#This isn't like. A commited thing in my head btw dhdbd
thejesterlad · 2 years
okay Infodump Time about an Impulsive Au Idea (FNAF SB + Joy Joy Gang) >:]]
This will. Be in kinda bullet point form because I don't know how else to properly phrase it all DBSBSB
× okay Fazbear Entertainment is shit as a company so I wouldn't be surprised if they like. Bought lower companies struggling with money or just barely being used/visited, so they could ~~steal ideas~~ repurpose old animatronics.
× I'd imagine Joy Joy Land in this to be sorta run down theme park, set up the same as Mascot Mayhem but idk if the lower levels would be the same (Zone 2 more than Zone 3) - definitely the theme park though. As of now, the Joy Joy Gang aren't working for Malak, just robots who got a spark of AI from what was most likely a half-assed building process, and run rampant with it + gain their personalities. An example being Lucky picks up on some of his humour from overhearing the occasional crude joke made by an employee.
× After the theme park shuts down, they're basically freeroam, and are that way until some Faz Ent members show up for spare parts. The theme park wouldn't exactly have been in operation between Shut Down - Faz Ent Steps In, but the gang would most likely have been taking HELLA advantage of the freeroam. I haven't thought about this part fully but either the gang fakes being offline to prevent other methods of powering off, or they mess around with employees home alone style until something fucks up and they power off.
× One of Lucky's first situations upon waking up in the pizzaplex is finding a Staff Bot - probably guessing it's not that smart - but playing either a game of hide and seek or tag with it, chasing the bot down and knocking it over due to speed™. Lucky then drags the mostly yet not fully working robot around a little bit before potentially finding parts and services
× Since the robots in security breach are TALL, the gang will end up being on the smaller end height wise. Idk about the rest of y'all but I personally LOVE the idea of Lucky being the smallest in the gang so haha guess what >:]]]
× I haven't fully figured out what kind of area they'd get? I'm tossing between security system or a sort of middle ground between the daycare + basically everywhere else, but it'd probably take a while due to originally being bought as scrap metal. There existence would. Probably already be known by the other bots by this point FBSBSB-
× > If they do become just security bots, the hacking could just be that some personality traits are exaggerated + if a kid is caught they need to hand them over to Vanny? Examples being Lucky's need to win becomes bigger (somehow), Penny gets to the point of Emotional Attachment On Sight, Hangry... I haven't exactly figured out yet?? Idk brain's now tossing impulse ideas around for him DBZVVVZ
× A friend during school had the idea of Lucky A) nicknaming the daycare attendant 'smiles' and B) just sorta also dragging moon down to parts and services with the staff bot since they have a different endoskeleton and he's interested. Maybe doing this sort of thing where he ties the daycare attendant down to the chair in parts and services, then holds some sort of mechanic item, being like 'Always wanted to play surgeon :)'. This isn't entirely likely i just find it funny
Read more thing below since. Shattered Variant ideas and idk the game's been out for months now unless a year randomly flew by but eh idk i don't wanna accidentally spoil even if this isn't gonna be in the security breach tag-
× Okay uh. Lucky's basically Roxy's case but with his ears? I want to say it gets caught/trapped between something and in his kneejerk reaction of 'get the fuck out of here', he tears his ears off DBDBSBSH. I like the idea of him and Roxy kinda tag-teaming near the end of the night, Lucky being the eyes to Roxy and vice versa with Roxy being the ears for Lucky dbdbdb. However that'd probably be... after a little bit DBSBBS, because Roxy would most likely still be very reactive/emotional due to losing her eyes, and Lucky's... still Lucky SSBABAB
× > Lucky operates the same as Roxy but sight based? Like, if he catches sight of the kid/Gregory he will GO FOR IT and stay around the area they were last seen for a bit, since. he can't hear where they went XBSB. Doesn't stop him from yelling out remarks 'n whatever though
Brain fixates on Lucky the most outta the gang so if there's any ideas for Penny and Hangry that'll be. Very Appreciated DBAHSHSH
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