#That's Steve + Billy hardstop
ur-fav-alien · 2 years
Ring Pop Proposals
Just kinda a stupid thing to go w/ the Harringrove Week propmts list. Fair Mart, a summer holiday, and Max + Cheese {The last 2 have very small roles.... very.} Also warning for gay slurs because Hawkins is ho-ho-homophobic
Billy and Steve had gotten into a pretty nasty fight this afternoon. Robin had come over and made a one off-joke about how Steve should’ve gotten with someone better than Billy, and that was supposed to be the end of it, but Billy felt insecure about it because Steve had agreed with her. Jokingly or not, he had agreed with her and that just rubbed Billy the wrong way. 
Billy Hargrove was famous for not caring about what other people thought, but he cared about what Steve thought about him. So Billy had brought it up while they were making lunch, and Steve got defensive, and Billy spit out that he didn’t like Robin, and one thing led to another and spilled macaroni was all over their kitchen floor while they screamed at each other. 
And now they were both silent in Billy’s car as they drove to Fair Mart to get some birthday supplies because they had totally forgotten it was Max’s birthday. That was a new low for Billy. Despite whatever happened to him, he never forgot Max’s birthday. But of course, Steve Harrington had to change that. 
They were both well aware that Fair Mart would only have the bare minimums for what could be seen as ‘party food’, but the party was in 30 minutes and they had a 20 minute drive from their place to Max’s trailer park. They stormed out of the car and went into the small store, splitting up to find things that Max would like. 
Billy was looking around for some drinks to bring that those freshman losers would like when he turned his head to see Steve in the candy aisle, trying to remember what type Billy’s step-sister liked the best. He stopped searching for drinks and instead focused his attention on Steve as his nose was scrunched up and eyebrows were furrowed, pouring all his concentration into finding the right candy for that little redhead. 
And Billy couldn’t stay mad at him. Steve was his god damn everything. Steve was his fucking world. Steve didn’t even know how important he was to Billy, but he didn’t mind. He was more than satisfied to remind Steve every single day how important he was to the former bully. Billy was willing to wake up a little earlier to make them both coffee. Billy found a new movie that he might wanna watch? If Steve didn’t want to watch it, Billy would throw it out the window. Steve was struggling with something in his class? Who cares if Billy had a paper due the next morning? He was willing to push it to the side to help Steve. 
Steve could find someone better than him, Billy didn’t doubt that. He definitely had his moments, like when some 30-something-dude in his science class wouldn’t shut up and Billy chucked a water bottle at his head. Or when Max was getting too annoying, so he clamped his hand over her mouth for her to finally shut up. Or when Billy snapped at some cashier for dropping his food. Yeah, he could be an asshole, and yeah, Steve could get with someone so much better than him, but Steve had stayed. They had been together for a good 2 years now and Steve had yet to leave! He had every opportunity to! Billy had given him plenty of chances when he was at his lowest, but Steve fucking stayed. 
Who cares what Robin thought? Who cares what anyone thought about the two of them? Steve was Billy’s shining moon in his darkest nights, and no one could take that away from him. 
So Billy stomped his way into the candy aisle and snatched a ring pop from one shelf. To Steve’s surprise, Billy popped open the packaging, holding just the ring pop, and kneeled down on one knee. 
Steve gasped and held a hand to his mouth. There were like two other people in the store besides them and the cashier, and Billy was doing this. 
“Steve Harrington-” 
“Shut up, listen.” Steve held both hands to his mouth, his eyes wide with shock. “You, Steve Harrington, are my fucking moon. You’re my stars in this deep existential void we call space, and I couldn’t be fucking happier. Why should I care what Robin thinks? Why should I care what anyone thinks? I’ve been with you for two long years and you haven’t left me yet, so why should I be insecure now?” Billy could see the cashier from the corner of his eye, and she was staring. “The point of life isn’t about caring what other people think! It’s about delaying your inevitable death and having a fun as fuck time doing it!” Billy pulled Steve’s arm down so he could take his hand. “So, Steve Harrington, will you delay your death with me and have a fun time doing it for the rest of our lives?” 
“And not care about what other people think.” He added. “And will you forgive me for our fight earlier? Jesus shit- I’m sorry- I should’ve written this down I-” 
“Yes!” Steve yelped, and Billy looked at him with wide eyes. “Yes! Just- Fucking- Yes to all of it!” 
Billy hopped to his feet and planted a big kiss to Steve’s lips while also messily putting the ring pop on Steve’s finger. Billy had never felt happier while kissing his now… fiance? They should probably work out what they wanted to call each other from now on. Billy was content with calling Steve anything he wanted. It was stupid, and this whole thing would usually make Billy gag because it was so ‘cute’ and Billy Hargrove wasn’t cute, but this was Steve. This was his Steve. It might’ve been a little cutesy, but he didn’t care, because he was doing it with Steve.  
The cashier gasped. “You guys are faggots!” 
“Shit!” Steve hissed, but Billy was already sprinting. 
“Get the candy!” He screamed while holding a liter of coke and rushing out the door with Steve not far behind him with an armful of sour patch kids. 
They both hurried into the car and started it. Billy’s heart was beating so loud he was completely positive that Steve could hear it - hell, Billy was sure that the entirety of Hawkins could hear it. They were so going to get killed. Billy was going to wake up one day in this apartment and have it burning because some homophobic assholes decided they weren’t worthy enough to live. 
And one of those people that wanted to kill Billy and Steve was one of the store patrons who came out behind them, yelling vulgar obscenities and picking up a stray brick to throw at the car. It nearly hit them, but they got away. They were cheering loudly, screaming at the top of their lungs because holy shit was that an adrenaline rush. Billy proposing with a ring pop, stealing shit from Fair Mart, and some angry asshole throwing a brick at them. What else could you ask for on a sunny summer birthday for a step-sister? 
Steve was running his hands through his and his wide pupils made it look like had been on some type of acid. “Holy shit- My- Holy shit! My parents are going to find out! Holy fuck- people are going to talk! So- so many people are going to talk! I can’t-” 
“Steve-” Billy put his hand on the man’s thigh, but he continued babbling nonsense. 
“I mean, they already suspected a lot of things when I moved in with you, but- wow! Wow! They’re gonna fucking know! Oh my god! Oh-” 
“Steve!” Billy shouted and Steve snapped his head towards his boyfriend. Fiance? Husband!? “What did I say?” He laughed. 
Steve stared at him for a moment, mouth gaping and eyes squinted in confusion before his memory snapped in place. “I don’t care if they know, but like… Holy shit man, they’re gonna know.” 
“You’re living with me now. You don’t gotta worry ‘bout your parents.” 
“I know, but,” Steve slumped down in his passenger seat. “Jesus shit, my parents are going to know.” 
“Hey,” Billy took Steve’s hand. Eyes pulling away from the empty road to stare at his… lover. “I love you. That should be the only thing that matters.” 
Steve’s eyes looked like they were filled with stars. “Yeah… yeah it is.” He sat up in his seat and pulled Billy in for a quick kiss before pushing his head back to look at the road. 
And when they showed up at Susan’s with a ring pop around Steve’s ring finger, the kids all smiled.
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