#Top 10 apps built with react native framework github
yourteaminindia · 4 years
Why Flutter is Ideal for MVP Development?
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Having a great idea is just the first step in the creation of a successful mobile app. Afterward, checking its validity in the real world is the key to getting started. And building an MVP or Minimum Viable Product can help you test your idea, accelerate time to market & keep the development cost under budget.
If you have reached here, you might be already aware of all the benefits of building an MVP. But for those who are new to this world, it’s important to first understand the importance of getting started with an MVP instead of the full-fledged product.
Importance of Building an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
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As mentioned above, MVP development is all about validating the idea, as it confirms the interest of users in your product. The main purpose is to test the hypothesis by reducing errors.
In other words, building a minimum viable product can help you bridge the gap between “what the business is offering to customers and what they actually need.” Moreover, you can significantly reduce the overall cost of development.
How? Well, to build a mobile app you need a team of full-time dedicated developers. Whereas, if you want to build an MVP then hiring developers on a temporary basis would also work. Here, temporary developers mean hiring freelancers or remote developers from an agency.
Now, with the reduced overhead cost, you can build your mobile app with basic features & launch the prototype while saving cost, efforts & time in the hiring process of full-time employees.
For better clarity, let’s list down all the benefits of building an MVP (Minimum Viable Product);
1. Testing the App Concept
Like mentioned earlier, checking the validity of your idea is the prime purpose. Of course, you would not like to invest in an idea that might lead you towards failure. Moreover, while testing the idea you can collect feedback from the early users, make adjustments, and consider new features to satisfy the end-users.
2. Faster Development
This is one of the best advantages. By opting to build an MVP, you can reduce the time to market and launch your mobile app with basic features. The average time-span for building an MVP would be about one or two months, getting you ahead of your competitors, that will launch their full-fledged app after six months.
3. Reduced Development Cost
Are you a startup? If yes, building an MVP becomes even more relevant for you. Because your app is going to take fewer hours to launch, you will pay a lesser amount to the developers. Thus, you can test the waters without spending thousands of dollars.
4. Outreaching Investors
Considering that you are seeking investment for your idea, you may need to present a working prototype. That’s where MVP development becomes handy. Just take a quick look at the above benefits, and you will agree that presenting a prototype to investors is easier.
Getting Started with an MVP
It is always recommended to start with the basic and limited features, especially for startups. But before that, you should conduct market research to find out the features that are must and would be required to fulfill the requirements of the end-users.
Related – 7 Secrets to Make Users Go Crazy for your Mobile App
Additionally, it will give you an opportunity to start the promotion of your app earlier. As a result, you can easily reach out to your target audience. And as soon as you will get a clear picture of the users’ preferences, you can improvise the end product accordingly.
Besides this, a tangible outcome can help you gain the attention of potential investors.
Suggested Frameworks for Building MVP
The mobile app development industry is going through a technological transformation. For building a prototype, experts always recommend choosing a cross-platform framework. Top contenders on the list are React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin.
But most entrepreneurs choose between React Native and Flutter. Of course, both of them are the best, but in terms of design and flexibility, Flutter wins the competition.
For more insights, you can check out this React Native vs Flutter comparison.
Evolving Technology with Flutter App Development
With plenty of mobile app frameworks trending in the market, it is quintessential to select the one that best fits the company’s objectives. Flutter is one such platform that is worth investing in and promises to deliver superior-quality apps for both iOS and Android.
Flutter is creating headlines within the mobile app development industry. The top-notch quality and effectiveness are evident by the stable release of Flutter 1.2.2. Furthermore, adoption by big giants like Alibaba, Google Ads, Birch Finance, App Tree, etc, adds up more support for the use of this framework.
What Makes Flutter an Ideal Choice for MVP Development?
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Flutter is basically an open-source software development kit that is in the market since 2015. And, it remained in the beta stage before the official launch in December 2018. But has now evolved as a mature framework and best choice for the development of hybrid mobile apps.
Over time, Flutter has become popular for enhanced features, bug fixes, and widgets. Being open-source, it complements MVP development whether it is for startups or established firms. As you are fully aware of Flutter, let’s discuss the benefits of using Flutter for Building MVP;
1. Development of a Cost-Efficient Mobile App
From the very beginning, cost limitations have been the major hindrances for businesses that wish to enter into the mobility space. While developing native apps, you may end up spending more on hiring two teams of mobile app developers (iOS and Android).
Flutter can facilitate the development of a budget-friendly MVP in different ways.
Flutter comes as a solution, supporting the development of mobile apps compatible with iOS and Android with a single code base. Also, the availability of widgets makes it easy for flutter app developers to seamlessly work on the UI aspect of the application.
Besides this, Flutter gives you the opportunity to make valuable integrations. Developers can export the sketch design directly into the pixel-perfect codes. Despite making changes in the visuals, developers can prioritize delivering the value.
2. Expressive and Flexible User-interface
Flutter carries what Google is popular for; the expressive and flexible UIs to elevate the customer’s experience. For e.g, Flutter owns the built-in widgets for the material design, Cupertino and default animations for normal scrolling, rich motion APIs, etc.
3. Best Native Performance
Indeed, if you have a large budget to spend on mobile apps, you can go ahead and hire Android app developers and iPhone app developers, to build native applications.
But if you are on a budget and want to develop hybrid apps, most of the frameworks will compromise with the performance, thereby undermining the app’s user experience.
Whereas apps built with Flutter are known for their performance. The apps run via natively compiled code without the interference by interpreters, therefore, start quickly to maintain a constant 60fps speed. In short, if you plan to develop the MVP of your application using Flutter, it will have the ability to provide native experience to the users.
4. Expedited App Development Process
App development using Flutter provides a quick turnaround time. This is because the SDK comes packed with the hot reload functionality making it possible for the developers to review the app changes in real-time. This makes the complete app development process fast and easy.
5. Straightforward Integration with Firebase
There is no need to have a separate backend for developing a simple MVP. Firebase offers out-of-box support for plenty of services like cloud storage, cloud functions, real-time databases, hosting, authentication, etc.
Basically, the Firebase Remote Config assists you in making changes in the app without long waits for the play store to deploy the same.
The support becomes serverless, redundant, and scalable. This simply means that there is no need to spend a lot of time and resources on the development of the backend. It can be directly combined with a tool for automating the development and release process like Fastlane, facilitating continuous delivery.
6. Supports Plenty of IDEs
When you hire Flutter developers, they can choose a number of Integrated Development Environment supported by this software development kit. Plus, Flutter Live uses Visual Code, which is light-weighted and much faster, having many features available in the Android Studio and IntelliJ, thus, eliminating the need to start over.
7. React Inspired Modern Framework
React is basically a JavaScript library. Whereas Flutter has a modern framework inspired by React, thus, allowing developers to use the complete framework or parts as per the requirement.
8. Built In-app Campaigns
After the app launch, marketing is the first concern for most entrepreneurs. Well, Flutter has found a solution to this problem as well. It allows you to promote the app on different platforms inclusive of Google Play, Google Search, Gmail, YouTube, and continuously growing on the Google Display Network.
Moreover, it offers $75 credit on the spend of $25 on different campaigns.
9. Continuous Growth and Improvement
Flutter gives a dynamic app development setup. It comprises a dedicated widget engine and UI components resembling the native platforms. The widgets are also flexible when it comes to customization and are aesthetically designed.
10. Flutter has an Active Community
The super-active Flutter community is always active for the contributors. The community has several platforms inclusive of Github for raising tickets, Meetup for the next event, or getting involved in Q/A conversations in Stack Overflow, Medium, Slack, YouTube, and different platforms.
Top Companies that Build MVP before Getting Popular
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Undoubtedly, developing an MVP before launching the actual product has a long list of benefits. And there are many companies that gained overnight success by using MVP’s first approach. Here are a few companies that released MVP’s to achieve massive growth:
1. Dropbox
Dropbox, the most popular cloud-based storage platform, had to face financial challenges in its initial stages. They didn’t even release the physical product, rather created a short video that demoed their product’s first build.
Because the concept was unique and innovative, it turned out to be an overnight success. After the immediate release of the video, their beta sign-up list went from 5,000 to 75,000.
2. Instagram
The biggest photo and video sharing social media app, “Instagram” was launched when the market for editing software for images was saturated. Developing an MVP initially, making it a huge success.
In the beginning, when it was a simple photo-sharing platform having basic filters, it was only compatible with iOS. In a saturated market, the MVP worked wonders for the makers.
3. Airbnb
Airbnb has its own significance in the tourism industry. It started offering accommodations at a reasonable price to the travelers and tourists around the locality of their journey. The MVP had different images of the apartments and flats. With Flutter MVP, the main motive was to obtain feedback from the customers and then work on the end product accordingly.
Closing Thoughts
Building exceptional and high-performance mobile apps require a decent amount of support from SDKs like Flutter. Well, Flutter has the ability to make a lot of difference as it can simplify the complete process of mobile app development without compromising the appeal and quality of the app.
It provides native app performance, making it more lucrative to the initial adopters and investors. Also, it beautifully fits into the particular needs of the Flutter app developers. However, there has been no skepticism regarding the Flutter’s efficacy on the outstanding interface, flexible APIs as well as excellent performance.
So, what is keeping you from picking up this platform for your MVP development? Drop your requirements at [email protected] and harness the lucrative power of Flutter to create an extraordinary Minimum Viable Solution as the end product.
Ready to take off with your app idea? Hire developers from Your Team in India and start working on your dream project.
This blog on Flutter was originally posted on Your Team in India.
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inceptivetech-blog · 4 years
Top 10 packages for React Native in 2020
React Native is the new darling on the block for building cross platform mobile apps. The usage of React Native has taken off in the past couple of years and it bas become the mainstream go-to framework. Over the years some great packagages have been built to facilitate quick development time.
We have collated the top 10 packages loved by our developers for building in React Native.
1: React Native Paper Built around the Material design standards, this open-source library helps build cross platform apps with ease. A snappy interface with good animations make this a go-to library and favourite.
2: React Native Maps One of the best and easiest way to integrate maps in an app with support for polygons, markers, etc.
3: Native Base Native base is pretty helpful to get your projects off the ground quickly with a lot of UI components. Multiple starter kits are available to suit your needs.
4: React Native Firebase With Fabric been sunsetted, moving to Firebase is essential for every developer and this library is helping the transition well. Although still a work in progress, it does the job for the moment. Highly recommended!
5: React Native Vector Icons Looking for icons? Look no further. Most of your usual needs are sufficed from this library. If you are using React Paper, you might have already noticed the icons from this library!
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6: React Native Permission A single API to manage your app permission with both iOS and Anroid, this makes life simple to access the underlying features in the OS like Camera, GPS, etc.
7: Lottie! Some of the most beautiful animations can be added to your app using this library which parses Adobe After Effect animations and renders them for the web or mobile. More of a hidden gem which should be used more often!
8: Gifted chat One of ths fastest way to add chat feature in your app.Pretty straighforward integration.
9: React Navigation 5 Quickly add routing and navigation to your apps, with buil-in navigators with iOS and Android specific look-and-feel.
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10: React Native Localize If you want to add app localization for reaching a wider audience, this is the newer option, after react-native-i18n package got deprecated. The github page has detailed information on it’s usage and we have found it easy to integrate with our apps that required localization.
Hopefully this list will get you off the ground with some of the best things in the world of RN. There are a lot of wonderful libraries that we haven’t covered, but that’s for another day!
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zeeweesoft-blog · 5 years
8 Reasons Why should you create React Native Apps in 2020?
Today, emerging technologies and interactive mobile apps are significantly popular among the huge mass of crowd globally. Apps are considered much more than just an icon in your smartphone. When you look 5 years back, 40% of the small businesses invest in developing a mobile app and this number has almost doubled by the end of the year 2019. It is expected that mobile apps will continue to revolutionize and its significant role in business goes beyond 85% by the year 2020.
With new technology, devices, platforms, operating systems and versions, small and big businesses might get confused to choose whether a native app or a cross-platform app for improved results.It has always been a tough job to find the right development approach. Some prefer developing a native application and some prefer developing a cross-platform app such as react native apps that are both device agnostic and able to run on multiple platforms.
As per the latest research and study, react native apps has the highest potential to thrive in a highly competitive world. So, you should think at least once to hire react native developer and develop a fully functional react native app. React Native apps are built using react native development framework. After the launching of react-native framework in the market, it comes with several improvements and thus, compel a business to opt to react native apps in 2020 and beyond.
Let’s have a look at some reasons why should you develop react native apps in 2020:
1.         React Native Apps have Optimal Performance:
When it comes to optimizing the performance of mobile apps, react native is a real asset that can optimize performance through modules and native control. It connects to the native component of both Android and iOS platform and generate a code to native application programming interface upfront and freely.
2.         React Apps Are known for Improvement in Accessibility:
With its recent update in July 2019, React Native framework has improved a lot in terms of accessibility. Approximately 60% release has come up with multiple changes to improve accessibility for both Android as well as iOS platform.
3.         Fast Refresh is Possible:
Through the latest update in September 2019 and one of its amazing features, namely, fast refresh, react native apps can take your app creation experience to the next level. This is the newest function which is a mix of hot and live reloading with complete support for apps.
4.         Hot Reloading or Instant App Updates is Viable:
While installing apps in your smartphone, the apps must be regularly updated to their latest versions. If it’s a business app having an extensive app store update cycle, the process gets more complicated than what you think of. However, react native apps can be updated directly without the need to follow a large update cycle.
5.         Big Tech Giants Are Using React Native:
Walmart, Bloomberg, and Airbnb are big tech giants who make use of react native framework for
creating excellent apps. The reasons can be high productivity due to 95% of code sharing between
Android and iOS, fast time to market, control on release date and no need to go for the tedious app-store approval process. Apps can be hosted on your own server as well as do over-the-air updates.
6.         Auto-linking for Operating Systems:
React Native has major headways in auto-lining of operating systems. You can re-use the code once written. React Native’s libraries comprise of platform-specific and native code. This newest addition modifies your app creation project to find and thus, makes it possible to use that code once more.
