#These are my favorite tracks from Y7
piko-power · 1 year
This sucks.
First animators and the animation industry, and now this.
The writers and the writing community are getting pushed aside all for some phoney baloney next generation of mankind.
The animators and animation were treated like a joke for so long all because some Oscar winning bitches thought it was for kids, even though it really isn't. It's for everyone. And it's been like that since literally forever.
Hell, even some movies and shows made for a younger audience like My Little Pony have huge praise, love and support from human beings of all ages.
Don't pretend shows like Futurama, Primal, Bob's Burgers, Inside Job, ect. don't exist because their animated. If done right, an animated show for adults can be outstanding. Sadly, there are some that are kind of try-hards (Swearing and sexual jokes every ten seconds or whatever) that is just becomes a mediocre, or worse, terrible show, that it might just prove someone's dumbass theory that animation is for kids and kids only.
Again, not fucking true.
My two favorite animated shows, both targeted at different audiences, are DuckTales and Futurama. I love their characters, the stories, the comedy, the drama, the music, but I especially love the animation.
DuckTales may have been made for a TV-Y7 audience, but the people who worked on it made it for anyone to enjoy, wether it's kids, adults, or fans of the original DuckTales show. It was made for ANYONE.
Just like every other "kids" show, anyone is allowed to enjoy it and scream their heads off over the coolest and craziest thing they ever seen on Gravity Falls or cry tears of joy when Luz and Amity are together in The Owl House.
Also, animators are fucking awesome and talented and even though it is hard work, it's what they love doing and it's what brings our favorite shows and movies to life.
Every day I think about any movie or show that has 3D animation, 2D animation, stop-motion, ect. and just go "Damn, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life." Even though it was only, like, five seconds of animation of Sonic blinking and smiling.
Animation and animators deserve lots of support and love every day because of these great shows and movies.
But do you know who else made these shows and movies happen? Another group of talented humans that made them to begin with? That no media can live without?
If you're gonna make something come to life in the wonderful world of animation, you gotta write and story.
Figure out the characters and what should happen in the third act.
Keep track of the story as the show goes on and write down the funniest one-liners Dewey had ever said.
You can't have literally any animated media without writers. No. Not just animated media. EVERY. SINGLE. MOVIE, OR, OR VIDEO GAME, THAT HAS EVER EXISTED.
These guys? Right here? Mean the whole world to me.
Even if it's fanfic writers, they are so goddamn amazing.
They are responsible for your favorite franchises. I can tell you right now that the world would be gone to shit without writers.
I write stories as well and let me tell you, it's also hard work, but dammnit I love it.
Writers and the writing community are one of a kind and they are extremely important. And just like animators, they are talented and love what they do.
But despite all of that, H*llywood has other ideas.
Ideas that should never light up even the cheapest of light bulbs.
Mother. Fucking. AI.
AI, also known as Artificial Intelligence (Doubt they have any tho) are the scum of the earth. For some time it was used for art, writing and even used for cartoon voices.
By the way, that's fucking theft.
There are literally real human beings who can draw for you, write for you, voice act for you, (By the way voice actors are also my whole world and I would be nothing without them) but you'd rather choose AI to do all of that for you??
Why would we even use AI at all when human beings, with a mouth, a brain and hands are RIGHT HERE?!?!
Also, some AI voice memes (Sonic btw) almost got an voice actor in trouble for something THEY HAVE NEVER SAID. Yeah. A robot almost got someone in trouble. That is really bad.
AI art and writing and theft and straight up plagiarism. And AI voices are theft as well. Imagine using an AI voice of someone who passed?
Do you know how fucking awful that sounds??
Yet today, people are still using this trash and worst of all, Hollywood is in on it too.
That is absolutely insulting and hateful towards artists and writers of all kinds.
I thought we were done treating talented humans with a heart like shit.
I thought we were done.
I thought we were fucking done.
I am tired of amazing artists and writers, especially writers, being pushed to the ground and being replaced with AI. I wish artists and writers don't have to suffer like this. They deserve better.
They deserve so much love right now.
These awesome people have no right to be treated like this. They are people too. They have feelings, and you are hurting them. Saying your using AI to write is literally saying that the writers are useless and you don't need them anymore.
You made them believe that.
That's why their on fucking strike.
