#Vladimir volunteered since he's not needed for the prep and Necro Knight wants to be beside her
starlytenight · 2 years
Aw man :( poor Cypha.
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She misses them deeply and is still fighting off occasional bouts of depression from them. Hell, she thinks she's ugly as sin because of the heavy experimentation done to her, but her friends and loved ones quickly assure her otherwise.
(In her Dreamscape she still looks like she originally did and sometimes uses her illusions to see her old wings, which is not terribly healthy for her :'D)
Currently, Vladimir is off in an abandoned lab trying to see if he can find her specific gene-sequence to reverse anything. :')
But yeah, it's hard to be a Puff without wings. Her Warp Star and ESP's levitation and teleportation can compensate, but it's not the same.
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