#Then the switch and Splatoon 2 came out. We didn't have the money to buy a switch either.
galactichelium · 2 years
I wanna draw so bad but I just don't really have any ideas. I think I had an idea before Splatoon 3 came out? But I completely have forgotten it since then because I've been obsessively playing it since Splatoon 3 came out. And I WOULD draw something Splatoon-related but tbh I kinda wanna draw my usual Homestuck stuff right now. But yeah, just got no ideas. (And also, even if I did, I'm still stuck in my "Playing Splatoon 3 obsessively" mode, so little to no drawing would get done anyway most likely).
I wish the Switch would show you how many hours you've put into a game sooner. Like it currently says for me "First played 10 days ago" like c'mon, surely now it's been long enough where I can see how many hours I've put into the game. However I can say somehow I put 15 hours into the splatfest world premiere. Y'know, the one that was supposed to only last 12 hours. That means I spent at least 3 hours prior to the actual splatfest starting just walking around the square.
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sumthinganarchy · 2 months
Well we've come this far,
I remember when splatoon 1 came out, I wanted it so bad but I couldn't have it cus we didn't owe a wiiU (I was so confused back in the day about the wiiU that I thought splatoon was ON the wii lol). During this time is when I would looked up videos and art on Google and YouTube, this is what kicked started my love for spyke, which I fell in love with.
I remember splatoon 2 well as well, marina was my favorite idol, and spyke was here again (tho you couldn't talk to him). I remember how I would try doodling myself as a inkling in class, and one of my friends telling me about the game since they had a switch.
A couple of months before splatoon 3 came out, I had some money laying around and decided to buy splatoon 2 (tho I should have keeped it for splatoon 3). I didn't play multi-player as I didn't have online (and I got scared ), I made to throw single player a bit, but I finally beat it a month or so before I got splatoon 3 (evey time I'd log in, I'd squid flop in front of spyke's window for motivation)
I got splatoon 3 on Christmas from my dad, and I payed for online and the dlc by the end of the day, and I love it, I love that every one grows up
I'll be making a drawing soon (probably by the end of the week)
Goodbye splatoon, we love you<3
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