Writers want justice. Writers want goddamn justice and you're not giving them that, all because you think AI is the short cut.
You can't even do anything now that their on strike, but the worst part? I have a feeling you're gonna keep using it anyway after this is all over.
Is that right? Do you still wanna be a piece of shit to these real talented creators, after all these messages we kept shoving down your throats?
I know I sound harsh but sometimes raising my voice is the only way for you to listen. But I know damn well your gonna keep ignoring me, ignoring us, so we're gonna raise our voices higher.
I wish AI never existed so that way these wonderful artists, animators, writers and voice actors would never be forgotten. I don't want them to be forgotten.
I mean it when I say they changed my life.
When I was a kid, I watched all of the bonus material from the movies I've seen. All of the movies. Something about watching all these behind the scene footages from artists and actor just makes me so happy.
All these people made all of our favorite movies and shows, even though it took them a long time to make, but they were having a blast making them. They wanted to make something special for the audiences, and they never stopped.
Especially when I watch interviews and I just have this fuzzy feeling that working on a movie or show in any role is such an amazing feeling. It inspires me to write to begin with.
I love hearing people's thoughts on the media they worked on and how it made them feel to see audiences loving the thing they were involved in. Makes me emotional every time.
In fact, there's one person who I absolutely adored for a few years and loved his works from beginning to end.
His name is Ben Schwartz.
Not only he's an actor but he's also a writer. He is so funny and sweet and just an amazing person. He is incredible and talented and always got that smile on his face.
He's the spirit of optimism in my opinion. He inspired me the most. To keep going.
And also? He's on strike too!
He is a writer so of course he's on strike and I am forever proud of him.
I am also proud of everyone who is on strike right now.
To the animators, writers and actors everywhere: Never stop fighting.
Even when the strike is over, for the love of God don't stop fighting.
You guys are kicking ass right now and you are making your voice heard, loud and proud.
I am so, so proud of all of you!
You deserve all the support, respect and love for the rest of your life for what you are doing!
Never stop doing what you love and keep going!
You got this!
To all the writers, animators and voice actors out there fighting for their voice: You are not alone and we love you!
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radiantlyrey · 1 year
Thoughts on Uprising Ep8 “The Reward”
- (pre-viewing note: is this the episode where a program nearly gets drawn and quartered?? I remember this vividly from 10 years ago but it hasn’t popped up yet…..) (note from later: APPARENTLY IT IS!!! OKAY THEN.)
- I haven’t mentioned this yet, but the recaps before each episode are a fucking delight. it’s like a full-on course in double meaning and irony and the delivery is just *chef’s kiss* I know there’s a button to skip the recaps but they’re so fun I usually watch them anyway…….
- cold open: it’s pretty obvious from early on that this is a dream, and I did not realize/remember that programs dreamed! this is useful information for fic-writing, thank you show. the content of the dream itself is a little disturbing, mostly from the way the Renegade is just ragdolling around while Tesler ineffectively tries to fight him. it’s honestly a great way to display Tesler’s insecurities, and very effective at that.
- Tesler has got a good point—they’re wasting too many resources on tracking down the Renegade; they might as well outsource the bulk of the work. his speech in the arena is very effective; Henriksen is a great VA for him, and honestly Tesler is pretty effectively terrifying as the main villain of the series. (nitpick: the “RENEGADE FREE ARGON” sign during Tesler’s speech needs a fricking hyphen after “Renegade.” Though in a delicious twist of irony, the Renegade is trying to free Argon, so without the hyphen there’s a delightful double meaning in there.)
- related to the speech, Tesler wishes the programs of Argon “Happy Hunting” which made me think of Janelle Monae’s song “Violet Stars Happy Hunting!!!” from her first Metropolis album. It is a banger of a song, and it also got me to thinking about whether there are bounty hunters on the Grid at all?? Like, given the Renegade issue in Argon alone, there must be other enemies of the state that Clu wants eliminated, right? (but then that digs into the whole issue of currency on the Grid, which there is no mention of AT ALL and argh) but that’s just my brain running away from me……
- semi B plot with Paige and Pavel (tho I’ll be honest, this ep is all A plot): Paige is doing her job, Pavel is being paranoid, though his paranoia may be slightly justified. also we got Bartik and Hopper hanging around again, and these guys still baffle the fuck out of me, especially Bartik??? But I’ve gone over that like three times now, so I’ll let it lie for now. and it’s absolutely no surprise that Pavel’s being sneaky about things… ugh.
