#Tiny had a lot of siblings so it probably wasn't odd or rare for them or another to be scruffed
tinyfieryghost · 1 year
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Scruff Them
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qvietwhispers · 3 years
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Age:  33
Gender: Cis Man
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Shop Assistant for All Cuts Butchers & Archery Teacher for All Shot Range
Trigger Warnings: n/a
Reid's parents always argued. They'd just barely graduated High School when they had Reid. They were rarely in the house at the same time, and rarely spent time together as a family.
His parents split when he was six, his father moving to Charleston. Reid would spend every other weekend with his father By the time he was ten, both of his parents had remarried and Reid gained a few step and half siblings. While he gets along with most of them, there are a few that don't like him despite his attempts to bond, to the point he gave up.
Reid learned to take care of himself pretty early on. When his parents had been busy ignoring each other, and had been too busy fighting to pay him much attention. Reid tried not to let it phase him.
Growing up, Reid's best friend was Astrid Ibori. He's always adored her, and the girl has been there for him through everything. He tells her everything and trusts her more than anyone else he knows.
Reid was desperate to leave Wakefield and travel, wanting to see more than his tiny town. He'd do odd jobs when he could, squirelling the money away. When he turned 16, he worked part time, saving as much money as he could.
In High School, Reid was constantly busy. His grades were average at best, but he wasn't too bothered about that, as he was on the American Football team, as well as working. Reid was often always busy, and rarely spent time at home as he didn't always see eye to eye with his step father. When he wasn't studying, playing football or working, he was usually hanging out with his friends.
Reid left at 18, going travelling with Ivanna and Stefan. Reid picked up odd jobs wherever they went, usually bartending, to keep his travels funded.
He travelled over the next few years, returning home on the odd occasion to see his family and friends. After leaving Ivanna and Stefan (shortly after they got together and he realised he was a third wheel), he met several other friends while travelling, some he knew from Wakefield.
In his early twenties, Astrid joined him in Vegas. After one drunken night, the two found themselves married. Reid would have probably stayed married to her, but he wanted his best friend to have the chance to actually marry someone she loved later on, so they got the marriage annulled.
Throughout the years, Reid has had a few relationships, none of them lasting more than two years. In between his relationships, Reid tends to go on a lot of dates, and has a lot of casual flings. He wants to eventually settle down, but everyone he dates has just never felt like his forever person, and Reid doesn't want to settle down unless he knows they're right for each other, unlike his parents.
After travelling for several years, Reid finally settled back in Wakefield when he was 25. He job hopped for a while before becoming an archery teacher (a skill he learned on his travels) and working at the butchers. He loves both jobs, and doesn't plan to change any time soon.
Reid only keeps in contact with half his family these days, he still talks to his father but his relationship with his mother died due to how her husband treats him. He'll talk to his siblings that actually make the effort, but the ones that don't he just doesn't talk to anymore.
FAMILY - would love some half or step siblings for him! On either side!
EXES - He's dated several people over the years! Each of them ending before two years.
EX FLINGS/DATES- whether they were just hooking up and just don't anymore or went on a few dates but it didn't amount to anything but they stayed friends or maybe they're pissed at him for some reason?
CURRENT FWB/HOOK UPS - self explanatory
FRIENDS - from travels, school, around town
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