#The fandom when ONE person doesn't worship the ground percy walks on: πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ˜€πŸ˜‘πŸ˜ 
somewhereincairparavel Β· 2 months
Okay look. I'm not a huge fan of Piper's character myself, and that is because the trope of her character was, in my opinion, executed very poorly.
but do people really hate her because she said that Percy was less impressive compared to Jason? This whole thing started out as a joke, but I've literally seen people include this in one of their "Why Piper Mclean is a bad character" essays and it never fails to boggle my mind.
Why are people so mad that a girl said her boyfriend was better than a random guy she barely knew? It's very natural, that regardless of how handsome and impressive looking a person may be, partners always come first. In fact, she should be praised for staying that loyal, to the point that she didn't even subconsciously find any other guy attractive, despite the amount of praise she heard of Percy. I thought it was rather sweet that the moment she looked at percy, her first thought was Jason, her boyfriend. Let's be real, if Annabeth did the same for percy, y'all would be drowning her in praise for being "wife material" or something πŸ˜’
If it weren't Percy, then the fandom would accuse Piper of emotionally cheating on Jason by having thoughts of other guys. That's just it.
Also, canonically, Jason was better built/looked more fit with tanned muscles and had this intimidating and royal look, while Percy was said to look a little skinny/lanky (even though he is very strong) so Piper saying that Percy wasn't impressive looking wasn't directed as an insult. Piper was just puzzled that Percy didn't look as "strong" and "grand" like she imagined the HERO of Olympus to look like.
Also literally a few pages later, she said that Percy had cute baby seal eyes, apparently that isn't a compliment?
I cannot believe ppl are trashing a 15 year old girl for not falling on her knees for a boy when she has a boyfriend. Like you can hate Piper and everything, i don't like her either, but give valid reasons pls 😭
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