#They're experiencing they're first ever friendship and it's starting to affect their moral views okay
ifeellikeameowster · 2 years
In For The Future it's hinted that The Collector has already started to somewhat learn what friendship is through spending time with King. In particular This Scene:
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Where Terra is smart mouthing him. He only looks mildly irritated. More so at the fact that she isn't getting her "role" right. UNTIL she insults King.
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Where he's surprised and then they look over At King.
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Before getting mad on King's behalf. Which show's that they consider King getting insulted a big No No. Meaning he doesn't want anyone possibly hurting King's feelings with their words.
And then, instead of turning Terra into a doll/puppet for not "playing right" or "being a convincing enough Eda", they specifically state that:
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It's because she's being was Mean.
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