#Use the new adaptive milling operation to rough out material using high speed machining techniques. > Learn more about the Tube Rough op
99istifada · 5 years
5-Axis CNC Programming: Getting Smooth Moves on HAAS UMC-750 with Fusion 360!
hi folks this is awesome with five axis machining there's three plus two where you're just positioning the part to get access to different sides and do work that's what frankly most five axis machining is the other extreme is crazy true simultaneous five axes kind of impeller type work which again very uncommon and not always needed but there's this kind of middle ground where you benefit from having a five axis tool pack and in this case what I've been trying to figure out is a the right way to program a fusion 000 0d contour it's a 0d operation which makes it easy to program but you've got this option to add in multi axis with shaft and holder detection there's a ton of reasons this can be really helpful both in this case where we just want to use a shorter tool to machine this feature in there but also what I like to call a corner pick where you're trying to machine a really small feature on an inside pocket and you just don't have the ability to get a tool that's in small enough diameter at the diameter length ratio so let's show how we started out with this tool path which works but was not what I was looking for and ended up with this the first time we used 0d contour with five axis was back when we did our v0 engine block video and it's a really good example of where this tool path shines we need to machine out these areas for the crank our parts being held like this with the z-axis pointed up the first one I can easily get to with an end mill and actually I was able to get to the second one as well but then how do you machine this third one that's where 0d contour is awesome 0d contour I've got a 0/0 inch ball mill selected under the passes tab I'll check a voided touch surfaces I'll select the feature choose touch make sure the tool containment is set to to outside boundary and just click OK the awesome thing about 0d contour is it gives you steps to program it in so here I've got a three axis tool path that has two problems number one is only three axis so our tool is obviously going to crash the other problem is the tool path goes out too deep so let's fix the heights first under Heights I'm going to say change it from model bottom to selection I'll pick the bottom edge of that feature and I'll offset it by a formula tools an ammeter divided by 0 since it's a ball end mil I want it to be able to go down the radius of the tool past our lowest feature and next underpasses choose multi axis tilting this is awesome this is where fusion takes a three axis tool path and adds multi axis tilting ability subject to shaft and holder detection when you checked multi axis tilting back on the tool tab it checks shaft and holder with clearances for both the shaft of the cutting tool as well as clearances for the holder you have to have your tool stick out and your holder modeled correctly for this to work or not causing a collision back on the passes tab I'm gonna make one change maximum tilt is how far over the machine can tilt and 00 degrees would be like that I don't want it to go that far so let's see what happens if we just tip the part over a 00 degrees click OK and just like that we have a 0 axis tool path by the way if you're wondering why it's all in red and showing collisions that's just because we haven't done an adaptive roughing strategy to first remove some of the stock material that's modeled so that was back when we had our trunnion on our vm0 we've now got a UMC 000 and I'm trying to learn better 0-axis skills I wanted to look into this sort of corner pick technique whether it's for this outside feature here or for it's a really small tool machining a tight inside fill it in a deep pocket so when I first programmed it very similar process to the v0 engine selected my geometry and underpasses I have multi axis tilting it's at the max 000 degree now you will notice that this tool path behaves very differently when you're using bullnose and Mills versus ball nose and Mills has to do with how the tool is able to present the full radius of the cutting edge to the geometry and there wasn't anything inherently bad or wrong with the tool path simulation looked fine it starts down and then quickly as it moves beyond the radius - it shifts into the shaft and holder detection - use the radius of this helical bullnose Endemol to surface the toolpath in and you'd probably want to reduce the step downs for a finer surface finish but that's not the goal here I'm just trying to get the toolpath settings right so that I'm happy with how it moved and here's what kicked my butt the tool path wasn't so bad it was the linking moves and that jerkiness that I hate and I thought the machine can do better heck the machines doing better in the cut why is the linking move part so bad and shout out to Laurent over at 0d tech draw for helping understand the settings to improve this tool path we've got to make some changes to both the linking tab as well as the passes tab in the linking tab retraction policy if you're like me coming from a 0-axis world you may not have spent that much time paying attention to but shortest path is the option that we want here which moves the tool the shortest possible distance in a straight line between paths so this graphic does a great job of showing it instead of lifting up to your retract plane that you defined in your Heights plane over and then down it's just dive-bombing straight for the next feature there are some concerns and risks here which it mentions in the warnings and the short answer is under high feed rate mode we're going to override it by always using high feed I think it's a little bit of a misnomer because really what you're doing is using g0 or programmed feed rates rather than g0 this avoids the risk on some machines of doing a dogleg move and having the machine motion look different than the cam tool path at least on the linking moves after I ever initially did that it still wasn't better and the reason goes back to the passes tab under maximum - Laxus suite and this is where Laurence really helped because I wouldn't have thought this applied to the linking move but because we're using a high feed mode it does and basically what we need to do is reduce the maximum - Laxus sweep from a larger value it was previously 0 degrees down to a finer value of 0.00 degrees this prevents one of the axes from getting too far ahead and having to wait for the other one to catch up which is what causes what appears to be a jittery Oshin so reducing the value in that maximum 0-axis sweep gives us more points and that helps the control move better and it gives us a really nice fluid motion so folks hope you learned something thank you for watching card here to the NYC CNC resource page where we're compiling and keeping today all the stuff that we're learning the tips and tricks so that you've got a repository and when you learn nuggets of information like this you don't have to reinvent the wheel you've got a place to go and if you're looking for better speeds and feeds make sure to check out our new company proven cut a video speeds and feeds library we're super excited the feedback that we've been getting is amazing as always folks take care see you soon
5-Axis CNC Programming: Getting Smooth Moves on HAAS UMC-750 with Fusion 360! nyc cnc via www.99istifada.com
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