kantorberita · 1 month
Pemprov Bengkulu Sosialisasikan Pencapaian UHC Lebih dari 100%
Pemprov Bengkulu Sosialisasikan Pencapaian UHC Lebih dari 100% KANTOR-BERITA.COM, BENGKULU|| Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Bengkulu berencana untuk melakukan sosialisasi terkait pencapaian Universal Health Coverage (UHC) yang telah mencapai lebih dari 100% di 10 kabupaten dan satu kota di seluruh Provinsi Bengkulu. Sosialisasi ini merupakan langkah penting dalam memastikan bahwa seluruh…
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brainboxschool · 5 months
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🎉 Join us in celebrating Ayushman Bharat Diwas, a testament to India's commitment to accessible healthcare for all! 🏥 On this day, we commemorate the transformative Ayushman Bharat scheme, providing financial protection to over millions of families and ensuring quality healthcare services. Let's continue to work together towards a healthier and prosperous India! 💙
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monteage-official · 5 months
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Empowering Health for All! 🌟 Celebrating Ayushman Bharat Diwas, a testament to accessible healthcare for every Indian.
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digital-bud · 6 months
07th April 2024 | World Health Day
World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7th to raise awareness about global health issues and promote healthier living practices. xr:d:DAGAn8HgMXY:11,j:5207709964682704269,t:24032615 Here’s why World Health Day is important along with a few hashtags to accompany it: Global Health Awareness: World Health Day serves as a reminder of the importance of health and well-being on a global…
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sillygalaxyangel · 8 months
🏥💰 Let's Talk Healthcare Financing and Universal Health Coverage! 💉🌍
Hey Tumblr fam! Today, we're diving into a crucial topic: the role of healthcare financing in achieving universal health coverage (UHC). 🌟
🌐 What is Universal Health Coverage? UHC means that everyone has access to the healthcare services they need without suffering financial hardship. It's about ensuring that no one is left behind when it comes to health.
💰 Why Does Healthcare Financing Matter? Healthcare isn't free. It requires funding for services, facilities, equipment, and personnel. Healthcare financing is the mechanism through which these costs are covered, ensuring that quality care is accessible to all.
💡 Key Components of Healthcare Financing for UHC:
Sustainable Funding: Adequate and sustainable financing is essential for UHC. This can come from various sources such as taxes, insurance premiums, and donor funding.
Risk Pooling: Pooling resources from individuals or groups spreads the financial risk of healthcare across a larger population. This helps make healthcare more affordable for everyone.
Equitable Distribution: Healthcare financing should prioritize equity, ensuring that resources are allocated based on need rather than ability to pay. This helps address disparities in access to care.
Efficiency and Accountability: Efficient use of resources and transparent accountability mechanisms are crucial for maximizing the impact of healthcare financing.
🌟 Benefits of Achieving UHC:
Improved health outcomes
Reduced poverty and inequality
Enhanced economic productivity
Strengthened social cohesion
💪 Challenges and Solutions: Achieving UHC through healthcare financing is not without its challenges, including limited funding, inefficient resource allocation, and fragmented health systems. However, through innovative financing mechanisms, political commitment, and international collaboration, these challenges can be overcome.
