#Travertine Cleaning & Honing
stonetilesuppliers · 9 days
Benefits of using travertine pavers for outdoor and indoor areas?
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Travertine is a natural stone which comes in a variety of colours and shapes. It is alluring and safe for families besides it is sophisticated in its composition. It has an original antique and appealing look. Travertine is a softer stone. 
Travertine paver installation can be done almost in all indoor and outdoor flooring, wall coverings and surface treatments which are suitable for the intended use. Travertine pavers available in Sydney have decorative appearances, and their long life is another reason for its popularity.
Advantages of Travertine Pavers
Here are some key benefits of travertine pavers you should keep in mind as you pick out what suits you
Durability :
Despite travertine's perforated and soft texture, its hardihood makes it long-lasting. Being a natural stone, it does not fade or grow cracks after placement of travertine pavers. The colours you see with travertine such as brown, white, beige, and yellow are a result of iron oxide and hydroxide content present in it. It can serve you for decades without losing its adorable touch.
Eco-friendly :
Travertine paver is all-natural, it is processed through the natural geothermal process. Any kind of industrial/chemical processing is not involved so the harm is negligible and the excavation and finishing of travertine do not cause as much damage to the environment. The natural compositions make it highly favourable for outdoor and indoor flooring.
Affordable :
When you put into consideration the quality and benefits that travertine pavers provide, then you realize that the cost is much cheaper. Today natural stones are counted as economical flooring and coating material because of the increase in production and variety.
Versality :
There are a wide variety of travertine pavers in Sydney. Travertine pavers come in multiple variant colours, tones, designs, patterns and shades and are easily available for the buyers to choose from. Travertine pavers come with various types of flooring. The four major types of travertine tile flooring include 
Easy Maintenance :
To preserve travertine paver in good condition for years, you have to remove dust regularly and clean with water. Do not use salt water because as per experts it spoils travertine stone’s finishing and easily fades its natural colour.
The use of neutral cleaning agents when it comes to cleaning travertine pavers in Sydney. Another way is to seal it for durability.
Safe :
Travertine pavers available in Sydney feel cool under your feet in hot weather also, making it great for patios and pool areas. As a result of freezing or thawing travertine does not suffer any damage when it’s sealed even in the winter season.
Natural non-slippery texture :
In addition, being highly water and moisture repellent travertine paver is also slip-resistance. So, they will provide a safe walking and play surface area too.
The primary reason for non-slip is the porous surface of travertine.
Ease of installation :
Travertine is accessible to install because it can be cut easily. The installers can use them easily for odd shapes and small spaces. Since the travertine pavers installation is smooth it will go faster and will cost less money. That continues to bring down the overall cost of travertine flooring.
Beautiful appearance : 
Travertine is one of the most gorgeous stones; it has a natural weathered look that is both timeless and elegant. It contributes to the rustic vibe depending upon how you use it in your décor.
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graniteheroes13 · 1 month
Stone Restoration Contractors in Schiller Park
Restore the beauty and elegance of your stone surfaces with professional stone restoration contractors from Granite Heroes in Schiller Park. Our skilled technicians specialize in repairing chips, scratches, and cracks, as well as honing, polishing, and sealing stone materials to enhance their durability and appearance. Whether you have marble, granite, limestone, or travertine, we have the expertise and tools to restore it to its original glory.
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travertinetiles · 3 months
The Comprehensive Guide to Selecting, Installing, and Maintaining Travertine Tiles
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Travertine tiles are a popular choice for homeowners and designers alike, prized for their natural beauty, durability, and timeless appeal. However, to ensure their longevity and maintain their aesthetic appeal, proper selection, installation, and maintenance are crucial. In this guide, we'll delve into each aspect to help you make informed decisions and preserve the beauty of your travertine tiles for years to come.
Selecting the Right Travertine Tiles:
Grade and Quality: Travertine tiles come in different grades, ranging from commercial to premium. Opting for higher-grade tiles ensures better quality and fewer imperfections. Inspect the tiles for cracks, holes, and variations in color and texture before making a purchase.
Finish: Travertine tiles are available in various finishes, including polished, honed, brushed, and tumbled. Each finish offers a distinct look and texture, so choose one that complements your design aesthetic and functional requirements.
Color and Veining: Consider the color and veining patterns of the travertine tiles to harmonize with your overall design scheme. Whether you prefer warm earth tones or cool neutrals, select tiles that enhance the visual appeal of your space.
Size and Shape: Travertine tiles come in a variety of sizes and shapes, from standard squares to rectangular planks and intricate mosaics. Assess the scale of your space and choose tiles that create a balanced and visually pleasing layout.
