#Unless it's conforming to their strict Disney S&P department standards
hypermascbishounen · 8 months
The thing about a lot of the purity culture stuff is how it's also propped up by the anti-intelectualism. Which is how you get people earnestly Charlie-day-cork-board style arguing why anything they don't like has incest subtext, while insulting anyone who actually cares about analyzing real incest subtext.
It's also hard to do any serious analysis of the state of queer works, when the well has been so thoroughly poisoned between prople policing who gets to write/enjoy it, vs writers who see regular engagement with the premise of their writing as a threat.
#Like it's just surreal to read something with serious incestuous implications then go online#And it's verboten to even acknowledge it or you are evil - but reading the thing with incest subtext is fine bc it doesn't exist nope#Meanwhile the same fandom has wanked two unrelated characters into “like incest” but only if you ship them#And don't let my pfp fool you this isn't just about one fandom this has happened in every other fandom I've been in the last few years#I feel like I am losing my fucking mind lol#And yeah it does seem to be unfortunately related to how people see “representation”#Bc you will see people basically arguing that exploring queerness through fiction is inherent fetishization#Unless it's conforming to their strict Disney S&P department standards#And that this is to protect queers and stop the spread of ...degeneracy...yeah that is just 80's sex wars garbage lol#Meanwhile the primary argument made against this will be to claim that writing queer works is inherently radical#Regardless of context or quality or artist#And that they deserve praise and that criticism is just being a hater and those fags should be grateful to their genius actually and -#yeah that is just more conservative bullshit in a different hat#No you are not beyond reproach bc of your subject matter or identity no subject matter or identity are not inherently damning#It just feels like both of these “sides” are artificial and astroterfed so that we all lose either way#And I am so done with it lol like wtf why is everyone like this now
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