🤝 Join the Conversation: What are your thoughts on healthcare financing and its role in achieving universal health coverage? How can we ensure that everyone has access to quality healthcare without facing financial hardship? Let's keep the conversation going! 💬✨
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hargo-news · 9 months
Achieving Excellent Rating, Gorontalo Regent Commends Bongomeme Health Center
#HealthcareAppreciation #BongomemeHealthCenter Achieving Excellent Rating, Gorontalo Regent Commends Bongomeme Health Center
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Regent of Gorontalo, Nelson Pomalingo, appreciates the Bongomeme Health Center for achieving an excellent rating in 2023, motivating healthcare workers to continue serving the community effectively. The appreciation was conveyed by Nelson Pomalingo after attending a universal health coverage (UHC) socialization and the launch of innovations for village midwives and…
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365careindia · 10 months
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If you want to know more about our Services visit our website at https://365care.in/
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thxnews · 10 months
Ruto's Vision: Advancing Universal Health Coverage
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  Government and Private Sector Collaboration for Health Milestones
In a groundbreaking announcement, President William Ruto revealed the government's commitment to collaborating with the private sector to realize Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The move, he emphasized, aims to bolster the pharmaceutical sector's local manufacturing capabilities, fostering a robust healthcare infrastructure.   Tax Regime Review and Boosting Local Manufacturing Acknowledging the crucial role of the pharmaceutical sector, President Ruto highlighted plans to review the tax regime and reduce the cost of doing business in the sector. He underscored the government's commitment to prioritizing the purchase of medical supplies from local manufacturers, a pivotal step in supporting the sector's growth and sustainability.  
Syokimau Inaugurates State-of-the-Art MEDS Microbiology Laboratory
President Ruto made these announcements during the opening of the MEDS Microbiology Laboratory in Syokimau, Machakos County. The state-of-the-art facility, pre-qualified by the World Health Organisation, signifies a transformative step forward in advancing healthcare not only in Kenya but also across the region.   Technology as a Shield Against Corruption in Healthcare Resources The President asserted that embracing advanced technology is a key strategy to combat corruption and prevent the wastage of healthcare resources. He particularly highlighted the role of technology in enhancing transparency and accountability within the National Social Health Insurance Fund (NSHIF), formerly known as The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF).  
Highrise Affordable Housing Project Inspection
President Ruto concluded his visit by inspecting the progress of the 3,500-unit Highrise Affordable Housing project in Kibera. This multi-faceted approach, combining advancements in healthcare infrastructure and affordable housing, reflects the government's comprehensive strategy to address the diverse needs of the population. Present during these significant events were Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha and Deputy Mission Director of USAID Kenya/East Africa, Bert Ubamadu. Their presence underscored the collaborative efforts between local and international stakeholders in advancing Kenya's healthcare and housing initiatives.   Sources: THX News & President of the Republic of Kenya. Read the full article
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Serius Tingkatkan Pelayanan Kesehatan, Pemerintah Kabupaten Tabanan Raih Penghargaan UHC Award 2023
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, TABANAN - Keseriusan dan Komitmen Pemerintah Kabupaten Tabanan dalam mendukung program Pemerintah Indonesia guna menjamin kesehatan masyarakat melalui program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional, dibuktikan dalam keberhasilannya meraih Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Award. Dihadiri langsung oleh Wakil Presiden Indonesia, K.H Ma’ruf Amin, penghargaan tersebut diserahkan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri, Menteri Kesehatan, Direktur Utama dan Dewan Pengawas BPJS serta Direktur Kepesertaan BPJS Kesehatan dan diterima oleh Bupati Tabanan, Dr. I Komang Gede Sanjaya, S.E., M.M., di kantor Bupati Tabanan, pada Kamis (16/3/2023). Keberhasilan yang diraih oleh 