Installing Travertine Tiles:
Surface Preparation: Proper surface preparation is essential for a successful tile installation. Ensure that the substrate is clean, level, and free of any debris or contaminants. Use a suitable primer or mortar to create a stable base for the tiles.
Adhesive Selection: Select a high-quality adhesive specifically designed for natural stone tiles. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for mixing and application to achieve optimal bonding strength.
Grouting: Choose a grout color that complements the hue of your travertine tiles. Avoid using sanded grout, as it may scratch the surface of the tiles. Apply the grout evenly and remove any excess before it dries to prevent staining.
Sealing: Prior to grouting, seal the travertine tiles with a penetrating sealer to protect them from moisture and stains. Reapply the sealer periodically to maintain its effectiveness and prolong the life of the tiles.
Maintaining Travertine Tiles:
Regular Cleaning: Sweep or vacuum the travertine tiles regularly to remove dirt and debris that can scratch the surface. Use a neutral pH stone cleaner and a soft mop or cloth to clean the tiles gently. Avoid abrasive cleaners or acidic substances that can damage the finish.
Stain Prevention: Wipe up spills immediately to prevent them from seeping into the porous surface of the travertine tiles. Place coasters or mats under glasses and hot pans to protect the tiles from potential stains and heat damage.
Avoidance of Abrasive Materials: Refrain from using abrasive cleaning tools such as steel wool or abrasive pads, as they can scratch the surface of the tiles. Instead, opt for soft brushes or cloths to remove stubborn stains and grime.
Regular Maintenance: Periodically inspect the travertine tiles for any signs of wear or damage, such as cracks or chipping. Address any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration and maintain the integrity of the installation.
By following these guidelines for selecting, installing, and maintaining travertine tiles, you can enjoy their timeless beauty and durability for years to come. With proper care and attention, your travertine tile flooring or wall covering will continue to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your space while providing lasting functionality.
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modernstonecare · 4 months
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stonedepotau · 4 months
Elevate Your Interior Design with Timeless Elegance: Creative Uses of Travertine Tiles
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Introduction: Travertine, a type of limestone formed by mineral springs, has been a popular building material since ancient times. Its distinguishing features, like as natural warmth, unusual veining, and durability, make it an adaptable choice for interior design. In this blog post, we will look at the several inventive methods to use travertine tiles into your living spaces, adding a touch of timeless beauty.
Highlighting the Unique Qualities of Travertine Tiles:
Travertine tiles are known for their warm, earthy tones, ranging from creamy beige to dark walnut. These natural tones create a friendly atmosphere, making them ideal for flooring, particularly in living rooms and bedrooms. The warmth of travertine can instantly transform a room into a pleasant sanctuary.
Travertine tiles have distinct veining patterns that offer visual interest to any decor. No two tiles are exactly same, resulting in a unique appearance. The delicate veins can be enhanced by employing bigger format tiles in areas such as the foyer or kitchen backsplash, resulting in a visually appealing focal point.
Travertine tiles are available in a variety of finishes, each with a unique look. Honed and filled travertine provides a smooth, matte texture, whereas polished travertine has a beautiful gloss. In contrast, tumbled travertine has a rough, aged appearance. Using different finishes intelligently in different locations can help you create a dynamic and visually appealing design.
Creative Applications of Travertine Tiles:
Enhance your living room or entryway with travertine flooring. Choose large, honed tiles for a smooth and classy appearance. The natural diversity in color and veining will add an aura of grandeur to the space, leaving an impression on all who enters.
Accent walls with travertine tiles can serve as a focal point in any room. Whether it's the wall behind the bed in a bedroom, the fireplace surround in the living room, or a feature wall in the dining room, travertine's distinct patterns and textures will enhance the design and make it a great conversation starter.
For a glamorous kitchen backsplash, consider utilizing travertine tiles. The stone's natural warmth compliments a variety of kitchen styles, including modern and rustic. Consider a herringbone or subway tile pattern for a modern take on a traditional material.
Add travertine tiles to your bathroom for a luxurious look. Create a lavish spa-like atmosphere by using polished travertine for countertops and tumbled tiles for shower walls. The natural beauty of travertine gives a quiet and calming element to the environment.
Extend the elegance of travertine to outdoor settings. Tumbled travertine pavers are ideal for patios or pool surrounds, providing a seamless transition between interior and outdoor living spaces.
Maintenance Tips for Travertine Tiles:
While travertine tiles offer timeless beauty, proper maintenance is crucial to ensure their longevity. Here are some essential tips:
Sealing: Seal your travertine tiles to protect them from stains and moisture. The frequency of sealing depends on factors such as foot traffic and the location of the tiles.
