#The Maven of the Strings ( League of Legends verse)
withperfecttempo · 3 years
Archetype quiz.
48% Creative
The Creative appreciates all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who they are.
30% Performer
Taking center stage comes naturally to the Performer, whether at the water cooler or in front of an audience. They are magnetic and know how to inspire.
22% Caregiver
Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the Caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.
Tagged by: @vilestblood // Thank youuu <3
Tagging: @necrofntasia (For Friede), @rosespun, @ryukishini, @sttrigh, @viivyre (For Arturia), and anyone else can snag it!
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
Headcanon - On Sona's Sign Language Accent
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// Because Galrin-village, the Buvelles’ curated sign, and Runeterra standardized sign languages have major differences among them with very little overlap, Sona has a mixed sign accent of primarily the first two sign languages.
Sona has most likely learned some form of Galrin village sign language from her early childhood years since the island is pretty secluded and she lives in a monastery. Her exposure to what may be considered Ionia’s official language may be scant since the island is quite distant from most of the country in a geographical standpoint. Thus, the culture and its spoken and sign language(s) and dialects would be removed to certain degrees as well. Due to uncertain her timeline is for when she moved to Demacia, for the sake of my portrayal, I’d gauge that Sona had left Galrin sometime before she was a pre-teen which plays a factor in how strong the Galrin village sign accent is in her sign language usage.
When she arrived at Demacia, she had to adapt to the Buvelles' curated sign which is surely worlds different from what she grew up with originally and definitely influenced by official Demacian. Given her family's involvement in politics, I wouldn't be surprised if she was exposed to the international standard sign since they must have interacted with foreign parties and Sona must have attended certain events to perform. Based on this timeline up until her color story when she fled, she would be learning two different languages, sign and spoken, well into her adulthood. 
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withperfecttempo · 3 years
@tartarusdwelt asked:  ‘ you have an army of words hidden behind your teeth ’ / g'raha to sona!
Her gaze lingers, surprise and intrigue lingers on her face as she narrows her thoughts on the expression. She tries to hold back her brows from furrowing as she puzzles over it. “Army”, must mean “many. “Hidden behind teeth”? Sona is at a loss. What words ever formed behind a closed mouth and throat that could not produce its own sound to form these words? She blinks once, grappling onto ‘words’ as a centerpiece to construct the rest of the meaning. Her hand raises, fingers split and press against her lips. 
A moment later her eyes widen and she gasps when she believes she has some direction in what the Exarch might mean all while realizing her confusion had yielded a degree of awkward silence between them. 
‘Do you mean that I have much to say? Many thoughts?’
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withperfecttempo · 3 years
@vilestblood asked: A Crow will fly through the window, being bold enough to make the intrusion somewhat remarkable. Its intention does seem quite clear; landing on a chair nearby the stage where Sona rehearses, as though determined to hear her music like any other spectator would.
The turbulence causes Sona to nearly collide with the etwahl as she takes a few steps back. Her head jerks and eyes shut at the collection of noises from what sounds like a sudden entry and her hands brace over her mouth with sheet music crumpled in her grasp. Amidst the cacophony, she could hear an unmistakable beating of wings colliding with the curtains. The events soon settle. Her hands lower and press against her chin as she treads carefully towards the source of the occurrence.
To her surprise, upon a chair, a rather large crow perches atop the wooden backing. Sona’s gaze falls to the scattered wood and torn fabric from the drapes on the floor. The wind blows through the windows, beckoning her regard as she notices the curtains now in partial ribbons bellowing in the breeze from the unceremonious entry. She returns to the crow, peering at it with her head atilt. 
‘Do you wish to listen?’ she signs. A faint smile draws upon her lips now at the prospect of the crow understanding her that grows into an audible, breathy chuckle. 
She turns and walks towards the etwahl, lifting it into her arms and carrying towards the backstage where the crow sits. Placing the instrument onto a table she peers over her shoulder to the crow and delivers a final message before preparing to play one last round for her rehearsal.
‘This is “Sunset Bird”.’
