#Travis got caught stealing someone else’s claw
shoyokuto · 4 years
-work for it
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pairing: bokuto kotaro x reader 
summary: while stumbling around at a college party you have no desire of being at, all you want is a white claw. in an attempt to find one, you run into a guy who happened to steal the last one. after leaving the kitchen, you had no clue you were going to have a much closer interaction with the same guy later that night.
wc: 4.1k
warnings: some fluff, some smut/implied smut, drinking/mentions of drugs, drunk bokuto and kuroo, high kenma and suna, bokuto being bokuto 
author’s note: what’s a better first fic than a hot bokuto college au one? wellll here’s my first fic!! i had lots of fun writing it. it’s definitely not perfect, so please leave any constructive criticism/advice in my asks!! i would really appreciate it. also, picture campbell however you’d like, she’s my beautiful irl bsf who is obsessed with suna, so i just had to make her his gf in this. i will most likely be making a part 2 to this + other fics very soon! thank you so much, and i hope you enjoy<3
Goosebumps by Travis Scott blares through the speakers that line the hallways of the huge house made small by the hundreds of college students that filled it. The red and purple combination of the lights that ran across the corners of the walls of every room washed over you, making it difficult to focus on one thing, let alone find the person you’ve been searching for in the mess for an hour.
You’re only a few shots and one half cup of beer in and you’re already dizzy. The way you stumble through the crowds of people, pushing away the feelings of embarrassment and solemnity, looking lost as a puppy. Trying to find somebody- anybody. Your brain is fixated on finding a person- you don’t know who, or why this sudden jolt of the longing for someone suddenly sparked within you- you hadn’t seen your best friend Campbell since she got trailed off in a game of cup pong earlier with Suna. You hadn’t seen Kuroo or Kenma either. The only three people you knew at this party are somewhere in this damn house, having the time of her lives, while you’re wandering around, being the light weight you are. The sound of the music is muffled and the bass shakes the floor with every step you take, each footstep you take lands to the beat of the song playing. You step on the shoes of couples making out right in the middle of everything and have no feeling of remorse. The splash of someone’s drink hits your shoulder covered by your light sweater, which causes you to whip your head to the side and look the person up and down, vision blurred and streaked.
You stumble into what you think- think- is a kitchen. The purple lights no longer flooded the atmosphere; your weary eyes trying to adjust to the change in lighting and space. Your eyes trace the shiny marble counters that ran along the back of the tiled wall until they met the silver- probably super expensive- fridge. You guide yourself by putting one hand on the island in the middle of the kitchen, the other hand at your side until you meet the fridge door. You sluggishly raise it and grab the handle, slowly pulling it open. The light of the fridge almost blinds your intoxicated eyes, as you squint and blink and blink and blink.
As your eyes fix, they dart in different directions looking for the White Claw you’ve been longing for. All. Night.
Your desires are interrupted by the sound of liquid pouring into a cup behind you. The sound turns your head around slowly, your eyes still squinted and shoulders hunched. Your hand still grasped the handle of the fridge.
“Are you okay?” a voice sounds from the island of the kitchen behind you. It took a second for you to realize you had turned the wrong direction of the pouring noise you heard. You quickly turn the other way, finally meeting the gaze of a taller guy with spiked hair, dipped in grey highlights over black roots, accompanied by a pair of amber, owl-like eyes.
“Uh, yeah, I was um,” you swallow and scratch the back of your neck, “lookin’ for a White Claw.”
The guy raises his grey, thick eyebrows and makes a “tsk” noise with his tongue and taking a sarcastic, deep breath in. “That is really unfortunate because I actually just took the last one.”
He says, leaning against the island with one arm, as the other one is occupied with your White Claw in a red solo cup.
“You’re fuckin…damnit. Damnit Kenma,” You respond, turning back around to face the fridge. “and Kuroo and Cam.” You mumble shortly after.
“You know Kenma?” the guy asks, lifting his arm up from the island and straightening up.
“Yeah. Why do you?” You don’t turn around to answer, instead you grab a water from the freezer. You close the fridge and attempt to open the water bottle, but fail a couple times as your hand slips over the cap and your fingers start to hurt. You hope the guy doesn’t notice.
“Dude. He’s Kenma. Have you seen his fuckin keg stands?” he replies, walking towards you.
You hold the water bottle in both of your hands, staring straight into the doors of the fridge. You aren’t sure what’s happening completely, but you know you feel the footsteps of the guy approaching you. “I’ve seen them more than enough. He’s my friend’s roommate.”
