#There's also complicated feelings with Cypha because of Necro but that's another pile of worms
starlytenight · 2 years
I'm curious as to how your Morpho would react to other people's AUs where Gala ends up raising Meta, or the much rare verson, where Meta ends up raising Kirby and Gala as siblings. Or other versons where Meta and Gala are more friends than enemies.
Oh, I have friends with AUs like that so this is a fun one to answer!
Plus you get a small dive into my Morpho's quirks.
Basically my Morpho has never seen any worlds outside of things that are heavily based on in-game stuff, so he's never seen any dimensions where Meta and Gala are actually amicable toward each other until now/recently. In every world he has visited, they were always at each other's throats and he just came to expect hostility from their interactions, much like he came to expect Galacta eventually calling out to him.
In essence, he's destroyed countless worlds because they failed his test upon merging with the respective Galacta Knight and using his suffering to measure the world's worth. Those worlds failed, but the butterfly kept his bond with each angel, eventually gaining a strong connection to him as a concept. Each Galacta is different, but their fates have been the same.
To see such alternate worlds would be extremely fascinating to him. Just anything even remotely amicable, let alone familial or romantic.
His main focus is Galacta Knight, so he would be invested in those related to him, be it a son in Meta, friends, or being raised by Meta---He would just be fascinated by how rare it is (in his experience) to see them like this, not to mention how he would have to plan around such things accordingly to get his judgement duty rolling.
My AU is the first time he's seen them actually in love. He finds it incredibly fascinating to see unfold. He has always known Meta Knights across dimensions to be far too cold, solitary, and nearly ruthless before eventually softening up with Kirby, Bandana Dee, and King Dedede... but by then it's usually too late and the damage is already done.
Not to say Meta Knight and company are the reason for Galacta's misery per say, but summoning the poor warrior just to kick his ass out of sheer pride certainly didn't help the matter. Same goes for the many Kirbys that joined in on the ass-kicking without wanting to reason or help the angel. Galacta is always forced/summoned in, he isn't usually willingly brought into those boss battles. They haven't tried to help him. They just fight him the moment they see him, defeat him, and move on, treating him like a nameless monster.
Just like everyone else.
To see a Meta Knight loving him in this world, and even willing to die for him is such a wild concept to Morpho. He knew the other versions of him had such capacity to behave like this, (other Meta Knights with Kirby/the others being loving or willing to protect them with their lives) but they never had the right circumstances to bring that out toward Galacta Knight. In this world, he does. (Think like differing headcanons, variations in shipping preferences/orientations/differing events, ect.)
If he found himself in other places like that, assuming he isn't split apart, he would be happy to see Galacta Knight not suffering and not crying out for him.
However the problem would arise that they eventually do need to eventually come together for Judgement Day and he does need the local angel to work with him. Resistance from any Galacta Knight is not something he's used to and he would have to find a work around, assuming said Galacta Knight would not be desiring a better life/in such misery he would rather be dead*.
(*The feeling is like "I don't want to die but this existence is so painful I would rather be dead at this point, please help me" and thus Morpho grants him a new state of being with him to exact their combined judgement upon the world; all the pain and suffering placed upon the angel is felt by the deity, and then returned to the cruel life he was given which usually ends in oblivion.)
In some of these worlds, Kirby won, but everything was nearly devastated beyond recognition (his friends, family, Popstar, everything destroyed.) Others, he lost. That world is no more. Other variations exist obviously, it's a multiverse so anything is possible, but in general the usual outcome is failure of that respective dimension and it ending in death or near-total death.
Now, what's the fate of other worlds with Morphos there? Mine would just leave them be since that is the respective realm they have priority over. He does not interfere beyond perhaps a quick hello before moving on; his other self will do as they wish with that realm for it is theirs. He will judge whichever one he comes across first. It's like a "dibs" thing, haha.
As for MorphoGala AUs, haha, he'd love that actually.
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He "loves" Galacta (as a concept and each individual one) deeply (when he isn't split apart and a lil' out of it, haha), but is technically an outsider and doesn't interfere directly unless he has to.
In this world, he is delighted to have Necro at Galacta's side and is a bit disappointed he and Necro didn't get together, but isn't too broken up about it. Meta treats him well and this is the happiest he's seen any Galacta Knight he's met. Their connection mentioned earlier also allows Morpho to softly feel some of Galacta's emotions too, like Necro---so he also has a soft spot for this Meta with this Galacta not hating him and in fact loving him. (Note: his wording when he and Meta spoke, "Our dear Galacta.")
He also knows he and Galacta are going to come together one way or another anyway---Galacta cannot escape his fate. Meta cannot stop this. No one can.
In the end, every single one comes to him.
They are his in the end.
They will judge this world and deliver what they deserve.
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