#Technically Ethereal isn't a Giratina
starintheday · 3 months
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I decided to doodle some Giratinas!
We have Niel from @askthe-eleazars
Unnamed Giratina from @loupy-mongoose
Unnamed Giratina from @phlurrii (sorry I didn't color them, the most recent colored image of them I could find was on the comic where (spoiler warning) Mew got captured by Team Rocket, and I figured that was probably outdated)
And then (two of) my Giratinas- Nex from @mewatina, and Ethereal (I don't have to write them as [REDACTED] anymore) from @shatteredspirits
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void-kissed · 1 year
actually no that last reblog has set off a ramble so let's go down the list
How human are my self-inserts?
(..The actual list is under the readmore, but for most of them the answer is "not fully", ahaha)
Adriana Laverre (Pokémon) - human, but the fact she's originally from the previous timeline and got brought forwards by Anna after dying there probably makes her come across as a bit.. not right. But hey, at least she got cute reverse freckles and fancy Giratina wings from the process. Aria Fiore (Kingdom Hearts, etc.) - not human, because she's a Heartless (so, technically she used to be a human, but isn't anymore). This also applies to her TWEWY version, where she's one of the Shinjuku Reapers (though, again, she was originally a normal exchange student before dying in Shinjuku). Sapphire "Paronet" (Xenoblade Chronicles) - technically human (Gormotti, specifically), but.. also technically a Blade Eater, courtesy of the shards of Avalon's Core Crystal she fell on. Alectra (Genshin Impact) - not human, because she's.. essentially a dead nightingale that got brought back to life through a mixture of emotional and elemental power. So she's an elemental more than anything else. "Lamia" (Genshin Impact) - not human, because she's really a Pyro Abyss Mage! Her current form is a disguise she maintains using magic, similarly to how Enjou does it. Lorenza/"Colombina" (Final Fantasy) - not human, because she's a voidsent! Technically, she's a hybrid of voidsent and the-Thirteenth's-equivalent-to-Miqo'te, like how Zero is a hybrid of voidsent and whatever-the-Thirteenth-calls-Hyur. Calanthe Marsanes (Xenosaga, Xenoblade Chronicles) - human! In Alrest, her accent would imply she's Tantalese, even though she doesn't have the red hair that is commonly seen in people from Tantal. Aline Erica (Xenoblade Chronicles) - human (well, Gormotti, specifically)! Citri Cerinthe (Xenoblade Chronicles) - initially human (or, Homs, strictly speaking, which are not the same as humans because they need ether but basically they're human), but later half-Machina due to being made a Face pilot! Nova Chromalum (Pokémon) - human chosen by a legendary Pokémon (Reshiram, specifically) Catarina di Erinacea (Fire Emblem) - human with a Crest (specifically the lost Crest of the Thorn Dragon) Ardea Volucris (Dragon Quest) - not human, because she's a Celestrian! This is true even after she loses her wings and halo from falling off of the Observatory. Camille Solane (The Elder Scrolls) - initially human (Breton, specifically), but is later turned into a vampire by Serana Lady Telanthera Amaranth (Four Leaf Cloverse) - human! Emily Azalea (Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons) - human (though her boyfriend almost definitely isn't) Seralune (UTAU, etc.) - not human, because she's an UTAUloid, specifically one designed to be like a lunar goddess.
Linaria Volucris/"Ves Fiore" (Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts) - not human, because she's a Celestrian (and that persists even after she loses her halo) "Xiara"/NIL-XIARA (Kingdom Hearts) - not human, because she's a (data-)Nobody MT001524: Echo (Parties Are For Losers) - technically not human, because she's a mutant, but those are more like "humans with powers" Alise Tayle (Four Leaf Cloverse) - not human, because she's fae Carmine the Clever (The Elder Scrolls) - technically not human because she's a Khajiit? Mimi Aster (Kirby, Super Mario) - not human! She doesn't actually know what she is, but she definitely looks human by default despite having the ability to shapeshift. However, she is in fact a magic ancient, which will probably only mean something if you're very into Kirby Cat Teuthis (Splatoon) - not human, because she's an Inkling
Jet Chromalum (Pokémon) - human, even if some suspect she has to be otherwise given that her partner Pokémon is a massive golden Luxray Amber Rylin (The Elder Scrolls) - technically human (Nord, specifically), but is also Dragonborn, so.. "human with the soul of a dragon"? Chiara Verdrose (Four Leaf Cloverse) - technically human as I think of her, but it depends on whether or not witches count as humans in Cloverse, since she is a witch! Elisa Merlot (Scienceverse) - human! Very normal human despite the lab she works in
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