#Tensei five years ago: i have the tools and plans for anything and if i don't? i have a guy who does.
pocketramblr · 2 years
I cannot stop thinking about how freakishly prepared vigs-era Tensei is, like, "let me bring multiple sets of backup communicators that are EMP resistant and link to my agency office to this fun party I'm going to, you know, just in case someone attacks and communications are cut and I need to be able to reach not just my team but other heroes there and call for outside aid, like getting a metric ton of steel cables delivered in minutes".
Does he do that at every party? Is he constantly carrying around a big bag or two of spare coms, support tech, first aid kits, and other emergency gear? What led him to decide to do that? And he's got to be networking like crazy to be getting some of these things, no wonder he's constantly getting new and varied people on his team to expand what plans they can throw together at any given moment.
But this also makes him splitting off from his group that he specifically organized to best combat Stain when he hears something weird truly stupid of him, like really just picked up the idiot ball there
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