Regular Cleaning: Sweep or vacuum regularly to remove dirt and debris that can scratch the surface. Clean with a pH-neutral stone cleaner to maintain the natural beauty of the stone.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Refrain from using acidic or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the travertine's finish. Opt for mild, stone-safe cleaning solutions.
Travertine tiles, with their natural warmth, remarkable veining, and adaptability, provide numerous creative options for interior design. Travertine's ageless elegance elevates the appearance of any living area, from opulent flooring to eye-catching statement walls. By carefully selecting finishes, patterns, and applications, you may create a design that smoothly combines refinement with functionality. Allow the elegance of travertine to fill your home with a sense of timeless richness.
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mcabs · 4 months
Top Tips for Choosing Travertine in the Chilterns
Travertine, with its unique blend of natural beauty and durability, is a popular choice for homeowners looking to add a touch of elegance to their spaces. Nestled in the stunning landscapes of the Chilterns, where nature's beauty meets architectural wonder, choosing travertine Chilterns for your home becomes even more compelling. If you're considering incorporating this timeless stone into your interior design, here are some expert tips to help you make the right choice in the Chilterns.
1. Understand the Characteristics of Travertine:
Before diving into your travertine selection process, it's essential to understand what sets this stone apart. Travertine is a type of limestone formed by mineral deposits from natural hot springs. It features unique patterns and color variations, giving each tile its distinct charm. Travertine is known for its porous nature, which adds to its textured appearance but also requires proper sealing and maintenance to prevent staining.
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2. Consider the Chilterns' Aesthetic Influence:
The Chiltern Hills, with their rolling landscapes, ancient woodlands, and picturesque villages, exude a sense of timeless beauty and tranquility. When choosing travertine for your home in the Chilterns, consider how its earthy tones and natural textures will complement the surrounding environment. Opt for hues that harmonize with the region's rich palette of greens, browns, and soft earthy tones, creating a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces.
3. Choose the Right Finish:
Travertine offers a variety of finishes, each lending a different character to the stone. Honed travertine features a smooth, matte surface that works well in contemporary settings, while tumbled travertine boasts a rustic, antique look ideal for traditional or farmhouse-style interiors. Brushed and polished finishes offer additional versatility, allowing you to customize the aesthetic to suit your design preferences and the unique ambiance of the Chilterns.
4. Prioritize Quality and Authenticity:
When selecting travertine for your home in the Chilterns, prioritize quality and authenticity. Opt for reputable suppliers who source their stone from trusted quarries and adhere to strict quality standards. Authentic travertine will not only enhance the beauty of your space but also stand the test of time, ensuring that your investment pays off in the long run.
5. Consider Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing:
In today's environmentally conscious world, sustainability and ethical sourcing are increasingly important factors to consider when choosing building materials. Look for suppliers who prioritize sustainability practices and ethical sourcing methods, ensuring that your travertine is extracted and processed in an environmentally responsible manner.
6. Plan for Proper Installation and Maintenance:
Proper installation and maintenance are crucial for ensuring the longevity and beauty of your travertine floors or surfaces. Work with experienced professionals who understand the unique characteristics of travertine and can provide expert installation and sealing services. Additionally, establish a regular maintenance routine that includes cleaning, sealing, and addressing any issues promptly to preserve the natural beauty of your travertine for years to come.
7. Take Inspiration from Local Architecture and Design:
Draw inspiration from the rich architectural heritage and design aesthetic of the Chilterns when incorporating travertine into your home. Whether you're renovating a historic cottage or designing a modern retreat, look to local architecture and design elements for ideas on how to integrate travertine seamlessly into your space while paying homage to the region's timeless charm.
Choosing travertine Chilterns for your home is an opportunity to embrace the natural beauty and heritage of this picturesque region. By understanding the characteristics of travertine, considering the Chilterns' aesthetic influence, prioritizing quality and authenticity, and planning for proper installation and maintenance, you can create a timeless and elegant interior that reflects the unique ambiance of the Chiltern Hills. Let the beauty of travertine enhance your home and connect you to the rich history and natural splendor of the Chilterns.
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paveworld · 5 months
Best natural stone pavers in uk
In the realm of landscape design and outdoor aesthetics, the choice of best natural paving slabs materials plays a pivotal role in defining the character and charm of a space. Among the myriad options available, natural stone paving slabs stands out as a timeless and elegant choice, seamlessly blending functionality with aesthetic appeal. the fascinating world of paving natural stone, exploring their inherent beauty, diverse applications, and the sustainable benefits that make them an increasingly popular choice for discerning homeowners and landscape architects.
natural stone paving near me has been a favored building material for centuries, gracing some of the world's most iconic structures and pathways. The allure of natural stone paving near me lies in its unique character and individuality. Each stone slab tells a story of geological processes and the passage of time, showcasing intricate patterns, textures, and hues that cannot be replicated by artificial alternatives.