7.         A Powerful And Large Community:
React Native has a powerful and large coder community. This is why, there are many easy-to-install plugins, innumerable lessons, libraries, and user interface frames available for making a functional app. When you take on reps on GitHub about peculiar technologies, React Native is much more encompassing.
8.         React Native is an Inexpensiveand Time Saving Solution:
Through the code re-usability component in React Native, the app development cost has reduced to a higher extent. The application developers don’t require to write separate code for both the platforms. They can code for both operating systems with an ease using a single programming language. This makes the project not only cost-effective but also time-saving one.
Wrapping up, with all the top 10 reasons shared above, you have a deep understanding now that react native is the future of mobile application development. All you need is to develop a mobile app using react native through a trusted react native app development company India, such as ZeeweeSoft.
For faster react native development, hire dedicated react native developer with ZeeweeSoft.
Get in touch with us now! Stay tuned for exciting updates.
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Some important CSS and JS Libraries
1. Styled components
An idea born in an Australian whisky bar has developed into a project of 18 K stars, widely embraced within the culture. Styled components make it simpler to use CSS in React components, by identifying styled components with encapsulated styles as a mediator layer without CSS classes. Styled-components are generated by literal notation using the ES6 framework to describe components. As you would normally do using CSS, CSS properties can be applied to the component as required. Styled components can create specific class names when the JS is parsed, and inject the CSS into the DOM. You will learn more about Max Stoiber in this great chat.
2. Radium
Radium is described as "A toolchain for React component styling" at 6.5 K stars and developed by FormidableLabs. With React without CSS, it's a collection of tools to handle inline types. Radium provides a simple interface and abstractions to manage CSS features that can not easily accommodate Radium inline styles, enabling you to bundle styles together with your React elements, combining javascript, html, and styling. It also provides rendering based on props, allowing you to design your components according to the state of your game.
3. AphroditeAphrodite is a framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS library with server-side rendering support, browser prefixing and limited CSS generation support. Aphrodite transforms everything into classes, using the class attribute.This project operates with or without Respond at 4 K stars and offers features such as modeled injection into the Dom, styles of auto prefixes and more, all at a fairly small size of 20k and a handful of dependencies. Here's a handy rundown of Aphrodite vs. Radium. 4. Emotion
At 4.2 K stars Emotion is a strong and versatile CSS-in-JS library that enables you to style string or object-based apps. To prevent variance problems with CSS it has uniform structure. Based on the glam library and its philosophy the concept is to maintain runtime output by parsing styles with babel and PostCSS while writing CSS. The core runtime is 2.3 kb, and 4 kb with support from React. Emotion isn't just about Reacting.
5. Glamorous
Note: the project is no longer actively maintained! still cool though :)
At 3.6 K stars, PayPal's Glamorous is focused to create styled components and jsxtyle inspired "maintainable CSS with React." Kent C. Dodds describes the project as "React component styling with an elegant (inspired) API, small footprint (< 5 kb gzipped) and great performance (through glamour)." It has a rather similar API to modeled parts, and under the hood it uses similar methods.
6. Glamor
Glamor, inspired by ideas from this great talk, is small and powerful. It helps you to write CSS inline in your components using the same supports for style prop Object CSS syntax React. It is fast and efficient, independent system, serverside / static rendering and adds vendor prefixes / fallback values. Here's a short introductory API notes, a comparison of Glamor CSS techniques and a helpful Glamor tutorial with Gatsby.
7. Fela
<FelaComponent  style={{  backgroundColor: 'blue',  color: 'red'  }}  render={({ className, theme }) => (  <div className={className}>I am red on blue.</div>  )} />
Fela is a project developed in JavaScript for State-Driven Styling, highlighting 3 things: rendering styling dynamic by design, introducing framework-agnostic (Bindings for Reacting) and performing. Based on the state of the application it is adjustable by nature and renders types. It generates atomic CSS and supports all common features of CSS such as media queries, pseudo-classes, keyframes and font faces. It can be used on any view list, including the native React.
8. Styletron
Thanks to this
code-carrot post
Styletron is a "component-oriented styling toolkit" at 2500 stars. Styletron supports stateless, single-element styled components as primitive base styling with conditional / dynamic styling prop interfaces, and style composition via (typed) JavaScript objects without additional tooling (e.g. Webpack loaders, Babel plugins, etc.). The design of style objects is often un-opinioned on. This fascinating HN thread lets you know more.
9. JSSJSS is a CSS abstraction that uses JavaScript to define styles in a declarative and maintenable manner. It is a high performance compiler JS to CSS that operates both runtime and server-side. This core library is agnostic at low level and frame, and is around 6 KB (minified and gzipped). This can also be expanded by API plugins. Here's a good SCSS (Sass) conversion tutorial here. Test out even React-JSS, a React JSS integration.
Bootstrap Icons
For their icon library the Bootstrap team recently published the Alpha 3 Update. The newest update adds tons of new designs and now has over 500 icons on the Bootstrap SVG icon pack. Bootstrap Icons are designed to interact with components in Bootstrap, from shape controls to navigation. Bootstrap icons are SVGs, so they can easily and quickly scale and be styled with CSS. Although built for Bootstrap, they will work in any project. They are open source (MIT), so you can access, use, and expand it free of charge. Heads up though, right now they are in alpha and open to drastic changes.
This is my short analysis of Polka which is "... just a native HTTP server with added routing, middleware, and sub-applications support ...!" even though express is relatively light, polka is lighter. What I find fascinating in this approach gives you even more insight into how to build an application. I think Polka is an excellent way to express yourself. With only a few extra modules, you'll have a fully fledged system with stable paths, templating, static files providing in a more lightweight (and hopefully faster) bundle all you have in express. It has not the same express acceptance but this could be an advantage.
Size limit
Open-source tool to measure the performance of JS apps that offers an estimation of how much time end-users will need to run your Javascript. It can be plugged into Travis CI, Circle CI, GitHub Behavior so it runs automatically and prevents over-budget size limit commits.
Stryker is a very fascinating project in JavaScript and other languages to run mutation testing. It works by adding "mutations" to the code and running tests on them in random locations, testing how many of the mutations pass and how stable the code really is. By an example let's explain this, Suppose you're creating an online casino. Users are only permitted to access the casino if they are over 18. So you write the following piece of code to test if anyone can access the site:
function isUserOldEnough(user) { return user.age >= 18; }
Stryker will find the return statement and decide to change it in several ways:
/* 1 */ return user.age > 18; /* 2 */ return user.age < 18; /* 3 */ return false; /* 4 */ return true;
We call such shifts mutants. After discovering the mutants, they are introduced one by one and the experiments are performed against them. If at least one of the experiments fails, we're saying the mutant is murdered. This is what we want to see! If no check fails, then it has succeeded. The better the experiments survive the fewer mutants.Stryker produces the results in various formats. One of the easiest reporters to read is the plain text:
Mutant killed: /yourPath/yourFile.js: line 10:27 Mutator: BinaryOperator - return user.age >= 18; + return user.age > 18; Mutant survived: /yourPath/yourFile.js: line 10:27 Mutator: RemoveConditionals - return user.age >= 18; + return true;
The direct text reporter outputs precisely how the code has been changed and which mutator has been used. It would then tell us whether a mutant has been killed which means that at least one test has failed, or whether it has survived. In this case the second mutation is marked as survivor. This means that a test that specifically checks for age younger than 18 is possibly lacking
Dinero is a JavaScript library designed to work with monetary values. It has a well-designed API which contains all the methods for money and currency operations you might need. Dinero.js allows the development, estimation and formatting of monetary values in JavaScript. You can do arithmetic operations, read and format them thoroughly, search for a variety of items to make your own creation process simpler and safer.
Uppload.js is a modern JavaScript library designed to enhance the experience of uploading images. The library offers an elegant interface for file collection that allows the user to drag-drop images from the locale.It also allows you to import images from any data source, such as URL, camera, Instagram post, Facebook public post, etc. Thanks to its plugin program, it provides multiple upload options, allowing you to add more image sources, such as Instagram, screenshots, Giphy and more.You are also allowed to crop, resize, rotate the client-side images until they are submitted to server.
Pure CSS library offering over 50 stylish checkbox toggles of a pleasant variety. These are very easy to use and customize-only surround a div in your checkbox, add the right class and it's done.
Fast, memory-efficient diagram library to generate superb 2D Canvas-based charts. It offers lots of different types of graphs, lots of customization options and other cool features.
Rsup Progress
Easy but still very successful progress bar plugin with promising support and smooth animations. It is super easy to configure and very useful to show the load times at the top of the page.  19.
Bootstrap Treeview
Bootstrap treeview is used to represent hierarchical information starting with the root element and continuing with its children and their respective items. Besides the root every element has a parent and can have children. Easy Bootstrap 4 plugin designed to build elegant treeviews with collapse list objects. It's a fantastic little feature and we wouldn't be shocked to see it integrated with future Bootstrap models. Siblings are objects with one parent and the same. Objects can collapse and expand.
Electron React Boilerplate
Electron React Boilerplate uses Electron, React, Redux, React Router, Webpack and React Hot Loader for rapid application creation (HMR).Great starting kit for the production of Electron-based cross-platform mobile applications. The project GitHub provides a strong framework to help you customize everything and get started in no time.  
They're panolens. Js is a WebGL focused and event-driven panoramic viewer. Lean and versatile. It is constructed over Three. Amazing JavaScript panorama viewer library right in the browser to create beautiful 360 ° experience. Three.js-based library keeps output fast and smooth, even when viewing high quality images or videos.
Very smart solution for adding comments to your website which uses GitHub as a discussion source. The project consists of a GitHub App and a JS library working together to view a fully featured comment section, hosted within a selected repo issue of GitHub.
Rome is a toolchain experimental to JavaScript. It includes a parser, linter, formatter, bundler, frame checking and more. It aims to be a detailed platform for everything that relates to JavaScript source code production. Rome is not a set of known instruments. All the tools are designed specifically for Rome, do not rely on any external dependencies and are made to communicate with each other seamlessly.
MassCode is a snippet manager for developers of open-source code. This nice little app offers a clean interface for all of your code snippets and cheatsheets to handle. Runs on Mac, Linux and Windows.
The Bootstrap team's new linter tool that lets you test if your pages use Bootstrap's components with properly organized HTML. It also ensures the appropriate tags are used, an HTML5 doctype declaration is included, and the page's overall markup is accurate.
This library uses the mix-blend-mode css to get Dark Mode on all of your websites. Only copy and paste the snippet and you'll get a plugin to turn the Dark Mode on and off. You can also use it programmatically, without the button. Lightweight module, installed in Vanilla. Super lightweight JS library to help you integrate dark & light teams into your applications. It senses local time for the user and changes the UI appearance accordingly. It doesn't have light and dark themes.  
Hex Engine
Modern 2D engine designed to render browser games. This versatile toolkit for game development features a Canvas-based rendering engine, aids in physics and sound, gamepad support, integrated design tools, and more.
A tiny JS tool which makes adding overlay instructions for your apps super simple. These guides can be extremely helpful to clarify the UI, demote the various features of the app or simply show the user what to do next.
Share. Js is a lightweight, zero-dependent JS library that transforms any text selected into quotes that can be posted on Twitter and/or Facebook, as you can see in Medium.com.
Lottie is an Android, iOS, Web, and Windows library that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and makes them natively accessible on the smartphone and on the web! The Airbnb developer team's incredible library that exports Adobe After. This makes animations that can be very complex with lots of details and keyframes as well as being super-performing and smooth buttery. It's now designed to expand its use to android, iOS, React Native and Windows in addition to his great work.
Vue Interactive Paycard
View-Interactive-Paycard-Smooth and sweet micro-interaction credit card shape. Includes the printing of numbers, validation and automatic identification of type of token. Designed with viewjs, and completely sensitive as well. Very impressive credit card snippet type which beautifully animates as users input their data. One of the finest projects we've seen all year round, with everything polished to perfection, from the typography to the animations. It's not only pretty either-the card is also very user friendly with the formatting of numbers, validation and the identification of card size. Also, when entering cc info, users actually prefer a well-known interface and not some custom UI.
Cube.js is a scalable open source platform for building analytical web applications and designing your own sophisticated, custom analytics systems. It consists of a wide SDK frontend and a lightweight API backend which can be linked to most databases and systems like MySQL, Postreges and MongoDB .. It is primarily used for developing internal business intelligence tools or for applying customer-facing analytics to an existing app.  
Tesseract. Js is the pure Javascript port of Tesseract's popular OCR engine. Node and browser JavaScript library which extracts text from images. It analyzes the image, automatically detects location and orientation of the text, and with great precision extracts words and sentences. Tessaract can recognize more than 60 languages including more complex ones such as Chinese, Arabic and Russian
Lightweight library for linking seamless transitions to pages on your website. It takes up your usual static website and makes it a great-looking single-page application experience. It helps to reduce the delay between loading pages, to decrease requests for HTTP, and to make the web feel more premium.
This fun JavaScript library allows for the control of animated GIF playback. It can start and pause the GIFs, for example, based on user feedback such as clicks or hover. As it uses a canvas feature to draw the individual frames, it is also very performant under the hood.
React-based App building command line interface. It provides a great range of predefined components which can be used to accelerate the creation of terminal interfaces while also allowing features such as more sophisticated templates and controls to be added.  
Instant Page
This fun library speeds up loading times when users hover over them by prefretching the links. This makes loading of a page faster until the user clicks on a connection and navigates to the next page. With the latest update it can also automatically prefix all links in a list-great for static content.  
FilePond is a JavaScript library that lets you upload silky smooth drag n 'drop files. It has a polished UI which is a pleasure to use, while also offering some interesting features under the hood such as optimizing photos for quicker uploads. Just 21 kB gzipped, with adapters available with React, Vue, and jQuery for easier implementation. These docs can assist in downloading, setting up, updating and extending FilePond. If you don't know FilePond you can find more detail on the FilePond product page.  
Micromodalistic. Js is a modal library written in pure JavaScript, lightweight, configurable and 11y-enabled. It helps you to build modal dialogs consistent with WAI-ARIA guidelines, with trust and with minimal configuration. Minified and gzipped at just 1.9 kb, it's a tiny library for big change.