22 Provinsi dan 334 Kabupaten dan Kota di Indonesia itu mendapat apresiasi yang sangat baik dari Wapres RI, khususnya dalam komitmen melaksanakan instruksi Presiden Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 tentang Optimalisasi Program JKN, Hal tersebut disampaikan saat acara berlangsung Selasa (14/3) di Balai Sudirman, Jakarta. Sedangkan untuk Kabupaten Tabanan telah mencapai UHC sejak Agustus 2022 dengan capaian hingga Maret 2023 sebanyak 460.124 Jiwa atau sebesar 98,93% dari total jumlah penduduk 465.086 jiwa. Hal tersebut tentunya didukung oleh dana yang telah dikeluarkan Pemerintah Daerah Melalui APBD guna mendukung program JKN di Tabanan kurang lebih mencapai Rp75 milyar. Kehadiran Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), terbukti memiliki dampak positif bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan sumbangsih berupa peningkatan akses pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat. Sebab, melalui program JKN, Rakyat Indonesia mendapatkan kesamaan akses pelayanan kesehatan secara adil dan merata sehingga, diharapkan dapat terciptanya masyarakat yang sehat dan sejahtera. Wapres Ma’ruf Amin dalam arahannya menyatakan, sebagai salah satu program strategis nasional sejak 2014, JKN telah menjadi tonggak revolusioner dalam penataan layanan kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya patut berbangga, karena Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara dengan cakupan kepesertaan jaminan kesehatan yang besar, sehingga hampir seluruh penduduk mendapat perlindungan kesehatan yang memadai. “Kedepan, kita harus terus dukung bersama pencapaian Universal Health Coverage yang ditargetkan RPJMN 2020-2024, yaitu sedikitnya 98 persen dari total populasi menjadi anggota JKN,” sebutnya. Pihaknya meminta kepada Pemerintah Daerah untuk mematangkan langkah strategis serta mengambil peran lebih dalam mendaftarkan penduduk rentan ke BPJS Kesehatan, utamanya yakni para penyandang disabilitas, warga usia lanjut dan masyarakat terlantar. Empat point penting disampaikannya sebagai landasan instruksi bagi para pemangku kepentingan. “Saya mengapresiasi komitmen penyediaan anggaran daerah untuk membayar iuran kesehatan, pendanaan yang kuat akan menjamin keberlanjutan program secara berkesinambungan,” lanjutnya. Kedua, pihaknya mengimbau, Pemerintah daerah harus memastikan seluruh pemberi kerja di wilayahnya untuk mendaftarkan peserta dan anggota keluarga sebagai peserta tanpa terkecuali. Selanjutnya, agar mendorong upaya peningkatan mutu layanan kesehatan melalui penyediaan fasilitas kesehatan termasuk SDM kesehatan, sehingga masyarakat dapat mengakses layanan kesehatan yang bermutu dan yang terakhir BPJS kesehatan agar terus meningkatkan kualitas layanan kepada seluruh peserta Program JKN harus betul-betul dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat, sekaligus membanggakan bagi bangsa Indonesia. Keberhasilan tersebut menjadi sebuah kebanggaan atas capaian yang berhasil diraih Tabanan dalam mengedepankan kesehatan masyarakat. Disampaikan oleh Bupati Sanjaya, angka yang mencapai hampir 99% ini merupakan kebanggaan di mana pemerintah Kabupaten Tabanan dalam menjalankan Visi Menuju Tabanan Era Baru yang Aman, Unggul dan Madani terbukti mampu memfasilitasi kebutuhan dasar masyarakat di Tabanan. “Buktinya kita sampai hampir 99%, ini artinya wujud yang nyata Pemerintah sudah sangat peduli dengan kesehatan masyarakat di Tabanan, kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada Pemerintah dan dari BPJS dan begitu juga Kepala Dinas dan OPD terkait, di mana kerja kerasnya selama ini sudah sangat luar biasa, kami dari Pemkab Tabanan ucapkan banyak terima kasih,” pungkas Sanjaya.(bpn) Read the full article
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theindiareview · 2 years
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kantorberita · 1 month
Perayaan HUT RI ke-79 di Bengkulu: Gubernur Rohidin Umumkan Pencapaian UHC 100%
Perayaan HUT RI ke-79 di Bengkulu: Gubernur Rohidin Umumkan Pencapaian UHC 100% KANTOR-BERITA.COM, BENGKULU|| Gubernur Rohidin Mersyah memimpin upacara Detik-Detik Proklamasi HUT RI ke-79 Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia di Provinsi Bengkulu yang berlangsung pada Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2024, di halaman Balai Raya Semarak Bengkulu. Upacara tersebut menjadi momen bersejarah yang diwarnai dengan…
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phantomhealthcare · 2 years
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International Universal Health Coverage Day 2022 - #UHC #UHC2030 #UHCDay #HealthForAll
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International Universal Health Coverage Day.
