To Love Another- Part 1
A/N: feedback is appreciated!!
tw: alcohol, injuries, i think that’s it. 
Jo March x Fem! Laurence! reader (Laurie’s/Teddy’s sister)
(please read the prologue first!)
December 20th, 1861
Concord, Massachusetts
You let out a sigh as you took the ribbons and braids out of your hair, leaving you with waves. You ran your fingers through them, applying a bit of powder to your nose after.
You smoothed out your dress, a beautiful baby pink with puff sleeves that end a bit more above your shoulder. As the last light of day faded away, you heard your brother knock on the door as you applied bits of perfume. 
“Are you ready?” he asked, giving you a smile as he held his arm out for you to take. 
You sighed and gave him a look. “Teddy, do i really have to go?” you huffed, putting the perfume bottle down and pushing in the chair to the vanity. You took his arm. 
“Y/N, please. I know a part of you loves these things. I don’t like them either. You can just sit and look at the art on the walls, alright? I know you find it to be great entertainment.” He said, closing your bedroom door, and giving you a smile, walking you both down the hallway, down the stairs to the main floor.
“Then why are we going?” you whined, tugging on his hand. “You don’t like them either. We could stay home and read,  we could even read Jane Austen, if you’d like.” you finished, in a pleading tone.
“Sister, you know grandfather wants us to keep up appearances.” His face softens. “We’re lucky he took us in, after all.” 
“Alright, alright. You’ve convinced me. Let’s go along, shall we, it’s quite a walk.” You smiled, pulling on  a jacket and scarf. 
After making the walk to where the party was being held, a servant collected your coats and you thanked him, and Laurie dragged you in further to the house, until you found someone carrying flutes of champagne.
Laurie took two, and handed one to you. You gratefully accepted it and took a sip. 
“Could we look at the artwork, Laurie, please?” He took a sip of his champagne and gave you a teasing smile. “I knew you would say that...hmm. No.”
You rolled your eyes at him and said “Laurie, please!” 
“You know I’m kidding, sister. Let’s go!” he said, downing the rest of his champagne. It was going to be a long night.
Your brother was right. A part of you does like going out, having fun and letting loose every in a while. After you do had drunk practically all the champagne in the house, danced until you stepped on each other’s feet multiple times; you had decided to take a rest in a smaller room of the house; what looked like a small library with a fire place. It had warmed bot you and Laurie up, making your cheeks red. 
You were already dozing off, with your head on your brother’s shoulder. When suddenly; the curtains to the room opened.
“I’m sorry- I hope I wasn’t Interrupting anything!” She said, fiddling with her hands, your brother looked at her, with you now wide awake. 
“Oh it’s no problem. I’m Theodore Laurence. Most people just call me Laurie. Or like my sister, you can call me Teddy.” He says, shaking her hand.
She firmly shakes his hands and says “I’m Josephine March. I’d rather you just call me Jo, please.”
You sit up on the couch and say “I’m Y/N Laurence. You can call me Y/N/N.” 
Her eyes lingered on you and so did her hand, clasped firmly in yours. “O-or I could call you Poppy Flower?”
“Poppy Flower? Why is that?” you felt your cheeks heat up.
“Your cheeks are red. I’ve actually never seen them. I-I’ve only read and seen illustrations about them in books. But your cheeks are red. It reminds me of them” She finished, darting her eyes downward, and releasing your hand. 
“Well, if your going to call me that- I suppose- you need a nickname too.”
She gave you a smile. “W-what will it be then?” she said, as your brother left you two alone to look out the window. 
“Sunflower” you said “Because your hair is as bright as one.”
“Oh. That’s Lovely.” She said. She was the one with red cheeks this time.
You both looked at each other in silence, except the crackling of the fireplace, and you caught her stealing glances at you. 
You were about to say something when your brother interrupted your conversation. 
“Do you both want to dance?” he said, and you tilted your head in question.
“I have an idea.” he said, with a smirk. You took his hand and told Jo to follow you, and she took your hand.
Before you knew it, Laurie was pulling you both down the front porch of the house, stopping at the windows. 
Time flew, and before the three of you knew it, you were back inside the house, when you heard a scream. 
Jo seemed to recognize it and you saw her hurry to a pretty brunette in a purple dress. She looked to be in pain. 
“Meg! What’s wrong?” Jo said, as she took one of Meg’s arms to aide her in walking.
You took this as a hint and grabbed Meg’s other arm. Your brother trailed behind you.
“I was dancing... then THIS happened! Oh Jo, it hurts!” She said, hissing. 
“Let’s get her home, then.” You heard your brother say, as he grabbed your and his own coats. 
