saku depan yang cukup luas untuk menampung tools kecil Jaring untuk helmet yang bisa di lepas pasang Hook serbaguna Lapisan tebal dan empuk pada bagian belakang
GANTENG juga dipake buat TRABAS
ABETS BIKE Jl. M. Kahfi 1 Gg. Benda dalam No. 21 Kel. Ciganjur Kec. Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan
Official Toko 0812-3352-3355
ABETS BIKE memiliki banyak koleksi tas sepeda, tas running, trail run, dll
https://www.tokopedia.com/abetsbike https://www.shopee.co.id/abetsbike https://www.instagram.com/tassepeda.id
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L' Ottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca non è difficile purchè si seguano delle accortezze ben precise
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Ci sono molte strategie da poter adottare per aumentare la popolarità di sito e il suo traffico. Ecco alcuni consigli per iniziare: - Creare un logo professionale e accattivante, che parli del prodotto/servizio distribuito e che attraverso i colori, rimandi al messaggio chiave del proprio brand. Un cosmetici vegan, ad esempio, deve primeggiare le nuance del verde, per richiamare il mondo naturale. Il loro è uno degli elementi più importanti di un sito web e può influire sulla percezione che gli utenti hanno dell’attività. Un logo vincente deve essere facilmente riconoscibile. Tale consiglio può essere facilmente seguito e rispettato sfruttando uno dei tanti siti per creare il proprio logo presenti su Google. - Sviluppare un personal brand, ovvero creare e promuovere la propria reputazione personale attraverso un marchio che si distingua dalla massa e che permetta, all’imprenditore, di raggiungere gli obiettivi professionali e personali sperati. - Investire nelle tattiche SEO, poiché l’ottimizzazione dei motori di ricerca può aiutare a far apparire un sito web più in alto nei risultati di ricerca su Google (SERP). Ci sono diverse strategie SEO da adottare, motivo per il quale è fondamentale rivolgersi ad agenzie esperte. - Creare contenuti di qualità, non copiati e che apportano valore al pubblico. Importanti quindi gli articoli informativi, le guide e i testi pertinenti all’attività pubblicizzata. In questo caso è fondamentale ingaggiare un SEO Copywriter. - Utilizzare tattiche di social media marketing, così da arrivare ad un pubblico sempre più vasto. Questo permette anche di rafforzare i rapporti con la propria community. - Collaborare con altri siti web, mettendo in atto, magari, delle tattiche di link building, utilizzate per ottenere link da altri siti web verso il proprio sito, al fine di migliorare il posizionamento nei risultati di ricerca organica (es: Google). - Omaggiare i clienti e i potenziali clienti con dei gadget personalizzati e di uso quotidiano, così che possano rimanere impressi nella mente delle persone anche nel quotidiano. - Attivare campagne di email marketing, così da rimanere in contatto con i clienti già fidelizzati e con i potenziali clienti. - Offrire incentivi agli utenti, come sconti, promozioni o contenuti esclusivi. Ciò può incentivare i visitatori a tornare sul sito e a condividere i contenuti con altri. - Utilizzare la pubblicità online, tramite piattaforme pubblicitarie come Google AdWords o Facebook Ads per raggiungere un alto numero di visualizzazioni. - Richiedere feedback scritti ai clienti più fedeli, sui siti di raccolta recensioni. Questi sono solo alcuni dei consigli utili da seguire per aumentare la popolarità di un sito e il traffico ad esso collegato.  Quali sono gli errori da non fare quando si fa crescere un sito? La prima cosa da tenere a mente quando si crea un sito o lo si pubblicizza, è non avere pazienza. Un errore comune, infatti, è quello di essere impazienti, sperando in risultati celeri, già dai primi giorni. Per ottenere risultati significativi, sono necessarie molte settimane, se non mesi. Altro errore da non compiere, è quello di contare solo sul fai da te. Vi sono tattiche, infatti, che necessitano di competenze specifiche per arrivare al successo. Ad ogni operazione di marketing, corrisponde un professionista specifico. Ingaggiare persone esperte può costare cifre ingenti, che sono da considerare, però, degli investimenti a medio termine. Investimenti necessari e produttivi. Se si vuole spingere un sito verso il successo, non può mancare la cura del mondo offline. È bene ricordare, infatti, che le persone sono umane, ed essendo tali necessitano di essere raggiunte anche al di fuori di Google o dei social network. Un altro errore è quello di concentrarsi solo sui numeri, senza andare a valutare cosa, nel profondo, pensa la clientela circa il servizio/prodotto distribuito. Sbagliatissimo, inoltre, non avere una presenza sui social media, togliendosi la possibilità di raggiungere utenti dall’altra parte del mondo. I social network, per quanto divertenti e spesso sottovalutati, sono in realtà la chiave di svolta di moltissimi business. Ultimo errore, ma non per importanza, è la mancanza di coerenza. Assicurati di essere coerente con il tuo branding e la tua voce, e di pubblicare contenuti regolarmente. Il pubblico è attento e non ama essere deluso. Consigli precisi e mirati, che se seguiti, non possono far altro che posizionare il tuo sito tra i primi risultati della SERP e aumentare i fatturati. Read the full article