“You mean Kuroo? You are one lucky duck there, aren’t ya? Your friend’s a stud.” The guy says. You think his footsteps have stopped; you can’t tell if you're just feeling your heart beat in your legs from the nerves or if it’s the steps of the guy’s feet towards you. “At least you seem to be enjoying yourself.” He says sarcastically. You shrug, absentmindedly starting to attempt to open the water bottle again.
“Want me to get that for ya?” the guy asks. And he might as well not have even asked, because he immediately takes the water bottle out of your hands and opens it as easily as he started the conversation. “Damn. How much have you drank, scrawny?”
“Did you just…I’m too fucked for this.” You said waving your hand in the air and starting to walk off.
You get to the entrance of the kitchen before the same voice you heard a few seconds ago- that called you scrawny- sounds again. “You forgot your water.”
You look down at your hands, and in embarrassment turn around and fidget with them as you walk back to the guy, who is now leaning back on the marble countertop. He had your last-resort water bottle in one hand, and your wanted White Claw in the other.
You grab the water bottle from the guys hand, not breaking eye contact with him. You did have to admit, the guy’s eyes were pretty mesmerizing. Maybe it’s just the shots talking, though.
“I’m sure I’ll see you around. What’s the name?” he asks, as soon as you had turned around to head for the exit a second time.
You hesitate as you turns back around again. “y/n.”
“Alright, y/n. I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for more White Claw. Except I don’t think you need any.” He says smirking, proceeding to take a sip out of his solo cup just to spite you.
You squint again, trying to process his words. “Yeah…” you respond in a confused tone, dragging out the word. You slowly turn around, still feeling the heat of the guy’s eyes burn through your back.
And now you’re back in the purple, hazy, crowded room you came from a few minutes ago. However, the trip to the kitchen for a delicious White Claw felt like hours, and you came back with an ice water that you couldn’t even open yourself. In fact, a hot stranger opened it. Your mind races as you slowly approach the cluster of people once again- an atmosphere you did not miss when in the kitchen.
If only you had a fucking White Claw.
You stand surrounded by frantic jumpers and dancers, the light of your phone shining onto your face. The line of text messages you sent to Kuroo and Campbell reflect onto your glossy eyes as you scroll up and down on the messages absentmindedly, waiting for a response like: “where are you?” or “let’s head back”. But still nothing. No vibration, no call, no nothing.
Your heart pounds, no longer in sync with the beat of the music, but speeding up as you hear the increasing volume of shouts and screams of encouragement from one of the rooms around you. Except you can’t tell where the noise is coming from, as the screams mold together and create a halo, surrounding your head. You squeeze your eyes shut as you pinch the bridge of your nose, until you realize you’re being run through by a crowd of eager partiers rushing past you. You feel the grazes of people's arms against yours, causing you to turn around, facing the direction of the room the people are so excited to get to. 
Again, like your brain still hasn’t told you to give up, you whip your head around for Kuroo, or somebody, eyes widening despite the bags under them and your throbbing headache.
After a failure of search, you decide to head the way everyone else is, following whoever the random boy was in front of you. He had dark brown hair that was slightly combed down and raised in the back which absorbed the fluorescent lights that shone from the ceilings. He wore grey Nike sweatpants, if you were seeing correctly, some dirty air force ones, and maybe a…brown crewneck? Familiar looking, but you couldn’t tell under the obnoxious lights.
The mass of people in front of you come to a stop slowly, lining up in the shape of a circle on the inside of the group; too far for you to see in the conditions you were in.
You’re too caught up in your racing thoughts that you bump into the guy you were examining in front of you.
“Watch it.” He says as he whips his head around to meet yours. His hair was parted down the middle, definitely brown now that you could kind of see. He had snake-like eyes, the whites of them a little bloodshot, followed by a dark shade under them.
It’s Suna. Your best friend’s boyfriend. You’re too drunk to recognize him?
“Hold on…Suna? Where’s…where’s Cam?” you ask, scratching your forehead.
“Oh, y/n. She’s up there.” He says, pointing his finger towards the inside of the large group of people.
“S-sorry,” you mutter, putting your hands behind your back. Your tired eyes look over and behind Suna, as you push yourself up and down on your tippy toes in an attempt to see over him.
“Do you know what’s happening right now?” you asked, finally giving up and resting the heels of your feet down.
Suna looks over to where he was pointing, his lips parted and his posture slouched over. “Keg stand.”
Your eyes widen as you put two and two together.