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withperfecttempo · 3 years
which traditional japanese aesthetic concept speaks to your soul ?
間 ma
ma   is   the   term   for   the   Japanese   concept   of   negative   space.   Though   commonly   used   to   refer   to   literal,   visible   negative   space,   ma   may   also   refer   to   the   mere   perception   of   such,   without   necessarily   requiring   a   physical   compositional   element.   ma   combines   the   characters   for   door   and   sun,   which   together   depict   a   door   through   the   crevice   of   which   the   sunlight   peeps   in.   ma   is   filled   with   nothing   but   energy   and   feeling,   thus   enabling   growth,   sparking   creativity   and   permitting   freedom.   It   is   the   momentary   pause   in   speech   needed   to   convey   meaningful   words   and   the   sincerity   of   a   feeling,   the   silence   between   the   notes   that   make   the   music.   ma   is   an   emptiness   full   of   possibilities,  like   a   promise   yet   to   be   fulfilled.
tagged by:  @obliviorum and @vilestblood // Thank ya’ll for the tags! 
tagging: @rosespun, and anyone else who wants to can take a stab at it!
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@dcvorakk asked:  " I know that fate was not kind to the two of us, but ... if you want to talk to me, remember, I will always understand, I will always listen. "
Sona has not thought of it this way, that fate dictates how one’s life should be. She had always lived with the notion of being grateful for being so fortunate for where she has been placed. Her chest grows heavy and some level of doubt washes over her countenance at Julian’s words, hooking onto when he stated he would understand. Brows knit and her gaze meanders from the center to the outer parts of his face, settling on the slightest crinkles she could see that highlights his smile. She gives him a single nod despite fighting off the sadness and bitterness that threatens to surface and overflow. Sona cracks a soft smile so as to express receiving his offer with care. 
‘Thank you.’
Those are the words she musters from her heart and relays them without parchment and sign to the doctor. He is no stranger to the life of frequent flights, carrying the wounds of others as well as his own. Like her, he bears a similar sorrow of perhaps never reuniting with his family. Fate had placed them together so that they would not run alone. Listening is one of the kindest and bravest offers when the world is constantly in turmoil; to take it and find another home in it is another form of courage.
Perhaps one day, just not now.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
// This post details my thoughts and headcanons on Sona’s lore update and her color story. Rather than separating them all into different posts, I think it’s sufficient enough to combine them into one rather than try to create separate posts and tack on my older headcanons from the previous lore.
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Relationship with etwahl and method of “communication”:
There is a combination of ways: through touch, seemingly intuitive; it’s hard to place a finger but it feels as though there is another presence working its thoughts in tandem with hers. 
Coping and adjusting to petricite effects:
Upon her arrival to Demacia, she definitely felt the effects quite immediately. She grew fatigued and her family had thought that she might be tired from her travels and that she would recuperate after spending a certain amount of time with them without overbearing travels. Over time with consistent exposure, she has learned to adjust herself and adapt to the effects to be able to mask them sufficiently. Sona’s awareness could also extend to her being able to take notice of details to be able to adapt to her situations. Given that she’s surrounded by petricite daily, it’s a consistent enough basis for her to be able to develop a tolerance for it as well as figuring out how to allot her energies to be able to carry herself smoothly. Bigger gatherings such as galas tend to be the most exhaustive for her, especially when she has been asked to perform at the event. As she grows older and stronger, she’s been much better to be able to mask its draining effects on her.
Returning to Ionia, she must have felt the effects from petricite much like how one would experience jet lag when traveling. There is a point when her equilibrium in terms of arcane energy which causes her to feel sick or exhausted. As such, she needs time to be able to recover and get her bearings.
Sona and her abilities adapted and grew stronger.. It’s possible that the spirit in the etwahl adjusted also given its longevity and persistence to be with Sona. Her abilities most likely have grown as she expanded and honed her music expertise as well. Much like bottled inspiration, it lingers for a time before overflowing or bursting.
Political dealings in Demacia:
Sona does not have much of a role in Demacia’s politics despite now taking on the Buvelle name upon her adoption.
