#The Tercentenary Incident
jellie-bean · 6 years
Fallout 76: What We Know and What We Might Expect to See
Disclaimer: Not about gameplay mechanics (multi vs. singleplayer) but more focused on the lore and world building aspects of what the game could entail
Vault 76 is only mentioned three times in the other iterations of the Fallout series: twice in Fallout 3 (once in the core game and once in the Mothership Zeta dlc) and once in the prologue to Fallout 4. The mention in Fallout 4 is definitely a blink and miss it moment; it occurs in the prologue, where people are generally focusing on the other things going on rather than the news report that’s going on in the background while you’re puttering around the living room. In Mothership Zeta, we hear mention of Vault 76 in a captive recording done by the Zetans. And in the core Fallout 3, we find information on the vault in a Vault-Tec terminal located inside the Citadel. So let’s take a look at what each of these mentions tell us about Vault 76.
Fallout 4: The newscaster’s dialogue can all be found here (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Newscaster). He says that Vault 76 was debuted the previous year in alignment with America’s tercentenary; that is, America’s 300 year anniversary of being a nation. Beyond that, we’re not given much hard info on the Vault. We can assume that it must have been received well due to the continuation of the Vault program and the expansion the newscaster mentions, of more than 100 vaults.
Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta: Honestly, the least helpful mention of Vault 76. In MZ, you can find captive recordings of people (and a cow/brahmin) that the Zetans had abducted. One recording is of Giles Wolstencroft (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Giles_Wolstencroft), an assistant CEO of Vault-Tec. He had been inspecting the construction of Vault 76 when he was abducted. We don’t know if he was alone, as he doesn’t mention anyone being abducted along with him. It will be interesting to see if we get any mention of this guy in Fallout 76 (even if it’s just a small note on a terminal, I’ll be happy tbh).
Fallout 3, Core: As mentioned above, we find the most information about Vault 76 on a Vault-Tec terminal located in the Citadel, which was labelled as a Records Database source. All the information I list can be found here (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Citadel_terminal_entries), about halfway down the page. We can’t see anything about project goals, apparently whoever is logged into the terminal doesn’t have access to that section. However, we are told a few things. The main, most interesting thing is that Vault 76 was meant to function exactly as Vault-Tec advertised: this vault was a control vault. This means no wacky experiments, no weird administrative choices. It was meant to function as a clean, as-advertised vault. It’s listed as a DC area vault yet we don’t see it in Fallout 3 itself (this would support the theory that Vault 76 is located somewhere in the Virginias, ,which would place it close enough to DC to be included in that list). It lists the duration as 240 months (20 years) and it’s total occupancy as 500. This number is quite a bit higher than the other vaults listed in the same terminal but I find that nearly to be expected. As a controlled variable, Vault-Tec would want to make sure there was enough of a population so that any surprises wouldn’t probably affect the whole of the vault. The controlled variable in an experiment is just as important as the variables that were getting treated with the experiment itself: If Vault-Tec didn’t have a baseline to compare to (Vault 76, no experiments done, “normal” development) how were they to know that the reaction of the test subjects (for example, Vault 92 and how the people reacted to the sound experiments) was genuine and not just a “normal” behavior?  
And that’s it. That’s all we really know for sure. The Vault-Tec terminal mentions other things, like running a computer control system called Brainpower 4 (which makes me think of Robobrains, but we’re never really told what Brainpower itself is). This is the lore facts that we currently have for 76 and assuming Bethesda doesn’t mess up its own lore, we can list these as “facts”.
Except we do know of another control vault. Vault 8 (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_8). According to Chris Avellone, who worked on Fallout 2 and New Vegas, released the Fallout Bible, in which he included some behind the scenes information (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Bible_0#Vault_system). While not explicitly stated in Fallout 2, there was meant to be an opportunity to allow you to learn that Vault 8 was intended to be a control vault and open once the all-clear was given. And apparently that all clear would come...after 10 years, not 20. The resulting Vault City did not seem to be ravaged by nuclear waste nor suffer from anything that you could explicitly blame on the close timeline to the bombs dropping.
Time Frame: the year on the Pipboy is 2102, 25 years after the bombs dropped and 5 years after the doors to Vault 76 were meant to be opened. Not much to say here, really, but will come up later.
Pipboy and Vault Suit: The Pipboy shown in the trailer appears more like the Pipboys from Fallout 1 and 2, aka a  Pipboy 2000.Which actually kind of makes sense. It seems like Vault 76 was one of the earlier vaults to be finished and it’s easy to assume that Vault-Tec went ahead and had the vault stocked with what materials they had at that point. They couldn’t have known when the bombs would fall so they needed the vault to be supplied, just in case. If Vault 76 was stocked before the newer versions of Pipboys were finished, Vault-Tec may not have seen a reason to go back and exchange them for the updated version. The suit also looks more in line with the older vault suits, like in Fallout 3 rather than Fallout 4. This would also stand with the earlier stock being styled differently.
The Party?: Reclamation Day:. Reclamation,definition: the act of claiming something back. It seems fairly straightforward that Reclamation Day would mean the day that the Vault opened and the dwellers were thrown into the Wastes, to reclaim America. But if the year is 2102, the original opening date was 5 years earlier, so perhaps they’re celebrating their (successful?) adventure into the Wastes. Regardless, I feel we can all agree that Reclamation Day is at least referencing their reclaiming of America. The video shown in the teaser is of a man encouraging the dwellers to rebuild, that that will be their duty post-war. Vault 76 was also built and released as the tricentenary celebration of America, it would stand to reason that such a...patriotic inspired vault would be encouraged to be the ones to rebuild America.
Climate/Weather: If the bombs only fell 25 years before the start of the game, you would expect to see the landscape completely irradiated and unlivable. That would depend in part on where the Vault is really located (DC area/Virginias or somewhere else entirely?) and where the nearest bombs fell. Of course, it could be a case similar to Zion Canyon in New Vegas. A super big storm blew/washed out majority of the radiation, leaving Zion Canyon to stay nearly pristine and natural. Could this have happened in the area surrounding Vault 76, perhaps only leaving pockets of extreme irradiation around a mostly livable area? Sure, it’s possible. Likely?....who knows, honestly. The closest thing we can really look at to gain any insight is the Chernobyl incident and how that area has reacted to radiation damage. It’s been roughly 30 years since the incident and for the most part, the area is still unlivable. Yet, this was a small scale accident (though not small scale in terms of loss, of course, it was devastating) and cannot quite compare with total nuclear annihilation. Except, like I mentioned earlier...Vault 8 opened its doors only 10 years after the bombs dropped and seems...fairly livable. They did take their G.E.C.K. from the vault itself to the surface so perhaps that had some influence on the livability of the surrounding ecosystem.
Creatures: I’ll admit, a good bit of this is simply speculation. Being 2102, one creature we may not see at all in Fallout 76...is the super mutant. We only know of three origins of super mutants: the labs within the Institute in the Commonwealth, Vault 87, and the Mariposa Military Base under the Master. The expedition that resulted in the Master’s mutations and his decision to make an army resembling his new form took place in 2102 - just like this teaser trailer-  in California. So we can assume that the Master’s army won't be seen in Fallout 76 simply due to the timeline and distance (assuming Vault 76 is in the Virginias). Likewise, the Institute didn’t restart their FEV experimentation until 2178. The only possible place super mutants could come from during this time frame is Vault 87. Super mutants were leaving the vault in order to find more people to turn into mutants. If Vault 76 is located in the Virginias or the DC area, its possible that the super mutants managed to make their way into that territory, though we can’t be sure that they would travel such a great length. Deathclaws did exist before the Great War and doomsday, but they were then refined by the Master with the FEV. We can’t be sure of their origins, so I wouldn’t be able to say for sure whether or not we could see them. For most of all other creatures (rad-stags, radroachs, etc.) the radiation wouldn’t have instigated mutations that quickly. Radiation doesn’t manifest as mutations in just a decade or two. Evidenced again by Chernobyl, 30 years later and the animals there suffer from lack of fertility, cataracts, and tumors but no known visible mutations as extreme as two heads or extreme size increase. We will probably still see irradiated creatures but probably not those mutated to the point that we’ve seen in all the other games.