A great project for all of you who want to take their first steps in machine learning, Brain.js offers a powerful framework for working in a JavaScript environment with the neural networks. It has lots of examples of excellent documentation that will help you understand some of the most important ML techniques.
As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
#b2b ecommerce
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Some important CSS and JS Libraries
1. Styled components
An idea born in an Australian whisky bar has developed into a project of 18 K stars, widely embraced within the culture. Styled components make it simpler to use CSS in React components, by identifying styled components with encapsulated styles as a mediator layer without CSS classes. Styled-components are generated by literal notation using the ES6 framework to describe components. As you would normally do using CSS, CSS properties can be applied to the component as required. Styled components can create specific class names when the JS is parsed, and inject the CSS into the DOM. You will learn more about Max Stoiber in this great chat.
2. Radium
Radium is described as "A toolchain for React component styling" at 6.5 K stars and developed by FormidableLabs. With React without CSS, it's a collection of tools to handle inline types. Radium provides a simple interface and abstractions to manage CSS features that can not easily accommodate Radium inline styles, enabling you to bundle styles together with your React elements, combining javascript, html, and styling. It also provides rendering based on props, allowing you to design your components according to the state of your game.
3. AphroditeAphrodite is a framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS library with server-side rendering support, browser prefixing and limited CSS generation support. Aphrodite transforms everything into classes, using the class attribute.This project operates with or without Respond at 4 K stars and offers features such as modeled injection into the Dom, styles of auto prefixes and more, all at a fairly small size of 20k and a handful of dependencies. Here's a handy rundown of Aphrodite vs. Radium. 4. Emotion
At 4.2 K stars Emotion is a strong and versatile CSS-in-JS library that enables you to style string or object-based apps. To prevent variance problems with CSS it has uniform structure. Based on the glam library and its philosophy the concept is to maintain runtime output by parsing styles with babel and PostCSS while writing CSS. The core runtime is 2.3 kb, and 4 kb with support from React. Emotion isn't just about Reacting.
5. Glamorous
Note: the project is no longer actively maintained! still cool though :)
At 3.6 K stars, PayPal's Glamorous is focused to create styled components and jsxtyle inspired "maintainable CSS with React." Kent C. Dodds describes the project as "React component styling with an elegant (inspired) API, small footprint (< 5 kb gzipped) and great performance (through glamour)." It has a rather similar API to modeled parts, and under the hood it uses similar methods.
6. Glamor
Glamor, inspired by ideas from this great talk, is small and powerful. It helps you to write CSS inline in your components using the same supports for style prop Object CSS syntax React. It is fast and efficient, independent system, serverside / static rendering and adds vendor prefixes / fallback values. Here's a short introductory API notes, a comparison of Glamor CSS techniques and a helpful Glamor tutorial with Gatsby.
7. Fela
<FelaComponent  style={{  backgroundColor: 'blue',  color: 'red'  }}  render={({ className, theme }) => (  <div className={className}>I am red on blue.</div>  )} />
Fela is a project developed in JavaScript for State-Driven Styling, highlighting 3 things: rendering styling dynamic by design, introducing framework-agnostic (Bindings for Reacting) and performing. Based on the state of the application it is adjustable by nature and renders types. It generates atomic CSS and supports all common features of CSS such as media queries, pseudo-classes, keyframes and font faces. It can be used on any view list, including the native React.
8. Styletron
Thanks to this
code-carrot post
Styletron is a "component-oriented styling toolkit" at 2500 stars. Styletron supports stateless, single-element styled components as primitive base styling with conditional / dynamic styling prop interfaces, and style composition via (typed) JavaScript objects without additional tooling (e.g. Webpack loaders, Babel plugins, etc.). The design of style objects is often un-opinioned on. This fascinating HN thread lets you know more.
9. JSSJSS is a CSS abstraction that uses JavaScript to define styles in a declarative and maintenable manner. It is a high performance compiler JS to CSS that operates both runtime and server-side. This core library is agnostic at low level and frame, and is around 6 KB (minified and gzipped). This can also be expanded by API plugins. Here's a good SCSS (Sass) conversion tutorial here. Test out even React-JSS, a React JSS integration.
Bootstrap Icons
For their icon library the Bootstrap team recently published the Alpha 3 Update. The newest update adds tons of new designs and now has over 500 icons on the Bootstrap SVG icon pack. Bootstrap Icons are designed to interact with components in Bootstrap, from shape controls to navigation. Bootstrap icons are SVGs, so they can easily and quickly scale and be styled with CSS. Although built for Bootstrap, they will work in any project. They are open source (MIT), so you can access, use, and expand it free of charge. Heads up though, right now they are in alpha and open to drastic changes.
This is my short analysis of Polka which is "... just a native HTTP server with added routing, middleware, and sub-applications support ...!" even though express is relatively light, polka is lighter. What I find fascinating in this approach gives you even more insight into how to build an application. I think Polka is an excellent way to express yourself. With only a few extra modules, you'll have a fully fledged system with stable paths, templating, static files providing in a more lightweight (and hopefully faster) bundle all you have in express. It has not the same express acceptance but this could be an advantage.
Size limit
Open-source tool to measure the performance of JS apps that offers an estimation of how much time end-users will need to run your Javascript. It can be plugged into Travis CI, Circle CI, GitHub Behavior so it runs automatically and prevents over-budget size limit commits.
Stryker is a very fascinating project in JavaScript and other languages to run mutation testing. It works by adding "mutations" to the code and running tests on them in random locations, testing how many of the mutations pass and how stable the code really is. By an example let's explain this, Suppose you're creating an online casino. Users are only permitted to access the casino if they are over 18. So you write the following piece of code to test if anyone can access the site:
function isUserOldEnough(user) { return user.age >= 18; }
Stryker will find the return statement and decide to change it in several ways:
/* 1 */ return user.age > 18; /* 2 */ return user.age < 18; /* 3 */ return false; /* 4 */ return true;
We call such shifts mutants. After discovering the mutants, they are introduced one by one and the experiments are performed against them. If at least one of the experiments fails, we're saying the mutant is murdered. This is what we want to see! If no check fails, then it has succeeded. The better the experiments survive the fewer mutants.Stryker produces the results in various formats. One of the easiest reporters to read is the plain text:
Mutant killed: /yourPath/yourFile.js: line 10:27 Mutator: BinaryOperator - return user.age >= 18; + return user.age > 18; Mutant survived: /yourPath/yourFile.js: line 10:27 Mutator: RemoveConditionals - return user.age >= 18; + return true;
The direct text reporter outputs precisely how the code has been changed and which mutator has been used. It would then tell us whether a mutant has been killed which means that at least one test has failed, or whether it has survived. In this case the second mutation is marked as survivor. This means that a test that specifically checks for age younger than 18 is possibly lacking
Dinero is a JavaScript library designed to work with monetary values. It has a well-designed API which contains all the methods for money and currency operations you might need. Dinero.js allows the development, estimation and formatting of monetary values in JavaScript. You can do arithmetic operations, read and format them thoroughly, search for a variety of items to make your own creation process simpler and safer.
Uppload.js is a modern JavaScript library designed to enhance the experience of uploading images. The library offers an elegant interface for file collection that allows the user to drag-drop images from the locale.It also allows you to import images from any data source, such as URL, camera, Instagram post, Facebook public post, etc. Thanks to its plugin program, it provides multiple upload options, allowing you to add more image sources, such as Instagram, screenshots, Giphy and more.You are also allowed to crop, resize, rotate the client-side images until they are submitted to server.
Pure CSS library offering over 50 stylish checkbox toggles of a pleasant variety. These are very easy to use and customize-only surround a div in your checkbox, add the right class and it's done.
Fast, memory-efficient diagram library to generate superb 2D Canvas-based charts. It offers lots of different types of graphs, lots of customization options and other cool features.
Rsup Progress
Easy but still very successful progress bar plugin with promising support and smooth animations. It is super easy to configure and very useful to show the load times at the top of the page.  19.
Bootstrap Treeview
Bootstrap treeview is used to represent hierarchical information starting with the root element and continuing with its children and their respective items. Besides the root every element has a parent and can have children. Easy Bootstrap 4 plugin designed to build elegant treeviews with collapse list objects. It's a fantastic little feature and we wouldn't be shocked to see it integrated with future Bootstrap models. Siblings are objects with one parent and the same. Objects can collapse and expand.
Electron React Boilerplate
Electron React Boilerplate uses Electron, React, Redux, React Router, Webpack and React Hot Loader for rapid application creation (HMR).Great starting kit for the production of Electron-based cross-platform mobile applications. The project GitHub provides a strong framework to help you customize everything and get started in no time.  
They're panolens. Js is a WebGL focused and event-driven panoramic viewer. Lean and versatile. It is constructed over Three. Amazing JavaScript panorama viewer library right in the browser to create beautiful 360 ° experience. Three.js-based library keeps output fast and smooth, even when viewing high quality images or videos.
Very smart solution for adding comments to your website which uses GitHub as a discussion source. The project consists of a GitHub App and a JS library working together to view a fully featured comment section, hosted within a selected repo issue of GitHub.
Rome is a toolchain experimental to JavaScript. It includes a parser, linter, formatter, bundler, frame checking and more. It aims to be a detailed platform for everything that relates to JavaScript source code production. Rome is not a set of known instruments. All the tools are designed specifically for Rome, do not rely on any external dependencies and are made to communicate with each other seamlessly.
MassCode is a snippet manager for developers of open-source code. This nice little app offers a clean interface for all of your code snippets and cheatsheets to handle. Runs on Mac, Linux and Windows.
The Bootstrap team's new linter tool that lets you test if your pages use Bootstrap's components with properly organized HTML. It also ensures the appropriate tags are used, an HTML5 doctype declaration is included, and the page's overall markup is accurate.
This library uses the mix-blend-mode css to get Dark Mode on all of your websites. Only copy and paste the snippet and you'll get a plugin to turn the Dark Mode on and off. You can also use it programmatically, without the button. Lightweight module, installed in Vanilla. Super lightweight JS library to help you integrate dark & light teams into your applications. It senses local time for the user and changes the UI appearance accordingly. It doesn't have light and dark themes.  
Hex Engine
Modern 2D engine designed to render browser games. This versatile toolkit for game development features a Canvas-based rendering engine, aids in physics and sound, gamepad support, integrated design tools, and more.
A tiny JS tool which makes adding overlay instructions for your apps super simple. These guides can be extremely helpful to clarify the UI, demote the various features of the app or simply show the user what to do next.
Share. Js is a lightweight, zero-dependent JS library that transforms any text selected into quotes that can be posted on Twitter and/or Facebook, as you can see in Medium.com.
Lottie is an Android, iOS, Web, and Windows library that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and makes them natively accessible on the smartphone and on the web! The Airbnb developer team's incredible library that exports Adobe After. This makes animations that can be very complex with lots of details and keyframes as well as being super-performing and smooth buttery. It's now designed to expand its use to android, iOS, React Native and Windows in addition to his great work.
Vue Interactive Paycard
View-Interactive-Paycard-Smooth and sweet micro-interaction credit card shape. Includes the printing of numbers, validation and automatic identification of type of token. Designed with viewjs, and completely sensitive as well. Very impressive credit card snippet type which beautifully animates as users input their data. One of the finest projects we've seen all year round, with everything polished to perfection, from the typography to the animations. It's not only pretty either-the card is also very user friendly with the formatting of numbers, validation and the identification of card size. Also, when entering cc info, users actually prefer a well-known interface and not some custom UI.
Cube.js is a scalable open source platform for building analytical web applications and designing your own sophisticated, custom analytics systems. It consists of a wide SDK frontend and a lightweight API backend which can be linked to most databases and systems like MySQL, Postreges and MongoDB .. It is primarily used for developing internal business intelligence tools or for applying customer-facing analytics to an existing app.  
Tesseract. Js is the pure Javascript port of Tesseract's popular OCR engine. Node and browser JavaScript library which extracts text from images. It analyzes the image, automatically detects location and orientation of the text, and with great precision extracts words and sentences. Tessaract can recognize more than 60 languages including more complex ones such as Chinese, Arabic and Russian
Lightweight library for linking seamless transitions to pages on your website. It takes up your usual static website and makes it a great-looking single-page application experience. It helps to reduce the delay between loading pages, to decrease requests for HTTP, and to make the web feel more premium.
This fun JavaScript library allows for the control of animated GIF playback. It can start and pause the GIFs, for example, based on user feedback such as clicks or hover. As it uses a canvas feature to draw the individual frames, it is also very performant under the hood.
React-based App building command line interface. It provides a great range of predefined components which can be used to accelerate the creation of terminal interfaces while also allowing features such as more sophisticated templates and controls to be added.  
Instant Page
This fun library speeds up loading times when users hover over them by prefretching the links. This makes loading of a page faster until the user clicks on a connection and navigates to the next page. With the latest update it can also automatically prefix all links in a list-great for static content.  
FilePond is a JavaScript library that lets you upload silky smooth drag n 'drop files. It has a polished UI which is a pleasure to use, while also offering some interesting features under the hood such as optimizing photos for quicker uploads. Just 21 kB gzipped, with adapters available with React, Vue, and jQuery for easier implementation. These docs can assist in downloading, setting up, updating and extending FilePond. If you don't know FilePond you can find more detail on the FilePond product page.  
Micromodalistic. Js is a modal library written in pure JavaScript, lightweight, configurable and 11y-enabled. It helps you to build modal dialogs consistent with WAI-ARIA guidelines, with trust and with minimal configuration. Minified and gzipped at just 1.9 kb, it's a tiny library for big change.
A great project for all of you who want to take their first steps in machine learning, Brain.js offers a powerful framework for working in a JavaScript environment with the neural networks. It has lots of examples of excellent documentation that will help you understand some of the most important ML techniques.
