#Toxy's anime rants
tockzy · 4 years
Heya guys, little rant post coming up so if you don't wanna see some idiot bitch complain about stuff here's your heads up so you can keep scrolling and havin' a good time.
So, IchiRuki/IchiHime people, can y'all tell me why these ships have their own thousand year blood War going on? Because when I see the IchiRuki posts saying that Kubo us a shitty writer because two characters didn't get together or the IchiHime posts actively antagonizing any and all IchiRuki shippers, be they toxic or not, all I can feel is disappointment. Because there's been moments throughout the series that can be used for either ship and they make absolute sense, but y'all also like to argue the same like 3 or so points that I'm gonna just, break down right now and give my two cents on why instead of shitting on eachother we should just respect everyone's opinion.
So, point 1: Rukia helping Ichigo "stop the rain in his heart".
We all know rain is an allegory for depression for Ichigo during the early story beats. he hates rain, Old Man hates rain, White hates rain, all that jazz. And when he saves Rukia in the soul society it stops (or at least that's what I remember, it's been a minute since I've watched/read the soul Society arc) and his anger and depression over failing to protect his mom are eased a decent amount. He's not "cured" of his depression or anything, but it's not affecting him as badly as it used to. Now, what this isn't, is Rukia being his Knight in icy armor clearing the clouds and making him happy. It's him feeling like he's making it up to his mom for not protecting her all those years ago, it's him finally protecting someone he's vowed to protect. He feels like he's finally made his mom proud.
He doesn't feel like a failure anymore.
Point number 2: Ichigo's reason for going to Las Noches.
A lot of IchiRuki people like to point out the fact that he says he went to Hueco Mundo and Las Noches to whoop Grimmjow's kitty ass. Which is true, but it's not just cuz he's some true battle freak like Kenpachi, it's cuz he's pissed off he couldn't protect his friends from Grimmjow and the other espada who roughed up his friends and wants to show them he's the boss. He's not disregarding Orihime here because just before he was trying his damnedest to fuck Ulquiorra seven ways to Sunday after he said "I'm the one who made her come here". Like, boy was pissed, and I understand why. I'd instantly attempt to murder someone too if they told me "hey yeah I kidnapped your girlfriend by manipulating her into going with me and branding her a traitor" dude. Of course him and Orihime weren't together at that time but she clearly means a lot to him, just like Rukia. So no, he wasn't just there cuz he wanted to fight, they had someone important to him and he was gonna fight tooth and nail to show them to not fuck with him or the people he cares about.
Point 3: "well Ichigo and Orihime got together and you'll just have to accept it" or anything similar.
This shit is just stupid. Don't say this to people. Just, respect that they didn't think it made sense for how that all went down. Their entitled to their opinion and we can't take that away nor should we try to. They can still make fan content for anything they want. The only time you should give any sort of rebuttal is if they're stating blatantly wrong information or shaming Kubo directly since he really didn't get to do a lot of what he wanted since he was always so rushed. Not to mention he was having health issues during the last arc. But other than that just let them have fun in their little community?
This last part is just gonna be me talking about a few things involving Ichigo's dynamics with the girls cuz I want to sorta just talk about why I think Ichigo would be just as happy with either girl, starting with Rukia.
So obviously we all know that Rukia kinda gets Ichigo out of his funks most of the time with her little speeches and giving him support. And while I personally see it as her way of friendship since she does similar things to other people she knows and aggressive support isn't necessarily a "hehe me like u" thing, but I do think her fiery attitude would be something Ichigo digs and their dynamic would be relatively healthy. BtwIchigowouldn'tmovetoSoulSocietyifhegotwithRukiathat'sdumb
Anyways, Orihime's turn.
Obviously she's that little ball if sunshine Ichigo desperately needs in his life, even if she is sorta ditzy or weird. She'd also show him that the rain isn't necessarily this horribly depressing thing I think. She sees it as something that connects people, which is kinda poetic tbh and I really think Ichigo would at least understand a bit and try not to always think of the rain meaning that night with his mom. She's also just extremely caring and would get on his ass for over exerting himself and make sure he actually rests when he needs to. Not saying Rukia wouldn't of course but Orihime would definitely worry about him that way more when it came to stress and stuff. AlsoIchigowontheGrimmjowfightwithsimppower
So um, yeah. Don't shit on eachother and just try and respect eachother please? Be like the gays, well behaved.
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