Ghouls: Short and simple. Ghoulification can happen in an instant or over many years. Moira Brown in Fallout 3 will ghoulify if you blow up Megaton, which would be instantaneous. Other cases speak about watching their hair fall out, their skin peel off, a growing hunger, and many other side effects. You could go feral right away or stay “sane” and keep your mind. I highly expect that we’ll see ghouls, as their presence would hold up to canon as well as the fact that they’re one of the main figures of the Fallout franchise.
And that’s that! I didn’t do this to figure out if it was a multiplayer survival game or just the Standard Fallout fps rpg. I just wanted to look at the possibilities of what we could see lore wise and world wise. Any ideas? Did I get something wrong? Please feel to reblog, reply, or message me directly!
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a-romanov-tribute · 7 years
A brief history of the Romanov Dynasty Part 6
15. Alexander II (The Liberator) of Russia
He was the eldest son of Nicholas I of Russia. Alexander's most significant reform as emperor was emancipation of Russia's serfs, thats why  he is known as Alexander the Liberator. In foreign policy, Alexander sold Alaska to the United States in 1867, fearing the remote colony would fall into British hands if there were another war. He's elder son, Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich died of meningitis and his second son took the title. The tsar, with the worsening of his wife's tuberculosis(Marie Alexandrovna), took upon a mistress (Princess Catherine Dolgorukya) with whom he had three children, who were, after the death of the tsarina, legitimized. Tsarevich Alexander disliked the behavior of his father, causing conflicts between the two of them. He was mortally wounded by bombs in a plot sponsored by People’s Will.
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16. Alexander III (The Peacemaker) of Russia
He was the second son of Alexander II of Russia, he inherited the throne because of his elder brother's death, Nicholas Alexandrovich. He not only inheritedthe throne but his fiancé too, Dagmar of Denmark, later Maria Feodorovna. Before meeting her he was madly in love with with his mother's lady-in-waiting, Princess Maria Elimovna Meshcherskaya; he told his parents that he was prepared to give up his rights of succession in order to marry his beloved "Dusenka", but realized he was not a free man and traveled to Denmark and proposed to Dagmar. The marriage was a very successful one. In he's reign, he was highly conservative and reversed some of the liberal reforms of his father. During Alexander's reign Russia fought no major wars, for which he was styled "The Peacemaker". It's known that the Imperial train derailed in an accident at Borki; at the moment of the crash, the imperial family was in the dining car. Its roof collapsed, and Alexander supposedly held its remains on his shoulders as the children fled outdoors. The onset of Alexander’s kidney failure was later attributed to the blunt trauma suffered in this incident, which lead to his death.
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17. Nicholas II of Russia
Son of Alexander III, he is as called The Last Tsar due to he's abdication and assassination during the Russian Revolution. He's reign was a succession of failures, the  Khodynka Tragedy, anti-Semitic pogroms, Bloody Sunday, the violent suppression of the 1905 Revolution,  the defeat during Russo-Japanese War and the massacre of Russians soldiers in WWI. But not all of it as Nicholas fault, though Nicholas was heir-apparent to the throne, his father failed to prepare him for his future role as tsar. In his reign the Trans-Siberian Railway was completed and Duma was created. Nicholas presided over the tercentenary celebrations for the Romanov Dynasty. With Alexandra Feodorovna he had 5 children, Alexei, the only boy, was born with hemophilia, but the couple keep it hidden from the people. In 1917, he abdicated the throne for he and Alexei, passing the title to his brother, Mikhail, but it was declined. The family, in 1918, was assassinated and their bodies hidden.
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thisismedrinkingtea · 8 years
This file contains a list of novels and stories which contain one or more Artificial Intelligence (AI) characters.  Most of characters whose intelligence places a title on this list are effected or affected through the use of hardware, software or genetic alteration (rarely).  Additions and corrections would be most appreciated as the list compiler <Garet Sheppard> has not read all of the works listed here - or even a significant portion, and will probably never have a chance to do so. My thanks to Dan Bloch and Robert Stanley for suggestions, ideasand editing.
Date: 7 Apr 91 02:01:30 GMT
From: [email protected] (Garet Sheppard)
Subject: Artificial Intelligence List - v2.3  (1600 lines)
           Artificial Intelligence List - v2.3
                      -Apr 6 1990-
The list uses the following AI definitions:
  A androids - robots in human form
  C computer systems - intelligent stationary computers or networks
  H humans in computerized/program/digitized form
  N non-mechanical, human created intelligences - usually biological
  O other intelligences - intelligent tanks, books, planets, whatever
  P programs - intelligent entities able to move between computer systems
  R robots - mobile, usually mechanical AIs
 S ships - intelligent; only mobile in the form of a (star)ship
  Y cyborgs - born human, almost completely replaced by machine parts
  * new/improved - information has changed since last edition
  e evolved - any of the AI forms which evolved their intelligences
(expanded definitions are listed at the end of the list)
 AI type  Title
Abe, Kobo
  C      Inter Ice Age 4 (or _Dai yon kampo-ki_)
Adams, Douglas Noel
* R       Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency [Monk of Belief]
  R      Life, the Universe and Everything
* R       So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish [Marvin]
  CRS    The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
  R      The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Adlard, Mark
  C?     Interface
  C?     Multiface
Alban, Antony
  C      Catharsis Central
Aldiss, Brian Wilson
  R      `All the World's Tears`
  R?     `Comic Inferno`
  ?      `Full Sun`
  ?      `Neanderthal Planet`
  A      `Pink Plastic Gods`
  A      `Super-Toys Last All Summer Long`
  ?      `The Hunter at His Ease`
  R      `The New Father Christmas`
  R      `Who can Replace a Man?`
  ?      Who can Replace a Man? (coll)
Alexander, Marc
  R      The Mist Lizard
Allen, J.
  C?     Data for Death
Amminnus, Marcellinus (pseud.)
  C      `The Thought Machine`
Anderson Poul
  EO?    `Epilogue`  [mechanical life]
  AC     `Goat Song`
  HY?    `Kings Who Die`
  R      `Quixote and the Windmill`
  S      `Starfog`
  R?     `The Critique of Impure Reason`
  ?      A Circle of Hells
  ?      Brainwave
  C?     The Avatar
Anfilov, Gelb
  ?      `Erem`
Anmark, Frank
  A?     `The Fasterfaster Affair`
Anthony, Piers (Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob)
  ?      OX
  R      Blue Adept
  C      Heaven Cent
  CR     Juxtaposition
  C      Man from Mundania
  ?      Mute
  ?      Omnivore
  CR     Orn
  CR     Out of Phase
  CR     Robot Adept
  CR     Split Infinity
  C      The Vale of the Vole
  CR     Unicorn Point
Anthony, Piers & Margroff, Robert & Offutt, Andrew J.
  A      `Mandroid`
Anvil, Christopher
  ?      `The Hunch`
Appleton, Victor (pseud.)
  ?      Terror on the Moons of Jupiter
Asimov, Isaac
  C      `All the Troubles in the World`
  R      `Catch that Rabbit`
  ?      `Death Sentence`
  R      `Escape!` or `Paradoxical Escape`
  A      `Evidence`
  R      `Feminine Intuition`
  R      `First Law`
  C      `Franchise`
  R      `Galley Slave`
  C      `Jokester`
  R?     `Lenny`
  R?     `Let's Get Together`
  R      `Liar!`
  R      `Little Lost Robot`
  ?      `Mirror Image`
  C      `Profession`
  R      `Reason`
  R?     `Risk`
  R      `Robbie` or `Strange Playfellow`
  R      `Robot AL-76 Goes Astray`
  R      `Runaround`
  R?     `Sally`
  R      `Satisfaction Guaranteed`
  A      `Segregationist`
  C      `Someday`
  R      `Stranger in Paradise`
  A      `That Thou Art Mindful of Him!`
  A      `The Bicentennial Man`
  C      `The Computer that Went on Strike`
  R      `The Evitable Conflict`
  C      `The Last Question`
  C      `The Life and Times of Multivac`
  C      `The Machine that Won the War`
  R      `The Tercentenary Incident`
  R      `Victory Unintentional`
  AO     Foundation's Edge  [planet]
  A      Foundation and Earth
  R      I, Robot (coll)
* A       Prelude to Foundation
  CR     Robot Dreams
  A      Robots and Empire
  A      Robots of Dawn
  A      The Caves of Steel
  A      The Naked Sun
  R      The Stars, Like Dust
  R      The Rest of the Robots (coll)
Asimov, Janet (Janet O. Jeppson)
  R?     Norby and the Lost Princess
  R?     Norby, the Mixed-up Robot
  R?     Norby's Other Secret
Balchin, Nigel
  C      `God and the Machine`
Ball, B.