The rich palette of natural sandstone paving encompasses a wide range of options, including limestone, granite, sandstone, slate, and travertine, each with its distinct visual appeal. Limestone, for instance, exudes warmth with its earthy tones and subtle veining, while granite captivates with its speckled patterns and durability. Sandstone, prized for its natural stone slabs variation in color, imparts a rustic charm, while slate offers a sleek, contemporary look with its smooth surface and dark shades.
One of the key strengths of natural paving slabs lies in its versatility. Whether used in traditional or modern settings, natural stone effortlessly adapts to various design styles, adding a touch of sophistication and timelessness to any outdoor space. The range of available finishes, from the rough-hewn surfaces of tumbled natural stone patio to the sleek polish of honed surfaces, allows for endless design possibilities.
Indian sandstone paving can be employed in a myriad of applications, from patios and walkways to driveways and pool surrounds. The material's adaptability makes it an ideal choice for creating cohesive and visually appealing landscapes, seamlessly connecting different elements of outdoor spaces.
best natural paving are renowned for their durability and longevity. When properly installed and maintained, these surfaces can withstand the rigors of weather, foot traffic, and vehicular loads, making them a sound investment for both residential and commercial projects. Unlike some artificial alternatives that may fade or wear over time, best natural paving stone supplier in uk retains its aesthetic appeal and structural integrity for decades, if not centuries.
In an era where sustainability is at the forefront of design considerations, best natural paving stones supplier in uk emerge as an perfect choice. Being a natural resource, stone is inherently sustainable, requiring minimal processing compared to manufactured alternatives. Additionally, the longevity of natural paving stones supplier in uk reduces the need for frequent replacements, contributing to a lower environmental impact over the lifespan of the material.
best patio stones supplier in uk are celebrated for their low maintenance requirements. Unlike some synthetic materials that may need frequent cleaning or sealing, best natural paving stones supplier generally requires minimal upkeep. Regular cleaning with mild detergents and occasional resealing (depending on the type of stone) are usually sufficient to keep the surfaces looking pristine, allowing homeowners to enjoy their outdoor spaces without the burden of constant maintenance. In the world of outdoor design, natural paving stone wholesaler in uk stand as a testament to the enduring beauty of natural materials. From the timeless elegance they bring to the versatile design options they offer, to their durability and sustainability, paving stone wholesaler in uk have rightfully earned their place as a preferred choice for creating stunning and enduring outdoor spaces. Whether used to pave a quaint garden path, a sprawling patio, or a grand entrance, Top natural stone slabs in uk elevates the aesthetics of any landscape, leaving an indelible mark that withstands the test of time.
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Unlock the Beauty of Your Home: The Ultimate Guide to Travertine Cleaning in Calgary
Are you yearning to revive the timeless elegance of your travertine floors and countertops in Calgary? Look no further than Cornerstone Refinishing, your trusted partner in the world of flooring and granite services. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of travertine cleaning, why it matters for your home or business, and how Cornerstone Refinishing can bring back the luster to your surfaces.
The Significance of Travertine Cleaning: Travertine is a luxurious and durable natural stone that adds sophistication to any space. Over time, however, it can accumulate dirt, stains, and wear, diminishing its original beauty. Regular cleaning is essential to preserve its aesthetic appeal and extend its lifespan. Cornerstone Refinishing understands the unique characteristics of travertine and employs proven techniques to ensure a thorough and effective cleaning process.
Why Choose Cornerstone Refinishing?
Expertise in Natural Stone Care: Our team at Cornerstone Refinishing specializes in the care and maintenance of natural stone surfaces. With years of experience, we have honed our skills to bring out the best in travertine, whether it's floors or countertops.
Locally Owned and Operated: As a local business in Alberta, we take pride in our community. Our reputation is built on a commitment to quality craftsmanship, efficiency, and personalized service. When you choose Cornerstone Refinishing, you're supporting a business that values your satisfaction and the beauty of your home.
Comprehensive Services: From installations of new tiles, marble, travertine, concrete, and granite to repairs, stripping, and finishing services, we offer a comprehensive range of solutions. No matter your needs, we have the expertise to enhance and protect your surfaces.
Budget-Friendly Solutions: We understand that every project comes with its budget constraints. Our team works closely with you to recommend finishes or coatings that not only suit your needs but also align with your budget, providing maximum value for your investment.
How Cornerstone Refinishing Can Help You: Whether your travertine surfaces need a simple cleaning, repairs, or a complete refinishing, Cornerstone Refinishing has you covered. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you in selecting the right solutions for your unique requirements.