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Come usare le candele personalizzate per promuovere un’azienda
Tra i tanti gadget promozionali che possono essere usati dalle aziende per scopi pubblicitari ci sono anche le candele personalizzate. Ecco perché questi prodotti possono essere offerti in omaggio e dar vita a ripercussioni significative in tanti sensi. La creatività e la fantasia sono alla base di tali accessori, che mettono a disposizione una soluzione intrigante per aumentare la visibilità di un logo. Vari modelli hanno la capacità di stupire, il che è fondamentale per l’efficacia di un gadget promozionale. Candele personalizzate: perché sceglierle La cura degli ambienti domestici e il benessere individuale rappresentano al giorno d’oggi due aspetti molto importanti per parecchie persone, soprattutto per coloro che si informano con attenzione e si dimostrano alquanto esigenti. Questo spiega il motivo per il quale le candele personalizzate attualmente sono gadget molto richiesti, apprezzati sia dai privati che dalle aziende; riguardano fra l’altro il core business dei centri di yoga, dei saloni di bellezza, delle spa, degli hotel e dei centri di pratiche orientali. Sono attività che sono contraddistinte da una notevole evoluzione. Fare pubblicità con le candele personalizzate Le candele personalizzate, a maggior ragione se sono anche profumate, sono degli omaggi ideali per i consumatori, e costituiscono un accorgimento pubblicitario decisamente azzeccato. Per altro le imprese hanno la possibilità di trarre beneficio dalle candele e dalle loro caratteristiche, dal momento che le loro fragranze sono in grado di assicurare un ambiente di lavoro produttivo e piacevole. Ecco perché si tratta di regali da mettere a disposizione di dipendenti e collaboratori. Per esempio le candele personalizzate che vengono proposte da Gadget365 sono il meglio che si possa trovare in commercio in questo momento. Gadget365 è conosciuta nel settore non solo per la qualità del customer care, ma anche per le tante soluzioni che propone: non a caso sono già più di 15mila i clienti che si sono rivolti a questa realtà. Come scegliere le candele personalizzate La raffinatezza e l’esclusività sono due dei tratti distintivi che caratterizzano le candele personalizzate, fermo restando che si deve trattare di prodotti di fascia elevata. Un notevole apprezzamento viene riscosso dai modelli che vengono proposti all’interno di confezioni di latta, e che possono essere declinati in molte fragranze diverse, ognuna delle quali corrispondente a un colore specifico: fra le altre si possono citare la cannella, l’arancia, la mela, la vaniglia, il caffè e il limone. Chi lo desidera può scegliere di far stampare il logo in digitale. Nel caso in cui si voglia optare per un profilo più raffinato, conviene privilegiare le candele collocate all’interno di un vasetto in vetro chiuso da un tappo in bambù, con cui si può ottenere un ambiente intimo e delicato: sono, dunque, gadget ideali per clienti esclusivi. Dove mettere le candele personalizzate Le candele profumate e colorate si configurano come un gadget che si dimostra affidabile per qualsiasi esigenza e in qualunque contesto. Si può decidere di personalizzarle attraverso la stampa di un logo aziendale, oppure decidere di inserire altri elementi decorativi, sapendo che riscuoteranno in ogni caso un apprezzamento sicuro. Dopo una giornata lunga e faticosa passata in ufficio, d’altro canto, non c’è niente di meglio che ritrovarsi nella propria camera da letto o nel proprio bagno con una candela accesa, così che l’atmosfera si possa riscaldare mentre un aroma speciale si diffonde nell’ambiente. Un’altra idea può essere quella di mettere la candela direttamente sulla scrivania in ufficio, poiché un accessorio di questo tipo va a stimolare i sensi e favorisce la concentrazione; di conseguenza, migliora la produttività. Una candela è dunque garanzia di benessere, e per questo è un’idea regalo eccezionale. Read the full article
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ficfanatictrf · 2 years
Fever Dream 0/2 - the foundation piece
Summary: The worst first impression and the years that follow it. (Also, calling it a fever dream because I don't remember writing any of this. Part 2 will be when I can figure out a ending that isn't so....sad) Warnings? : It's mostly just angst. Not sure why I wrote it. Also, I am just pasting what I have. This is my fever brain's creation. Not edits or rereads....this is it.
