clapperboardtalk · 8 months
THE MILL (2023)
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The Mill (2023): Grinding it out with Lil Rel Howery
Get ready to question your career choices and maybe invest in a therapy goat after this one.
Genre: Sci-Fi Thriller (with a side of existential dread so real you'll need a double espresso)
Runtime: 1 hour 30 minutes (enough time to push a metaphorical millstone, contemplate the futility of existence, and still make it to your yoga class)
Country: USA (where the pursuit of happiness takes a dark turn in a concrete cell)
Plot: Lil Rel Howery, everybody's favorite comedic uncle, goes from "Uncle Drew" to "Uncle Screamed" in this dystopian nightmare. He wakes up with amnesia in a cell, his only companion a giant, grinding millstone and the disembodied voice of Mallard, a soulless corporation that makes Amazon look like a lemonade stand. His job? Push the damn millstone, day in, day out, or face... well, let's just say it involves screams and shadows.
Think hamster wheel meets Kafka, with a dash of "Black Mirror" thrown in for good measure.
Claustrophobic and gritty, like the inside of a coffee grinder after a particularly dark roast. Imagine "1984" meets "Dunkirk," filmed in a concrete bunker with only one flickering lightbulb for company.
Uses light and shadow masterfully, making you squint even with the brightness cranked up (perfect for hiding popcorn tears). You'll be on the edge of your seat, not sure if you're looking for clues or just trying to avoid existential dust bunnies.
Memorable Scene:
Joe (Lil Rel) has a full-on meltdown while pushing the millstone. It's raw, it's relatable, it's the kind of scream you wanna unleash after that third Zoom meeting of the day. Picture "I'm so tired" amplified to a thousand decibels, with a side of existential despair.
Overall Review:
Gripping mystery keeps you guessing, but the ending might leave you wanting more (or a nap, depending on your existential fatigue levels). Think "Inception" meets "Groundhog Day," but with less Leonardo DiCaprio and more millstone-induced muscle cramps.
Lil Rel Howery carries the film with impressive dramatic chops (who knew Uncle Drew had such hidden depths?). He goes from comedic charm to raw desperation, making you forget he's ever made you laugh with a single "Get Buckets!"
Not for the faint of heart (or those with repetitive strain injury flashbacks). This ain't your mama's feel-good movie. Prepare for some serious soul-crushing, but hey, at least you'll appreciate your comfy bed afterwards.
Personal Rating: 4 out of 5
"The Mill" is a gritty sci-fi thriller that grinds you down in the best way possible. Lil Rel Howery goes from comedic king to existential wreck in this dystopian nightmare, pushing a metaphorical millstone and questioning the very fabric of reality. Don't get fooled by the simple plot – the mystery unfolds like a tightly rolled croissant, keeping you guessing and invested until the final crumb.
Sure, the ending might leave you hungry for more (like, how did Mallard even become this sentient bread monster?), but that's part of the fun. It's the kind of movie that sparks late-night discussions and inspires wild theories about soul-harvesting corporations and sourdough conspiracies.
The acting is rock-solid. Lil Rel channels a raw depth I didn't know he had, and the cinematography is as bleakly beautiful as a concrete sunrise. Be warned, it's not for the faint of heart – get ready for some serious existential dread sprinkled on like industrial flour. But hey, at least you'll appreciate your cushy bed after this.
Overall, "The Mill" is a solid 4 out of 5 sourdough loaves. It's engaging, thought-provoking, and leaves you wanting more – which, let's be honest, is the sign of a good movie. Just remember, sometimes the best way to deal with existential dread is to laugh in its face (and then maybe cry a little while baking a loaf of despair bread). So go for it, fam, "The Mill" is worth the grind.
Trivial Fact: Lil Rel reportedly ate 12 pounds of sourdough bread during filming to bulk up for the millstone-pushing scenes. Now that's dedication (and probably a gluten coma waiting to happen).
P.S. If you watch it, let me know your thoughts! Did you scream? Cry? Bake a loaf of despair bread in solidarity? We're in this corporate dystopia together, fam. ✊
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