  R      Night of the Robots
Bangs, John K.
  R?     The Worsted Man
Banks, Iain
  A?     Player of Games
  ?      Consider Phlebas
Banks, Raymond E.
  C      `Walter Perkins is Here!`
Bannon, M.
  R      Wayward Robot
Barrington, J Bayley
  R      The Soul of the Robot
Barth, John
  C      Giles Goat-Boy (or _The Revised New Syllabus_)
Bass, T.J. (pseud)
  O      Ball  [Cybers]
  S      Half Past Human
  O      The Class One  [Cybers]
  Y      The Godwhale
  O      Toothpick  [Cybers]
Bates, Harry
  R      `Farewell to the Master`
Baum, L. Frank
  R?     Glinda of Oz
  R?     Ozma of Oz
  R      Tik-Tok of Oz
  R      The Tin Woodman of Oz
Bayley, Barrington J.
  R      Soul of the Robot
  Y?     The Garments of Caean
  ?      The Rod of Light
Bear, Greg
  N      Blood Music  [nanobiorobots]
  H      Eon
  H      Eternity
Beaumont, Charles
  R?     `In His Image`
  A?     `Last Rites`
Bene't, Stephen Vincent
  ?      `Nightmare Number Three`
Benford, Gregory
  ?      `Doing Lennon`
  O      Across the Sea of Suns  [Alien Machine Intelligence]
  ACHR   Great Sky River
* O       In the Ocean of Night  [Alien Machine Intelligence?]
* O       Tides of Light
Berckman, Evelyn
  ?      The Voice of the Air
Bester, Alfred
  ?      `Adam and No Eve`
  A      `Fondly Fahrenheit`
  O      `Something Up There Likes Me`  [satellite]
  C      Computer Connection (or _Extro_)
* Y?      Golem^100
Bickham, Jack M.
  C      Ariel
Bierce, Ambrose
  R?     `Moxon's Master`
Biggle, Lloyd, Jr.
  R      `In His Own Image`
  ?      `Spare the Rod`
Binder, Eando (E. and Otto Binder)
  R      `Adam Link Faces a Revolt`
  R      `Adam Link Fights a War`
  R      `Adam Link in the Past`
  R      `Adam Link in Business`
  R      `Adam Link Saves the World`
  R      `Adam Link's Revenge`
  R      `Adam Link's Vengeance`
  R      `Adam Link, Champion Athlete`
  R      `Adam Link, Robot Detective`
  R      `From the Beginning`
  R      `I, Robot`
  R?     `Iron Man`
  R      `The Robot Aliens`
  R      `The Trail of Adam Link`
  R      Adam Link: Robot (coll)
  Y      Enslaved Brains
Bischoff, David
  C      Wargames
Bixby, Jerome
  R      `Guardian`
Blade, Alexander (pseud.)
  C      The Brain
Blish, James Benjamin
  A      `I, Mudd`
  R      `Now the Man is Gone`
  Y      `Solar Plexus`
  R?     `The Apple`
  ?      `The Box`
  R      `The Changeling`
  C      Cities in Flight
  ?      Midsummer Century
Bloch, Alan
  R      `Men Are Different`
Bloch, Chayim
  R?     `The Golem`
Bloch, Robert
  R      `Almost Human`
  R      `Comfort Me, My Robot`
  R      `The Tin You Love to Touch`
Bone, J. F.
  ?      `Triggerman`
Boucher, Anthony
  R      `The Quest for Saint Aquin`
Boulle, Pierre
  C      `The Man Who Hated Machines`
  A      `The Perfect Robot`
Bounds, Sydney J.
  Y      `No Greater Love`
  R      The Robot Brains
Bova, Benjamin William
  ?      `The Perfect Warrior`
  ?      `THX 1138`
  S?     `Stars Won't You Hide Me`
Bova, Ben & Ellison, Harlan
  R      `Brillo`
Boyce, Chris
  H?     Catchworld
Boyd, Felix (pseud)
  R      `The Robot Who Wanted to Know`
Boyd, John
  CR?    The Last Starship from Earth
Bradbury, Ray
  A      `Changeling`
  A      `Downwind from Gettysburg`
  R?     `Dwellers in Silence`
  R      `I Sing the Body Electric`
  R      `Marionettes, Inc.`
  R?     `Punishment Without Crime`
  A      `The Long Years`
* O       `There Will Come Soft Rains`  [house]
  R?     `Usher II`
Bradbury, Ray & Hasse, Henry
  R      `Pendulum`
Breuer, Miles J.
  C?     `Paradise and Iron`
Brin, David
  R?     `The Warm Space`
  C      Startide Rising
  C      The Postman
  C      The Uplift War
Brin, David & Benford, Gregory
  H      Heart of the Comet
Brink, Carol Ryrie
  R      `Andy Buckram's Tin Men`
Brown, Fredric
* O?      `Etaoin Shrdlu`   [printing press]
  C      `Answer`
Browning, John (Robert Moore Williams)
  R      `Burning Bright`
  R      `Robot's Return`
Bruckner, Karl
  R      The Hour of the Robots
Brunner, John Kilian Houston
  R      `Judas`
  ?      `The Invisible Idiot`
  ?      `Thou Good and Faithful`
  ?      `You'll Take the High Road`
  A?     Slaves of Space (or _Into the Slave Nebula_)
  C      Stand on Zanzibar
Bryning, Frank R.
  R      `The Robot Computer`
Budrys, Algis (pseud.)
  A      `Dream of Victory`
  R      `First to Serve`
  R?     `In Human Hands`
  R?     Annsirs and the Iron Man
  C      Michaelmas
  Y      Who?
Bulmer, Kenneth
  R      `Never Trust a Robot`
Bunch, David R.
  H?     `Moderan`
  R?     `The Problem Was Lubrication`
Bunting, Eve
  R      The Robot People
Burdick, Eugene and Wheeler, Harvey
  ?     `The 480`
  ?      Fail-Safe
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
  A?     Synthetic Men of Mars
  A?     The Monster Men
Butler, Samuel
  Ce     Erewhon
Caidin, Martin
  C      The God Machine
Cameron, Lou
  C      Cybernia
Campbell, John Wood, Jr.
  R      `The Last Evolution`
  R      `The Last Revolution`
  C?     `The Metal Horde`
  ?      `When the Atoms Failed`
  ?      The Mightiest Machine
Capek, Karel
  R      R.U.R., A Fantastic Melodrama
Card, Orson Scott
* Ce      Speaker for the Dead
Carr, Terry
  ?     `City of Yesterday`
  R     `In His Image`
  R     `The Robots Are Here`
Carrigan, Richard and Nancy
  ?      The Siren Stars
Carter, Angela
  O      The Informal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman
Carver, Jeffrey A.
  Re     From A Changeling Star  [nanomachines]
  P      The Infinity Link
  C      The Rapture Effect
Chalker, Jack L.
