#There's no escape for some least of all for me| Jacqueline's Frontier verse
therelignedstars · 6 months
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"How is it, Grant's got a pretty and smart young woman working for him? You'd think such a beautiful, accomplished woman such as yourself would be married by now, Miss Jacqueline."
Jacqueline chuckles softly, "I don't think any man could handle me Mr.Brown. Besides, I have to pay my pa's debt somehow."
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therelignedstars · 6 months
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"The things I hear in this house don't surprise me anymore."
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therelignedstars · 6 months
@general-kalani {blep}
Miss Gautier's cheeks turned a light pink as she covered her eyes with her shawl. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I-I um." She stammers, feeling embarrassed but also flustered. She backed up to the door, fumbling with the door knob.
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therelignedstars · 6 months
//*Pokes Jackie* Please reply in your main Jackie.
"But fur, dresses and murder."
//No aaah.
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therelignedstars · 6 months
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The young modiste pauses in the middle of her work honestly, surprised someone would ask that. She also wasn't expecting her employer to defend her honor like that.
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therelignedstars · 6 months
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Miss Jacqueline Marie Gautier is a young debutante whose luck went downhill rather quickly. The young woman's father gambled away not only her dowry but also gotten himself with a hefty amount of debt to Mr. Samuel Grant. As a result, she's employed by Mr. Grant to pay off the debt and keep her father out of prison and her younger sister Angelica off the streets.
Before coming under Samuel's employment, the young lady was a modiste. Miss Gautier is an excellent tracker and huntress from years of hunting with her father, Johnathan. She may seem timid at first, but she's rather a sweet woman once she warms up to the people around her.
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therelignedstars · 6 months
She lays on her bed sighing. "Why are all the men that I like into each other aaaahhh?"
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therelignedstars · 6 months
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"I enjoy this dress way too much. I wish Cleena would wear it more."
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therelignedstars · 6 months
Miss. Gautier if Mr. Grant wished to adopt you? how would you feel about it?
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"I'd be flattered, but I'd also ask him a series of questions because I am nearly 20 years old. He'd probably be better off adopting a young orphan boy."
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therelignedstars · 6 months
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//So have a few headcanons about this dress. Jacqueline was asked to make it specifically for Cleena. She spend three days with little sleep to make it.
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therelignedstars · 6 months
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"At least I know safe. I didn't think they'd both be this protective of me, my goodness."
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therelignedstars · 6 months
Miss Gautier, might I ask you to accompany me on a hunt? I've heard you're an excellent tracker.
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"Monsieur. While I may be an excellent tracker, it would be improper for a maiden such as myself to go with you. The answer is no. Consider yourself lucky my employers isn't around to hear you, dear. I think it's best if you leave."
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