As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
0 notes
tak4hir0 · 4 years
There are numerous libraries as well as frameworks available to build cross-platform mobile applications. However, React Native has always been given special preference because of its speed and efficiency. If you have a look at the Google Trend, you will be surprised to know that React Native has itself become a trendsetter for developing powerful mobile applications. React Native is greatly growing in popularity among developers due to the number of tools that are available.  Whether you are developing a new React Native application or optimizing the performance of your existing React Native application, using these tools will help you develop a robust as well as scalable React Native application. Let’s take a look at some of the tools that will help you optimize your React Native app performance. 1. Nuclide Nuclide is a package that is integrated with the Atom editor. It is one of the most customized IDE’s that helps developers to improve their code. It also provides various other features like context view, working sets, quick open, health statistics, a debugger, a task runner, remote development, and many others to make an application highly robust and scalable. 2. Expo It is an open-source toolchain that developers can use to create an application f0or Android and iOS on React Native framework. It offers a range of services like slack community, development tools, adequate documentation, and community forums. It works on Serve, share, build, and publish principle. It can be used to access cross-platform APIs. A single codebase runs across multiple platforms, and there’s an accelerometer to respond to changes. 3. Bit for React Native If you are planning to build a next-generation React Native component library for a team, Bit for React Native is highly suggested. It eliminates the problem of sharing and collaborating on User Interface components across multiple repositories. It is a great way to compose UI’s with shared components. The bit.dev platform can be used to host and organize components. Using this tool, your team can conveniently render, and update components from any project in Bit.dev. Several features like a rendered sandbox, auto component docs, etc. are also available. It is indeed a great tool that every React Native developer should know about in 2020. 4. Reactotron Reactotron is a tool developed by Infinite Red and is available for free downloads. This cross-platform desktop application works with all leading operating systems, namely Windows, iOS, and Linux. The tool provides a real tracking feature that helps the developers to keep a watch on dispatch actions, application states, and a lot more 5. Atom Atom is a cross-platform editing tool developed by GitHub, and its text editor works efficiently on various platforms like Android, iOS, Linux, and Windows. It is also enabled with other useful features like a built-in package manager, different themes and designs, smart autocompletion, and a lot more. Atom also provides multiple panes to split the interface, which makes working easier for developers. It is also very easy to browse and open single, multiple, and whole project files. 6. Vasern Vasern is a comparatively new tool, yet it is the most powerful data storage for React Native. Vasern enhances React Native’s storage capacity greatly. It is currently in the alpha version and supports the React Native framework on the iOS platform. Vasern is lightweight, and it is an open-source data storage that can set up a local database in just a few minutes. It is still being worked on, and developments are being made constantly, but still, it is serving as one of the top tools for Native React developers, especially working on iOS, in 2020. 7. Detox Detox is one of the best testing tools for Native React applications. Detox provides end to end testing mobile apps. It is developed by Wix and is creating waves amongst developers. The framework works not only cross-platform but also supports Native React projects and native projects like Android and iOS. Detox supports unit tests for smaller modular pieces of code. It also provides an integration test and regression test to retest the code, which has already been tested, yet they perform the same as before the changes were made to it. Detox is one of the leading tools to use for Native React developers in 2020. 8. Xcode  Xcode is the development environment tool for Apple and is used for iOS, macOS, etc. It is probably one of the best tools to bulletproof the Native React apps developed for iSO. Xcode can be used for building apps as well as for debugging and installing various iOS packages. It also enables a custom build configuration and is great for developers working on iOS platforms.  9. React-native CLI React-native CLI is the official CLI for React Native. The tool is great for automating various tasks like linking, starting the packager, and building apps. React-native CLI also supports custom configurations and can be used for a lot of things. 10. Sublime Text It is a text editor equipped with plenty of plug-ins that have been developed by the community. Sublime text supports various programming languages and is famous for code, markup, and prose. The sublime text offers various functionalities that help the developers create mindblowing mobile applications for cross-platform. It is a source code editor with a python API. It also supports simultaneous editing besides various programming languages. It is one of the top tools to use for Native React developers in 2020. Final Words I hope your purpose of landing on this blogpost has been served. These are some of the best React Native tools that all Native React developers should be aware of in 2020 to accelerate mobile app development. The use of tools depends entirely on the developer’s preference, but these tools are sure to make an impact upon them due to the functionalities they offer. If you are not sure about how to use these tools, then I would like to suggest you hire React Native developers from a prominent React Native development company that has a team of well-versed React Native developers with profound knowledge of React Native tools. Photo by Clément H on Unsplash
0 notes
 React UI Framework (also known as React UI Library or React UI Kit) is a collection of pre-defined and built-in React UI components with a certain design system.
It helps developers to create a React application faster and easier. React UI library is similar but not the same with the React admin templates for Webapp that I discussed before.
They both ease the work of the developer, but they have different scope. A React UI Kit can be used to develop any kind of application, and its customization usually easier.
On the other side, React templates are usually themed for a certain type of application. It can be an admin template, landing page template, or e-commerce template.
When should you use a React UI Framework?
Just because it looks cool to use a React UI framework doesn't mean you have to always use it every time you develop a project.
Using a React UI Library will be best if you're in this condition:
You don't have much time to develop your React project.
There is no fixed design for your app, so you should design your own app but you don't want to spend much time on styling.
You like the design system of a React UI Library and want to adopt it into your app with a little or no customization.
Using a React UI Framework is not recommended if you have a fixed design for your app and you know that you will need a lot of customization. A CSS Framework like Tailwind will be the best for that case.
However, if you still want to use a React UI Framework even when you know there will be some customization, I would suggest that you use its CSS Framework version.
Some of React UI Libraries like Reactstrap and Semantic UI are built based on existing CSS frameworks.
In my experience, customizing a CSS framework is easier than customizing a React UI framework. It's because a CSS framework only affects components based on a class, while components of a React UI framework are predefined as React components with their own props.
What Are the Best React UI Frameworks / Libraries 2020?
There are a lot of React UI libraries out there. But, you only need the best of them to use it on your project.
Here, i collate the best and most popular UI libraries for React.js. Just choose one that suits your project.
1. Material-UI
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Material UI is the most popular React UI Framework with a material design style. It provides a lot of React components for faster and easier web development.
You can build your own design system, or start with Material Design.
Material-UI has been widely used by React developers to adopt the Material design to their app. It is the best framework to use if you want to create a Material Design app easily.
In fact, there are some react templates that built on top of this framework such as MaterialPro and Material Admin.
Go to Material-UI site
2. React Bootstrap & Reactstrap
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As you might know, Bootstrap is the most popular CSS framework widely used by Front-end developers.
However, Bootstrap is dependent on Jquery. So, if you want to use Bootstrap components in your react project, you should also import jquery and bootstrap js files, which is not a best practice.
React Bootstrap and Reactstrap come to solve this problem. They are 2 different React UI libraries, but they are based on the popular Bootstrap framework.
They adopt every component in the original Bootstrap framework as a React component. So, you don't have to import Jquery and Bootstrap js files to your project.
Choose one of them if you want to use Bootstrap components in your React project!
Go to React Bootstrap site Go to Reactstrap site
3. Ant Design
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Ant Design is the world's second most popular React UI framework with a design system for enterprise-level products.
It is an open-source React UI library with 62k+ stars & 23k+ forks on Github that still open for contribution. It has a sleek design, a lot of UI components, and very well documented.
Go to Ant Design site
4. Semantic UI React
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Originally, Semantic-UI is a UI framework designed for theming, like Bootstrap. Now, it has integrations with popular javascript frameworks: React, Angular, Meteor, Ember.
Semantic-UI has 50+ UI elements, 3000+ CSS variables and 3 levels of variable inheritance. It also use Em unit for responsive design and flexbox friendly.
When this post was written, Semantic-UI has more than 4.8k stars and 5k forks on Github. So, it quite popular and widely used by Frontend developers.
Go to Semantic UI site
5. React Desktop
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As the name suggests, React Desktop is a React UI library that aims to bring native experience to the web, featuring many macOS Sierra and Windows 10 components.
React Desktop is a great choice to create a cross-platform application that work on desktop and web. It also works perfectly NW.js and Electron.js, but can be used in any JavaScript-powered project.
With desktop-like UI kit, you can create a cross-platform react application faster and easier.
Go to React Desktop site
6. Elemental UI
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Elemental UI is a React UI kit with high quality and modular set of UI scaffolding components.
It aims to to create a set of functional and unopinionated components that are useful on their own or together, with an unobtrusive default style and flexible theme capabilities.
Currently, Elemental UI has 4.3k+ stars and 240+ forks on Github.
Go to Elemental UI site
7. Atlaskit
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Atlaskit is Atlassian's Official UI library that built with Atlassian Design Guidelines. It has very rich UI components that a web application needs.
The best thing about Atlaskit is its modularity. You don't have to import all Atlaskit library to use its component. Just choose a package that very well documented here, and import it to your project.
Go to Atlaskit site
8. Grommet
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Grommet is a responsive and mobile-first React UI kit built for Webapps with easy to use components library. It provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package.
Grommet can be implemented easily both for a new project and an existing project. You can use the new app starter kit or existing app starter kit to implement Grommet on your project.
Some fine companies like Netflix, Uber, Samsung, Github, etc are using Grommet for their project. So, you don't have to worry about its quality.
Go to Grommet site
9. Carbon Design System
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Carbon is an open-source design system for digital products and experiences developed by IBM with its design language.
The Carbon design system aims to improve UI consistency and quality, making the development process more efficient and focused, establishing a shared vocabulary between designer and developer, and providing clear, discoverable guidance around design and development best practices.
It is built in React first, but it also supports core parts of the system in vanilla JS, Angular, and Vue.
Go to Carbon design system site
10. PrimeReact
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PrimeReact is an open-source React UI library with a collection of 70+ UI components. It developed by PrimeTek Informatics, a vendor with years of expertise in developing open source UI solutions.
It is a complete UI framework for React that provides various input components, buttons, panel, data view & list, charts, etc.
0 notes
t-baba · 4 years
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Dates, times, building CLIs with React, and just how JS can run so quickly..
#499 — July 31, 2020
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This felt like a really quiet week in the JavaScript space, so I was a bit worried about finding enough cool things to include.. but we did 😄 Turns out if you scratch around a bit, there's a lot of great work going on – be sure to take a good skim through. Oh, and next week is.. ISSUE 500! 🎉
JavaScript Weekly
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I Created The Exact Same App in React and Vue And.. — Two years ago, the author built the same app in React and Vue to see the differences between the two. Since then, both have changed, so he’s back with a 2020 edition bringing hooks and Vue 3 into play.
Sunil Sandhu
Speculation in JavaScriptCore — A long, technical post about speculative compilation and how it makes a dynamic language like JavaScript a lot faster than it might otherwise be (or was, pre V8!) You’ll need some experience with how compilation works to get much out of this, but if you want to know how modern JavaScript VMs can run JavaScript so quickly, it’s an epic resource.
Filip Pizlo (WebKit)
Build Full-Stack Serverless Web Apps with This JS Framework — If you are looking to build full-stack serverless web apps, then Webiny is the perfect solution for you. It's open-source, it uses React, Node, GraphQL and TypeScript. It deploys your apps to your AWS cloud and runs on top of Lambda functions.
Webiny sponsor
Next.js 9.5 Released — Vercel CEO Guillermo Rauch is excited about the new release: incremental static regeneration, custom base paths, rewrites and redirects, webpack 5 support, and much more.
tinykeys: A Tiny, Modern Library for Keybindings — Has a reallly simple API and the page includes live use of some specific bindings that you can try out.
Jamie Kyle
⚡️ Quick bytes:
git 2.28 has been released and now lets you specify a new default branch name (so main instead of master, say).
Auth0 (those authentication as a service folks) are running a hackathon (with prizes) next weekend (Aug 7-9), if you want something to do.
The V8 team has released a 'respectful code' policy surrounding the language they do and don't want associated with their project.
The Angular language service is now available within Visual Studio via this extension.
💻 Jobs
Engineering Manager Frontend (f/m/x) — Grow and work with our frontend team in an amazing environment, providing personal educational budget and 30d of vacation.
Senior JavaScript Developer (Warsaw, Relocation Package) — Open source rich text editor used by millions of users around the world. Strong focus on code quality. Join us.
One Application, Hundreds of Hiring Managers — Use Vettery to connect with hiring managers at startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.
📚 Tutorials, Opinions and Stories
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Natively Formatting JavaScript Dates and Times — Using Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString() and related methods. There's a handy graphic that works as a sort of cheat sheet too.
Elijah Manor
What The... is 'Composition'? — Dan is back with another entry in his JavaScript glossary digging into the art of bringing numerous things together to make other or bigger things.
Dan Abramov
This Is How Top Engineering Teams Build and Maintain Design Systems — A practical deep dive into building, scaling and maintaining high-quality design systems - for software engineers.
Frantz Kati sponsor
Convert an Array into an Object in JavaScript — Arrays are already objects of course, but..
Mastering JS
Simulating Object Collisions on a Canvas — A gentle post walking through what’s involved creating a basic physics simulation using JavaScript and HTML canvas.
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What 'Polymorphism' Means in JavaScript
Zell Liew
Getting Started with OpenTelemetry in Node.js
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My Favorite JavaScript Tips and Tricks — A real grab bag of bits and pieces.
Tapas Adhikary
🔧 Code & Tools
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Ink 3: Build JavaScript-Powered CLI Apps with React — If you love the terminal and you love React, you’ll love Ink – it lets you get the same component-based UI approach but at the command line.
Vadim Demedes
moment-guess: A Utility Package for Guessing a Date's Format — Try it right now with npx like so: npx moment-guess --date 'Fri, January 30th 2020, 10:00 AM' – the output is then suitable to use with Moment.js.
Apoorv Mishra
Get Rid of BUGS with the BEST JavaScript Code Analyzer – DeepCode — DeepCode is an AI-based Sematic Code Analysis. Scan your code in seconds and get the best coverage on the market - Free.
DeepCode AI sponsor
Release: Generate Changelogs with a Single Command — When run, this command line interface automatically generates a new GitHub Release and populates it with the changes (commits) made since the last release.
Waypoint: A VS Code Extension for Navigating JS Codebases — Makes navigating functions, classes, variables, etc. in your JavaScript codebases easier via fast search, filters, bookmarking, importing, and more. GitHub repo.
Raathi Kugarajan
Aeon: A Lightweight Date Picker Built with Web Components
Chris Haynes
⚡️ Quick releases:
Superfine 8.0 — A minimal view layer for building Web UIs.
Ember 3.20 — The battle-tested batteries-included framework.