  CP     Birth of Flux and Anchor
  P      Empire of Flux and Anchor
  S      Lords of the Middle Dark
  CRS    Masks of the Martyrs
  RS     Pirates of the Thunder
* CS      Quest for the Well of Souls  [planet]
* CS      The Return of Nathan Brazil  [planet]
* CS      Twilight at the Well of Souls  [planet]
  RS     Warriors of the Storm
Chandler, A. Bertram
  ?      `The Left-Hand Way`
  ?      `The Soul Machine`
Chapdelaine, Perry A.
  ?      `We Fused One`
Cherryh, C. J. (pseud)
  ?      Voyagers in Night
Clarke, Arthur C.
  Y      `A Meeting With Medusa`
  ?      `Crusade`
  Oe     `Dial "F" for Frankenstein`  [satellite relay]
  R?     `Expedition to Earth`
  ?      `Superiority`
  S      2001: A Space Odyssey
  S      2010: odyssey two
  ?      2061: odyssey three
  O      The City and the Stars  [city]
  C      The Foundations of Paradise
Clement, Hal (Harry Stubbs)
  C?     `Answer`
Clifton, Mark and Apostolidas, Alex
  ?      `Crazy Joey`
  ?      `Hide! Hide! Witch!`
Clifton, Mark and Riley, Frank
  C      They'd Rather Be Right (or _The Forever Machine_)
Clouston, Joseph Storer
  R      Button Brains
Coblenzt, Stanton A.
  ?      `Lord of Tranerica`
Cole, Burt
  C      The Funco File
Collins, Graham P.
  P      Variations on a Theme
Compton, David Guy
  ?      Synthajoy
  C      The Steel Crocodile (or _The Electric Crocodile_)
 Y?     The Unsleeping Eye (or _The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe_)
Coney, Michael G.
  Y?     `Troubleshooter`
  ?      Freinds Come in Boxes
Conley, Rick
  ?      `The War of the Words`
Cook, Glen
* S       The Dragon Never Sleeps
Cook, Robin
  ?      Brain
Cook, William Wallace
  R      A Flight Through Time or (_A Round Trip to the Year 2000_)
Cooper, Edmund
  A      `The Uncertain Midnight`
  R      The Overman Culture
Coppel, Alfred
  R      `For Humans Only`
  R      `The Hunters`
Correa, Hugo
  R      `Meccano`
Coupling, J. J.
  RY?    `Period Piece`
Cousey, James
  A?     `The Show Must Go On` or `So Lovely So Lost`
Cowper, R
  ?      Clone
Crichton, Michael
  CY?    The Terminal Man
Crossen, Kendell Foster
  ?      Year of Consent
Cumings, Ray
  R      `Almost Human`
Dahl, Roald
  Y?     `William and Mary`
Daley, Brian
  PS     Fall of the White Ship Avatar
Dann, Jack
  Y?     `I'm With You In Rockland`
Davidson, Avram
  ?      `The Golem`
Davidson, Michael
  H      The Karma Machine
Davies, L. P.
  R?     The Artificial Man
Davis, Chan
  A      `Letter to Ellen`
de Camp, L. Sprague
  R      `Internal Combustion`
Deighton, Len
  C      The Billion Dollar Brain
Delaney, Joseph H. & Stiegler, Marc
  Pe     Valentina: Soul in Sapphire
Delany, Samuel R.
  C      City of a Thousand Suns (in _The Fall of the Towers_)
  C      Empire Star
  C      Out of the Dead City (in _The Fall of the Towers_)
* HO      Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand  [galactic database]
  C      The Einstein Intersection
  C      The Fall of the Towers
  C      The Towers of Toren (in _The Fall of the Towers_)
del Rey, Lester
  R      `A Code for Sam`
  R      `A Pound of Cure`
  R      `Helen O'Loy`
  R      `Instinct`
  R      `Into Thy Hands`
  Y      `Reincarnate`
  R      `Robots Should Be Seen`
  R      `The Master`
  R      `Though Dreamers Die`
  R      `To Avenge Man`
  R      `Vengeance is Mine`
  R      The Runaway Robot
Dick, Philip K.
  Ce     `Autofac`
  ?      `If There Were No Benny Cemoli`
  A      `Impostor`
  R?     `Oh, to be a Blobel!`
  ?      `Progeny`
  ARe    `Second Variety`
  R      `Service Call`
  R      `The Defenders`
  AHR?   `The Electric Ant`
  C?     `The Great C`
  ?      `The Preserving Machine`
  C?     `The Variable Man`
  ?      `War Veteran`
  C      A Maze of Death
  A      Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
  ?      Dr. Bloodmoney
  ?      Martian Time Slip
  ?      Simulcra
  R      The Penultimate Truth
  C      Vulcan's Hammer
  A      We Can Build You
Dickson, Gordon Rupert
  C      `Computer's Don't Agrue`
  R?     `Steel Brother`
  C      `The Monkey Wrench`
  ?      Necromancer
Dnieprov, Anatoly
  O      `Crabs Take Over the Island`  [crabs]
  ?      `Siema`
Dowling, Richard
  R?     The Fate of Luke Ormerod
Drake, David & Allen, Roger MacBride
  O      The War Machine  [Artificial Inteligence Devices AIDs]
Duane, Diane
  C?     Spock's World
Dunsany, Lord Edward (Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron of
  ?      The Last Revolution
Durham, Jim
  ?      `F.O.D.`
Durrell, Lawrence
  C      Tunc
  CR     Nunquam
Easton, Thomas
  R?     `Breakfast of Champions`
Edmondson, G. C.
  ?      The Cunningham Equations
Eisenberg, Larry
* R       `The Fastest Draw`  [Robot Cowboy]
Eklund, Gordon
  R      `Second Creation`
  R      `The Shrine of Sebastian`
Elder, M.
  ?      Paradise is Not Enough
Ellis, Edward S.
  R?     The Steam Man of the Praries
Ellison, Harlan
  CY     `Catman`
  C      `I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream`
Endore, Guy
  Y?     `Men of Iron`
Escarpit, Robert
  C      The Novel Computer
Etchison, Dennis
  A?     `The Fires of Night`
Ewers, Hans Heinz
  A?     `Alraune`
Fairman, Paul W.
  R?     `Robots Should Stick Together`
  R      The Forgetful Robot
  H      I, The Machine
Farmer, Philip Jose
* C       The Gods of Riverworld
* C       The Magic Labyrinth
* O       -last book of world of tiers-  [evil machines in bells]
Farrere, Claude
  R?     Useless Hands
Fine, Stephen
  A?     Molly Dear: The Autobiography of an Android
Firbank, Arthure Annesley Roland
  R?     The Artificial Princess
Fischer, Michael
  R?     `Misfit`
Flagg, Francis (pseud.)
  R      `The Mentanicals`
Forest, Jean-Claude
  R      Barbarella
Forward, Robert
  S?     The Flight of the Dragonfly
Foster, Alan Dean
* A       Alien  [Ash]
* A       Aliens  [Bishop]
  CO     Dark Star  [intelligent bomb]
  R      The Black Hole
  C      The Tar-Aiym Krang
Foster, E. M.
  C?     `The Machine Stops`
Franke, Herbert
  R      `The Man Who Feared Robots`
Frayn, Michael
  Y?     The Tin Men
Friborg, Albert Compton
  ?      `Careless Love`
Fritch, Charles E.
  A?     `Greever's Flight`
Fyfe, H. B.
  R?     `Let There Be Light`
  R?     `The Well-Oiled Machine`
Gallun, Raymond Z.
  R      `Derelict`
  ?      `Mind Over Matter`
  ?      `The Scarab`
Galouye, Daniel
  C?     `Counterfeit World`
  R?     `The Reign of the Telepuppets`
Garfarth, John
  R?     `Lack of Experience`
Garrett, Randall Z.
  S      `A Spaceship Named McGuire`
* O       `The Hunting Lodge`  [house-computer]
  A      Unwise Child
Gault, William Campbell
  R?     `Made to Measure`
  R      `Title Fight`
Gawron, J. M.
  ?      Algorithm
Gelula, Abner J.