The walk was not that long, considering you knew where you were going this time. 
“Looks like were neighbors!” your brother said, as you approached the steps of the March house.
Meg gave a  chuckle and grin through her tears of pain as Jo opened the door. When inside, you saw what looked like a bunch of more people gathered aroud the fireplace. 
“Meg! What happened?” An older looking woman said, approaching her, gently helping her to a chair.
You saw as Meg and Jo’s sisters fussed over Meg, getting some ice to put on her ankle. 
You and Laurie stand awkwardly to the side, as their mom comes over to talk to you. 
“And who might you two be?” she said, crossing her arms and giving you and your brother a motherly smile, something you haven’t seen in years.
“Oh, apologies. Where are our manners? This is my brother Theodore Laurence, you can call him Laurie or Teddy. I’m Y/N Laurence. You can call me Y/N/N-”
Jo’s ears perked up and she turned to look at you.
You held her gaze for a second. “-or Poppy Flower. I believe Jo has now given me that nickname.”
“Oh that’s lovely of her! I’m the girls’ mother.”
“It’s nice to meet you Mrs. March.” You brother shook her hand firmly, and so did you after.
“Oh. please don’t it makes me feel old. You can call me Marmee.”
You and your brother stood there in silence when he grabbed your hand “We must be leaving, Marmee. Our grandfather is expecting us.” 
“Oh you two hurry along now. Don’t be late.”
You gave her a smile and snuck one last glance at Jo. “Goodnight, Marmee!”
The door to the March house closes. As you and your brother walk out the door, all you can think about is Jo.
Meanwhile, she shyly staring at you as you turn around to catch her eye one last time. When she sees this, she quickly turns to writing.
“Come along, Y/N.” Laurie says, giving you a smile. 
That night, Jo pulls a page out of her notebook. She’s going to start a new poem.
“The Poppy and The Sunflower...”
A/N: Feedback is appreciated!
Happy Reading!
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To Love Another pt. 3 (Jo March x fem! Laurence! reader)
A/N: I am on a ROLL. feedback is appreciated!! 
prologue - part 1 - part 2 - part 3
Laurie stood on the couch with a knee propped up on the table. You were sitting on his knee, both of you looking out the window.  
“Sit down, you two. Getting to learn Latin is a privilege. You must learn this. I cannot afford to lose this position.” Mr. Brooke said, desperately trying to get you two to focus on the lesson at hand. 
Staring at the solid white snow, a figure appears, and you tilt your head. It was a girl. “There’s a girl out there.” You said, squinting your eyes and leaning forward.
Mr. Brooke sighs, “No. There is not a girl. Back to the lesson, Y/N.”
“No! There is a girl!” Laurie, said, hopping off the couch and taking your hand, dragging you with him. He opens the window, and he stays inside while you sit on the ledge. 
“Hello there! Are you hurt?” Laurie says, now resting his forearms on the ledge.
“Mr. and Ms. Laurence, you are going to catch a cold-” Mr. Brooke started, but getting cut off. 
The little girl was sniffling. “I am Amy March!” 
“Hello there Amy, I’m Laurie.” he said, giving her a polite smile. “Greetings! I’m his sister, Y/N.” also, giving her a smile. 
“I know you two! You brought my sister home from the dance, didn’t you? I would have never sprained my ankle as she did. But now i can’t even go back home!” She said, now full-on crying, holding up her hand. 
Amy now sat on the couch with her bandaged hand, as she looked at the art on the walls. She pointed to one on the wall with a beautiful lake and trees and flowers.
“Tell the servants I want this one purchased immediately!” Amy said, pointing a finger at it.
Laurie laughs at Amy being so confident. You came so sit next to her. “Do you like it? I painted it myself.” you finished, giving her a smile.
“I Love it-” she said. “Do you dream of opening your own art gallery? It’s lovely!!” you laughed. “Yes, that’s the ideal.”
“She’s in here!” a servant said, with Jo and Meg in a tow. Meg immediately goes to comfort Jo, and starts talking to Laurie about the situation. Jo immediately runs to you and gives you a hug. She looks around the library.
“Jo! I’ve missed you!” you said, as she was still gently holding your hand. You squeezed her hand. “I think I’ve missed you all the more! Look at all these books! Surely you mustn't be lonely!”
“I cannot live on these books alone, Sun Flower. I have some personal favorites up in my room.” 
Jo hold your hand tighter and her eyes widen. “I must see! Who is your favorite author?” She finished. 
“Charlotte Bronte, of course.” You turned around and said “Dear Brother, we shall be right back.” Laurie gave you a nod and a smile and turned back to Amy as you dragged Jo by the hand and led her up the stairs.