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Jayce Talis had to be one of the best friends you had ever had in your life. After meeting him back when you were a child, the man was always about helping you, protecting you - pushing you to be better. 
He knew so much about you that you yourself sometimes refused to admit. He would nag you about drinking more water, while he himself barely kept up with eating and sleeping. Jayce would deter any over confident or self intiled ass-hole from getting too close to you. Everyone always teased that it was like he saw you like a younger sister. 
You trust him just like he trusted you. He wasn’t the best when it came to seeing when he was being screwed over, which was where you would step in to argue with people when they tried to short change him or trick him into a horrible deal. 
The poor guy just didn’t haggle. 
So, when he suddenly came to you, excited, insistent, nearly demanding you come to his new lab - you couldn’t say no. He had never been this energized about showing something this secretive before. 
He had been nearly bouncing with excitement as he led you through the halls of the academy, not giving away anything on what you were in store to seeing that warranted this type of build up. 
As you entered the room, it was empty. Well, not empty, there were machine and gadget parts everywhere but as Jayce’s face fell you could see that whatever it was that he had wanted you to see wasn’t there. 
“Just…just wait a few minutes…” Putting on a smile as he glanced down the hallway, he ushered you inside before disappearing. And so, you were left in the room by yourself. 
At first, you just sort of stood there, not sure what you were meant to do. But as the time ticked on, you got curious. 
You slowly meandered around the room, not touching anything but carefully taking in every machine that was there. You weren’t a scientist, not even close, but from the way Jayce talked about it, you couldn’t help the excitement for him that you felt. This all looked new, like he was actually being funded for once instead of doing his secret research in his apartment. He deserved to finally have someone higher up believe in him. 
“What are you doing in here?” 
The accidented voice was harsh and cold, the suddenness of it causing you to jump before turning to face the unknown man standing in the doorway. He was holding a box of more parts, with a can held in the other. 
But above all that he was breathtaking. 
You had seen beautiful men in Piltover your whole life. Cookiecutter images, perfectly symmetrical due to surgery, makeup covered skin. But this man? He was naturally beautiful. The harsh jaw line, the two moles placed so perfectly on his face….
The face that was glaring at you with such distrusts and, you felt your breath stop, was that rage? 
“...I…” This had to be the worst first impression you’ve ever made in your life. Voice trapped in your throat as he only seemed to grow more and more untrusting of you. 
“I don’t know how you managed to get into the building without the proper credentials but I will have the enforcers escort you out” 
You watched as he set the box down on the nearby table, all the while muttering under his breath. His words only seem to freeze you more, making you feel so small. 
“Honestly, acting like you own the place. Makes you a little self-entitled, don’t you think?” 
It was only once he was heading for the door, clearly on a mission to try to get you arrested for…something, that Jayce finally arrived. 
He was out of breath, but the moment he saw the man who was making your day a living nightmare Jayce’s face lit up into a beaming smile. 
“Here you are! I was looking all over for you” He grinned, his arm moving to wrap around the man’s shoulders to direct him to face you. 
“And you clearly were fine allowing a break in to take place under your watch” The man hissed back, motioning towards you which earned a laugh from Jayce but you could feel yourself visibly shrink from the accusation. 