  R      `Automaton`
George, Peter
  ?      Two Hours to Doom
Gerrold, David
  C?     `Oracle for a White Rabbit` (in _When Harlie Was One_)
  C      `The God Machine` (in _When Harlie Was One_)
  ?      A Day for Damnation
  ?      A Matter for Men
  RS     Space Skimmer
  C      When Harlie Was One & release 2.0
Gibson, William
  CHP    Count Zero
  CHP    Mona Lisa Overdrive
  CHP    Neuromancer
Gilliland, Alexis
 P      Corporate Saskesh (includes the following three novels)
  P      Long Shot for Rosinante
  P      The Pirates of Rosinante
  P      The Revolution From Rosinante
Glut, Donald F.
* R       The Empire Strikes Back
Glynn, A. A.
  ?      Plan for Conquest
Gold, H. L.
  R?     `Problem in Murder`
Goldin, Stephen
  Ce     `Sweet Dreams, Melissa`
Goldstone, Herbert
  R      `Virtuoso`
Goulart, Ron
  A?     `Badinage`
  R      `Calling Dr. Clockwork`
  ?      `Cybernetic Tabernacle Job`
  R?     `Dingbat`
  A?     `Gigilo`
  R?     `Muscadine`
  R?     `Nobody Starves`
  R      `Regarding Patient 724`
  R?     `What's Become of Screwloose?`
  R?     Clockwork's Pirates
* R       Into the Shop  [ai car]
  R      Suicide, Inc.
  CR?    The Emperor of the Last Days
Goy, Philip (pseud.)
  C      Le Livre Machine
Grant, Charles
  A      The Shadow of Alpha
Gravel, Geary
  C?     The Alchemist
Green, Joseph
  C?     `Space to Move`
Grey, Charles (pseud.)
  Y?     Enterprise 2115
Groves, J. W.
  R      `Robots Don't Bleed`
Gunn, James E.
  A?     `Little Orphan Android`
  ?      `The Message`
Hadley, Arthur
  ?      The Joy Wagon
Haig, A.
  ?      The Peruvian Printout
Haldeman Joe
* Y       `More than the Sum of his Parts`
Hamilton, Edmond
  A?     `After a Judgement Day`
  Y      `The Comet Doom`
  CR     `The Metal Giants`
  R      Captain Future
Harness, Charles
  H?     The Ring of Ritornel
Harris, John Benyon  (John Wyndham)
  R      `Sleepers of Mars`
  R      `Stowaway to Mars`
Harrison, Harry
  R      `Arm of the Law`
  ?      `Homeworld`
  R?     `How the Old World Died`
  R      `I Always Do What Teddy Says`
  R?     `I Have My Vigil`
  ?      `I See You`
  ?      `Make Room, Make Room`
  ?      `Survival Planet`
* R?      `The Man from R.O.B.O.T.`
* Y       `The Powers of Observation`
  ?      `The Repairman`
  R      `The Robot Who Wanted to Know`
  P?     `The Simulated Trainer`
  R      `The Velvet Glove`
  R      `War With the Robots`
  R?     The Stainless Steel Rat
Hartridge, Jon
  C      Binary Divine
Heinlein, Robert Anson
  ?      `Revolt in 2100`
  C      `That Dinkum Thinkum`
  R      Friday
  CS     The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
* Ce      The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
  S      The Number of the Beast
  CS     Time Enough for Love
  S      To Sail Beyond the Sunset
Herbert, Frank
  CM     Destination: Void
Herbert, Frank and Ransom, Bill
  C      Jesus Incident
  C      Lazarus Effect
* C?      The Ascension Factor
Hickey, H. B. (Herb Livingston)
  R      `Full Circle`
  R?     `Hilda`
High, Philip E.
  ?      `The Mad Metropolis`
Highstone, H. A.
  ?      `Frankenstein to Unlimited`
Hjortsberg, William
  Y?     Gray Matters
Hoch, Edward
  C?     The Transvection Machine
Hodder-Wiliams, Christopher
  ?      98.4
  C      Fistful of Digits
Hoffmann, E. T. A.
  R?     `Automaton`
  R      `The Sandman`
Hogan, James P.
  Re     Code of the Life Maker
  CS     Giant's Star
  C?     The Genesis Machine
  S      The Gentle Giants of Ganymede
  Ce     The Two Faces of Tomorrow
  CR     Voyage from Yesteryear
Holis, H. H.
  ?      `Cybernia`
Holly, J. Hunter
  R      `The Graduated Robot`
Holmes, H. H. (Anthony Boucher)
  AR     `Q.U.R.`
  AR     `Robinic`
Horton, Forest W., Jr.
  A      The Technocrats
Hoyle, Fred and Elliot, John
  C      A for Andromeda
  C      Andromeda Breakthrough
Hubbard, L. Ron
  R?     `Tough Old Man`
Hughes, Ted
  R?     The Iron Man
Jackson, A. A. & Waldrop, Howard
  R?     `Sun Up`
Jacob, Sylvia
  R      `Slave to Man`
Jameson, Malcolm
  ?      `Pride`
Jenkins, Will F. (Murray Leinster)
  C      `A Logic Named Joe`
Jerome, Jerome K.
  R      `The Dancing Partner`
Jeter, K. W.
  R      Infernal Devices
Johannesson, Olof (pseud.)
  C      The Great Computer (or _The Tale of the Big Computer_)
Jones, D. F.
  C      Colossus and the Crab
  C      Colossus: The Forbin Project
  C      The Fall of Colossus
Jones, Neil Ronald
  Y      `The Jameson Satellite`
  Y      Doomsday on Ajiat
  Y      Planet of the Double Sun
  Y      Sunless World
  Y      The Sunless World
  Y      Twin Worlds
Jones, Raymond F.
  ?      `Rat Race`
  R?     `The Gift of the Gods`
  Y?     The Cybernetic Brains
Kagan, Janet
  C      Hellspark
Kahn, James
* AR      Return of the Jedi
Kapp, Colin
  R?     `Gottlos`
Karlins, Marvin
  ?      The Last Man Is Out
Kelleam, Joseph E.
  R      `Rust`
Keller, David H.
  CY?    `The Cerebral Library`
  Y?     `The Eternal Professors`
  R      `The Psychophonic Nurse`
  R      `The Threat of the Robot`
Key, Alexander
  R      Bolts, a Robot Dog
  R      Rivets and Sprockets
  R      Sprockets, a Little Robot
Keyes, Daniel
  R      `Robot Unwanted`
Kilian, Crawford
  P?     Brother Jonathan
Kingsley, Charles
  ?      The Heroes (anth)
Kippax, John (John Hynam)
  R      `Friday`
Kleier, Joe
  Y?     `The Head`
Knight, Damon
  H      `Masks`
  C      Stranger Station
  ?      The Metal Smile
Knootz, Dean R.
  CR     Demon Seed
  ?      Midnight
Kornbluth, C. M.
  R?     `The Education of Tigress McCardle`
  Y      `With These Hands`
Krahn, Fernando
  R      Robot-bot-bot
Kuttner, Henry
  A?     `Android` or `As Those Among Us`
  R?     `Happy Ending`
  ?      `Jesting Pilot`
  R?     `Piggy Bank`
  R?     `The Ego Machine`
  R      Robots Have No Tails (as Lewis Padgett)
  R      The Proud Robot
Kuttner, Henry and Moore, C. L.
  R?     `Two Handed Engine`
Lack, G. L.
  ?      `Rogue Leonardo`
Lafferty, R. A.