Mocha 8.1.0 — The testing framework now builds its browser bundle with Rollup and Babel.
Hexo 5.0 — Node based blog framework.
Airtable.js 0.9 — Client for the cloud database/spreadsheet hybrid app.
Middy 1.1 — Node middleware for AWS Lambda.
Vue 3.0.0-rc5 — That final 3.0 release gets ever closer...
🎨 Creative Corner
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macintosh.js: A Virtual Macintosh Running in Electron — A working (mostly) virtual machine, emulating a 1991 Macintosh Quadra 900 with System 8, all running in Electron.
Felix Rieseberg
NSFW-Filter: A Browser Extension That Blocks NSFW Images Locally — Regardless of your stance on the matter, what’s interesting here is that TensorFlow.js is being used to locally screen out ‘NSFW’ images without any data being sent to a third party. How reliable that is remains to be seen.
Navendu Pottekkat
by via JavaScript Weekly https://ift.tt/39HEN7B
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infinijith · 5 years
Top 20 Angular Application Examples
The AngularJS websites are everywhere after its release in 2009.
Angular is widespread frameworks around the world for developing web and other applications. Most of the developers are shifted their technology to angular.
Before ignoring the angular framework for application development and thinking why to go with angular then have a look at this application once.
Let the first start with why the angular framework is so famous and get to know what is it.
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What Is Angular?
A programming language JavaScript (JS) is used in Modern websites and that provides many interactive features that users have become familiar with. 
For features and keep website and online assets running smoothly, web developers typically rely on a client-side JavaScript framework
Angular is a technology providing the tools to build a web application, helps in design, and how the underlying code should be organized. Google corporation in 2010 release the JavaScript framework known as AngularJS.
It has a feature like allowing developers to easily create rich, single-page applications. Subsequent versions of AngularJS are simply called Angular.
A revamped version of the platform known as Angular 2 was published in 2016, with one of its main features being the ability to develop applications for multiple platforms, including native desktop, web, and mobile. 
What Makes Angular Development So Good?
The Angular development environment enables developers to use modern web platform capabilities to deliver app-like experiences in the form of Progressive Web Apps. 
Developers are facilitated to reuse their code with any developers who have less knowledge on a code can also develop simple templates quickly. 
As well as choosing from a wide array of existing components, developers can extend the template language with their components. 
What to know why to prefer Angular over other technology then read our blog Angular vs React: Which is Better for Your Application?
Benefits of Angular Front-End Development Framework 
Cleaner Code  
Code Reusability  
Higher Performance  
Simple Architecture   
Better Error Handling  
Seamless Updates  
Read our about the Advantage of choosing Angular to know more about the benefits of the Angular framework. 
Angular App Development In Practice
Major corporations have been using Angular to create apps, many of which are now household names. 
Let us now understand which Enterprises are embracing Angular.
Gmail is created by Google in 2004 who has later developed the Angular.Gmail use the Angular framework after it launches in 2009.
Obviously they use their own technology to make their application stronger and faster compared to other applications.
Moreover, Gmail is has a subscriber base of over 1.4 billion people so it is the most widely used free email service. Gmail even supports 105 different languages form recent times.
2.YouTube TV
Created with Angular 2 and launched in 2017, YouTube TV is Google’s alternative to AT&T TV Now and Hulu + Live TV, offering affordable basic access to a myriad of live programming. 
Youtube TV is available on different platform like Android TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Fire TV, Roku OS, and Xbox One. In LG and Samsung it works with smart televisions also.
The YouTube Television Cloud DVR offering lets you record as much content as you want, which can be stored for up to nine months, putting an end to the storage limits that most competitors impose.
It is developed by Microsoft for free video game streaming website and service. It works on both iOS and Android devices. It is released in 2017 and developed using Angular.
With this Mixer app you are also allowed for viewing other streamers' broadcasts, commenting on streams, initiating co-hosting from your own channel, and for receiving alerts when channels you follow go live. 
It is mostly used for broadcasting content to the Mixer streaming service from a smartphone or tablet. It provides a new way to explore video games streaming where viewers and streamers come together.
The main competitor of Amazon's popular Twitch streaming service, Mixer is building an audience with huge names in the gaming industry such as Ninja, who is the most followed streamer worldwide.
4.Udacity [Programming and Web Development Online Courses]
In react times, eLearning and online courses are gaining popularity.  Udacity is the world’s most widely recognized resource for eLearning. Udacity services web page is developed using Angular 4.4.4 by keeping security and seamless delivery in mind.
Udacity has a wide range of content over topics like programming, data science, artificial intelligence, digital marketing, etc. Built with industry leaders, Udacity courses run 10 hours a week, to prepare you for your ideal developer job. Udacity Websites Built With Angular 2+
5.Santander Banking Application(Mobile application)
A mobile application for banking. It is made for the Brazil branch of the company. It is available for the user in all compatible devices like phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet.
This application is developed in angular 7 for its wide usage. It includes features like fast and secure access to banking information.
It allows you to perform an action like check your balance, deposit checks, pay bills, cancel or set up AutoPay, change your password, transfer money, and more. 
Even with the help of its online banking, you can monitor accounts, pay bills, view statements, and transfer money in just a few clicks.
Internet payment companies which are used worldwide. Paypal operates in almost all countries and supports their local language for easy accessibility and reaching core customers.
Large websites using AngularJS is another better example of the popularity of angular. With help of angular Paypal provides fastest, safer way to send money, make an online payment, receive money or set up a merchant account.
Most  PayPal Community website with an Angular framework by Paypal.
7.The Guardian
Popular British daily newspaper.  The Guardian has more than 300 million monthly visitors for its online edition. Theis demand them to be updated with new and live data which leads to adding 20 thousand images to the newspaper’s CMS daily. The grid app is working with AngularJS to manage the page content and image.
This is the biggest overhead for them. To solve this they can develop grid app. This grid app stores, processes, and displays such an enormous amount of imagery content. It also processing an image processing app. It is available on GitHub as an open-source for other publishers. So it can be later adopted by other publishers with the same content management problem. 
The grid app is working with AngularJS to manage the page content and image.
8.Wix WebApps
$290.10 million revenue-generating web-based platforms that allow users to create websites. Wix has more than 50 million registered users that build and run their websites based on Wix. 
This application is developed using AngularJS technology that allows the Wix platform to build beautiful and fast-working websites.
Vevo, owned by Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, and Warner Music Group is the best way of finding high-quality music videos. 
It is built using Angular and easy to easy for users. One of the excellent platforms for hearing music and easy to use and interact with it.
10.Microsoft Office(Web)
Home of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, this one really needs no introduction. Microsoft Office Online gives you free access to all of these, in addition to OneNote, a dedicated online calendar, and OneDrive, which is a free online storage service. It is developed in TypeScript, which is a native language in Angular.
Nike is a brand that provides kit for sports activities. Nike is known for creating groundbreaking sport innovations. They make their products more sustainably, by building a creative and diverse global team and by making a positive impact in communities.
The sells oversee using their ecommerce website which is powered using angular framework. Nike official website with the Angular technology.
UpWork is another great site that provides a platform employer can find freelancers for any job at any time. A client can work, hire and interview with freelancers. This simplifies the efforts to find a suitable employee for the role.
A plastic toy manufacturing company in Danish. Which know for unique style and toys. It founded in 1949 in Billund, Denmark. They launched their first online presence in 1996. Over a time it has undergone many changes and currently it uses Angular JS for website.
A best and notable marketplace for outsourcing. It is simple for users who just need to post the project to get their work done. It has more than 15.7 million freelancers registered on it. They will be a suitable freelancer that is portable for the client project.
Freelancer website is developed using Angular 5.1.0
HBO is a place where you can find entertainment programs from groundbreaking series, documentaries and sports to the biggest blockbuster movies available anywhere.
Some world's most innovative programming are in HBO. It is first and the best place where you can find them easily. 
HBO is the first and best place to find those programming and even people take about their shows. The angular framework to create a mobile version of its HBO used the official website.
General Motors has worked over transportation and technology for over 100 years. They have pushed the limits of the transportation system.
In this digital world, we are thinking about the transportation revolution. For safer, better and more sustainable transport that we have built using new technology revolution.
Angular is all over the world, for this GM is one of the great examples. That is, General Motors uses Angular in their cars for a new revolution.
This is a popular website that is built on Angular. It is Established in 2000 for collection of photos and images. This becomes original source for user-generated stock photos, vectors and illustrations, and video clips. It is leading stock content marketplaces for images. It offers millions of hand-picked images at low prices.
Bi-weekly articles publishing website made with Angular 5.2.0. They publish an article related to finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. 
Even they reports on related subjects such as technology, communications, science, politics, and law.
Sony built the RS3 YouTube app with Angular framework.  Sony is a multinational conglomerate corporation that manufactures multiple products. Their business includes electronics, gaming, entertainment and financial services.
It is a beautifully designed wrapper over Wikipedia.   It comes with a fresh interface that includes a sidebar, a navigation bar, and many other user-friendly and easily navigable features. 
It is just an application that restoring one of the most popular websites in the world. Moreover, create using Angular.
After going through the above Angular application examples you will realize the power of AngularJS.  For developing web apps AngularJS is efficient as well as effective. Angular is the best choice for developing web applications.
If you are going to launch your business and want to take it online as well, then you can associate with experienced AngularJS development company or hire Angular developer from Infinjith to develop your application.
Click here to read more: https://www.infinijith.com/blog/angular/angular-application-examples
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Top and Most Popular 10 list of React Native Development Tools
A mobile application is a program or software run for mobile devices like smartphone, tablet, wearable device or watch. From the last many year's mobile apps are more in demand for every business. React Native is a mobile app framework and developed by Facebook and Main use to develop Android and iOS mobile applications. We create the top and most popular 10 list of React Native development tools with few details. Let’s go.
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1)  Atom
At GitHub, we’re building the text editor we’ve always wanted: hackable to the core, but approachable on the first day without ever touching a config file. We can’t wait to see what you build with it.
Year Founded  : 2014
Approx. Traffic : 3.85M
Twitter : Atomeditor
  2)  Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.  Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows.
Year Founded  : 2015
Approx. Traffic : 12.22M
Twitter : Visual Code
  3)  Expo
A free and open source toolchain built around React Native to help you build native iOS and Android apps using JavaScript and React. Access to device capabilities like camera, location, notifications, sensors, haptics, and much more, all with cross-platform APIs.
Year Founded  : 2013
Approx. Traffic :   2.20M
Twitter : Expo
  4)  Flow
Code Faster. Tired of having to run your code to find bugs? Flow identifies problems as you code. Stop wasting your time guessing and checking. It does a lot of work to make you more productive. Making you code faster, smarter, more confidently, and to a bigger scale.
Year Founded  : 2014
Approx. Traffic :   182.70K
Twitter : Flowtype
  5)  Redux
Redux helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test.
Year Founded  : 2015
Approx. Traffic :   1.23M
  6)  ESLint
A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. Maintain your code quality with ease. Its goal is to provide a pluggable linting utility for JavaScript.
Year Founded  : 2014
Approx. Traffic :   1.07M
Twitter : Geteslint
  7)  Ignite
Get ready to ignite your next React Native project. After months of collaboration and hundreds of hours of work, Ignite CLI is finally here -- with React Native template boilerplates and more, all completely free! Ignite speeds up your app development by over two weeks on average.
Year Founded  : 2017
Approx. Traffic :   103.20K
Twitter : Infinite Red
  8)  NativeBase
NativeBase is an open source framework to build React Native apps over a single JavaScript codebase for Android and iOS. NativeBase is 100% open source. The themes are premium for the reason that more screens and features are added.
Year Founded  : 2016
Approx. Traffic : 379.65K
Twitter : NativeBaseIO
  9)  React Navigation
Routing and navigation for your React Native apps and React Navigation is born from the React Native community's need for an extensible yet easy-to-use navigation solution written entirely in JavaScript.
Year Founded  : 2018
Approx. Traffic : 757.58K
Twitter : Reactnavigation
  10)  InVision
InVision is the digital product design platform used to make the world's best customer experiences. Work together on a Freehand whiteboard and see every design comment. All without leaving the collaboration tools you already use.
Year Founded  : 2011
Approx. Traffic : 12.88M
Twitter : InVisionApp
React Native is helping you create high-quality, innovative mobile apps and we also recommended to our client. As React Native app development company, we regularly use the latest tools and technologies for creating mobile applications. We are the top mobile application development services company in USA and India. We developed 50+ mobile applications and offer the most reliable & scalable mobile apps.
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thinktanker-io-blog · 5 years
Benefits of ReactJS: Top 10 Reasons to Choose It
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Front-end development has been one of the most exciting fields in terms of cutting-edge tools and continuously evolving features. Out of these, React.JS is an efficient, declarative, and flexible open-source Javascript library for building simple, fast, and scalable frontends of web applications, according to Jordan Walke, its creator. It was built for Facebook and is maintained by them. As an open-source library, it continues to influence front-end development and for building user interfaces for single-page applications.
React.JS creates specific changes in data of web application without reloading the web pages. This is why it is simple and fast in creating a user interface. Today, some of the most popular websites in the world such as Netflix, Apple, Paypal, and others use React.JS due to the amazing flexibility and comprehensive capabilities it offers.
If you are looking for similar services, you should definitely consider working with a ReactJS Development Company for it. Or, if you only have limited requirement, you should hire React.JS developer who understands your project. They should be able to translate your vision into reality so you can engage seamlessly with your customers. React.JS can help you deliver customer delight!
So let’s look at the top ten reasons to go for React.JS:
Exceptional Agility
Unlike other popular frameworks, React.JS is small since it is developed on the concept of components and functions seamlessly with other frameworks and libraries such as JQuery.
When developing a high volume app, the application performance should not be compromised. One of the major issues earlier was that even small changes at the top layer can have unintended ripple effects that can wreck the entire application. With React.JS, developers can leverage the virtual document object model (virtual DOM) to make changes without worrying about the application crashing. That is why React.JS developers can offer solutions faster than everyone else.
React.JS makes it possible to offer a better user experience, higher application performance, within the least amount of time.