Elevate the beauty of your home or business with Cornerstone Refinishing, your go-to partner for travertine cleaning Calgary. Our commitment to quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction sets us apart in the flooring and granite services industry. Contact us today to bring back the timeless charm of your travertine surfaces.
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davalichemdry · 9 months
Tile and Grout Cleaning in Penrith
Tile, stone & grout surfaces act like magnets for dirt causing discolouration and deteriorating the seal. Our specialised cleaning products & equipment can restore these surfaces to their original appearance.
Tile regrouting is the process of replacing the grout lines in your bathroom or kitchen. Whether it’s due to mould, a leaking shower or general ageing regrouting can greatly improve the look of your tiled areas.
Tile & Grout Cleaning
Tile Cleaners Penrith use the worlds best van mounted cleaning equipment (Rotovac) combining washing, scrubbing and vacuuming to remove dirt, grime, bacteria and chemicals from your Tile and Grout cleaning in Penrith surfaces. We then protect your grout with a high quality sealer to stop future staining and deterioration.
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Grout lines are extremely porous and can absorb a variety of substances that leave them dirty, discoloured and unattractive. Regular cleaning will prevent this but if the problem is not addressed the grout will eventually need regrouting.
After a thorough clean your tiled area can be protected with a clear or colour sealer. A clear sealer does not block the grout pores but acts as a barrier allowing it to breath.
Tile Sealing
If your tiles are porous and not sealed they can stain quite quickly from liquid spillages. It is recommended that any new stone is sealed immediately after installation and resealed every 3-5 years.
A penetrating sealer (impregnating) is absorbed into the tile/stone protecting it from within. A water based impregnate has less of a odour and is safer to use than a solvent based product.
DAVALI also offer topical sealing of your grout lines. This is a surface coating that sits on top of your grout and can be up to 4 coats deep. This can be a good option for older floors with existing sealers that are starting to wear off.
Tile Regrouting
If your tiled areas are looking dull and shabby then regrouting can dramatically improve the appearance for a fraction of the cost of replacing the tiles. Showers, Bathrooms, Kitchen floor & wall tile areas benefit greatly from regrouting.
Grout lines between the tiles on floors and walls become discoloured over time. The grout must be removed, cleaned, regrouted then sealed to ensure long lasting protection.
This is a specialist job which requires experienced technicians like PENRITH TILE SOLUTIONS. This is a much more involved process than just cleaning and sealing. It involves a lot more prep work and takes up to 5 times as long.
Stone Honing
Many homeowners choose to have their stone surfaces honed. This process creates a beautifully smooth, low sheen matte finish, leaving your limestone looking elegant and in its most beautiful natural state. It can also resolve issues like etching (blemishes on the surface of your travertine caused by direct contact with acidic liquids such as lemon juice, vinegar and cola) and dull spots.
Be sure to use chemical-resistant gloves and protective eyewear when cleaning tile grout and using harsh chemicals. Always test any cleaner on an inconspicuous area first!
Stone Grinding
Stone surfaces add a beautiful touch to any home. They can also increase the value of your property. But it’s important to use a professional service with specialised equipment and extensive experience. Choose a service that adheres to health and safety standards.
Grinding your stone surface can rejuvenate it. It removes deep scratches and stains, making it smooth and even. It can also level out “Lippage”, the term for uneven stone Tile and Grout cleaning in Kellyville that can occur after installation. A levelled floor means there are no lips for dirt to accumulate into, ensuring it’s easy to keep clean. A smooth surface also reflects light more evenly, improving the overall look of your home.
Stone Polishing
Penrith stone, pavers and concrete professionals install new stone features, repair existing ones, and help maintain or enhance the look of your home. They offer expert craftsmanship, structural integrity, enhanced aesthetics, longevity, heritage preservation, cost-effective solutions and increased property value.
The primary cause of polished sandstone floors becoming dull and lacklustre is foot traffic that grinds and packs in dust, sand and grit. This gradually covers the surface and dulls its finish to a point where it loses its reflective properties.
This process involves operating very fine grade abrasive diamond disc polishing machines until a shiny polished appearance is achieved. This will need to be repolished periodically as the polished surface can be easily worn off.
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Marble Honing Services
Master Stone provides marble honing services. We specialize in marble and natural stone. We are the leading marble polishing, cleaning and restoration service provider in Dallas.
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blackspiritshake · 11 months
Black in Design Collection at CB2
Black In Design Collective | CB2
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This remarkable piece draws inspiration from the traditional 4-legged Kikuyu stools made specifically for women out of singular tree trunks—a stool often found in the center of the "nyumba" or home. Designed by Sandra Githinji of Sandra Githinji Studio, this coffee table features a top with a mesmerizing pinwheel pattern made of ebonized oak certified sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council ® (FSC). It rests atop four solid ebonized oak legs whose geometry marries clean horizontal lines with gentle interior-facing curves. CB2 exclusive.
