#Tamett is technically not too far removed from Josiah socially - he's a duke's nephew - but has to act as a servant
isfjmel-phleg · 2 months
Before Tamett and Josiah leave for school in Book 3, it has been an established rule that they do not travel together. Not that they travel to the same places but separately, but that Tamett does not accompany the royal family on any trip they may take, whether for public appearances, or state visits, or vacations. The reason for this is that he is simply not needed at these times. He is there primarily to do lessons with Josiah, which are less of a priority while traveling (but still done if possible! Josiah is typically expected to squeeze in some serious reading and an essay or two while on the road). There is no point in his being present for public appearances or state visits because he is not a member of the royal family. Which also disqualifies him from family vacations--he is not being paid to enjoy himself by the sea or in the mountains, and these times are usually when he gets a chance to go home.
As much as he enjoys going home, he has low-key resented getting left out of going anywhere potentially fun or interesting.
So there is one advantage to being sent away to school--he gets to take a steamship for the first time, gets to see more of the world...gets to learn that Josiah is a) extremely prone to motion sickness and b) extremely embarrassed about it, especially in front of Tamett, whom he currently hates, and therefore deals with it by being particularly impossible. And it's now solely Tamett's responsibility to look after him at these times.
This is not overly important. I just felt like mentioning it.
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