React.JS is fundamentally a more stable core since it only uses downward data flow. The parent structure is kept unaffected from changes in the child structure so when React.JS developers want to change an object, they only have to modify the state, make amendments, and only then proceed with updating. This structure ensures that the code is stable and delivers a smooth app performance.
React.JS supports code reusability and helps in developing amazing Android web apps. Since the data flow from a single point, it is extremely useful for a React.JS development company to employ this framework.
Engaging User Interfaces
User interaction or User interface is one of the major differentiators among brands today. It is well-known that customers can be lost due to a poor user interface. Especially in web and mobile applications, it is one of the main reasons for success or failure. 
If you want to build a popular application, you should hire a React.JS developer for the front-end. They can help you build rich user interfaces that are necessary for the application to survive and thrive in the hyper-competitive marketplace. It also enables React.JS developers to building a high-quality experience for users.
When you hire a React.JS development company, make sure that they are comfortable with JSX. This is an optional syntax extension that makes it possible to write requisite components as per your application’s requirement. Those components will accept HTML quoting to empower developers to easily render the subcomponents.
JSX also plays a huge role in building high volume applications and helps convert HTML mockups into ReactElement trees.
SEO-friendly framework
Search Engine Optimisation is a crucial component of success for any business today. For apps, lower page load times and faster rendering speeds will rank the app higher on Google. Since React.JS delivers faster rendering than other frameworks, it significantly reduces the load times of the page and helps improve the app ranking on search engines. It is also able to handle common search engine issues such as failure to read JavaScript high volume apps is another great reason why you should hire a React.JS developer for developing your app.
Wide range of Developer tools
React.JS library comes with a complete toolset that helps developers deploy interesting and engaging features for applications. With React dev tools and Chrome tools as part of the framework, it becomes easier for developers to discover parent and child components, observe component hierarchies, and inspect the present state and props of the components.
Strong Community
React.JS has a very strong support community so you can be assured of quick solutions. Currently, React.JS has 1331 regular contributors on Github who contribute towards making React a better frontend framework. Experts are regularly delivering free React tutorials on Youtube and write in-depth tutorials through articles and blogs. They are also available on interactive sites to help those who are interested in React.JS understand how it works and how it can work for you.
Mobile - centric
React.JS helps build UI native apps for mobile that function on Android and iOS. Facebook actually upgraded the framework to enable this so when you hire React.JS developers, make sure that they are comfortable in offering this solution.
Performance and Testing
You can use React.JS to browse ES 6 modules that define dependencies. That’s why they are easy to test. They can be treated as a function of the present state and so can be verified for the output, triggered actions, events, etc. React.JS makes it easy to do the testing for various scenarios and ensure that your app is ready to deal with the user requirements.
Always up-to-date
Since the React.JS framework is maintained by Facebook developers, the project has benefited from their continuous support. The framework is growing continuously due to the large supporting community that is always helping users with recommendations, suggestions, and solutions.
These are some of the reasons why React.JS framework is a great choice for your development project. Depending on your requirement, you can work with a React.JS development company, or hire a React.JS developer who can fulfill your requirements.
Source: https://www.thinktanker.io/blog/benefits-and-reasons-to-choose-reactjs-development.html
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lakhwanabhishek · 3 years
Some important CSS and JS Libraries
1. Styled components
An idea born in an Australian whisky bar has developed into a project of 18 K stars, widely embraced within the culture. Styled components make it simpler to use CSS in React components, by identifying styled components with encapsulated styles as a mediator layer without CSS classes. Styled-components are generated by literal notation using the ES6 framework to describe components. As you would normally do using CSS, CSS properties can be applied to the component as required. Styled components can create specific class names when the JS is parsed, and inject the CSS into the DOM. You will learn more about Max Stoiber in this great chat.
2. Radium
Radium is described as "A toolchain for React component styling" at 6.5 K stars and developed by FormidableLabs. With React without CSS, it's a collection of tools to handle inline types. Radium provides a simple interface and abstractions to manage CSS features that can not easily accommodate Radium inline styles, enabling you to bundle styles together with your React elements, combining javascript, html, and styling. It also provides rendering based on props, allowing you to design your components according to the state of your game.
3. AphroditeAphrodite is a framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS library with server-side rendering support, browser prefixing and limited CSS generation support. Aphrodite transforms everything into classes, using the class attribute.This project operates with or without Respond at 4 K stars and offers features such as modeled injection into the Dom, styles of auto prefixes and more, all at a fairly small size of 20k and a handful of dependencies. Here's a handy rundown of Aphrodite vs. Radium. 4. Emotion
At 4.2 K stars Emotion is a strong and versatile CSS-in-JS library that enables you to style string or object-based apps. To prevent variance problems with CSS it has uniform structure. Based on the glam library and its philosophy the concept is to maintain runtime output by parsing styles with babel and PostCSS while writing CSS. The core runtime is 2.3 kb, and 4 kb with support from React. Emotion isn't just about Reacting.
5. Glamorous
Note: the project is no longer actively maintained! still cool though :)
At 3.6 K stars, PayPal's Glamorous is focused to create styled components and jsxtyle inspired "maintainable CSS with React." Kent C. Dodds describes the project as "React component styling with an elegant (inspired) API, small footprint (< 5 kb gzipped) and great performance (through glamour)." It has a rather similar API to modeled parts, and under the hood it uses similar methods.
6. Glamor
Glamor, inspired by ideas from this great talk, is small and powerful. It helps you to write CSS inline in your components using the same supports for style prop Object CSS syntax React. It is fast and efficient, independent system, serverside / static rendering and adds vendor prefixes / fallback values. Here's a short introductory API notes, a comparison of Glamor CSS techniques and a helpful Glamor tutorial with Gatsby.
7. Fela
<FelaComponent  style={{  backgroundColor: 'blue',  color: 'red'  }}  render={({ className, theme }) => (  <div className={className}>I am red on blue.</div>  )} />
Fela is a project developed in JavaScript for State-Driven Styling, highlighting 3 things: rendering styling dynamic by design, introducing framework-agnostic (Bindings for Reacting) and performing. Based on the state of the application it is adjustable by nature and renders types. It generates atomic CSS and supports all common features of CSS such as media queries, pseudo-classes, keyframes and font faces. It can be used on any view list, including the native React.
8. Styletron
Thanks to this
code-carrot post
Styletron is a "component-oriented styling toolkit" at 2500 stars. Styletron supports stateless, single-element styled components as primitive base styling with conditional / dynamic styling prop interfaces, and style composition via (typed) JavaScript objects without additional tooling (e.g. Webpack loaders, Babel plugins, etc.). The design of style objects is often un-opinioned on. This fascinating HN thread lets you know more.
9. JSSJSS is a CSS abstraction that uses JavaScript to define styles in a declarative and maintenable manner. It is a high performance compiler JS to CSS that operates both runtime and server-side. This core library is agnostic at low level and frame, and is around 6 KB (minified and gzipped). This can also be expanded by API plugins. Here's a good SCSS (Sass) conversion tutorial here. Test out even React-JSS, a React JSS integration.
Bootstrap Icons
For their icon library the Bootstrap team recently published the Alpha 3 Update. The newest update adds tons of new designs and now has over 500 icons on the Bootstrap SVG icon pack. Bootstrap Icons are designed to interact with components in Bootstrap, from shape controls to navigation. Bootstrap icons are SVGs, so they can easily and quickly scale and be styled with CSS. Although built for Bootstrap, they will work in any project. They are open source (MIT), so you can access, use, and expand it free of charge. Heads up though, right now they are in alpha and open to drastic changes.
This is my short analysis of Polka which is "... just a native HTTP server with added routing, middleware, and sub-applications support ...!" even though express is relatively light, polka is lighter. What I find fascinating in this approach gives you even more insight into how to build an application. I think Polka is an excellent way to express yourself. With only a few extra modules, you'll have a fully fledged system with stable paths, templating, static files providing in a more lightweight (and hopefully faster) bundle all you have in express. It has not the same express acceptance but this could be an advantage.
Size limit
Open-source tool to measure the performance of JS apps that offers an estimation of how much time end-users will need to run your Javascript. It can be plugged into Travis CI, Circle CI, GitHub Behavior so it runs automatically and prevents over-budget size limit commits.
Stryker is a very fascinating project in JavaScript and other languages to run mutation testing. It works by adding "mutations" to the code and running tests on them in random locations, testing how many of the mutations pass and how stable the code really is. By an example let's explain this, Suppose you're creating an online casino. Users are only permitted to access the casino if they are over 18. So you write the following piece of code to test if anyone can access the site:
function isUserOldEnough(user) { return user.age >= 18; }
Stryker will find the return statement and decide to change it in several ways:
/* 1 */ return user.age > 18; /* 2 */ return user.age < 18; /* 3 */ return false; /* 4 */ return true;
We call such shifts mutants. After discovering the mutants, they are introduced one by one and the experiments are performed against them. If at least one of the experiments fails, we're saying the mutant is murdered. This is what we want to see! If no check fails, then it has succeeded. The better the experiments survive the fewer mutants.Stryker produces the results in various formats. One of the easiest reporters to read is the plain text:
Mutant killed: /yourPath/yourFile.js: line 10:27 Mutator: BinaryOperator - return user.age >= 18; + return user.age > 18; Mutant survived: /yourPath/yourFile.js: line 10:27 Mutator: RemoveConditionals - return user.age >= 18; + return true;
The direct text reporter outputs precisely how the code has been changed and which mutator has been used. It would then tell us whether a mutant has been killed which means that at least one test has failed, or whether it has survived. In this case the second mutation is marked as survivor. This means that a test that specifically checks for age younger than 18 is possibly lacking
Dinero is a JavaScript library designed to work with monetary values. It has a well-designed API which contains all the methods for money and currency operations you might need. Dinero.js allows the development, estimation and formatting of monetary values in JavaScript. You can do arithmetic operations, read and format them thoroughly, search for a variety of items to make your own creation process simpler and safer.
Uppload.js is a modern JavaScript library designed to enhance the experience of uploading images. The library offers an elegant interface for file collection that allows the user to drag-drop images from the locale.It also allows you to import images from any data source, such as URL, camera, Instagram post, Facebook public post, etc. Thanks to its plugin program, it provides multiple upload options, allowing you to add more image sources, such as Instagram, screenshots, Giphy and more.You are also allowed to crop, resize, rotate the client-side images until they are submitted to server.
Pure CSS library offering over 50 stylish checkbox toggles of a pleasant variety. These are very easy to use and customize-only surround a div in your checkbox, add the right class and it's done.
Fast, memory-efficient diagram library to generate superb 2D Canvas-based charts. It offers lots of different types of graphs, lots of customization options and other cool features.
Rsup Progress
Easy but still very successful progress bar plugin with promising support and smooth animations. It is super easy to configure and very useful to show the load times at the top of the page.  19.
Bootstrap Treeview
Bootstrap treeview is used to represent hierarchical information starting with the root element and continuing with its children and their respective items. Besides the root every element has a parent and can have children. Easy Bootstrap 4 plugin designed to build elegant treeviews with collapse list objects. It's a fantastic little feature and we wouldn't be shocked to see it integrated with future Bootstrap models. Siblings are objects with one parent and the same. Objects can collapse and expand.
Electron React Boilerplate
Electron React Boilerplate uses Electron, React, Redux, React Router, Webpack and React Hot Loader for rapid application creation (HMR).Great starting kit for the production of Electron-based cross-platform mobile applications. The project GitHub provides a strong framework to help you customize everything and get started in no time.  
They're panolens. Js is a WebGL focused and event-driven panoramic viewer. Lean and versatile. It is constructed over Three. Amazing JavaScript panorama viewer library right in the browser to create beautiful 360 ° experience. Three.js-based library keeps output fast and smooth, even when viewing high quality images or videos.
Very smart solution for adding comments to your website which uses GitHub as a discussion source. The project consists of a GitHub App and a JS library working together to view a fully featured comment section, hosted within a selected repo issue of GitHub.
Rome is a toolchain experimental to JavaScript. It includes a parser, linter, formatter, bundler, frame checking and more. It aims to be a detailed platform for everything that relates to JavaScript source code production. Rome is not a set of known instruments. All the tools are designed specifically for Rome, do not rely on any external dependencies and are made to communicate with each other seamlessly.
MassCode is a snippet manager for developers of open-source code. This nice little app offers a clean interface for all of your code snippets and cheatsheets to handle. Runs on Mac, Linux and Windows.
The Bootstrap team's new linter tool that lets you test if your pages use Bootstrap's components with properly organized HTML. It also ensures the appropriate tags are used, an HTML5 doctype declaration is included, and the page's overall markup is accurate.
This library uses the mix-blend-mode css to get Dark Mode on all of your websites. Only copy and paste the snippet and you'll get a plugin to turn the Dark Mode on and off. You can also use it programmatically, without the button. Lightweight module, installed in Vanilla. Super lightweight JS library to help you integrate dark & light teams into your applications. It senses local time for the user and changes the UI appearance accordingly. It doesn't have light and dark themes.  
Hex Engine
Modern 2D engine designed to render browser games. This versatile toolkit for game development features a Canvas-based rendering engine, aids in physics and sound, gamepad support, integrated design tools, and more.
A tiny JS tool which makes adding overlay instructions for your apps super simple. These guides can be extremely helpful to clarify the UI, demote the various features of the app or simply show the user what to do next.
Share. Js is a lightweight, zero-dependent JS library that transforms any text selected into quotes that can be posted on Twitter and/or Facebook, as you can see in Medium.com.
Lottie is an Android, iOS, Web, and Windows library that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and makes them natively accessible on the smartphone and on the web! The Airbnb developer team's incredible library that exports Adobe After. This makes animations that can be very complex with lots of details and keyframes as well as being super-performing and smooth buttery. It's now designed to expand its use to android, iOS, React Native and Windows in addition to his great work.
Vue Interactive Paycard
View-Interactive-Paycard-Smooth and sweet micro-interaction credit card shape. Includes the printing of numbers, validation and automatic identification of type of token. Designed with viewjs, and completely sensitive as well. Very impressive credit card snippet type which beautifully animates as users input their data. One of the finest projects we've seen all year round, with everything polished to perfection, from the typography to the animations. It's not only pretty either-the card is also very user friendly with the formatting of numbers, validation and the identification of card size. Also, when entering cc info, users actually prefer a well-known interface and not some custom UI.