- also the whole neighbor turning on neighbor thing that we see here is… a little disturbing, for a Y7 show??? maybe not, I don’t have a good gauge for these things. it just seems a little reminiscent of some parts of history, to me? I don’t know. (mind you, with the Scars episodes up next, I’ll have plenty to talk about in re: appropriateness for 7 year olds……) (don’t remember much about Scars, but I do remember the fucking TORTURE SCENES)
- meanwhile, it’s nice to see Beck actually hanging out with his friends for once (and also nice that Zed calls him on the fact that he has not been hanging with them very much recently) (ya gotta get a better work-work-life balance there, kiddo) it is nice that Tron deferred to his judgement on what they needed to do about the hunt for the Renegade (and I loved Beck’s “finally he listens to me” reaction….) tho it kind of sucks that their favorite club has turned into an army hangout….
- and then we have a one-scene, one-minute character in Gorn! who fascinates me to no end. apparently memory modifications are possible, but it’s a specialized task that takes a steady hand and a good deal of patience. which Pavel of course lacks. anyway, what a fascinating one-off character; kind of hoping she pops up again at some point…..
- I love that Beck and Paige are approaching this whole “Hopper’s the Renegade!” thing from two completely different angles, both arriving at the same truth (albeit for very different reasons…) Beck’s smooth moves getting in with Link are hilarious, for one, and Paige actually like…. listening to people is cool of her, and another indicator of her complex character.
- and then MARA FUCKS UP REAL BAD HOLY SHIT GIRLLLLLL. Mind you, Tesler’s already in a prickly mood, so it’s no surprise (also considering what he did to Paige’s friends way back when) that he decides to execute Zed and Mara as sympathizers… tho I find it hilarious because literally the previous episode Zed was complaining about how the Renegade is a menace to society, etc. I also like that Mara and Zed are trying to do the right thing even though neither of them like Hopper very much. good on them.
- further notes on the public execution: okay, so it’s more drawing and thirding than drawing and quartering, but nonetheless. (also file under things I’m surprised they got away with putting in a Y7 show…..) love that Beck has a growing history of grand theft auto, what with stealing the roadster from Link to save his friends (and Hopper). the sequence where Beck swoops in to save everyone is really neat, too. that missile gun of Pavel’s was kind of terrifying tho….
- also it is kinda tragic that Beck got to spend time with his friends… but also not. poor kid.
- and re: Zed/Mara - this crush thing between the two of them is going to KILL ME, I swear!!!!!!!! USE YOUR WORDS, KIDS. IT AIN’T THAT HARD!!!!
- all in all: pretty fun episode, though not necessarily a lighter one…..
I may or may not get to Scars (both parts) tonight, we’ll just have to see………….
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I’m looking for a feel good tv show or movie that is on Netflix or live tv. Got any recommendations? Or just people being dumbasses works too if you can’t think of any feel good tv shows or movies.
people being dumbasses is Definitely legends of tomorrow. its essentially crack. you think its reached its peak? nope, it gets Better. its hilarious and i love it. (maybe skip s1 tho that one isn't good). its found family To The Max. theres a female bisexual ex assassin whos the captain of a time traveling ship and her team (across the seasons) consists of: a proclaimed dead billionaire with a suit that shrinks, two criminals who are snarky Best Bros, a 20 year old mechanic and a doctor of physics who make up a nuclear powered superhero, a badass chick from a tribe in africa who was a member of an elite superhero team and is from 1942, a doctor of history who can turn to steel and always forgets he can turn to steel, a bisexual wizard specializing in the dark arts and only owns one outfit, a shapeshifter whos just a general all around badass and happens to be one of the greek fates and probably some other people I'm forgetting PLUS the villains and the side characters. its just. you need to laugh? watch that. yeah its got its sad moments and occasionally some people get injured (or die) but theyre time travelers and all they do is continually fuck up the timeline and then try to fix it and they dont know what theyre doing At All and this is an awful summary but please trust me its really good.
leap year is a funny movie that i think is still on netflix. its about a girl who goes to ireland to propose to her boyfriend on leap year as per some old irish tradition thing and she meets this snarky dude in a pub who “helps her.” its like a romcom of sorts but its well done and hilarious. also i think that guy from parks and rec is in it??