Given Demacia’s strong repulsion for anything arcane and that Ionia is a land that’s flowing with it, there is little surprise that there would be a number of stereotypes that manifested towards Ionians within Demacia. I’m almost sure that Sona’s dealt with multiple instances of racism. Creating stereotypes working off of racism is an easier way to create scapegoats to avoid persecution by the mage seekers. With this being said, I don’t think it would be much of a stretch to see a possibility of witch-hunts among citizens every now and then.
Learning languages:
It’s difficult for Sona, in general, to learn a language in general. It’s even harder for Sona to learn a language that doesn’t follow similar syntax and grammar as, say, a language she has grown up with in Ionia. It’s hard for her to draw connections and be able to make comparisons to grasp the rules completely. 
She can only communicate so much through the rough sign-language that the Buvelles had developed specifically for her. She still tries to learn and employ other means of getting her message across other than music for practical means such as carrying paper and graphite in the event she comes across someone who doesn’t understand any form of sign. Since her form of sign is specialized for primarily her use, it’s more of a reason for her to be flexible in the event that her close friends or family aren’t able to help her at the moment she needs. 
I’m keeping the notion that Sona can use telepathy with those akin to magic. I believe that her wanting to be able to communicate is one of the bigger catalysts to make this happen. It also wouldn’t make much sense for her to keep all her voice lines to herself. If the etwahl is possessed by some spirit, I could imagine that Sona is also able to communicate through telepathic means with spiritual beings.
Manifestation of Sona’s ultimate:
Sona’s ultimate spell, “Crescendo”, is something that consists of accumulated magic and strong emotions. Emotions can boil over when kept repressed for too long similarly to overfilling a glass or when substances are subjected to tense factors in a closed environment. The contents will spill over or break out of its confines.
 She didn’t know it was something she, herself, is capable of ever doing. 
Most of her magic is more support oriented, aiming to empower and help an ally recover. As far as her more offensive spell, “Hymn of Valor”, I see it as something that acts to leave openings such as disarming a foe.
Violence in Sona’s magic and morals:
Sona did not want to kill the mage seekers. Her ultimate is made of built up emotions and energies that ended up becoming a last resort as a result of being cornered. 
Her being violent and actually wanting to kill goes completely against what she stands for as one who instills hope and comfort. Her strong opposition to Sylas’ approach is quite telling. All in all, she’s against hurting people, which includes murder, even if she inadvertently left the mage seekers in a ghastly state.
She was in panic mode so she probably didn’t think too much beyond the fact she just wanted to protect her friends and loved ones so she just wants to make sure the mage seekers are unable to go after them. Sona has seen too many innocent people being falsely accused and ripped of their livelihood so she wants to put a stop to it in any way she could. It also seems like they have suspected Sona for a time to approach her in an organized way. 
If there is a time when she has absolutely no choice but to kill, I firmly and forever believe that the first and last person she kills is Jhin.
Despite much that she has gone through, she still manages to be a kind and comforting presence. Sona must have come to realize that despite being placed in the most unfortunate situations, she still is able to take her life into her own hands and alleviate any pain anyone else has experienced by simply being a warm presence while providing good and relatable music.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@siniste asked:  ' no need to be grateful, you're only alive because Swain said so. — had it been for me, you wouldn't be here right now. '
Her fingertips linger the marred skin on her cheek. The sting prickles her flesh, her senses still remembering so clearly of the steel blade that had tasted her skin and blood. A vague pang of indignation rises within her chest but it was quickly quelled by the bitter reminder that there are others within the high ranks of Noxus who are capable of what the Sinister Blade could do and more. Though Sona’s brows rise at her statement, they furrow momentarily before smoothing upwards into higher arches.
