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titleleaf · 6 months
As Zanuck Sr. repeatedly told his son, had Valley of the Dolls been a product of the Hollywood studio system at its apex, in less than a week he would have assigned it to a contract director, one or more of the studio’s stable of thirty-plus top screenwriters, an available cameraman, production and costume designer, a composer, and a cast selected from 20th’s contract talent roster. It isn’t hard to imagine a forties-era Valley of the Dolls. On tap at the studio were any number of great beauties and “types,” some of them quite talented. And if those weren’t quite right, Zanuck might have arranged to borrow talent from other studios. There was Gene Tierney, Linda Darnell, or Jeanne Crain to play the reserved New Englander Anne Welles. Betty Grable, Rita Hayworth, or Lana Turner might have played the luckless showgirl Jennifer North. The young Bette Davis, Susan Hayward, or Ida Lupino would have fit as brilliantly talented, tormented Neely O’Hara. Tyrone Power/Gregory Peck/Cornel Wilde could have slipped easily into the role of suave, slippery Lyon Burke, alongside Dana Andrews as press agent Mel, Vincent Price as Charles Revson–inspired cosmetics empire maven Kevin Gillmore, and Clifton Webb as fashion designer Ted Casablanca. For good measure, Zanuck could have thrown in Gertrude Lawrence as fading Broadway virago Helen Lawson, Frank Sinatra/Dean Martin/Vic Damone as Tony Polar, and Geraldine Fitzgerald as Miriam, sister of the sexy, childlike crooner. Or had Zanuck made the movie later in his career, he could have helped himself to the talents of, respectively, Hope Lange, Diane Varsi, or Shirley Jones as Anne, Marilyn Monroe, Joan Collins, or Debra Paget as Jennifer, Joanne Woodward as Neely, Richard Burton or Stephen Boyd as Lyon, Roddy McDowall as Ted Casablanca, Claudette Colbert or Mary Martin as Helen, Elvis Presley as Tony with Angela Lansbury as Miriam. But in 1966, the days of the studio system and exclusive contracts were on life support. With the long shadow of Darryl F. Zanuck looming over Valley of the Dolls, it would take Richard D. Zanuck, producer David Weisbart, and director Mark Robson long, torturous months and many reversals before the casting—let alone the entire production—finally pulled together. And, from his Paris headquarters, Zanuck Sr. thought that was laughable—when he didn’t find it infuriating.
-- Dolls! Dolls! Dolls!: Deep Inside Valley of the Dolls, the Most Beloved Bad Book and Movie of All Time, Stephen Rebello
Rebello's bonkers fancasts here have captivated me.
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webionaire · 3 months
eacting to the White Publishing World: Zora Neale Hurston and Negro Stereotypes
Claudine Raynaud
118 Accesses
1 Citations
Hurston’s article in The Negro Digest ‘What White Publishers Won’t Print’1 (April 1950) bemoans the dearth of novels that depict Negro and other ethnic minority characters with emotions and rest content with the stereotypes of the ‘exceptional’ Negro and the ‘quaint’. Taken on its own account, it is a vindication of minority rights and argues for a true reflection of what American society was like in the 1950s. It is an appeal to fight racist ideology precisely by undoing racist and sex- ist stereotypes, such as the idea that the black American cannot love, but can only exhibit ‘the passion of sex’ (Hurston 1995, p. 953).2 In this text, Hurston does not limit herself to the depiction of black life. She is indignant about the way in which Jews, as well as other ethnic minorities, such as the Chinese, are maligned by authors supported by contemporary publishers. These texts, she argues, serve to glorify the image that the white Anglo-Saxon intellectual elite have of themselves, and promote. She advocates novels in the vein of the naturalist school embodied at the time by Nobel Prize novelist Sinclair Lewis and his best-selling Main Street (1920).3 When Hurston wrote that essay, her publishing years were over, the productive decade of the 1930s a thing of the past. She was aiming at placing her new work with white publish- ers who were working with the major modernist authors of the day. Her anti-communism was just as fierce as her desire to be true to the variety and the breadth of Negro experience.
African American Culture
Racist Ideology
Black Life
Negro Life
Black Writer
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Select bibliography
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Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, France
Claudine Raynaud (Professor of English and American Studies)
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Aix-Marseille Université, France
Cécile Cottenet (Associate Professor) (Associate Professor)
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© 2014 Claudine Raynaud
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Raynaud, C. (2014). Reacting to the White Publishing World: Zora Neale Hurston and Negro Stereotypes. In: Cottenet, C. (eds) Race, Ethnicity and Publishing in America. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137390523_6
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virago-consultation · 2 years
What You Wish You Knew a Year Ago About Skin Consultation?