Dome Round Ebonized Oak Wood Coffee Table 47.25"Wx47.25"Dx14"H Designed by Sandra Githinji Studio for the Black in Design Collective Engineered hardwood frame with FSC®-certified ebonized oak veneer FSC®-certified solid ebonized oak legs Made in Indonesia
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Carved of honed travertine stone, this triple-tier pedestal by Sandra Githinji Studio references layered thatched roofs common within sub-Saharan Africa—the stone's natural veining embodying the textural qualities of grass reeds. As travertine is a natural stone, each piece will have unique variations that produce a one-of-a-kind piece. CB2 exclusive.
Tukul White Travertine Pedestal Table 20"Wx20"Dx30"H Designed by Sandra Githinji Studio for the Black in Design Collective Engineered wood frame Natural honed and unfilled travertine veneer Variation in color and activity of travertine is to be expected; each will be unique Imported
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"Muthoni wa Kirima was a top-ranking female freedom fighter in 1950s Kenya," says Sandra Githinji of Sandra Githinji Studio of the creative muse for this stately bust. "She refused to cut her hair until her people tasted the fruits of independence." Nicknamed "Weaver Bird," this remarkable woman is the inspiration behind a casted fiber-clay bust that's suitable for indoor or outdoor display. CB2 exclusive.
Weaver Bird Black Fiber Clay Bust 12"Wx10.5"Dx23.5"H Designed by Sandra Githinji Studio for the Black in Design Collective Fiber clay Indoor/outdoor Made in India
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dmn8partners · 1 year
The Art of Surface Revival: Unleash the Potential with Victory Cleaning Systems
Victory Cleaning Systems has been dedicated to rejuvenating surfaces in Kansas City, MO, since 2003. With their team of skilled surface cleaning and restoration specialists, they have breathed new life into countless residential and commercial properties, exceeding customer expectations along the way.
Mastering the Art of Surface Restoration: 
Victory Cleaning Systems goes beyond being a surface restoration company – they are true artists in the craft. Their extensive range of services caters to a variety of surface materials, transforming worn-out and lackluster areas into stunning showcases.
For natural stone surfaces such as marble, travertine, and granite, Victory Cleaning Systems employs a meticulous process that involves thorough cleaning, honing, polishing, protecting, and restoring. The end result is a revival of the original charm and splendor of your stone surfaces.
Concrete surfaces, often perceived as difficult to maintain, are magically transformed by Victory Cleaning Systems. Through their expertise in polishing, epoxy coatings, and repair services, they turn dull and worn-out concrete into visually striking and easy-to-maintain areas.
Tile and grout can be a challenge to keep fresh and clean, but Victory Cleaning Systems has the solution. They provide deep cleaning for tiles, followed by grout sealing or color sealing. Their innovative coating solutions not only restore the appearance of your tiled surfaces but also enhance their durability.
Victory Cleaning Systems understands the allure of hardwood floors and ensures they maintain their natural beauty and elegance. With their exceptional care and maintenance, your hardwood floors will radiate warmth and sophistication for years to come.
Terrazzo surfaces are brought back to life by Victory Cleaning Systems through their expert cleaning, honing, and protection techniques. Say goodbye to constant stripping and waxing – their approach creates a stunning and low-maintenance terrazzo surface that enhances the overall appeal of your property.
Exterior surfaces are not forgotten. Victory Cleaning Systems offers expert pressure washing services to eliminate dirt, grime, and debris, leaving your exteriors spotlessly clean and inviting.
Driven by Innovation and Customer Satisfaction: 
What sets Victory Cleaning Systems apart is their commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. With their extensive experience and knowledge, they always provide cutting-edge solutions and options. Their friendly and helpful staff ensures that every consultation is timely and informative, addressing all your questions and concerns. Their ultimate goal is to ensure your complete satisfaction with the exceptional work they deliver.
Unmatched Value with Uncompromising Quality: 
Victory Cleaning Systems understands the value of your investment. They strive to deliver the best possible results, offering fair, honest, and competitive pricing without compromising on quality. They take pride in providing unmatched value, never cutting corners or compromising excellence.
Victory Cleaning Systems is your go-to solution for surface revival in Kansas City, MO. With their artistic approach, comprehensive range of services, innovative solutions, exceptional customer service, and commitment to delivering unmatched value, they have established themselves as industry leaders. Whether you need to restore your natural stone surfaces, require expert concrete polishing, or seek effective pressure washing for your exteriors, Victory Cleaning Systems has the expertise to transform your surfaces. Experience the magic of their surface revival artistry and witness the breathtaking transformation of your property.