Kenma. Kuroo. Keg stand.
You take a heavy step towards the unknown mess in front of you, sliding past Suna. You didn’t realize how many layers of people you were going to have to push through in order to reach the inside of the crown, your heart speeding up along with your mind as the anxiety of not knowing what was on the inside of this circle fills your tight chest.  
Is Kenma going to be doing the stand this time, or Kuroo?
You try to remember which one of them was holding the other up last time. Your mind flashes back to last weekend’s party; one that wasn’t near as crowded as this one. You try to retrace the sight of one of them holding the legs of the other, an extra cheering on whoever was downing the alcohol from the straw that extended form the keg as people shout one of their names. Which one was it? Did it sound like: “Ken-ma! Ken-ma! Ken-ma!” followed by a hooray and bursts of shouts, or was it “Kur-oo! Kur-oo! Kur-oo!” followed by the same type of celebration as Kenma’s. And for what? Just doing a handstand on a bucket while drinking? Sounds miserable to me, you thought.
You finally push through to the front and stumble when you accidentally step a little too far, as you end up in front of the people that lined the circle around the lives of the party. Kenma, Kuroo, and-
Neither Kenma nor Kuroo are the center of attention this time.
It’s that hot guy from the kitchen.
The cheers start to finally enter your muffled ears which cause you to cover them, still looking in shock at the kitchen guy. His legs are straight up in the air, slightly bent and wobbly, but he somehow managed to keep them there. And even more amazingly, Kuroo, Kenma, and Campbell were just standing there. The kitchen guy didn’t even need to be held up.
What the hell, you thought, rubbing your eyes.
Finally, after hours of being left in the dust by him, Kenma’s eyes finally meet yours.
He’s high again. I wonder how much he smoked tonight.
“y/n!” Kenma yells, pulling on Kuroo’s red, long sleeved shirt while also tapping on Campbell’s shoulder. “Get your ass over here.”
You look around and hesitantly take heavy steps even farther into the center of the circle, the light fading into a reddish-purple as you got closer to them- and the kitchen guy, who was still going on the keg stand.
“Can you believe this guy?” Kenma says, laughing and pointing at the kitchen guy.
“I met him earlier.” You responded hoarsely.
“Yeah, Kuroo’s taken a strong liking to him. They’re like besties already.” he snorts, rolling his eyes sarcastically and shoving his hands into his pockets of his jacket. 
With that, the guy props himself down from the keg stand and stands up straight, wiping his arm against his mouth and raising his fists into the air. Like he was some God, everyone in the crowd cheers and throws their hands up, yelling: “Bo-ku-to! Bo-ku-to! Bo-ku-to!”
Kenma pats Bokuto on the back and Kuroo gives him a noogie. Bokuto pushes his face away and laughs, as he runs his hand through his spiked up hair. Campbell gives him a high five, and Suna finally makes his way over to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek and wrapping his arm around her waist.
You don’t realize you’ve been staring until Bokuto meets your gaze; his eyes widen.
“y/n!” Bokuto says, throwing his arms up. “Did ya see me? I mean, look how entertained a bunch of drunk college students can get. I’m uh-maze-ing.”
“Y-yeah.” You say, your mouth parted open. “How did you even-“
“I have something for you!” Bokuto interrupts, walking over behind the keg stand and bending over to grab something. He turns back round towards you, hiding something behind his back. He stumbles a bit with an attempted smile on his face.
“Huh?” you let out, eyebrows raised in confusion.
“Ta-da!” Bokuto says, revealing a White Claw out from behind his back, water dripping off of it. “Found some upstairs.”
We’re not upstairs already? You ask yourself.
The drink starts to make its way to your empty hand, when suddenly Kuroo interrupts, jumping in between you two.
“What the fuck? You found a Claw?” he asks, slapping Bokuto on the back in a friendly manner.
“Yeah. It was pretty fuckin’ easy, too. Bunch of light weights.” Bokuto responds, proceeding to hand you the drink.
Kuroo interrupts again by resting his hand on the White Claw and pushing it back towards Bokuto’s chest. “Hold on hold on hold on. You’re gonna give it to her that easily?” he says, laughing.
Bokuto looks at Kuroo, to you, then back to Kuroo. “Huh?” he says, his upper lip lifting along with his eyebrow.
“I meeaaannn,” Kuroo rests both of his hands on one of yours and Bokuto’s shoulders, “she has to work for it. White Claws don’t come that easily.”