* H       `Eurema's Dam`
* O?      `Hog Belly Honey`  [strange machine]
  C      Arrive at Easterwine: The Autobiography of a Ktistec Machine
Lamont, Duncan (pseud)
  C      `Production Job`
Laumer, Keith
  ?      `Dinosaur Beach`
  Y?     A Plague of Demons
  O      Bolo  [self aware tanks]
  O      Rogue Bolo  [self aware tanks]
  C      The Great Time Machine Hoax
Lee, Tanith
* H?      Drinking Sapphire Wine
  R      The Silver Metal Lover
Leherman, Herb
  O      `Revolt of the Potato Picker`  [field machine]
Leiber, Fritz
  R?     `The 64-Square Madhouse`
  R      `A Bad Day for Sales`
  ?      `Answering Service`
  R      `The Mechanical Bride`
  RY?    The Silver Eggheads
Leiber, Justin
  P?     Beyond Humanity
Leinster, Murray (William Fitzgerald Jenkins)
  R?     `Exploration Team`
  ?      `The Wabbler`
  ?      The Lost Spaceship
Lem, Stanislaw
  R      `In Hot Pursuit of Happines`
  C      `The Computer That Fought a Dragon`
  R      `The Hunt`
  R      `The Mask`
  R      `The Sanitorium of Dr. Vliperdius`
  R      `The Seventh Sally`
  ?      Mortal Engines
  R      Return From the Stars
  C      The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age (or _Cyberiada_)
  Oe     The Invincible (or _Niezwyciezony_)  [machines]
Leman, Grahame
  ?      `Conversational Mode`
Leroux, Gaston
  R      The Machine to Kill (or _La Machine a assassiner_)
Lesser, Milton
  A      `"A" As in Android`
Levin, Ira
  R      The Stepford Wives
  C      This Perfect Day
Lewis, C. S.
  R      That Hideous Strength
Liddel, C. H. (Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore)
  A      `Android`
Long, Frank Belknap
  R      `The Robot Empire`
  R      It Was the Day of the Robot
Longyear, Barry B.
  AR     Naked Came the Robot
  C      Sea of Glass
Loomis, Noel
  A      `The State vs Susan Quod`
Lowenkopf, Shelly
  A?     `The Addict`
Lucas, George
  R      Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker
Lymington, J.
  C?     Year Dot
Mackin, Edward
  ?      `The Key to Chaos`
  ?      `The Trouble of H.A.R.R.I.`
Maine, Charles Eric (Pseud)
  C      B.E.A.S.T.
Malec, Alexander
  ?      `10:01`
Malzberg, Barry N.
  C?     `The Union Forever`
  Y?     The Remaking of Sigmund Freud
Manning, Laurence
  C      `Master of the Brain`
  R      `The Call of the Mechmen`
MacApp, C. C.
  ?      Omha Abides
Markham, Russ
  R      `The Third Law`
Martin, George R. R.
  A      `Modular Man`
  ?      `The Last Superbowl Game`
Mason, Douglas R.
  C      Matrix
Matheson, Richard
  R      `Brother to the Machine`
  A      `Steel`
  R?     `The Doll that Does Everything`
Maxwell, Ann
  C      Timeshadow Rider
McCaffrey, Anne
  Y      `The Ship Who Mourned (in _The Whip Who Sang_)
  Y      `The Ship Who Sang (in _The Ship Who Sang_)
  Y      The Ship Who Sang
McCarty, E. Clayton
  R      `Robot 678`
McCollum, Michael
  S      Life Probe
  S      Procyon's Promise
MacDonald, John D.
  R      `The Mechanical Answer`
Mead, Shepherd
  ?      The Big Ball of Wax
Meade, Malcome (pseud?)
  R      `Call him Colossus`
Melville, Herman
  R?     `The Bell Tower`
Meredith, Richard C.
  H?     We All Died at Breakaway Station
Merliss, R. R.
  R      `The Stutterer`
Merritt, Abraham
  R      `Rhythm of the Spheres`
  Oe?    The Metal Monster  [inorganic alien]
MacFarlane, Wallace
  A      `Dead End`
McGowan, Tom
  R      Sir MacHinery
Milan, Victor
  P      Cybernetic Samurai
  P?     Cybernetic Shogun
Miller, Walter Michael, Jr.
  A?     `Blood Bank`
  Y?     `Crucifixus Etiam`
  R      `I Made You`
  R      `The Darfsteller`
McIntosh, J. T. (James J. MacGregor)
  A      `Almost Human`
  ?      `Machine Mode`
  A      `Made in USA`
  C?     `Spanner in the Works`
  A      `The Deciding Factor`
  R      `The Saw and the Carpenter`
Mitchell, Edward Page
  Y?     `The Ablest Man in the World`
  R      `The Tachypomp`
McKinney, Jack
  CR     The Sentinels - 2nd Robotech collection (coll)
McLoed, Shiela
  R      Xanthe and the Robots
McLoughlin, John
  S      Toolmaker Koan
Molly, J. Hunter
  R?     `The Graduated Robot`
Monteleone, Thomas F.
  ?      `Chicago`
Moorcock, Michael
  C      The Final Programme
  ?      `Sea Wolves`
Moore, Catherine Lucile
  Y      `No Woman Born`
Moore, Harris
  CH     Slater's Planet
Moran, Daniel Keys
  C?     Armageddon Blues
  CY?    Emerald Eyes
  CPY?   The Long Run
Morris, Janet
  S      Cruiser Dreams
  S      Dream Dancer
  S      Earth Dreams
Nesvadba, Joseph
  ?      `The Einstein Brain`
Niven, Larry
  H      `A Teardrop Falls`
  Y      `Becalmed in Hell`
  Y      `The Coldest Place`
  HS     A World Out of Time
  CH     Integral Trees
  C      The Schumann Computer
  CH     The Smoke Ring
Nolan, William F.
  R?     `and Miles to Go Before I Sleep`
  R?     `The Beautiful Doll Caper`
  A?     `The Joy of Living`
  R?     Logan's Run
Norton, Andre
  A      Android at Arms
O'Brien, Fitz-James
  R?     `The Wondersmith`
O'Conner, William Douglas
  R      The Brazen Android
O'Donnell, Kevin, Jr.
  H      Mayflies
Oliver, Chad
  R?     `Didn't He Ramble`
  A?     `The Life Game`
Oliver, J. T.
  R      `Teacher's Pet`
Padgett, Lewis (Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore)
  Y      `Camouflage`
  R?     `Deadlock`
  ?      `Ex Machine`
  R      `Open Secret`
  R?     `The Twonky`
Paul, Barbara
  C?     `Answer "Affirmative" or "Negative"`
Perkins, Lawrence
  ?      `Delivered with Feeling`
Perry, Roland
  C?     Program for a Puppet
Phillips, Alexander M.
  R?     `Beast of the Island`
Phillips, Peter
  R?     `At No Extra Cost`
  A      `Lost Memory`
Phillips, Rog (pseud.)
  ?      `The Cyberene`
Pierce, John R.
  ?      `See No Evil`
Piper, H. Beam
  C      Junkyard Planet (or _The Cosmic Computer_)
Pohl, Frederik
  ?      `Day Million`
  R      `The Midas Plague`
  ?      `The Schematic Man`
  R?     `The Tunnel Under the World`
* CP      Beyond the Blue Event Horizon
* CP      Gateway
* HP      Heechee Rendezvous
  CY     Man Plus
  C      Starchild
  ?      The Age of the Pussyfoot
* HP      The Annals of the Heechee
Pragnell, Festus
  C?     `The Machine-God Laughs`
Preselie, Robert
  R      `The Champ`
Pychon, Thomas
  R      Gravity's Rainbow
Quick, W. T.
  P?     Systems
  H?     Yesterday's Dawn
Rackham, John
  A?     `Goodbye Dr. Gabriel`
Rayer, Francis G.
  C      `Deus Ex Machina`
  C      `The Peacemaker`
  C?     `Tomorrow Sometimes Comes`
Reaves, Michael & Perry, Steve
  C      Dome
Resnick, Mike
  Y      Santiago
Reynolds, Mack
  C?     `Criminal in Utopia`
  C      Computer War
  C?     Computer World
Richardson, R. S.
  R?     `Kid Anderson`
Richmond, Walt and Leigh
  ?      `I, Bem`
Riley, Frank
  ?      `The Cyber and Justice Holmes`
Roberts, Keith
  A      `Synth`
Robinson, Spider
* ?       Mindkiller
* ?       Time Pressure
Roger, Noe"lle (pseud.)