12 December 2022
Universal health coverage lifts people out of poverty, promotes the well-being of families and communities, protects against public health crises, and moves us toward a healthy society.
Unite for universal health coverage: Now is the time for collective action.
मनुष्य जीवन दुर्लभ है,जिसकी संसिद्धि स्वस्थ्य तन मन द्वारा ही संभव है।आरोग्यता जीवन धन है। वैश्विक स्तर पर स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं के विकास की महत्ता के प्रकाशन हेतु अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सार्वभौमिक स्वास्थ्य कवरेज दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ !
Source -- https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7007971980704428032
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Health For All is only possible when services become people-centric and at primary health care level.
For countries to achieve Universal Health Coverage, a shift is needed from health systems designed around diseases and institutions, towards people-centred health systems.
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manasastuff-blog · 5 months
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"Ayushman Bharat Diwas"#trending#viral
 we delve into the significance of Ayushman Bharat Diwas, a day dedicated to celebrating the importance of the Ayushman Bharat Yojana in India. Ayushman Bharat Diwas marks the anniversary of the launch of this ambitious healthcare scheme, which aims to provide financial protection to over 50 crore Indians for their health needs. Join us as we explore the impact of this initiative on the healthcare sector and the lives of the people it serves. Learn about the key features of Ayushman Bharat Yojana and how it is transforming the healthcare landscape in India.
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insightscarein · 7 months
Universal Health Coverage in India
Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a foundational pillar of a just and equitable healthcare system. It envisions that all individuals and communities receive the quality healthcare they need without suffering financial hardship. In India, while significant strides have been made towards achieving UHC, there remain challenges that need to be addressed for a comprehensive and inclusive healthcare system. India’s journey towards UHC has seen notable progress in recent years. Healthcare Infrastructure: – Inadequate healthcare infrastructure in rural and remote areas limits access to quality healthcare. Shortages of medical facilities, equipment, and skilled personnel pose barriers to achieving UHC.
Equitable Access: – Disparities in healthcare access persist across regions and socio-economic groups. Marginalized populations often face difficulties in accessing healthcare due to social, economic, and geographical factors.
Healthcare Quality: – While UHC aims for universal access, ensuring the quality of care remains essential. Many facilities lack the necessary resources and trained personnel to provide effective treatment. Health Financing: – Continued efforts to reduce out-of-pocket expenses and provide financial protection to vulnerable populations are crucial. Innovative financing mechanisms should be explored.
Promoting Preventive Care: – Increasing awareness and investment in preventive care measures can reduce the burden of diseases and contribute to long-term health and well-being.
Digital Health Solutions: – Leveraging technology for telemedicine, electronic health records, and health information systems can enhance service delivery and data-driven decision-making. It will moreover make the process hassle-free for people so they could also order medicine at the convenience of their homes.
Read More: https://insightscare.in/universal-health-coverage-in-india/
Source: https://insightscare.in/
#HealthcareMagazinesinIndia #TopHealthcareMagazine #HealthcareIndiaMagazine #BesthealthcareMagazine #BestHealthcareBlogs #UniversalHealthCoverage
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
Minimize Trips To Hospitals, Sunburst Brings you Healthcare At Home.
Many people are in the habit of commuting to hospitals at the drop of a hat.
The rising number of COVID cases mandate, that such behavior be curbed.
There is no need to expose ourselves to infection if we can access healthcare services from the comfort of the home.
Senior citizens, persons with long-term illnesses, and post-operative patients should avoid stepping out if avoidable.
It is estimated that about 60% of hospital visits are totally unnecessary.
Home healthcare brings down healthcare costs while at the same time, helps you avoid exposure to infections.
Sunburst Healthcare brings you a complete range of home healthcare services, provided by our professional and empathetic staff.
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