Cube.js is a scalable open source platform for building analytical web applications and designing your own sophisticated, custom analytics systems. It consists of a wide SDK frontend and a lightweight API backend which can be linked to most databases and systems like MySQL, Postreges and MongoDB .. It is primarily used for developing internal business intelligence tools or for applying customer-facing analytics to an existing app.  
Tesseract. Js is the pure Javascript port of Tesseract's popular OCR engine. Node and browser JavaScript library which extracts text from images. It analyzes the image, automatically detects location and orientation of the text, and with great precision extracts words and sentences. Tessaract can recognize more than 60 languages including more complex ones such as Chinese, Arabic and Russian
Lightweight library for linking seamless transitions to pages on your website. It takes up your usual static website and makes it a great-looking single-page application experience. It helps to reduce the delay between loading pages, to decrease requests for HTTP, and to make the web feel more premium.
This fun JavaScript library allows for the control of animated GIF playback. It can start and pause the GIFs, for example, based on user feedback such as clicks or hover. As it uses a canvas feature to draw the individual frames, it is also very performant under the hood.
React-based App building command line interface. It provides a great range of predefined components which can be used to accelerate the creation of terminal interfaces while also allowing features such as more sophisticated templates and controls to be added.  
Instant Page
This fun library speeds up loading times when users hover over them by prefretching the links. This makes loading of a page faster until the user clicks on a connection and navigates to the next page. With the latest update it can also automatically prefix all links in a list-great for static content.  
FilePond is a JavaScript library that lets you upload silky smooth drag n 'drop files. It has a polished UI which is a pleasure to use, while also offering some interesting features under the hood such as optimizing photos for quicker uploads. Just 21 kB gzipped, with adapters available with React, Vue, and jQuery for easier implementation. These docs can assist in downloading, setting up, updating and extending FilePond. If you don't know FilePond you can find more detail on the FilePond product page.  
Micromodalistic. Js is a modal library written in pure JavaScript, lightweight, configurable and 11y-enabled. It helps you to build modal dialogs consistent with WAI-ARIA guidelines, with trust and with minimal configuration. Minified and gzipped at just 1.9 kb, it's a tiny library for big change.
A great project for all of you who want to take their first steps in machine learning, Brain.js offers a powerful framework for working in a JavaScript environment with the neural networks. It has lots of examples of excellent documentation that will help you understand some of the most important ML techniques.
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ittrainingcourse · 6 years
Top Essential Skills for React Web Developer | ExcelPTP
React is the ultimate library for front-end developers today. Simply put, you get better at development when you learn React, and many organizations view these skills as essential. JavaScript is the major driver of modern web applications since it’s the only programming language which runs in the browser and hence allows you to provide highly reactive apps. React is all about components- basically custom HTML elements-with which you can quickly build amazing and powerful web apps. Just build a component once, configure it to your needs, dynamically pass data into it and  re-use it as often as needed.
No front-end dev is a stranger to HTML and CSS. The ability to work with and craft user interface is necessary to every organization. At high level, React developers should be able to:
1. Work with and write semantic HTML tags
2. Work with and Write CSS selectors
3. Implement a CSS reset
4. Understand the box model and how to reset to border-box
5. Understand flexbox
6. Work with and implement responsive web principles including the proper user of media queries
2. React JS and Redux —- Mastering Web Apps
This project- based course will have you coding right away. Building four carefully Thought-out example applications in this course will sharpen your skills in modern web development. As one of the most highly-paid skills for web developers, learning react will Open doors and jobs for you. Create the React JS & Redux apps you always wanted.
First, learn the principles of React JS by building two applications. One introduce ES6/Babel, and the other how to handle HTTP Web Requests in React using an API. with the third application, learn how to manipulate browser cookies. Finally, you’ll create an entire app with full authentication and a real-time database to finish it off.
3.  Git:
Git is essential to every developer toolkit for storing projects on Solutions like GitHub, Bit bucket and GitLab. Git is magic sauce that allows you to track and host versions of files on Github.  In the words, you use commands of Git to track version of your files. And Github is Just a remote platform where these files are hosted. Skills that should just be part of your day to day include:
1. Tracking changes with add, commit, push and pull
2. Branching and merging strategies
3. Handling merge conflicts
4.  Node + npm
NPM(Node Package Manager) is the default package manager for Node.js and is written entirely in JavaScript. NPM Manage all the packages and modules for Node,js and consists of command line client npm. It gets installed into the system with installation of Node.js. A package contains all the files needed for a module and module are the JavaScript libraries that can be included in Node Project according to the requirement of the project. React developers need to have a solid understanding of the npm registry. This is the place where software developers can go to get software to help them build software. Node package Manager(NPM) provides two main functionalities –
1. Online repositories for node.js packages/modules which are searchable on search.nodejs.org
2. Command line utility to install Node.js Packages, do version management and dependency management of Node.js packages.
5.  Complete React JS web developer with ES6-Build 10 Projects
React is having very high demand in market. One of the top most searched subject on stack overflow. Most of high performance apps are created using react. If you want to stand apart from react, for sure you need to get familiar with react.
Also, if you are looking to move in react-native app development, that path goes with react js. Once you are familiar with concepts like JSX, props and states, same concepts are applied in react native too. And moving into react-native would be just a piece of cake.
This course will first cover local installation and react basics. After that we will create 10 projects
1. Project 1 – Create react app manually
2. Project 2 – Converting a simple Blog into react components
3. Project 3 – Timer App
4. Project 4 – sales cart in Single Page Application
5. Project 5 – Usurvery with Firebase database
6. Project 6 – Firebase Login Setup
7. Project 7 – Google Sign in with Firebase
8. Project 8 – Reddit API with axios
9. Project 9 – Auth0 login System
10. Project 10 – Github API with Fetch and Auth0 login System
6.  React JS  — Build real world JS apps & deploy on cloud
React JS is an awesome JS Framework for building front end Applications. React JS is leading Over Angular JS or vue JS. This is a truly complete React Js course, that goes way beyond what other React Courses out there teach you.
You will learn “why” something works in React, not Just “how”. Because in the modern JavaScript world of today, you need more than just knowing how something works. You need to debug code, you need to understand code, you need to be able to think about code.
So, by the end of the course, you will be a capable react developer, able to write, understand and debug JavaScript code using all the powerful features the language offers to code your application using React js.
This Course will take you from a complete React Js beginner to an advance developer. You will not just learn the React itself, you will also learn how to program. How to solve problems. How to Organized  code using common standard/patterns.
7.  React From The Ground UP
React is a hugely in demand framework and having the knowledge of react that this course will teach you will set you apart from other candidates. This tutorial will take you through everything you need to master web development using ReactJS.
If you’ve got a great idea that you want to turn into a business react is a great choice to build your application with and React from the Ground Up will teach you everything you need to make amazing application with React.
Getting a great understanding of React JS will get you into position to build fantastic, well built personal and professional projects.throughout the course you will build mini projects with React then move onto build a Pokemon dashboard application that will pit your new found React skills into practice. We will then build an application that teaches you all the principles behind Redux and how you can confidently and easily use React with Redux to build applications.
8.  React for Absolute Beginners
React has simplified not only the process of designing UIs but also make it easier to build complete projects that are real-time and dynamic.JavaScript plays an important role when it comes to designing and deploying apps and websites.
This epic react course not only helps break down the Fundamentals of React, but also dives deep into how React works and the actual coding process that is required. At the end of this course, you will have a through working idea of react and you’ll even be able to build your own small projects.
This course strips the complicated bits and pieces of React that are scary and simplifies it to make it easier to understand. Starting at the very beginning with the basic definitions of React and it’s core components. From there you’ll breakdown the important aspects of React such as JSX, looping, ES, Bug Fixing, States, Props, libraries, Actions, Redux, and so much more.
At the end of this course, you will have a more sound knowledge of React and it’s components such as JSX, Redux, etc. and you’ll also be able to actually integrate React with your own working project.
What you’ll learn in this course:
1. A complete introduction to React and it’s core components.
2. Introduction to JSX
3. Learning to build your very first component
4. Event looping & bug fixing
5. Going over State & Props including how to pass data around inside or between components
6. Introduction to data, libraries and APIs
7. Other Important concepts such as Redux, Actions, Reducers, etc.
8. Build your own app with everything you’ve learnt through the course.
0 notes
Building Mobile Apps With Ionic 2 ( ionic 1 vs ionic 2 performance)
Building mobile apps with ionic 2 (ionic 1 vs ionic 2 performance)
Ionic 2 Mobile Apps Development
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Building mobile apps with ionic 2
(ionic 1 vs ionic 2 performance)
Building mobile apps with ionic 2 (ionic 1 vs ionic 2 performance)
The Ionic project is rapidly gaining in popularity. With more than 27,000 stars on GitHub, it has risen to become one of the top 50 most popular open source projects worldwide. And Team Linkites working with Ionic 1 & Ionic 2. for more information click here –>>Building mobile apps with ionic 2 (ionic 1 vs ionic 2 performance)
And since the stable version of Ionic 2 was recently announced, it’s the perfect time for engineers to analyze and understand the differences between Ionic 2 and Ionic 1.
At a high level, Ionic 2 is a complete rewrite of the Ionic 1 project with Angular >= 2.x. From my 2+ years of experience using Ionic 1, here’s what this will mean in practical terms.
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Building mobile apps with ionic 2
ionic 1 vs ionic 2 performance
Boosted Change Detection Performance
Ionic 1 is based on Angular 1.x, and Ionic 2 is based on Angular >= 2.x. The performance boost you get just by using Angular >= 2.x alone is significant.
With Angular 1.x, to get performant applications required a lot of deep framework knowledge (like $watch, One-time binding, and so on). With Angular >= 2.,x applications are pretty much performant out of the box.
The new version of Angular dropped the famous and decried digest cycle (tracking and testing every variable of the app at every change). Instead, Angular >= 2.x relies on Zone.js to track application changes (both synchronous and asynchronous).
Change Detection in Angular >= 2.x is worth exploring to understand how things work under the hood. In Angular >= 2.x, change detection is always performed from top to bottom. Using the right change detection strategy (OnPush or Default) in your own components is of paramount importance if you want to control the performance of your application.
All Ionic 2 components use the OnPush strategy, meaning the change detection is not performed all the time but, instead, only when the inputs change. This strategy also avoids unnecessary rendering of components’ subtrees. It is basically already optimized for you.
If you want to know more about how to get a performant Ionic1 application, I suggest reading this Ultimate AngularJS and Ionic performance cheat sheet.
Faster DOM Performance
Angular Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation has evolved a lot. If you want a reactive User Interface (UI), DOM manipulation and JavaScript performance is important.
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For example, creating 1,000 rows in a table takes 126 milliseconds with vanilla JavaScript, 110% more (264ms) with Angular. 1.x, and only 40% more (177ms) with Angular >= 2. As you can see, the performance of Angular >= 2.x is better than Angular 1.x, and is similar to React performance.
Ionic 2, once again, benefits from this performance upgrade, and does so “for free”.
The New Web Animations API
Ionic 1 and Ionic 2 still rely on CSS animations for internal transitions and animations, but as Ionic 2 is based on Angular >= 2.x, developers have access to the new Web Animations (W3C) API via the Angular animation system.
The Web Animations API is a JavaScript API that provides developers with access to the browser’s animation engine. It is not supported in all the browsers yet, but with a polyfill you can use it right now and enjoy one of the most performant and promising ways to animate the Web.
The Angular >= 2.x animation API lets you easily describe complex animations (entering and leaving from different states or group animations) and gives you access to animations lifecycle via callbacks.
@Component({    template: `        <ul>            <li *ngFor="let hero of heroes"                (@flyInOut.start)="animationStarted($event)"                (@flyInOut.done)="animationDone($event)"                [@flyInOut]="'in'">            {{hero.name}}            </li>        </ul>    `,    animations: [        trigger('flyInOut', [            state('in', style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)' })),            transition('void => *', [                style({                    opacity: 0,                    transform: 'translateX(-100%)'                }),                animate('0.2s ease-in')            ]),            transition('* => void', [                animate('0.2s 10 ease-out', style({                    opacity: 0,                    transform: 'translateX(100%)'                }))            ])        ])    ] })
Ionic Built-in Native Scrolling
Native scrolling allows Ionic 2 to listen to scrolling events on supported WebViews. It makes Pull to Refresh, List Reordering, or Infinite Scroll possible without emulating those events (JavaScript scrolling).
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Ionic 2(Android apps, iPhone apps, Window apps)
Until now, JavaScript scrolling was necessary, but Chromium (Android) and WKWebView (iOS) WebViews have evolved and now support native scrolling. It is only enabled by default on Android with Ionic 1 (since December 2015) and enabled on all platforms with Ionic 2.
Native scrolling support brings better performance and improves the user experience by helping to ensure a smooth scroll thanks to asynchronous events.
For more info click here>> Building mobile apps with ionic 2
Improved Components API
Ionic 2 gives you access to all the components that made Ionic 1 famous, but are now improved and based on Angular >= 2.x. Here is the list of the most common components:
The components API changed a bit between Ionic 1 and Ionic 2. For instance, Ionic 1 ion-spinner components use icon attribute for the spinner type:
<ion-spinner icon="bubbles"></ion-spinner>
Whereas Ionic 2 uses the name attribute:
<ion-spinner name="bubbles"></ion-spinner>
As you can see, if you are familiar with the Ionic 1 component API, you will feel comfortable using Ionic 2 components as well. You’ll just need to be aware of these differences.
With an impressive list of components, everything that you can do with Ionic 1 is doable with Ionic 2, and even more.
Introduction of Web Workers
Web Workers allow your application to run scripts in background JavaScript threads. Workers can perform tedious tasks and HTTP requests outside of your application context (i.e., without interfering with the user interface). Today, Web Workers are supported by all major browsers.
Traditionally, all frameworks were built on top of, and relied on, the window and document objects. However, in workers neither are available. With the new Angular >=2 architecture that decoupled the renderer, running the application within Web Workers (or any other platform for that matter) is made easier.