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ukworktops · 1 year
Worktop Near Northern Ireland
Worktop Near Northern Ireland; It’s Time to Renovate Kitchen
GUIDES | KITCHEN 4 minute read
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Want to Renovate your kitchen with Stunning Worktop near Northern Ireland with style? Our work-tops.com Team will make sure that you get fantastic worktops available in various stones like granite, marble, quartzite, tiles, and other stones. We also customize rare stones such as limestone, travertine, sandstone and more. We know Choosing the right colour can be tough but our team got your back. We have different ranges of colour like white, dark grey, beige, blue, light grey, half white and so on.
Which Worktops Should you Choose for Your Home?
When designing your home, you want a stone that complements your style and color scheme. Slabs require little upkeep for stones like granite, quartz, travertine, limestone, sandstone, and some other stones. We have a wide variety of materials that will beautify your worktop for the kitchen, bathroom, backlashes, sinks, washbasins etc. As we have a wide range of colour, pattern, and shade variations while still being affordable and more durable than other surface-covering materials. Our work-tops.com believe in offering plenty of options to the customer.
Work-tops.com has Solid Benefits that You can Add to Your Home Near Northern Ireland
We offer you different kinds of stones that increase the value of your kitchen and it has a much more comprehensive range of stylistic options. Compared to countertop materials, there are more options for stones in terms of colours and designs. High-quality worktops can not only offer a wide range of options for every style but can also resemble more exclusive stones in appearance.
It is crucial for all of us to check what we get when purchasing a major component for a new house. We assist you with guidance from our well-versed experts Click here Live chat with experts.
Stunning Features Every Worktop Admirer Looks for!!
There are countless ways our stones can be used. For example, interior design, including backsplashes, custom tabletops, and wall accents. If the emphasis is on affordability, maintenance, and customization, work-tops.com remains a good option when looking for an accent wall or distinctive addition to a house, apartment, or hotel. These various applications can be modified to go well with the room's chosen color scheme and aesthetic. Budget apartment complexes, Budgeted hotels, and senior housing are the most frequent locations where our team has renovated.
Effective Tips for Worktop Maintenance:
Our Kitchen worktops are simple to clean with water, a mild detergent, and a soft cloth. Make sure to thoroughly rinse and dry. Natural Stones shouldn't be cleaned with products that contain abrasive, harsh chemicals like scouring pads or cleaners that contain bleach. While Engineered Stone surfaces don't need to be polished to keep them smooth and shiny, they should be gently cleaned to preserve their unique radiance. Certain stone colors and finishes, such as matte, honed, etc., are more vulnerable to grease or fingerprints and may require special care during routine cleaning. Install & fabricate your favorite worktop from Work-tops.com now!!
Are You Still Confused? Let's Talk! Some of Our Customer Kitchen Designs:
Take a look at our fabulous kitchen designs that are destined for your worktop near Northern Ireland. The services we provide are as follows:
Kitchen worktops
Bathroom Worktops
Countertop for kitchen
Wall tiles/marble/granite
Check it here for Customer Kitchen!! One of the best stones is Arabescato Vagli Extra Bookmatch Marble. It is specialized in white, and dark gray colour. It has a great polished/ Honed finish type. We made amazing worktops for our customers using this stone that added value to their houses and made the pleasant interiors that they hoped for!
Renovation Team is Ready for Your Kitchen! We Make Bookings Easy!
We are excited to do the renovation work with an enthusiastic team for your kitchen in 10 days. We provide Kitchen, Bathroom, and Flooring worktop services for your home, office, and indoor& outdoor spaces. Hurry Up now!!
You can call us at 03301135868 or mail us at [email protected].