its definitely not on netflix but I've watched illegal recordings of it on youtube and its called surprised by love and its a hallmark movie. its the Classic hallmark movie. girl is Big Business Chick dating Huge Business Asshole That Her Parents Dont Like so she takes her old high school boyfriend Who Her Parents Really Dont Like to a family event in a backwards way to make her parents like her actual boyfriend better. its really great. its so cheesy but i love it. and theres a twinkie cake. 
on netflix theres this kids show tv spin off of how to train your dragon called dragons race to the edge and holy shit its the best. its rated literally like y7 so u know theres no stabby stabby but its so funny. in my opinion its Far Better than any of the movies and my sister and i got hooked on it one year and binge watched the whole thing. the plot is also immaculate. theres no plot holes and it was Clearly well thought out. i think theres like 7 seasons. its essentially pure comic relief, every episode is hilarious and without a doubt will make you laugh.
monty python and the holy grail is on netflix and is really funny. my sister and i watched it last night. its kinda dumb and makes no sense but hey sometimes u need that.
also i think it got taken off of netflix so idk where you would actually watch it but while you were sleeping. its my all time favorite movie and i can quote it front to back and sideways. i think technically its a christmas movie but it just takes place at christmas so not really? its so funny omg. this girl works at the chicago el train and she has this couch on this guy who gets shoved onto the tracks on christmas and she saves him but then accidentally tells the hospital she's hes fiancee and his family is WILD but its like the family you Wish you had you know? and so she doesnt tell them that she's not his fiancee for the whole week hes in a coma and its just. its so amazing. theres so many quotable lines. i love that movie. idk where you'd watch it tho unfortunately. 
thats all i can think of right now sadly but maybe you'll watch one of them and let me know if you do!
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cartoonjazzlover · 5 years
Summer 2019 Shows First Impressions
My first impressions for kids shows that premiered throughout summer 2019. Nickelodeon 44 Cats: Italian show, but based from what I seen, it's a cute filler show when nothing's good on. With the first few episodes, I thought it would get repetitive with the rival cats, but thankfully that doesn't happen every single  episode. The theme song screams preschool, but it grows on you. The cats eating spaghetti is weird, but it's good timing now that Nick finally acquired  the rights to Garfield. The English dub is even more interesting: it's recorded at New York and if you still watch the Pokemon dub, some familiar like Sarah Natochenny, Suzy Myers, Erica Schroeder, are involved. 7/10 All That: I'm almost caught up with the 2019 revival of it, and it's decent so far. It wasn't a surprise that Nick would brought it back due to Brian Robbins being the creator and is now running the network. Once Henry Danger ends for good, this will be Nick's main live-action show. Who knows if they'll start giving the actors their own shows, just like they did in the original run? My favorite actors so far are all the girls, while Lex Lumpkin is probably my favorite male cast member. Nathan Janak and Chinguun Sergelen should need major improvements in their acting while Ryan Alessi is okay. The Good Burger and Loud Librarian sketches return for this revival and they are just as funny. Unless you're into randomness, I recommend this and you don't have to watch the original series to prepare for it. I do wish NickRewind would air it again. 7/10 LEGO City Adventures: One of the acquired show, and it's as random and episodic as you get. Definitely worth a shot for kids viewers. I like how it focuses on different characters instead of focusing on the same ones. My favorite episode so far is the Sky Police/Father's Day Parade segment for its wholesome story, especially the latter. On another note, I love the shading to the animation. The theme song is quite memorable as well, especially the extended credits theme. Definitely a show worth your time if there's nothing good on. Not sure why Nick suddenly stopped airing new episodes for awhile in favor of LEGO Jurassic World. 8/10 Disney Channel Amphibia: To tell you the truth, when I first about this show, I was anticipating for it. I liked the idea of a human girl entering a world of amphibians. But what's the end result, you ask? An utter disappointment. I mean, I still stand what I said when I saw the first happened, but this show ended up being a borefest. Even as it progresses, I still don't see any improvement. What doesn't help that it's hinting a possible recurring story, and you know what that means. Yep, another cartoon that needs to be story driven in order to be mature. Just great. There's a few good things about it, but my memory is rusty. 