Ionic 2 is starting to experiment with the use of Web Workers with the new ion-imgcomponent. For now, ion-img can only be used within a VirtualScroll list. It delegates the image HTTP call to the Web Workers, and also supports lazy loading (i.e., only retrieve and render images on the viewport). Your web application now only focuses on the UI and lets the workers do the rest.
Here is an example of how to use it:
<ion-img width="80" height="80" [src]="imageSrc"></ion-img>
Keep in mind that this is only the beginning and that we expect to see more usage or Web Workers in the near future.
TypeScript Advantages
If you have been using Ionic 2, you already know that it is using TypeScript. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript ES2015 that compiles to plain JavaScript. With TypeScript, you have access to all of its unique features (like interfaces, mixins, and so on) and ES2015 features (like arrow functions, generator, multiline strings, and so on).
Let’s look at an example of an Angular >= 2.x component that displays a name of a United States president:
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; export interface IPresident {    id: number;    name: string; } @Component({    selector: 'my-app',    template: `        <h1>{{title}}</h1>        <h2>{{president.name}}</h2>    ` }) export class AppComponent {    title:string = 'President of the United States';    president: IPresident = {        id: 44,        name: 'Barack Obama'    }; }
We use an Interface (IPresident) that describes the president Object shape. It is interesting to have interfaces describing what you are manipulating, especially if there are several developers on a project. If you make a mistake and, for instance, use a boolean for the president name, your IDE will tell you that something is wrong even before the compilation happens.
In virtually any IDE you use (Visual Studio Code, Atom, WebStorm, or the like), you will find plugins to enable autocomplete, type checking, and a linter.
TypeScript is a real advantage for Ionic 2, as it makes your code more understandable, helps you avoid type mistakes, and helps you be more productive (through features like autocomplete, auto import of modules, tooltip definitions on hover, and CTRL + Click to go to definitions). Building mobile apps with ionic 2
All New CLI v2
The Ionic CLI v2 adds a way to generate Pages, Components, Pipes, and Directives, directly via the command line.
For instance, if you want to create a new page named MyPage, here is the command you can run:
$ ionic generate page MyPage ? Create src/pages/my-page/my-page.html ? Create src/pages/my-page/my-page.ts ? Create src/pages/my-page/my-page.scss
The command will follow the conventions and create three files for you:
An HTML file for your template. A SASS file for your component style. A TypeScript file for your component logic.
Here is what the generated my-page.ts file looks like:
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular'; @Component({  selector: 'page-my-page',  templateUrl: 'my-page.html' }) export class MyPagePage {  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) {}  ionViewDidLoad() {    console.log('ionViewDidLoad MyPagePage');  } }
Enforcing conventions via use of the CLI is great when you work on a team. Angular 2.x and Ionic 2 are doing a great job of helping foster a better understanding of what an Angular app architecture should be. Of course, you are free to diverge from the conventions, if you want to.
Improved Packaging
Ionic 1 relies on the Gulp ecosystem to bundle applications, while Ionic 2 lets you select your favorite tools. Ionic 2 provides its own collection of tools as a separated project: ionic-app-scripts.
The ionic-app-scripts is based on the idea that developers should not worry about packaging configuration at all. The only packaging related dependency that your project will have with Ionic 2 is @ionic/app-scripts. By default, it uses Webpack but you can use Rollup as well.
With Ionic 2 and the CLI v2, the assets, as well as the TypeScript files, live in the same src folder. The www is now generated during every build and therefore should be removed from version control tracking.
Introduction of Error Reporting Tool
The new CLI also introduced a great Error Reporting tool. To get it, you need to install Ionic version >= 2.1:
$ npm install -g ionic $ ionic -v # should return at least 2.1.12
Now every time you have errors, a modal will pop up with meaningful information about it. For example:
Run Time Error Reporting Tool
Being notified about runtime errors as soon as possible during development is incredibly valuable and Ionic 2 has done a great job in this regard.
Benefits of Ahead of Time Compilation (AoT)
Ahead of Time Compilation (AoT) is a little revolution in the Angular ecosystem. Introduced with Angular 2.x, AoT allows for templates to be pre-compiled in a build step, instead of being compiled on-the-fly by the browser.
While this may not seem like a big difference, it actually is. With AoT, we do not have to ship the template compiler with the application. This has two advantages. First, the bundle will be smaller, which directly impacts the network and therefore makes your application faster to download. Second, the app will bootstrap faster because template compilation on-the-fly is no longer necessary.
Ionic 2 takes full advantage of Angular 2.x AoT to optimize the size and loading time of your application for free.
GIF : Source
Ionic 2 Is a Huge Step Forward
Overall, Ionic 2 is a huge step forward for the hybrid mobile industry. Although the set of Ionic 2 components is similar to Ionic 1 components, Ionic 2 offers a lot of tools and performance improvement.
Indeed, with tools such as TypeScript, ionic-app-scripts and Ionic CLI, Ionic 2 developers can be more productive, can produce more maintainable code, and are alerted to runtime errors as soon as they happen.
It also provides a free performance boost relative to Ionic 1, in particular by eliminating or reducing its bottlenecks (related to change detection, animations, loading time, and so on).
With This, your applications will feel more native than ever. Take it out for a spin. You’ll be glad you did. For more info click here >>Building mobile apps with ionic 2
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
80% off #The Complete Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp – $10
Master Functional Programming techniques while learning to build compelling web applications!
All Levels,  – 14.5 hours,  123 lectures 
Average rating 4.7/5 (4.7 (502 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
Basic understanding of another programming language – Javascript, Ruby, C#, PHP, or similar
Course description:
Elixir and Phoenix are two of the hottest technologies of 2017.
Functional Programming? You will learn it.  Phoenix with OAuth? Its here.  Postgres for data storage? Of course! Websockets too!
This course will get you up and running with Elixir and Phoenix quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build amazingly fast web applications.
We’ll start by mastering the fundamentals of functional programming with Elixir, including functions, modules, and the fantastic ‘pipe’ operator.  You’ll learn how FP differs from classic object oriented programming with a variety of different practical examples.  Once you have a solid understanding of Elixir, we’ll discuss how to build amazingly fast applications with the Phoenix Framework with an in-depth app.  Source code is provided for each lecture, so you will always stay up-to-date with the course pacing.
If you are new to Elixir, or if you’ve been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don’t quite ‘get it’, this is the Elixir course for you! To learn Elixir and Phoenix you have to understand them.
Learn how to use Elixir’s built-in library to clean up your code Master the differences between functional and object oriented programming Grasp all of the different pieces of syntax in common Elixir programs Build interesting and challenging projects that have practical uses Develop a web app using Phoenix that can be expanded in a variety of different ways Go behind the scenes of Phoenix and learn how the internals work Master the OAuth flow by authenticating users with the Github Public OAuth service Practice working with databases by integrating Postgres into your app
I’ve built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning Elixir and Phoenix. A course that explains the concepts and how they’re implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them.
Full details Think with a Functional Programming mindset Use Phoenix to build compelling and FAST web apps Understand common Elixir syntax and design patterns Master the OAuth flow with Phoenix for authentication Learn the hidden secrets of Phoenix
Full details This course is for anyone looking to learn Elixir and Phoenix
“I think Stephen has done an outstanding job with this course. Can’t wait for the last project to be complete! Note that he seems to aim more at beginners than intermediates, having some extended CS background I found myself skipping explanations rather often. Quality is also wonderful.” (Peter Aba)
“Excellent overview of not only Phoenix/Elixir, but of functional programming in general. Will update the final star upon websockets completion, and I hope there is an additional overview of api creation using Phoenix and Functional Programming.” (Chris Anderson)
“Steve does an excellent job of taking someone with little or no programming experience and guiding them through the creation of two fairly complex applications (create identicon and a ‘discussion site’ using elxir/phoenix. Phoenix is a ‘comprehensive’ framework, so there are many concepts to learn which Steve does well. Note, he is a real fan of the ‘tell them what you are going to say’, ‘say it’, ‘tell them what you said’, and re-enforce multiple times.” (Clarence Michael Fuller)
  About Instructor:
Stephen Grider
Stephen Grider has been building complex Javascript front ends for top corporations in the San Francisco Bay Area. With an innate ability to simplify complex topics, Stephen has been mentoring engineers beginning their careers in software development for years, and has now expanded that experience onto Udemy, authoring the highest rated React course. He teaches on Udemy to share the knowledge he has gained with other software engineers. Invest in yourself by learning from Stephen’s published courses.
Instructor Other Courses:
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t-baba · 5 years
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Angular 9, a new decimal datatype for JS, and how to read specs
#474 — February 7, 2020
Read on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
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Understanding the ECMAScript Spec — The meaty first post in a series looking at how to read parts of the formal ECMAScript spec that forms the basis for JavaScript and turns its formal notation into something you can learn from.
Marja Hölttä
Angular 9 Released: Project Ivy Has Arrived — A major release for Angular that includes an all new compilation and rendering pipeline (called Ivy) as well as updates across the entire framework including the CLI tools and Angular Material. “This is one of the biggest updates to Angular we’ve made in the past 3 years.”
Stephen Fluin
Locate Front-End Issues Like JavaScript or Network Errors Instantly — Get proactively alerted on any client-side issues such as JavaScript and network errors, optimize the load time of your front-end resources, and detect any UI issues that affect critical user journeys. Try it free with Datadog Synthetics.
Datadog sponsor
Electron 8.0.0 Released — The popular cross-platform desktop app development toolkit takes more steps forward, mostly in the area of dependencies, by moving to Chrome 80 (which only came out this week itself), V8 8.0, and Node 12.13. IPC communication now uses a new algorithm which is a lot faster for large and complex objects too. Offscreen rendering is currently disabled, however, so don’t upgrade if you depend on it.
Electron Project
Tumblr media
A Proposal for a Built-In Decimal Datatype — An investigation into adding a built-in data type in JavaScript to represent base-10 decimal numbers that’s being presented to TC39. BTW, you may find this slidedeck to be more accessible.
Daniel Ehrenberg
Quick bytes:
Chrome 80 is out which brings support for ES modules in Web Workers.
TypeScript 3.8 RC is out. No changes anticipated before the final release.
There's a proposal for combining logical operators and assignment expressions.
Work on Babel 8 is underway. There will be breaking changes but there's an outline and plan.
💻 Jobs
Announcing a 100% Remote Opportunity as a Sr. Fullstack Dev (Node/React) — We’re passionate about giving developers the chance to do meaningful work by building transformational technology solutions.
JavaScript Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Work with the world's leading brands, from anywhere. Travel the world while being part of the most energizing community of developers.
Find a Dev Job Through Vettery — Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers.
📘 Articles & Tutorials
Getting Acquainted With Svelte, the New Framework on the Block — We’ve mentioned Svelte, an interesting compile-time 'framework', a few times in the last year – here’s another take on why to consider it.
Tristram Tolliday
Formatting Dates with Intl.DateTimeFormat — A good demonstration of a modern way to format dates in a region friendly way using native APIs, as now supported in both Node and all major browsers.
Valentino Gagliardi
Top GitHub Best Practices for Developers - Expanded Guide — Implementing these best practices could save you time, improve code maintainability, and prevent security risks.
Datree.io sponsor
Adding a F#-Style Pipeline Operator to Your JavaScript with Babel — Using Babel’s custom transpilation powers to try out an alternative to the proposed pipeline operator.
George Dyrrachitis
Building an Accessible Autocomplete Control — Learn how to design and build an accessible autocomplete control from scratch.
Adam Silver
You (Possibly) Don't Need Moment.js — Moment.js is a popular date and time manipulation library but this repo shows off alternative approaches, including many native functions that do similar things. At the very least, this is a neat ‘cheat sheet’ for date and time manipulation :-)
Various Contributors
Implementing Basic 2D Physics in JavaScript — If you’ve ever seen a physics simulation on the Web and wondered about the basic math to pull it off, this will get you started.
Martin Heinz
▶  Building a Vue 3 Testing Framework from Scratch — This is not a guide to Vue testing but a look behind what’s necessary to implement your own testing framework for a framework like Vue.
How to Use Cloudflare JavaScript Workers to Deploy a Statically Generated Site
Ernesto Freyre
Debug JS Errors in Real-Time and Optimize Your Front-End Performance
Site24x7 sponsor
How To Create A Headless WordPress Site On The JAMstack
Sarah Drasner & Geoff Graham
3 Ways To Access Object Properties in JavaScript
Dmitri Pavlutin
10 Array Methods You Should Know — One for the beginners among you :-)
Rebecca Uranga
🔧 Code & Tools
CheerpJ 2.0 Released: A Java to WASM and JS Compiler — This is a commercial tool (though free for non-commercial purposes) but as someone who started on the Web in the 90s, the idea of Java being compiled to JavaScript continues to tickle me :-) Interesting tech.
Stefano De Rossi
vue-cli v4.2 Released — The latest release of the popular tools is fully baked with ESLint 6, optional chaining and nullish coalescing support, plus better Yarn 2 support if you’re using that.
Haoqun Jiang
Sharect: A Library to Let Users Share Text Selections to Social Networks — If you’ve seen how Medium lets readers select text and share it, it’s like that, but lighter.
Estevan Maito
New Time-Travel Debugger for JavaScript and TypeScript — Move forward and backwards through your code to understand the conditions that led to a specific bug, view runtime values, edit-and-continue, and more.
Wallaby.js sponsor
GLTFJSX 1.0: Turns GLTFs Into JSX Components — Turns GLTF (GL Transmission Format) files (as used for 3D models and scenes) into re-usable Three.js components.
Paul Henschel
Baretest: An 'Extremely Minimalistic' Alternative to Jest — A fast and simple JavaScript test runner that boasts a ‘brainless’ API. The motivation? Runniing tests as fast as possible.
Vendure: A Headless GraphQL E-commerce Framework — Built on Node, Nest and TypeScript. The idea is you’d use this for the backend, then implement the front-end of your store however you prefer.
defu: Recursively Assign Default Properties — In short, merge two objects together without the properties overwriting each other, as you might want to do when handling options and default settings on entry to a function.
x-spreadsheet: A JS and Canvas-Powered Spreadsheet Control
by via JavaScript Weekly https://ift.tt/2UK3Xx1
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