  N      The New Adam (or _Le Nouvel Adam_)  [manmade organic life]
Rohrer, Robert
  R      `Iron`
Roshwald, Mardecai
  ?      Level 7
Rostler, William
  R      `Ship Me Tomorrow`
Rothmand, Milton A.
  ?      `Getting Together`
Rucker, Rudy
  CR     Software
  CR     Wetware
Russ, Joanna
  ?      `Nor Custom Stale`
Russell, Bertrand
  Ce?    `Dr. Southport Vulpres' Nightmare`
Russell, Eric Frank
  R      `Boomerang` or `A Great Deal of Power`
  A      `Jay Score`
  Re?    `Mechanistra`
  R      `Men, Martians and Machines`
  R      `Relic`
  R?     `Symbiotica`
Ryan, Thomas J.
  P      The Adolescence of P-1
Saberhagen, Fred
  O      `Fortress Ship`                            [berserkers]
  O      `Goodlife`                                     / \
  O      `In the Temple of Mars`                         |
  O      `Inhuman Error`                                 |
  O      `Masque of the Red Shift`                       |
  O      `Mr. Jester`                                    |
  O      `Patron of the Arts`                            |
  O      `Pressure`                                      |
  O      `Smasher`                                       |
  O      `Some Events at the Templat Radiant`            |
  O      `Starsong`                                      |
  O      `Stone Place`                                   |
  O      `The Annihilation of Angkor Apeiron`            |
  O      `The Game`                                      |
  O      `The Peacemaker`                                |
  O      `The Sign of the Wolf`                          |
  O      `The Smile`                                     |
  O      `What T and I Did`                              |
  O      `Wings Out of Shadow`                           |
  O      Berserker  (coll)                               |
  O      Berserker Man                                   |
  O      Berserker's Planet (coll)                      \ /
  O      Brother Assassin (coll)                    [Berserkers]
  C      Changeling Earth
  C      Empire of the East
  O      The Ultimate Enemy (coll)
Sandberg, Richard T.
  C?     `The Perfect Crime`
Saxton, Josehpine
  R      `Gordon's Women`
Schachner, Nat.
  ?      `Robot Technocrat`
Schlossel, J.
  R      `To the Moon By Proxy`
Scortia, Thomas Nicholas
  Y?     `Sea Change`
  A?     `The Icebox Blond`
Seabright, Idris (Margaret St Clair)
  R      `Short in the Chest`
Sellings, Arthur
  A      `Starting Course`
  R      `The Template Teleologist`
Senarens, Luis
  R?     `Frank Reade and His New Steam Man`
Shaara, Michael
  R      `Soldier Boy`
  ?      `2066: Election Day`
Shaw, Bob
  ?      `Harold Wilson at the Cosmic Cocktail Party`
Sheckley, Robert
  R      `A Ticket ot Tranai`
  R?     `Alone at Last`
  ?      `Ask a Foolish Question`
  R      `Beside Still Waters`
  R      `Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?`
  A      `Compton Divided`
  C?     `Fool's Mate`
  R?     `Human Man's Burden`
  R      `The Battle`
  R      `The Cruel Equations`
  R?     `The Lifeboat Mutiny`
  R?     `The Minimum Man`
* R       `The Robot who Looked Liked Me`
  R      `Watchbird`
  C      Journey Beyond Tomorrow
Sheffield, Charles
  ?      Trader's World
Sherman, Robert
  Ce     `Problem for Emmy`
Sherred, T. L.
  ?       `"E" for Effort`
Silverberg, Robert
  R?     `Company Store`
  ?      `Getting Across`
  C      `Going Down Smooth`
  CR     `Good News from the Vatican`
  R      `Ozymandias`
  S?     `Ship-Sister, Star-Sister`
  R      `The Iron Chancellor`
  R?     `The Macauley Circuit`
  R      Across a Billion Years
  H?     Time Gate
  H      To Live Again
  AR?    Tower of Glass
Simak, Clifford Donald
* R?      `Aesop`  (in City)
  R?     `All the Traps of Earth`
* R       `City`  (in City)
  R      `Earth for Inspiration`
* R       `Epilog`  (in City)
* R       `Hobbies`  (in City)
  R      `How-2`
* R       `Huddling Place`  (in City)
  R      `I Am Crying All Inside`
  ?      `Limiting Factor`
  ?      `Lulu`
  R      `Skirmish` or `Bathe Your Bearing in Blood`
  C?     `Univac: 2200`
  R      A Choice of Gods
* OR      City  (coll) [dogs]
  R      Cosmic Engineers
  R?     Destiny Doll
  R      Project Pope
  S      Shakespeare's Planet
  R      Special Deliverance
  A?     Time and Again (or _First He Died_)
Simmons, Dan
  PR?    Hyperion
  ?      The Fall of Hyperion
Sky, Kathleen
  A?     `Birthright`
Sladek, John T.
  Ce     Mechasm (or _The Reproductive System_)
  R      Roderick
  R      Roderick at Random
  R      Roderick: The Education of a Young Machine
  H      The Mueller-Fokker Effect (or _The Muller Focker Effect_)
  ?      Tik-Tok
Slesar, Harry
  R      `Brother Robot`
Slote, Alfred
  A      My Robot Buddy
* A       C.O.L.A.R.
Smith, Cordwainer (Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger)
  C      `Alpha Ralpha Boulevard`
  R      `Mark Elf` or `Mark XI`
* Y?      `Scanners Live in Vain`
* C       `The Ballad of Lost C'Mell`
  R      `The Dead Lady of Clown Town`
  Y      `Three to a Given Star`
  C      Norstrilia (_The Planet Buyer_ & _The Underpeople_)
  C      The Planet Buyer
Smith, E. E. "Doc"
  R      `Robot Nemesis`
Smith, George H.
  R?     `Too Robot to Marry`
Smith, George O.
  ?      `Counter Foil`
  ?      The Brain Machine
Stableford, Brian Michael
  ?      The Walking Shadow
Stapledon, William Olaf
  Oe     Sirius: A Fantasy of Love and Discord  [dogs]  
Stasheff, Christopher
  SR     Escape Velocity
  R      King Kobold Revived
  R      The Warlock Enraged
  R      The Warlock Heretical
  R      The Warlock Insane
  SR     The Warlock in Spite of Himself
  R      The Warlock is Missing
  R      The Warlock Unlocked
  R      The Warlock Wandering
  R      The Warlock's Companion
Statton, Vargo (John Russel Fearn)
  R      Cataclysm
Stine, G. Harry
  Y?     Warbots: Operation High Dragon /5
  Y?     Warbots: The Lost Battalion /6
StJohn, Philip (Lester del Rey)
  R      `The Last True God`
Strike, Jeremy
  C      A Promising Planet
Stuart, Don A. (John W. Campbell, Jr.)
  R      `Night`
  C      `The Machine`
  R      `Twilight`
Sturgeon, Theodore
  R?     `Killdozer`
  ?      `Agnes, Accent, and Access`
  A      `The Golden Egg`
* O       More than Human  [gestalt mind]
Swanwick, Michael
* P?      Vacuum Flowers
Tall, Stephen
  R?     `This is My Country`
Temple, William
  R?     The Automated Goliath
Tenn, William (Philip Klass)
  R?     `Child's Play`
  A?     `Down Among the Dead Men`
  ?      `The House Dutiful`
  R      `The Jester`
  R?     `Wednesday's Child`
Tevis, Walter
  R      Mockingbird
Thomas, Dan
  C?     The Seed
Todd, Larry
  R      `Flesh and the Iron`
Todd, Lawrence
  R      `The Warbots`
Townes, Robert Sherman
  ?      `Problem for Emmy`
Tremaine, F. Orlin
  R      `True Confession`
Tubb, E. C.
  A      `A Captain's Dog`
  R      `Logic`
  C      `Moon Base`
Turner, George
  Y      Beloved Son
Vance, Gerald
  ?      We, The Machine
Vance, Jack
  Y?     `I-C-a-BEM`
van Vogt, Alfred Elton
  R      `Automaton`
  R      `Final Command`
  C?     `Fulfillment`
  A      All the Loving Androids
  CR     Computerworld
  ?      Mission to the Stars
  C      The Infinite Machine
  C?     The Players of Null A  [cloning]
  C      The World of Null A  [cloning]
Varley, John
* H?      `Overdrawn at the Memory Bank`
* P       `Press Enter`
  C      Millenium
Varshavsky, Ilya
  R      `Homonculus`
Vincent, Harl
  R      `Rex`
Vinge, Joan D.