Kenma, Campbell, and Kuroo are all staring at the three of you, and you soon come to realize the whole fucking party was staring at you guys, too.
You look at Bokuto with a very confused expression spread across your face, however, Bokuto’s seemed interested.
Kuroo gets on top of one of the tables near him, almost falling over as he pushed himself up. He cups his hand in a microphone manner so he could project his voice throughout the house for the crowd. “Who here had to go through war to get a fuckin White Claw tonight?” he yelled.
The crowd of people screams back at him, causing his eyebrows to raise and his head to nod. “Right, right. So,” he looks down at you from the table, and his finger is pointed at you while his other hand remained as a sound booster, “who here thinks y/n needs to work for the last one?” he proceeds to yell, throwing his hands up.
The crowd screams again, and you can feel sweat trickle down the back of your neck.
“Want me to do pushups or something?” Bokuto says, smirking.
“No. I want you guys…” Kuroo looks over at you, a smirk forming at his lips. “come here, Bo.” He says as he motions Bokuto over.
Bokuto walks over to Kuroo hesitantly, still holding the White Claw in his hand. “What the hell are you scheming right now?”
“Dude. Make out with her. You can’t just give her that precious thing.” He said in a loud whisper. “And you probably haven’t had action in weeks.”
“Seriously? Girls fuckin love me.” Bokuto replies, raising his eyebrows.
You can see Bokuto’s eyes widen as you watch them have the conversation, making your mind go in circles trying to find out what he could possibly be so surprised about. As your thoughts are racing, you see them both look at you, Bokuto crossing his arms. He starts to slowly walk over to you, the White Claw still in hand.
 “Oh shit,” Kenma says, eyeing Kuroo who stayed in the place he and Bokuto were talking,his arms crossed and a smug look on his face. Looking at Suna and Campbell, Kenma says, “I know that look.” With that, Campbell and Suna giggle as they watch Bokuto flirtishly walk over to you.
Your heart pounded out of your chest; what was about to happen? Why were your friends laughing? You couldn’t think straight as Bokuto’s eyes fixated on yours as he walked towards you. There seemed to be a certain glare in his eyes, the yellows and ambers burning with lust as he stared straight into yours. You look over to Campbell and see her hands over her mouth as she stands next to Suna whose eyes are wide as well.
Interrupting your thoughts, you realize Bokuto had finally made it across the room to you. He stops only a couple inches in front of you, his hungry eyes looking down at yours. The White Claw in his hand was close to your chest, and you could feel the warmth of Bokuto’s body on yours.
“You want this drink, don’t you?” he asked, staring at your lips.
“Uh…yeah, I do.” You reply, looking back and forth between his lips and his eyes.
“Gotta work for it, pretty girl.”
Suddenly everything around you blurs: the shouts, the people, the purple lights, the music. All you could focus on was Bokuto’s presence and his need to want to be as close as he could to you. You two had just met, and he’s already like a magnet.
 His hand slowly raises to cup your cheek, and his face moves towards yours. His eyes do not leave your lips.
Your heart races as you watch him get closer and closer, his body inching towards yours.
He stops slowly, his lips just inches away from yours, parted. You could feel the heat of his breath, and it made you fill with excitement.
“You alright with this?” he whispers.
“Yeah.” You reply, putting your hands on his shoulders.
He smirks at the reply and finally leans in.
Your eyes close on instinct as you feel Bokuto’s lips meet yours. He starts slow, his thumb rubbing against your cheek. However, he picked the pace up as hid hand moved from your cheek to your neck. Your hands still rested on his shoulders, and the slip of Bokuto’s tongue made you squeeze them. This only provoked him more.
He pulled back for a moment, looking into your eyes. This time, they were even more list filled. “Can I keep going?” he asked softly.
You nodded in response, closing your eyes again as he met your lips again. He looked into your eyes still and smiled, his finger pushing a loose piece of hair back behind your ear. His eyes soon returned to your lips as he leaned in for a second time. He pressed his tongue against your lips and you granted him access to your mouth once again. This time the kiss was slower and deeper. Your heart was spinning along with your mind, with every stroke of his tongue you could feel the pool of heat and the knot in your stomach build up.
His long kiss was rough but passionate, every now and then pulling back and biting your lower lip. You let him take control, and his touch was the best feeling you’ve felt in ages. His hands slowly move down from your neck to your waist, his fingers sliding over every curve of your body. This softness of his fingers as they slid down made you shiver, but you were still distracted by the passionate make out the hot guy you met in the kitchen was granting to you. You could feel him smile through the kiss as he pulled back and went back at you over and over.  
