#This isnt to discredit the clear passion
raveneira · 2 years
Saw someone say the red flower in Sarada’s hair here is a red lotus and not a camellia to discredit the symbolism in her and Kawaki both being featured with red camellias which couldnt be further from the truth.
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Now to be fair for the sake of the argument, its fair to say its hard to tell what flower it is since we’re viewing it from the side but even so you can still get a general idea to narrow down what flowers it might be based on the petals, core, etc, so to be devils advocate we cant say 100% that its a camellia flower, but I CAN however say it 100% isnt a red lotus.
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At first glance they look similar but theres clear distinct differences starting with the shape of the petals, the red lotus petails are slimmer and more pointed than the ones in Sarada’s hair. Now you can argue the petals do look pointed but not as sharp but thats not the only thing thats different but the pistil as well, the lotus has an upside down triangular pistil thats flat on the top with several dots.
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Meanwhile the red camellia’s petals are more round and the pistil resembles closer to Sarada’s headpiece.
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Now you may still argue its still possible its not a camellia which ok fair, but its definitely not a lotus, how am I so sure? look at the leaf of Sarada’s headpiece, its small and pointed like the leaves of camellia flowers you see on the kanzashi above.
HOWEVER lotuses DONT have such leaves, their actually the really big round lily pad lookin leaves you see in the water surrounding them.
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So its impossible for her headpiece to be a lotus, because the leaf is too small to be from a lotus flower, even for kanzashi they only use the lotus flower itself not the leaf and even if they DID it would be the actual lotus leaf, not some other flowers.
But for the sake of the argument lets go ahead and say its a red lotus, lets just go ahead and say we were wrong and its actually a red lotus and not a camellia, so what does a red lotus mean in Hanakotoba?
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Since Sarada obviously isnt married or giving birth we can rule out the meaning of celebrating those occasions since it doesnt apply for the new years card.
But researching multiple sources the meaning of the red lotus is selfless love, sympathy, and compassion, they also represent passion, heart, and generosity.
But the same as the red carnation and the red camellia, the red lotus shares the same meaning of LOVE as they do.
So even if we concede that Sarada’s head piece is indeed a red lotus and not a camellia, the meaning is still the same which is all 3 flowers symbolize love 🤷‍♀️ so this counter argument to their flower symbolism falls flat.
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choccymilk · 2 years
ppl who use ‘you’re pretentious/you care too much/wow such long response why are you spending so much time on this’ type of arguments in discussions are..... so fkn annoying like its such a pathetic and useless reflective thing to say like. oh im sorry that im actually being clear and nuanced and careful with my words and giving the topic the attention YOU decided it deserved by engaging/initiating the convo lol. honestly its probably u who cares too much if anything, thats why ur so biased that u cant form an actual comprehensive argument about it bc ur opinion isnt based on anything substantial its just a responsive emotional thing that ur so passionate about u wont accept any other interpretation as valid so you have to discredit it not even on the basis of the argument itself but on the basis of “wow so long u must rly care LOL” fkn grow up u automatically “”lose”” (which is a dumb mentality to begin with) by pulling that
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