5/10 Just Roll With It: Disney Channel's latest live-action program. What surprises me is that it's rated TV-Y7 (a few other live-action programs has that rating higher than G). Also, it's even produced by It's a Laugh Productions, but rather it's done by a different studio. It's still mult-camera, but it is filmed in front of a live studio audience rather than using laugh track. And this show suffered a case of "bad first impression." The first couple episodes were horrible, but I've watched a few more and it isn't bad. Maybe because the plots were less cringeworthy. It just got renewed, so maybe this is okay if you want to pass the time. 5.5/10 Cartoon Network Mao Mao Heroes of Pure Heart: CN's only new show during this summer. And it happens to be one of my favorite new cartoon of 2019. As a cat lover, I'm biased and also consider this the best show I reviewed here, because the main character is a black cat with a sword, fighting bad guys. And yes, before people answer, Mao Mao does resemble Mr, Blik from Catscratch. I like his chemistry with his roommates, especially Badgerclops. Their relationship is more aggressive than Grizz and Panda from We Bare Bears. Acrobat is basically her name, but while I find her funny at times, she's too hyperactive and loud. The pacing is one of my biggest issues with the show. It can be too fast at times. CN is on a roll with original ideas and if you want to be a real funny superhero cartoon, please watch Mao Mao. 9/10
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ngame989 · 6 years
S2E1 - My New Wand/Ludo in the Wild
My New Wand
Standout Moments -
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The ideal male body contest of Season 2 opens strong with our main man Marco.
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If pupils expand when looking at something you love, then this is Season 4 Star looking at Marco.
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Random nitpicky garbage – N/A
New thing I caught – As you’ll often find in this section, this isn’t something I never noticed but rather something that wasn’t at the forefront of my mind that I was reminded of. Glossaryck says he loves Marco and doesn’t go back on it. Glossaryck is, of course, full of riddles and contradictions at times, but this line still makes you wonder if there’s some intended truth to it. He did, after all, directly encourage Marco to find Star’s journal to make her dip down so he’s well-aware of how Star feels about him. Season 3 kinda sent Glossaryck’s character/motives in a… different direction, but if he has been playing a single long game the entire time, it’s very possible that his end goals he’s working towards even now factor in things like the Blood Moon and Starco (and therefore give this line some true meaning).
Starco commentary –
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This is the one that sets up Star’s crush beginning to develop. Keep in mind that the exact words were likely written much later than this episode, but I think they were still intended to reflect Star’s thoughts at the time.
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Now, honestly, one could look at this and say “But Ngame, if she already knew she had this close of a connection to Marco, how was that just a crush and not true love? Why did she move on and get with Tom? These words are already deeper and more emotional than anything she’s ever had for demon boy!” And it’s a fair question, but the biggest point is that she never did lose sight of these things. She knew everything about Marco that made him such a perfect friend and companion, but when she started getting feelings for him they were riddled with anxiety and heartbreak. And when he came back to Mewni, she kept him closer than ever, just with the mushy-gushy romantic feelings part of things aside. She never forgot or moved on from all the thoughts present in this chapter, she just reframed it in a way that didn’t make her sad. I know more than anyone that it can be tough to reconcile how she can care so much for Marco but still be smoochy with Tom, but it does all fit a coherent, cohesive narrative (and she smooched Marco anyway so we’re on track now).
A much better question to ask is “why do you use the word ‘smooch’ so damn much it sounds creepy and weird”.
Overall – Really great opening segment to the season to set up most of the truly important aspects.
Ludo in the Wild
Standout Moments – The soundtrack of this episode is among my favorites in the entire series. It creates such a wonderful aesthetic throughout the entire segment that only the best of the best scenes in the show match.
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A sentient talking character gets gored and Ludo eats his body parts right in front of us. TV-Y7!
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Sounds like Minecraft ambient music, and that’s a good thing.
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Undertale softly in the distance
Random nitpicky garbage – N/A
New thing I caught – N/A
Starco Commentary – One of the few episodes of the series that has literally 0 relevance to Starco, and I can’t even complain about that.
Overall – One of the best and most original episodes in the series. A compelling and focused narrative about dominance of will for a character who has largely been the butt of jokes. Alan Tudyk is always wonderful as Ludo, but this is where the range of the character shines.
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