You heard Jo audibly gasp as she entered your room. It was tall and wide, with windows stretching up an entire wall. The bookshelves were many and the books were plentiful. So much, that you needed the assistance of a ladder to reach some. 
You turned around and let go of her hand. “Welcome to my humble abode.” Jo remained frozen, mouth gaping. “Humble?! if I had this bedroom-” 
Laughing, you turned around to face her. You gave her a smile. “Which one would you like to borrow?” 
Jo kept her gaze on you and thought. “Jane Eyre. You must have it!” you nodded. “I do have in fact, several copies.” You glanced up the bookshelf and spotted the red back of the book and said “I’m always scared to climb up this ladder. I’m afraid of heights.” You said, breath getting quicker and wiping your hands on your skirt. 
“I will.” Jo said. You looked at her, confused. “I’m sorry. I meant to say I’ll catch you if you fall. I always will.” She said, getting nervous, but loving the thought of you in her arms. 
“A-Alright then.” You said, with a shaky breath. You climbed up the steps until you reached the shelf. You leaned over to grab it and made your way down. 
On one of the last steps, you slipped and let out a yelp as Jo grabbed you by the waist, gently helping you down. “Hey, hey. I’ve got you.” she said, shushing you, giving you a quick peck on the cheek, as a protective instinct. 
You stared into each others eyes for a few moments until you handed the book over to her. “H-here you go.” 
She let go of a lingering hand on your waist and grabbed the book from your hand. “We should be going down.” She said, smiling down at her feet.
You grabbed her hand once again as you led her down the stairs. 
As you entered the Library with Jo, you now saw what looked like the rest of the March family, along with your brother and grandfather.
“There you two are!” Grandfather said. 
Marmee smiled at you two and said. “Well Mr. Laurence, Thank you for taking care of my girls.” he let out a chuckle, stroking his beard. “Come back anytime! You are always welcome here!”
Jo broke her silence. “And Beth would LOVE the piano!”
Marmee took her girls’ hands. “We must be going, girls.” 
“Thank you!” all the girls said in unison. 
“Come back anytime! My doors are always open. I’ll escort you to the door.” he says. 
Jo gave your hand a squeeze and slipped a piece of paper in to your hand. This is for you.” She whispered. You nodded, with a blush on your cheeks. 
She gave you one last smile before running off with her sisters. You unfolded the paper.
“Ms. Meg, you forgot your glove!” Mr. Brooke chased after them, Meg’s glove in hand; making you and Laurie laugh.
You unfolded the piece of paper Jo had given you. 
The Poppy and The Sunflower.
a poem by Jo March for Y/N Laurence.
Your cheeks went red.
Before you could read it, you were interrupted by Mr. Brooke adjusting his overcoat. “Alright, you two. Back to work.” 
You slipped the poem into your pocket and Laurie and you returned to your previous spot on the window. 
Mr. Brooke groaned. “Sit down, you two!”
A/N: feedback is as always, appreciated! 
Happy Reading! 
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hey folks :)
so, my finals week is next week, but just wanted to let you know that you can expect me to update a bunch more after that :)
mark your calendars! new chapter of pride and prejudice AU coming Saturday the 22nd of May ;)
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Dating Poe Dameron and being with the First Order (Formerly)
Hey guys! If you come across this and you like it, please reblog, like, and/or leave a comment, as it helps my writing greatly. :) 
writing under the cut!
During The Force Awakens...
+ As General Hux’s right hand, life was pretty difficult and harsh, demanding too.
+ You had been in the first order for your entire life, you were born into it. And you never though that you would get out. 
+ But one day, you were sent to retrieve a certain resistance pilot from his cell for questioning
+ You took pity on him, and offered to help him escape. 
+ On the way to the dock, you encountered FN-2187, who had also happened to think the same thing as you.
+ Since you all couldn’t fit in the TIE, you hurried Poe and FN into the TIE and set off to find another one yourself. 
+ You both took of more or less at the same time, and both crashed on Jakku. 
+ When you woke up, only FN was there, and Poe was missing. 
+ You were both able to encounter Rey, and get back to the resistance.
+ There, you and Finn were able to find Poe again, who happened to be alive.
+ You thought you felt Poe hold you a little tighter when he gave you a hug.
+ Leia welcomed you with open arms; as for the rest of the resistance, theyw ere suspicious.
+ But when you gave them information that would aid them against the First Order, they warmed up.
+ The success of the Resistance leads you and Poe to spend more time together.
+Eventually leading to a close friendship
A/N: Wow. Ok. I didn’t like this that much but its fine. Please remember to give feedback if you enjoyed!
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