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🤩 WOW 🤩 We had a lot of fun with this Marble Floor Restoration in Sligo 😍 Grinding, Honing, Polishing & Sealing Marble Floors These are the techniques we commonly use to restore marble floors that have lost their sheen and are scratched. It's what we use to remove deeply set-in stains. We use our specialised marble grinding equipment to remove any ledges and roughness as well as deep-set in stains and scratches. We then hone the marble. Using commercial-grade diamond pads, to smooth the marble floor whilst bringing up the natural shine. In a lot of cases, all your marble floor or natural stone floor may need is honing and polishing to restore its shine and uniform appearance. Polishing your marble floor then gives a shine or semi-shine using smaller commercial-grade diamonds. The final stage in our marble floor restoration is applying a sealer. This prevents any more dirt from penetrating the marble, and as a bonus, it makes it easier to clean and maintain 😀 ⬜ Natural Stone Polishing & Restoration ⬜ Tile & Grout Cleaning ✔️ Porcelain / Ceramic 💧 Grout Sealing ▪️Your Local Floor Care Specialists 🌐 www.firstclassfloorcare.ie/natural-stone-restoration Serving Sligo | Mayo | Roscommon | Galway | Longford | Leitrim | South Donegal ☎️ 0834736157 🏠 Carpet Cleaning 🛋 Upholstery Cleaning 💧 Stain Protection #marberestoration #stonerestoration #travertinerestoration #marblepolishing #stonepolishing #tileandgroutcleaning #hardfloorcleaning #carpetcleaning #upholsterycleaning #vinylfloorcleaning #Travertine #Stonecare #Marblecleaning #amticocleaning #commercialfloorcleaning #sligo #mayo #roscommon #galway #longford #leitrim #donegal (at Sligo, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/ComgojgjQBM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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modernstonecare · 8 months
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stonedepotau · 4 months
Are Silver Travertine Tiles Better Than Other Alternatives? Know How!  
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One type of limestone that is created by naturally occurring mineral deposits in springs is called travertine. A geological stone made of calcium carbonate is called calcite. The addition of minerals to calcite is primarily responsible for the unique properties of travertine tiles. Because of the range of finishes available, it is one of the most adaptable parts.
Granite, marble, slate, and limestone are some more types of stone. Nonetheless, there is a noticeable distinction between Travertine and other stones, mostly because of the manufacturing process; also, they have a variety of characteristics. Some of the factors contributing to the popularity of silver quartz tiles are examined in this article.
Why Are Silver Travertine Tiles So Popular? 
Silver tiles Travertine are quite common among architects, landscapers, and renovators for a number of reasons, such as:
The tile is attractive and long-lasting because to its rich monochromatic tone and natural luster.
Silver Travertine Tiles are resilient to chipping and scratches and can tolerate high foot activity.
Because of its water resistance, it can be used both indoors and outdoors.
Rain, hail, and direct sunlight are just a few of the harsh weather conditions that these tiles can resist. It is therefore a well-liked choice for outdoor use.
In addition to being unaffected by typical weather, Silver Travertine Tiles are also resistant to extremely high and low temperatures. This makes it a well-liked option for regions that are prone to bushfires and extremely cold weather.
Because these tiles won't get soiled or damaged, they make a great substitute for people who want to host outdoor events.
Silver Tiles Travertine can be polished for a luxurious, smooth, and glossy appearance, or it can have reflective surfaces, among other finishes, to meet a range of needs.
A brushed finish gives a hint of refinement and naturalness, while an honed finish provides a matte, flat surface with little gloss.
A rubber-coated plastic barrel filled with water and abrasive grit can be used to hold small pieces of stone that have been cut to a certain size in order to create the tumbled look. This will look naturally worn out and have soft edges.
Silver Travertine Tiles are an affordable choice for flooring and other uses.
Liquids may easily pass through their tiny pores, which makes staining them easier. Nevertheless, this issue is resolved and these tiles become stain-resistant by using a sealer. Though this is rare, it is possible that sealant needs to be renewed frequently.
Maintenance & Care Tips for Your Travertine 
When it comes to maintaining and cleaning travertine, "the best offense is a good defense." Prevent pollution, dirt, and other things that could damage or discolor your Silver Travertine tiles to keep them looking their best.
Regular sealing is the most crucial maintenance you can conduct on your silver quartz tiles. An effective sealer will create an imperceptible shield on the stone's surface to keep out water and other potentially stain-causing substances. Reapply the sealer as needed or every few years to maintain it functioning correctly.
Remember to regularly clean your Silver Tiles in addition to sealing them. All you need is a mild cleaner made specifically for natural stone; don't use strong chemicals or abrasives as they could harm the surface of the stone. Please use lukewarm water when mopping or using a hose to clean; high temperatures over time can cause chips or cracks in Silver Travertine tile.
Your Silver Travertine Tile should last for many years if you follow these simple instructions.
Common Applications 
Silver Travertine Pavers and tiles are the most readily available and well-liked tile types in Australia. They are well-liked for usage both outside and indoors. These distinctive tiles are perfect for flooring in kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, bedrooms, dining areas, and other spaces. It can also be used as a feature wall, mantelpiece stone, or splashback in the kitchen. Among the most popular outdoor uses are BBQ stone cladding, driveways, retaining walls, patio stone pavers, and pool coping.
Choose Premium Silver Travertine Tiles 
You can also get in touch with suppliers of high-quality Silver Travertine Tiles, like Stone Depot, which offers expert assistance in selecting the right stone. You can save the cost and inconvenience of having your space dug repeatedly if you plan ahead of time and select top quality.
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