Sona’s hand pulls away from her face, fingertips now finding some respite above her chest as she watches the Sinister Blade turn her back to her. But it is then do her brows come to level and her hands meet atop the cold stone she is situated upon. Her gaze falls to her legs that have been horribly scraped, the skirt of her dress torn from her ventures prior and during her untimely arrival at Noxus. She looks upon them with little strength and courage to will her companion to join her to heal her recent injuries. Upon the assassin’s waning steps, Sona lifts her head just enough for her peripherals to observe how far along she had been, the smallest of hope prods at her for a chance she can have to herself to process and polish away the wounds.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@sinistere asked:  ' don't give me that look, princess. you knew what was going to happen and decided to come in anyway, that's the result of your own idiocy. '
Her words have long been locked in her chest since the day she could breathe. Her every sense knew that every inch of her adornment speaks loudly that she hails from Demacia. Sona presses her body against the stone corner as her legs and torn feet plant against the dirt. Blood trickles from the various cuts on her legs and feet from her ceaseless running until her frenzied mind acts on its own and stops her in her tracks upon the presence of a new adversary. She could feel the stinging creeping upon her but quickly dissipates upon the point of a jagged dagger threatening to slide down her cheek. 
Sona’s eyes fix on a set of domineering greens looking downward upon her such as those of a cat that traps and taunts its prey. Her entire being trembles, arms bracing the ground wanting to shuffle back to create distance and perhaps creating some semblance of a leverage to flee. Yet, she also wishes to bring them to her face despite the transitory sense of security shortly before her fingers would be sliced before her eyes. With her back fully against the wall she presses her eyes closed, clinging onto the sounds of her ragged breaths.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@solliium asked:  “I fear I’ll die a broken-hearted man. Or a hungry one, at the very least.” // from sarin !
[ Prompt list here ]
Amidst the bustle of the inn, chatter and raucous laughter of drunken men and women, shuffles of footsteps upon creaking wooden floors and furniture, Sona could hear the adjacent male’s voice quite clearly; much more so than his previous muttered ramblings. Audible grumbles would fly past his lips every time the keeper strides past him as if she was adamant on ignoring him; so Sona’s observations would tell her, it had been a lively night thus far and it would not die down anytime soon. Surprisingly, however, one of the cooks was quick to deliver Sona her meal despite arriving sometime after the other had based on his clear notes of agitation. She glances at her serving of vegetables and rice. A meager amount but enough she gathered would hold her for the evening and a part of the morning. 
Though she had journeyed for a time just as most patrons present, her observations make her uneasy that there is someone who had been waiting longer and who may have experienced worse hardships than she has. 
She turns to the stranger, her gaze shifting again to her plate. A reluctant hand reaches out for a moment before retracting, unsure if her contact would be welcomed at all. Still, her tapping against the wood closest to him seems as if it could easily be buried among the cacophony which surrounds them. Taking the plate in one hand, she inches towards the man with an outstretched hand and tapped his forearm. Once Sona confirms that he is aware of her approach, she extends the other arm bearing the food towards him. She nods towards him, the other hand now retreating to grasp the other side of the plate as she gestures for him to take it. Her regard towards him reflects an earnest yielding, holding to faith, alone, that he does not take it as a gesture of pity. Should he take up on her offer, she could ask for something else. The staff had been awfully attentive to her needs thus far.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@sahraim asked:  'You're safe now, thank me later if you want.'
It is a curious thing how each trial Sona has stumbled upon peels a layer of herself away and reveals remarkable aspects of herself. Remarkable in a way that they are often unexpected or long-thought to have been grown out of from childhood. Underneath the prim and proper exterior, a gilded display of a noblesse. The modest, more known temperament of a classical musician lies a refreshing and livelier core. A cat is able to maintain an unmistakable stoic exterior then with swift and smooth transition inflict an incredible sense of confusion when indulging in curiosity or frenzied impulse.