“Break in? No no no, I brought them here. I wanted them to meet you” Jayce grinned, guiding the man closer with the excitement from earlier coming back into full swing. 
“This is Viktor, my new partner. He is the very reason Hextech is going to be a reality” He started, the harshness on this ‘Viktor’s’ face softened at that which made you believe that this had to be a new development, the thing he wanted to tell you. You had been about to be glad that Jayce had someone who was going to work with him- about to thank him for giving your precious best friend a chance…before the next words that came out of that man’s mouth. 
After he introduced you, giving Viktor your name, he seemed to want to immediately make it so you could never come back to this lab again. 
“They always tend to worry me because of their lack of, well, interest in dating.-” 
“And with you being single, perfectly their type.”
You felt your heart stop, watched as Viktor's eyes roamed up and down your form with clear disinterest and distaste.  God it hurt, you just wanted to sink into the floor and never be seen or heard from again. 
“I thought, you know, I introduce you, I get to be the best man later on down the line” 
“See as this is as far as it will go, an unlikely hope.” Viktor cut off, pulling free of Jayce’s hold to head to the box he had been carrying earlier. 
It was clear from the confusion on Jayce’s face that he didn’t know what was going on between the two of you. The harshness not being what he normally dealt with when it came to Viktor. The taller of the two had been about to say something before Viktor spoke to you once more. 
“What is it you study?” 
“S-study?” You whispered, earning a harsh scoff from the man that already had Jayce looking ready to be defensive. 
“Degree, field of study, your major?” He continued, it only made you feel smaller as you took in where exactly you were and the answer you were going to be giving. 
“...I don’t go to the academy…” 
“Ah, so your presence will be of no benefit to us. Noted. Jayce, please send them home, we have work we need to get started on.” 
“No need, I-I’ll show myself out…” You quickly whispered, already out the door before you heard a word of how Jayce got on Viktor for being harsh towards you. 
For months afterwards, you purposefully avoided any interaction that could happen between Viktor and you. It didn’t help that every time you saw him and Jayce together, the smile on Viktor’s face lit up the room..and Jayce? He seemed so happy to have someone he could bounce ideas with, to feel like he had a true equal. 
At that thought you cringed, seeing now just how much you had never been a benefit to his life. You were a hindrance, one that Viktor had seen in a matter of seconds - with it taking you nearly your whole life to see as well. 
As the two progressed in their work, the friendship bordered on being more multiple times. Which you were fine with, yes you were jealous of literally both of them, but you watched him spend more and more time in the lab, more time with Viktor, it was clear just how much time you were now alone. But every time you had gone to speak about it, Jayce would go into detail about how much they were progressing, how amazing it was to work with Viktor, how smart he was, how kind he was….and your loneliness would die in your throat. 
You weren’t smart like them, or talented. You had no right to demand he stop his progress for you. 
But then the oddest factor came into play. 
The woman was a goddess. Beautiful, regal, intimidating. She was everything you weren’t. And what you had assumed would just be a trio, oddly became more of a due with Viktor being left in the dust, much like you had. 
And just as suddenly, another unforeseen change. 
“Ah, hi.” Viktor said softly, a nervous energy about him as he sat down beside you. It wasn’t uncommon for you to wait outside in the hall for Jayce when you had planned to meet, having taken Viktor’s words to heart all those years ago about not being any help being there. There had been countless times he had walked right past you, not even looking at you as you sat on the floor. So as he sat down next to you, you couldn’t help your confused expression. 
“Founders day is approaching, and…well” He trailed off, never looking at you as he spoke. “Would you like to go with me?” 
As you took in his words, you felt a hope rise in you that you had never felt before. Feeling both embarrassed and honored he was asking you - wondering what on earth had happened to make him reevaluate his thoughts on you. 
“You usually accompany Jayce, who is taking Mel this year” 
You felt your heart shatter at that. Jayce hadn’t even told you that yet…
“I could give you my plus one so you can at least still come, no?” 
Oh. So he was doing this out of pity. 
“...take someone you actually would enjoy spending time with and not someone you feel an obligation to take” You whispered, the first time you had ever truly been even close to snarky back to him. Without another word you got to your feet and were gone. Jayce could figure out where you had gone later.
