#Val'anatea Carniella Theridion Dawnhollow
valfromonline · 11 months
Val Dawnhollow
The Dawnhollow line enjoys significant prestige in Silvermoon. Val's father earned the bulk of it, the celebrated Magister Latrodectus, heroic warmage of the Quel’dorei, risen to prominence relatively recently amid the Second and Third Wars. There are many- elves and men alike- who would be dead now if not for his valour.
Val came of age in these times of volatility. The pride of House Dawnhollow. She had inherited much of her father’s talent: an exceptional mage in all respects, level-headed and capable in battle, proven in the Second and Third Wars, the one promising scion to succeed him as head of the house.
Had it not been for the destruction of the Sunwell, that is.
Arcane withdrawal had affected all in the family, but none so severely as Val. She wasted gradually, holding firm at first, but soon becoming barely able to stay conscious for more than a few seconds at a time, and then not at all.
Desperate, and with all the backing the House could muster, the Magister had his ailing daughter sent to a shielded Dalaran, early in its stages of reconstruction, in hopes of receiving treatment that a stricken and overwhelmed Silvermoon could not provide. A fortune in coin was spent on keeping her clinging just barely to life, comatose and withered.
To her carers, it seemed a lost cause. Until a miracle occurred: The Sunwell was reignited, and her vigour with it. Even if her body would never fully physically recover from the ordeal, Val was conscious again and her mind sound. She could walk, she could talk, and she could cast.
Her father, overjoyed, immediately began plans for her return. Preparations were made for a grand and extravagant gala. But Val, who had never supported Silvermoon's withdrawal from the Alliance after the Second War to begin with, reacted predictably poorly to the news of her people's new identity as Horde.
She did not return. What should have been a celebration for the ages became one of the greatest embarrassments of the time amongst the Silvermoon nobility. And utter heartbreak for her father, who, despite having the means, could not bring himself to force the matter.
He would forgive her one day, she hoped, when Quel'Thalas returned to the Alliance. Then would they be properly reunited once more.
She would do all she could to ensure it.
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