Sona could not make odds and ends of what had occurred other than noticing a tense air between two groups of patrons who had entered the vicinity. Thin-pressed lips, a haughty laugh from one, and clenched teeth lying behind a grimace was what she saw before colorful words were thrown at one another followed by balled fists and bottles. The first word of insult was thrown and shattering glass breaks the strained aura before the establishment erupts into a complete state of chaos. She was quick to act, having little thought about her actions other than to simply ensure that she was out of harm’s way as her arms clasp tightly around 
In her own defense, there could have been no better way to avoid collateral damage should she remain as where she stood. With a split thought and reflex, she sways to a side with outreached arms that enclose onto a firm, warm body. Sona only thinks of this a time after she and the individual in her company has removed them from the turbulence. The woman does not even put any effort into prying her off her person as her statement alone produced a more than satisfactory outcome. Her laughter rings through the air as quickly as Sona’s face colors and warms, her eyes darting to anywhere else but Samira; swift to retract herself and yield generous space between where they stand.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
Guide and Guardian
Jhin ( @quartlet )
[ Continued from here ]
Bright eyes shoot open, air rushed from open lips as she prompts herself to sit upright on her bed. Her palms press against flushed cheeks clad with sweat and strands of touseled hair. She massages her face, smoothing up and downward towards her mouth, then brushing away a descending droplet. With a shaky inward inward breath and exhale, she lowers her hands to her lap. The warmth of her overlapping hands affirming that it had all been a dream; that she is currently to her senses and very much awake.
Her mother once spoke of an angel as a child. Sona used to dream he would appear. Yet there were two, one who has provided unparalelled tutelage in music from the shadows and another who presents himself as a closer kin to the devil. Their voices are one, the same that she has known ever since she frequents the theater that resides in the heart of Piltover. Sona's gaze trails to her late mother's photo in a silver frame on her nightstand. Her eyes linger on her mother's face before lowering then to her gradually enclosing arms.
Perhaps it would be best for the Phantom, the secret and strange angel to not be aware of these. With far more pressing works in line, the last thing he would need is to be perturbed by riddling visions of a woman. Yet, no matter how hard she works to conceal her troubles and worries, he, the unseen genius, is quick to detect her agitation. May it be through eyes that reflect the sea and sky, lips that twitch ever so slightly, or her degree of lacking responses as she retracts to her reflections, he is sharp. With no other choice, she just has to keep trying, for he has always been with her, all around her.
He frightens her.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@sttrigh asked:  “ i like seeing you smile. ”
[ Prompt list here ]
Sett stood at the doorway one evening, his intense gaze fixated on her as she stared back at him after her hands had dropped to her lap from wiping the tears from her face. A mixture of surprise, guilt, and a deep, ebbing sorrow lace in her eyes as she could not stop the tears from pooling and trailing down her cheeks. She realized she has allowed herself too deep as her body shudders even at the attempts of her suppressing her sobs and her hands curl upward in her lap, unsure how to return to the poised presentation she was supposedly practiced in creating rather than appear as though she was preparing to catch more tears. So here she is situated, haunched, broken; stripped of her radiant grace as she bathed in her long-held sorrow and cold moonlight upon her back. She tried to stop more tears from coming all while mustering what she could to conjure a reassurance. Sona’s mind slows the rush as she comes to grips that it was futile at this point. Instead, she finds herself watching him as he makes his way closer to her and plants himself besides her on the bed.
“It’s alright,” he had said. “You don’t have to tell me anything. I’ll just be here.”
In solace does Sona find comfort in letting her tears fall; to allow herself to crumble in her own hands. She lets her weary heart tear and collapse on itself after enduring the ordeals she had been placed in. With that, Sona could pick herself up, piece herself together, and move forward knowing she had not made herself into a burden for another. 
However, in solace too, does Sona find healing. There is a sense of peace in how she expresses her anguish as well as happiness as she searches for the latter in everything and everywhere she possibly could. From the morning sun peeking through the clouds and warm her eyelids, the gentle winds brushing against her cheek, the ripples of children’s laughter ringing throughout the city, and even a bird returning to its nest at sunset. The bright blue of her eyes and those from the last burst of late sunset flares clash against one another as Sona finds herself lost amidst the myriad of colors, indulging in fragments of a concept for a potential, new composition. Losing herself in deep thought makes it so that she does not hear Sett’s approaching footsteps. A sweeping motion brings Sona back into the present; calloused fingertips trail along the lower curve of her lip from one side to the other, beckoning for her to follow. A soft voice calls her to listen and an even softer touch lulls her to lean into it until his fingers join at a loose strand; gathering and tucking it behind her ear. 