  H?     `Fireship`
Vinge, Vernor
  S?     `Long Shot`
  ?      `The Accomplice`
  Pe     `True Names`
  P      The Peace War
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.
  C      `EPICAC`
  Y?     `Fortitude`
  C      Player Piano
  R      The Sirens of Titan
Wallace, F. L.
  R      `Seasoned Traveller`
Watt-Evans, Lawrence
  S      The Cyborg and the Sorcerers
  S      The Wizard and the War Machine
Weinbaum, Stanley G.
  R?     `The Ideal`
Wellen, Edward
  A      `Androids Don't Cry`
* C       `Finger of Fate`
  ?      `No Other Gods`
  A      `Voiceover`
Wells, H. G.
  R?     `When the Sleeper Wakes`
West, Wallace
  A      `Sculptors of Life`
White, E. B.
  R?     `The hour of Letdown`
White, James
  R      `Second Ending`
White, Ted
  A      Android Avenger & the Spawn of the Death Machine
Wilding, Eric (pseud)
  Y      `Deathwish`
Wilhelm, Kate
  A      `Andover and the Android`
  Y      `Windsong`
Willer, Jim
  C      Paramind
Williams, Robert Moore
  R      `Robot's Return`
  R      `The Metal Martyr`
Williams, Waltehr Jon
  CH     Hardwired
Williamson, Jack
  R?     `After Worlds End`
  R      `And Searching Mind`
  R?     `Guinevere for Everybody`
  R      `With Folded Hands`
  Y?     Lifeburst
  R      The Humanoid Touch
  CR     The Humanoids
Wodhams, Jack
  ?      `Sprog`
Wolfe, Bernard
  Y?     `Self Portrait`
  Y?     Limbo
Wolfe, Gene
  C?     `Alien Stones`
* H?      `The Fifth Head of Cerberus`
Woods, W. C.
  C      Killing Zone
Wright, S. Flower
  R      `Automata`
Wylde, Thomas
* ?       Clypsis
  H?     Roger Zelazny's Alien Speedway
Wyndham, John (John Lucas Benyon William Harris)
  R      `Compassion Circuit`
  R?     `The Lost Machine`
Young, Michael
  ?      The Rise of Meritocracy
Young, Robert F.
  R?     `Emily and the Bands Sublime`
  A?     `Juke Doll` or `Doll Friend`
  R      `Robot Son`
  R      `September Had Thirty Days`
Zamiatin, Eugene
  C?     We
Zebrowski, George
  SY?    `Starcrossed`
Zelazny, Roger
  O      `Devil Car`  [ai car]
  R      `For a Breath I Tarry`
  R      `Home Is the Hangman`
  O      `Itself Surprised`  [Berserkers]
  O      `Last of the Wild Ones`  [ai car]
  C      `Leaves of Grass`
  C      `Loki 7281`
  C      `My Lady of the Diodes`
  H      `Permafrost`
  C      Blood of Amber
  Y      Creatures of Light and Darkness
  O      Doorways in the Sand  [ai recording unit, invades host's body]
  OR     Roadmarks  [ai book]
  C      Sign of Chaos
  C      The Trumps of Doom
Zelazny, Roger & Saberhagen, Fred
  CH     Coils
Zebrowski, George
  ?      `Starcrossed`
Zebrowski, George and Carrington, Grant
  ?      `Fountain of Force`
I need more information about any of the above with a query mark under the AI type field, as well as about the following.
 `The Floating World` in _Asimov's_
 a series of stories about Willie Shorts
 Connie Willis' _Fire Watch_ AI's
 Doomstar by Perry and Reeves
 Forbidden Planet; Robbie the Robot; author?
 Holly in "Red Dwarf"
 The (A) containing Callahan stories by Spider Robinson
 The Purgatory Computer, Piers Anthony
* The rest of Stine's _Warbots_ series
 Warren Norwood's Ship/computer book
removed from the list:
Anderson Poul             -  `Sam Hall`
Asimov, Isaac             -  `The Dead Past`
Bellamy, Edward           -  `Looking Backward`
Brunner, John             -  The Shockwave Rider
Caidin, Martin            -  Cyborg (or The Six Million Dollar Man)
Card, Orson Scott         -  Ender's Children (Xenocide) as yet unpublished
Clarke, Arthur C.         -  `The Nine Billion Names of God`
Crichton, Michael         -  Sphere
Elliot, Bob et al.        -  `The Day the Computers Got Waldon Ashenfelter`
Le Guin, Ursula Kroeber   -  The Lathe of Heaven
Lee, Tanith               -  The Eletric Forest
Miller, Walter M., Jr.    -  `Dumb Waiter`
McIntyre, Vonda N.        -  `The Genius Freaks`
Oliver, Chad              -  `Transformer`
Sturgeon, Theodore        -  `The Macrocosmic God`
Tiptree, James R.         -  `The Girl Who Was Plugged In`
Zelzany, Roger            -  My Name is Legion
Things not included:
Dr. Who stuff      (K-9, Daliks, Cybermen)
ST:TNG stuff       (Mr. Data)
expanded definitions:
  All of the following should be able to pass the Turing test,  and should be/have been (at the minimum in their original forms) products of human or alien intelligence.  "Standard" definitions of intelligence apply.
 androids (A) - robots in humanoid form, these can be mechanical and/or organic (_Do androids Dream of Electric Sheep_).
 computer systems (C) - these range in size and type from a fair sized mini computer (_Ariel_) to an planetary
     computer (_Colossus_) to a galactic network with one  single mind (_Speaker for the Dead_).
 humans in computerized/program/digitized form (H) - these tend to be copies of people which only exist in computerized form - such as the hacker in (_Neuromancer_) and folks of City Memory in (_Eon_).
 non-mechanical, human created intelligences (N) - beings  which have been (in most cases) genetically altered or are biological (_Blood Music_).  NOT forced evolution 
 other intelligences (O) - beings which are difficult to categorize: anything Berserker, tanks, books, planets,  planets (Asimov's Gaia), satellites, etc.  Where (O) is used, the particular form has also been named when known.
 programs (P) - able to move independently from one computer system to another, usually created by a program(mer) _The Adolescence or P1_).
 robots (R) - constitute functional and specialized beings which are mobile and are not (S) or (P).  Anything between vaguely humanoid (Dr. Who's Cybermen) and computers on wheels (R2D2) can be considered robots of the 'functional'  robot class.  'Specialized' robots are those which are geared/optimized to performing one job - they can look like  either androids (The Terminator) or functional robots (Val's  from _Pirates of the Thunder_).
 ships/computer systems (S) - essentially an (A) which is only mobile in the form of a (star) ship (_Pirates of the Thunder_). However, there are cases where the (S) is essentially a well programmed (R) which is only mobile as stated (_The Number of the Beast_).
 cyborgs/mechanical humans (Y) - strictly speaking these are not  AI. The definition here is that the (Y) is either (1) a human  brain in control of a computer system/star ship (_The Ship Who Sang_) where at the very least the person's brain has  been modified to contain computerized parts (_The Rapture Effect?_) (Did you ever wish that you could have a math co-processor?). (Y)'s are NOT (for the purpose of this  list) organic beings whose natural body parts have beenreplaced by mechanical ones (ie. Luke Skywalker after his forearm was severed, or bionic people). unsure/no idea (?) - just what it says, so someone PLEASE read  it and tell me what type is is and whether it belongs here. 
evolved AI being (e) - usually begin as man-made devices hich then develop intelligence on their own (_Valentina_).
Copyright 1990
Clinton Edward-Garet (Jcen) Sheppard
Po Box 8266  
Austin, Tx  78713-8266
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