#Thinking this'll be the perfect time to ask about Draco's age
azurechemist · 10 years
((Arynga x.x)) "Draco? You been settling in alright?"
Draco peeked his head over, beginning to sniff gently before realizing who it was. And promptly slapping a mask on their face before walking back to his potion set. "D-doin' alright, actually. I-I've just gotta get this... potion brewed..." How this little wolf put together an entire alchemy set-up would be beyond many others, though the little guy seemed to be hugely resourceful. It wasn't too big, and many of the vials looked like they had been fashioned from other things. Not to mention he was doing most of it by hand instead of letting automatic mixtures happen. "I-I figured I could s-stock up on some electric potions... m-might help a-anyone going outside o-of the village."
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