The shouts and music suddenly get louder and less muffled as Bokuto slowly pulls back. Before he goes all the way back, he cups your face again and plants a kiss on the corner of your mouth.
Campbell, Suna, and Kenma are all leaning against each other, bouncing up and down and pointing at you and Bokuto. However, your attention remained on him.
The kiss was so amazing you almost forgot a whole room of people were watching, and that you were only doing it for a White Claw.
You smiled softly as you looked into Bokuto’s eyes, then to the White Claw.
Bokuto raises his empty hand once again to hold your chin with his pointer finger and thumb, lifting your chin up. The heated eye contact remained as your head tilted back.
“Open up.” He said, lifting the White Claw up to your mouth.
You followed his command and opened your mouth. You closed your eyes as you felt the cool liquid hit your tongue: the taste you’ve been craving all night.
However, the only thing you are still craving even more is Bokuto’s touch.
He tilted the drink back down and gently pulled your chin down to meet his gaze once again. Following this, he gently presses his lips to yours for a few seconds. “Mmmm,” he said, licking his lips and rubbing his finger in circles around his temple, “mango!” he followed, pointing his finger into the air. You giggled at this and nodded your head.
Campbell runs over to you and puts her hand on your shoulders, jerking you back and forth and screaming in your face. “That did not just happen.”
“I honestly can’t believe it did.” You replied, rubbing your eyes. You looked over at Bokuto who was standing next to Kuroo in the middle of a fist bump. Kuroo catches you staring and walks over to you.
“You’re welcome.” He said smiling.
“Thanks, K.” you replied patting him on the shoulder.
You walked back over to Bokuto who still had the half empty White Claw in his hand.
“I think I deserve the rest.” You said scratching your head.
“Um, I practically just carried that whole kiss. I think I deserve at least half.” He said while raising his eyebrows and placing one hand on his hip.
“Wow.” you replied laughing. “Who said?”
“I said.” His expression turned more serious. “Maybe you can work for the rest later.”
This caused you to clench your fists and tug at the neck of your sweater. You could feel sweat run down your forehead and your cheeks flush red.
“Cute.” He said with a smile and a laugh, proceeding to take a sip of your White Claw.
“Excuse me.” You said, reaching up for the White Claw in his hand as he raised it as high as you could so you couldn’t reach. Your hand grasped the wrist of the Hand the drink was in and you were up against his chest, both of you laughing the little sobriety you had off of you.
The teasing was halted by the sound of sirens from outside of the house.
Shit. Cops.
“Oh shit,” you heard Bokuto say as he brought the White Claw down. With no warning, he took your hand and started off with you, pushing through the crowd of worried, drunk teenagers. You frantically looked around for Campbell, Kenma, or Kuroo, but had no sight of any of them through the rush of people. “Don’t worry y/n, I can take us somewhere.” He said looking back at you.You looked at him and your mind wandered. 
Bokuto seemed like a natural at everything- keg stands, making out, getting away from the cops. 
How are you so into him already?
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thedenfantasyleague · 6 years
The Den Fantasy League Recap: Championship and Year End
We’ve made it to the end of the road. The finals and the final recap of the year. Let’s get to it.
The Perfect Ten v. Debbie Rowe
The last two teams to make the playoffs found themselves facing off in the championship game. This game, like our whole season, was riveting. Ian took the early lead throughout the day with massive games from guys like Watson, Hopkins, and Ertz. E found himself in a comfortable spot to be in, only looking at SNF guys on Jane’s team to step up; and boy did they. Sure, Jake had good games from Matty Ice, Michael Thomas, and Falcons D, but two guys kept him in it: Damian Williams and Douggy Baldwin. It was a shootout that Jake desperately needed but the clock struck midnight when Doug Baldwin caught a BOMB, only to be tackled right after the reception at the one-yard line. THE ONE-YARD LINE. Jake was 36 inches away from stealing this victory. Unfortunately for Jake, the reverse jinx didn’t work this time as E was crowned champion for the second time in three years. 
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The Biggest Winner
We welcome back a familiar face but this time on the other side of victory. The champion: E Birch.
Final Recaps
Like last year, I’ll now take this time to look at each team: drafting, how they performed, etc.
The Perfect Ten 
E capped off an incredible comeback after losing seven consecutive. He was able to sneak into the playoffs after Vinny came up just short. That’s all the space he needed. E was led by the trio of his running backs with big games from his WRs and TE when he needed it most. After sticking with Mitch to start the year, the change to Deshaun was all he needed to capture his title. 