How to Improve Your Outer Appearance
Your aesthetician will perform a skin analysis and review your Skin Problems and skin care objectives during your appointment. After evaluating your skin, they will provide a unique regimen incorporating innovative treatments to improve its texture, tone, and overall appearance (texture, style, and glow).
Virago Studio carries a wide variety of high-quality, cruelty-free skin care products that have been proven effective in clinical trials. Our extensive inventory can tailor a regimen specifically for your skin type and condition and provide one of the best Skin consultation regimens.
Your aesthetician will liaise with the other professionals so that we can employ treatments that require a prescription when it is required.
Guidelines for Proper Skin Hygiene
Virago Studio offers a comprehensive range of treatments for several skin problems, including hyperpigmentation, acne scars, wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. In addition, we always make room for new patients and give each one the specialized attention they need.
The thousands of patients we've treated have convinced us beyond a reasonable doubt that stopping Skin Problems before they start is the best course of action. Protection from the sun, adequate hydration, and applying antioxidants and nutrients can go a long way toward preventing skin damage.
How to Create a Personalized Skincare Routine?
Consultations at Virago Studio are tailored to each client to help them develop a personalized skin care program. Unfortunately, most people get information about skincare from unreliable places, such as beauty salons, or recommendations from their friends. 
While it's true that sometimes the advice in these suggestions might be helpful, it's vital to keep in mind that everyone makes recommendations for skin care rarely based on research or a skin expert.
On the other hand, visit one of our patient care coordinators for an intensive Skin consultation, and you'll get tailored advice based on the collective knowledge of everyone at Virago Studio. Talks with us about developing a personalized skin care program have several benefits.
The Benefits of Extensive Investigation
It is a wonderful opportunity to ask a trained expert questions to gain responses on which substances and products might perform best with your skin type.
1. Customized Suggestions
Based on your skin type, the frequency of your acne breakouts, and any other skin concerns you may have, our patient care coordinator at the Virago Studio will recommend skin care products for you. 
In addition, we can help you identify which products (like those containing oils that obstruct pores) may be contributing to the amplification of your acne and suggest alternatives.
2. Suggestions For Your Skin's Specific Needs
The availability of high-quality skin care products is only half the battle; knowing how to apply them correctly is as important. So, during your consultation, we'll go through everything you need to know about using our products, from the best order to apply them to whether or not a facial pad is necessary, during your consultation!
3. Concentration Mostly on A Small Subset of Issues
Lastly, our skincare consultations from skin expert are an excellent way to develop a regimen for specific skin care concerns. Professional chemical peels and facials have many benefits, including reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 
However, high-quality moisturizers containing antioxidants and broad-spectrum UV filters can significantly mitigate the wrinkle problem. As part of your scheduled consultation, we'll help you figure out what preventative measures will work best for you and show you how to put them into practice.
4. Long-Term Gains
The benefits of a skincare routine that you stick to over time may surprise you. For example, our patient care coordinators frequently discuss the importance of sun protection with patients who misunderstand the purpose of SPF-protective cosmetics.
Many women mistakenly believe their skin is safe from sun damage because their cosmetics have an SPF rating. Our cosmetics block just UVA radiation, and only for roughly two hours. Yet, many of our clients who come in for consultations on their skincare routines mistakenly believe that cosmetics also give protection against UVB radiation. 
Therefore, their skin is severely damaged by the sun without their knowledge. One of the many myths we can dispel during your appointment for a personalized skin care program is that you need to use harsh chemicals on your skin.
More Than Half of All Women in Their Twenties Struggle with Acne
Forty women aged 18 to 40 participated in the study, with 24 reporting that their acne caused them anxiety and tension. Concerned with how others would perceive their acne, they lacked confidence. Since this was the case, some began withdrawing from their regular activities and stopped making many new friends.
The results of this qualitative study demonstrate that acne can significantly impact women's well-being and an Acne skin Consultation is a must. More than half of women still experience acne in their twenties, and even more so in their thirties, despite the disease being commonly associated with younger people. For many women, their twenties are a formative period for forging their identities as professionals, socialites, and romantic partners.
Anyone who has struggled with acne knows how discouraging and difficult it can be to try different treatments without success. We have helped thousands of people at Virago Studio for Acne skin Consultation who suffer from acne. Therefore, our staff has a thorough understanding of the disease. 
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