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gr8brandz · 11 months
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Meja Lipat Mobil Foldable Back Seat Table Multifunction - JH-924
https://tokopedia.link/xWjO2tPUuEb - https://shope.ee/5Kl3s21UOg
Spesifikasi: Material: ABS Plastik Warna: Hitam, Coklat Dimensi Terbuka: 25 x 15 x 15 cm Terlipat: 25 x 15 x 3 cm Panjang Tali: Sekitar 11 cm
Informasi Meja lipat ini bisa diletakkan dibagian belakang kursi mobil. Dengan ini Anda dapat menikmati makanan dan minuman saat berada di dalam mobil dan bahkan saat mobil sedang berjalan. Meja dapat dilipat saat sedang tidak digunakan sehingga tidak memakan tempat.
Fitur Meja Lipat Meja atau rak khusus di mobil ini menggunakan konsep lipat, sehingga jika sedang tidak digunakan Anda dapat melipatnya sehingga tidak memakan tempat.
Area Tampung Luas Meja ini memiliki luas 25 x 15 cm sehingga dapat memuat banyak makanan dan minuman. Anda juga dapat menaruh barang-barang lainnya seperti gadget di meja ini.
Mudah Dipasang Pemasangan meja sangat mudah, cukup menggantungkan meja ke besi kepala kursi dan meja sudah terpasang dengan kuat.
Paket termasuk: 1 x Meja Lipat Mobil Foldable Back Seat Table Multifunction
==================================================== https://shope.ee/A9lt8Dkz3M https://tokopedia.link/vfg3UqLVZzb
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enkeynetwork · 2 years
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produsentashandbag · 2 months
Tas Hand Bag Pria
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Promo, 0877-9001-2626 Produsen Tas Hand Bag Pria D U M A I
Tas Hand Bag Pria dengan material Cordura Nylon Coating Bimo Waterproof, tahan air dan awet. Cocok untuk santai dan aktivitas lainnya. Beli sekarang!
Produsen Tas mempersembahkan Tas Hand Bag Pria yang dirancang dengan material terbaik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari Anda. Tas ini terbuat dari Cordura Nylon Coating Bimo Waterproof yang membuatnya tahan air, kuat, dan awet sehingga Anda dapat dengan nyaman membawanya ke mana pun Anda pergi tanpa khawatir akan cuaca atau kondisi lingkungan sekitar.
Tas ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur yang sangat fungsional, seperti kompartemen depan, kompartemen belakang, dan kompartemen utama yang luas untuk menyimpan barang-barang Anda dengan rapi. Selain itu, terdapat juga card pocket dan slot organizer di bagian dalam tas untuk memudahkan Anda menyimpan kartu dan barang kecil lainnya.
Tas Hand Bag Pria dari Produsen Tas juga dilengkapi dengan dua macam tali, yaitu tali panjang selempang maksimal 113 cm dan tali pendek tangan statis 19 cm, yang dapat disesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan Anda. Dengan adjustable tali webbing, Anda dapat dengan mudah memanjangkan atau memendekkan tali sesuai dengan tinggi tubuh Anda atau kebutuhan penggunaan tas.
Selain itu, tas ini juga dilengkapi dengan accessories seperti earphone holder dan slot USB untuk memudahkan Anda dalam mengakses gadget atau perangkat elektronik Anda. Dengan model terbaru yang stylish dan multifungsi, tas ini dapat digunakan sebagai tas selempang, tas tangan, tas bahu, atau tas dompet sesuai dengan gaya dan kebutuhan Anda.
Tas Hand Bag Pria dari Produsen Tas cocok digunakan untuk berbagai kesempatan, baik saat santai maupun saat melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Dengan desain yang modern dan praktis, tas ini akan membuat penampilan Anda semakin stylish dan fashionable.
Jadi tunggu apalagi? Segera miliki Tas Hand Bag Pria dari Produsen Tas sekarang juga dan nikmati kenyamanan serta kepraktisan dalam membawa barang-barang Anda setiap hari. Kunjungi alamat kami di Produsen Tas Hand Bag, Surotrunan, Alian, Kebumen Jawa Tengah atau hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Produsen Tas Hand Bag Pria D U M A I
#ProdusenTasHandBagPriaD U M A I
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