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@sahraim asked: ❝ i quite like the way mud feels underfoot ❞
[ Prompt list here ]
Someone with much more coverage has little to fear about sludge slipping between the toes. For the mercenary to stand so proudly and unbothered by the rainfall, her steel-toed boots holding her tall. It is as if her presence, alone, challenges the heavens to bring about a stronger downpour to bring her to her knees. Should they even bring thunder and lightning, she would dance amidst the flashes and the continuous precipitation. The unpredictability of where, when, and how loudly the thunder strikes adds more to her thirst for aptness in improvisation. It is a challenge, it is a thrill. Having mud under and caking the soles is a milder aspect or simply just another indicator for a story of a compelling tale to tell aside from her tattoos which cover her arms. 
Sona peers at the sky from under the inn’s extended roof over its entrance. A finger brushes away a fringe from her eyes as they narrow, gauging how much rain there actually is. Though, judging from the sodden roads now softened into mud and footprints that now serve as pools for the precipitation, she gathers that it would be a time until the roads are completely dry again. Carefully, she treads from the entrance towards the start of the walkway to the porch with an upward facing, outstretched hand, sandals falling with soft clacks and causes the old wood to creak. Though she reaches a point where she would be comfortably dry, she takes another step just to expose some more of her arm as if she wonders if that would give her a firmer idea of how heavy the downpour is. Or perhaps just for her skin to be kissed by the rain.
The singular step proves to be a mistake before she could make the distinction. Losing her footing on a thick smear of mud on the porch, she soon finds herself sliding, arms flailing to find support while onlookers gasp at the scene. Luckily for her, a hand grabs onto a wooden pole that holds the groove overhead. Pulling at it, she does her best to pull her weight and bring her arm to join the other and encircle the wood as Sona stops herself from further descent. She attaches her entire being onto the pole and plants her being firmly on cleaner grounds. Rather than mind the concerned patrons, Sona stares at the floor, her mouth agape with rushing inhales and exhales, as she calms herself to let the panic subside. Slowly does she loosen her embrace as the rise and fall of her chest slows. 
Unfortunately for Sona, this is where she and Samira may disagree just as their contrasting choice of footwear.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
 Headcanon - On Sona's Telepathy
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// I’ve been mauling over this since the start of this blog and I just haven’t really been able to put it into words. But the new content from Riot does help significantly.
Besides using sign language and writing, I’ve been slipping into portraying her telepathic “speech” without describing how “voice” may sound like when relaying her thoughts. The main reference for this is her line, “My music is my voice.” I believe Riot gave her a literal voice in-game because it is difficult to conceptualize her relayed thoughts as simply text. Other than that, I don’t think she actually has one. It would be some sort of slim feat to even conceptualize a distinct sound for herself as every voice is unique to each individual who is able to vocalize. So with that, I tend to leave it up to the readers to decide how her tone is like as well as hints with body language and atmosphere.
The range of it is within their vicinity, breathing the same air in the same space; roughly when able to hear someone speak. The way her telepathy is perceived is akin to simply sensing that certain trains of thoughts and/or words aren’t their own. Her efforts for telepathic communication are generally non-intrusive. The general impression of it is a prod in the mind that’s akin to a light but noticeable tap to someone’s person to get their attention. In fact, some may even describe her telepathic transference to be refreshing and calming like a breeze or steady ebb and flow of waves; an impression of being washed or brushed upon that soothes and awakens the senses. This can possibly be the effects of the magic from her aura. Sona can definitely get a feeling of how guarded the mind is and may even feel a degree of pain if she tries to establish some sort of channel with them. In the event the individual has a weaker affinity to magic, they may be able to still pick up parts of a phrase or words if Sona attempts to reach out to them like how a message is broken due to radio interference. 