Best Draft Pick(s): Amari Cooper, 3rd Round // Adrian Peterson, 10th Round Worst Draft Pick(s): Chris Thompson, 8th Round // Tyler Eifert, 9th Round
Debbie Rowe
Jake found himself in the middle of the pack all season. He was led by his RB who will not be named and left him in a bind. He was able to claw his way back to an untimely loss in the championship game. 
Best Draft Pick(s): George Kittle, 14th Round
Worst Draft Pick(s): Rounds 4-8 (Royce Freeman, Corey Davis, Devin Funchess, Rashaad Penny, Ty Montgomery)
Kalabar’s Revenge
G put his hope in his trio of Pats but the lack of success of Gronk left him shy. The King of Kurses saw his take place at the most opportune time but saw himself not make the championship. 
Best Draft Pick(s): Ty Hilton, 3rd Round Worst Draft Pick(s): Rob Gronkowski, 2nd Round
Virginia Kuppcakes
The newcomer found himself with an interesting team. Early on, I’ll admit there were doubts. He was able to make his way into the playoffs with a good team but lost to the eventual runner-up. 
Best Draft Pick(s): Aaron Jones, 14th Round Worst Draft Pick(s): Devonta Freeman, 2nd Round
Mr. Magorium
What a disappointing end to a promising season. Gabe made a splash early on by make a deal to get Gurley in a blockbuster deal. Gabe was at the top all season long but, in a twisted turn of events, received the unwanted #1 seed. Gabe found his season crash in a first-round exit. 
Best Draft Pick(s): Saquon Barkley, 1st Round Worst Draft Pick(s): Jordan Reed, 8th Round
Mixon It Up
Like Gabe, Robbie wasn’t able to continue his regular season success into the playoffs. We all knew it was too good to be true. Rob found great success but came up short. 
Best Draft Pick(s): James White, 10th Round Worst Draft Pick(s): Chris Hogan, 5th Round
Team Timshel
Mike, like most teams, stayed in the middle of the pack. He was up and down all year but untimely injuries let him down in the end. 
Best Draft Pick(s): Ravens D/ST, 15th Round Worst Draft Pick(s): Le’Veon Bell, 1st Round
A Team Has No Name
Another middle of the road team, every week was a frustrating bout for me. DJ was definitely the wrong choice but there was always hope. I found my way into the 6 seed but that didn’t matter. 
Best Draft Pick(s): Travis Kelce, 2nd Round // Adam Thielen, 3rd Round Worst Draft Pick(s): David Johnson, 1st Round // Matthew Stafford, 9th Round
Just missing the playoffs, Vinny was on the other end of the blockbuster trade. He let go of Gurley early only to receive Diggs and Mahomes (we won’t count Ajayi). Vinny fought towards the end but was the best loser. 
Best Draft Pick(s): Gurley, 1st Round (Yes, I know he didn’t end up with him but he was able to leverage it and avoid the end of year Gurley Kurse) Worst Draft Pick(s): Jerick McKinnon, 3rd Round
Hank Mardukas
Someone who we all thought had the potential of the Cabana Boy was able to sneak by. Scott’s team was a rough one but after he beat JP in the head-to-head battle he delivered the blow that would send JP to the Cabana. 
Best Draft Pick(s): Kenny Golladay, 9th Round Worst Draft Pick(s): Marvin Jones, 4th Round
2-2-1 (0.500) PVO
Dylan, another leader in the shot for Cabana Boy, had all but accepted his fate. Struggling all season, he found himself working on drink menus and picking out banana hammocks only to (not-really) shock the world by beating Rob in the final week of the season. 
Best Draft Pick(s): Jared Goff, 12th Round Worst Draft Pick(s): Christian McCaffrey, 2nd Round (Only because he later got rid of him before he hit his stride)
Wilmore Cinderella 
Jarrod went from the ultimate high to the ultimate low. After being champ last year, he found the weight was lifted off E and onto his shoulders. The breaking point was when Gabe beat him and Saquon scored that two-point conversion on MNF. He was never the same and spiraled into our inaugural Cabana Boy.
Best Draft Pick(s): Dak Prescott, 16th Round (only because he turned into a viable QB although JP didn’t keep him) Worst Draft Pick(s): Dalvin Cook, 1st Round & everyone else that got good after JP traded them
I’m honored to have shared the season with you all and I look forward to continued success in 2019.
Your beloved Commssioner,  Jared R. Mosqueda
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