In regards to how she communicates with the etwahl, it’s more of an intuitive thing. I’ve written about it briefly in this post linked here. As mentioned, the way Sona and the etwahl communicate is more of a visceral connection; a shared “will” so to speak, as if they share an entity or vessel.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
Headcanon - On Interactions with Demacians
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I strongly believe Sona is someone who does her best to go beyond sympathizing with many walks of life; she does her best to empathize when she’s able. Her interactions with beings and what they share with her are inspirations to her music. Thus, she does her best to see where people are coming from. Given her exposure and some level of curiosity to Lestara’s role in Demacian politics and enduring the effects of petricite, it didn’t take her long to understand that Demacia was founded on fear under the guise of righteousness. Here are some of my interpretations and thoughts of her updated voice lines that I totally didn’t type up as soon as they came out:
“There’s so much pain in Xin Zhao’s heart. Why?”
“We’re both a long way from home, Xin Zhao. Rest easy.”
Hailing from Ionia, a place of magic and residing in a nation that has anti-magic sentiments and governments would brew stereotypes and even racism. Xin Zhao has lived in multiple places (Ionia, Noxus, then Demacia) to prove his strength before he was serving Jarvan III. I would guess that Sona’s arrival could have taken place well after Xin Zhao has but given her circumstances of adoption, seeing another Ionian is comforting. In the same token, seeing her fellow countryman bottle his feelings about their ordeals within Demacia hurts, no matter how long he has been away from Ionia; in part because he wants to move on and because of his current role. She feels love towards Ionia and the people, especially being placed in situations that force them to strip themselves of home. 
Sona is keen with piecing information from her observations of body language, diction, and whatever pieces of history she knows about someone. It’s hard to say if she’s sharper than most folks when it comes to detecting someone’s true emotions but he must have revealed enough for her to pick up on from maybe their meetings. The first line seems to be something that she wonders to herself as well as something she would ask him if she ever has a chance to speak to him. 
“Sorry Garen, but I can’t help if I’m locked up.” 
Sona’s relationship may be polite at the very best. Garen holds very strong and contrasting views compared to his sister and herself, given that they both are mages and he isn’t. Sona is very aware of Demacia’s overall attitudes as well as their plight, believing in some semblance of cooperation to make up for what one party may lack. It’s the stubborn pride and ignorance that she doesn’t agree with. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if there had been times when Sona couldn’t help herself and stood up to statements he has made towards mages.
“A Crownguard and a mage? Wouldn’t want to be her.”
“Don’t worry, Lux. One day, our kind will be free.”
There’s a duality in regards to her friendship with Lux. In one aspect, she understands what it means to be a mage in Demacia, therefore abiding by the laws and not wanting to expose herself. It seems that she makes it clear what her stance is in the tension but in the same token, I could see that being a huge detriment to her and the Buvelles where they could be tried for treason for bringing an Ionian mage into Demacia. In another, she does her best to empathize with Lux. Sona knows how fortunate she is to be taken into an overall welcoming and warm household. She doesn’t have siblings who are ardent on their stances and would hound them with certain pressures to be a certain way. She could understand to a degree which gives her more reason to want to befriend her. In another, I think she has a feeling that being surrounded by pressures makes it difficult for Lux to keep appearances so there is a sense of supportive comradery in their friendship as well as hope that oppression and prejudice towards mages would be dispelled.
“Why won’t Jarvan act? All it would take is a single decree.”
“A single decree, and he just wouldn’t do it.”
I feel like despite being decently versed in Demacian politics, she might not know the specifics of it where she might not be sure of the extent of J4’s authority. She probably assumed because he is a prince, he would have as much power as his father, the king. From a different, possibly unrelated line she had where she says, “That sounds like a personal problem.” which I narrow down could be towards Jhin or J4, she could draw a conclusion by believing that J4 does have enough authority to work to reform the government but he refuses because he also harbors hatred towards mages. 
Despite being hopeful, I like to believe that Sona isn’t completely idealistic. She understands that it takes a long time and a lot to build a nation as well as maintaining it. However, I would wager that she believes that change can start with a single step and that would be the “single decree” that could be issued. 
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